I in 1877. FALL & WINTEE GOODS: 1877 3:il. MeCarty'& Sohsr ..Practical ' Undertakers"' MONROE COUNTY Mi r Mutual Tire Insurance Company, STROUrSEUECr, FA. -; .A:t-jST-. .ETJSTE-B':S v i - - mm mm W t I '-. , t 'i . r .4 f :4 Y " n 3 vl. a i i 1 ; 1 I ... f ; i " ; ;i -.4 Those wishing to purchase any thing in the Ecove p.ace as they will imu a larger ana liner Stock of Clothing thr.n all the ret in town int together. All wool Pint."' as low as SS 00; the Unions as low as S'j 00; En-lish and Herman basket and dhjrnal Vint from ?1S 00 so $?, 00; the imitations twenty per 'nt 'e!"s' They are cut in the latest style and are equal to custom work. All the .... st style in ..... " . ' . . . "White "Vests and .Alpaca Coats. L YOUTHS', HOYS' AND CIIILPREFS CLOTHING, you om't hotter yourself as they are made up in the host of style and are cheaper than yon cr..i lind them any where else in town. HATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS! Tho-e ihiri.T to buy a stylish Hat or Cap will do well to c:ill at the above place, as they will not iinu a more complete slock in town. The prieve are very low. Ladies! -aud GcnlsVFarals&iGoos! You will find the latest novelties of the season always on hand. TliO'-e wishing to hny any thinn in t tie f!irnishinr poods line will do well to cull at the above plate, as they will lind a much larger .stock than in any oilier place in town. DBY GOODS I ' ' Thn-e wishing to buy Dry (roods will also do well to call at the above plaee as prices are very hr. Always on hand a lull lineof the Capitol Alpai-as, which are the Lest you will lind. A s;!cn!id line of Skirts and Shawls. You can get a splendid hhawl, alike on both .sides, for i'l , . .. P.. Particular attention paid to CUSTOM WORK. Good fits warranted or r. ' - ; :: ! lotto is, we will not be undersold, so these wishing to buy for CASH will do well to c.i b-fore. purcha.-ing elsewhere. N.' HU3TEK, ; PROPRIETOR OF THE NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION, !vp:em!er 3j 1S74. tf. Mai:; stki:i:t, STRorrsct:nn, Pa. DOWN TOWN r Y.'o t:i;? u:vb?rsi:ned respectfully inform ' ::'. f-.-n ,i Siri"i Jr-buri; and vicinitv, p , . i ; .-; .a e a-aeU to our UtrgO assort- v.. id I j ZIAT8 AMD CAPS, V viO tlti a CarCilUJ V" SOiCCtCu .StOCi OI for tli mri!:i: ..f 1? 't:;-1 ; r.f I.:i-lv"- aa-I Gcnt!ema?is r.::'j .':;i-!r.-ii x : - . :; i :, a.t'i L'j-. i.-. I'urtieii ? , 0 ' . laraiu-.iii..:i i . J Per .-? Iirvin .-! f .'t, !!!;. -r corn, or cl.iMret! Viitti Wi-S: -uuk: i, or Ci-. liii! . t ;.u lrivi' : .vf -n. r.niJt fjclMO'lble srvlos "'f l-v ai i.nlile price- ,'.-t (I'lKUtV We have ulo a cuiu- T" - f J u i ;v:) a cad and . examine our -. - 1 , ,.-.e ,-0 ,,ri.11.,ii-. 4 C- '? - 'i VU l'lllul.e C.aO- Wo 3!;all soon uLer a Lr.;o assort- w i. v'M C.')' us rr. door west of K?y .u Store. Main Street, Strouds- "Ii. ;s!c I frits ironod find repaired ut u ' ( sive Tis a e.