The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, June 15, 1876, Image 1

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Scuotcb to politics, literature, Agriculture, Sriencc, iilornlitn, nuo cucral Sntclligeucc
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niMishpi by Theodore Sclioch.
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jj i.jiysiciiui anil Surgeon,
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iApril 1-74. t!'.
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cottage ORGANS !
si'Miri-ir t il. beacitlly finished
. eelijtsed lir ot:ii!etitor in
ahj'lclicacy of tone,
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"':ar;y opposite Kautz'd jcksmitli Shop,
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peel fully in-
,, "- citizeiis ot Stroudo rg'and vicinity
is now fully prejrtr to do all kinds
.r dPfT Ilutigi.tjr, (Jiuzi,, ;inJ Painting,
''J:!1!y and at thfirt t.nt, nA thut. h
1V. i7 c')lll:u:,1y on hij a fine block ot
,r 'a";i?i of all de-iptions and at
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Celling Houstcr Sale
S II..ii.-e, contain
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roitdsb'jr'. The
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S'tY; 3 !'"' a t..r.. l:.i..i,t. :
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,v;'AVl!',' Sous are
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Tl.o Hii.lorsijriHM oIHts ot privat tl,o f)l- in.,
e.-M.nUrd st, k ..f('uw, IIHiVm an.l Calves, wLUh
bm-,1 was import.-.! bv ,,owl(. ouc Ulu b
ot tock in tln I nit.-.! Stat.-s. 3
A !t of AyMiin 1'uws and lloifi-rs.
A lot of Durham Ows and lUit'ors.
A hit of cTosstil Mot-k.
A lot of Ayr-iliire Calves.
A lot of Durham Calves.
The si.K-k ean he examined on the toek farm of Col
.. 1.. ;Wtoii, near this llorou;,'!!. l or terms, Ac. tali
Stroudshur. Ajril fi, 7C.
AVe the undersigned respectfully inform
the citizens of Stroudslmrg and vicinity,
that v,-q have added to our large assort
ment of
A complete and carefully selected stock of
3Icas & Youths' Ready-
made Clothing
of the latest and most fashionable styles
and best quality. Y.'e have also a com
plete line of
Please give us a call and examine our
stock and juices before Vuu purchase else
where. Ve shall soon olLr a larire assort
rueut of
Umbrellas, Traveling Bags, &c.
You will find us one door west of Key
stone Drug Store, 31ain Street, Strouds
burg, Pu.
X. Vs. Silk Hats ironed and repaired
at hort notice. (Jive u.s a call.
Stroudsburg, April 20, 1S7G.
$000 REWARD!
ysn r. rf; jr,
fey &
A tnll-coniph xlcmcd YOIJN'G MAN, a;?ed
o ft. (J in., ln.-il.t l'A) !). Had n, when lat
seen two airs of swallow-tailed sealskin
trousers, fashionable mutton cutlet waiseoat,
with delirium trimmings ; doubie-barrelled
frock cuat, with horse collar and sausage
lining; patient leather-bottom top shoes, laced
up at the sole, and buttoned inside.
He i deaf and dumb of one eye and hard
of hearing with the other, with a slight squint
in his eve teeth ; stoops very up right with a
loud impediment in his look, chignon on tip
per lip with whiskers bitten oft' short inside;
mouth like a torn pocket ; hair of a deep scarlet
blue and parted from ear to yonder; Calves of
legs rising 4 years, to be sold cheap on ac
count of 'the clearness of milk ; very liberal
with other peoples' money, and well known to
a good templar, having been eleventeen years
a memler of the I. O. G. T. (I Often Get
Tight Society).
Anv one who knows of his whereabouts will
please report at the
EmpirG Clothing Stors,
where he will find the
Men and Boy's Clothing,
Hats and Caps,
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Trunks, Valices, &c. &c.
kept in this vicinity, and which we will sell
at the
If von want to save money don't fail to ex
amine our stock before purchasing elsewh re.
If you want GOOD GOODS at low prices,
there is no place in Monroe County to rotn
Our new stock is complete in every particu
lar, ricase call and examine for yourselves.
at HMI'IKE Ci-othixg Sxoek.
Stroudsburg, March 23, 1876. tf.
For sale at this Office.
Mm I
The Centennial in a Nut Shell.
The buildings, in taste, style, arrange
ment and size surpass those of the ex
hibition in Vienna-.
The main structure alone covers twenty
one acres of ground. Entering the build
ing from the west, Italy first presents herself
in beautiful carved furniture of choice and
precious wood,inlaid with rich Plornctine
mosaics, and embellished with delicately
carved birds and animals.
