The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, March 30, 1876, Image 1

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    W" . - - - 1
Ck. i t -4 1 J '-I
Ekuotcu to palittrs, Citcraturc, 'Agriculture, Sticntc, iitornlitn, mil) cncral 2ntdligciirc.
- NO. 44.
1 ' 1 1 ' "" 1
7?fu TJifoiliro. Sclioch.
Fl1ll i.iMr-i .1 voar ill advan- ! if not
T--T'. ,,,'l of tlio year, two dollar and fifty
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E vsT STiinriWHURU PA.
. .-nvM.T' ta'jen and all business pittaininj
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Ril K.-tato Insurance Agents.
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fMiierr's now huildin-.;. nearly oppoO.r
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p,T3::iin,Sir533o and Accoucheur,
S d Clt, Co., Pa.
,..,fV attended, to dav or night.
A'-v fM:n- i:t. 'T.vtf.
. . 1 ....iiTinrrn
In :!-.e o!J o'li.'C of Dr. A. Pu-eve? Jackson,
cjrinT 0fS.1r.ti1 a:vl Kranklsti trevl.
HID S. ZAllli
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Sirvyor, ODnvcyancer and
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: j onty ut tat. i'ur j'l iee li-t mhlrrss
fr-i-'' j.;afls.
feany cppoiite Kautz's niacksmith Shop.
S'lRotncrRo. Pa.
. 'r' ttrj 'er.-inil tvtiM res;ici fulljr in
inciliit.ois .e .Stio .!sh ,rr ..iul vicinity
r'Ttli? U .ltlW njjiy pri-i ril to doall klnor
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- m A.It.i,!, li-,t t,j j.,t, n"ar thi Court
- -UL li ' lv ' ' . Will U t. :tlier or
t. of
veiling House for Sale.
ATi 'u rooms, on tl whu-L U suitaU
, eontatn-
-il .r a w.; U-Mtin. fc':ti!te u Main strcvt
-ii ' ,,. e ,'-""M'.Xlt of htrou.
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' '.r I nearly new, and eri-ry pari
11 oood Condition, l-'or tcrnis &x
9, 1S7W'.
of S( , P.-irn, in th Poron?!i
f,'h h" ,r- Tht ""'we gd ortIer
- -r.jomg. Inquire f
J. T. PALM Kit.
Fv-brn.. .SYD. U. PALM Ell.
'I'yL, 1873.
)ou Know (fiat .1. fl
UU. : '3'iti-i are the. only Lit'lrr-
IV ..... ff rt .
.V" ".ui-sl,ur w'bo miderstanils then
Iv anv ' i J't- attend a Funeral manaprcd
r " 'taker in town, and yo
t .1 . f r n w
A Surgeon's Story.
The colonel of tlic rrnimcnt to which I
was attached was :m t)fiiccr of -rrcat capa
city und rental kahlc j romise. Yet he was,
withal, a told, stern man. He was sonie
wlicre near lit'ry, and had come to New
ork from Italy, where he had heen in
service with Garibaldi. lie was an Amer
ican hy birth, but he had been away from
his native hont- so Uu-r that he had be
come almost dcrationalized.
In the same regiment was n private a
vounj; matt uf twenty-five. He was ' a
haiKUomc, energetic young fellow, and one
of the best soldiers in the moment, lie
was of Kn-!i! birth, he said, and secmeL
to have 110 friends, no relations in this
country, f.-.r he never received any letters
or it sents as did the other men. He had
frequently attracted the attention of his
company, and of some of the re-imental
officers; but to the astonishment of all,
the colonel steadily exerted himself to pre
vent any -reward bein jriven to the vuntr
man. II i -1 , lor that was the name he went
by. never complained, however, though he
knew very well wh it was roiuo; on. He
was strict in the disdiare of his duty, and
irave no cause f r conijilaiut.
