The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, August 31, 1876, Image 3

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    I.aston Grays.
The E astos Grays, as we stated last
week, caire into town last "Wednesday a
v . tk, the 2Cd Inst., and went into camp,
as is their annual custom , for one week.
Their camping ground was on the Green
,Ao-x Hull's Tannery, a very pleasant loca
tion, and by a little labor could be made a
i io-c Jo?iralIj camping ground. The Grays
Ircke camp and left for Easton last Tues
J:;v afternoon, the 20th inst.
The weather during their encampment
I ecu most favorable, and we think the
Gravs er.j'iyed themselves very well.
1 n . . .
Uiir citizens gave mca a very nattering
i. v. i ;:tii, and on Monday evening the 2Sth
i;..-t.. they had a brilliant hop at the Uur-i.ctt-
On taking their leave they were escorted
t... the Depot by the Beethoven Band and
au-.l a committee of citizens.
Frank IlEEPEKaml Maj. Hulick
, f Lis staff reviewed and inspected the com
va:iv on the 27th int.
The Company number about 40, inclu
iV: ;.' the drum corps, and was under the
iv.i mediate charge of C'apt. Frank A.
i ;tz::r and his lieutenants, Cornell and
Tlie review anil drills called forth uni
vcr?a! admiration. The geueral conduct
1 1 the Company marked them as gentle-iu-:n.
and v.e hope that the time will not be
:-, g ilitant before they will find it to their
: ;.-::re to encamp in our town again.
The flowing is a list of the officers and
r.iT t.:i;i Frank A. Stizer.
i Lieutenant Nelson 1 Cornell.
21 I.i.utenant .J. II. lireisiner.
V !. '. :y c r-eant C. B. IIctrLh.
;-.--.:iLit W. II. King.
J. E. Biiler,
u'u lluli'.-k. James I. Brodie.
J. 'Whit. Wood.
k :i, E. E. Hutchinson,
Ilarrv Haiti e.,
W. W. Younir.
W. II. W.-odrin-Wm.
J. Belli.
Win. Kliktt,
J. G. Fell,
Willis BixltT,
J. J. Smith,
W. St. G. Kent,
J. 31ixseil
11. C.iwley.
!. H::njll:in
S.::::. -Jr.
1 1
I'-am Major 'iVilliam Tiumbore.
l'rum:u-rrs J.-aies Stu'l, Chas. LeiJv.
ihn:r, Charles Haekett.
-Tli os. F. Snvdor. Fred. SuvJer.
Vv". 5. J. Jackson. Daniel Frime.
:i:trDSBfRl. Pa., Aug. 20th. 1S7G
V"n f.reas. the annual encampment cf
: K:::--u 'r:iys at Sjtrou-lsourg, ending
1- i.: Vins been attended by ninny
;rt-rs due to the kind and hospitable
- the citizens.
Tnr.REroRE. be it resolved; that our
-: 1 urry thanks are hereby extended to
..Irins of Strouisburg, and the guests
h .-".njUivr resorts f.-r their generous
1 1 !:thu.riastie treatment of the Grays
' the period of the encampment, and
r -iv trust that the
h s . : h. a-u::thv beun and renewed mav
r-j;;j:-i:i ia kind remembrance.
"r.; that cur thanks be extended
Boc-thoveu ard Stroud.barz Cornet
o. f,r their generous and complimen
r; t.-:'dvrs to the company the strongest
iiur gratitude is in our immediate
1 :h.:T:kful acceptance of their most
t svrvii-v.
7 V'.'. That to the lion. Charlton
tt. Hon. John B. .Storm, Henry
: . . .-. Esj.. and others, the Committee
!;.-!:-. we gladly return our thankful
: , vl -Jgementa for their ever continuing
A' : That. cur thanks are due. and
L-rJ.-y tendered to J. C. Griggs, Esq.,
r hi- court-eoas attentiveness to our wants
. Lis constant efforts to promote our
. :' rt a:.d enjoyment.