Prazil, under a gilded canopy, dispbys
her stores of base and precious metals,
with native gems of every description.
New South Vv'alcc presents her stuffed
birds of gorgeous plumage; fifty different
kinds of confectionery made from her
sugar ; a large collection of seeds ; a large
block representing the amount of gold she
lias produced since 1851 1GS,0U0,000 ;
tin ores that yield ninety per cent, metal ;
copper and other ores of exceeding richness ;
also a fine specimen of bituminous coal.
The Argentine Republic and Chili
present their birds, animals and bronze
England exlfibits her cutlery, chro
nometers, books, stationery, textile fabrics,
laces, furniture, reversible billiard tables,
upholstery, chairs, crystal chandeliers, lastly
a ease of magnificent jewelry, valued at half
a million dollars.
Japan and China, beneath painted arches,
display porcelain ware, enameled porcelain,
gaudy hangings, purple banners with Japa
nese inscriptions. The Japanese attendants
dress in American costume ; the Chinese in
the garb peculiar to their country.
Sweden presents military harness and
artillery, porcelain and alabaster.
Pemmark shows pottery, bronzes and
Etruscan vases.
Egypt presents huge heads of Mcmnon,
a splendid carpet and a defunct crocodile.
The Turkey coop is empty.
Norway has charming work in silver
Russia is absent from an accident to her
Canada shows magnificent furs, brass
goods, steam gauges, snow-white marble,
plates and vases from the Lambeth pot
tery. India displays costly carpets, embroidered
muslin, and cases of Delhi gold, jewelry and
precious stones.
The Netherlands turn out their public
works, maps of land reclaimed from seas
and lakes, water works, bridges, jars of
spices from Java, seeds, ornamental woods,
peculiar grass, panther skins, wax flowers
and fruits, Malay weapons and silver utensils.
Mexico is expected to exhibit her re
volutions, but they are rot on exhibition
for want of space.
Pelgium has a graud pulpit in carved
wood. In the tanols of its live sides arc
groups in relief, representing the mar
riage of Mary and Joseph, the Anunci
ation, the Flight into Egypt, the Wel
come to the Virgin, a figure placing a
crown upon Mary, and other .religious
Spain delights us with tapestry from
the royal factory of Madrid, a candla
brum of wonderful richness in gilt and
bronze, embellished with twelve knights
and an apostle ; also bucklers, lances,
servants and sentries. Some of her
tapestry is one hundred years old ; the
colors are preserved and perfect. Also
ornaments, locksmiths work
damascene, marble and
France treats us to splended silks and
velvets, rich black and white marbles with
bronze ornaments, a case of most delicately
executed artificial flowers, gloves and fine
Austria has her fine textiles, linens, silk
and woolens ; the finest porcelain in the
exhibition, looking-glasses, the famous
Victoria vase, painted with the "Chariot
of the Sun," Reni's magnificent fresco ; also
other vases of great splendor and exquisite
painting ; splendid specimens of Rohemian
crystal, amber ami meerschaum goods,
beautiful blown glass, enameled glass and
pottery. The exhibit of Austria is charm
ing throughout.
Many spaces arc yet unfilled.
Iron Rust a Cause of Fire.
The rather old notion that fires may be
caused by iron rust is thus defended by a
recent English writer : When oxide of iron
is placed iu contact with timber, excluded
from the atmosphere, and aided by a slightly
increased temperature, the oxide parts with
its oxygen, is converted into very finely
divided particles of metallic iron having
such an affinity for oxygen that, wdien after
ward exposed to the action of the atmos
phere from any cause, oxygen is absorbed
so rapidly t hut these particles become sud
denly red hot, and, if in sufficient quantity,
will produce a temperature far beyond the
ignitible point of dry timber. Wherever
iron pipes are employed for the circulation
of and heated medium (whether hot water,
hot air or steam), and whenever these pipes
are allowed to become rusty, and are also in
close contact with timber, it is only necessary
to suppose t hat under these circumstances the
finely divided particles of metallic iron be
comes exposed to the action of the atmos
phere, (and this may occur from the mere
expansion or coutration of the pipes) in
order to account for many of the fires which
periodically take place at the commence
ment of the winter season.
"That is what I call a finished sermon,"
remarked a man as ho was coming out of
church. "Yes, finished at last," replied his
neigbhor, "though I began to think it
would never be."
A Fond Du Lac Tooth.