During the winter of I8il-fi2 the army
lay bv-fore (Jentreville, doi.i very little but
scouting, picketing and preparinjr for the
spring campai-n. Though tliere was noth
ing exciiing in all this, it was very t yimr
to the men, ilr the season was unusiuily
severe, and the hopit;'s w re well tilled.
One nio rniu Ili.l c;itne to my quarters.
'Well, Hid," s.di I, as be entered,
"what can I do f r vou this mi ri.i i '?"
I "I wisdi to go on the sick list, if you
i pleasf, sir," he replied, in a quijt tone.
j 1 started, and looked at him searchinjv.
UiU;-a 'ut ssctn l'ie y,,u" solder t.ficn,
had never been in his presence bef .re.
He wus a s.ight, (iiicly formed fellow, with
the most ctleiniiiate lace I ever saw. Had
h.e been a woman, I should have called
i him a beaut v ; and as it w.:s. I could not
deny him the disiinction of beimr i rettv.
i Ills voice was soft and clear, and, th-Uuh
i ii iia no: seem to oe mat ot a man, was
hardly that of a Woman. I gaz.-d ut him
.-eareiiiiigly, but he bore my bcrutiuv well.
'ym ure nut sick, I hope?" 1 replied,
;.t length.
; swercd. '"I have been on ruurd for five
j succcs.-ivc nights."
j 4The deuce you have !" I cschdmod, in
aston:si. - menr. "jne regiment isn t so
short ut' ni'Mi as that, is it '"
.o, sir. 1 was kei t on the c !o-
nels .--rJcrs. He says the guard duty is
very important just now, a:.d he wants the
best men in the regiment to be put on it."
"Has he kept any one else on so long ?"
I questioned.
'.No, sir, I would not have come
to you to-day, but that I know I am
incapable of standing another night. I
should l'a.l aslei p on from sheer cx-h..u.-tiun.
Then I suppose I would be shot
tlr sleeping in the presence of the enemy."
'Ly Jove!" I muttered, -that's what
Colonel Anson is up to."
1 spoke louder than I intended. He
heard me, and replied i:i a tone in which
tlare wis some bitterness, in spite of his
etlorts to repress ir.
"1 urn afraid so, sir. I do not sec why
Col. Anson should di.dikc me so much. 1
liae never merited l is displeasure. Hea
ven knows," he added, and I Saw his fea
tures tremble, as wi:h a sharp pain, "1
would die to serve him."
'Verv irood," I 'You can remain
it your quarters for two days, and consider
" i .1 i. i? . j- . t. . . : "
vouix.:t on tne sicK list lor mat lime,
Thanking me, he went away.
The fchow perplexed me. I wa3 confi
dent lhat there was some mystery existing
between him and the colonel, and known
only to these two. "While I was musing
upon this, the colonel sent lor me. lie
received me with cold politeness.
-What is the matter with Hill?" he
'He is broken down by the unusual fa
tigue to which he has been subjected. Five
successive turns of guard duty would kili
a much stronger man than he.''
"Who has kept him on so long?" asked
the colonel, biting his lip.
'Tie ws kept on by your orders, I be
lieve, sir," I replied looking him full in
the face; '"and I must say, colonel, that I
am surpiised at your putting him to such a
test, unless you wish to kill him."
Colonel Anson started, and looked at me
very searchingly. Hill dared to reflect upon the
conduct of his commanding oilicer ?" he
asked, coldly, but without meeting my
He said no more than every one in
the regiment has," I replied, "that he re
trr.tted having gained your dis'ike, as h
was sure he had done nothing to meiit it."
'Was that all he said, dec-tor ?"
"He added." I replied, after hesitating
i nnmient, "that he wotld gladly die to
serve you."
An expression of intense pain swept over
Colonel Anson's face; but he w.ts silent
Afior a biief pause, he fcaid, qui.tly, "I
will not detain vou longer, dot tor. 1 am
sorry to hear of Hill's sickness."