;.' .''; That copies of the above
'a:i :: be furnished to the papers of
. .; i-hurg and Easton for publication.
Dv order of the Company.
J. WHIT. WOOD, President.
"T rr
Iltciiinson, Secretary pro. tern.
- ,
A woman in Albany is on trial for
i ', .,,, sheep can be bought in Oregon tor
. a aar a piece.
Making sugar out of melon is a new
'..a.:;',r:,ia industry.
A ti :-.v and commodious opera house is
eree-ted in Seranton.
: v'-r one hundred thousand persons vis-
centennial on Saturday.
i he Yost murderers were sentenced to
- -i 'ju v , a x ulut i i.a.
A:;, . ::g property advertised by the sheriff
- a:aeron county are two churches,
a he y-r.Ie crcn of Fayette county is
ihe number cf day laborers in the
' .L M States is estimated at 1,000,000.
Ihe p-.'tato crop ia many parts ofXor-
' a i eiiusyivaiiia is saia to De not wortu
i a consequence of the demand for prints
' Sr.r-tgue mills in Rhode Island, Maine
l'"ake & Co., extensive tanners of Ber-
ay no county, Pa., have failed. Their
-acuities are reported to be very heavy.
iV-aches measuring .six inches in circum-
N'; Treasurer Fisher, of Horida, in
Extensive and terribly destructive forest
''- !:ave been raging near Port Jer vis,
x 'v York, and near Pond Rddy, Pa., for
'h.: p:,st week.
Locomotives valnd at ? nnn
shipped to BrazU last week from' Philadel
phia. Dr. E. P. Miller, of Saegersville, Lehigh
county, lias discovered a large body of blue
roofing slate on his proporty.
One hundred recruits to join the armv
of Generals Crook and Terry against the
hostile Indians left New York Sunday ni"ht
for Cheyenne.
Every one desiring to vote on the 7th of
November must be registered sixtv days
previous, which will be "the 7th of Septem
ber. The Bradford county Odd Fellows, not
withstanding the extortionate railroad fares,
are making arrangements to visit the Centen
nial as a body.
A breed of dogs without tails has been
discovered in Africa; and how the mis
chievous boys there utilize old tin kettles
and fruit cans, we cannot pretend to say.
The Tribvnc makes a strong point when
it says that not a single flaw has been fouud
yet in Gov. Hayes' record. That fact
makes a first-class campaign document all
by itself.
If you want truth to go round the world,
you must hire an express train to pull it ;
but if you want a lie to go round the world
it will fly ; it is light as a feather, and a
breath will carry it.
''Are you there, my love?" he whis
pered through a hole in the fence of his
beloved's back yard. "Yes, darling" was
the reply, "jump right over." He'did so,
and alighted in the presence of her mother,
a broomstick, and a policeman.
Numerous consolidations of Internal
Revenue Collection Districts have been
made, to take effect Sept. 1st. Among the
changes thus made, the Eleventh District
in Pennsylvania, of which Monroe county
forms part, is consolidated with the Twelfth;
Edward II. Chase, of Wiikesbarre, to be
The Scuyklill county prison is nearly full
of ''Mollie Maguires," and the cry is still
thoy dime. John J. Slattery, of Tuscarora,
who was within a few votes of being elected
Associate Judge, a few years ago. and John
Staunton, of Mt. Laffee, are the latest ac
quisitions to jail. There are serious charges
against both men.
Soldiers who lost arms or legs in the
army and received - l per month peusiou
have not heretofore been entitled to com
mutation for loss of limbs. Congress at its
List session amended the law so as to irive
the class referred to limbs or commutation
therefor. Applicants should apply to the
burgeon Uc-ncral ot the army.
There was a fall in potatoes Saturday at
New York from five dollars to two dollars
per barrel, consequent upon the arrival of
1 . 1 11 l n T ,
several inousanu barrels irom lventuekv
and western states and the announcement
that more were en route. The potatoe crop in
many sections of New York state has been
a complete failure from the effects cf the
drought and bugs.
