The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, May 25, 1876, Image 1
!" i i -J Scuotc to politics, literature, Agriculture, Science, iHorolitn, nub cnerol 3nteliiScucc. VOL. 33. rv:;M VV' ' ''1 ..f it!.. vi:ir. two tlillnrs mid ltfrv ' . t" ,m i n 1 ihi ' j ''";"v iVm t iiv..ntinui''l until all arrearages are '' ,1 j,!i,.n i.t'tli'' IMitor. yj i-,,,;": ..'. uis of 0110 .iiaro f (Pit lines) or r?-Vi ,,'.. in Ttioii-i "0. ICuv-li aiilitiual in- TV. ' ' ... . -.r- - ' ':1''-'i'-;i's. l.o!i"'r i'iio in proportion. j O II Vlt I Vl'I X i iF AM- KISI'?, . , i,i .ii,-st stvl-.' of ill Art, and on the U'"U" ,,,.,.t r.Ms..'KMc tortus. olary Public, ' east .STKOU DStiUKG PA. . ,i.-,!-:ii.':it t:ik.'ti ar.l ail Ijiimius pertaining V ox'tiU-hI. 1 "' ri;:i:siN a TiioMrsoN, K-tate Insur.nn-o Agents. .. it; tWs 11. w l.iiiMin- near the I'epot. I) Iliitiin ami Snrsfcon, STKOl'PSBURG, Fa. ' ' "... ' . 1 l..-l".vk- ili. I.'lVirinnil ( ITfii iv ...It .Lviin ., tV IT. etp. 1, ni-i.. wiiu ! 1; M i-r. ' ,,-r,- It. .i r-. . '- " ' '!..v !!,l..-t"'. - . 1) ... " .1,1.1 r t.i t J S:ir?con Wentist. ,. ,., j,. i Kliiv.-T. new luil.tiii?. nearly opposite . 't ...i'.'i-'.' i'liv !'..;. in. tia al:uaiUTeU for extactiiij.' , n .1 - r.Tan.r.,-7(-,-r. physician, Sargeoa and Accoucheur, S.xn ('i t, Wayxk Co., Pa. rWi vroniptls- attended, to day or niirlit. tiurjes nUlcrato May lo, '7o-tf. jyi. io- w. J .iciisox fiiiSiriW, Sl'ilGLDN AM) AIT OlTHEl'K. ?. , in S.":vi. 1 !-.'d" hmv f.nlldtncr. nearly .;- j i;.-id--nec on SaiaU street, , -i-i v 7"-;f jj .itloriivy at Law, 11:10 .U.r alve the 'Stroirl-b,jrg House," WILLIAM S. REES, Surveyor, Conveyancer and Real Estate Agent. Paras. Timber Lands ancl Town Lots FOR SALE. 0;T;.-e rvj-rly c'site American IIouc? .'-.I .1 (! ! !m ! r.v t :ie Corner ."?icre. ...i;v-.i i .i-t:. DP, J.LANTZ, s:rgeon 5c mechanical dentist. '"ilia l.: .i:ri.-,. on Main str.--t. in the seeond itery . Val!'.ii' 1 Is t.'i'i Hiii. nearly r:jite the r ; i- :r- !!:... an I he i!a:ers liim.-If that .y fi'll- :aiit !:,-' ;.ril the ti.4 t-arne.t atid til i. .11 1 all i.wifrs )Ttainii to hi r 1 ;' ;:l i-t ii! y; tv Tl'rin all i.j'-rat ions ; ' .ivutui line iii tliv t!iy-t'ul and tkiiiful maa 1. ;-' '" civrii t. iavn; tiie Natural Teeth; 1 i it-.-n of Arti:ii-ial Tei-th :i Uu'iIkt. ' r.-'T . u..i; '..urn--, and j.;rfett tits in ail ' ' ,. . it,.-, -r.-n f.lly ?nd dancrer of en- !" - -: - i: w tk t . tti'- irj. x ii.-ri -Ti.-r-.l. f.r to tli.e liv-!:-'-! !. ' ' Ai-ri! lo, l-'l tf. AOTIIt:u TEIOI'IIY IV OX E3TSY COTTAGE ORGANS! aisy Kiirn-rior anil Keautifully finMiel in '"iiiients so far iclij.-e.l their competitor in T,i!:inie I '-i.-it y, swetrtness and delicacy of tone, fc-'' c.irry nii'tlie ;ir-t a;id only premium jriv ptijfcxiiil.itf.iv f.f rel Orpins at t!ie Monroe '-' y Fair, h..!. Si-pte-nU r '!', 1 S7 i. onty the Urt. lr j.rice li-t address -l i J. Y. SIG A KUS, PAPER HA A (i Eli, GLAZIER AND PAINTER, MONROE STREET, Nearly opposite Kautz's Blacksmith Shop, Stroudsbcro, Pa. f0rT"e, undcrsi?ne( would reppcci fully in the citizens of Stroudsbur and vicinity " is now fully prep-jred to do all kinds ip;r Han;rin?j Glazing and Painting, J ;nPt'y and at short notice, and that he IV)' if co!,5:tan,1y on 'ind a fine stock of c : '"2? 0, aH dcecripiions and at i8paPnCes' lfle Paironage of the public. Jrnestly fco!ici0d. Way 10, 1872. FOR SALE, I, r, A douhle house and lot. near the Court iiL f' tl,0i,P- Will 1-e oW togfther or 8epa t !,"l'tin. of t0uit'l'wn-haer. "wemngHouseforSale A To "jV '.'ahletwostorv Dwilli rtg House, contain fcjA ."wunooms.orn; of whkh is suitable lJ!"1i-'? ;"r a,!r't("'e lioom, situate on Main tre.-t, ! !!' .he 'oUKh of Stroudshurg. The t "-"!r is i":arlv new, and evtry 'TiT U lq t'ood lajij'dition, i-or te.f,i ie., D0?!? you w Hint .F. u. in iarty Son u,o the only Under tusino' .Jsburg who understands their a-iv? it I1?1' attend a Funeral managed juurtaker in town, and you .r,.: '.'