The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, June 01, 1876, Image 3

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    f'4 ihuch Chunk jaU now holds five
rrinklin county fair is to be held
I"1 iV.tlT 3 1.
..r.rlT Vv
;n:r county man wears a pair of
'i..vntV-fcI yirs ao-
t wstown
contributes a five legged
tntonnia! curiosities.
county hns S.SS9 taxable inliab-
mce last year 01 nuie-
( house
1- :lir'h
in Ionongeliala City were
bv burglars, m
one nigiit,
atcr count v farmer pulled down
A , ' .rib and while doing so killed
liiJrofe rats.
V A'eadville hpi'?Jican denies the
ilat Tilton was drunk when he lec
5 inaIliat city.
' Ii!!ors' National Association will
.V u 'lrt'iinl annual convention at Mil
Jane -1st.
l;, vear sro to waste in Michigan
cfa market.
. wt. frnit crop promises to be
. 'i'-t ever produced, and wheat never
y' n; H-UC SU - .. .. .
wiMtcss testified directly at Washing-
Mondav that several years ago he
Hl'm. M. C. Kerr S4."() for ?ecuring a
,n in the regular army for one A.
f U
distress in Colleton
'. (irct'.i. i ritiful
- S. Can 'Una. In three town
vr von hundred persons are with-
... -, ;L and these towiiiups are not in
i. t i
.tionaliv t'uu i-imiuiiumi.
jr ,n fxph'sicn of fire-damp in a slope
MLhiJi and Wilkesbarre Coal Com-
i on Monday afternoon
v rc.-.r 1 MUM-U
Mid a I'cy wore severely
!i.:i'l r;id faces. It is thought
i-uvd will mover.
Mi'cv or tidographs from
lie has "I tained judgement
arraigned fur violn-
rii.s 0; '
!v law ni-.d a forfeiture of property.
t tr.r.t elainivd by tlie banks, which
i ...... i t . k
Di'ai.y cri.iMiH,.-ji.
l.rt-e and fur b.undred thou
iii silver was paid out :it tlie
le' hi i i:i extha'.igo fur p.a-
l 1 t
Wi'l'K. V !:.i'!' IS l.'CCO!!!-
' I
'ill. and it is believed that
there will be the usual
u v S ;r r. in" ( urt of this Mate has de
i t!;.' crime ef bigamy is affected
?::it i f limitation, and must be
vv'.::-,d '.vithln two years from the time
xt. Ti:e Luzerne court held that
t o.itim;ii)ir ofT.-'n-.-'. ai:d (lise was
:vt:d undtr that decision, and was sen-
cf tlie
-'i vi ri- n. The decision
C'.'tut liberates him.
L-t S.ituvday at Suffolk, Xan?eniond
Va.. a .-eriotis fight occurred be-"F-:i
a ji.e ,f six men and a gang of de--:?
I'ru'ar. Tlie latter were routed,
:- in.' kiili-.! a;;d another captured.. At
-'-i -tation. in the Pir-mal swamp.
i-.iv.i- across "two German Jews"
t :t;-i:t. ;.nd they were arrested. They
i k t '.uri:!.
!V 2'X'C'Ut
i i'is touls. but "refused
of their doimrs."
lieL-Jorf ladie-s of enormous size
.'.i !.:c.'t oacii ot!: r m .ne of the
" cf that borough , when each
"' 'j"-;a i'jrchas, d tWt-Jity-fbur yards of
-' ;:'ra dr..-. forty-eight in all, or a
" -:e i-.r. 'fiiey were then asked to
t-'ir-.a a p!atf..rui scale, when on -2 took
s-?a.t.s at pounds and the
' ;.t l.l I pounds, the ages of the ladie
:rr thirry-eigiit yo-trs respectively.
, i'-;r":t ) h;ri;ms are discussing a singu
wW'.i tbey rere recently called on
'AX- ihy n-tiu was a young man
l-rU CI,-k, wl:o after twentv-
"ir of s'"--r". Jb-'d from the un--i known as purpura luemor-;:-L-;-'-r
th- bursting of all small blood
r1" ' .'''1 t'i- kiu and mucous uietu
f"lu' ti'-'-k. ijsniv and limbs heainte
aa-1 the ki-.i having ceased itsfunc-
"": "?!:ic ,;:t,,"'y odd uj the touch
-i e-.-us J..-ra.b:y distended.
ys: Solumou Les-r-
r'5;tiii'.' a short distance above Shoe-
V'lif. ti, .... ,e .. i ii t.
