Received Last Week THE LARGEST STOCK OF liJG, HATS & CAPS, Gents' Furnishing Goods, EVER BROUGHT TO 8TEOTJBSBTJKG. Call andsse them. Stroudsburg-, October 5, 1876. "jj-ONROB CO. BANKING AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Ciias. W. Decker, Thos. D. Stites, Chas. Fetheriaan, R. S. Staples, Geo. E. Stauffer, Thos. A. Bell, W. B. Bell, J. Lantz, will jay interest on deposits amounting to three dollars and over, at the following rate : ; per cent, on deposits left one year. 4 ' " '; " " six months. 4 i " on daily balance averaging five hundred dollars and over. 1 nteres-t will be computed from the first of each month and all deposits made previous to the tenth of the mouth will draw interest from the lit. Th.r members of this Company are liable to the full amount of their wealth for the security of the depositors. ii hectors: 11. STAPLES, G. E. STAUFFER, CHAS. FETIIERMAX, J. LANTZ, THOMAS A. BELL. OFFicms : THOS. A. BELL, President, CHAS. FETIIERMAX, V. Pres't, WM. B. BELL, Cashier. 7 -- 1r- J-lIl. -t 7G. DOWN TOWN :mng mx ! I We the undersigned respectfully inform the citizens of Stroud.iburg and vicinity, that we have added to our large assort ment of HATS ASD CAPS, A complete and carefully selected stock of JUL kt V JLUUtili UVUU 1 1 maiie tiotnins: of the latest and mot fashionable styles and bit quality. We have also a com plete line of FURNISHING COODS- Please ive us a call and examine our Mock aivl prices before you purchase else where. We shall soon offer a large assort ment of Umbrellas, Traveling Eags, &c. You will fiii'l us one door west of Key stone Drug fetore, Mum btreet, btrouds burg, Fa. . N. 1j. Silk Hats ironed aud repaired at jshort notice. Oive us a call. WALTON & WINTERMUTE: 8trouds!.urr. April 203 1 876. ' " ' ' ' . 1876. FALL & WINTER GOODS 1876. A.t 3ST. BUSTER'S, The National Hall of Fashion! Those wishing to purchase any thing in the CLOTHING LINE, will do well to call at the above place as they will find a larger and finer Stock of than all the rest in town rut together. All wool suits as low as $S 00; the Unions as low as $5 00; English and German basket and diagnal suits from SIS 00 so 33 00; the imitations twenty per cent. less. They are cut in the latest style and are equal to custom work. All the latest stytes in "White "Vests and Alpaca Coats. IX YOUTHS', BOYS' AXD CIIILDREFS CLOTH IXG, you can't better yourself as they are made up in the best of style and are cheaper than you csn find them any where else in town. HATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS ! Those wishing to buy a stylish Hat or Cap will do well to callat the above place, as they will not find a more complete stock in town. The priccc are very low. Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods! You will find all the latest novelties of the season always on hand. Those wiithing to buy any Ihing in the furnishing goods line will do well to call "at the above place, as they will find a much larger stock than in any other place in town. DRY GOODS! Those wishing to buy Dry Goods will also do well to call at the above place as prices are very low. Alwavs on hand a full line of the Capitol Alpacas, which are the best you will find. A splendid line of Skirts and Shawls. You can get a splendid shawl, alike on both sides, for N. B- Particular attention paid to CUSTOM WORK. Good fits warranted or no sale. Our motto is, we will not be undersold, bo call before purchasing elsewhere. PROPRIETOR OF THE September 3, 1S74. tf. G. H. Dreher. E. B. Dreher PHCENIX 5 (2 doors west of the "Jeffersonian office,") ' ELIZABETH STREET, Stroii lslur?, la., DREHER & BRO., DEALERS IX Drugs, Medicines, Perfumer and Toilet Articles. Paints, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS & PUTTY. Abdominal Supporters and Shoulder traces. Seeley's Hard RUBBER TRUSSES Also Hitter's TRUSSES OF VARIOUS PATTERXS. Lamps and Lanterns Burning and Lubricating Oils. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully Com pounded. N. B. The highest Cash price paid fur OIL of W1XTERG REEX. may-4tf. Cards, Bill-Heads. Labels, &c. SEAT, CAE AT 1SD QUICK, Printed to Order at the JEFFERSONIAN 0 nut p OFFICE, Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. All Orders promptly filled. fJive ua a x:aJl. - -. . Clothing those wishing to buy for CASH will do well to N. RUSTER, NATIONAL HALL OF. FASHION, Maix stkeet, STitoupsmritG, Pa. TrTTQrP TOP. WOT.Tl A LARGE STOCK OF Spring and Summer Goods, ALL NEW and RIGHT IX STYLE! The best assortment in Town ! "Will be sold as cheap as the cheapest, and bet j ter in quality ! Can't quote prices but will guarantee yon more value for vour moncv than you can rind any where else, of which our customers may judge for themselves. i Come and examine our entire stock. We have no antipathy to showing goods? "Will : gladly show whether you buy or riot. i i We also keep a nice assortment of i ! GEOCEEIES. i i ; Sell them cheap and take Country Produce in i exchange for all kinds of Cioods. COM K AXD SEE US, CORNER STORE, OPPOSITE AMERICAN HOTEL, STROUDSBURG, PA. C. 11. AXDliEE & CO. June S, 1870. tf. J. P. BROW & BRO. Dealeiis IK Queensware and Earthenware, Glass w are, LAMP FIXTURES AND CHIMNEY'S, Wood and Willow -Ware, and constantly on hand a larpre aRortment of DIHEDand CANNED FRUITS, Foreign and Domes-tic; Dried Beef, Prepared Sansapes, Shoulders, l'ikled Meats, and choice J I AMIS a specialty. JIACKIHIAI A!V5 COI9-FISII, SYRUPS AND 3IOLASES. Extra Family Flour, Coal Oil, &c, &c. In fact the largest general assortment of (iroceries to be lotind in the County at the lowctt cash price. Store opposite the Ii URN I "IT HOUSE, Corner of Main and Franklin Streets, Strouds burg, Pa. V. S. Highest CASH PRICE paid for I'llUH ULJ or lood.s in exchange James P. Hkowx, Wm. V. Dkowk. May 2",70-tf. J. B. IITJLL, (Successor to J. E. Erdiuan,) Monroe Co. Marble Works Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa., Where will Le found constantly on hand or made to oroi, of thehest Italian and American Marhle. Having been in the employ of Mr. Erdinan for nearly ten years, 1 feel confident in my ability to please Jill that, give me a call. Al work warranted to give entire (satisfaction. J&Sy Orders by mail promptly attended to, ten l!0'7-tf B LANKS OF ALL KINDS for Sale at this Office. X OBPRITING. of all . kiiidfi neatly cx U ecuted at this office , - NEW STORE -:and:- NEW GOODS -:at:- - REDUCED PRICES. DARIUS DREHER, beg8 leave to an nounce to his friends and to the pub lic generally, that he has just received a jreneral assortment of Dry Goods, Amotions, Dress Trimmings, AND MILLINER YGOOD S consisting, in part of the following desirable articles, viz: Calicoes, Lawns, French Chintz, Children's Dress Goods, "Worked h 'dyings, I'arasols, Zrphers, Shetland Wools, Shetland Wool Shaicls, Delaines, Muslins, White Dress Goods, Insertings, Lady's and Children's Sacks Flannel and Cloth, Lady's, Misses and Men's Hoes, Gloves and Collars, Mourning Goods, Shroudings, f-c., tfv., Goods shown with pleasure. 4 Quick sales and small profits" at the old and well known Millinery Stand of F. A. DREHER The Millinery business will be carried on as usual by Mks. Dreher. Patronage rcspectly solicited. DARIUS DREHER. April 2G,16G6. SOMETHING NEW I SHOE MAMFACTOEi TIip undiTsLMifil wouM ivti'rtfnl!r rri' ntW that thev have (i.-taMNlnsl jit WiilhtHiV liall lmiilinj. nir- tier of (ioorye and Munroe .streets, ruu!!u rj;, l'a., a SHOE MANUFACTORY, for the making of all kitels of L:n!vV ami Gentlemen mid t'hil.lrenV l!oot. awl .Sliuos ami 1'ihkt. l'.irtii-u lur attention jiHiil tu CUSTOM WORK. Por'i)ji liaviic,' dcfirni-il f.