I was more perplexed when I left the
room than I was when I entered it; and
luring the long winter I had no means of
'ratifving my curiosiiy. Indeed, it was
intensified bv the fact that, at the express
request of Colonel Anson, the President
promoted Hill to a lieutenancy in his com
pany. At last wc went to the Peninsula, and
ere Ion" ray regiment was called on to par-
tieipate in the desperate battle of Fair
Oaks. That engagement brought me work
enough, for my regiment suffered terribly.
As hardened as I thought I had become,' I
grew faint and sick over the dreadful work
that gave me neither rest nor hope of rest.
The little field hospital which I had estab
lished on the edge of the swamp seemed to
be a perfect slaughter house, and I longed
more eagerly than I had ever done fr a
cess it ion of the fighting. It came at last,
a liitle after ten o'clock on Sunday morn
ing. I had cleared out my hospital, and had
sent my last man across the Chiekahominy.
My assistants were absent for some pur
pose, and I was the only person in the lit
tle structure of boughs. Suddenly I was
aroused from a reverie into which I had
fallen, by the hurried entrance of some
one. I looked up and saw Colonel Anson
standing before me. He was pale and ex
hausted, and was bleeding front a deep cut
in the head. He held in his arms the in
animate form of Lieutenant Hill. I never
saw so much grief in a human face as was
written on that of Colonel Anson, as he
laid his burden on the ru le table.
"I5e quick, doctor, for Heaven's sake !"
he said, painfull.
"Dot you are wounded, colonel !" I ex
claimed, when my astonishment would let
me speak.
'Never mind me," was the quick retort.
'Attend to this one."
Hill was wounded in the breast, and I
saw at a glance that it, was dangerous and
a doubtful one. I bent down to loosen his
coat, and examined the injury. I could do
n i good. The aim had been true and the
ball had gone right through the heart. This
was not my only discover . I had learned
a part of the mystery that had hung over
'Heavens, coion.M !" I exclaimed, look
ing up at him. This is a woman !"
'The only one that ever loved me,"
: roaned t lie co.onel. '-ciie lollowed me
herein male disguise ; and, this morning,
when I was in danger, saved me, who had
done nothing but wrong her, at the cost of
her own life. She was my wife, doctor."
He left me before I could speak.
This was all I ever knew. The next
day the colonel was shot in a skirmish. I
had him buried in the grave where we had
laid his wife, and to this day I have never
learned the secret of their unhappy lives.
Tb.3 First Turnpike ia the State.
The means of communication between
the centres of commerce in this State from
the organiz itioti of the Commonwealth to
the year 1S."7 were limited to turnpike
roads and one continuous line of canal. The
old Concord coaches rolled for miles from
the seaboard freighted with the business
and travel of those days, and it fulfilled its
mission. With the growth of population
eame a demand for more rapid transit, and
then followed the introduction of railroads.
The Lebanon Tir.irx, referring to the turn
pike system in vogue then, and continued
in many places to-day, says :
The actii.d construction of turnpike
roads in l'ennsvlv;:nia dates sis early as
17'.'-, when a company was organized and
iucorported to construct a turnpike from
Lancaster to Philadelphia. The work Was
e 'nimcnced the same year, and the entire
distance of sixty-two miles finished in 17'. l,
at an expense of ?( L".)!);. Since then
more than two hundred and fifty turn ike
companies have been incorporated, many of
which were constructed.
The Iierks and Dauphin turnpike com
pany was incorporated in 1S1G, and Work
thereon commenced in the same year;
finishing the entire distance of forty miles
from Heading to the intersection of the
Downingtoii, Kphrata and Ilarriburg turn
pike, near II umelstowu, in 1S17. The
average cost was $.".!HW0 per mile, ami an
indebtedness of 87J, (( when the labor
was concluded. The original price per share
was $.(), of which So"J.'JU.) subsc ribed
by individuals, and SUUJOO by the State.
