, -A Practical Use For Dogs. It is a fact, perhaps not generally known, that there is a firm doing business in San Francisco who purchase the thousands of docs slaughtered by the pound waster of that city, or that way have been otherwise killed, for which they pay forty cents each. Their carcasses arc conveyed to their manu factory at South San Francisco, where the skins are removed and sold to the tanneries, the hair taken oil and resold to plasterers, the hide tanned, made into gloves, and sold .... i in the market. Hie denuded carcass is then thrown into a huge cauldron and boiled until the bones are easily separated from the flesh, when they are removed and sold to the sugar refineries, where the' are irround to a fine powder and used to clarify suzar. The oil that rises to the surface of the boiling mass is skimmed off and manu factured into cod liver oil, and the remain der is used for the purpose of fattening hogs. . i The Length of Days. At London, Endand, Urcmen, and Trus na, the longest dav has sixteen and a half hours. At Stockholm, in Sweden, the longest davs has eighteen and a halt hours. At Hamburg, Germany, and Pantzig, Prussia, the longest day has seventeen hours, and the shortest seven hours. At St. Petersburg, in llussia, and To bolsk, Siberia, the longest day has nineteen hours, and the shorted five hours. At Tornca, in Finland, the longest dav has twenty cv.c hours and a half, and the shortest two hours and a halt. At Warduuys, in Norway, the dav lasts from the 21st of May to the 2nd of July, the longest da is three and a half months. At New York, the longest da-, June 10, has fourteen hours and fifty-sis. minutes at 3iontreal, fifteen and a half hours. To Young Men. How many young men are there in this town who are preparing themselves for fu ture usefuless in life ? We mean how many are storing their winds with that knowledge which will be useful in after life? There are many in our town who have tal ents of high order, were they but cultivat ed. Put no; when the shades of evening fall we find them on the street corner, in drinking saloons, idling the precious hours away when the time could and should be spent wore advantageously. It is a sad picture to present to our readers, but its very truth wakes it saddest. Parents, you ere to blame to a certain extent for the idleness of your sons. Teach them to value time, to appreciate and seek after know ledge, to shun evil and emulate what is food. If this is done the evenings will not c v be spent as thev now are, but the spare moments they may have will be profitably used in study. Let a trial be wade, and, our word fur it, the time will never come in which regret will be felt fur the course we advocate. J JONROE CO. BANKING- AND SAVIXGS COaPxlSY. Chas. W. Decker, Thcs. D. Stites, Chas. Fethennan, R. S. Staphs, Geo. E. Stanffer. Thcs. A. Bell, V. B. Bell, J. Lantz, will pay interest on deposits amounting to three dollars and over, at the following rates : C per cent, on deposits left one year. 4 " " " " " six months. A " " on daily balance averaging five hundred dollars and over. Interest will be computed from the first of each month and all deposits wade previous to the tenth of the month will draw interest from the 1st. The members of this Company are liable to the full amount of their wealth for the security of the depositors. DIRECTORS : p. s. staples. g. e. stauffep, chas. fktiikiima:;, j. lantz, thomas a. bell. OFrici:n,3 : TIIOS. A. PELL, President, CHAS. FETIIEItMAX, V. Pres't, WM. P. BELL, Cashier. Jan. 27,'TG. UNDERTAKING. McCARTY & SONS Lave on hand the largest and best 5i.