.proor ortJie fact. VALUABLE STOCK AT PRIVATE SALE. The iindcrsiiio.1 ctrer at private sale the follow ing tH k of t ows, Heifers and Calves, which l-reed was i...lM.rted lv Fowler, one the he.s judge ot stock in the I nit.Nl States. J A lot of Ayrshire Cows and Heifers. A lot of lurham Cows and Heifers. A lot of croKsul stK:k. A lot. of Ayrshire Calves. A lot of urhain t!a)ves. 11?."L.?,,H'k tau oc examined on the stoek farm of Col L- oou, near this Borough. For terms, Ac. call" ou ' tt, , , ... JOHX SKIAVOOl). Stroudshur. April C, lS7i. DOWN TOWN "We the undersigned respectfully inform the citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinity, that we have added to our large assort ment of HATS AND CAPS, A complete and carefully selected stock of Men's & Youths' Ready made Ciothhm o of the latest and most fashionable styles and best quality. AVc have also a com plete line id' CELTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Please give us a call and examine our stuck and prices before you purchase else where. We shall soon offer a large assort ment of Umbrellas, Traveling Bags, &c. You will find us one door west of Key stone lrug Store, Main Street, Strouds burg, Pa. X. 1. Silk Hats ironed and repaired at idiort notice. Give us a call. "WALTON" & "WINTEltMUTE. Stroudsburg, April 20, 1S7C. OFFICIAL NOTICE. $000 REWARD! FROM STIWIBSBIIRC, A tall-complexioned YOUXCi MAN, ajxed j ft. G in., height lbs. Had on, when last een two pairs of Kwallo'.v-tailed sealskin trousers, fashionable mutton cutlet vaiscoiit, with delirium trimmings; double-barrelled frock coat, with hore collar and sausage lining; patient leather-bottom toptdiocs, laced up at the sole, and buttoned inside. He is deaf and dumb of one eye and hard of hearing with the other, with a slight squint in his eye teeth ; stoops very up right with a loud impediment in his look, chignon on up per lip with whiskers bitten of!" short inside; mouth like a torn pocket ; hair oT a deep scarlet blue and parted from ear to yonder; Calves of legs rising 4 years, to be sold cheap ou ac count of. the dearness of milk; very liberal with other peoples' money, and well known to a good templar, having been eleventeen years a member of the 1. O. G. T. (I Often Get Tight Society). Any one who knows of his whereabouts will please report at the Empire Clothing Store, w here he will find the L AUG EST and BEST ASS011TMENT OF Men and Boy's Clothing, Hats and Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Valices, &c. &c. kept in this vicinity, and which we will sell at the LOWEST PANIC PRICES! If you want to save money don't fail to ex amine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. If you want GOOD GOODS at low prices, there is no place in Monroe County to com pete with the EMPIRE CLOTHING STORE. Our new ftock is complete in every particu lar. Please call and examine for yourselves. SIMON FRIED, at Empikk Clothisg Sxobe. Stroudsburg, March 23, 1876. if. BLANK MORTGAGE Y r sale at this Office. Sloihing Store ! STROUDSBURG, MONROE inrmiii Bii w 'mmiwi i mmm A TERRIBLE SCALP RAISER. WHAT BUFFALO BEX TOLD SOME DRY GOODS CLKUKS ABOUT INDIANS AND ZOOLOGY. It was in a saloon in Chicago. He was a gaunt young man, whose face hadn't been washed for two months, and who wore his hair long behind, lie was attired in a slouch hat, buckskin breeches, a red flannel shirt open at the neck, and a rough coat. He had four revolvers and a big knife in his belt. When four dry goods clerks came in a group and ordered some beer, the first dry goods clerk said to the barkeeper : "Say, John, who's that fellow over yonder ?" "That." said the saloon keeper, droping his voice to an awestruck whisper, "that is Buff ler Ben, the "Wild Trapper of the Great Plains. Ask him to drink. Per haps he will." The first dry goods clerk did so. and the "Wild Trapper replied : "Wall, stranger, seem' as its you, I will just take some fire water. As I heerd Old lted Tail say to Spotted Cloud, 'It's a mighty long time between drinks.' Here's to us," and he ingulfed a dose of whisky. "You arc," said the first dry goods clerk, "connected with the trapper business ?" "In the scalp aud grizzly Hue," said the second dry goods clerk. "Your rcminisences of a personal character, I doubt not, would be exciting and interesting," said the third dry goods clerk. "Truth is stranger than fiction. Take something?" said the fourth dry goods clerk. "Wall, no," said the trapper ; "I never drink when I'm off the war trail. It kinder makes me ugly, ycr see, and I'm apt to dror my cutlery. 