The bill to punish counterfeiting of trade
marks has, contrary to expectation, become
a law. It is oue of the most severe mea
sures on the statute book. In effect it pro
vides that any person who shall make, or
der, or in any way procure the fabrication
of a counterfeit trade mark, or any color
able imitation of a trade mark, registered
in accordance with the laws of the United
States, shall be fined not exceeding 81,000
and imprisoned not more than two years,
or both. Any abettor to violation of the
law is to be fined 8500, with imprisonment
not exceeding one vear.
Messrs. Williams !!; Woods, the contrac
tors fur building the Lehigh and Eastern
Railroad, correct the statement that they
had contracted for fortv miles as follows :
"We have contracted with the company for
the entire road, and the contract has been
ratified by the Board of Directors, and we
have alreadv commenced operation.'. The
rf t
road is to b finished so that a train of cars
loaded with coal shall reach Boston by the
first day of April next."
Ground was broken on Thursday last at
Matamcras. Pa., for the Lehirrh and Eastern
railroad, which is to extend one hundred
miles and conncet with the Erie railway at
Port Jervis, N. Y. The road is to be com
tleted on the 1st of April, 1S77.
The Vermont State election will be held
a week from to morrow. The canvass is
progressing with unusual interest and ac
tively. A significant feature of the cam
paign is that the active workers on the
Democratic side are nearly all old-time
Copperheads, the war Democrats taking, as
usual, the back seats. A correspondent of
the Springfield Republican, whose affec
tions are about equally divided between
Hayes and Tilden, writes that the sneer of
the "bloody shirt during the canvass has
been exceedingly damaging to the Demo
cracy, and for this reason :
A number cf fine gentlemen of Vermont
birth and education have been either mur
dered or expatriated at the South, for no
other reason than the fact that they were
intelligent, fearless men, who knew their
political rights and those of their fellows,
and showed a determination to maintain
them. These real victims to Southern ter
rorism have friends and relatives through
out the State, who can give the lie to all
imputations of crime or misbehavior on the
part of these gentlemen, whose '"bloody
shirts" the Democracy attempt to whistle
down the fictions of the campaign. The
Coushatta massacre destroyed one of the
Twitchell brothers and his four brothers-in-law,
and the surviving brother is now at
Newfane, having survived his recent wounds
with the loss of both arms. Captain Dick
inson, of the Seventh Vermont, murdered
near Tallahassee, Florida, where he had
settled afler the war, and Captain Usher
of the Fourth Vermont, who was driven
from North Carolina, were men of too high
character to justify the suspicion that they
were other than innocent victims of or
ganized terrorism. The bourbonism of the
leaders, the sneering down of the war, and
the mud thrown at the "bloody shirt," have
all served to fire the Republican heart this
vear so fiercely that I would not be sur
prised to see the majority exceed that of
Samuel Tilden measures fire fipt two
inches in Ms boots, and weighs 117 pounds
in full dress. He has only one eye, and
no wife, and one arm is partially paralyzed.
He worked hard doctoring sick railroads,
and helping Tweed along, and physically
there is not much left of him. Ex.
A dispatch from Port Jervis says that
considerable excitement prevails along the
Delaware River above there among the peo
ple in regard to the violation of the fish
laws by riparian owners, who persist in put
ting eel weirs in the river, thereby destroy
ing thousands of young black bass every
night. Seueral weirs have been removed
surreptitiously, and it is threatened that it'
all are not removed by the owners they
will be removed in the same manner.
The other day a man took home a book
containing several anecdotes showing the
power of imagination, and after reading
them to his wife, he tenderly said : "Now,
Angelina, you may imagine that you hear
me kissing Madaliua in the other room, and
you see how wicked it would be to accuse
me of such a thing." "Julius John,' she
replied in a smooth voice, "If ever I imagine
such a thing, you'll need a doctor within
fifteen minutes, and I'll send for him, no
matter what that book says."