-i.irt mrnt of SXite--, COFFINS and C4fi 'fC3W TRIMMINGS t lie found ov.tsiJoof Miliar city ("Sew York or rhilailcl )ihia, and will make this brunch or their business a leciauty. COFFINS and CASKETS f any si i ape or style, ran he furnished at one hour's Jlollcc Ir MiilKiVlit, al at-liar'e t one-l n; J le-.s tliHU any shoS in Mruudshur:?. J n no case will they charge more than ten per cent, above actual tost. attended to in any part of the County at the shortest possible notice. Junel.'Ti-tf rtOCKAFULLONV, DEALER IX Rcady-3Iade tlolhing, Cents Fur nishing Goods, Hals & Caps, Boots & Shoes, &c. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. (Near the Depot.) The public are invited to call and examine jyxU. Prices moderate. May 6,'00-tf 1876. SPBIM AND SUMMER GOODS. A.t 3ST. ETJSTEE'S, 3,B a nn lillOiliS Hi 01 Those wishing to purchase any thing in the CLOTIIIXG LIXE, will do well to call at the above place as they will find a larger and finer Stock of Clothing1 than all the rest in town rut together. All wool suits as low as ?S 00; the Unions as low as ;v 00; English and German basket and diagnal suits from $1S 00 so S.o 00; the imitations twenty per cent. less. They are cut iu the latest style and are equal to custom work. All the latest stytes in "Wliite "Vests and. .Alpaca Coats. IX YOUTHS', BOYS' AND CIIILDllEF'S CLOTIIIXG, you can't better yourself as they are made up in the best of style and are cheaper than you cva find them any where else in town. HATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS! Those wishing to buy a stylish Hat or Cap will do well to call at the above place, as they will not find a more complete stock in town. The pricec are very low. Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods! You will find all the latest novelties of the season always on hand. Those wishing to buy any (lung in the furnishing goods line will do well to call at the above place, as they will find a much larger stock than in any other place in town. DHY GOODS! Those wishing to buy Dry Goods will also do well to call at the above place as prices are very low. Always on hand a full line of the Capitol Alpacas, which are the best you will find. A splendid line of Skirts and Shawls. You can get a splendid shawl, alike on both sides, for $1 75. X. B. Particular attention paid to CUST03I WOIIK. Good fits warranted or no sale. Our motto is, we will not be undersold, so call before purchasing elsewhere. PROPRIETOR OF THE September 3, 1S74. tf. E. B. Dreter. (2 doors west of the "Jefiersonian Office,") ', ELIZABETH STREET, StroudsXmr?, Pa., DREEER & BPiO., DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery and Toilet Articles. OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS & PUTTY. Abdominal Supporters tmd Shoulder Braces. Seeley's Hard RUBBER TRUSSES Also Bitter's TRUSSES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS. Lamps and Lanterns Burning and Lubricating Oils. Pli3'.sicians' Prescriptions carefully Com pounded. N. Y. The highest Cash price paid for OIL of WINTERG R EEX. may-4tf. Cads, Bill-Heads, Labels, k NEAT, C1EAP AND QUICK, Printed to Order at tho JEFFERSONIAN OFFICE, Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. JCT All Orders promptly filled. Give us a calL G. H. Drehcr. PHCENIX Bill STORE. J 0-0 Printing 1870. rh those wishing