1 killed seven men that I was talking to as friendly as I mout be to you, but I sorter got riled ; wall, gimme some more whisk-." "Your hand," said one of the dry goods clerks, "has often bceu stained with human blood ?" "Stranger, she hcv. The fust time you come up and see me at my wickiup in Montana second lodge on the right beyond the Yellowstone river, and bo sure you turn to the left up by the big bowlders three hundred miles this side ask any Injin, and tell him ycr want to see Buff ler Ben, and ef he don't scalp yer he'll show yer the road plum straight. I'll show yer Old Bull's Eye, my rifle. She's old Kaiu tuck stock (likewise the barrel) and is six teen feet long, and whenever I wipe out a white man 1 make a notch on the barrel, and there's notches all the way up one side and nine feet down the other. I went up to see your graveyards at Cavalry and Greeceland. They're a good deal like my private graveyards, more posies and statues, and so ou, though they ain't so spacious. Now, j I st about three months ago I turned loose in a barroom down to Lafayette, Arkansaw, and the coroner was kept busy for three days after attending to seven in quests. And this was just because a durn skunk stood up at the bar and improved his mind with my conversation, and never asked me if I would take" Ilcrr one of the dry goods clerks caught Buff ler Ben's eye, aud he stammered out an invitation to fill her up again. Mr. Buff 'ler Ben irrigated himself, and in reply to a fpucstion concerning his solution of the Indian question, said : "Injins ! Wall, no ; I never keep count of the reds I wipe out. I used to when I was young and sort of vain, but I grew out'n it. It looked too much like vanity. I suppose I've not taken the trouble to lift the bar of the last 1 50 or 200 Indians I've killed. Before that I was kinder particular that way, and took so many scalps that I bust the 'Frisco chignon market, and seven teen dealers in false hair went into bank ruptcy. Injins is poor trash. .Gimme a whole tribe of 'cm, and I'll wipe 'cm out as fast as I can load my revolver and put it to my shoulder." Here he paused again and was promptly refreshed. Then he continued : "I tell you, boys, if you want to sec the choicest country on the footstool, jest you go to them ar Black Hills. The only thing agin the country is the buffaloes. They hatch there, and when they take to flight it's awful to see them in clouds so thick you can't sec the sun, and when they light they chaw ou garden sass, and sour apple trees, and corn, railroad ties, and potatoes, and telegraph poles. But thcr's gold in the Black Hills. I've seen it myself. When you get down to the bed-rock you strike $50 and $20 pieces, and you wash out eagles and dollars in the streams, and up in the roots of the grass you find small scrip and nickels. No nuggets as I know on, though I did hear at Shyan of one worth $105,000." Thus, with anecdote and information, Buff 'ler Ben whiled away the time. When the four dry goods clerks had settled for the drinks, their bill amounting to $G.85, he bade them an affectionate farewell, and made them promise to call at his tepee if ever they were up in Montana. When they had gone out, the barkeeper paid him his twenty per cent, commission on the drinks sold through his instrumentality, and told him to recollect next time that it was grasshoppers that flew, not buffaloes. A Presbyterian minister, while marrying