OFFICIAL NOTICE; 1 187G. spring and summer goods." .1876. P. S. WILLIAMS, The lifional Hall of Fashion ! $000 REWARD! 1 11031 STROUDSBURG, A tnll-enmnlexmned YOUNG MAN. a zed " ft. ( in., hei.irht 1,"0 lbs. Had on. when last seen two pairs of swallow-tailed sealskin trousers, lasluonablc mtmon cuuei waiscoat, with delirium trimmings; double-barrelled frock coat, with horse collar and sausage lining; patient leather-bottom top shoes, laced iiia nt th. culo nrwl linttnnpd im;iilP I ITo I doif -ind dumb nf nno eve and hard! of hearing with the other, with a slight squint . in his eve teeth : stoons verv u risrht with a I ateM'w'rte W mouth like a torn pocket ; hair of a deep scarlet blue and parted from ear to yonder; Calves of legs rising 4 years, to be sold cheap on ac- count of the dearness of milk; very liberal with other peoples' money, and well known to a irood templar, having been eleventeen years ji member of the I. O. G. T. (I Often Get Tight .Society). Anv one who knows of his whereabouts will please report at the y v frmnlrG U nininn CiinrS. iT"- J3 J where he will find the jiAiiUJudi aua iivm Aaauiki-HiM OF Men and Boy's Clothing, Hats and Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Valices, &c. &c. kept in this vicinity, and which we will sell at the LOWEST PANIC PRICES ! If von want to save monev don't fail to ex amine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. If you want GOOD GOODS at low prices, there is no place in Monroe ( ounty to com pete with the EMPIRE CLOTHING STOKE Our new stock is complete in every particu lar. 1 lease cail and examine for yourselves. SIMON FRIED, at Empire Clothing Store. Stroudsburg, March 23, 1S7G. tf. JJONROE CO. BANKING AND 'i:GS C03IPAIW. Chas. 7. Decker, Thos. D. Stites, Chas. Fetherman. R. S. Stan es. Geo. P. Stauffer, Thos. A. Bell, W. B. Bell. J. Lantz, will ray intercut on deposits amounting to three dollars and over, at the following rates : 0 per cent, oa deposits left one year. 4 11 " " six months. five hundred dollars and over. .... j o-"c Interest will be computed from the first of each month and Jill deposits made previous to the tenth of ths month ivill draw interest from the 1st. The members of this Company are liable to the full amount of their wealth for the security of the depositors. directors: Ji. r?. M ArJJ, i. tj. STAUrrEll, CJIAS. FETHERMAN, J. LANTZ, THOMAS A. BELL. OFFICERS : TII03. A. BELL, President, CHAS. FETHERMAN, V. Pres't, WM. B. BELL, Cashier. Jan. 27,'7(J. UNDERTAKING. McC'AKTV & WSS hae on hand tlielargcst and best , -v assortment of im COFFINS "m'ZJf and Vi i f cry f. !. found out si If of tit her city (Now York or Philadi-l-Iihia'p, and will uiu!cc this brunch or tlnir biisintss a locial:ty. COFFINS and CASKETS vf any shape or stylo, ran be furnished nt one hour's notice for .-hijjiin-nt, at u charge of one-third less than any s!:oS in ro-til.-'.iir. iu no case will they charge inoro sliun ten jkt tent, above actual cost. IMIIIAIIIXG attcndl to in any part of the County at the shortest possible notice. Junel8,'74-t A. ROCKAFELLOW, DEALER IX Ready-Hade Clothing, Geuls Fur- nishiiig (ioods, Hats &(aps, Boots & Shoes, &c. JJAST STROUDSBURG, PA. (Near the Depot.) Tho pvb!i! are InvitM to rail nrid examine OoU. I'rict.