to buy for CASH will do well to N. RUSTER, NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION, 3Iaix street, Stroudsbttuo, Fa. MUST BE SOLD A LARGE STOCK OF Spring and Snsnsncr Goods, ALL NEW and RIGHT IX STYLE ! The best assortment ill Town ! Vt'ill be sold as chenp as the cheapest, and bet ter in quality I Can't quote prices but will guarantee you more value for vour moncv than von can find any where else, of which our customers may judge for themselves. Come and examine our entire stock. We have no antipathy to showing ,'oods? AYil gladly show whether you buy or not. "We also keep a nice assortment of GEOOEPJES. Sell them cheap and take Country Produce in exchange for all kinds of tioods. COME AND SEE US, CORNER STORE, OITOSITE AMERICAN HOTEL, STEOUDS BURG , PA. C. K. ANDREE & CO. June .9, 1S70. tf. J. P. BROW & BttO. Dkaleiis in Queensware and Earthenware, Glassware, LAMP FIXTUUKS AND CHIMNEYS, wooa ana vv mo w-w are, TlTI."T 1 " VV l.'fk I'lTw; i.- : ll Domestic: Dried I'.eef. l'renarod Satisnct-s. tihoulders, 1'iklea Meats, and choice HAMS a specialty. o-r Tf I Jt 1"V1 C17C O 1 il lj I 3 .'VlAli ill J O I2i3. Extra Family Flour, Coal Oil, fisc, Sco. j In fact the lar-cst ccneral assortment of - f , . , . I I - tioAi'i n a 1 r 1 in tuimil t I Iia I f milir nt lliil uivilllin iviltiu 411 tliv; JUHIJ C4b LliVJ w. r..v.c. Store opposite tho BURNETT HOUSE, Corner of Main and Franklin Streets, Strouds- btir'r, Pa. P. S. Highest CASH PRICE paid for l'lLUDLtLlu or uoods in exchange. James P. Bnowx, Yh. V. Browx. May 2o, '70-tf. J. 33. ITTJLL, (Successor to J. E. Erdman,) Monroe Co. Marble Works,' Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa., "Where will be found constantly on hind or made to order. 310A'UJli:XTS, of the best Italian and American Marble. Jlaving been m the employ of rIr. Erdman for nearly ten years, I ieel confident in my ability to please all that give me a call. All worn warranted to enve entire satisiaciion. Orders bv mail romitly attended to febU'72-tf T) LANKS OF ALL KINDS for Sale at !J this Office. T OBPRINTING. of all kinds neatly ex- U ecuted at this othce. Fashion! NEW STORE MW GOODS -:at:- REDUCED PRICES. DARIUS DREIIER, bes leave to an- nounce to his friends and to the pub lic generally, that he has just received a jreneral assortment of Dry Goods, Xot ions, Dress Trimmings, AND MILLINER Y G O ODS consisting", in part of the following desirable articles, viz: Calicoes, Laicns, French Cliintzs, Children's Dress Goods, YiorJicd Edyinys, Parasols, Z'phcrs, Shetland Wools, Shetland Wool Shawls, Delaines, Muslins, White Dress Goods, Insert inys, Lady's and Children's Sarins Flannel and Cloth, Lady's, Misses and Men's Iloes, Gloves and Collars, Mourning Goods, Shroudings, ike, d'c, Goods shown with pleasure. ''Quick eales and small profits" at the old and wnl known Millinery Stand of P. A. DREIIER The Millinery business will be carried on as usual by Mrs. Dreher. Patronage respectly solicited. DARIUS DREIIER. April 20, 1S00. SOMETHING NEW ! SHOE MANUFACTORY. Tho urhlorsiiri)!''! wmiM r.poctfiil' y civo notice that they have eMahlish.Ml ;it Wii:i:ii.i-' J I : -i 1 luiiiaiii.'.', cor ner of George and Muiiroe .-trects, .iroud.-lur, l'a., a SHOE MANUFACTORY, for the lti::!;:nj nf r.'l 1 r.f T,-.'lv- Oentlcmciis :uil ('!ii!.lrcn itor-. ;u;.I irlioea I Vun. l'artiuu- hir atteution iui.t V ' CUSTOM WORK. i rrins iiavip.i oi i rrriio.i l.