--(t hnttinti or rorrn, or ruil'lren with weak anklr. or erooketl limbs, run have here oftirM eiu-is Maici iuls iin.l at leas .oiiihle j.ricer Shoes made to .-iilt their ease. Having lent a l.ryf? cxpi ri-ao( in York we ffH clil;!ciil we i-an 5tiil cuMoiiiiT' :i to )ii:i!it ii :nl nct', all ol our 'no-lh !otu l"r jr"ii'ral ami .jm-oi;i! suit' are w.irrauttl tt, n as rfm.')it,l l'K-si pivc is a rail, examine ur kkJs and materials coiiiisiio-j fl Surges, i:Iuz'-'l l rrm-li. Mat and French i'-iAi Kid, lonc' raineu. l'.nili aim I -i r rj wnat Murixeti, i roin li ami American ( aifand Ki Skins, nl! of v. will l- heetfully .-liuwn t Uncsu v. lio maveall. I Mtoiiti i it vr t' make a tirt raf wi aiiii ' arlii i-j we have noiliin ' l i neeal, t ither in !.u k r make from ilm imMie. Ui! would invite thv-ir el.xest serutinv. July 8, '75-tf J:. I- fROMMi-ITT A CO. SAMUEL HOOD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, AND IN Ictal House Furnishing Goods iloofnjg and Spoil tfcig done on isliort iiiitic, with ttie lot matorlnl, and at ii' prices. His. Mock of .'ik, l'arlor and Oliiirc Stoves f iiiIh ui'- all ttm varieties known to tho trade. and m-o. Store tliird but id ins, alwive ilio MclliiHliht ftinndi. Main street, St roud.-dmrg, Pa. February 4, 'j-tr. i Li, nfivii a w k3vics laving long been disgusted with the barbarous custom of burying or using lee on Corpses, not to speak of the horror of freezing the dead, as a relic of barbarism in itself considered is as obnoxious to the sensibility of the refined as Cremation and would never have been submit ted to, but for necessity which thanks to the march ol discovery no longer exists, ror .1. II. McCarty & f-ons, have a preparation which in its application is as harmless as water, but whic h in its potency is able to grannie with the dcspoiler of our mortal forms, and say thus far, but no further, hence let thy corrupting pow ers be staved. This preparation is manufactured, and used onlv hy .1. II. AIcUaktv y .Son's, the onlv undertakers in the Countv, or Mate, that can keep a Corpse any desired length of time, tor weeUs and months, ami bring back even the mellow tint and real bloom of life to assuage the grief and anguish of the bereaved, wlm h fact can be witnessed at every funeral attended by them where they have the entire control, and the preparation of the body for burial J. II. McC.W.TY has made this preparation bis study for over twenty years, and can now ofler to the public this preparation perfected, with out money and without nice to those employ ing them. Oct. 5, TG-tf. J. II. McCAIlTY & SONS TTASIIIiTOX'S SK.tailjUSS COW JJL SETS. The best in use. The onlv place they can be had in town is at the cor ner store, irytiieui. jan. 30, '73. tf.J C. It. ANDRE & Co. FURNITURE I FURNITURE! Goods eel ling every day at Auction prices from 7 a, ni., to S p. uu Goods selling at half price to maks raoni for their new fall goods. Oe. 5, '7-J-I ; r 3IcCAKTY A SOS.! S. WILLIAMS, Watchmaker & Jeweler, MAIN-ST, STROUDSBURG, PA. Located in corner building, third door be low the JefTersonian office. Room handsome ly fitted up, and heavily stocked with the fi nest assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Jewelers No tions, &c, ever ofiVred in this section of countiy. A full assortment of Spectacles, of the best quality, and suited to all ages, always on sale. Silver-ware, and Silver Plated ware, al ways on hand at manufacturers prices. CRepairing neatly executed, and char ges extremely moderate. Calls from the public respectfully solicited. bole Agent for the celebrated Diamond Spectacles. November 5th, 18G3 ly. ge Making. The undersigned takes this method of informing the public, that be 'still con tinues the above business in