-.ii. Yv'Airox vixti:rmi;te. M.u;v, April lST'J. emir. f if ' J LUC CD 'TVe uuo'"1! :-;trnfil takes this method of '::.:!;' the iildii., that he still con- i . ;;. "be :d-!.v,.' buy.iries in all its branehcr .' old S?:it:d, on Frrjoklin street. V -'..bur. Pa , where lie wiij l e hap nV tt eeive oiJcrs lor woik in his lice, T2:'.5clr!glilingr,. BLxcksmith r:v;, rain-in, Trimming, tzc. 1' - ;''. ol the best ju;tiify of jjeasoned i .,.;;u:r i U:ra ii d very co:npltttj; and bl: it (tili f-M-ee ol ii i' vlus woiktiieii t-; i li e i I., ott i-s, he flitters hini.ell t: i e i- lul'y j-iepared to accomodate i ,1 -a;." I.vir with rilcrs, anJ guaran-U- i--ti;x' ;;;t:faeSion. --' ;- ' jle:-..itifitj jTomptlj. attenuc-l to YOJ. I1UXTSMAX. Co. w cd.i mo t respectfully an- r. ce that ir-iving procured au elciut. 1" J JLii Z L k!D JlLj ! ' " 5 V ! . - j ar, : ;.-'v:r- a pcr-o;i their ei'ploy of j tv :ve ;,rs .;. riT.Cf, itl the tm-l'TJa kio : ar tiDiv or? pa red 'to attend to i o. r i;i all i(S branches in the Lett uos. ! e.t ! mat.r.cr. COFFINS and CASKETS ot r.ny size, htyle or osnlitv, con-1.-nitiy on ho'd. and 1 '"' ''. mioi I ounce, ir.tert i i-y f.iul ;.'mpi!yatleu !Hd to. )r ch ir-es J mo i.i:.:r-rutf-; we have no tlix.sit i,,n o j ;. re-ss the J t vhiir or -rob- the e.-laies. of i!ip i e i . i . . J , ... ! U-.ady-made ROBES, neatly jrot. 1e.i u;. can i.c- ha .'I at ;.ny time, at tiie V lire i ioi:j o! & Co. May '20. 1-7U. ly. ' ' ' - ' '- nr'-TnE r ' ES'iiiiY COTTAGE ORGANS! Th..?i;i Iorar)d .beautifu!lv CnU in" strunumts m, 4ar i clipped tbt ir competitor in oi:n;iv, iv, svveeiness aii'l H iu acv of tone ! us to e i-rv-oJ iht- tiivt and onlv premium iv-' en 10 exnuuiors-ot retU Organs at tlie Monroe C';rfriy iU rS Oct 1-tf. J. y. sit; a res; BLANK DEEDS Ala CLOTJTING LINE, will Jo well to call at the SOMETHING NEW ! Th" nnl.Tsi-rn'.. wv.M r-n-,-t."-!!v dve no: ire tliat th.v l:u-.? Willluai.V ib.li VuiMinu'. -.ir- uor of Owrv an I M.r-ia .-;r..v.-t-, s-:n..J;.ur-, fa., a shoe -manufactory, JI i in : !.;,! !. Cv!iai(.!t I i.Ht Wi: :.:! i' ::n -r- - i ' -.i 1 1 ; n-.irl pri.-:. ;!! nir c u-t !-:-.-i:l Mile !., ....'... "i. . . . " ',:',.".'-'."-li:"r' ' pram.-ii. Kruii jur-l tV.;.i-?i .'.-it ;. I-'rjicii ni.il Ai.i. - ii rn Calf ai.-t Kip Uii;, :.:! tf lrni. h will $ vh - - r - rf.iiiy .-wn ;. tii. . v. w.. ;a.iy . .:!. im in-.'t.i m:.k;' a I: r-t rsa- v.:-::nc :n i : I - v . i:nvo n-'Mii-to l.,)I;r.0..ij ,.;, r in m.-.-': -,r fr,. tlw p-i'.li.-, I.ut ia i:r- ih. ir o -..-t : ii y. July s, -;.-rf . Ji. 1,. C"'.MMHTX t CO. r. Vt'h'ju-S'iic and Jt til Dcilrr in TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, AND IN LAVijrlAsi i U.i-a- fc3n r . a- Jone on st;.,rt nttA. tVr' '-r Trtf-r!r!, V'ruf ftt r -I's'ina!,! j.riivs. 1 !,- sf.. 1: cf ''(', V:ir r niV: Onice S;om.-s c;nli! ai-i v;,rvi '. klioxri t, tt"i t r-i-t. I'rM fl-tiri Ki-.-. Sr ITtJr-l f i i !-i ri :.'..vo the M.-Tl'ixii. t rhn.-rli. MaMi str. :-i.).ri,;).irc', i'u. .: e having lorsfj been di-'k.l uitit the barburoiip eu.-Ioci of 1 i : r v I ni; or i:.-;nu' Ic oii (or;w; s, ikjI tt k!h of I lis liori-i r i.f ( ... ' n- i ! l .-i.l - :i re:i'" f i,r,r!,',I'!11 i .'if eon-i.lrcl, it as obtio.xious to th? M'SiH'biiitv f the retini as (JrtMiiatiofi ; ami won'. i nwt r have heeu Mibmit- te.l to but lor m-.-t-s-ily. whieli thatiks to the inarch oflieov ry .no- J.-r fsi.str-,. for J. II. MeC.'irtv & Son.'', have a irc'iirailoii which '!1 its aidieation 1-- as l;ar;n!is! a wat r. btit which in its potency i- aide to gr;t';de with the depoiif r of our moital ibrms, and .w thus far, but no tiirllier, hence at toy eornipting pow ers be staved. Tlits rrpivi ri I im ia in-iiiii-iiiitrftt .V.i OIllv bv'.J. ii. McC'AiiTV A Sox..,' the onlv Undertaker in the O.univ. or Slate, that ran L-wn a Corns unv bH.ii-,.