-s rnoJvrate. - . May 0,'y-tf Those wiahinjr to purchase any thiner in the above place as they will find a larger and liner Stock of than all the rest in town nut together. All So 00: -Eneludi and Gorman basket and riiagnal suits from $18 00 so :;. 00: the imitations twenty per cent. Ies. I hey are cut in the latest latest stytes in "Wliite "Vests and Alpaca Coats. tx TiM'mTin' -r-vxri i vn miiT nm'rv rtr atiitvi .XUUlllO, WIO AAV you can't better vourself as they are made up cn una mem any wnere cine in wwn HATS, CAPS AND Those wishing to buv a stvlish Hat or Cap I ., . i i . . Wlil o ana a more complete siock in lown. Ladies' and Gents' You will find all theiatest novelties of the any thing in the furnishing goods line will do a much larger stock than in any other place in T""DT7 JLJLVl X vX Those wishing to buy Dry Goods will also do well to call at the above place as prices are I Vrv low. Alwavs on hand a full line of the Capitol Alpacas, which are the best you will find. A splendid line of Skirts and .Shawls. You 31 1 5. X. B. Particular attention paid to no sale 1 Vlll UJUllV jr-y C Hill ktk. uiiULirviUj cr ! "tn m tAf f a a wars ill rtsf 1 ia ti n 1 Ai-cstl 1 cr call before purchasing elsewhere TVT T? TTC rPTPT? PROPRIETOR OP September 3, 1S74. tf. G. H. Dreher. E. B. Dreher "TTTrm'XrTsr a I F- US SB ft! ! H Lis J ! (2 doors west of the "JefiVrsonian Office,") ELIZA PET II STUEET, Slroiulsbiu jr, Pa., DREHER & BRO., UEALF.KS IX Drug's, Medicines, Perfumery . and Toilet Articles. Paints, OILS, VARNISHES, CLASS & PUTTY. Abdominal Supporters and Shoulder Uraces. Seeley s Hard m mint iiso Ritter's TRUSSES OF VARIOUS P VTTERN53 Lamps and Lanterns Burning and Lubricating Oils. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully Com pounded IS. JJ. ihc hicrhot CiU rncc mid for OIL of WINTERG KEEN. may-4tf. ParrlQ RilLHparfe I qHdIo JP.o UUIU0I Ulll IIUUUOI LUUUIOt UUII NEAT, CAEAP AND QUICK, Printed to Order at the JEPPERSONIAN 0 r i ii i il Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. All Ordere promptly filled. Give us a call. CLOTHING LINE, will do well to call at the Clothing wool suits as low as $8 00: the Unions as low as style ami are equal to custom work. All the V.lllHl.lU',r O JlllU, in the best of style and are cheaper than you STRAW GOODS! will do well to call at the above place, as thev rr I i i ne pneec are very low. larmshing Goods ! season alwavs on hand. Those wishing to luiv well to call at the above place, as they will find town AA'HC'f Vx v-f JL tO can get a splendid shawl, alike on both sides, for CUSTOM WOHK. Good fits warranted or i t Ai.- f cli r 4a V f. tm " il Cf r ? 1 I I inu." V ll lOilllig lis L'ltj - Uii Kill nWJt -J J.1 XbUUXXii.Vj THE NATIONAL HALT, OP PASPTON Main stukkt, SntorpsEUUO, Pa j MUST BE SOLD a laikse stock op Slu ing ami Summer Goods, ALL NEW and 111(1 HT IX STYLE ! I The best assortment in Town ! ! Will be sold as cheap as the cheapest, and bet- 1 . . icr in juauiy i Can't qtiole prices but will guarantee vou more value for your money than you can find a".v where else, of which our customers may judge for themselves. Come and examine our eniire stock. We have no nntinathv to showing goods? Will gladly show whether you buy or not. i We also keep a nice assortment of i ! GrEOCERIES. i . '. ; Sell them clienp and take Conntrv I'mduce in exchange lor all kind of uood. . COME AND