all its branches at his old Stand, on Franklin street, Stroudsburg, Pa., where he will be hap py to receive orders for work in his Hue, including jreueral Wheeiwrigliting", Blacksmith ing, Painting,- Trimming, &c. His stock, of the best quality of seasoned lumber is lare and very complete; and also has a full force of firsr class workmen at all the brunches, he flatters hinisell that he is fully prepared to accomodate all who favor hitn with orders, and g'uarau tee entire satisfaction. Impairing promptly attended to YA. HUNTSMAN. July 23, 1S70. UNDERTAKING 1 LEE &. Co. uould nio-t respectfully an nounce that having procured an elegant HEAESE, i and having1 a person in their employ of twelve years experience, in the undertaking ! business are now prepared to attend to un ' uVrt;king in all its branches in the be.t nos- i sible manner. COl'FINS and CASKETS of any size, style or quality, constantfy on and ready tor i-himent at short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Our charges are moderate; we have no disposition to distress the living or rob the estates ol the dead. N. I?. Ready-made ROBES, r.eally got. ten up, c.jii be hid at :.ny lime, at the Ware Room of LEE &. Co. May -JG, 170. 1 v. LOOK THIS WAY, ALL AVIIO WANT Carriage Work or !Sack$!ii!i!ii:!y DONE IX A SUPKiJIOR MANiVKR ! Till" Sulifectiber begs leave to in i f5,fonii the lUlbllC tlitlt he IS fullv I-te- r pared, at Ins eiabhshtneut, at the corner. of Hiinrsoti and Sarah streets, iu the borough of btroudsburg, to uiakf to order, every style of J Carriage, Wagon, and, in fact, everything in his line of bu siness, at the shot test possible uotice, aud ou the most reasonable terms. Carriages repaired, trimmed and paint ed in the best style of the art. Having tirst-class material always on hand, and none but first-class workmen engaged, the public are assured that noue but first-class work will be turned out at his shop. In connection with his Carriage Shop he has also a Ulacksniith Shop, where superior ..workmen will always be found ready to attend to the orders ol customers The public are invite-.1 to call and ex amine his stock before purchasing else where. VALENTINE KAUTZ. September l'J, lGT.-tf. LEANDER EMERY, MAXl J'ACTl Itr.K AM MIAI.KU IN ALL KINDS OF t'arriages aaJ Ilngiies, Two-seated Tarries far Livery stables aad private Families, Piatfnnii Spriiij Wapins, of ttie l:;test style and for all k ind-i of tie, kept on hand or uiaai 10 mter. SINGLE-SEATED CARRIAGES, with top or without top, all styles. Delivery and Express Wagons, ofdiflreri'iitMyleK, shipped to order. All work warrant ed in every i.hi i ieul i r l'..r one war. 1 will make to or der nnv Myltfdt' Carri;it'e or Jivjht l'.uyy Unit miiv be None hit ti r t class work leaves my shop. un: only first elr Mook iind eim.lov lirst ,-l i, ..ri- men, and fori confident that I can Ive entire satisfac tion to hit wno may puiehase mv work. All onlers bv mail hail reeeive proiupt attention. Hoping that 1 may ho abto to funosli tho ertizeni of Strouilshure and Vicinity w lth any thins tht they may wuut iu my line Address all oi-ders to I.KANli:u kvtrv Marcugo Calhoun County, MiuhiKu. April 22, 1S7.K ry roiit'f'all li altcml HJct'artv'ji YJ Furniture .Sales evcrv dav croat brrrlnu ji burmture, Od Cloth, Carpets, Fiauos, t)rp:ans, A;c., c, :, ' : o,t5,r; T;;icCARTrsoNs: oi .. ' - . . " Carria NEW MACHINE SHOP! The subscriber ha?ing started a Machin Shop, near the head of Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa., is prepared to build, and repair all kinds of Machinery with accuracy, and dispatch. Being fitted with SPECIAL MACHINERY FOR TURN- IXG, SHAFTING, AND PUL LEYS, AND WITH IM PROVED TOOLS of various kind:?, and having1 an experiance of over Thirty years, in designing, and building machinery for