The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, August 10, 1876, Image 3

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The question of Samuel J. Tilden's dis
reputable connection with the St. Louis,
Alton and Tcrrc Haute Railroad has been
brought before the United States District
Court of this city, as has been already re
ported. 31 r. Tilden was employed to re
organize this road in 1SG2, and was paid
20,000 for his services as "counsel." By
a device of permitting bondholders to have
the same vote on their secured debt that
the 5tockholders had on their unsecured
debt, Tilden and four others obtained com
plete control of the road under the guise
of a '-Purchasing Comnittee,,, whose
nominal duty was to buy in the road at a
judicial sale. Dy reason of a failure to ob
serve certain formalities, $234,000 worth of
bonds were left without an owner. Tilden
and the Purchasing Committee, it is claim
ed, divided these bonds between themselves.
The "Belleville branch" had been built
on the credit of the road, and properly be
longed to it ; but by sharp practice the con
trol was secured by the New York direc
tors, and the branch was leased to the pre
sent road at a high figure.
In 1875 the stockholders vainly attempted
to get from Mr. Tilden an explanation of
his conduct, but despite their efforts Tilden
and his associates secured their re-election
by voting on the stolen bonds. It was in
vain that a list of the voting bondholders
wa.s demanded, and, therefore, to test the
right of the stockholders, the case has been
brought into court.
Shortly before three o'clock this after
noon Samuel J. Tilden filed his answer to
the above charges. The answer comprises
11M) legal folios, filling 121 octavo pages of
printed matter, and deals verbosely in glit
tering generalities and a legal denial of all
the charges made against him. When the
document was filed in the office of the
United States District Court an outsider
remarked that he was not supprised to find
that it took Tilden five weeks to write his
letter of acceptance when he was engaged
in preparing so bulky an answer as to the
charges of fraud that had been made against
him. JT. 1'. Com. Adv. of August 7.
The letters of Tilden and Hendricks,
published on Saturday, so fully reveal the
tricky politicians in the guise of '-reform
ers," that what they say is of very little
consequence. Tilden's letter, particularly,
is not the outspoken, heartfelt utterances
of a statesman and honest man, but the
carefully prepared utterances of a scheming
and crafty pretender, seeking to catch the
breeze of popular favor by a careful and
prolonged study of the direction of the cur
rent of public sentiment, and he has been
so long in its preparation and elaboration
that his policy is revealed, aud himself dis
trusted. While he has been at work upon
LLs letter, the people of the country have
been studying him, looking upon his re
cords, and examining his surroundings, and
having discovered how the spider has becu
weaving his pretty web, and the purpose
fur which it has been prepared, they have
Jim intention of walking iiito it. Three
fourths of the letter is devoted to a disser
tation on the money question. He de
nounces the Resumption act of 1875 as a
sham and a snare, but he evidently did not
think so when he declared, after siiruins
the legislative act of 1875 to make nothing
but gold receivable for taxes and other
State dues after January 1, 187i), that there
'must be no step backwards." Whatever
may be thought of the Resumption act it
self, there is not the slightest doubt that
Tilden is guilty of the most flagrant in
sincerity, llendriek's letter has two merits
which Tilden's has not. It is shorter and
speaks with greater bluntness. Both let
ters, however, are intended to deceive North
and West, and both are consistent only in
catering for the united support of the
Southern W hue League eiemeut.
The public debt was reduced $1,13S,
OoiJ during the month of July.
Delaware this season produced nearly
mx million quarts of strawberries.
The Philadelphia Mint coined 1,023,C50
pieces during the mouths of July.
It is noted as an interesting fact that
the wages of tin have not been cut down.
A Centennial census of Somerset, just
completed, shows a population of 1,300.
A Clinton county boy, Arthur Dorn
blaser by name, 9 years old, weighs 125
The lightning struck the horn of a cow
at South Burlington, Vermont, the other
day, shivering it to the roots, but other
wise leaving the cow unhurt.
Breezes from the Summer Resorts.
They feel the hard times at Cape May,
and the boarding-houses are making the
most money.
The Cottage by the Sea at Long Branch
is being put in readiness, and the President
will occupy it as soon as Congress adjourns.