SEE US, CORNER STORE, OPPOSITE AMERICAN HOTEL, STROUDSBURf!, FA. C. K. ANDKEE & CO. June 8, 1ST?. tf. J.R.BROTO&BKO; Dkalkus IX Queensware and Earthenware, Glassware, LAMP FIXTURES AND CHIMXEVS, Wood and Willow-Ware, anl ronKtantlv (in hand a larjre assortment i Dili ED and CAN N K I ) FI UI TS, Forcig n a nd Domestic; Dried JJeef, l'reparetl SausaCM, Shoulders, Pi k led Meats, and ehoicc JIAMS a specialty. ' t ' . - i ' . .;. '. : MAVUVAIAI AXn. COZJ-FISII, SYItUl'S AND 3IOLASES. Extra Family Flour, Coal Oil, &c, &c. In faet.the largest general assortment of Groceries to be found in the Count j at the lowest cash prices. i - Store opposite the JJUKNETT HOUSE, Corner of Main and Franklin Streets, St roud burg, Pa. V. S. Hi-liest CASH PRICK paid for PRODUCi: or (Jooda in exchange. .Tamks P. Urowx, May 2"),7(5-tf. Wm. V. P.nowx. J. 33. IITJLL, (Successor to J. E. Enlman,) Monroe Co. Marble Works, Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa., "Where will be found constantly on hand or made to order, 310U3IE,TS, IKIMDSTO.YKS, &c, of theltest Italian and American Marble, Ilavinc been in the emidov of Mr. Kidman for nearly ten years, I feel confident in niv ability to please all that give me a call. All work warranted to give entire satisfaction. JESF" Orders by mail promptly attended to. feb2072-tf BLANKS ()F ALL KINDS for Sale at this Office- TOBPRINTJNO, of all kinds neat'y ex ecuted at this office. ' " NEW STORE: -:and:- iW GOODS -cat:- REDICED PRICES. DARIUS DREHER, begs leave to an nounce to his friends and to the pub lic generally, that he has juet received a general assortment of Dry Goods, ATotions, Dress Trimmings, AND MILL 1NER Y GOODS consisting, in part of the following desirable articles, viz: Calicoes, Lawns, i . e ' . French Cliintzs, Children' s Dress Goods, Worked Kdyinys, Parasols, Zephers, Shetland Wools, Shetland Wool Shawls, Delaines, Muslins, White Dress Goods, Insertings, Lady's and Children's Saclcs Flannel and Cloth, , Lady's, Misses and 'Men's Hoes, Gloves and Collars, Mourning Goods, Shroudings, tfv., d'C, Goods shown with pleasure. Quick sales and small profits" at the old and well known Millinery Stand of F. A. DI'EIIER The Millinery business will be carried on as usual by Mrs. Dreher. Patronage respectly solicited. DARIUS DREHER. April 2G, 1800. SOMETHING NEW ! A SHOE MANUFACTORY. The uiklfrsfcuctl wouM niH'ct fully piv notice tliat they have tullili-I at William' Hall I'liiMiti;.'. cor ner nf Crorgf and Monroe .street, Ssroiiilhurjt I'a., a SHOE MANUFACTORY, for th trciUins f,f all Uinls of La-ly's an-1 ;eiitl. tnf n anl ChiMr-ir-i I'.tM.t anl Shoe aiil I'jijm r. I'artieu l.i r utteution to CUSTOM WORK. IVroii! liaviiv' ilcforTii'-il r-ct. hiinions ar eorn. or ehiMrr-n with weak aukl-.-. or erk--l li'ut.s, mn have here of'tij-t rlas nuiteriaN and at reasonable iricr .Sli's made to suit their eae. llavins; had a la rue experieui-e in New York wo f,.,-l contideiit that we ran mi it enstoniers a to iiiaIiti- ami riee, all of our i;ood lxtl for ni-ral and .M-i ial alv are warrn!itt-i in ie a rfpr-st'itl ri'e give ua call, examine our ;rtHKl anil materia! t'oni-iin I mi rices, elazed I reneli. Mat and I r-mh Ir.lfKid. lomr frrained. ltruli and Pehhled tioat Moroeeo. K reneli and .nieriean Calf and Kij Skin, all of whi- h wiil Ik-i-heerfully shown to tho.