a couple of his rustic parishoncrs, felt ex ceedingly disconcerted on his asking the bridegroom if he was willing to take the wom;.n for his wedded wife, by his scratch ing his head and saying, "Ay, I'm wullin' but I'd rather hae her sktcr." COUNTY, PA., MAY 25, A Little Misunderstanding. There was some horse racing over at the Blank course one day last fall and Butter wick attended to witness it. Ou his way home in the Beading cars, in the afternoon, he encountered the llev. Dr. Pott?, a cler gyman, who knew no more about horse racing than a Hindoo knows about seven up. Butterwick, however, took tor grant ed in his usual way that the doctor was fa miliar with the subject, and, taking a seat beside him, he remarked : I was out at the Blank course to-d;iy to see Longfellow." "Indeed ! Was he there ? Where did you say he was ?" "Why, over yer at the course. I saw him and Gen. Harney, and a lot more of 'em. He run agin Gen. Harney and it creat ed a big excitement, too : but he beat the General badly, and the way the crowd cheered him was wonderful. They say that a good deal of money changed hands. The fact is, I had a small bet on the General myself." "You don't mean to say that Longfellow actually heat Gen. Harney?"' "Yes, I do ! Beat him the worse kind. You'd hardly' ve thought it, now, would you ? I was never more surprised iu my life. " What's queer about it is that he .seemed just as fresh afterward as before he commenced. Didn't faze a bit. Whv, iu stead of wanting to rest, he was jumping about just as lively, and when the crowd began to push arouud him he kicked a boy in the stomach and doubled him up nearly killed him. Oh ! he's wicked ! I wouldn't trust him as far as I could see him." "This is simply astonishing," said the doctor. "I wouldn't have believed it pos sible. Are vou sure it was Longfellow, Mr. Butterwick?" "AVhy, certainly, of course ; I've seen him often before. And after breathing awhile, he and Maggie Michell came out, aud as soon as they stepped off he put ou an extra spurt or two and led her by the neck all around the place, and she came pulling and blowing and nearly exhausted. I never took much stock in her, anyway." "Led her by the neck ! Why, this is the most scandalous conduct I ever heard of. Mr. Butterwick, you must certainly be jok ing." "I pledge you my word it's the solemn truth. I saw it myself. And after that Judge Fullerton and Gen. Harney they took a turn together, and that was the pret tiest contest of the day. First the Judgc'd beat the General, and then the Gencral'd put in the licks and give it to the Judge, and the two'd be about even for a while, and all of a sudden the General would give a kinder jerk or two and leave the Judge just nowheres, and by the time the General passed the third quarter the Judge keeled over against the fence and gave in. They say he broke his leg ; but I don't know if that's so or not. Anyway he was used up. If he'd passed that quarter he might have been all right." "What was the matter with that quar ter ? Wain't it good ?" "Oh, yes. But you see the Judge must have lost his wind or something ; and I reckon when he tumbled it was something like a faint, you know." "Severed him right for engaging in such a brutal contest." "Well, I dunno. Depends on how you look at such things. And when that was over Longfellow entered with Mattie Eve lyn. lie kept snooting past her all the time, and this worried her so that she ran a little to one side and somehow, dunno how it happened, but his leg kinder tripped her, and she rolled over on the ground, hurt pretty bad, I think, while Longfellow had his leg cut pretty near to the bone." "Did any of the shots strike her?" "I don't understand you." "You said he kept shooting close to her, and I thought maybe some of the bullets might have struck her." "Why, I meant that he ran past her, of course. How in thunder could he shoot bullets at her?" "I thought maybe he had a gun. But I dou't understand any of it. It