The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, September 14, 1876, Image 3

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Boston Advertiser dispatch says:
'The republicans have swept every con
riijional district. Thomas B. Keed is
clectoJ in the First district by about 1,000
junjority ; William P. Frye, iu the Second
(.list rift by about 2,000; Stephen I). Lindsay,
in the Third district by about 3,500 inaj. ;
Jwellyn Paine, in the Fourth district by
ii.out L'.OOO, and Eugene Hall, in the Fifth
Strict by about 2,500."
11()KTL.vni, Sept. 12. Ilcturns up to
this lif'terneou give the llepublicans twenty
nine senators and the Democrats two. Thus
fir sixt v-seven Kopublican representatives been reported elected as against seven
fr the Democrats.
Ai.ut'T, Sept. 12, The Kennebec
Journal lias returns from two hundred and
ci hiv-seven towns and plantations, givincr
:1 t ,;;"l vote of 113,039 ; Connor, G3,743;
'I'allnt, -1 0,200 ; Connor's majority 14,447.
The same towns lxst year gave a total of
JJAm'T ; Connor, 4S,435 ; Roberts, 44,172 ;
'o!:::;'r's majority 4,273 Republican net
-rim si!
r.osTON', Sept. S. Complete returns of
thi- Vermont jrubernatoaial vote give rair
l;inks 1 iSiS't ; Bingham, 21,035, and scat
toriiur 23 : Fairbandks' majority, 23,528,
la 1S74 the vote stood; Peck, 33,572;
;;;:jha!n; 13,2.0, and scattering 21. Full
ivuirns of the lower house give the Repub
II ;i:is 20"). Democrats 31, no choice 5 a
JV.iincratic loss of 2S.
Kah.v.oai Indeivikdness;. The Read-
,J lias an indebtedness of (I0,S54
i v : n:i!e ; the L. . road, $70,517 ; the
lA.-hawanua. SI 01. 000 ;
.v .l-.rsev, $517,748
the Central of
per mile ! The
(livi lends ci' the Central New Jersey were
S : r cent in 1873 ; 10 per cent in 1S74 ;
in 1S75 ; the Pleading paid 10 in 1873;
in 1S74; and 10 iu 1875; the Lacka
v ;;- ;i. T n 1S73; and 10 in 1S74 ; the
( in each of the 3 vcars.
Tin: Rr.rmi.ic Magazine for Septem
; is e!!o of the most powerful numbers
l-.-;u-d of this valuable monthly. Xo
in .Hi or private citizen who believes
iii vi'.blioan principles should fail tfsub
v teis magazine, it lias been a
r ''od in former eamnaisns, and
i::ve m tins. iiiu iollowiuLr is tne
ts f
r the present number
.1 .
The Rer-ublican Party of
l't aini Present ; Horace Greeley vs.
J. T !'l -n ; United .States Ronds and
: l"i:ivcrsal Amnesty and Universal
. j ': I . v Knhind Encourages Her
ji tters ; The Chinese Plank ; Scan
ia the Earlier Days ot the Republic;
ciatic Inconsistency; The Virtuous
..leracy ; Tilden's Letter of Acceptance;
J :
S.iiotilsat the iSouth ; Work of the
i -Fourth Congress ; verbatim report of
urc:it speech of General Garfield and
li f General Hurlbut. Send 62 to
ih.-j-ublie Publishing Company, Wash
D. C, and subscribe for one year.'
!- tier investment could be made in these
Jury List September Term, 1876.
G It AND JiritV.
( ",'; '!.'h ill Frederick Rond, Jacob
--e. i:n'sou Mostelier, Oliver Mcrwine.
.Sti-oudzUurg Amos Singer, John
. . -w-
u Jacob A. Rutz, Alexander
1 ( i i
John Marsh, Samuel Martz.
J James Heller, Cbas. Henry.
Richard X. Cramer, Simon
Samuel Postcn. Andrew.
VUU.: ;mltfi.UJ Martin Place.
' ! Henry Marvin. Michael Rush.
:', ','.l,iirj George H. Dreher.
v ' ''lino Perrv Sox.
J: j;t.ld B. P." Brodhead, Abraham
V,.,.7,;7 Hcury Laufcr,
r. David Shuj;p.
nuju ,y os lull
ti-mnhbvrq Robt. Drown, Daniel
' Mi P;;niel Kintner.
iJ h id Nelson HetHefinger.
lin.nlUun John Dciter, Jacob II. Feth
!: S nnuel Kemmcrcr, John Mansfield,
: ry Vclkheiser.