The Long Branch Rowing Association
lus chosen Mr. (Jeorge W. Chikls presi
dent, he being a handy man to have around
in case ol an accident.
Rocky Point, R. I., consumes on one of
its best days from 140 to 200 bushels of
clams, a ton of bluefish, 125 loaves of brown
bread and -1,000 ears of com.
They say that there will be no more ho
tels built on Watch Hill for several years,
and that only three or perhaps four make
any money this year, although it is by all
odds the best patronized place along the
eastern coast of the sound.
When the Long Branch bulletins say
"Unparalleled influx of visitors ! Extraor
dinarj rush of people to the favorite resort! !
Everything full ! ! !" you may know the
counter-jumper and the broker's clerk has
skipped from New York on Saturday night,
and that he will go back again ou Monday
Allcntown, during June, had ten more
births than deaths.
Bonner, of the New York, Ledger,
'""""-a cti, me vater uap.
Several large circuses have failed this
f .A
season iroin want ot custom.
Deer are said to be more plenty in the
Alleghcnies than for years past;
Special ISTotice,
Notwithstanding the high standing to
which ready made clothing has been brought
under the fostering care of a house like Was
amaker & Brown's, Philadelphia, there are
always a respectable number of people who
prefer their garments made to order. For
these patrons Oak Hall, a magnificently ap
pointed custom Department is organized and
in full blast. The best cutter i n turn lirvtio
pheres ore employed to meet the demands of
me nicest iasie anu most lastidious cnlture in
the matter of personal dress. All the newest
styles and choicest selections of home and for
eign make are at the service of their customers.
And at lowest prices.
An enameled gold sleove button. Reward If lft at
ug. IO-lt . Mrs. 11. II. SCHOONOVER S.
The New Jersey Mutual Life Insurance Company
desires to secure an active and energetic mitu to act as
district nijent in Monroe county. Terms literal. Here
U au opportunity for some wide-awake, reliable mm
to secure a good contract and paying business. For
further particulars, term, Ac., call on or address
Manager for Pennsylvania,
jtfo. 4J4 Walxct -Strket,
Aug. ll-3tJ Philadelphia, Fa.
Having loaned to Dr. George W. Jackson, of
the Borough of Stroudsburg, during my pleas
ure one IJrown Mare, I hereby caution the pub
lic not to meddle or interfere with my property
under penalty of the law.
August 3, 1S70. 3t.
Notice is hereby piven that an application will bo
made under the Act of Assembly, of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, entitled. "An" Act to provide for the
incorporation of certain corporations," approved
April lis? , for the charter of an intended
corporation to be called "The ft roudsbu rg Water Com
pany," for the purpose of supplying the said ISorough
of Stroudsburii and vicinity with water. The business
of said company to be transacted in said Rorough of
St roudsbu ri;, count v of Monroe, Slate of Pennsvlvania.
J. U. STORM, Solicitor.
July i:;, 1S7S St.
All persons indebted to me on book account
are requested to make immediate payment.
All accounts not settled up before the first of
August ISib, will be placed in the hands of a
Justice of the Peace for collection.
Stroudsburg, July 13, 187C- tf.
A semi-annual dividend of." per cent will be paid by
the .siroiidslnirjr I'ass"i!cjer Railway Company, at the
otiice of the Monroe County Kunkiu and Savings Co.
Parties holding oeriitieatrs ot stock which have not
been transferred on the books of the Company, will
please present them aud have new certificates issued
in th-ir favor.
July l-:;t.j TIIOS. A. 15 ELL, Sec'y.
For two years $1,000 on first Mortgage
on Ileal Estate, worth over 2,500. A liberal
bonas will be given lor the same. Apply
at this Office. June 15, '76-3t
Smhhfield School District.
Receipts and Expenses
of the District for the year ending Junerth, 1S76.
For school purjoses 10 mills, and for building 2 mills
to the dollar.