The indebtedness remained on part of
the company up to the year IS I", and an
nual payments of dividends from Sl.oO to
8.") have been made, and at present it is the
only turnpike which does not make a divi
dend. Before the construction of the Phil
adelphia and Heading and Lebanon Valley
;.n 1 other railroads, it was a great thorough
fare fi r travelers and terms between Pitts
burg and Philadelphia. The old lumber
ing stage coach, with a foiir-in hand, hand
led by Hilly Patterson, of Heading, and the
late Peter K lie, of L jbanori, is well remem
bered up to as late as 18.x.
The Dowingtoii, Kphrata ami Harris
burg turnpike was incorporated a company
as e..i ly as 18K5, and although work was
commenced tho same year, it was not
finished until 1811b It starts at Harris
burg, intersecting near Hummelstown with
the Herks and Dauphin turnpike, passing
through Londonderry, South Auuvilleand
Cornwall townshij s, along the southern
portions of the county, Kphrata, Lancaster
coun'y, and has its terminus at Dowing
town, Chester coun'y. Tolls are not col
lected bit ween the Cornwall Furnaces ami
Hi ickersville, that portion having been va
cated by the company. The receiver of
the company is Mr. Fahncstock, of Harris-
A colored infant at Mnnisville, Bucks
county, rejoices in the possession of two
full hands five fingers and a thumb on
i acn.
The Commissioners of Bucks county are
in trouble, the grand jury having disap
proved of their financial statement, and it is
projo-jed to prosecute them at the next
term of court.
Importaiice of Recording Daeds.
To illustrate the importance of recording
deeds the Allentown Democract says : Some
years ago, during the sheriffalty of J. V.
llaudonbush, Mr. Stettler, of Lehigh town
ship, purchased from the latter, at sheriffs
sale, a tract of land, the deed for which, al
though he received it, he neglected to have
recorded, and when subsequently he sold
the property to a third party, that par
ty, on receiving the deed, did the same as
he had dene laid it away, and never
thought of his papers until they had been
destroyed by a tire that devoured his dwel
ling. To obtain a new d3ed the present oc
cupant will have to fall back on Stettler.
and Mr. Stettler, on application to ex-Sheriff
llaudonbush, may obtain a duplicate from
the latter for the property sold to him at
Sheriff's sale, from which ho may then
have a proper conveyance made out to vest
the right id' ownership in thcmau to whom
he sold. Mr. Stettler being well known as
a f.dr and honest man, no difficulty is anti
cipated, yet all the trouble connetted with
the affair would have been saved if each of
the parties would have had his deed re
corded within the time prescribed by law.
We have frequently referred to this sub
ject yet how many there are that will disre
gard all hints in matters of the kind. If
Mr. Stettler had meanwhile become invol
ved, his creditors might have held the pro
perty in spite of anything the present oc
cupant could do. Have your deeds recorded
by all means.
He looked like a man who might have
had fifteen cents last fall, but who had used
the hii-t of it weeks ago. When he sat
down in the restaurant the waiters paid no
heed to him, and he raj ped several times
before a colored man slid that way.
'I want fried oysters," said the man as
he looked over the bill of fare.
"Dey is just out, fried oysters is," re
plied the waiter.
'Bring me a chicken, then."
'Here isn't a chicken in de place."
' (.Jot an- venison?" inquired the man.
'Not an inch, salt."
' Got any ham and eggs?"
"No, sah."
"Sec here," said the man. getting vexed,
"I want a square meal. I've got the du
cats right here, and I can pay for my din
ner and buy your old cookshop besides."
He lifted a big roll of greenbacks out of
his pocket, shook it at the darkey and con
tinued "Have you a chicken ?"
"Yes, sah, I guess so, sah ; I have de
biggest kind o' belief dat since we began
to talk, a chicken hah blown right into de
j kettle an' been cooked
And now bout
dat venison and does fried oysters dey has
also arrived."
We encounter arsenic everywhere, and
and face the dangers of arsenical poisoning.