.., Chas. Rinkcr, Jerome Setzer,
!:. Miller.
Mlddl.-. Smithfdd Daniel Coss, F. M.
''ibaiigh. Franklin Moiser, Jas. Place.
J' i.-n-fi'sr Simon Gruber, Wm. Heller.
J ':, io Joseph Schook.
LU: Nathan Serfass, Chas. J. Shafer,
:s Siiafer, Jonas Snyder.
Xudihfrtd Amile Bush, Charles Chris-
5 !
Charles Cvnbors. Peter Hoffman.
rmm ticortre liura. Amzi r. vooi-
7 ft 1 ft 1 a T1 f . 1
Nelson Detnck. James S. Wisher,
-li. ;u is Jx'o George Brown.
rovin'inm vieiehior nrale. Jewis
Ml r n '
vers. John Kern, Benjamin S. Jacoby,
U'.-ij:iaiin Hull, A. O. Greenwald, Geo. W.
-'":r', George L. Dreher, Wm. Acker-
uu.i, Emanuel Altemose.
T. M. MclLiiANEr, Proth'y.
.Msmiths Maid is to be taken from the
ttt'-iv alter to-day, at which time an effort
"1 he made to beat her fastest time.
Illinois has 029,940 horses, nearly 2,
,: ::,:'! cattle, 1,500,000 hogs, 17,575
P;1!!') 21,003 melodeons, and 155,728
x-wuig machines.
J ho Queen of India is visiting the Cen
l!i:d inhibition. She .weighs 2,200
j'-'unjj and stands twenty-one and one-half
hauls high. She is a mule.
A heavy drain. The amount of money
goes out of this country every year to
Ult' owners of foreign vessels is estimated
!.lt fri.m ?-50,000,000 to 75,000,000. This
l paid Ibr passages, and the carriage of
"wgnt and mails.
'I'e ' City Bank" of Harrisburg, which
li'd just fuilcd, was not a national bank,
even a chartered bank. It was owned
7 the members of the Bigler family, ex
t u-MVtly, and has been embarrassed by
ajjvaiiefcs to a lumber firm of Biglcr's,
v'.ul1i bought lumber at high prices and
'd at low. The depositors are the only
' lC':-v?. fittzb-urj Commercial.
On the 7th inst.. at the Imnu r i, k,1.i.
father by the Rev. R. M. Wallace, Mr. John
U. Keller, and M las Jennie Nanf-,! n ,.r
Stroudsbuug, Pa.
In Stroud8bunr.ontheSithinstMri Tnn;
wife of Mr. John Baldwin, aged 40 years, tl
months and 27 days. She WuaBick only a few
days and died unexpectedly.
In Pahaquarry. Warren countv. X. J S
5th, 1870, Sarah LeBar. widow of late John C.
L.etar, aged ii'J vears.
At Easton. suddenly. SenL fi. ISTfi at th
Central Hotel, of cholera morbis, Miss Marv
Elizabeth, vouncest daughter of Caroline ami
the late Benjamin Yctter, of Sniithfield, ased
i years, months and 17 davs.
Ihe service and interment took ulace at St
Paul's Lutheran Church. Sniithfield. on Sat nr.
day afternoon, the pastor, the Rev. Geo. 1.
roust, olhciatwg.
I loved thee, daughter of my heart;
My child, I loved the dearly ;
And though we are compelled to part,
How sweetly I how severely !
Nor life nor death can sever
My soul from thine for ever.
Mary! my last, my youngest love,
The crown of every other !
Though thou art born in heaven above,
I am thine only mother!
Nor will affection let me
Believe thou canst forget me.
Then thou in heaven and I on earth
May this one hope delight us,
That thou wilt hail my second birth,
When death shall reunite us,
Where worlds no more can sever
Parent and child for ever.
In Stroudsburg, on the 7th inst., Harrv J.,
son of Geo. D. and Annie E. White, ased 13
years, 8 mo. and 3 days.
Special ISTotice.