(l :m.,-,i!i r r.,. week, and months, and hrio'j; Lack even the - - - - I - - I' f I ' I lTiebow tint an. I t ul hloo'si ti' ii.'c to a.-i-.ii:irt- the ii it f and anguish of t lie I (.'leaved, v. I.ii h fact can be wii ne-. -;.! at every funeral attended by them where they have the entire control, and the preparation of the l.ody for, burial. J. 11. .Mc'Yahty ha made tin- pn-paratiiMi his study for ovtr twttity yt ar-, and can now ofier U. the public thi.-i pre-aration perfected, with out money and without price to lhoe employ- 1 !. . r 1 1 ...in v t oJU, To-tf. , ' j. u. jieCAUTy . a.sos. TT'f ' .' M t,r ' i 1 VC' - US. J 4 W "-.r '- -' .u i.tn u x n.i; cui liL'r sfor- J rv thei!1- J'1"' " J 'u- ,,-J v'- ,v- Wlir "C FURNITUReT-" FUR ',' CooprtKrjrTTTTv'ri.Tv,"ar AiicTfon"-Tce5'' from 7 a. in.'to b p. in. (jo-i! si-lliti px..ii price to makes room f .r their new fill eood.-j, .tjP,'75..V it V AleCARTfcJWii J.3 Received Last Week THE LARGEST STOCK F T HATS & CAPS. Goals' Furnishing Goods, EVER BROUGHT TO STBOUCSBUBG. Call and sss them. Strouclsburg, October 5, 1876. ONROE CO. BANKING AND ' SAVINGS C03IPAi'Y. Ch.as. W. Decker, Thos. D. Stites, Clias. ' 'Fetherraan, R. S. Staples, Geo. E. StauITer, Thos. A. Bell, W. B. Bell, J. Lanlz, Tvill pay interest on deposits amounting to three dollars and over, at the following rates : Ct per cent, on deposits left one vear. . 4 " " " " six months. 4 " " on daily balance averaging .live hundred dudars and over. Interest will he computed from the first of each month and all deposits made previous to the- tenth ot the month will draw interest from the 1st. . The meojlxTs of tlii3 Company are liable to the full amount of their wealth for the security of the depositors. I) i hectors : H. S. STAPLES, G. E. STAUFFER, (JUAS. FETIIi:ilMAX, J. LANTZ, THOMAS A. BELL. . i S OFFICEUS : THOS. A. BELL, President, CIIAS.'FETIIEUMAX, V. lWt, W.M. 15. BELL, 'Cashier. Jan. 27, '7G. J. 13. IIXJLL, (Successor to J. K. Erdman,) - ' Homoc o. Marble Works, Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa., "Where will be found constantly on hand or made to oracr, " ... ' - ' of the best Italian and American Marble. Having been in the employ of Mr. Erdman or nearly ten years, I feel confident in my ability to please all that give me a call. All work warranted tt give entire satisfaction. I! Orders by mail promptly attended to feb 2072-tf- - " - " ' -- ;-4.".-r-"ii... t , Don't fall lo attend aicCartj 'a Enrnit tire Sales every day. (Jreat barins ii Furniture, Oil Cloth, Carpet.-?, l'iarios, i );"ran.