is the most astounding thing 1 ever heard of, at any rate." "Now, my dear sir, I want to ask you how Longfellow could manage a gun ?" "Why, as any other man does, of course!" "Man ! man ! Why, merciful Moses ! you didn't think I was talking about hu man beings all this time, did you ? Why, Longfellow is a horse ! They were rac ing, running races over at the course, this afternoon, and I was trying to tell you about it," "You don't say so," remarked the Doc tor, with a sigh of relief. "Well, 1 do dare, I thought you were speaking of the poet, and I hardly knew whether to believe you or not ; it seemed so strange that he should bchacve in that manner." Then Mr. Butterwick went into the smoking-car to tell the joke to his frieuds, aud the Doctor sat reflecting upon the out rageous impudence of the men who named their horses after respectable people. Good Advice for the Young. Avoid all boastings and exaggerations, backbiting, abuse, and evil speaking ; slang phrases aud oaths in conversation ; depre ciate no man's qualities, and accept hospi talities of the humblest kind in a hearty and appreciative manner ; avoid giving of fence, and if you do offend, have the manli ness, to apologize ; infuse as much elegance as possible into your thoughts as well as your actions ; and, as you avoid vulgarities you will increase the enjoyment of life, and grow in the respect of others. 1876. Sara Lawson on Courtin.' "I 'member I used to lead the singin' in them days, aud Miry she used to sing coun ter, so we sot putty near together iu the singers' seats : and I used to think Sunday murnin's when she'd come to meetin' in her white dress and her red checks and her bonnet all tipped off with haylock, that 'twas for all the world just like June sun rise to have her come into the singers' seats. Them was the das I didn't improve my privileges, boy," said Sam. sighing deeply. "There was a time that cf I'd spoke there's no knowin' what mghtn't happened, 'cause you see, boys, I was better lookin' in them days than 1 be now. Now, you mind, boys, when you grow up, ef you go to waiting on a nice gal, and you're most a mind to speak to her, don't you go and put it off, 'cause if you do you may live to repent it. "Well, you, see, from the time that Bill Elderkin came and took the Academy, I could see plain enough that it was time for me to hang up my fiddle. Bill he used to set in the singers' seats, too, and he would have it that he sung tenor. He no more sung tenor than a skunkbird, but he made b'Jieve that he did, just to git next to Mirv- in the singers' seats, and thou they used to be writiu' backwark and forward to each other till they tore out all the leaves of the hymn-books aud the singin-books be sides. Wal, I never thought the house o' the Lord was jest the place to be courtin' in, and I used to get consid'able shocked at the way things went on atween them. Why, they'd be a writin' all sermon-time ; and I've seen him a-lookin' at her all through the long prayer in a way that wa'n't right, considerin' they were both professors of re ligion. But then the fact was old Black IIoss John was to blame for it, 'cause he never let 'em have no chance to home. You see, old Black IIoss he was set agin Elderkin 'cause he was poor. You see, his mothbr, the old widdah Elderkin, she was just about the poorest, peakedest old body over to Sherburne, and went out to days work, and Bill Elderkin he was all for books and larnin', and Black IIoss Johu he thought it was shiftlessness, but Mir)- she thought it was a genius, and she got it sot in her mind he was a-going to be President of the United States or some sich. "Wall, old Black IIoss he wa'n't none too polite to Miry's beau in general, but when Elderkin used to come to see her he was snarlier than a saw ; he hadn't a good word for him noways ; aud he'd rake up the fire right before his face and eyss, and rat tle about fastening up the windows, and tramp up to bed, aud call down the chain--ber stairs