, .... . . . oei en a. tirge uiaek
, -l k ca,ici a iv-e-maker. lie al-
:"- ie faiuily to take !u,M of each
"'. "r". " r 1'"'s be allow eock-fi-btinsr,
- 01
M''S. ir .itiv tliMifr 1.L-j
i . " 2. .such k-iug the case he
I. I''hes the raWr. If a tow
ir . i'"-''iij'u ''ksj aim uiics
, iw me pig. .nr. Jicsher would
:S With tl dog fur a couriJerable
CeLteinial Exhibition.
; i':i;Tor;i?AXHs ox TJ1K vxssl
f"Ai.ELrmA. May 2.1 The records
.V 'd'-'tmetit of Admission
t ('!
-"'JV lIiert-:i.- mi
V " - i . i
- t
js eacn tjav
the number of
s. Mr. Lit-
, IJI ""J J i nance Committee,
ft-arg,; of that dej-artineiit, is very
t''!he San-'iid success of the
j.. ' ""- J lie Vienna and Paris rates
1 fir behind the results of
J, U::!1- lclow is a table on this
Sin iti-i .1 . .
s;wing the
t n
:w.t. Ulte';'ns some 1 G,000 passes
V? Inv5nc cen iued to exhib
..,U,:ir utiidauts, eu.ploycif, couipli-r-'
I the press. This evening re
J , 1,,dicatioM will show au in-
VVfcril thousands on the last
" -t lie f,.HiMi-;.w- :. .i - , ie.
in-, is tiJC laoie :
. . tl V - w.rcatlls and cros to deco-
. - iu iue bowiers graves m the cemeteries at
Bogus ten cent silver pieces have made
their appearance, and the bogus quarter
ami half dollar mav be e-rtnrl i'
r i -1 X -v,x uiuii:
a icw uays.
: id S
May IS ll..-4
MavlS jr.JiHj
May 'JO
Muvjj 12,4)2
M:iy2:J I7,.Vji
ilayi4 2I.5:W
J ',?!-" "
1 1 ,.'.;
11,'.) 15
Cheap brain fodder. Pine salmon, weigh
ing fifteen pounds apiece, were selling at
fcan Irancisco for twenty-five cents each a
week aero.
There are living in Shrewsbury broiHi
1 ork county, eight ladies whose arete
age s 710an average of cightyight and
Butter and eggs are cheaper in Phiadcl
phia since the opening of the Centennial
than they have been for a year past. The
market is glutted.
Clinton county commissioners have noti
fied the assessor that valuing real estate
below the value is contrary to law and will
no longer be permitted.
According to the Philadelphia Jess, it
will require thirty visits of six hours each
to enable a person to see every thing at the
Centennial Exhibition.
doming down. The Philadelphia Star
says there is no difficulty now in getting
board and lodgings in that city as cheaply
to-day as at any period within five years.
J. IT. Mann, of New York, was recentlv
raarriod to Miss Little. She was only four
feet tall, which proves tiat "Iann wants
but Little here below, nor wants that Lit-
e ions:
Colonel Coolbaugh. who was on General
MePherson's staff during the war, is now
in the Arkansas Penitentiary under a sen
tence ot htteen years for stealing a letter
from the mail.
Three women of Blandon fell on a sew
ing machine agent and pounded him se
verely because he wanted to remove a ma
chine that a poor woman could not pay the
balance on right away.
The Erie Kailway Company has com
pleted the laying of a third rail from Buffalo
to aveny, which jrivcs it an unbroken
narrow-gauge track between Philadelphia
ana ail points north and west.
The Meadville people assert that Theo
dore Tilton was drunk at the time he de
livered his lecture in that city, a few nights
ago. The same charge is made by papers
in Ohio towns where tne long haired phi
lusopher has lectured lately.
More weddings in liiuli life. One of the
Fiji cannibals that Burnum imported four
years :go is to be married shortly to a
young Ciermnn girl, whose father keeps a
.New lork. lie is a good
cigar Mien m
lucking fellow of twentv-five, with Euro
poan features and a light vcllow complex
ion. His name is Kin-a-boo-yac. He speaks
English, and has become Americanized.