Overcoats feel cood even at raid-day now
Don't foolishly catch a cold that may never
leave you, by failing to keep your body warmly
clad. No one who values his health will
venture out in the evening, at least, with no
more clothing than he has worn at noon. If
you mean to get one, why not attend to the
matter and have done with it? Of course you
know where to go. Run iu on Wanamaktr&
Iirown, at Oak Hall, Sixth and Market Streets,
Philadelphia. Their advertisement in another
column tells how handsomely they treat all
who deal w ith them.
StroHsIsburg Seminary.
The Mi?.es Carrow will open, on the 20th
inst., the Fall and Winter Term of their se
lect School.
Instruction in all the English branches, and
in the Latin, Oerman, rreiich, and Spanish
Music on the l'iano, Organ and Harp.
lerms moderate, and payable in advance.
September 7, 1S76. 4t.
Kxaminalion of Teachers will be hrld as follow:
In Mi'Wlc Smithtirld, at Coolbaugh'y, on Saturday,
acptembT 16th.
In Jiu-lison, at J act son Corners, on 'Weduesdar,
SpftcmtxT 20th.
Iu Smithfifld, at Craig' Meadows, on Saturday,
in Pocono, at M. Miller' on Saturday, SejtMnler
In Hamilton, at Snydersville, on Monday, Ort. 2d.
In Clx-Mtnuthill, at I!rdbeadville, on Tuesday,
l h-tuber 3d.
In Polk, at Ginrt's, on Wednesday, CK tober 4th.
In Eldred. at Kunkletown. on Thursday, Oct. 5th.
In Itfws, at Miiok-rit, on Friday, K-t. Cth.
In Stroud, at r:. on Saturday, flet. 7th.
Sjxvial txaniinatii.n.i at Strouiliiur. on Oct. 10th,
and 2-'.th. at the reaidcuce of Superintendent.
Time, 9 a. m.
&pt. 14-Tw H. F. MOREY, Sup't.
Be it enancttd and ordained, ly the Burgra and
Toicn Council of the Borough of East Strouds
burg. That on and after the first day of September,
1ST 6, the Exhibiting of Plays, Shows, Circuses,
Mountebanks, and Jugglers, and all other
Exhibitions of like character, are hereby for
bidden undt-r a penalty of TEN DOLLARS
for each and every offence againpt this Ordi
nance, without permission of the Chief Burgess
of this Borough.
Approved September 4th, 1876.
Theo. Y. Hoffman, Burgess.
Secretary, Sept. 14-lm.
Believing that the only safe and fair way
of dealing h on the cash system; -for both
buyer and seller, aud thereby gave money
for the purchaser.
We hereby trive notice that on and after
October 1st, we will sell goods only on the
cash basis.
Thankful to our friends for past favors,
we solicit a continuance of their patronage
East Stroudsburg, Sept. 7-2ra.
Sheriff's Sale.
irini of m writ of Ten ex. de. terns to me
lirett-d, iwued out of the Court of Common Ple of
Monroe County, i will expose w aaie ai i uuiic cuuue,
SATURDAY, the 2Zd day of September, 1876,
vwV in the afternoon, at the Court House In
the Borough of rp, Monroe County, the fol-
i.Tir H.-riK Estate, to wit :
A tract or piece of land situate in the townihip of
Pollc County aforewaia, oounaea ana aencnoea u
lows: adjoining iaua oi jusii jvhu cx.ui,
Franklin Smith and William Krolor, and containing
30 Acres and 90 Perches,
more or less. The Improvement thereon are a two
Frame House
IS x 24 feet, and a Frame Stable 14 x 18
cleared, the balance
timber land. Some fruit trees on the premise and a
,..., nr the door. Said premises are on
the I'ublic Road leading fromKresgevilletoMerwine-
Seized and taken in execution as the property of
Joel Hawk, and to be sold by me for cafh.
joex na , a JACOB K. SHAFER, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Omce, Stroudsburg,
gept. 4, 1876.
Sheriff's Sale.
t?- :riw f . writ of yen er. de. terris to me
directed, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Monroe County, I will expose to sale at ruDiic enaue,
SATURDA Y, tU 2Zd day of September, 1876,
at. 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court House in the
Borough of Stroudsburg, Monroe Vyouniy, uiu iuhuw
!,. A..r-iKeA RmI Kxtate. to wit:
a ...tain trt. of land, situate in Eldred township.
containing 16 acres, all cleared, adjoining land of
Joseph Oreensweig, Jacob Carrell, Jacob Engler, Jacob
Borger. The improvements are a
Frame Tavern House
28 x 24 feet, 2 Stories. Kitchen attached X
16 x 14 feet. 1 Story, Frame Barn 30 x 55&ia4fc:
a A AliAi AiitHfiiMincm.