-i, Sic. ." t - piiA'KS OF ALL KINDS iW Sale at wr.iue at , Leg herewith to' ofTer'fo the public as a bn-f-iness novelty and practical couvenieuce the following price Jist, of superior " " , ., COFFINS and "CASKETS. Au examination of the list will at orce reveal the cost, of articles in this line, whether metal or wood, from the plainest to the most elabor ate finished, po that parties at a distance or at home, have but to read to find the preci.se ar ticle wanted, at priees much lower than offer ed by any other houe in City, or Ctuintry. These good are all of the best quality, nothing inferior being kept in stock, and will bear the closest inspection, which iscordially invited. The list will be found to embrace all the more recent and meritorious inventions. Price List of Cofpns'nnd Griskets furniliscd by No. 1 Full size Critriplete 2o CO No. 2 Full size () (J top and molded base, complete ., - CO 00 No. 3 Full size, double top and monld - ed base,' French plate Glass, handles ' " plated, Satin or Merino Jiuing , 35 0C No. 4 Full nize, round corners, rit-h " mountings,' Merino lining, Silk " fringe 400O No. 5 Full size, double top, full glass , Octagon ends, Merino lining, com- pietc " -"l ' 45 00 Imitation Collins, full size $9 to $13 do do id ( sizes, from 20" inches to G feet, in stock 1 50 per foot. Children's Colli ins, Walnut -'a r: $0 to S15 do White Caskets, complete, ' from 2 0. 0 inch, to -I ft 5 inch. $12 to $1S. Children's solid Hose Casket", kept in stock, from '2 ft. 10 inch, to 4 ft. 10 inch, trimmed and lo.ed $20 and nn. No. 1 Full size Casket, complete $33 00 No. 2 do do polUhed, handles and plate, complete 42 00 No. 3 Full sio Caxket, polished Wal- 1 ' nut, handles, plate, thumb-screws and richly trimmed, complete 45 00 No. -1 Full size beautiful Octagon or bent ends, raised donble top, full glass, lua vy moulded Me rino or satin lined, complete 50 00 No. 5 I'idi size (Jem Casket, in Wal nut or Rosewood only; no sizes under 4 ft. 0 inch, price as trim med, from .,, S50 to $150 00 Style A Wrought metal Ibirial Caskets, full size, weight from 250 to 400 lhs. plain finish, imitation of.llose wood or Walnut, single glas, from $13 to $95 00 Style II Full size beautiful Cas-. kets, boiler iron, weight from 25o to 350 lbs. doulde thick plate-glass, beauti fully trimmed with satin or. merino, from $75 to $150 00 Style C Full mzc wrought metal Casket, ghis---. eorerinif, whole top, i inch thick, ' " - bar, bandies, silver corner ' pillars, weight from 350 to 450 ilis. pric from 1 90 to $ 100 00 Children's Mctaiit: Caskets, all sizes, from 3 ft. up. Prices in proportion. No extra charge- for attending Funerals. September 2'-, 1'7C. A. BOCK A FELLOW, TEALKR IX Ready-j!adc nothing. Cents Fur nishiug Goods, Hats h Caps, Coois & Shots, &c. ; EAS T S Til 0 UDSBUll G, PA. (Near the Depot.) The public are invited to call and examine goods. Prices moderate. -day t,'';9-tf G..H. Drehsr. E. B. Dreher ii mm (2 doors- west of the "JclTerscnian OfHce,") KEIZAEETII STREET, : filVOUlViliVLTg, E'a., ' . t DREHEE oc BRO., I1 FA I. Kits IN Drtiprs, Ir2c52icaiics, I'crftsmcry r anl Toilet Articles. Paints, OILS," VAltNllsiIES, GLASS & PUTTY; Abdominal Supporters . and Shoulder ., -.- -. Braces. 1 Seeley's ISarlV Itri2ESi:il TKt'SSES AZsft "Bitter's T , ' ' ' ' - . TRUSSES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS Lamps and LanternsBurning and Lubricating Oils. ' Physicians' l'retcTiptious carefully 'Com- poutided. N. B. The littrliest Cash price paid for oil of wintj:ru rei:x. : niay-ltf. ' . ; , . CAUTION I , . . " All-pemma' are hereby cautioned -not to trecpas oil auv- triertv of the unuerfueneu. sipuite in -trfrtid tr nship, Monroe nmnty,-Pa. Anvono violtUnig thin inuipe will be prosecuted to the-full .extent of I he law; ' - t'i v, ,ur j a COIJ ' I f. ".BUTTS:. '.: ;" S(r4iifJ.stjurg, Jufy.20,.4f)75, J " . - -; -v; ! , Watchmaker &, Jeveler, MAIN ST, STROUDSBURG, PA. Located' in corner build inthirJdobr be low the Jeflers oniait office. Room handsome 'y fitted up, and heavily stocked with the fi nest assort merit of'.t Ji.U 1 ..ill l.