Last week the BeekeeTers Association
of Lancaster count, Pa., met in Lancaster
city, with Levi Resist in the chair, who in
his address stated that there are in the
country about 70.000 beekeepers, which
number could easily be increased to
000. These 70,000 people have 800,000
stands. Producing l.".000.000 pounds of
honey, valued at 83.000,000, of which
Pennsylvania has 40.000 stands, produc
ing S'JO.OOO pounds, and of these Lancas
ter county has about 3,000 stocks, produc
ing bd.'Juu noun Ms vaiueu at
on a low
12,000, all
the above that
Uiidiiee at the opening
O J.TVr.J . ...... .1
w4 11 (Mil I : '
The railroad war is causing no little un
easiness among the holders of railway
stocks and securities. This class of invest
ment, never ven reliable in the important
item of dividends, is subject to severe de
pression from ordinary competition, as well
as from the ruinous cutting" of rates be
tween rival lines. The war now in pro
gress between several of the leading rail
ways of the country, promises to surpass
in intensity all that have precceded it, and
the effect upon the prices of stocks, and the
prospective loss of dividends, are not pleas
ant to contemplate. To obtain the bulk of
th Centennial travel is the cause of the
present contest. A correspondent remarks :
-The different routes have advantages each
neculiar to itself. The Erie road, now in
the hands of a receiver, with stock at 14
and under no necessity of making a divi
dend, h-M the advantage afforded by this
condition of things. The Baltimore and
Ohio road has a short route and has never
watered it3 fctock, which is now worth near
lv 200. It rmvs tea per cent. The Pennsyl
vania Ceutraf runs over extensive beds of
coal and thus obtains cheap fuel. The
New York Central is a long route, but has
the advantage of being in perfect runnin
order. There w the necessity of payiu
eight per ceut. dividend, but this only ex
tends to Buffalo. The Lake Shore road is
not expected to pay any dividend under
present cii-cuuiatauce. This accounts for
the recent decline in its fetock, which has
touched 53, but is now 55.
Centennial Christian Homes.
The great number of visitors in Phil
adelphia, during the Centennial Exhibition,
necessitates the opening of private homes
for board and lodging. Many Christian
families, who arc unwilling to ojii their
doors to a promiscuous public, have ar
ranged a plan by which they give admission
to Christians and their friends. This will
le equally pleasant to Christian people
abroad who may not wish to be associated
with the great variety of characters brought
together m hotels and public boarding
houses. In order to have this select class the price
of board is generally much lower than pre
vails by other arrangements, varying from
." to $40 a week, and from 1 to $2.50
per day. Each family fixes its own price,
and receives its pay direct from its guest.
Those wishing to secure places under this
arrangement will please write as long be
forehand as possible to the
OJfire for Ccnti'im'al Ciirisftun llohics,
Care of the llev. Kdwiu M. Iong,
E. cor. 12th and Berks ts., Phiki., Pa.
Ml-C TI-jT-n.,1. C, :.. 1 net
iulhuii imuro, oi Lent re coun
ty, is the happy mother of thirteen - chil
dren and is only thirty-tight years of
: Good tea has been raised in North Car
olina, The experiment has been tested
fully, and there is said to be no doubt that
it would be a profitable source of income if
prosecuted to any extent.
An aged couple in Luzerne couuty found
on their door steps, the other morning, an
infant, around whose neck was tied the
half of a silver quarter. Accompanying
the child was a note to the effect that if'
one could find the other half of the quarter
he could find the parents of the child.
The supreme court of this state has re
versed the decision of the Waye county
common pleas, made some time ago, that
the exemption of the property of honor
ably discharged soldiers . from bounty tax
was repealed by the act of 1S73. The
grounds of the decision are not yet reported.
Executions have been issued against
Tweed on the 0,000,000 judgment in
favor of New York city. The common
impression is that he is still in the city and
will remain unmolested, since there is no
inducement for his detection. Tweed's
sons are loafing round the public buildings.
If the Boss should get through with Ids
law troubles he might open a lager beer
saloon, and perhaps thus get a living.
Pittsburg Coin.
Mr. "Weston, the pedestrian, has contribu
ted something to the general stock of infor
mation in England. Inquisitive medical
gentlemen who watched him during his
public exhibitions discovered that he used
"coca" habitually as a stimulant. "Coca
which is a totally different thing from cocoa
is a plant indigenous to the high lands of
the Andes. It is well known in Peru,
where the dried leaves- are chewed by all
classes, as tobacco is here. The symptoms
of intoxication produced by it comprise
heightened temperature, quickened pulse,
strong desire for active locomotion, with
increased sense of strength and agility,
followed by apathy and sleep, from which
the patient awakes without debility or un
pleasant feelings.