Aio A lot of land containing 6 acres, adjoining
land of Jacob Engler, Joseph Borger, Anthony H.
Uizad and taken in execution as tb property of
Daniel Borger, and to be aoM ehffJJE
SheilTa Offi-, Stroiibar.
Etpt. , 1876
a I
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of a writof Fl. Fa. to ma directed. Issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas of Monro County,
j. win cipwc vo aaie ai i'udiic vendue, on
SA TURD A Yt the 2Zd day of September, 1876,
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court House in the
Borough offftroudiburr. Monroe Countr the follnwlntr
described Real Estate, to wit :
a certain lot or piece or land situate on the north
side of Walnut street, in the Borouch of Stroudgbure.
containing in frout on said street.
55 by 160 Feet in Depth,
adjoining land of Robert Boys. Frederick Phillips, and
other land of Samuel Emery, ail cleared.
aim a certain lot or piece or laud situate on tue
north side of Walnut street. In said Borough,
adjoining above described lot of land, and land of
Alviiuaney and Ureher.
The Improvements are
A Frame Dwelling House,
20x30 Feet Two-Story Well of Water.
and some FRUIT TREES.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of
Samuel Emery, and to be sold oy me for cssn.
Sheriffs Office. Stroudsburg,
feepteruoor 4, 156. J
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. to me directed,
issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Monroe County, I will expose to xale at Pub
lic endue, on
SATURDAY, the 2Zd day of September, 1876,
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court
House in the Borough of Stroudsburg, Monroe
County, the following described Heal Estate,
to wit:
A certain mensuage and tract of land, rituate
in the townhip of Hamilton, in said County,
adjoining lands of Philip Mooteller, -Michael
Shoemaker's Estate, John Shifler and others,
40 Acres and 23 Perches,
all cleared but about two acrea of WOOD
LAND, about 7 acrea meadow. The Iraprov
merits are a 2 Story
Log House
20 x "0 feet, Log and Frame Barn,
about 20 x 45 feet, BLACKSMITH SHOP
and other out-buildinga, good
Apple Orchard,
Spring of water near theliouac. A mall stream
of water passes through the premi.sea ana
Public Road runs through the same.
. a l
Seized and taken in execution as the pro
perty of Magdalena Oslar, and to be sold by
mc for cash.
Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg,
Sept. 4, 1876. J
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. to me directed,
issued out of the Court of Common l'leas of
Monroe county, I will expose to sale at Public
endue, on
SA TURD A Yt the 23i day of September, 1876,
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court
House, in the Borough of Stroudnburg, Mon
roe county, the following described Iteal .res
tate, to wit :
A certain tract or piece of land in Hamilton
township, in said County, containing
Forty Acres,
more or le, adjoining land of Jonathan Feth
ennan, Charles Fetherman and other, about
5 acres TIMBER LAND, balance cleared and
in a jrood state of cultivation. Improvements
are a
Log Dwelling House,
20 by 2i feet, 2 torie; FRAME
BARN 23 by 40 feet, A Well of water near
the House, a good
Apple Orchard,
a pood LIME KILN and a splendid LIME
STONE QUARRY on the premises.
Seized and taken in execution a the proper
ty of iluam It. Butz, and to be sold by me
for cash.
Sherifl's Office, Stroudsburg, )
September 4, 1876. 3t,
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of a writ of ven. ex. de terris to
mc directed, insued out of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Monroe county, I will expose to
sale at Public V endue, on
SATURDA Y, the 2Zd day of September, 1876
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court
House, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, Mon
roe county, the following described Real Es
tate. to wit:
A certain tract of land in Price township,
Monroe county, containing
414 Acres and 132 Perches,
adjoining land in the warrantee names of Sam
uel Reen, John Jones, William Bensley and
others. About 45 acres cleared, 10 acres of
ME ADO W, balance good
Timoer Liana.
Improvements a
IS by 20 feet, Kitchen 12 by 14 feet
H stories, one LOG BARN 18 by 20 feet
FRAME BARN 20 by 24 feet and other out
buildings; water near the door, Fruit Trees on
the premises and Al'l'LE ORCHARD.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Jacob Miller and Hiram Miller, terrc
tenants, and to be sold by me for cash.
Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg,
September 4, 1876. 3t.
Sheriff's Sale.
Br Tirtue of a writ of Ten. ex. de. terris to m
directed, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Monroe County, 1 will expose to sale at ruDiic vendue,
SATURDA Y, the 23d day of September, 1876
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court House i
the Borough of Stroudsburg, Monroe County, the fol
lowine described Iteal Estate, to wit :
A certain messuage and tract of land situate in the
townships of Barrett and I'aradise, in said county
800 ACRES,
more or less, being tracts in the Warrantee names of
Samuel Paridson and Jonn uogun, adjoining ian i in
name of John Patterson, feainuol Uepue,jacoD Jones,
Jacob Cardiff and others, about 50 acres cleared, Dal
a nee good
Timber Land.
Improvements thereon is a Frame Dwelling House 80
x 40 feet, 2 Stories, Kitchen attached 20 x 40 feet,
Story, Barn 34 x 40 feet and orther out-buildings.
One Frame House
28 x 30 feet VA Stories, 1 Frame House 20
x 30 feet VA Stories, 1 mme iiouse x
30 feet IK St
Stories, an Apple Orchard, Water near the
rishnr find Puhlio. Road naases throuch the same,
Also A tract of land in Barrett township contain
300 Acres,
nrreved in Warrantee name of John H. Baker, about
15 acres cleared, balance Timber Land. Improvement
n frame Dwelling House 22 x 30 feet IU Stories.
SeUd and taken In execution as tbe property of
Edward Marscbcider. axa to- De roici ny me lor caso.
Caerlff" 0f5. Ftroudburg,
Pent. 4,
11 I -1
Having dispensed with the services of a col-
ector on September 1st. all accounts due mc
will be settled only by myself, or upon my
written order.
Sept. 7, 1S7C 3L
Widow's Appraisement.
The appraisement of Widows in the follow-
ng Estates, will be presented for approval to
the next Orphans' Court, to be held at Strouds
burg, on Monday bepteiuber 25, 1S76.
Estate of Thomas Applegatc. dee'd.
Charles II. Ilintoii,
Abraham Gish,
A. Lewis KirkhufT,
Philip Gearhart,
John R. Storm,
Jacob Buskirk, of Pocono,
George Bond,
Stephen H. Peters,
David Gentzhorn,
Emanuel II. Heller,
THO. M. MclLIIANEY. Prot'r.
Sept. 7, 1876.
Trial List. Sept. Term, 1876.
Robert Huston vs. George Stone.
. Cramer vs. 1'tulip Kressre.
John Merwine vs. Exra Marvin.
Jacob Stauffer vs. Lewis T. Smith.
Middle Sniithfield vs. Vanauken A Strunk.
S. Kistler & Co. vs. Peter Merwine.
Semel & Co. vs. Thos. Altemose, Adm'or.
m. L. Dodee vs. Herbine. Isaum & Co.
M. Mitchell, Agent vs. Mathew Troclor.
Daniel Serfass vs. Jonas Kre?ee.
Wm. S. Flory vs. Peter Merwine.
Hannah Christman vs. Richard Christ.
A. V. Creamer et. al. vs. John Merwine et. al.
Henry B. Semple vs. Herbine, Bautu&Co,
Sweet, Quimby & Perry vs. Wra. S. Flory.
Aaron Vanbuskirk vs. James M. I'ostcn.
Same vs. Daid S. Lee.
Edward Cavana vs. James Henry.
John McCarty vs. Wm. Gilbert's Adm'or.
(irayble & Ncuman vs. same.
James Place vs. II. P. Ro?s, Adm'or.
Jeremiah Dreher vs. Charles Henry, et. al.
THO. M. MclLIIANEY Prot'y.
Sept. 7, 187G.
Argument ListSept. T., 1876.
Herbine, Baum & Co. vs. Coolbaugh tsp.
m. Uowling vs. John arner.
Carrie Keifer vs. Wm. E. Keifer.
Road in Sniithfield township.
rirst JNational Bank of Laston vs. Peter II
Fetherman, Adm'or.
Thomas C. Davis vs. Brown & Sloddart.
Exceptions to Auditors Report, Estate of Chris
tian trees.
Theodore P. Taylor vs. Samuel Hood.
Adams & alton vs. Julia Sevmour.