Two men who applied for admission to
membership in the Seventh United Presby
terian Church of Pittsburg were refused
on the ground of their connection with
secret societies. One of them was an
Orangeman and Odd Fellow, the other an
Orangeman and Good Templar. The ques
tion of their reception Was afterward re
ferred to the presbytery, which decided,
that, according to the standards of the
v J
United Presbyterian Church, members of
secret societies cannot be admitted to church
"The Democratic House reduced the
Government expenses 830,000,000. Re
member that !' Dofton I'ost.
The Democratic House witnessed the in
troduction of bills for the payment of
8472,320,133 of claims, refunding of taxes,
etc., to the people of the South. Remem
ber that. Here are the items :
Amount of bills for 140
clams S 1,5S2.2G9
Amount of bills to erfund
dirct taxes uncollected 2,GG1,77G
Amount of bills to refund
cotton tax C3,072,0$3
Amount of bills to pay for pro
perty used and destroyed 150,000.000
Amount of bills to pay fbr
supplies " 250,000,000
All of our vast preparations for striking
a decisive blow at the Sioux savages are
rendered next to worthless by the break
ing up of the redskin army into two
divisions, one going to Canada and the
other moving south among the fastnesses
of Wyoming. Indeed, it may be said that
the campaigu is ended, and in a few weeks
our troops will all be in winter quarters on
the Yellowstone river. It remains for us
to see how many Indians engaged in the
recent massacre can be captured at and
about the agencies, while our soldiers
make incursions into the Indian country
to destroy marauding bands. Meantime
the new Peace Commission may succeed
in bringing the leaders of the Sioux to
terms, and peace will be restored until
uext summer. The cost of all thb is heavy ;
but if bloodshed can be saved by it there
will be no cumnlaint. esoeciallv as it is held
A ' I J
by many that the Indians have not been
tairly dealt witu under existing treaties.
The Robbery at General McClellan's
New York:, Aug. 2S. Detectives Van
Gerichten and La Rue arrested Katherine
Ranseley, a young woman, on a charge of
having pawned a velvet valued at $b'00.
which, together with other property, had
been stolen some three mouths ago from
the residence of General George B. McCel
lan, at Orange, N. J. The property was
traced to the prisoner through the arrest
of Catharine Williams on Thursday last.
United MethodisnL-The Church North
and South Once More a Harmonious
Cape May, N. J., August 23d, 1S7G.
The Beards of Commissioners appointed
by the Methodist Episcopal Church and
the Methodist Episcopal Chuch South,
whose object was to remove all obstacles
to fraternity between the two churches,
have been in session at Congress Hall dur
ing the past ten days. They concluded
their labors this evening, and have issued
an address, which is preliminary to a report
which will be adjusted, and perfect ac
cord ultimately result. A resolution has
been adopted delaring the Church South
to be but a branch of the Episcopal 3Ietho
dist Church. Recommendations are made
that all differences respecting the owner
ship of property be adjusted not on legal
grounds, but in a Christian and brotherly
Policeman Yost Avenged.
Pottsville, August 2S. The Mollie
Maguire prisoners, 31unley, McGhan, Cor
roll, Roarity and Boyle, recently convicted
of the murder of Policeman Yost, at Tama
qua, were seutenced to death this morning.
With the exception of Munley, who seemed
deeply agitated, the prisoners maintained
the same air of indiflerence which charac
terized their conduct all through the trial.
Maucii Chunk, Pa., August 28.
J udge Dreher to-day overruled the motion
for a new trial in the case of Alexander
Campbell, and sentenced him to death. This
is the third Mollie Maguire convicted and
sentenced in this county. The prisoner
appeared unconcerned, and shook hands
with a number of his friends, who crowded
up to the bar of the court. lie exclaimed
to them, in a loud voice, "I don't give up
the ship as long as she sails 1" There was
no attempt at a disturbance.