special purposes, feel warranted in guaranteeing the best of work. Have on hand, and building, POUT ABLE STEAM ENGINES, of from 2 to 10 Horse Power, designed' especially for Farm use, or tor driving any light machinery. I also keep in stock, several thousand feet of Premium New York Oak Tanned Belting, in widths of 1 J inch to 6 inches, (can obtain wider ones at very short notice) at manu facturers prices, also Luce Leather, Belt Rivets, Ponches, &c, STEAM PIPES & FITTINGS of the variouss sizes. Pipe cut and fitted, at short notice. IIcti3j &. It libber .Steam l'a citing. I would call the attention of Blacksmiths Wheelwrights, and others, to my assort ment of all sizes ot Machine Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Lag Screws, and Bolt-ends, which I offer at New York prices. The Blt-enjs especially, being threaded and fitted with nuts Ly niachineiy, enable the Blacksmiths to furnish bobs ut any lergth. much cheaper, and quicker, than to cut them by hnnd. Call in and see my stock and Machinery. G. SANFORD." March 6, 1873 tf. MONROE COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company ETSOUrSBURO, ?A. en. ! : run i ur u n : i. . I TIi ry-T.3 '.f r...jr:,v. r--t;!:.t:....- ..v.-rn -j -;-e I. live, i-. --!, i i;. b,-en v.-i v r.i;;t, i i:!r :-!tnn. d. l!ui!i i; a,,., ii :i r., t".. ; Jut .it' l:V j I:ii;-i:unt ui:: iu.4 t "ui-.-e etianj;--? are the foil-win;. ! instead ,.f v?.,... -w i-,:.-d f..r j u"u iii i-vi-.i:iu t. tin- .-ixl? i.( tin; j-r.' rt v. ! IVetuitiJu i,u- :,.; t.i'i-i:, wild al --Ma-Mit- :.. ! nicidf mi tiiv ti'iv. j I'r.'n.tty i iiir-inl :i.,t timre th:n twi t!iirl- f ; ifaetttil e:tii v;.!:!-. r.'i l f,:i ..;' i:, ; p:id in ease ..fir-... p,rivid.l Ute f.i. h- e'M::d t- tti j animiiit i'li:',v,i;:.ii'.i'. ; uAHtal :rv.-'ii.'ix" :ir m-r7 exir; in cav I "f licavy )i..s, ami wm. re u siveial j.; --:i-ut i I ii'c-inrv. The ( "tii.:iri y t :i- rt f r i lii.-irr'T.'i'-r'v . iifui tv-rm.s vhwU n:.-vi- d-.-'-u.iM,. ;a.ui tout -v tu I ii-,-i ; it III . A: l"-'2ti-i:s mar W t ny v.f tiie M:-.i:a;. r-,. j v , v. , ! ,, , jsihL. i:-aV:e, . i. V.-.- -.v-. t. . .i.i..-..t k i.-t-i.t .y,i.t i r.iv-r, v. i.--.-,u , Jac.. Vi- r, i!;. s.-,i.-i., T. Vv . i;!. l. . yvteni. 'l"-'t. ' 11 V. I'ia:n::i: ;;:.d Tr.-a ! . F'.r TTniiiiie t'.ni-.ty : William ;i;V, t, ( !t ii. ',. SYifor, J. l.Mi!f, Jaeofi Sm-.iHi r, .I..!.!. SUIiaji.-r. l'ur V:iv!K- tViiii! v : CT:ti l. s" A. Master. Fr Pike On::;! v : S!:t L. Tr:i1:e, T. W. Klmdes, F. A. 0.j.e'.t, Samuel IVtrii-1. Fur 2orth;:'.ii-.'toii t'o:;i:ty Uiehard Cansdeu. For C'urSmi County : Sanmel Zieenfus. For W " 1 1 s i n cr fontitv : H. W. l;.u,iell. " :.. V. F'.ward , TTIio fsniHT'T meet r':ii! irir at tlte Sri n iarv' Oifien iu,', on the ti:M Tu- vlir i.f . n !i month, at '1 oVt irk 1.M. jM-'V l-.'T -t f. Harnessit Saddlcrv. The above business lias again been re-t-utned at tbe old stand, lately swept away y the late flood, near Haldwin's Hotel, in JStroudsburg, where will be kept constantly on hand the best assortment of Harness, double and single, Saddles Bridles, Collars, tind every other article usu illy furni.-ieJ in this line of business. Work made to order on the shortest notice. A lar-re assortment of Mountings and Sa,ddlery Hard varo always on hand. Call and make your ov Kelection.and it will be furnished iu style arJ price not to be excelled in this market. Strict attention piid to re pairing and done in shortest notice. Pall and examine JOHN O. SAVLOU, Agent. October G, 1670. if TBliio largest auiJ hvst select el JL Ftock of Furniture ever exhibited in ftroudsburcr, cau now bo scon at the Odd Fellows Hall. Oct. 5, '70.1 McCAKTr & SONS. A1V1K STOCK OV CSIOIt'K Family Groceries, Queensware, (Jlas-s- ware, Wood and Wiilow-waro, at t 1 r i ANDRE Co. .r,n!ts casi;.- A'U. m,it.