to Miry to go to bed, and was sort o' aggravatin' every way. "Wal, cf folks want to get a gal set on bavin' a man, that ar's the way to go to work. Miry had a consid'able stiff will of her own, and if she didn't care about Tom Beacon before she hated him now ; and if she liked Bill Elderkin before, she "was clean gne over to him now ; and so she took to goin' to the Wednesday evening lecture and the Friday evening prayer meetin', and the singin' school, jest as reg 'lar as a clock, and, so he did ; and after ward they always walked home the longest way. Fathers may jest as well let their daughters be courted in the house peace able, 'cause if they can't be courted in the house they'll find places where they can be; it's jest human natur'." Atlantic Monthly. Amateur Art Criticism. A Detroit artist has fur the last five or six months been throwing his whole soul into a landscape which ' is now on exhibi tion in a Woodward avenue window. It is called a fine painting by art critics, yet what are art critics in number to the great public no two of whom see or criticise alike. There was a crowd around the pictures yesterday, and a boot-black took a square look at the painting and said : "Purty good river he painted, but it runs uphill. Wonder if thj artist didn't ever go fishing ?" There was a pause, and an elderly gentle man with spectacles on remarked : "What strikes me most is that all those six cows should bo switching their tails the same way and at the same time." The crowd looked closer, and it was the general opinion that the artist should have switched over some of those tails. "It's very nice," said a young man with a sore e-e, "but look at that log house from a builder's view. Why, it's so far out of plumb that it will fall over and hurt some one before night, and the chimey wouldn't draw if there were forty fires below." There was a long period of silence as each otic of the crowd lined the walls with his eye. Then an old woman cautiously remarked : "No matter about the house or the cows or the river it's a nice picture. I got two chromos that I paid a dollar apiece for, and I don't believe they arc a bit better than this." There was a woman at her side with a head of cabbage iu a basket, and she put in : "If I can find a smooth board anywhere I'll have my husband make three or four pictures like that !" There was another long silence, and then a sedate man, whose garments were fast going to Time's hospital for old clothes, elbowed the boys back with a great show of authority, and remarked : "You folks don't know anything about art. You had better go and criticise a lamp-post or a street sign. That there painter has used up three yards of good factory cloth, a whole day's time and uiorc'n two shillings worth of paint, and you ignoramuses come around here and go to abusing his picture 1" Detroit Free Icss. NO. 52ff How They Hang a Man In China. I observed one mode of Chinese capital punishment known as the "cage. The "cage" used was between two and three feefc square, and over six feet high. Near the bottom was a close floor of plank. The four sides were open work of plank palings. The planks composing the cover were made to fit around a man's neck, close enough to strangle him. The condemned man was put into this cage, his head projecting above, the cover fitting around his neck, and un der his feet a number of bricks one above the other, just enough to enable him to tiptoe. When this position, from wearness, became unendurable, his only relief was to hang by his neck. The design is to make a man suffer as much as possible, but not to kill him too quickly. Usually afler a criminal has been standing thus for a day or so, one of the brick.s is removed, and then another, until he hangs by his neck altogether. It is said that a strong man ordinarily will endure the torture several days before life becomes extinct. On the present occasion death was has tened more quickly. The man was put into the cage on Sunday