Lancaster has a nobby gang of gypsies.
Their traveling wagons are complete houses
on wheels ; well furnished with bedding,
looking glasses pictures and all the com
forts of heme on a small scale. The tents
are made of the best cotton canvas, weather
tight, and the inside fitted up with camp
stools, portable tables, carpets and every
thing that is necessary for bodily comfort.
Their general outfit indicates money, and,
indeed, they do not deny that thev are
making plenty of it, the men by horse
trading, the women by fortune teuing
They do not do any work themselves, but
keep colored servants to uo the work for
them. These negroes are hired and paid
servants, and obey their masters with as
much respect as if they were rich land
owners instead of gypsies. The value of
one of their traveling wagons and tents.
including furniture, bedding, etc., cannot
be less than 81,000. Altogether their gen
eral outfit represents a value of between
4.000 and ,000.
The Democratic press has repeatedly
charged that the monthly Treasury debt
statement was not an honest statement of
the Government's assets and liabilities.
Some months ago a Democratic member of
Congress introduced a resolution of in
quiry as to certain assets, and brought out
a statement that was not understood. Iut
in causing that statement to be made the
liability side was made up to show a
balance outside of the public debt state
ment. It was a question of contraction or
expansion in some minds, but as the
liabilitv side was not asked for, it was not
given. The Washington correspondent of
the New lork JJuuena, a wholly non
partisan journal, has prepared, from official
data, a table showing to a penny the
liabilities and assets of the Treasury for
Januarv -25. this vear. exclusive of any
balance in National bank depositaries which
is an absolute answer to any question that
may be asked from any source. The assets
and liabilities tally to a cent, the total be
ing S1J0,77S,043 24. The Washington
RcnvLUcan says it is the first and only full
balance sheet of the kind ever made up
. 1 1 rrtt
since the uovernment was louuueu. ine
only part cf it that appears in the public
debt statement is the J rcasurcr s general
account of coin and . currency, amounting
to SS2,S84,000. The only, point at issue,
and which called forth this extraordinary
statement, was the question whether the
legal tenders, specially deposited to redeem
national bank currency and as the five per
cent, redemption reserve, were scaled up
and pigeon-holed or used in tne regular
business of the Treasury. It is a fact that
these special deposits are not pigeon-holed,
and that they arc used iu the regular busi
ness of the Treasury ; but it is also a fact
that the currency balance has never been
so low that the legal tenders on hand for
offsetting these liabilities was less than the
full amount of the liabilites. This matter
was tested two years ago, when the paper
money in the Treasury was the lowest, and
there were about two millions above the
necessity. At the time the balance was
struck there were a little over 801,000,
000 of legal tender liabilities, and a little
over 877,000,000 legal tenders to meet
them. Of course these legal tender deposits
are not sealed up and sent to Washington
to await demands, or they would te on tlie
cars all the time, to the great expense of
the banks. Neither could they he sealed
un and held as separate packages, for the
I ' ill
pigeon holes of the vautis wouid be too
...a 1.1 11
small to hold them so, and tne trouble
would require a large appropriation from
1 1onrress. Thev are held as special deinxsits.
The' identical notes are not paid back, but
ollar for dollar of legal tenders is returned
for such deposits, and an excess of legal
teuders is alwaTs held to meet the possible
demand. In other words, the legal tenders
in the Treasury and sub-Treauries is never
less than the amount deposited. Ihis
tatcmcnt ought to settle that matter at
once and forever during a Bepub'iean
m 1.
idministratioo. whec policy is absolute
gOod fiiilh.
For the Year 1876.
Lots of visitors to the 1 nl-n I r 11 w .
their dinner along. - . MSrCalHllS ADTDraiSSmSIlt
Crush an incipient caternilla rs' nr;f
whenever you see it.
John Sigman, of Easton. shot, himsolf rn
Monday of last week.
Florid a oranges arcJsaid tolesn rdenfvnq
to be fed to the hogs.
Nearly a square mile of tavern snrrnnml
the Ccnteuniaml entrances.
The largest Cl'OP of wheat, rvir micrl in
Utah will be produced this season.
A COW in Illinois f-ave hirfh in eiv
calves the other day, or else somebody lies.
A Beading horse dealer hired .1 strict
orchestra to play in his stable fur the
edincation ot his horses.
About three thousand miners are already
in the Black Hills. The northern niinps
arc reported paying well.
A catfish weighing one hundred nnd
seventy pounds was caught at Alton. Til . n
few days ago.