The Fond du Lac Commonwealth says:
"A man named Holland, living on the (Joss
farm, was attacked with a severe toothache
the other evening, and he thought his head
would split open. lie would sit down for
a moment, holding his face in one of his
hands, ami groan. Then he would jump
up and pace the floor, and kick at some
thing that happened to lie in his course,
and then sit down and groan some more.
It was a bad case. Everybody in the house
was made miserable by the man's sufferings
and lamentations. lie tried holding alum
and salt in his mouth, and binding horse
radish leaves on the outside of his jaw, but
they did no good. Finally somebody came
across a copy of 'Dr. Chase's Recipe Rook,'
and therein was a balm for every ill. Iu two
minutes a recipe was selected, and a courier
dispatched with it to a drug storcin the city
to have it it 'put up." lie rcreturned in
due time, and a dose of the compound, which
contained among other ingredients liberal
quantities of ether and chloroform, was ad
ministered. Presently the toothache was
relieved, and the patient felt himself gradual
ly being overpowered by sleep. The sus
picion all at once crossed his mind that he
had been poisoned. He became greatly
alarmed,and appealed to those present, in a
frenzy of desperation, to save him from his
impending fate. A doctor was immediately
sent for, and while the messenger was gone
the alarm was communicated to the neigh
bors. One of the men seized a pail, and
rushed out into the pasture, where he woke
up a cow, milked about a quart, and hur
ried back to the house. This the dying
man drank, and had just finished when
another came in and said that there was
nothing so sure an antidote for all kinds of
poison as raw eggs. Seven or eight raw
eggs were given the suffering man, and he
had just intimated that it wasn't possible
for him to swallow another, when two more
neighbors arrived simultaneously one bear
ing a can of lard and the other a tea-saucer
full of coffee. The lady with the lard said
that they must help her to get some of it
down right away there wasn't a moment
to lose and the one with the coffee set
about preparing a cup of that beverage for
the dying man, which, she said, must be
strong enough to hold up an iron wedge.
The unfortunate man got down about three
fourths of a tea-cupful of lard when the
coffee was ready, and he unbuttoned his
waistcoat and swallowed it. There seemed
to be just room enough loft for it. Another
neighbor came in, aud inststcd that what
the patient needed was an emetic to throw
the poison out of the stomache. lie said
the quicker they did something of that kind
the better it would be for him, and that it
would be dangerous to delay the matter a
moment longer. They had prepared a quart
bowl of strong salt and water, and were
urging Holland to take some of it, when
the doctor arrived. He examined the con
tents of the bottle carefully, tasked it, and
then said : 'This is all right ; a very good
remedy for toothache and neuralgia gives
the patient a rest for a time from his pain.'
And ain't it poison ?" gurgled the man,
who was so full of new milk, raw eggs, lard,
coffee, and salt water, that he could scar
cely articulate, 'ain't it poison, doctor ?'
'Well, no ; not exactly ; and yet, a quart or
two of it might kill a man or it might
not it would depend a good deal on his
condition. A man of your health and con
dition could easily get away with a churn
full of it."
Thoughts for Saturday Night.
No fool can be silent at a feast.
Next to faith in God is faith in labor.
The greatest pleasure of life is love.
To live long, it is necessary to live slow-
In bringing up a child, think of its old
Love can hope where reason would de
spair. Indolence and stupidity are first cousins.
The miserable have no other medicine
but hope.
While wc are reasoning concerning life,
life is gone.
The love which arises sudvlenly is the
most difficult to cure.
We can do more cood bv bcincr good
than in any ether way.
To give pain is the tyranny to make
happy the true empire of beauty.
He shall be immortal who livcth till he
is stoned by one without fault.
I think it best not to dispute where
there is no probability of convencing.
As words can never be recalled, speak
only such words as you never wish to re
call. Our souls must become expanded by the
contemplation of nature's grandeur before
we can fully comprehend the features of
It is the mind that makes us rich and
happy in what condition soever wc are ;
and money signifies no more to it than it
docs to the gods.
We do not take possession of our ideas,
but are possessed by them. They master
us and force us into the arena, where, like
gladiators, we must fight for them.
Enjoy the flowers on your pathside ; but
do not spend too much of your pilgrim
time and strength, too many uf your pre
cious sunlit hours, to stoop aud gather
Let us carefully observe those good
qualities wherein our enemies excel us, and
endeavor to excel them by avoiding what is
excellent in them.
Wonderful Salt Mountains
of Ne
One mile above the ferry the Virgin
river comes in from the North, and on and
near it is perhaps, the most wonderful and
extensive salt formation, on the continent.