Hendrick3 was in Crngrcss in 1SGG.
That Congress increased the salary of its
members from $3,000 to $5,000, and
Hendricks voted for it. Hayes was a
member of the same Congress, and voted
against the increase.
The Sheriff sales in Philadelphia, in
Juue, arc reported by real estate men to
have exceeded, in number of houses dis
posed of. those of any month since the
consolidation of the city. Iu the summer
of 1875, when complaints of dull times
were loud and deep, the Sheriff executed
572 writs upou property. But that figure
has been increased this summer to G37 in
Jui:e alone, as many as S00 houses being
put under the hammer. There were be
tween 250 and 3i0 taverns near the Centen
nial grouuds iu May ; many of these have
been closed. Philadelphia. Pies.
Special jSTotice.
Notwithstanding the high standing to
which ready made clothing h.w been brought
under the fostering care of a house like Was
amaker & Urowx's, Philadelphia, there are
always a resprctable number of people who
prefer their garments made to order. For
these patron Oak Hall, a ma?niScentlj ap
pointed custom Department is organized and
in full blast. The best cnttera in two hemis
pheres are employed to meet the demands of
the nicest taste and most fastidious cnlture in
the matter of personal dress. All the newest
styles and choicest selections of home and for
eign make are at the service of their customers.
And at lowest prices.
On August 23th, by Rer. G. L. Schaffer, at
the Cherry Valley, M. E. Parsonage, Mr. Geo.
Cline of Del. Water Gap., and Miss Sallie
Strunk, of I'oplar Valley, Pa.
At Lansdale, Pa., on the 19th inst Mrs.
Albina Hart, daughter of Anthony May, aged
20 ) ears and 10 days.
Notice is hereby given to all persons inter
ested that the following accounts Lave been
filed in the office of the Prothonotary, of the
Court of Lommon 1 leas of Monroe county, and
will be presented for confirmation at the next
term of said Court, to be held September 25
The account of Samuel Arnold, Committee
of the ierson and Estate of Carolina Williams.
of Chestnuthill township. The account of
John Deioung, Assignee of illiam Sobers,
settled by Henrietta IA: Young and Sabina De
Young, Adm'x., of John be Young, deed.
THUS, M. MclLIIAXEY, Proth'y.
Stroudsburg, Aug. 31, ls76.
The members of the Monroe County Mutual
Fire insurance Co., are hereby notified that
the annual election of Managers of said Com
pany will be held at the Court House, in the
Borough of tjtroudsburg, on
at 2 o'clock, P. M., of said day, at which time
13 managers will be chosen to serve for one
year, or, until others are duly qualified to fill
their places, pursuant to Section 4th of the
Act of Assemblv, incorporating said Company.
E. B. DREHER, Sec'y.
Office of the M. C. M. F. I. Co.,
Strondsburg, August 31, 1S76.
Assignee's Sale.
The undersized, Assignee of John S.