afternoon, I believe about one o'clock. I heard of it on Mon day morning, and went over to Amoy about two o'clock in the afternoon to see him. He had then been dead some time. The guard said that he died just before daylight; that he was conscious of having committed great crimes, and had hastened his own death by kicking the bricks from under his feet. But the people said (privately) that the guard wished to get rid of their charge that they might prepare to keep New Year's day (the Chinese New Year was near at hand,) and therefore had taken the bricks from under his feet during the night. This probably was the fact. Christian at Work. Happiness and Health. The following maxims are from Dr. Hall's new book, "How to Live Long :" 1. Oueofthc happiest and most inde pendent of all occupations is that of im in telligent farmer whose land is paid for and who keeps out of debt. 2. The facination of salaried positions is but too often the fascination of a serpent, which beguiles but to destroy. 3. Be your own master, and master of your calling, and you will soon become the master of others. 4. Next to religion, there is no element so essential in life as vigorous, robust health. 5. A sound mind in a sound body is a fitting foundation for all that is high and noble in human achievement. G. The safest and best remedies in the world are warmth, rest and abstinence the brutes employ these. 7. Physical, mental and moral health are interdependents hence, what improves or promotes one. improves and promotes the other. 8. Almost all feel gratified at every pound's increase in weight, as if people like pigs, were measured by fat. 9. He brings the most happiness to him self, who docs the most to promote the happiness of others. A Burning Rock. The Charlotte (N. C.) Ohscr icr savs : "The family of Mr. J. G. Freeland, who lives seven miles from this city, on the North Carolina railroad, bore witness, on Friday last about midday, to a singular sight. Some member of the family was standing on the porch, when, castiug his eye forward he saw a bright light of an egg shape spring up from the ground about two hundred yards from the house, on a small eminence close to the railroad. Ho called the attention of the other members of the family to the sight, and they watched it until it reached the size of a half bushel measure. After burning this way for a while the light suddenly went out, and those who had seen if ran to the spot where it had been seen. There they fouud a rock, which, as they could tell from one side of it, was a white flint. It was very black on one side, and was too hot to be handled at first. When it had cooled it was taken up easily and broken in two. It was found very brittle, and could be taken iu the hand and mashed up as can a piece of charcoal. The facts are undeniable, and can be easily established. There are, we believe, similar instances on record, and the burning is said to be caused by gaseous exhalations from earth which lies above gold deposits." How to get rid of Flies. The Rev. George Meares Drought, writ ing from Ireland, says : "For three years I have lived in a town, and during that time my sitting room his been free from flies, three or four only walking about my breakfast table, while all my neighbors' rooms were crowded. I often congratula ted myself on my escape, but I never knew the reason of it until two days ago. I then had occasion to move my goods to another house, while I remained on for two days longer. Among other things moved were two boxes of geraniums and calceolaries, which stood in my window, the window al ways being open to full cxteut, top and bot tom. The boxes were not gone half au hour before my room was as full of flies as those around me. This, to mo is a new discovery and perhaps it may serve to cu courage others in that which is always a source of pleasure, and which now proves also to be a soure of comfort, viz : window garyening." Philadelphia consumes 3000 barrels of flour per day.