From drug stores we receive medicines
wrapped in arsenical papers, put in Paris
green paper boxes, with arsenical paper
caps tied over the corks, etc. Wc have
often seen confectionary exposed for sale to
young children, wrapped in the deadly
green paper. We have often found young
children sucking toys painted with the
hortible stuff, and their mouth stained
throughout with the venom. The Paris
green paper is one of the commonest in use
for binding school books; numerous deaths
of children are known to have beeti thus oc
casioned. No country can be called civiliz
ed in which such suicidal ignorance such
stupid slaughter of the innocents is com
mon. One more illustration only. It is
very common to see a lawyer or his clerk
put into his mouth, to moisten the gum side
of it, a beautiful green paper dish with
scolloped edges, to attach to some document.
These things are found in every lawyer's
ofiice in the land, and used constantly.
They arc seldom made of any other than
the Paris green paper. Can this be
ignorance, or are lawyers all fatalists, and
believe they can only ' die when their time
comes?" At this rate, arsenic will soon
become as common as dirt, and it behooves
us to keep our eyes well open.
Remodeling a Unman Face.
A novel operation recently performed at
the Maine General Hospital is thus describ
ed : A person came there with a can
cerous under lip, which a quck had made
worse by the use of caustics. The patient
being placed under the influence of ether,
the lips was cut down and removed, the
mouth slit far into the cheeks on both sides,
the flesh turned down, and the inner mem
brane and bone scraped to remove all traces
of the cancer. Then the cheeks were
brought forward over the chfn and sewed
together to form a new under lip, a new
and handsome mouth was formed by sew
ing up the slits and cutting out triangular
notches in the corners, and that the new
lip might not lack the natural redness, the
lining membrane was brought out over the
edge and sown down. A new face having
thus been put upon the patient, he went
home rejoicing.
The meanest act on record. A Chicago
man was arrested on a trivial charge, the
other day, while in the funeral procession
that was conveying the remains of his wife
to her grave.
A bill has been introduced into the Vir
ginia Legislature to tax tobacco users S
per year and profane shearers 05 per year.
Wonderful Magnifying Eyesight.
The San Francisco Snmlny Coll of March
5th has a well authenticated story of a nine
year old boy of that city who has, until re
cently, been supposed to be entirely blind,
but who has been discovered by eminent
scientists to be possessed of most wonder
ful powers of vision. He has an abnormal
formation of the eye, causing jjresbyopin or
far-sightedness to such a degree that noth
ing at a distance of less than 24(),t)UO miles
is perceptible to his vision, but at that dis
tance he has full visual power of a person
with ordinary c'es. The moon fills his
whole sphere of sight and docs not seem to
be more than 100 yards distance, and he
gives a minute description of its surface
and inhabitants, for he claims that it is in
habited and by a race of beings who have
four radial limbs like the spokes of a wheel
and whose motion is votarv and almost con
tinm u. Tiie vegetation is all metallic, of
gold, silver, tin and copper. The cart
wheel inhabitants amuse themselves by skat
ing on a lake of quicksilver, have nothing
to do and go to sleep three or four times in
the twenty-four hours. He says the moon
has continuous day on one side and con
tinuous night on the other, and that when
the people wish to sleep they go over on
the side. The names of eminent
Scientific men are freely used in connection
with the report, and if the whole thing U
the child of some reporter s highly imagina
tive bruin, it is well got up and deserves to
take rank as the leading scientific lie of the
ceuteunial year.
A "Herring Hog."