Danid Jones, of Iowa, has fir several
years been the victim of tubercular con
sumption. A few days since au abscess
which had iormed on one luncr broke ex-
teranlly, on his side, thus forming an open
passage to the lungs, through which respi
ration can be had by simply closing his
nose and mouth.
Governor Tildcn recently issued the
third proclamation putting off the canal
.... . .
trials. W hat a brilliant Administration
the country would have with Governor
Tildcn in the White House. It is more
than a year since he set up as a reformer ;
more than a year and not a fruit to show,
not a canal thief punished, not a dollar re
covered in court, not a single conviction,
and only one trial finished and that a failure.
Special ISTotice.
Lkt's all be honest and confess that tlie cash
pystem in business is best and safest. J f every
body adhered to it, dull times would soon flee
away, and the wail of widows and orphans,
and the deep curses of defrauded creditors,
would give place to sins'mpr. For no bad
debts, no smash-ups, no protested notes, ever
came ot cash payment for goods delivered.
We I lonor Oak Hall, the great Philadelphia
Clothing House, for their decided .sUnd on this
principle. Of course they are able to sell
cheaper, because ihev buy cheaper. Those
who have the cash to spend for clothing can
not possibly get more for it than at YVanamaker
A: lirowifs bixth and Markcst Streets, lMdhi
Dr. S. L. FOULKE & J. KrESKJE. SllCPO"inr
to Peter Williams, have purchased the Empire
Drug Store, on Main Street, a few doors below
the Post-office, and for the convenience of those
who wish to call, will have a red lamp in
front, and known hereafter as the
Keystone I rug Store,
where will he constantly kept Paints, Oils,
Varnishes, Drugs and Medicines, and all
articles usually kept in a Drug Store, at the
lowest market prices.
Dr. S. L. Foulke being a practical Physician,
having hisoflicein the rear of said Drug Store,
cordially invites the public to give him a call,
as he is fully qualified to prescribe and com
pound all prescriptions. Nov. 11, '75-Om.
On the 2oth inst, by liev. J. Kohler, Mr.
J. F. llouck, of Northampton county, and
Miss Alice Custard, of this county.
On the oith inst., by the liev. Dr. Carrow,
Mr. A. W. McCarty and Miss Emma J. Hoff
man, all of Stroudsburg.
On the 20th inst., in East, Stroudsburg, Abra
ham Gioh, in h'13 COlh year.
On the ICth of May in Chcstnuthill town
ship this county, George IJond, in the 01th
year of his age.
For tlie j ear 1$?G.
WILLAM WALLACE, Roroneh Treasurer, in Recount
with the noruuirh of Stroudsburg from Juno 7th lS7o,
to May 13th lSTC.
To lial. on hand at last settlement S 223 03
To cash of Edwiu Fisher, vn dupli
cate of 173. SCO 70
To cash of itwiu Fisher, on dupli
cate of 174. 429 S3
To cash of Silas L. Prober, on dupli
cate of 1S73. S37 70
To amount collected by Treasurer
on duplicate for 1875. 5233 SI
To cash of Theodore Schoch, Chief
Burgess for show license 21 00
To cash for 6 per cent, interest
Borough Hepair Itouds issued to
reedein 8 jrcent interest bonds 6100 00512711 13
To balance due Treasurer, 70
t 12711 $2
I!y the payment of Checks for the follow ing named
Lifxbtintf .Street Lamps inlS7V7l, $ 7 72
Secretary's salary and Mationcry, M 25
Counsel fee 187 ', 20 00
Aauditintf for ls.75, IS 4-"
Hefunding tax, 4 S7
Printing, CS 3.1
Making lh-' Assessment 1S7.1, .1 00
llfiMinr sM-ci;il Election, 7 ;"0
l'uiMiii 1'ound and ground rent, 12 61
Uep:iirs to carriage top, 3 25 2'2 02
For Eire Department, 1"77
For material and work on struts, m: 3r
Intcrcft paid on Kond.t as per Itoud lxok, 2i7 41
l!y S x-r cent. Interest repair bonds
redeemed, C(W0 00
By 7 Hr cent, interest Eire Bonds, 5.W 00
By 0 per cent, iutertfctBounty Bonds
redeem-M, 2475 00 Jill 13 00
By commission on Sli'lis 5s on money
paid out at half of one jx r cent. C3 24
B. X..1ACUHY, ) AuJitorB
II. S. WAUNEK, Auailors-
May lnth, ls7.
Statement of Liabilities and Assets.