-.'i i Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Jewelers No- tinnst. Am - - - . .... 1 ; . ' "" ' ' 1 ' r i r i - - - J A. J. everoffored in thtssectiin of country. A full assortment of Spectacles, of thf best quality, and suited to all ages, always on sale. Sdver-ware, and Silver Pitted ware, al ways on'hand at manuTacturers prices. Or-IIonairini neatly executed, and char ;es extremely moderate. Calls from th. public respectfully solicited. Solo A-ent for the' celebrated Diamontl Sp ctucles. '' : ' ;. . November 5th, 8C8lv. LOOK THIS WAY, ALL WHO WANT "'.,'" Carriage Work' or DlacksaiUiin DONE IX A SUPERIOR MANNER! " THE Subscriber begs leave to N. in forui the pubTic that he is fully pre Vt pared, at his establishment, at the corner of Simpson ind Sarah streets, in the borough of Stroudsburg, to make ti order, every style of Carriage, Wagon; ' and, in fact, everything in his line of bu siness, at the shortest possible notice, and ou the ruost reasonable terms. Carriages repaired, trimmed and paint ed in the best style of the art. Having first-class material always on hand, and none but first-class workmen engaged, the public are assured that none but first-class work will be turned out at his shop. In connection with his Carriage Shop he has also a Elacksmith Shop, where superior workmen will always be found ready to attend to the unlets of customers The public are invited to call and ex amine his stock before purclr.sii!" else where. VALENTINE ivAUTZ. September l!), l.MiT.-tf. Cards, Oif I Heads, Labels, k, SEA T, ( AC1? A3tD Qiifli. Printed to Order at the JEFFER S ONI AN Jo o n O FIT ICE, Main Street, Stroudslrarg, Pa.. C-hY" All Orders promptly tilled. (Jive ns a call. '." 1 " ' ' . iVcsidcEitial Qts!bn Slili i;xsi:TTLi:t) at the Blue Front Cash Grocery Store ; OF M". JR. BROWN, Adjoining the lato reKi.lcnee of Dr. Svd. Wal ton, Main street, STROUD3BU1U1, Pa., r ' DEALER IN f lioicc Fasnsly Groceries. PROVISIONS, FLOUR, r. :,- i. n MEAL, . . r ; SPICKS,. ees5 Teas, Tobaccos, &c. Babbitt's best Soar T."", 8 cfs.! "i . ;'. - . . Portu Rtcd AIoiaaHea. 00 ctx. per gal. liio cotiee l . "-lb. ; j A lso a eUfre lot of ' C A X DI ES. - . v Vv. ......... v ..iu ...Bu-i.-ui it. ra I I I I 10-cents per quattJ nnU other article.-! iii tvco- p.Hi8.(. .Give te C leal 1 nnl fuititV- Vour- Urjt of the truth of our sjUcnf. v T ; Ni-----r-,i. - j.-.. 'Y ...t-vvv-;. j." v: .y .: . t 1 1 A' --VV CHARTER PERPRTCAL. . Tl. Vy- of tM. Cm.r. rn.J vuir: rov Prn iS n1:.n.o l,a.o, r,,(-,:Iv vrv .aru-ria,!" ohaiii.'-.l, I.l::.;n - it 11. ..,11 a I i ,,, ,,.-. ImjN.rtant nw,t ti..- , ,sar.. ti, t.,V.nvins, JitiZ inN'"'1 nK i I-.P U.A. 3.-, Ns,d for Ail l,-op..rty is clssif. .-.. 1 t'.; of pR-n-.ium U paid in .-it.-of I.. s ,.r..vi.l,-,l ,h,. j,;, uar-'i" amount ..l insiii-:i)i-... 1 io nit. ,.r h!.?v i1"'1"-'", "-y cro r-..l... ox-.