Edwin Bossard vs. David B. Miller.
Sept. 7, 1876.
Notice is hereby given to all persons inter
estcd that the following accounts have been
filed in the onice of the Frothonotary, of the
Court of Common Pleas of Monroe county, an
will be presented for confirmation at the next
term of said Court, to be held September 25
The account of Samuel Arnold, Committee
of the person and Estate of Carolina V llliams.
of Chestnuthill township. The account of
John De Young, Assignee of William Sobers,
settled bv Henrietta Deioung and babina De-
Young, Adm xs., of John De Young, deed.
THOS, M. MclLHAINl!. x, l'roth'y.
Stroudsburg, Aug. 31, 1876.
Assignee's Sale.
The undersigned, Assignee of John S.
Dailey, will expose at Public Sale, at the
Public House of Charles Brown, in Tan
nersville, Monroe county, Pa., on
SATURDAY,' September 2M, 1876,
at 1 o'clock P. M. the Ileal Estate of the
same John S. Dailey, situate in Jackson
township, about one mile west of lanners
ville, on the road leading from Tanners-
ville, bounded by lands of Samuel Dailey,
Andrew Dailey, Josoph A. Singer and
others, containing about
about Thirty Acres cleared, Ten Acres
meadow, the balance well timbered, the im
provements are ONE HOUSE, 18x22 feet,
1J story high, ONE HOUSE, 16x18 feet,
1 story high, 1 FRAME BANK BARN,
30x30 feet, Hog Stable, Corn Crib, and
other out-buildings, a fine young APPLE
ORCHARD on the premises, a never-fail-ing
spring of Vater near the door. Con
ditions will be made known on the day of
sale by
A. A. blNUEli, Assignee.
Jackson township, August 31, lS76-3t
Register's Notice.
Notice is hereby eiven to all persons inter
ested in the Estates of the respectire decedents,
that the following accounts have been field in
the Register's Office of Monroe County, and
will be presented for confirmation to the Or
phans' Court of said county at Stroudsburg, on
Monday, September 25th, 1876, at 10 o'clock
The second and. final acconnt of Peter
Kunkel, one of the Excutore of the last Will
and Testament of Abraham Yetter, deceased,
settled by John Kunkel and Y m. 11. Bitten
bender. Executors of Peter Kunkel.
The account of Jacob Mansfield, Executor
of the last Will and Testament of John Mans
field, dee'd, by Joseph Kemmerer, jr., Adminis
trator of said Jacob Mansneld, now deed.
First account of John Mansfield, jr., surviv
ing Executor of the last Will and Testament
of John Mansfield, de'ed.
Account of Charles Altimus, Administrator
of the Estate of Sarah Altimus, dee'd.
The second and final account of John Sniffer,
Administrator of the Estate of Georgge Weiss,
Account of James F. Brewer, Administrator
of the Estate of James Brewer, jr., dec d.
The second and final account of Robert C
Albertson, Adm'r. of the Estate of John Al
bertson. dee'd.
Account of Stogdell Stokes, Administrator
of the Estate of John Is. Stokes, dee'd.
The account of Peter Warner, Administra
tor of John Stumn. dee'd.
Sunulemental account of James Arnold,
Adm'r. of the Estate of Abraham Arnold,
Account of Mary Ann McAsey, Administra
trix of the Estate of Patrick McAsey, dee'd.
Account of Enoch Flagler, Administratorof
the Estate of Enoch Flagler, dee'd.
Account of Thos. M. Mcllhaney, Trustee for
the sale of the Real Estate of Valentine
Weaver, dee'd.
Second account of Josiah Shupp, Adminis'
trator of the Estate of Nathan Shupp, dee'd.
Second and final account of Samuel Plattcn-
berger, Adm'r, of the Estate of Lewis Platten
bereer. dee'd.
Account of Daniel Weaver, Josiah Weaver
and Urias Weaver, Administrators of the Es
tate of Valentine Weaver, deed.
Register's Office, Stroudcburg, Pa.,
August 31th, 1876. 5
To the Independent Electors of
I offer myself as a candidate to represent tnis
Countv. in the State Legislature. If elected
I shall serve you faithfully and to the best 6f
mv abilitv. ldo tins at the solicitation Ot
tnanr of my fellow Democrats in different part."
of the countv who believe the interest of the
County can be best served by electing its offi
cers without the manipulation of a convention.