-et, i nnins or corn'', or cl:il Io n wstli weak ai.kle-., .r i ro luiit, ran have here ol'tir-t cl:is te.atcrials a:il at ivx-uiia'nio luice Slmes i:i::!e to .-ii!t thr :'r c-im . I!;'viii.r li-i'l a l.ru.' ' x ;-M i i:i e iri New York th feel coiitK!t;:U that we :ui k usii.iair-" a to mtaiitic-: aivl riec, ull 't'o;:r !-, hoth for j.'-i)'-ral ainl sjweia! suh are wwrraml to he a. r. . ! ul. i I'U-as- ijvctisa i"., exatiiiiie our ' 1 a:; i Matvrh.!- eoii.-Ntin ot Surges, vhtze.l l-'reit.-h. M::t : n-l l-'r.-tifh V.l KUl, loiiu' craiucil. i'.rn ;!i ami IY!i,!i l (inut Mor ni-o, French ami Ai!ieric;i:i 'a If Ki; Si;i:!-i. all ot' which " ill lie ehei-rfally howii to t ie-" v !u ninyc::!!. Ititi ii-1 1 n t makealirit r;ite ve;:;:iu' article wo have nothing t conceal, either in ;), ! -r i'101,1 the jmijiic, inti we,il.l invite their c! ).'st .-enttitiv. July S, 'T.Vtf n. i;. CIlOMMirrX .i CO. SAMUEL HOOD, Wholesale add Ritail Dialer ia COOfi &PARL9B STOVES, TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, JtlJ KN Jlclal IIOUSC Fll 1 II I sli I UST (JoOilS. Koofiim and Snontiis; 'l,in0 on short notice, with thehet nii'tcrial, nml at reasoiial.le ixiee.s. 1 1 is st.ieli of 'o.,k. i'arlor ami Ollicc loves eiuiiraecs all tiie he-.t varietiet kr.own to ttio trale. Call and see. Store tliinl laiiMiiiL'. ahovc the V-Jrrl.lry '-'V-ri-.11 11 , -i-i--- CO TO J. II. SIpHAKTV A: SrtS. " - - - . - & w w . w ' ATlT T.M.T T CLI IT T T ATI TVr rtry, Jiiiiiuno ii.jju, jivi. 01.. STROUDSR URG, PA., AND DUY YQUI? FU.l?JI7UnS, Carpets, Oil-Cloths, Rugs, Win dow bnades, Curtains cz Fix tures, Table Cloths, &c. AND SAVE At Least Two Profits. As McCarty & Ssis lmy, direct fruni tho manufacturer tor ca.-li (uot 00 diiyr.!, incy can seil you MOKE FUKX1TUHE, of a pettj:h QUALITY, .M J Ull LlkS.S MONEY tlian you can lmy nt retail either in cit y urc.iuul ry, mitl t-verv ui in if i warramcu icj i as ri ijreseiiteil. .linn i:; '7 J.I f TT A3iiiro.'s sh.i3im:ss toit- ---- bElb. 1 he l:.st in use. The only place they can be hail m town n at the cor ner .store. Irvthem Man. 30, '73. tf. 1 C. It. ANDRE k Co. Family (irocerios, Oueenswaro. (Jlass- ware, Vood and Willow-ware, at C. 11. AN DUE Sc Co Terms CASH. jan. 30, '73 tf. BLANK LEASES For Sale at this Office. . i -r,;- c-trtuWk P. S. WILLIAMS, Watchmaker & Jeweler, MAIN-ST, STROUDSBURG, PA. Located in corner building, third door be low the Jefferson ianofiice. Room handsome ly fitted up, and heavily stocked with the fi nest assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Jewelers No tions, etc., ever offered in this section of countiy. A full assortment of Spectacles, of the best quality, and suited to all oges, always on sale. Silver-ware, and Silver Plated ware, al ways on hand at manufacturers prices. 07Repairing neatly executed, and char ges extremely moderate. Calls from the public respectfully solicited. Sole Agent for the celebrated Diamond Spectacles. November 5th, SC8 ly. Making. ago The undersigned takes this method of informing the public, that he etill con tinues the above business in all its branches at his old Stand, on Franklin street, Stroudsburg, Pa., where he will be hap py to receive orders for work in his line, including general Wheelwrighting, Blacksmith- mg, Painting, Trimming", &c. His stock, of the best quality of seasoned lumber is lar;e and very complete; and also has a full force of first clast workmen at all the branches, he flatters himself that he is fully prepared to accomodate all who favor him with orders, and guaran tee entire satisfaction. Ilepairing promptly attended to WM. HUNTSMAN. July 23, 1S70. TTNDSKT AKTNG ! LEE & Co. would mo-t respectfully an nounce that having procured an e'fgtint HEAESE, gig and havinor a nersnn in tlir'r '" )tu5 iwi'eneiice, in uie u linen a u in " business, are now prepared lo altend to un dertaking in all its brandies in the best pos sible manner. COFFINS and CASKETS of ony size, style or quality, ccn.