Bailey, will expose at Public Sale, at the
Public House of Charles Brown, in Tan
nersville, Monroe county, Pa., on
SATURDAY, Septonler 23J, 1ST6,
at 1 o'clock P. M. the Real Estate cf the
same Johu S. Dailey, situate in Jackson
township, about one mile west of Tanners
ville, on the road leading from Tanners
ville, bounded by lands of Samuel Dailey,
Andrew Dailey, Joseph A. Singer and
others, containing about
about Thirty Acres cleared, Ten Acres
meadow, the balance well timbered, the im
provements are ONE HOUSE, 18x22 feet,
li story high, ONE HOUSE, 16xlS feet,
U story high, 1 Fit AM E BANK BAIIN,
30x30 feet, Hog Stable, Corn Crib, and
other out-buildings, a fine young APPLE
ORCHARD on the premises, a never-failing
spring of Vater near the door. Con
ditions will be made known on the day of
sale by
A. A. SINGER, Assignee.
Jackson township, August 31, lS76-3t
Registers Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all persons inter
ested in the Estates of the respective decedents,
that the following accounts have been field in
the Register's Office of Monroe County, and
will be presented for confirmation to the Or
phans' Court of said county at Stroudsburg, on
Mondav, September 25th, 1S7C, at 10 o'clock
A. M. "
The second and final account of Peter
Kunkel, one of the Excutors of the last Will
and Testament of Abraham Yetter, deceased,
settled by John Kunkel and Wm. II. Bitten
bender, Executors of Peter Kunkel.
The account of Jacob Mansfield, Executor
of the last Will and Testament of John Mans
field, dee'd, by Joseph Kemmerer, jr., Adminis
trator of said Jacob Mansfield, now dee'd.
First account of John Mansfield, jr., surviv
ing Executor of the last Will and Testament
of John Mansfield, de'ed.
Account of Charles Altimus, Administrator
of the Estate of Sarah Altimus, dee'd.
The second and final account of John Shiffer,
Administrator of the Estate of Georgge Weiss,
Account of James F. Brewer, Administrator
of the Entate of James Brewer, jr., dee'd.
The second and final account of Robert C
Albertson, Adm'r. of the Estate of John Al
bertson, dee'd.
Account of Stogdell Stokes, Administrator
of the Estate of John N. Stokes, dee'd.
The account of Peter Warner, Administra
tor of John Slump, dee'd.
Supplemental account of James Arnold,
Adm'r. of the Estate of Abraham Arnold,
Account of Mary Ann McAsey, Administra
trix of the Eetate of Patrick McAsey, dee'd.
Account of Enoch Flagler, Administratorof
the Estate of Enoch I laaler, dec d.
Account uf Thos. 31. Mcllhaney, Trustee for
the sale of the Real Eetate of Valentine
Weaver, dee'd.
Second account of Josiah Shupp, Adminis
trator of the Estate of Nathan Shupp, dee'd.
Second and final account of Samuel Platten
berger, Adm'r, of the Estate of Lewis Platten
berger, dee'd.
Aerount of Daniel Weaver, Jostah Weaver
and Urias Weaver, Administrators of the Es
tate of Valentine Weaver, dee'd.
Register's Office, Stroudsburg, Pa.,
August 31th, 1S76. )
To tlie Independent Electors of
I oCer myself as a candidate to represent this
County, in the State Legislature. If elected
I shall serveyou faithfully and to the bet of
my ability. I do this at the solicitation of
many of my fellow Democrats in different parts
of the county who believe the utmost of the
County can be best served by electing its offi
cers without the manipulation of a convention.
Stroudsburg, Aug. 3lth, 1370.
iCburt Proclamation.
ffhtrwu, the Hon. Samcxl S. Drehek, lrvsilent
Juiie of lh 22d Judicial li-trict of Pennsylvania,
cvuipoacrt f the count of Monro and Carbon, and
Pktf.r cJrcveu and Chakles W. Decker, liquir-,
Afc.ciat Judrfet of the Court of Common Heaa of the
County of Mnre. and by virtue of tueir oiAi:, Justices
of tlie Court of Oyer au'd Terminer aad Guueral Jail
delivery and Court of (General Quarter Sessions iu and
for the said County of Mouroo, have Uaueil lliti rvrecpt
to comraaudiu;? that a Court of Quarter .S.-ioaa of
tae Peace and Common PU'as, and Court of Oyer aiid
Terminer and General JH IXilivry and Orphan's
Court, for thi) said County of Mouroe, to be hoiden at
stroudsburg, ou
MONDAY, the 25th day of September 1STC.
to continue one week, if necessary.