Stroudsburg, Aug. 31th, 1876.
iHourt Proclamation.
Whereas, the Hon. Samcei. S. Dreher. President
Judee of the 2L'd Judicial District of feiinsrlvania.
coniDoscd of the counties of Monroe and Carbon, and
AaxoclHtc Judcc-s of the Court of Common Fleas vf the
County of Monroe, and by virtue of their oflices. Justices
of the Court of Over and Terminer aud General Jail
delivery and Court of General Quarter S-aslons in and
lor tne saiu county oi aiouroe. nave uisueu meir precept
to nie commauding that a Court of Quarter Sessions of
tne Peace auu Uoiumou 1'icas, ana court oi uyer anu
Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Orphau's
Court, for the said County of Monroe, to be lioldcn at
Stroudsburg, on
MONDAY, the 23th day of September 187G,
to continue one week, if necessary.
Is hereby given to tha Coroner, the Justices of the
reace. and Constables of the said county or Monroe,
that thy be then and there ready with their rolls-
recortU, Inquisitions, examinations ana omer remem
brances to do those thinm which thoir offices are ap
pertaining, aud also that those who are Douna oy
recognizances prosecute eive cviuence against me
trl:Kncrs that are or shall be in the jail of the said
county of Monroe, or against persons who stand charged
with the commission of ollenucs to lm men and there
to prosecute or testify as shall be just.
(God save tne i onnuouweaun.)
JACOB 1C. SHAFER. Sheriff.
Sheriffs Office Stroudsburg, I
Aug. 31, 1376.
For the full and winter. Applv to
Mrs. A. "S AN FORD
Stroudsburg, Aug. 24, 1376. ot.
nantinn ! Take Notice !
fTUIE public are hereby cautioned apiinst
I harborin? or trusting anv nersou un-
dcr any pretense whatever, from
on my account, as 1 am determined to re-
sist, to tlie lull extent oi tne law, tne pay-
tnent of all debts contracted by any one in
mv iifimn urithmit. rprmrd tn T,irsn PYCWit
upon my written order.
Aug. 24, 1876. j
C. W. TltAXSUE, Supervisor, Pr.
Amount of dtipicatc, S
Order on Supervisors,
Balance from last yuar,
Account of UUor,
372 38
405 10
72 27
3-'0 43
12 40 403 10
C. KP.ESGE, Supervisor.
Amount of duplicate,
Order on Supervisors,
Paid order.
Account of labor,
1 day at sottlerueut,
Orders due auditors.
Orders due ex-Suporvisors,
Order due Dodgo, Meigs A Co
Order due L, T. Smith,
Indebtedness of Supervisors,
13 81 243 43
237 43
2 00
5 00 249 43
13 60
2l 94
46 07
135 00
839(5 51
WM. G. NEY, Col'tor of Toor Taxes, Dr.
Amount of duplicate.
Cash raid Overseers,
Commisxions at 2 per cent,
51U 33
36 4
2 M
11 8 607
Balance in band,
Cash of Collector,
j30 3
Bills for maintenance of paupers,
429 09
5 00
4 00
92 25-
Attorney fee.
Eifrcuseii of Overseers,
Balance in band.
530 38
Unnaid bills for maintaining paupers. 8S4 33
Due J. F. Heller. ex-Overseer. 11 81 9G 14
Leas due from W. G. Key, Collector, 1 1 88
" " Overseers, 92 29 104
Indebtedness of Overseers,
Indebtedness of Supervisors as aboTe,
791 9
396 51
Total indebtedness of Coolbaneh township, 1188 48
1. 1. !M11 it, I
Aug.24-4t. 1). C- Y OTHERS, j
The New Jersey Mutual Life Insurance Compau
desires to secure an active and energetic man to act as
district airentin Monroe county. Terms liberal. Here
is an onnortunitv for some wiae-awate. renaDie man
to secure a irood" contract and payine business. For
further particulars, terms, Ac, call on or address
Manager for Pennsylvania,
No. 424 Walnut Street,
Aug. ll-3tJ Philadelphia, Pa.
Blair Presbyterial Academy,
Will be re-opened on Wednesday, September
6th. Young men prepared for college or for
business. Advanced studies for young ladies.
The building is well supplied with good water
and is heated by steam.
II. D. GREGORY, A. M.r Ph. D,
July 27-2m. Principal.