Ihc formation, is in fact, one of the moun
tains of salt, hard rock salt which is blasted
aud quarried out like quarries of granite
and marble. Commencing six miles up
the A lrgm river, these mountains of salt
extend for thirty or more miles up the
A lrgin and Muddy rivers. 1 here are open
ings now made from six to twenty miles up
the A'irgin river at different places. From
six to twelve miles up these openings un
cover a species of dark gray salt, ninety-
two per cent, pure, presenting to the
casural observer the appearance of common,
coarse, gray granite. These opeuings are
all on the cast side of the Virgin river, from
one fourth to one-half mile from its banks.
t a point twenty miles up the river, and
on the western side, is a mountain of pure ,
white crystallized salt white as the driven
now and transparent almost as glass. It
is at once a pleasing and interesting speca
cle to see the great masses of crystal like
salt, as thrown out by three or four foot
blasts. Ihcse pure and beautiful blocks
resemble somewhat blocks of the purest ice
when prepared for the ice house. On plac
ing a mass six inches thick over the column
of a newspaper, the fine print could be read
easily. The formation of the salt deposit
is no doubt very ancient, dating back in years
beyond computation. Long since the de
posit was made, the great upheavals aud
earthquake era have occurred, which have
changed the whole appearance of the coun
try for great distances around. These salt
bluffs or mountains, can be identified for long
disstauces by the peculiar color of the surface,
which is of reduish or orange color. Un
derneath this formation, as well as in it, is
a peculiar kind of micaceous sedimentary
granite. I found sufficient evidence to
warrant the assumption that veins of valu
able mica will yet be discovered in or near
the salt formation. The whole country is
deserving of thorough investigation by both
the miner, prospector and the student.
Another very interesting natural curiosity
visited and examined here is a natural salt
well, a mile northwest of the ferry. It is
ou a mesa which extends up and down the
river, on its northern bank. This mesa is
adrift formation formed of small pebbles
and boulders mixed with earthy matter.
The well is a large circular opening in the
mesa, some 300 feet in circumferences, with
abrupt descent to the surface of the well,
which is fifty feet below the surface. The
water is exceedingly salty, far more so than
any salt spring, and has been sounded to a
depth of 137 feet. It is a splendid natural
salt bath; in which the bather floats almost
as buoyant as a cork upon a pool of water.
From a careful examination of all the sur
rounding, I feel confident that this interest
ing salt well is all that is left of a once great
salt lake, which, in the lapse of time, has
been filled iu by the draft formation, only
leaving the present opening as an evidence
of its former existence.
A Sample Case.
Chapter T. It was New Year's morn
ing. He had been thinking deeply for a
day or two, and there was a Spartan look
on his face as he sat down to breakfast.
He was unusually quiet, though he said
he never felt better iu his life. II. Rising from the table he
drew forth his tobacco box, and said to his
wife :
"Hannah, I'm going to quit the weed."
"No !''
"Yes, I am. I've been a slave to the dis
gusting habit for forty years, but now I'm
done with it 1 Come here, Hannah.
She followed him to the door, and he
flung the box out far into the back yard.
CiiAPTEit III. Four days had passed
Pried pumpkin, cloves, spices, gum, and
dried beef had been chewed in place of the
accustomed quid. The family cat had been
kicked out of doors ; the dog had fled ; the
hired girl's nose was up ; every peddler in
town came to the door.
"Rut you will stick to your resolution,
won't you ?" asked his wife.
"I will or die 1" he replied.
Chapter Last. It was dark. A man
sneaked around the house on his knees in
the grass pawed around fingers clutched
an object lid flew open moved his right
hand to his mouth "Yum ! Rut what
a fool I was !"
Moral : Don't learn to chew.
How to Clean Carpets.
If brooms are wet in boiling suds once
a week they will become very tough, will
not cut a carpet, but last much longer,
and always sweep like a new broom. A
handful or so of salt sprinkled on the car
pet will carry the dust along with it and
make the carpet look bright and cleam. A
very dusty carpet may be tleand by set
ting a pail of cold water out by the door,
wet the broom iu it, knock it to get off all
the drops, sweep a yard or so, then wash
the broom as before and sweep again, be
ing careful to shake all the drops off the
broom, and not sweep far at a time. If
done with care it will clean a carpet very
nicely, and you will be surprised at the
quantity of dirt in the water. The water
may need changing once or twice if the
carpet is very dirty. Snow sprinkled over
a carpet and swept off before it has time
to melt and dissolve, is also nice for reno
vating a soiled carpet. Moistened Indian
meal is used with good effect by some
housekeepers. The broom wears out car
pets quite as much as feet do. .