-e who may call. I ntendinv; to make a first rate w.-arin-' article "we have nothing to, euner In st.s k or mak lioin the miMie, l.ut July S, '7Vtf K. K. CirOMMFTT A C O. SAMUEL HOOD, in utr nK'ir eiosesi srriuinv. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in COOK & PA RL0 ll STOVES, TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, AND IN Wdal House Furnishing (Joods. Roofing and Spoil tiisg lrtlio on Ji..rt notice, w itll tho )cst Tii:itriul ami nt r-puniiialili? itriivx. ItissOH-k . C...ik. I'arlur nn.l I iru-.- Stoves i'iiilr:u 'n nil th Im-nI varit li. s known to tlx. lrnl. I all :mcl m.'c. SI. n-third hiiililin;, hUov tlu .i. rii.xiiM i nmvli, .Mam stn-et, Mnimlsliur, l'a. February i, 'i.Vif. "CO TO JVu. jicCAliTY & SOS, ODD-FKLLOWS' I ALL, MAIN ST.. STR0UDS11FRG, PA., AND BUY YOUR FUnwiTURE, Carpets, Oil-Cloths, Rugs, Win dow Shades, Curtains & Fix tures, Table Cloths, &c. AM) S.VYK At Least Two Profits. As Mrt'arly A Sons buy, liro. t from t tie manufacturer for caIi ( nut t!0 I.iy, ibi y tan M il vou MOIIK KUIIXITUHK, OF A 11KTTKH (JUALITV, A X I ) FOIl LFSS 31 OX KY than you ean luiy at retail citboriiuil evory ni ti ! is warranted to be as rfirei nted. June IS,'7I-lf Hash frox's simm i,i:ksT'ok SKTS. The bet in use. The only place they can bo had in town is at the cor ner store. Trv tlicui. ja).! if.J C. R. ANDIIK Sc Co. Asick s roust or cizoici: Fiinily (Jroeeries, (Jueenswaro, (Ilass- uvirn tti.1 rtU.-.t ..... a C. It. ANDKK&Co. JOH 1'S7-l jn. 30, 'T.'i tf. For Salo at tliis Office. Watchmaker & Jeweler, MAIN-ST, STROUDSBURG, PA. Located in corner building1, third door be low the Jefferson i;i n office. Room ha ndsnme ly fitted up, and heavily stocked with the fi nest assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Jewelers No tions, &c, ever offered in this section of counliy. A full assortment of Spectacles, of the best quality, and suited to all ages, always on sale. Silver-ware, and Silver Plated ware, al ways on hand at manufacturers prices. 07Repairing neatly executed, and char ges extremely moderate. Calls from the public respeclfully solicited. Sole Agent for the' celebrated Diamond Spectacles. November 5th, 1863 ly. go Making. 1 The undersigned takes this method of informing the public, that he still con tinues the above business in all its branches- at his old Stand, on Franklin street, Stroudsburg, Fa., where he will be hap py to receive orders lor work in his line, including general Wheelwrigliting, Blacksmitli ing, Painting, Trimming, &c. His stock, of the best quality of seasoned lumber is large and very complete; and also has a full force of firsr clas workmen at all the branches, he flatters himsl! that lie is fully prepared to accomodate all who favor him with orders, and guaran tee entire satisfaction. liepairing promptly attended to AV.M. I1UXTSMAN. July 23, 1S70. - Carria -lTNDEBTAKlJSrQ!K!arcl,fi,C7:i1(: 'M,:'; j LF.E & Co. would mo t respectfully an- MOKROS COUN?V nounce that having procured an elegant j and having a person in their employ of! twelve years experience, in the undertaking : business, are now prepared to attend to uif- ' dertaking in all its brandies in the beet pos- I sible manner. COFFINS and CASKETS of cny size,1 style or quality, constantly on hand, and ready for shipment at thori notice. Orders' by mail promptly attended to. Our c.ha n: inouuruie; we nave no i isdmsh i, di.