Total amount levied for school $
p u r poses , 2 1 7 2 3.T
Total amount levied for building, 4W 69
Total amount levied,
The Treasurer colh-eted,
Premiums and mistakes,
To be collected,
$ 2373 04
S:; 3'J
&5 75-
$i"9 04
Duplicate Theo. W. Tunnel, collector, &50 7-j
Collectors receipts 762 98
Exonerations $19 So, paid other dis
tricts $21 15 47 00
Amount dao at settlement, 45 82 MS 75
Amount due from collector, 43 82
l'rom State appropriation, 35S 05
" M. Ycttf-r, collector 1875. 22 .VI
" Theo. Tavlor, col. bounty tax '71 24 2S
" hale of old otove Ac, 2 40
" Treasurer and collector, 2129 93
Total receipts from all resources. 2837 21
Teachers wajres,
Fuel and contin-ncies,
Repairs and reneweaN,
Paid in other districts,
Printing $11 50, School Journal $7 00,
Debt $ l' 00, interest S3 30,
.Salary of Secretary,
Auditors and town clerk,
Treasurer's conjmilonn,
1927 65
169 19
259 .19
27 15
18 50
155 m
15 00
4 50
Total expenditures. 2G27 67
Halancein hands of Treasurer. 209 51
Balance on duplicate, 45 82
Total resources of District, June 5, 1S76, 255 56
June 29-3t. J II T. CUOASDALE, Sec'y.
Stroudsburg School District's
Receipts and Expenditures for 1875.
Tax rate 13 mills on the dollar of valuation.
DR. A. O. CJHEENWALD, Treasurer.
Amount of Duplicate for 1875 $2249 8G
To State appropriation, 447 33
" tuition of pupils not living in district 54 34
" school room rents, 9 00
" tax of S. L. Drake, on Duplicate
of 1872, 3215
" tax of Linford Ruth on duplicates
of 1873 Sc 1874, 561 20
" tax of S. D. Dreher on duplicate
for 1875, 450 59
" tax ree'd bv Treasurer on dupli
cate of 1875, 1059 12
2(316 73
$ 32 50
2002 00
30 73
9 00
34 00
25 00
6 00
42 00
By bal. due Treas. June 1S75,
" amount paid Teachers,
" " " for interest,
" " " Auditors,
" " " Hood, Stoves,
" " " Secretary's Salary,
" " " McCarly, Chairs,
" " " for Printing,
" " " Paving down town, 57 69
" " " Cleaning School Houses, 8 98
" " " Repairing " " 41 20
" " " Fuel and contingencies, 271 49
" Treas. Commission on $2528 09 paid
out at 2 per cent., 50 56
" Balance due District, 5 58
Total ' $2616 73
Amount due District from all sources, 700 00
of District Debt, 1000 00
Liabilities in excess of resources, 300 00
ROBERT R. DEPUY, President.
Stroud Burson, Secretary.
June 15th, 1876.
lias resumed the r,OOT aud SHOE malting business
in all Us various branches, in the laauuient of J. 15.
Miller s building, one door Eat of Jctlersouiau Otliee.
All who desire anything In his line, done up In the
highest style of the rt, are cordiallv invited to drop
lu- March M, '76-tf.
T II. SlIULL, M. O. -
S-coud door below Burnett House. Residence
2nd door west of Hicksite Quaker Church. Ollice
hours 8 to 9 a. in., 1 to 3 p. m., 6 to 9 p. m.
May 25, 1870-tf.
u. s. :iii,i.i:it,
IMiysiciau and Surgrcon,
Office, formerly occupied by Dr. Seip. Residence with
J. P.. Miller, one door below the Jctlersouiau Otiice.
Ollice hours, 7 to 9, 12 to :j and G to V.
May 11, 1S7o. tf.
u. at. r.. puck,
Surgeon Denlist.
Office in Jas. Edinger's new building, nearly opposite
the Stroudsburg liauk. Gas admuistered for extacting
when desired.
Stroudsburg, Pa. Jan. C,'7C-tf.
Office in Samuel Hood's new building, nearly op
posite the post office, llesidcnco on Sarah street,
above Franklin.
August 8,'72-tf
IVotary fi'ublic,
Acknowledgments taken and all business pertaining
to the ollice carefully executed.
Real Estate Insuranco Agents.
Office, Kistler's new building near the leput. stroudsburg, Pa., Jan. 1!7, lsTti.
Atloniey at Iaw,
One door above the "Stroudsburg House,"
St roudsbu r, Pa.
Collections promptly made.
October 22, 1874.
Surveyor, Conveyancer and
Real Estate Agent.