All persona are hereby cautioned not to
trespass on any property of the undersigned,
situate in Stroud township, Monroe county, Pa.
Any one violating this notice willbc prosecuted
to the full extent oi tne law.
Stroudsburg, July 29, 1875.
The Stroudsburg Cornet Band
Seventeen Members, in Full New Uniform,
oflers its services, during the season, to play
Kic fflcs, in Processions and at lou will find us one door west of Key
l'olltlcal Meetings, stone Drug Store, Main Street, St rouds-
at reasonable rates. For particulars, Ac, call
on or address, either
N. II. SHAFER, Indian Queen Hotel.
S. D. ROBESON, Democrat Office.
or F. W. BOBN. Born'a Barber Shop.
Screj&bag, July 20th, 1875.
(Terrible fimes in New York!.
Tlrff Clothing Mett afe Bursting Up!
Hat &; Cap Men are Bursting Up ! !
The Milliners are Bursting Up!!
Thousands of Dollars tcorth of Goods are
bold by the Sheriff every day, and
some for a mere -nothing! ! !
Is WIDE AWAKE ent the spot, and hit
Store in Stroudsburg is now groaning
and grunting under the load of
Cheap Goods Just arrived.
2 upools of our bet Cotton1 for 5 cents
3 rows of 1 ma for 1 cent
2 papers best Needles, 5 cents
2 large cakes Toilet Soap, 5 cent
Good Lead Pencils, I cent.
Full fet of Jet Jewel rv,- 20 certts.
Gents' and Youth's lined Collars, per box, 8
and 10 cents.
Calico, 4 and 5; Very fine white stripe Peka;
12 cents.
Beautiful Shades of Grass Cloth, fine, 6nly 10'
cents a yard
Wain Dress Goods. lO. Black Alpaca, 25 CU.
Summer and rail Shawls, 55 and cents.
Large White Counter-panes $1 and $1 15.
Cassimeres & Summer ear, nearly half price.-
KillDon3 Flowers and Feathers, half price
Children's Gloves 5 cents.
Ladies' Gloves 8 and 10 cents.
I trCntS UlOVes W anU lO Cents.
Children's, Ladie's and Gents' Hosiery' nearly
half price.
Hemmed Handkerchiefs 1 cents".
Oil Table-cloths and Covers never so cheap'.
Corsets, elegant, only 40 cents;
Linen lable-cloths and lowels. very cheap';
Full pound Cotton Bats 14 Ct?.
Beautiful Carpets 25 cts. per vard.
Men's Pants, lined, $1. Men's Coats $1 and:
So. Men's Vests 1.
Men's and Boys' whole suits, good Cassimer
So to ?8.
Men's and Youth's soft Hats, 70c. to $1 25.
Men's and Bovs' !Straw Hats, 15 and 25 cts.
Misses' & Ladies' fashionably trimmed Spring
and Summer Ifatft,- oOc. to $1 50.
Ladies' Fine Lacealffd Button' Lasting Gaiters
1 25 to SI 75. ,
Men's Fine Calf Boots $3 50. Men's fine Un
dershirts, 35 to 50 cents".' ,
Ladies' fine Undershirt9 45 cts. Men's fine-'
Muslin Shirts $1.
Now, if you want to see a 72 USIT, just come'
to DECKER'S wonderful cheap Auction Storef
4 doors below Post Office.
April 27, '76. ly.
" Oppression of high prices !
Now you can get the benefit 6f your CASH in
Prices lower than any in Town.-
if vou don't believe it call aTid be convinced.-
The People's Cash Boot aid Shoe Store.-
S doors above the W ashington Hotel.-5!
Formerly with J. Wallace.-
Str6udsburgr July 27, lS76-Siri,
nothing Store!
"We the undersigned respectfully inform!
the citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinity
that we have added to oar large assort
ment of
A complete and carefully selected stock of
Men's & Youths' Rcadv-
itiadc Clothiug
of the latest and. most fashionable styles
and best quality. We have also a com
plete line of
Please give us a call and examine our
stock and prices before you purchase else
where. We shall soon offer a large assort-
pent of
T, , m i; -o tv
wxuui "avciiuij uugc,
' '
ur a'
N. B. Silk Hats ironed and repaired
at short notice. Give us a call.
tt t tov . TOTVTrmii'Tr
1 troufiurg, April ZD, l7b.