Outstanding Bonds, ?
Bounty Bonds per cent, interest,
Bepair Bunds ii ier cent, interest
Ui pair Bonds H "
Fire Bonds 7 "
Jionds issued to redeem over due 6
per cvnt. interest Bonds.
Balance due Treasurer,
Amount due from Edwin Fisher, on
duplicate of 171, g 20S3 3rt
Amouni due from Silas I. Drcher,
on duplicate of 1S7.", 1 li 5. C-'ttf
472" 0
144r0 t0
1T.0 !H
4750 00
22.5 J H
Tui-2732.1 70
liabilities over Assets,
.May 13ib, lS76-2Jt.
B. S..T OT?V,
11. S. WAtiNLK,
f 2 !7.'io 03
B rrctt T nmsh ip.
Class Ain't.
J. S. Cl-nian, n 57 im
C. WlHvkex. , 14 7 Of'
Shaler A Binehart, 14 7 on
E. F. 1'alen. 14 7 no
Abraham Albert, 14 7 (hi
John F. Stotz, 14 7 no
.1. J. SiH her. - 14 7 00
n-scnr B.Hlenliaujjh, 14 7 on
Charles Tidd. J 7 (Hp
Martin Kishpaugli, 14 7 00
Podjre. Meiers Co. 12 . 12 30
Job u Warner, 14 ' 7 no
Johu Callahan, 14 7 00
Tjitst Stroudsburg.
A.W. 1nler 13 10 00
Y. W. tiarU 13 10 tlO
J. B. Morgan 13 10 IK)
S. S. lK trick, Druesist 14 7 00
T.J. Dunn H 7 00
W. E. Sheffield A Co. 14 7 00
E. L. Traeh 14 7 no
A. U'H kafellow 14 7 01
J.X M. Ycttcr 13 10 on
Simon Mvcrs 13 in 00
W. S. Barircr 13 10 (HI
.1. II. Shot well 13 10 00
llool .t liossard 14 7 00
.1.11. Fill 13 lo(H)
John Kurd, Brewery IS 00
John Harter II 7 00
l'eter 1. Sl.afer 11 7 f Hi
John i. Wuest It 7 00
Allen Mctzgar 14 7 00
icorye Bittenbcndcr 14 7 00
William Smith 14 7 00
nt'W B. Duke 14 7 00
Kistler A Fethcrman 13 10 00
J.S. McNeal 14 7 00
Saylor A Brother 14 7 00
Andrew Petrick ii t oo
Jacob Bossard 14 f 00
MUUlc S,niiI,J!dd.
Simeon Decker 14 7 00
Arthur Mainus 14 7 00
John Mct'ormick 14 7 0
N.s-torm 14 7(h)
S. Kistler A Brother M 10 00
Jacob Stautler 14 7 O0
ticorjre lA;ssig 14 7 no
Samuel M. Ace u 700
.Tames Ki nt r. 14 7 imi
llenrv VV Miller 14 7 00
James Knnkle A Brother 14 7 00
lames M. Bei lia 14 7 00
John H. Wucst 11 7(H)
J. II. Saeuer 14 7 00
X. M.Ia-nIi 14 7 00
Charles F. GilV-rt 14 7 00
Jacob Bonsr 14 7 10
James Bell .Tr 14 7 00
I!. F. Brodhcad 14 7 1'0
D. Shannon A Son 14 7 00
E. L. Seyuine 14 7 00
William Wcis 14 7 ()0
J. D-pue Labar 14 7 on
A. D. Freese 14 7 00
ElialK th Muiiman 14 7 ("I
S. B Labar 11 7 00
L. W. Brodhead. Eillard Bxn 1 month at
2 ."o a month, 10 00
William Brodhcad, Ten l"in Alley, 4 iifcmth
at 2 ;) a month " 10 00
Kelson Detrick 14 7 00
Joseph Fotilk, Ten Fin Alley, 2 month at
J 00 a iiio?:ih, " 5 00
It'ibert Bovs 14 "O)
William T. Baker 14 7 0)
J.s-ph Wallace 11 IS O0
11. D. Bush 14 7 no
W A Co 14 7 00
! Adams A Walton 14 7 (Hi
Foulk A Kersge, Drutiists H 7 On
Walt.m A Wijitermutii 14 7 00
D ckcr A Co 11 1.100
Charles F. Mick 14 7 00
Wvckotr, Ovke A Bell 13 10 On
J.M.I Idler 14 7 00
J. II. Mi -Cart y A Sons 13 1?) 00
Bo'oert Huston 14 7 00
Joseph Matlack 1 10 00
Charles D. Br.nll.cixl 14 7 on
Keller A Brother 13 10 (hi
Simon Fried, Agent 13 10 10
D. B. Brow n " i. 10 on
Lin ford Marsh 11 7 00
William HolliiTshead, DmtS'' 7 0fl
J.W. Ancle 14 7 (HI
Hess A Brother 14 7 o0
Samuel tollman 14 7 (Hi
C. B. Keller 14 7 00
James (ioucher 14 7 00
C. B. Andre A Co 13 10 00
Frederick Wagner 14 7 00