Farms, Timber Lands and Town Lots
Office m early opposite American Iloues
and 2d door below the Corner Store.
March 20, lS7:J-tf.
Still has his office on Main street, in the second story
of lr. S. Walton's briek building, nearlv 'pK?ite the
stroudsburg House, and he Haters himself that by eigh
teen years constant practice aud the most earnest and
careful attention to all matters pertaining to his pro
fession, that he is fully able to perform all operations
in the dental line in the most careful aud skillful man
ner. Special attention given to saving the Natural Teeth ;
also, to the insertion of Artiticial Teeth on Uubber,
Gold, Silver, or Continuous (juins, and perfect tits in all
cas'S insured.
Most persons know the great folly and danger of en
trusting their the inexperienced, or to those liv
;ng at a di.-tanee. April 13, 1874. tf.
Opposition toHumbuggery!
The undersigned hereby announces that he has re-suim-d
business at the old stand, next door to Poster's
nothing Stre, Main street, Stroudsburg, Pa., and is
fully prepared to accommodate ull in want of
made in the litest style aud of good material. Repair
ing promptly Httentcd to. iiv me a eall.
K.-c. 9, 1S7.V-1V. V. LEWIS WATERS.
These superior and beautifully finished in
struments bo far eclipsed their competitor in
volume, purity, pweetness and delicacy of tone,
as to carry off the first and only premium giv
en to exhibitors of reed Organs at the Monroe
County Fair, held September 25, 1874.
"Iuv only the beat. For price list address
Oct f-tf. J. Y. S1GAFUS,
Nearly opposite Kautzs Blacksmith Shop,
Stroudsburg, Pa.
The undersigned would respectfully in
form the citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinity
that he is now fully prepared to do all kinds
of Paper Hanging, Cilazing and Painting,
promptly and at thort notice, and that he
will keep constantly on hand a fine stock ol
Paper Hangings of all descriptions and at
low prices, 1 he patronage of the public
is earnestly solicted. May 16, 1872.
Dwelling House for Sale.
A very desirable two story Dwelling House, contain
ing seven rooms, one ot winch is suitable
for a More Koom, situate ou Main street,
in the Borough of Stroudsburg. The
?3 building is nearly new, and every part
of it in 'good condition. For terms Ac,
call at this office. Dec. 9, 1875-tf.
DOX'T you Know tliat .1. II.
McCarty & Sons are the only Under
takers in Stroud-sbur? who understands their
business ? It'not, attend a Funeral managed
by any other Undertaker in town, and you
will see the proof of the fact.
June 18,'74-tf
For sale two heavy team Ilor
j A ses, in good condition. For terms,
&c. apply at this
htroudsburg, Aug. 3, 1870. St.
Auditor's Notice.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas of Monroe county, to
make distribution of money in hands of Peter
Gruver, Assignee of William 8. Ilonser, will
attend to the duties of his appointment at
the Prothonotary'tt office, in Strodusburg, on
Thursday, August 21, 1S7G, at 10 o'clock A. M.,
at which time and place all persons having
any claim or demand against the said fund
will dresent the earne, or be forever debarred
from." coming in for any share thereof.
THO. M. McILHANEY, Auditor.
July 27, 1876-4t
Estate of Stephej, It. Peters, dee'd., of Barrett tsp.
Letters testamentary upon the above Kstatc having
been granted to the uu le.rsigued, all persons indebted
to said Kstate arc requested to make pavnient. and
those having claims to present the same, without delay,
tv LKVIN'A I'KTERS. Executrix,
T , . , , or SAMUEL 1'O.STEXS. Executor.
July lJ-6t. Mountain Hme, 1'a.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of a writ of ven. ex. de terris to
rne directed, issued out of the Court of Com
mon Plea-s of Monroe County, I will expose
to sale at Public Vendue, on"
at 2 o'clock in the afterenoon, at the Court
House in the Borough of .Stroudsburg, Monroe
County, the following described Real Estate,
to wit :
All those two certain lot of land situate in
the Rorouhg of Stroudsburg, as follows :
All that certain Jt!
v,, SififS
and lot of land known as the "Washington
Hotel" situate on the corner of Walnut and
Chestnut streets, adjoining land late of William
D. Walton, dee'd, land now of John and
Robert Boys and said streets. There is also
ou said lot a large
Tavern Shed, Small Dwelling & Ice House
and other outbuildings. Water at the door.