-tantly on h.ind. and ready for sliipmeut at short ttotice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Otir charges arc moderate; we have no disposii ion" lo distress the living or rob the estates of the dead. N. B. Beady-made ROBES, neatly irot ten up, can be had at any time, at tlu Ware Boom of LEI &. Co. May 26, 170. ly. LOOK THIS WAY, ALL WHO WANT Carriage Work or Blaclismilliin DONE IX A SUPERIOR MANNER! TTTl."1 C..t,-..t ! 1 -iiiu uunsLiiufi icavo io in- 5: reform the public that he is fully ire- V7 pared, at his establishment, at the corner of Simpson and Sarah streets in 1. .,r C l-V - 4 -I-' . cor IIIU UUIUiiUll Ul OllUUliiUUI'', LU UiaKC ffl order, every style of Carriage, Wagon, and, in fact, everything in his liue of bu siness, at the shortest possible notice, and ou the most reasonable tonus. Carriages repaired, trimmed and paiut ed in the best style of the art. Having first-class material always on hand, and none but first-class workmen engaged, the public are assured that none but first-class work will be turned out at his shop. In connection with his Carriage Shop he has also a lilackemith Shop, where superior workmen will always be found ready to attend to the orders of customers The public are iuvitet1 to call and ex amine his stock before purchasing else where. VALENTINE 1CAIIT7 September ID, lSG7.-tf. LEANDER EMERY, MAXei-ACTL'i:i:u and dkales ix all kixi.s of rarriages and Euzrirs, Two-scalrd Cantos for Livery staWfs and private Families, riatfjrm Spring Wagons, of the latest style ainl f-r nil kimls of use, lccj.t, on liarul or tuaile ti oiler. SINGLE-SEATED CARRIAGES, with top or without top, all styles. Delivery and Express Wagons, tif tlisYt rent styles, shipped tonnlor. All work warrant- en in eery partuniar lor one year. I will make to or- tier any M leof 'urri;u.v r iu-l,t Hiiuj- that jnay l w.tnieii. iMinii out ur.-t cliis. work leaves mv shop. I usi! oiiiy nii class stuck anil emiilov first tt-..ri-- incn, ami feel lonfi.leiit that I can nive entire satisi'ae- ii.in to an who may piuclia- my work. All enters l.v mail shall receive prompt attention, llouim iii.it i may he ull; to furnish tho citizens of Strmls!iurs ami u miijf no any iiiiuj; mai uioy tuny want in my liue Address all orders to i.i-Axri:n i:mj;kv, . -Marengo, Calhoou County, MichiL-an April 2C, IS. j. ly. e i ifA'A roiHiKT I hat when J j'ou want any thin? in the Furniture or Ornamental lino that McCavty& Sons in the ' Md-J'ciiows Hall, Alain .street, Stn Pa., is the place to get it. June IS, 74-tt Povi'io NEW MACHINE SHOP! The subscriber .having started a Miichin Shop, near the head of Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa., is prepared to build, and repair all kiinls ot Machinery with accuracy, and dL-patch. Being fitted willi SPECIAL MACITIXERY FOR TVR Y IXG, SIIAFTIXC, AM) PUL LEYS, AXD WTVH IM PROVED TOOLS of various kind?, and having an e.vpcrinncr; of over Thirty year?, in designing, and building machinery Icr special purpise., feel warranted in guaranteeing the