1. Miller 14 7 (Ml
S. C. Anyle i4 7 on
Xicholas Buster 12 12 50
Milti.n Ed inner 14 7 Oo
J. F. Brown A Brother 14 7 00 Miller 14 7 no
M. W. B1i.h1.-s 13 M ih)
A. Baobenoid 14 7 00
M. L. Drake 14 7 0
Dreher A Brother, Druggists 13 10(H)
J.B.Miller 14 7 Hi
l'eter S. Williams 14 7 0
Flory A Co 14 7 on
Darius Dreher 14 7 (H)
I Samuel Hood 14 7 OO
Amos Shoemaker 14 7 00
M. M. Burnett 14 7 00
Jerome S. Williams, 1 Billiard Table, 4
inonth at s2 50 er ni'inth 10 00
Christian lliller, 1 Billirad Table, 4
I month at 52 M per month 10 Oil
I Tobyhanna
! Jacob FdaVeslee H 7 00
Isaac Stauifcr 14 7W
Smash Down Prices
New York Merchants bursting up !
Some goods sold tliis week for nearly
Decker's Wonderful Cliean
Is now being cr.immvtl full of them. Just ste
here what prices'!
Shilling Calicoes down to G CR
S yards of Merrimack or 'prague's for 50 cts.
r asnionaoie plain and plant JJress (ioods on
ly 10 and 1:2 cts., worth 10 and 20 cts.
fine twilled black Cashmeres onlv is.
Our best pjiool cotton, 2U0 yds. 3 cts. or 2 spool
ior o cents.
Wool CaAsimeres, good styles, only 4u & C(J cts.
Fine hemmed handkerchiefs onlv ii cts.
Splendid Hamburg edgings, never so cheap.
oniy ., -, o, s, ana JU cta borne very wids
at 10 cts. worth 20 cts.
Ladie's lace scarfs, beautiful, onlv 20rtR-
Men's stripexl half Hose, fine, only 10 cts.
Heavy icdticK only 10 cts.
IJleachtnl and unbleached Muslin below bot
tom price. Tins and needles 5 cts. a paper
Ladie's, Misse's and Children's trimmed and
nntrimmeU Hats An' jric.
Jewelrv setts vtv rJip.Tii
llibbuns, all widths, colors and qualities tlie
very cheapest.
All kinds of Table linen, towels, napkins and
t i.i .:
iineti crasn as low a.s o cu,
r.eautifal Counternanes onlv SI 00.
Carpets, beautiful colors, onlv 2o cts. a vard.
1 T . T
l ine ingrain carpets only a0 cts. a yard.
Hats and Caps fur men," 1 toy's and youth's.
1 'rices from 50 cents to $1 75 for the most
fashionable styles.
Ready-made Clothing for men, youth's aiitl
boys, the cheapest in the county.
Men's calf boots that were sold for So 00 now
only S3 50.
Men's plow and lace shoes, cheap.
Lady's lasting (Jailers only Sl 25.
Misse's and Children's, same proportion.
We shall keep a general assortment of boot
and shoes for Ladie's and Gents', and make
this a speciality.
These are a few of the prices now on hand,
but Decker can send up every day or two new
fresh goods, for he is in the city watching the
bargains, and is determined that no firm shall
undersell him.
Don't buy of any until you have called at
the wonderful cheap Auction Store, 4 doors be
low the Post OSiee.
April 27, '76. ly. DECK EI! & CO.
Be it enacted and ordained by th? Burgess and
Tov:a Council cf the Bo-rough of Bant Siroud
turg :
That all the property owners on the east
side of Courtland street from the corner of An
alorrilnk and Courtland street at John Ilohen
sheidt's to the end of Courtland street at the
Milford crossing, shall curb and pave the side
walk along their respective properties, either
with Brick or Flag-stone, by September 1, 170.