-tres the living or rub iie e.-tatc: of (he i dead. I N. n. Ready-made ROBES, neatly ?nt. ten up, can be had at any time, t tlie Ware rtoom of l.V.lj &. to. May 2G, 1-70. ly. j LOOK THIS WAY, ALL WHO WANT Carriage Work or Blacksmithing DONE IN A SUPERIOR MANNER! 1 111- Subscriber beijs leave to in- form the public that he is fully pre- VpareJ, at his establishment, at th o! corner of Simpson ami Sarah streets, in I un, uifiuu-u ui CUUUUSUUIg, IU milKf to order, every style of Carriage, Wagon, anl, in fact, everything in his line of bu siness, at the shortest possible notice, auu on the most reasonable terms. Carriages repaired, trimmed and paint ed in the best style of the art. Having first-class material always on haud, and none but first-class workmen engaged, the publie are assured that none but tirst-class work will be turned out at his shop In connection with his Carriage Shop he has also a lilacksmith Shop, where superior workmen will always be found ready to attend to the ordeis of customers The public are invite-.1 to call and ex amine his stock before purchasing else where. AIjI-jNTINH KAUTZ. September ID, 18G7.-tf. LEANDER EMERY, MAXUKACTfKr.R AND IKALKK IX A I.I. KIM'S OF ('arriagcs.and Buggies, Two-scatrd Carriages for Livery stables and private Families, riatform Spring Wagons, f tho latt M style nml for all kiiulmf use, kejit on han.l or mailo to nlvr. single-seated carriages, w itii ton or without top, all style. Delivery and Express Wagons, ofililTerent styles, shipped toor.ler. All work warrant ed in every pitrtirnlar fur one year. I will make t.n.r (lornny ntvloof Ciirriioe or liuht Huvt that iiniy Im watitisl. Nm but I'trM elass work leaver inv shop. 1 use only rirt elass stock aiul employ first elas work men, ami feel eniilhlent that I eau n'ive entire satisfae lion to all who may purchase my work. All onlets hv mail hall receive prompt attention. Hoping that "I may Ur u1m In furnih the citizens of StronUhur uik vicinity w 1th any ihiiis thaliluy mav want in my line AtMreji.s all orders to m:ami:u km try, April J2, l.-iy! arnK' rall, I'ouiil-, Ml. l.igan. PVOX'T FOKGKT tliat wlicn WJ 'ou want you want any thini? in the Furniture or Ornamental line that McCarty & Sons in the () Id-Fellows Hall, Main street, Stroudsburg, Fa . is the place to get it. tliat , 11, Mail to get June ISj'Tl-ti' mmm NEW . MACHINE SHOP! The subscriber having started a Jlachii? Shop, near the head of Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa,, is prepared to build, and repair all kir:d3 of Machinery with accuracy, and dispatch Being fitted with SPECIAL MACHINERY FOR TURN ING, SHAFTING, AND PUL. LEYS, AND WITH IM PROVED TOOLS of various kind?, and having nn experianco of over Thirty years, in designing, and building machinery for special purposes, r feel warranted in guaranteeing the best of work. Have on hand, and buiTdin. PORTABLE STEAM EXCISES, of from 2 to 10 Horse Power, desirrncj especially for Farm use, or for drivii.gany light machinery. I also keep in stock several thousand feet of ' Premium New York Oak Tanned Belting-, in widths of 1 inch t- 6 inches, (can obtain wider ones at v: ry short notice) .it nm.ii ficttirer prices, alo jice Leather, IVlt Kivets, Punches, Sec, STEAM PIPES & FITTINGS of the variouss sze. Pij,e cut and fitted, at short notice. 