-;., in casi-n li!'-r-;irv. I. -I TheOwupatiy iMli.r.-f-.r.. pr..,.ir. ,1 t.. i;w.r. prf.-.rf upon tcriiisiuii. l. n.-iu d -i;..!.! Ui. ii u.. i, r U.'e ohi system. w"1 "Appli.-Hiioiis iri::y he t any of U1L Jhra.-cr, survi vors, or .S?!:r.-e.-y. "" :-!.u;ri:. .Taool, K Shafor, .T. 1 , ,,.;,. T.-i'.vr H. S. Stni.!o :h,s I . ;c, C. 1 Y , i, J.., . .. , ,., V"K ' . l:ic, Kn-ht .T..J.,, !:;;-, .... i . ' .Ucoi.Mou-i. r, ;::, -..s-:, i1. T. w.nj ci-;; v;;-; ... l"' M-:ir . .!!:- L prc, V.-iiu..,,; ;.-;. ;.si,:,r,rt Joliii Ja!;ii'.t, : i. .- ' I "or V.Y.Yii-. r.,-i.,' ... F.A.enMt, i.a.:.;A. :.r,-!t.rs. F.;r I'i'ii- " .r-.i;? v : Moai Pitru-k. lYr N.i:-:h:::n; :..a C ,u-:!v : tticbard f:i;r. l. n. Fur rar!.-n r-.'.:::fy : Sai'iiif 1 7. 'afi-.s. I".;r V.'r. .r.:t,:,- : . n-i ..if ';:i(.. in S!r,,.,. j.., ;,'.;"";; l:lou:ll, :i! 1' i.'l! I; i'Y.!. '." -'Ax ' l"',"7-tt. itlilL Ji il iiJi i'l iyJi ! Th'? t-'crd-.er t.-i i ;;. rL-j a Machin Slioji, i.t-ir the ..rad ot ' - . Cj.. . ' - if prepared to h:;'d. ti::d r Machinery v ' h accoracy, au. Beit! littod wi h - i . u special MAcrrryrnr rwt rrny. IXC', shaptm;. A ) pi L LHYs. AX!) Ii77'.7 ;: PllOYPI) TitiU.X a1' varous l;?n:'-., nr..! having :.n r-.vr--r;a -ten ot ovt r Thirty yus ir; , YY hn.ddm rn-ich-.ii rv f;-r s-. r;-! , iet'I w ii rra vtf-d i:i !.;!.! r:.i Wfrv. Have c.i v. ;..J iu:!i:.:iY of Horn '2 o lit Ib.'T- P.;---. dcY'-'x-d si-ecitiliy t.,r Farm u , or r.:,i ,,,v lilit mafhinerv. I a!., k,., ;., ..v..''- several thou.-aini feet of itiJlUu i.v,'., iUiix Oiii. A.'.iYY.i li. iti'.iT, in tvi,il:i of 1 J incli t-i 0 i-i-l-.i: ('; t-. Y wi.tcr out's at vt rv ' j...t !; . ..... fii-ttir-rs pries. ::!- IJlVv i..-':f;.-r, lhAl UlVCt?, l'.iI.CI.C., vkvC, o 1 LiA.U 1 il i.O lil I i . v o of the vanou? Pi'-e ci't ar. i il;;. , at siiOit tuiiii't;. Elemp Singer f.l ;Y;r',::: r. T w,uh: call t!:r i n ,-.r" Ii: w!.' : Y Wheehvriohts, an.l c::utN .t.i ;Jitl ment of ad sizes ot Machine Bolts, Nuts, WrsVers, Lag ScTrs, and liclt-c::ds, bich I ofTcr at New ' ): pr'e ?. The Rdt-en.;8 e-pec:a!:y. I ciiiir thre oled and fitteU with nuts hv nrichiticty, cit-ii.ie the Fi net sir. iths to furnish hubs (. o: rt:i, tr.ncli eheiiper, and quicker, than to cut them by hand. Call in and see my stoc?;nml M irhi'Tv. a. :-:A.roni. March G, 187, if. The nbovp 1 usiiirs-: h:is nain l . n re -suiiu'd at th ol: s-tanJ, l :tciv .v.-;it away y the late llax!, near llshlw'in's i! t-.-l, in Stroudshnrij, where will he !;, eoiis.uativ on hand the bt-st asM.,r:u:C!il of Harness, dunMo ami Ni.JIr, I-iiu'irs, (0N.1 rs, and every otlir-r article nn.'il!y furnished in this line of Misinr-t-s. Work uvn!n to or.r on the fliortcfct notice. A laro a?si:rti:ojit of Mountings and Saddlery Hard war o always 0:1 hand. Call ami na ke yonr own ssob ci!on,and it will be f.irn .-'jed io Y.y!e and price Jiot to Ivj exeelh-d in t!ii-i market. tStrict attention pin! to rep lii iuir ar.d done in Fhorteil nuticf. Cull an.l exiimne JOHN O. SAYLUR, Agent. October fi. 1S70. t f A. ' tok of Furniture ever exhibited m Strnudshunr, cau now ": l e scti. :it the Odd Fellow Mall." Oct. 5, '7(. 1 IcCARTV SON- Family, G nx-cries, (uetui--vare, lHas. ware, ooit nud liiow-uate. at Ym ; ; ..n n Vl")p,U Jc Xv n II