The second adjoining land of William S.
Wintermute, George II. Miller, Meriam A.
Lee, liobert Bovs, John Boys and others, on
this lot is a FRAME SUED.
Seized and taken in execution as the pro
perty of John Baldwin, and to be sold by me
for cash.
JACOB K. SUA FEU, Sheriff.
iMienlt s Ullice, btroudsubrg,
.bebruary , 1S0.
Wc the undersigned respectfully inform
the citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinity,
that wc have added to our large assort
ment of
A complete and carefully selected stock of
Men's & Youths' Ready
made tlolhiug
of the latest and most fashionable styles
and best quality. c have also a com
plote liue of
Please give us a call and cxamiue our
stock and prices before you purchase else
where. Wc shall soon offer a larire assort
ment of
Umbrellas, Traveling Bags, &c.
You will find us one door west of Key
stone Drug Store, Main Street, Strouds
burg, Pa.
N. B. Silk Hats ironed and repaired
at short notice. Give us a call.
Stroudsburg, April 'JO, 187G.
$000 REWARD!
A tall-complexioned YOUNG MAN, aged
5 ft. 6 in., height loO lbs. Had on, when last
seen two pairs of swallow-tailed sealskin
troupers, fashionable mutton cutlet waiscoat,
with delirium trimmings; double-barrelled
frock coat, with horse collar and sausage
lining ; patient leather-bottom top shoes, laced
up at the sole, and buttoned inside.
lie is deaf and dumb of one eye and hard
of hearing with the other, with a slight squint
in his eye teeth ; stoops very up right with a
loud impediment in his look, chignon on up
per lip with whiskers bitten off short insiae;
mouth like a torn pocket: hair of a deep scarlet
blue and parted from ear to yonder; Calves of
legs rising 4 years, to be sold cheap on ac
count of the dearness of milk ; very liberal
with other peoples' money, and well known to
a good templar, having been eleventeen years
a member of the I. O. G. T. (I Often Get
light feocietyj.
Any one who knows of his whereabouts will
please report at the
Empire Clothing Store,
where he will find the
Men and Boy's Clothing,
Hats and Caps,
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Trunks, Valices, &c. &c.
kept in this vicinity, and which we will sell
at the
If you want to save money don't fail to ex
amine our stock before purchasing elsewhere.
If you want GOOD GOODS at low prices,
there is no place in Monroe County to com
pete with the EM PI HE CLOTHING STOKE.
Our new stock is complete in every particu
lar. Please call and examine for yourselves.
at Empire Cxotitixg Store.
Store !
Stroudsburg, March 23, 187C tf. 1
Blair Presbjlerial Academy,
Will be re-opened on Wednesday, September
Glh. Young men prepared for college or for
business. Advanced studies for young ladies.
The building is well supplied with good water
and is heated by steam.
11. I). GREGORY, A. M., Ph. D.
July 27-2m. Principal.
Statement of
Tobj'Iisuiua School District.
Receipts and Expenditures
for 1S75.
Pit. P. L. Kinney, Treasurer.
Amount ot duplicate. S 542 09
(Statu appropriation, 1W 71
Collector of 1S7K, 4 4i $ 71". ij
liy paying Touchers for Tcichors Jtc, 422 19
IVrccutavro on tax duplicate, w v
Balance due township, 257 22 S 713 4.
JAlAW liL.Ah.! i res I.
Isaac Stauffer, Sec'y. July 13, is70-tt.
Estate of EMANUKL IT. IIELLEH. late of Stroud town
ship, deceased.
Letters of Administration upon the above named
Estate having been granted to the undersigned, all per
sons persons indebted to said Estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having claims
liramst the same will present their accounts uuly
authenticated lor settlement to.
July 13-tit. Stroudsburg, Ta.
On the 4th of July on the way going or re
turning from the "I!urnett House" or whilst
in the House, an oblong Gold Breast Pin, with
a plaid of gray and brown hair inserted in the
cast. 1 he tinder will be liherallv rewarded bv
returning the sime to
Mrs. G. HULL,
Stroudsburg, July 27, 187(5.