The width of said side-walk to be six feet.
In case of non-compliance with the above
Ordinance the Borough will cause the curbing
and paveing of said side walk to be done and
charge 20 per cent, advance on the cost of la
bor and material.
Approved May 1, 187 o.
riiiLir Lyon,
Chief BurgcsSi
THEO Y. HOFFMAN, Secretary.
May 11, 1S7G. 3t.
Has resumed the HOOT and SHOE making busine?,
in all its various branches, in the b:semeiit of.T. 1",.
Miller's bnil.linu, one door East of Jell rsonian Office.
All who de;ir; snythipR i hi lino, done up in th
highest stvle of the ait, are cordially invited to drop
in. (.'March 30, '76-1 f.
Any persons or person thinking they have been
wronL' fully appraised by the Appraiser will have an
opportunity to be heard upon Appeal day, which will
be held at the CoTfiuiissioncrs, olliee In btroudsburg, tn
the 2t;tii day of June.
All dialers in the alove list are requested to take up thr County Treasurers office on or
before July 1st, 1876, after which they will U) giveu to
a Justice if the Peace for collection.
Mercantile Appraiser.
June 1, ls7C-tt
J. P. BROWN & B110.
Dealer in
Queensware and Earthenware,
Wood and Willow-Ware,
and constantly on hand a large assortment of
DlHKDand CANNED FUUl'fS, Foreign and
Domestic; Dried Ueef, l'retared Sausages,
Shoulders, l'ikled Meats, and choice HAMS
a specialty.
Extra Family Flour, Coal Oil, &c, &c.
Tit fact the largest general assortment of
Groceries to be fuund in tha County at the
lowest cash prices.
Store opposite the
Corner of Main and Franklin Streets, Strouds
burg, l'a.
1 S. Highest CASH rRICE paid for
PRODUCE or Goods in exchange.
Jam us P. ttiiovrx, "Vm. V. Urowk.
May S-VTG-tf.
f-i!f Adoublj house and lot, near the Court
ii""U lImlse ebe:.p. Will Un sold together or scpa
sr -..1 -4rate to suit purchasers.
lniiiii'e of
Slrouitsburg, Iec. 21, H75. tf.
i. s. Li:n
For Salo at this Oflico.
Dissolution of Partnership.
The Co-partnership heretofore existing betwr-en th
iHiilersiiriK-1 in the Livery business, in tlie P-orouuh of
Stroudsburg, was by mutual consent, dissolved on the
first day of A prill STfi. The Notes and hook accounts
have been placed in the hands of Valentine Kautz. one
of the members of the firm, for collection, where they
will remain until the first of June WC. All matters
of the firm remaining unpaid up to that time, will be
placed in the hands of a Justice of the Peace for
collection. VALENTINE KATTZ,
Stroudsburg April 2i, 1376-;'1.
The Livery busiries-d will be continued bv Valentine
Kautz, at the old btand. f April 20, 1S7.
Administrator's Notice.
Sinitlilidd toicn&hip, deceased.
Letters of Administration on the Estate of
Catharine Fetherraan,ofthetep. of Sniithfield,
county of Monroe, and State of Pennsylvania,
deceased, have been granted to JAMES FEN
NEK, residing at the Delaware Water (Jap, to
whom all persons indebted to said Estate are
requested to make payment, and those having
claims or demands will make known the same
without de'av.
May lS-l'.t JAMES FENNEIl.
Opposition to Humbuggery I
The undersigned hereby announces that he has re
sumed business at the old stand, next door to Kuster's
Clothing Store, MainMrtt t, Stroudshuiv, l'a., and is
fully prepared to accommodate all in ant of
made in the latest style and of od material. Repair--
intr promptly attcute'd to. (Htc me a call.
Hec.'.i, 1S7.V1V. C. LKW1S WATKItS.
$2,000 WANTED,
On First Mnrtjjai;? ; firt class pkoi'Erty. Tor fur
ther intormaiiou apily at this otiiee.
Jan. 27, 1670.
$1,500 WANTED,
On first Ivnd and Mort'a?e on a Farm worth S'lKii,
for a term of years. Interest iavable annually." Call
at this Oi-FICK. " April '-KH.
AH persons are hereby cautioned not to
trespass on any property Vf the ttnder-i-iuxl,
situate in Stroud township, Monroe county, Pa.
Any one violating this notice will be prosecuted
to the full extent of the law.
StrouJabtirj;, July "'J, 1S75.