A monster with a head measuring six
feet by four, and a body forty-five in length,
is, according to the Dundee Adirri'scr, well
known to Scotch fishermen as the "her
ring hog." A very line specimen of the
animal was seen the other clay ly some
Droughty Ferry men off the Bed Lock
The crew of a fishing boat were hauling in
their haddock lines when the '-herring hog'
came up to blow only a few yards from the
starboard-side of the fishing boat. The
huge head seemed to be full of slits or holes,
and it had eyes resembling those of an ox,
but much larger. Its skin was black and
apparently rough, changing into a light
hue toward the lower part of the body. It
had a broad tail, which measure about six
feet from tip to tip, and seemed to be very
old, for its head and tail were covered with
large while barnacles measuring about three
incises long, and one of its fins was partially
eaten away, as if by decay. It took several
haddocks off the lines, and broke the line
the crew were hauling in. The men then
became alarmed, and threw stones at it, one
of which struck the hog, when it plunged
and reappeared at a greater distance, giving
a great roar.
A new sect of Adventists is reported in
the West. At Owen Sound. Canada, the
belief that the world will end on the 1st of
April has caused no little excitement, and
two respectable farmers have become in
sane through terror. The Nazirenes, of
Sanilac county, Mich., hold a similar be
lief, and are designating different persons
to carry the news to the different nations.
Upon Dr. Johnson, of White Hock, de
volves the task of hunting up the widely
scattered Israselties and notifying them of
what is to happen. Some of the fanatics
are actually selling their farms ami slock
at half price in order to get the necessary
means to carry them on their mission to all
parts of the earth.
Among the latest arrivals at Cleveland
was a huge Canadian black bear, who came
sailing into port on a cake of ice.
A remarkable case was decided in the
New York Supreme Court last Thursday.
J.isephin-j Ash brought suit, through her
guardian' against Henry Astor, one of the
well known Astor family, for $-0,0(1;) dam
ages for assault, alleging that in" 1 So. Astor
violently pushed plaintiff, then only fair
years old, from a chair, causing such inju
ries n to cripple her for life. Her father
tcstifi-d that the girl's bir'ek-bone was
around her hips, and that she was com
pelled to go around the house on all fours ;
and that she is now unable to walk or care
for herself in any way ; and that Mr. Astor
made hint promise not to tell anybody,
sa in: he would put $.,U(K) in theb nk for
the child, which he never did. The jury
found a verdict for plaintiff for the full
amount claimed, and the court added 61 ,000
for costs.
Complete returns of the New Hamp
shire election give the majority of Cheney
(Hep.; for Governor over Many (Dem.)
at oOt);J, and over all others' at o-7.'. This
is the largest majority gained by any party
f ! many years. Cheney's plurality last
year was but 172. In the Executive Coun
cil, consisting of five members', the Repub
licans have four; they have elected nine of
the twelve Senators ; and have a clear ma
jority of 28 members of the House. A
Hepublican Senator will be chosen to suc
ceed Mr. Cragiti. The proposition for a
Constitutional Convention has beeu'adopted
by a large majority. The object of this is
to change the formation of the Legislature,
to abolish the religious test fbr office, and
to alter the time of holding elections from
March to November.
"A fool for luck." The other day a-
druitken man leaped from an express train
on the New York Central Railroad, which
was moving at the rate of nearly fifty miles
an hour, receiving no other injury but the
tcariu2 of his coat
Millions of trees are being planted iu the
far West,
415 public schools in Philadelphia, with
!5, 552 ptrpils.
Women attend vendues in Buries county
in great force.
A brasn band is organizing in Maine,-
composed of women.
Si:uce 1R-:I0, 8121,000.000 hare been ex
pended in Kngland alone in building and re
storing church edifices.
An old Dutchman froren his nose.
While thawing the frost out, he said, "I
haf carry d:rt noc fordy yar, nnt he nefer
freeze himself before. I no irndertaii dia
ling." Mrs. Swisshe!m hits the nnrk in a letter
to the Chicago Tn'!jvii in whLh she says:
"Wc need a religion which mjatis Sixteen
ounces of sugar fur a round,' an I no sand
in it.
A process Ins bacn discovered, in which
syrup i made out of ground corn or meal
at the rate of over two gallons to the bush
el of nnshelled com, only water being used.
What is left of the corn is good fbr cattla
and the cobs make good fuel.
A romantic young, girl of Christian
County, Kentucky, dipped off her brown
curls, dressed iu boy's clothfs, and clan-d.-stinc'y
started i'.r the Black Hills en
foot. On the first night out that Indians
tornado found heron a mudy road, and rolled
her around for about a qu-rler of a mile.
She returned home.
Mr. Horace Bingham, a carpenter, of
Fairbault, Minn., recently had removed
from his stomach a dark brown water
snake four feet long. He remembers
while drinking from a stream sixteen years
ago that something of a "foreign" nature"
passed down his throat, but he only found
out the nature of it seven vcars a- .
A child afilioted with diphtheria, in
Pittsfie'.d, Mass., was poulticed with large
Indian meal p.oultiecs which, after bem
used, were thrown out where a dog and
flock of hens fed on the meal of which the
pouhices had been made. Seventeen of
the hens and the dog died, it is supposed
from the poison adsorbed into the poultices
from the diseased throat. The child re
covered. . A grocer in th? town of Santa Clar,"
Cal., has adopted an original method of
business. ILch side of the store is fitted
for business on its own account. In tli3
general arrangement, each side is a dupli
cate of the other, the difference being thut
one side is cash xnd the other credit. When
a customer comes in the first question asked
is, -D o you wisii to buy f r cash or on ac
count ? ' If it is a cash customer the goods
and prices mi the cash si le are shown, but
if it is one who wants credit he is shown
the oilier side, and made to realize the valua
of ready money.
A good many years ago Thomas Jeffer
son remembered one morning that he had
some business to trans ict at th i c apti A. Hi
he ordered hi horse to be saddled, m mu
ted and rode down Penn.sylvani t avenue.
Hitching his hmse to the fence around the
capitol, he went in, attended to his busi
ness, remounted and rode back. It should
be added that the business he had to trans
act at tire capitol that morning was to be
inaugurated Presi lent of the United States.
lnere wasn't as much sty I
then as now.
e i-i Jii:;i;.ja
The grangers expect to purchase 2,000,
000 feet of lumber at Williamsport for cen
tennial encampmein purposes. A few days
ago they negotiated for S ,):); feet to t3
used in the Construction of a dinning room,
which is to accomm id.ttc I,.";t;j people at
one time, at Elm station, the camping
ground or" the grangers. There are about
20! rooms completed. It is designed that
sufficient buildings for the accomm dati ort
of :.Mi0 persons will be ready by the 5th
of May. and when everything is completed
li.OJD will be able to fin I a huiu at E'.m
A Maine man, being refusal by a
widowed lady for whom he worked, and to
whom he m de an' offer of mirriig -, wens
into the kitchen, em ;ied a pail of water o:i
the floor, spread out a red bmdanni hand
kerchief on it, tied another around his neck,
laid down, in the puddle and uttered a
sound half way between the notes of a
dying swan and a calf with the colic. The
lady of the house went to the spot as soon
as she could, bat when sit; stepped in thj
water, and iu the dim light of the m truing;
saw Tuttle slretched out among th red
stuff, she was so terrified with his stnguin
ary appearance that she went into a sw.k:i
from which she was not restored until
three hours had elapsed. Tuttle was ar
rested and put under bonds to keep tha
peace so ended his dream of love.
For many years past the result of the
town elections in New York has been re
garded as a sure indication of tho state of
political feeling. List year, in forty-five
counties, the Republieaus elected 42 and
tin? Democrats 4S3 members of the Boards
of Supervisors, corresponding to our Com
missioners being a Democrat iu mijnrity
of3l. In the elections held this year, in
the samo counties, the Republicans have
chosen 5211 and the Democrats '.X super
visors showing a Repub'iean majority of
130, and' u clear Republican gain of 1SG
members. This great popular change can
not be without meaning. It indicates clear
ly enough that with a good Presi.lend.l
ticket and prudent behavior on the jmrt f
the leaders New York is quite certain to
vote with the Republicans next November.
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