NO. 3.
No Rest.
Science teaches us that the crust of out
earth is perpetually moving, and that the
sea level is constantly changing. Ourglobri
has its daily rotation ou its axis and its
yearly revolution about the sun. The sun,
with all its satellites, sweeps on towards a
moving point in the constellation. Hercules.
Every so-called "fixed star" is ui itfotion.
Fifty thousand years ago the constellation
of the Great Rear, or Dipper, was a starry1
cross. A hundred thousand years henco
the imaginary Dipper will be upside down,
and the stars which form the bowl and
handle will have changed places". The
misty nebuhe arc moviug, and, besides, are
whirling around in great spirals some one.
way, some another. Jvcry molecule ot
matter in the whole universe is swinging
to and fro ; every particle of either which
fills space is in jelby-like vibration. Light
is one kind of motion, heat another, elec
tricity another, magnetism another, sound
another. Every uman sense is the result,
of motion. Every preception, every
thought is but motion of the molecules
of the brain translated bv that inconi
prehensible thing we call "mind." Thd
processes of growth, of existence, of de
cay, whether in worlds or iu the minutest
organisms, are but motion.
Independently of the wealth, influence,"
and greatness which industry gains for u.s,
it carries along with it another great ad
vantage it is conducive to the preserva
tion of health. All things in nature are
preserved in their native purity and per
fection, in their sweetness and in their
lustre, by motion ; but, when resting they
become corrupted or defiled. The air,
when it is fanned by breezes, is pure and
wholesome ; but, when inactive, it is thick
and putrid. Metals, when in use, are
smooth and sparkling ; but, when laid by,
they contract rust. The soil, when tilled,
yields corn ; but, when fallow, it is over
grown with weeds and thistles. In fact,
everything iu nature is preserved in its
proper condition by constant agitation.
So the mental aud bodily faculties of man,
when iu constant exercise are preserved
and improved ; but when unemployed,
they become dull and heavy, as if they
had contracted rust. Ry industry alone,
then, do we preserve our healths and per
fect our natures.
Sweet Oil for Poison.
A farmer writes to the College Cottrarit
"It is now over twenty years since I heard
that sweet oil would cure the bite of a rat
tlesnake, not knowing that it would cure
other kinds of poison. Practice and ex
perience have taught me that it will cure
poison of any kind, both on man and beast.
The patient must take a spoonful of it in
ternally, and bathe the wound for a cure.
To cure a diorse, it takes eight times as
much as for a man. One of the most ex
treme cases of snake bite occurred eleven
years ago. It had been thirty days' stand
ing, and the patient had been given up by
his physicians. I gave him a spoonful of
the oil, which effected a cured. It will
cure bloat in cattle caused by fresh clover.
It will cure the sting of bees, spiders or
other insects, and persons who have becit
poisoned by a low running vine called
For Sick Headache.
Two teaspoon fuls of finely powered char
coal, drank in half a tumbler ot water, will
often give relief to the headache, when
caused, as iu most cases it is, by a super
abundance of acid in the stomach.
Burns and Scalds.
For burns and scalds take the white of
an egg and apply immediately as" a plaster,
and the pain will cease almost instantly j
This recipe is nearly always on hand in
most families, and nothing can be found
The Memphis Ledger says that fruit and
eggs are now being shipped from that city
to cities North in large quantities.
The price of wool is so low in California
that many sheep raisers have commenced
killing their stock for the skin and tallowj
The State Prison at Concord has more?
than paid expenses for the. last year. The
earnings were $3G,3'J9 aud the expenses
The fund which has been collected as a
testimonial to Captain Webb, who swam
across the English Channel, now amounts
to about 20,000.
Fifteen eels,- weighing forty-five pounds,
were, a few days ago, taken out of a water
wheel in Templeton, Mass. The largest
eel weighed five and three-quarter pouuds.
There arrived at the port of New York
last year from the West Indies 12,500,000
oranges, about 000,000 bunches of bananas,
5,230,000 pineapples, and 7,300,000 cocoa
nuts. v.v '
The other day a Rlack Hills stage driver
under-took to horsewhip his passengers into
getting out and pushing up the hill, but
the gold-seekers omptcd their revolvers into
him a few times, held a coroner's inquest,
and found that he died of pneumonia.
"You cannot keep me down," shouted
a somewhat windy orator at a public meet
ing ; "though I may be pressed below tho
waves, I rise again ; you will find that I
come to the surface, gentlemen." "Yes,"
said an old greaser in the audience,
como to the surface to blow."