bet of work. Ilavo on hand, and building, PORTABLE STEA3I EXCISES, of from 2 to 10 Horse Power, designed especially for Farm use, or for driving any light machinery. I also keep in stock several thousand feet of Premium New York Oak Tanned Belting, in widths of 1 inch to 0 inches, (c:m obtain wider ones at very short notice) at inanu fitpturers prices, also Lace Leather, Uolt Rivets, Punches, &c, STEAM PIPES 6c FITTINGS of the vat iouss sizes. Pipe cut and fitted, at short notice. I would cail the attention of D!nck-r:i;!is( Wheelwrights, and others, to my ;!.t.orl. mcnt of ail sizes of Machine Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Lag Screws, and Bclt-c-nds, which I ofler at New York prices. The B-)lt-ends especially, being thro !:!: fitted with nuts by innchinoiy, rti.-J,!e I'm: Blacksmiths to furnish hoi'? oi !-: ttj, inucli cheaper, and quicker, to cut them by hand. Call in and see my stock and ..tr!iirtf ry. i. iSA.N i Jill). March G, 1873 tf. nro: o "TnTy w w ;w i ! i I. Slntual Fire IsisnraKCt: - .-l - STROoISEURG PA. CHARTER RE; Tin- ?-.T,;!'.r ll t! i''r ! II--!! HI I!! . if. !!;.;, p 'V r" ' I : i v '.- imv in the cb.ui.l. !.!( i;' l'i re 1 i:sn r;;:icc ic: : j I !' jxTi.H.t aillMl! j vi: tin- vizirs. :r..t,.. ' N c! 1 an. t!;.. i-X t" tl;.- . f tl..- i ri iiinuii ii'tics :nc t:'.k' n, Midi1 till I 1. lil-ltCS. r...f.; ily i- f..r n.-t i:M- its a- t u:.l t i-ii vtiliK1, a)ii :!:,- ;: I, ('iiiii i:i i-.-i- .f pi i-t i t, l ilj-1 iinioiiut ft iu-!ir:i:icc. "AiiiiCiil iisv1 .ic lit.-"' n!i!v t:f l.cMvy l.i, isinl i.-rc" a -H'-c-c-.-iiry. The iiiii.m v i- tlicn fi :n - !-'! i'. i'ii tt-rnis liiiu-li imirc tit -i sv-tcin. I - -Ai-iiu-nti.n- ir.-.-.y - n.a'.c t ; " '.. .anam..:-. Sto-.l,K StnVrs, .T. I . I. T ! Sit : I, Di !:, C. 1. i.,:! - ht i !.!:, -, ,-. .l.'itiH Kim Jact.li Sti;i:i'ef, Tl e.i. s li,.. i; sTt !;:);:!.!. E. T. Iiur.nr.i:, Sccntai v ;i:i.l i i-.i - sritvKYo::-:. I'.-r ?-..!ir.c V:ii:y : Vi::i:;i,i i : " ;. J. l'. ;iic !.! -I'm-, J.-t John r..i;ic.er. Fur V.'aync ( i;;tc : l'1'..ti h ." a. Sit is L. Tr.itcc, T. S". I;h.!cs. F. A. C'jilelt, For Tike :u;tv : Samuel IVtruk. Fur NorilKUiij-ton Coeittv llichanl Cam leu. For I'arhcii Coind v : Sannul Zleijon!';i. For WvominT Count v : ti. M. Koon, H. V. I ;a r.i well, V: V i-The Managers meet rT.'.K-li- Otli.v in Siiou.i-i.iir, ou the T. month, at 2 ..VliKk F. M. Harness & Saddle rv. The above business has nrain loon re sumed at the old sland, lately swept away by the late flood, near Baldwin's If ti-!, in iStroudbburo', where will be kept cc:ii:antly on hand the best assortment of Harness, douMc aud siugio, Ilrldlcs, Collars, and every other article iis-nnUy fitrr.i.-!;."il in tins line ot business. U ork inad t-.t order on the shortest notice. A bire as.-irt::u ni of Mountings and Saddlery Hard ware always on hand. Call and make vo ir ov selection.and it will be furnished in.-tvlo arJ price not to be excelled in thi. nmkrt. Strict attention paid to rirpairir. and done in shortest notice. Call and cv-tinino JOHN O. SAY LOU, Accnt. October G, 1S70. tf Can you tell why it is that when any one comes to Strouil-l.ius,' to hnv FuruiKfe, the) i t ways in.iuiro fur McCarty's Fun.hure i ov ! .Sept. .'ii,'t'.7. Dox'T rooi. von: .tKnr.v away for worthless articles of Furnumv, but go to 3Ic0arty Sons, and vmi will i;vt well paid for it. (June IS,' 7-1 -t. BLANK DEEDS For sale at this Ollicc. it
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers