court proceedings. TUcenibcr term of the various Courts fl Pece Mnmiav. the 27th ult. , i Aianty w?S" w" " , . . . A Jji;e rJ!w and Stauffer on the Bench. j3i- i-Too of Stroudsburg, was appom 'aa'n of the Grand J ury. No business f jrfc importance was to come be- -ad Honor delivered the usual fixuw- afternooa was occupied in !,-,rr3av afternoo the returns of the Constables in the r- ,"fv-h's, considering petitions, '.-co and iu the trial of a trivial fr' the peace case, me vuuj. is. xaiu Th rrosccutor Turner, and ; t ere both boys and it turned out 'en d-cUv-'d'y boyish and trifling affair. tob!!!Je ccntenced to pay one half the p-' - i ... .r.rnin.T the case of Com. vs. for assault and battery on Wiu. l'ed. Tlic parties are both Loth o!d enough one would think 1 St n r. cil(h !L5P 9 thl " ....Wi oceunvinff adjoining farms arc . r , Union. Adaui appears to t'iven bard to prevent William's journey L -h "life tolas a a-r f pleasantness and tof peace, and William seems to have t,uJ thores to spring up ia the walks and T-'W7$ of Adaaos garden of Eden and to have Xckei if.s fiowcrs of happiness and planted frT those of paia aud sorrow. Their " n:rerences reached a climax one fine t a fevr weeks ago. --vuam uau em- :i a surveyo r an 1 was engaged la run- 5 which had been one ot the uones ol larx; : ... vfv.n tneni. W hliaiu went over tos.eai'-wv."- tJ ,vcrvc the operation and come upon the hiitf Adam. Adam ordered him off forth-w;-h. William got spunky directly, and in s4el hia irieui Adam that when the cur rent of his will turned in the proper direction Cj.ropo.J to take his departure. This was .-.'straw which broke the camels back, and hvi: ono-stecath orasceonl iiiiam r,pr',-ui;n a scries of most woa lerful io::; d.iwa a steep lauk on which he had ii . ir : i. J J .: 1 i ..-.Ti -a i i r. - a. i-;..).r i:i a bewildered condition. Adam jwed hlj more dw!:borate!y intending ap-p:r:-u according to the eye-wituesses, to hli r a jk. acaifi, or change the programme . r i;5 ,,c:rcui" into some other act. The r--ii t i;. -e c!--cd. however, bv the interfer- rri.'j -.-t the urvlvur aud others, who con- ; 5-.;-.-h exercises unhealthy ou account the: a.e oi'the arti-t. William sought to -...-f his su!a:y ia Court, and Ad its went Lij Vi-l:i..-si:y tcoruing with his ex e; io-!-': Ltc 1 to the extent of thirty or r .i-.:!ir- at least, ten dollars of which '.- the t-e-jcdt of the County cf Monroe. Jai.-i Dreher having been of counsel ia :z'i vfihe cu-:-s L. be tried at this term :i r.'atei to the parties in others. Judge 31 rers cf Eat..:., took his seat upon the :.. y Tucsd.iv afternoon. The Srst case ri wis that of Mackes vs Bnser, action i :j-i: f:r carpenter work and for rr !.4r-::i-;-d in buiiJing an addtttoa to rvf's 'ou;?. B jnser brought iu a bill for j--J to Mackcs and hi.s ha ads and r'.'.er. from the loose maimer of the par z c:-aii::-t:ng their business was involved r-ll.-ralle in:rl.acy and confusion. The cc:a:-ie i alr.fat two days and a half in ill a::i a vtrii-.-t was Hindered in favor istlff t $203 OS. Davis for . i -A t. ill 0.i I morn:: .z J. D JLVl-i DjfHell, xl'.r.. Phllai-!; Liu was admitted to prac-ti-." ia C :'.;rts of this County. Ia cs-j C-jm. vs Uxnnaa Daily. Dsft. a- 'ir-z'-. I jxt to cost term. Kt .:(' .. vs David he'iy for embcz-liij'r':- D.-fmi-iut failing to appear, his r?:.'gs.z-i3-j was declared forfeited and respi te: 'itll act: tana. ii i-rar:i jury having returned fjur ia-iir-irerit agji-st Jjlah and James Dowllng i r y.:. :.' 11 j-ivr iiiL'aliy, at the conclusion th-i vs Bjar case, their cases jre call-id aol all the indictments were tried -t'.re c-s; jury. One indictment against ei.u c: them, charged them each with selling :'.:x:t:r:g driz'c to James Buckley, a per Kacfiutemporato habits, said drink to be 35 a ''-rage, and another count with :sg the sacie to said James Buckley when -ruck. 1 he other indictments charged each thezi with selling iutoxicaticg drink to be tl ai a brevage to Michael Welch, a fcor. The parties reside in Coolbaugh -n-hip c3 tj.e Sorth and South turnpike er; the Bowling's keep a hotel. Both -eiu-t; were acquitted, but ordered to i-3)' the Cjks. 3 Thu.viiy afternoon the gTand jury joujat ia iniictments against Stroudsburg 1 "-x'"ger Railroad Co. for nuiiance; against '-ge P . Laoicr for larceDy, both true bills; zgy.rmt Francis Stancard (the Court '-2 iti-'3d;arj-) for larcen', ignoramus, ; h-v;-g no further business were dis-vor-i with tU ,ants 0f the Court. t of Cjji. vs George P. Lander for :cy, was called on Saturday morning. -:ihu: Las been lying in jail for about 17 1 w--'.ks. He is aa 0jj (jjq 0f sevecty-one .'"s, has no tied home or occupatiou as he 'i tj the Court, was born in Northamp-"-a county, Icft there at fourteen had been v iC JIt,beriug sxime, was unmarried, uric t cocsidratle, more in his younger thaa now, hud last lived at White and in tramping through the west end J ttu coaoty he broke into a wheclwright--P 2i htole therefrom some took, was I'tuftl sooie cine miles from the place of th.ft acd taken to this place and lodged Una;!. TV., n ... ... The Court gave the old man some Food rftlf l-tt they tai considered the place f 4fiv:ty nd other extnueating circum .V k'- wus sentenced to one dollar fine, crv Ptlon, stolen goods toreturael ..j lQe vatue nt th-.i not returned. Thev . Mirdw" Creek, and tor several years r behave 1 in a manner unbecoming near .Virs ani good citizens of this great and have - -?rg0 D imprisonment offorty-fiv lUrJ refinement in jaiL c benff ack hedged the following deeds : to MiJo Overfield for land in Middle SmithSeld, sold as the property of Findley B. Overfield, Amr. of WasbinRtoa Overfield and terre tenants for $2,300 ; to Annas Zim merman, land ia Jackson tsp., sold as pro perty of John S. Frutchey fortCOO; to Timothy Miller, land in Tobyhannatsp., sold as property of Frederick P. Miller for $300 ; to Wui. Wallace, land in Stroud tsp., sold as property of Isaac Buttcrfield for $275; to Samuel Altemose land in Ross tsp., sold as property of Henry Kintz for $S30 ; to Harri son Schoch and John Wikon, land ia Cool- baugh and Paradise tsp., sold as property of Jas. Wikon, jr., for $2,020 ; to Robert W. Swink, land in Stroudsbur?, sold as property of Jeremiah Frutchey for $42; to John E. Snyder, land in Stroudsburg, sold as property of J eremiah Frutchey for $ 1 ,490 ; to Alex S. Crould, land in Chestcuthill tsp., sold as property of John Merwine for $5,400. Saturday afternoon was devoted to the Argument list and oa Saturday eight Court adjourned. THE REVOLVER. A Man Buys a Revolver and Attempts to Blow the Top of His Head off, and Perhaps Succeeds in Killing Himself. From St. Paul Daily Pioneer, Dec. 23. About three o'clock yesterday afternoon a young man entered the store of "W. R. Buckard and & Co., on third street, and asked about revolvers. After looking at several, he selected one that he concluded to purchase, and wanted to have it loaded. The clerk did not desire to load the revol ver ia the store, as it was against tho rules, made to avoid just such tragedies as fol lowed. The maa insisted, and finally the clerk, considering it safe enough, loaded the revolver and handed the same to the man. The latter took it in his hands and commenced handling it so carelessly and in differently that the clerk remonstrated with him. and told him to hold the muzzle down toward the floor, and not to point the revolver around the store in that way. Hardly had the words been uttered when the man suddenly placed the muzzle of the revolver behind his riht ear, and dis charged one barrel. As soon as le dis- charged the revolver he fell to the floor, with his head under the opposite counter, and there remained unconscious for about half or three quarters of an hour. "When he fell he still held the revolver tightly clasped ia his right hand. The wound bled but very little. "While the man lay on the floor he irvoaned a little, but did not speak. A large crowd gathered outside the store and fur a long time blocked up the side walk so that people could not pass. Finally the proprietor put down the cur tains to his store, which had the effect of thinning out the crowd a good deal, still enough remained to make the navigation of the street incooveuieut. Soon after the shooting Capt. Webber sent a policeman tor a doctor. lie came back in a short time with Dr. Stewart, who examined the sufferer and probtrd the wound. After seme exertion tho doctor not him to srenk. .vno he is. He said his name was Eugine Feathcr ma.i ; he was 21 years old, and that he ctuce from Monroe county, Pennsylvania. His father, he said, lives on a little farm at Stroudsburg, about five miles from the rail road. He has been here since August, had no money, no work, no friend, and no food, and wanted to put an end to his sufferings. He was soon after removed to the citv hospital where he was again examined about G o'clock. Here his story was varied a lit tle. The doctor told him that he was sure to die soon, and if he had anything to say he ct-u'd then have an opportunity to say it. He told substantially the same story about the cause of his shooting himself. Upon being questioned, however, he stated that his troubles were hi3 own and then declined to say anything further upon the subject, clearly leaving it to be inferred that there was something in hi3 history not yet yet known. He was dressed ia a dark woollen suit, with a course striped shirt without a collar. His hands appeared to belonz to a rcrson accustomed to manual labor. The unfortunate young man, above mcntened, is the son cf our esteemed friend Mr. Jacob H. Fcthermaa, an cxcllent citizen and thrifty farmer of Hamilton township, this County. The family in this gore aSiction command the sympathies of all. The son left home on the 5th of last month, not mentioning the fact that he intended to go away, and nothing was heard of him until the 27th ult. "We have heard that he once before left horns suddenly but after a time returned, bat refused to say any thing about as to where be had been. He was esteemed a worthy young man, and it seems utterly impossible to account for his strange and tragic end, except on the assumption that his mind was diseased. Special jSTotice. SEE what Messrs. Wannamaker Erown have to my iu our advertising columns about their Fall ".Stock of Clothing. You may be gure that their announcements are to be de pended upon, to the very letter, Oak Hall i one of the reliable iititutions that have given credit and stability to the business of Philadel phia. KEYSTONE DRUG STORE. Dr. S. L. Foclke & J. Kkesoe, successors to Peter Williams, have purchased the Empire Dru? Store, on Main Street, a few doors below the Post-office, and for the convenience of those who wish to call, will have a red lamp in front, and known hereafter as the Keystone Drug Store, where will be constantly kept PainU, Oils, Vrnihes, Drugs and Medicines, and all articles usually Wept la a Drug Store, at the lowest market price. S. L. FOCLKE, J. KBESGE. Dr. S. L. Foulke being a practical Physician, having his office in the rear of eaid Drug Store, cordially invite the public to give him a call, as he is fully qualified to prescribe and cona jxvjjv! a!! pfesewptiofl. Nov. II, MARRIED. In the neighborhood of Canadensis, Monroe countj. Pa., on the 16th of August, 1875, by Her. Geo. Alcorn, Mr. Henry Feltham and Mis Harriet Mitels, both of Canadensis. At tLe Parsonage of the M. E. Church, in East Stroudsburg, on the 18th of December, by Eev. E. H. Sanderlin, Mr. Jackson Veller- shemb and Miss Celet:a Haldeman, both of Smithueld, Mourofl County, Pa. At the residence of the brides' parents, (Mr. & Mrs. J. II. Butts) in Stroudsburg, on the 25th of December, by the same. Mr. Henrv A. Druckenmiller and Miss Martha J. Butts, both of Stroudsburg, Monroe co.. Pa. The Printers were kindly remembered on this occasion, in the receipt of a bountiful sup ply of some of the choicest wedding cake. We extend to the happy couple our congratulations, and welcome them into the society of the ben edicts. At the Parsonage of the M. E. Church, in East Stroudsburg, on the 25th of December, by the same, Mr. Frank F. Hill and Miss Ella Fenner, both of East Stroudsburg, Pa. At the M. E. Parsonaee, Oakland, Dec- 23d, by Kev. Geo. Alcorn, Mr. Lewis T. Van Camp en, of Millbrook, Warren connty, J., and Miss Arabella bchafcr, of Oakland, Monroe county, Pa. At Columbia, Warren county, N. Jn Dec. 25th, hy Rev. John B. Mathi's, Mr. Depue Walter, of Monroe county. Pa., and Miss Ma ry E. Merical, of Knowlton, Warren co. N. J. At the M. E. Parsonage, Analomink, P, Dec. 2otb, bv Kev. E. L. Martin, Mr. John L Abel and MUs Mildren M. Stone, both of fctroud town.hip, Pa. On Dec 25th, at the Cherry Valley M. E Parsonaee. br. Pev. G. L. Schafier, Mr. G. L. Metzger and Mifs Mary C. Workheiser, all of Monroe county, Pa. On the 1st of January, 1876, at the Water Gap M. E. Parsonage, by Rev. Richard Tur ner, Mr. 1-rank I in Price, of apragueville, and Mis Josephine Turpening, of Smilhfield, Monroe county, Pa. Dec 25th. by Rev. G. D. Carrow, D. D. Mr, James L. Carlton and Miss Emma M. Long, both of Pike county, Pa. January 1, 1876, by the same, Mr. Jacob S. Mick, of Stroudsburg, and Miss Catharine Mil ler, of Monroe County, Pa. On the same dav bv the same, Mr. Hczekiah Daily, and Miss Mattie C. P. Yetter, both of Monroe county. Pa. On Thursday Evening Dec 23rd, 1875, at the home of Mr. John Medcalf, near Strouds burg, Pa., by the Rev. W. II. Dinsmore, Mr. John Edmund White, and Miss Elizabeth Wynn, both of New York City. DIED. In Stroud township, on the 2Sth of Decem ber, Mrs. Margaret Slutter, wife of Amos Slut ter, aged 32 years, 4 months and 9 days. Auditor's Notice. EtiaU of Jlelchoir Boaard, deceased. The unders'uncd appointed by the Orphans' Court cf Monroe countr. Auditor to make distribution of the money in the hands of Joseph II. ISo&ard and Charts Bossard. Administrators of the Estate of Mel- choir Bossard. dee'd will attend to the duties of his ap pointment, on I riday. the 4th day of i ebruarr next, at 10 o'tlo-:k A. M at the Prothonotary's Ofliee in th Iijrouh of Stroudbursr, at which time and place all persons having any claim or demand on sai-i fund will l-resent their claims or be f-revcr debarred from coo ing in for any har threof. TIIOS. M. McILH-VXEY, Auditor. Jan. 6, 170. Auditor's Notice. Fbert Varndell TS. Finley OrerfieM. AJm'r.of Washington Overfield, de ceased, and T. T. FLfi.No.2S. Dec. T., The undersigned appointed by the Court of Ommon I'leas of Monroe conuty. Auditor to make distribution of the money paid iu Court made upon the above writ, will atu-nd to the duties of his appointment on Thurs dir, th-i 3rd day of February next, at Yi o'clock A. at tLe Prothonotary's o.ce, in the Borough of Strouds burg, at which time and place all persons having any claim or demand on said money will pes rent the eame or be forever debarred from coming in for any share thereof. TUGS. II. McILHAXEY, Auditor. Jan. 6, 157G. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF EEAL ESTATE. Er Tirtue of authority vntained in the last 'Will and Testament of Ianiel II. Wyckofl". late of the Borouh of Stroudsburg, Monroe County, Pa., deceased, the un dersigned Executrix of said last Will and Testament, will expose to sale by public renduo or out-ry upon tie premises, on Thursday, February 3d, 1876, at 2 o'clock P. M. All that valuable lot or piece of land with the build ing's thereon, situate on Main street, in the Borouph of Stroudsburg, Monroe County. Pa., aid lot bein? 50 feet front on Main street and extending bact 40) feet. The improvements thereon are a large and commodi ous Frame House, containing 12 rooms, with jrood cellar and an opon Hail-way, also front and back Parlors. A LSO A Store House arid Duelling, contain ing 13 rooms. ALSO A large Shed for ttablinj, good Well anl cistern ater on trie premises with all necessary out-buil linjs. ALSO -4. Lot adjoining the above, being 50 leet rroni oy rn ieet aecp. Terms and conditions of sale made known at the time and place of sale, by IIAKNAH WYCKOFF, Executrix Stroudsburg, January 6, ls?6. it. FOR SALE, A double nous and lot, nar the Court House, cheap. Will be sold together or sepa rate to suit purchasers. Inquir of D. S. LEE. Stroudsburg, Dec. 23, 1S75. tf. Administrator's Notice. Estate of MINERVA ARXT, laie of Hamilton township, Monroe county, dee'd. Letters of Administration upon the above named Estate having been granted to the un dersigned, all person indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will pre sent their accounts duly authenticated for set tlement to ALEXANDER FOWLER, Adm'or. Stroudsburg Pa. Dec 2, 1875-Ct FOR SALE, 23 acres of choice Land, all cleared, near MidJIebush, Summerset county, N. J good two-tory HOUSE, 7 rooms. Barn and other out-buildingi, only mile from Depot, convenient to New-York, 4 trains each way. Price only S4.500. Will exchange for a good farm in this locality, or sell on easy terms. WANTED, Five to ten acres good lsvel land within, one mile of Stroudsburg, no buildings. Must be cheap. LARGE HOUSE AND LOT, 15 rooms, in Stroudsburg, to exchange for a good Farm near by. CIRCULAR SAW MILL and 600 acres heavy TIMBER, to exchange for good Farm. STORE PROPERTY in Eaat Siroudsburg to exchang for good Farm. Call or addreM PEIESON A THOMPSON, Conveyancers and Odltctors. 0C4 Kililtr'i eo building, near t Depot, Eatt Stuotjtbitb'j, Pa. TWeraW 3, 1375. ls. link- V, ill POPULAR LECTURES. At the request of distinguished citizecs of Stroudsburg. Bev. Dr. G. D. CARROW, will deliver, ia the Methodist Episcopal Church, a course of five lectures, the subject and dates as follows: Tuesday, January 4, 7 p. m. "The Carpet Bagger in Egypt" The climate, soil and production; the cities, monuments, tombs, rods. King, heroes, and people of the old land of the Pharaohs and of Moses, &c &c Friday, Jan. 7, 7 p. m. " Paraguay; the Japan of the American Continent" The country, and strange people of this un known portion of America will be fully de scribed from personal observation. The long oppression of the people, under tyrants as cruel as Nero, &c &c Tuesday, Jan. II, 7 p. m. M Life in the Cities ; and on the great plains of the South American Conti nent" Society ia general ; occupations and amuse ments; games and superstitions : stock breed ing, and sheep farming ; political convulsions ana civil wars, &c. 4c Friday, Jan. 14, 7 p. m. "The Land of the Bible." Its present inhabitants; their appearance, manners and customs. The things that hare changed, and the things that remain as they were in the days of J esus, &c &c Tuesday, Jan. 18, 7$ p. m. "An hour with Charles Dickens.n Describing a personal interview with the great author in London. Topics of the con versation. His appearance ; manner of talk ing; when and how he wrote his works; his religious opinions, &c &c In the first and fourth of the series the lec turer will appear in full Turkish costume. Tickets for the Course, - - $1.00 Single Tickets, - - 25 els. On sale at the Drug Stores of Dreher & Bro., William Hollinshead and Foulke & Kresge; the Post-office; C. D. Brodhead's Store; the office of the Jefiersonian and Monroe Demo crat ; and in East Stroudsburg at the Post-office, and the Store of Mr. Barger, and at the church door. Blair Presbyteria! Academy, Blairstown, New-Jersey. The second term will open January 4, 1S76. Careful instruction, religious oversight, home comforts and moderate prices. II. D. GREGORY, Ph. D. Dec. 16, 1S75. lm. Principal. Dwelling House for Sale. A rery desirable two story IhreUin? Hoase. contaln- J ins en rooms, one or which is suitable jif tor Store Rxtm, situate on Main street, in the Borough of Stroud tburif. The gJlgKfiJbuildinsis nearly new, and erery part i ,r -t "i ii in z'. good condition. For terms Ac, call at this office. Dec. 9, 1575-tf Opposition to Humbuggsry! The undersigned herbr announces that be has re sumed business at the old stand, next door to Buster's Clothing Store, Main street, Stroudsburg, Pa and is iixn j prepared to accommodate ail in want or BOOTS and SHOES, mada in the Litest style and of good material. Impair ing promptly attented to. Give" me a eall. Dec 9, is;5-'ly.) C, LEWIS WATERS. till Alive! It affords us great pleasure in stating to our customers and the public generally, that not withstanding the bait offered in spool cotton and trashy and sleazy goods in Stroudsburg, the rumbling of incipient Earthquakes in Cal ifornia, the devastation following in the track of the great army of potato bugs which has re cently swept through our town and communi ty, the political strife now existing among the many anxious ones for office, the seeming dis regard of public morality, the cry of hard times, the collapse and winding up of a num ber of business houses throughout the country within the last two years, "We still Live, And have just returned from'the City with a large stock; of Fall and Winter Goods, embracing an endless variety of stvle and anal ity in DRESS GOODS, including a full as sortment of plain and fancy Plaids, from 25 cents up, Mohairs, Pongees, Cashmeres, black and col ored, all shades; all wool Poplins in the most popular shades ; French Merinoes in the most beautiful shades very cheap. Special attention is invited to our line of Alpacas from 30 cents up, which for smoothness and fineness of texture and brilliancy of color cannot be excelled; TAMISE CLOTH, Velveteens, Brown and bleached Cottons lower than ever known ; Sheetings, Nottingham Lace, Linen Damask Towels, Crah, Linen Handkerchiefs 6 cents, Prints 3 cents. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. In this department our assortment is good, from the low priced Jean up to the plain and FUR BEA VER, FLAXSELS very cheap. SHIRTIXGS; a full assortment of Hoisery and Yankee Notions. Ladies' Vests, Gents Shirts and Drawers, Cloak and Sack Trimming, Dress Trimmings, Neck Ties Felt Skirts, Wool Shawls, Broche Shawls. Also, a full assortment of Choice Family Groceries, cheap. We can't quote prices nor enumerate half the articles we keep, but with, many kind thanks for your past patronage, we cordially invite yon all to call and examine our stock and we'll show you the best assortment in town, the nicest and cheapest goods in town, at the COR.VER STORE, OPPOSITE THE AMERICAN HOTEL. TERMS CASH. as. andre a oa f ti-ou Jiburf, Oct. 25, 1875. . FOR Practical Presents, FOR THE HOLIDAYS, Such as are USEFUL as WELL AS ORiVAMEiYTAL, GO TO THE New York Store! Furs, Handkerchiefs, Perfumery, Hair Brushes, Hosieries, Ribbons, Neck-ties, Corsets, Kid Gloves, Lisle Gloves, Towels, Napkins, Toilet-sets, Tidies, Childrens' wool Sacks, Linen cuffs and col lars, Shawls, Nubias, Felt Skirts, Ladies' "Vests and Pants, &c. &c. &c. &c. &c. WjckolT, Cooke & Cell. Stroudsburg, Oct. 7, 187 5-3 I v Decker's Column I HANG THE BANNER OX THE Outer Wall! THE- WONDERFUL CHEAP AUCTION STORE TRIUMPHANT t The Victory Complete; Our Books will show that the sales of the CHEAP AUCTION STORE Lavo been 2S4 Dollars more, for the past four weeks, ending on 2d of October, than they were during the same vrceka last year. Yell, Vot oxltf Why it proves be yond a doubt that the CHEAP AUCTION STORE is bound to go ahead, opposition or no opposition. It prospers under the lash. It is like an old chestnut tree, the more you club it the more chestnuts you get. "Will you believe me You miht as well try to get a shad to climb to the top of a crab-apple tree as to get his customers oS Stroudsburg and the farmers of Monroe County to leave the cheap Auction Store, where they have saved so many dollar duriDg the past six years. They well know they can get a pfes9 or bleached or unbleached muslin, from 10 t 20 cents on a dollar cheaper than they can buy it in other Stores. They know that Decker sells his beauti ful shilling Calico, eplended winter styles, for S cents a yard. They know they can buy handsome Alpaccas, all colours, for 25 cents a yard, which no man can beat. They know that they can get cotton bats for comforters for 14 cents, and full pound, best cotton carpet "warp for 23 cents a pound, while some others charge 35 to 40 cents. They know that for Undershirts and Drawers, and hosierv and gloves, no man; can beat CHEAP AUCTION STORE. Every gentleman who has dealt with us knows that he saves from 50 cents to one dollars for every bat he' buys of us. If a farmer wants Flannels be knows just the spot where to get them cheap. lou see is Douna ior tne cheap Arexiox STOBZ. If a ladv, or Miss, or child wants a tair of Shoes or Gaiters, they come at once to the Cheap Auction Store. If a geni:eian wants a pair of Boet3 or Shoes for himself or his Son, how quick ha is off to Decker's, for there he saves-his 50 or 75 cents on a pair. If a gentleman wants a fine suit of clothes for himself or his Son. he comes- to Decker's and saves his dollars. If an v one is in want of a 3 or 4 or 5 dollar winter coat, how soon they are off to Decker's Cheap Auction Store. If any one wants cloths or cass!meres for overcoats or to make up for suit,- vou see them making tracks to the CHEAP AUCTION STORE, to get some double fold fine Beaver cloth or his beautiful Cassi- meres for 50 and 75 cents per yartL If a Lady, or Miss, or child, wants to get a good fashionable winter hat and Ribbons and Feather and Flowers to trim it with for half price, she comes to Decker's Cheap Auction Store. And so it goes, through our mamouth Stock of Fall and Winter Goods Just Received. We want our customers to understand that we now keep beautiful fine Dress Goods of the latest fasihon and stjfcs So yon need not go elswhere for fine gtwdi. MR. QUACKENBUSH, the uperen tendent and theJasJor clerk Mr. Palmer, are gentlenieijk They are not filled with gas nor are they woodtics, nor blowers, but with great pleasure will they wait upon the crowds at the -Aaiction Store. We would also have the people to under stand that we have no branch Store in Stroudsburg and if any one says that thev are the Auction Store or a part of it, tell them you don't see it. Remember our Store a 4 doors below the Post Office. One sign across the walk, the other ia froiit of the Store. PECKTR A OCX April 13 187.-1 j.