Is hereby given to tha Coroner, the Justices of the
Peace, and Constable of th sid county of Monroe,
that thuy be then and there ready with their rolls
records. Inquisitions, examinations and other reniem-bram-td
to do thoMi things which their offices are ap
pcrtainturf, and also that thoe who are bound by
reiOjnizuti to prosecute give evidence aarainst the
prisoners that are or shall be iu the jail of the said
county of Monroe, or against persons who staud charged
with the commission of oil'euce to bo then aud there
to prosecute or testify as shall be just.
(God save the Cotnmouwea!th.
JACOB K. S1IAFER, Sheriff.
SherifTs Office Stroudsburg,
Aug. ol, ISTii.
For the fall and winter. Applv to
Stroudsburg, Aug. 21, 1S7G. ot.
Caution! Take Notice!
THE public are hereby cautioned against
harboring or trusting any pcrn un
der any pretense whatever, from this date,
on mv account, as I am determined to re
sist, to the full extent of the law, the pay
ment of ad debts coutracted by any one in
my name without regard to person, except
upou my written order.
Stroudsburg, Pa. )
Aug. 24, 1S7G. )
C. W. TRANSUE, "Supervisor, Pa.
Amount of dupicaie, 3
Order on Supervisors,
Bulanro from last year,
Account of labor,
372 S3
22 72 40o 10
72 27
S20 43
12 40 40o 10
C. KP.ESOE, Supervisor. Da.
Amount of duplicate.
Order on Supervisors,
Paid order,
Account of lalKir,
1 day at s'ttlcniect,
Order due auditors.
Orders due ex-Supervisor.
Order due Dodge. Mls A Co..
Order duo L, T. Smith,
Indebtedness of Supervisors,
13 ?1 li.0 43
237 4.5
2 IH)
5 oo
!43 4:
13 50
2iil 'M
4A 07
135 00
WM. C. N EY, Col'tor of Poor Ta x, Da.
Amount of duplicate.
5007 25
Cash paid Overseers,
Commissions at 2 per cent,
Balance in hand
53o ."V5
26 4-
2 54
11 8S 607 23
Caoh of Collxtor,
Bills for maintenance of paupers,
Attorney fee.
Ex pen.s of Ovreers,
Balance in hand.
420 00
5 Oil
4 AO
92 25 530 3S
Unpaid bills for maintaining paupers, 5S4 33
Due J. F. IWler, exJ versr, 11 t ?3J 14
Less due from W. G. Ney, Collector, 11 fvS
- - ' Overseers, 92 29 104 17
Indebtedness of Overseers,
Indebtedness of Supervisors as above.
791 97
396 51
Total indebtedness of Coolbauirh town!?b.i
h township, 11$$ 4!
VVLING. I Auditors.
ERS, )
Aue.21-4t.l I. C. YOTH
The yew Jersev Mutual Life InsnrarH" Company
desires to secure an active and energi-iie man to art as
district acent iu Monroe county. Term lil-eral. Here
is an ODnortdnitr for some wide-awake, reliable man
to seture a cood contract and ravin? business. For
further particulars, terms, Ac, a!l on or address
Manaeer for Pennsylvania,
No. 424 Wai xct Street.
Aug. ll-3tJ Philadelphia, Fa.
Blair Presbyterial Academy,
Will be re-opened on Wednesday, September
fith. Young men prepared for college or for
business. Advanced studies for voudc ladies.
The building is well supplied with good water
and is heated bv steam.
II. D." GREGORY, A. Ph. D.
July 27-2m. Principal.
All lunnna rp lipfprtv ctntinn."! not tn
i'-' - . -
trenpass on any property of the undersigned,
situate in Stroud township, Monroe county, Pa.
Any one violating thi notice win De prosecuted
to the full extent of the law.
Stroudsburg, July 20, 1S75.
The Stroudsburg Cornet Band
Seventeen MeniherSj in Full New Uniform,
ofiers ita serf ices, during the season, to play
Vic Xlcs, in Processions and at
1'olltical Meetings,
at reasonable rates. For particular, Ac, call
on or address, either
X. II. SIIAFEK, Indian Qneen Ilotel.
S. D. ROBESOX, Democrat Otfice.
or F. W. BORN, Bom's Barber Shop.
StxoaJsbarg, July 20th, 1S76.
Terrible times in New" .York!
The Clothing Men are Bursting Up!
Hat & Cap Men are Bursting Up ! !
The Milliners are Bursting Up ! I
Thousands of Dollars irvrth of Goods arc
Sold by the Sheriff every day, and
some go fur a mere nothing!!!
Is WIDE A WAKE on the s2)ot, and Ms
Store iu Stroudsburg is note groaning
and granting under the load of
Cheap Goods just arrived.
2 spool of our bet Cotton for 5 cents.
3 rows of Pin fur 1 ceut.
2 papers Ut Needles, o cents.
2 lare cakes Toilet Soap, o cents.
Good LeuJ Pencil.-, 1 cent.
Full pet of Jet Jewelry, 20 cents.
Gents' and Youth's lined Collars, per box, S
and 10 cents.
Calico, 4 and 5; Very fine white stripe Peka,
12 cents.
Beautiful Shades of Grass Cloth, fine, only 10
cents a yard.
Plain Dress Goods, 10. Black Alpaca, 2o eta.
Summer and F'all Shawls, 5o and o cent.
Large White Counter-panes Si and SI 15.
Castsirneres & Summer Wear, nearly half price.
Fine Dress Linen 13, 22 and 25 cents.
Muslin Edgings 4, G, S and 12 cents.
Ribbons, Flowers and Feathers, half price.
Children's Gloves 5 cents.
Ladits' Gloves S and 10 cents.
Gents' Gloves 10 and 15 cents.
Children's, Ladle's and Gcnt-j' Hosiery' nearly
half price.
Ileiumed Handkerchiefs 4 cents.
Oil Table-cloths and Covers never so cheap.
Corsets, elesrant, only 40 cents.
Linen Table-cloths and Towels, very cheap.
Full pound Cotton Bats 14 cts..
Beautiful Carpets 25 cts. per yard.
Men's Pants, lined, SI. Men's Coats 1 and
$3. Men's Vests SI.
Men's and Boys' whole suits, good Cassimer,
$5 to S3.
Men's and Youth's soft Hats, 70c. to $1 25.
Men's and Bov' Straw Hats, 15 and 25 cts.
Misses' A Ladies' fashionably trimmed Spring
and Summer Hats, ."Oc. to $1 50.
Ladies' Fine Lace and Button Lasting Gaiters
SI 25 to SI 75.
Men's Fine Calf Boots $3 50. Men's fine Un
dershirts, 05 to 50 cents.
Ladies' tine Undershirts 45 cts. Men's fine
Mnslin Shirts SI.
Now, if you want to see a RUSH, jusi coma
to DECKER'S wonderful cheap Auction Store
4 doors below Post OtSce.
April 27, '7rl. ly.
Oppression of high prices !
Xow yoa can get the benefit of your CASH ia
Prices lower than any in Town
If you don't believe it Call and be convinced
The People's Cash Boot and Shoe Store.
5$T 3 doors above the Washington Ilotel. tBJ"
Formerly with J. "Wallace
Stroudsburg, July 27, lS7C-om.
Va the undersigned respectfully inform
the citizens of StroutLlmrg and Ticinity,
that we have added to our large assort
ment of
A complete and carefully selected stock cf
Men's & Youths' Ready
made Clothing
of the latest and most fashionable style
and best quality. We have also a com
plete line of
riease give us a call and examine our
stock and prices before you purchase else
where. We shall soon offer a large assort
ment of
Umbrellas, Traveling Bags, &c.
You will find n one door of Key
stone Drug Store, Main Street, Strouds
burg, Pa.
N. B. Silk Hats ironed and repaired
at short notice. Give ua a call.
Stroadaburg, April 20, 1S76.
Store !