The Stroudsburg Cornet Band
Seventeen Members, in Full New Uniform,
offers its services, during the season, to play
lic Xics, in Processions and at
Political 31cctiiiS,
at reasonable rates. For particulars, Ac, call
on or address, either
N. II. SHAKER, Indian Queen Hotel.
S. D. ROBESOX, Democrat Office.
or F. V. BORN, Born's Barber Shop.
Stroudsburg, July 20th, 1S76.
Terrible limes in New York !
The Clothing Men are Bursting Up !
Hat & Cap Men are Bursting Up ! !
The Milliners are Bursting Up ! !
Thousands of Dollars v:ortli of Goods are
oota hy the Sharif every day, and
some go for a mere nothing !! !
Is WIDE A WAKE 0:1 the gpott and his
blorc m Stroudsburg is noic groaniny
and grunting under the load of
Cheap Goods just arrived.
2 spools of our best Cotton' for 5 cents."
3 rows of Pins for 1 cent.
2 papers best Needles, 5 cents.
2 large cakes Toilet Soap, 5 cents.
Good Lead Pencils, 1 cent.
Full set of Jet Jewelry, 20 cents.
Gents' and Youth's iined Collars, per box, S
and 10 cents.
Calico, 4 and 5 ; Very fine white stripe Peka,
12 cents.
Beautiful Shades of Grass Cloth, fine, only 10
cents a yard.
Plain Dress Goods, 10. Black Alpaca, 25 cts.
Summer and Fall Shawls, 5" and (-" cents.
Large White Counter-panes $1 and SI 15.
Cassineres& Summer Wear, nearly half price.
Fine Dress Linen IS, 22 and 25 cents.
Muslin Edgings 4, C, 8 and 12 cents.
Ribbons, Flowers and Feathers, half price.
Children's (J loves 5 cents.
Ladies' Gloves 8 and 10 cents.
Gents' Gloves 10 and 15 cents.
Children's, Ladle's andGenta' Hosiery' nearly
half price.
Hemmed Handkerchiefs 4 cents.
Oil Table-cloths and Covers never so cheap.
Corsets, elegant, only 40 cents.
Linen Table-cloths and Towels, very cheap.'
Full pound Cotton Bats 14 cts.
Beautiful Carpets 25 cts. per yard.
Men's Pants, lined, $1. Men's' Coats $1 and
S3. Men's Vests 1.
Men's and Bovs' whole suits, good Cassiiner,
$5 to $3."
Men's and Youth's soft Hats, 70c. to $1 25.
Men's and Boys' Straw Hats, 15 and 25 cts.
Misses' & Ladies' fashionably trimmed Spring
and Summer Hats, oOe. to $1 50.
Ladies' Fine Lace and Button Lasting Gaiters
$1 25 to f I 75.
Men's Fine Calf Boots S3 50. Men's fine Un
dershirts, 35 to 50 cents.
Ladies' fine Undershirts 45 cts. Men's fine
Muslin Shirts $1.
Now, if you want to see a RUSH, just come
to DECKER'S wonderful cheap Auction Store
4 doors below Post Office.
April 27, '7C ly.
for sale at this Office.
.fo" rent by a workinjjman, a sm?f hnsc, . near Til
lage, between Stroudsburg and Unslikiil, address, with
particulars 1'. SWIKTWOOD,
July i;Ht.) Philadelphia, Tx.
All persons are hrely cautioned not to
trespass on any property "of the undersigned,
situate in Stroud township, Monroe county, Pa.
Any one violating this notice will be prosecuted
to the full extent of the law.
j a cor. ii. t,utts.
Stroudsburg, July 29, 1375.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania :
"VVi&i To Marv Flagler, widow, Benja
11 i35Bjnn Flagler, Silas Flagler, pb&bo
fabkt$;J Morgan, Enoch Flagler hd Phoe
be H. Flagler, the widow of John A. Fl:glef, de
ceased, Burtis Flagler, T. Landen and Call.a
rine M. his wife, Edwin Flagler, Malissa Dtfn-
tap, Elizabeth Flagler, Charles Flagler, Murtie
Flagler, Joseph Flagler, John Flagler, Sylves
ter Flagler, Ira Flagler, Felix Flagler, Julietta
Flagler, llosetta Flagler, Jeannette Flagler,
Nora Flagler, Alice Flagler, Tressa Flagrer,
Elsie Flagler, Ira L. Flagler, William S.