23ciisi &.Ilu;73cr .stc:ini Pat-kin?. I would call the atti;nti-.n of IllMckMiiiths Wheel wrichts, nis.1 other.--, to my .-orll nient of all sizes cf Machine Bolts, Nuts, Washers Lag Screws, and Bolt-ends, ' which I odor at New Vo k pr;cs. The Il-dt-ends e.-pecially, bemir thrcnled and fitted with nuts by maciiineiy, ( ii d.f tlm 15'acksiniths to fiirnish x ni .niv 'n rv, ! ir.ucli ciie.ipe-, niu! quicla r, tln'n tol-ut tiieiii l.y hand. f 1 I ill .i.i.l cm .,. c'An f 1 M - I ti ill ti ii'i . it:, iiii o ,r ' i i: 'f 'mint STEOTJIEBUnG, ?A 1 P'S ' t X -S CI I. R TKR I '-;r I '; Tf '. ! . . ! . Tb-ry-I.-.v.-..f ts.N.-.....,.,,,...,,,., ri .j ..;.;:,.., v...n. l'i' ii:i:i::n.-,. I,;,v,., r....,.,.t; v ., Vl...v ri..p !..::- l, tilaeiii" it n j -m :t .-. ju:!I t'n !!.:.(., ;u,y liiiK,rt:i!:i !itm.!i;' ti;.-e ei ;l : : - -j. '. f..!! .n-:.-. - -.t.,.i ,r, i., -Ml ry U -:..;rs.-.: act r:;-- ..f yr-.r.Uiux i- i fltol ;iri-Mii.i!1.r (,, r!,, ,; .... j Pr.-j.i;mi not,- a;-,- t;tk:i. iii:'-Je n tli- lint.-. l'r"'iT:y i- ir.-r'irii f..i- t: t ni irf li.riii nr tisii.N.-f '"- a-t'tal v-:u . :u:.l tJi. I'i!! ti -.;- : p. i I'"'1'1 '" '"w t'! '. .r.. tli.- . u.i V . ; a:i:t':n: ..I i:i-i :-i;i. . j -i..Mi:' ;jjv :ir.- uvv.; f-.-.', in , "f Iieavy l.s ;ni-i j!h-iv"u jn-eaitl -m i-. : ne--i-:!ry. "F'-W ,m,,'h !,l IV !.-. 'I..- ..i.l ' Ani:-:iti.-. m ty i.e ,;.,.. t av ..r tli.- v-if.a.-.-! Un W l" ''Svl'1'' ,';!;i, I.. ir.,!;,' .'. I :.. ;:;;r f. !'. I!:' .I!;. :iii, .1 'It n !.'. ii-i p-!", Till i'. S.-.; !l. !...'.. .' I-.;-. ! . il l-; THI.-.I', i .lai-nii St.nnN-i- Wi!!ia:u W;.!!.!,-.". S Hi'.ilil t.I. STOKJis. V?,-':. 11. V. I'!;!:i!n:,Sti"!.iiy I 'nv,iir, -r. s;'!:vi:v:i:s. : S!I;! T- WiV'iVni ';:; ! (;,,,. (;. r, j t. w. i:ii..SeN- x iv,,;,, iw,,,, ..,. .;, I r t.i;ui.- i t v ("111! I.:iu: :;er. lr Wavne f'.i'Hi'v : v. a. or, It, l'nr 1'ike Lu:ii v : Samuel I. friek. VnT Ntttliaii;;it'ii (tn:fv: IIir!iarl Cani.U n. l"'.r t'ai'li-iii C(iu:i: v ; Satun 1 Zie--nfn. for Wvo'iiTtu Cuinf v : !. M. K.,.n, JI. V. I'.i, iv-:1, ' ,T. V-. !: t;ir!i T!i' M:i'i:e-'-r ini' t rcn!;-rlv at tv ;. i::i v' Olli,-.- in Mr.n.i-nirv. mi t'.ie tirit Tu. i.;v mn:li, at i -i'i KkU V. M. j !.i'y l.", ; if. amess it Saddler The above biisiiicss has ajain bcoa re pumcd at the o!tl stand, lately swept away ) the late flood, near Ilaldw'in's Hotel, in troudsbnrjr, where will le kept consiatitly on hand the hest assortment of Harnrss, double and single, Saddles, Hridlrs, Collars, and every other article nsmlly fnrni.-he.I in ihiii line of tuisincss. Work made loonier on the shortest notice. A lare asrtaient of Mountings and Saddlery Kard waro always on hand. Call and make your ov Kelection.nnd it will Le furnished in .-t le ai d price not to he excelled in tin market. Strict attention paid to repairing and done in shortest notice. Call and examine JOHN O. SAYLOU, Agent. October 0, 1ST0. tf Can you tell why it is that when any ono conic to Mroihlshurt; to hue I'm -nit tire, tin v id ways in. (Hire for .Mel'urtv's I'm ni tine Store ! Sept. L'ti,'ti7. DOX'T l-'Ottlj YOtlt JHMllV away for worthless articles of Furnituiv, but go to .Mct'uvty Sous, and vou wiil et well pa'nl for it. ' Juiie lS,'74-tf BLANK DEEDS For sale at this O fliee. II