Flagler, Charles X. Flagler, Allice L. Flagler,
Mary. E. Wheeler, heirs and legal representa
tives of Enoch Flagler, late of Stroud towrrslifjr,
in said County, deceased.
Whereas, by an Inquest duly awarded fy
the Orphans' Court ol Monroe County, the'
Ileal Estate of said Enoch Flagler, deceased,
to wit: A certain lot or piece of land situate
in the township of Stroud, County aforesaid;
and containing FifteenAcres, Twenty-nine per
ches, was valued and appraised at the sum Of
two thousand dollars, ($2000.)
And whereas, none of the heirs or legal
representatives of said deceased appeared at
Court upon the return of the said Inguisitiort'
to accept or refuse to take the said Ileal Estate
at the valuation thereof made.
You and each of you are therefore hereby
commanded to be and appear at our nexli
General Orphans' Court, to beheld at Strouds
burg, in and for the County of Monroe, the
Fourth Monday of September next, to accept
or refuse to take the said Ileal Estate, at the
appraisement thereof bid thereon, or show"
cause why the same shall not be sold.
Witness, Honorable Samuel S. Dreher,
President of our said Court at Stroudsburg;
the 7th dav of Julv, A. D. 1ST 5".
July 27, 187G-4t.
Oppression of high prices I
Now you can get the benefit of yctir CASH in1
Prices lower than any in Town.
If you don't believe it call and be convinced.
The People's Casli Boot and Shoe Store.-
3 doors above the Washington Hdtel.-tSa
Formerly with J. Wallace.
Stroudsburg, July 27, lS7G-3m.
Irt pursuance to an Act of Assembly, entitled
"an Act relating to the collection of State and
County Taxes in the county of Monroe," ap-'
proved May f, 1SG7, the county Treasurer
will meet the Tax-payers of said county for
the collection of State and county taxes in and'
for the following places, to wit : ,
In Tunkannock township, Monday July
17th, 187t, at the house of Joseph Newhart.
Tobyhanna township, on Tuesday July 18,
at the house of William Shiffer, and Wednes
day July 19, at the house of Isaac StaufTer".'
Coolbaugh township, on Thursday July 20
at the house of Jerome B. Shaw.
Pocono township, Friday July 21,' at tfi'
house of Charles Brown. ,
Jackson township, Saturday July 22, at the
house of Smauel 11. Bossard.
lloss township, Monday July 21, at tho
house of Jacob H. Stock er.
Eldred towns-hip, Tuesday July 25, at thV
house of Amandus J. Marsh.
Tolk township, Wednesday July 20, at the
house of Joel Kresge.
Chestnuthill township, Thursday July 27, at
the house of Charles Eberle, and "Friday July
2S, at the house of David Everett.
Borough of East Stroudsburg, Saturday July
29, at the house John Barlow.
Paradise township, Monday July 31, at the
house of James Kiutz.
Barrett township, Tuesday August 1st, at
the House of John W. Yothcrs.
Price township, Wednesday August 2, at tho'
house of Samuel Posfens.
Hamilton township, Thursday August 3, at
fhe House of Josiah Kresge, on Friday Au--gust
4, at the house of John Khodes, and on
Saturday August 5, at the house of Charle
Andrew. ,
M. Smith field township, Monday August 7,
at the house- of Jaocb H. Place, and Tuesday
ugusto, at the house ot James 1'Iace.
Smithfield township! Wednsdav August 9, at
the house of Simeon' D. Bush, and Thusday
August 10, at the house of Thomas Brodhead.
Stroud township, r nday August 11, at Peter
Keller's Mill, and on Saturday August 12, at
the store of Day, Wilcox & Co.
Borough of Stroudsburg, Monday and Tues
day August 14 and 15, at the Treasurer's Office.
lax papers who avail themselves of this op
portunity to pay their taxes, will be entitled
to an abatement of five per cent. For the con
venience of tax payers visiting Stroudsburg,
the Treasurer will receive any of the above
taxes at hid office, before said days.
LINFOI) MARSH, Treasurer.
Treasurer's Office, Stroudsburg, June 15, 1576s