SEED POTATOES .FVwn J5. R. Bliss d- Sons' Potato Catalogue. OOMPTON'S SUEPEISE, This wonderful Potato, wonderful for its fine quality and productiveness, is a seedling of the Prince Albert, fertilized with the pollen of the Long Pinkeye. The first year from seed there were four Potatoes weighing one-half pound. The following Spring these were cut to Mngle eve?, and planted on poor soil, Hie product o ine nan pounu was utrcv numucu, nf lip.nitifiil tubors Leinsr picked from the surface of a measured rod as it is a peculiarity of this Potato that they often mature a crop on the surface under the f i'iie The next season thev wi-re planted in soil from which a poor crop had been taken the previous year, and, although tne season was very uiuavorawe, inw Bceuiii.g tk-1u. . a ..... ii...., ii,n ir.,o n other old sorts nlanted hv it. anl remained sound, while the old varie'ics rotted badlv. These Potatoes arc invariably found to the center, a hollow one bavin" never vet lwen found. It u a late variety, ripening with the Pcachblow. Its shape is 'ov-i'f-oblong, "eves sunken, brow prominent, skin smooth, color reddish-purple, flesh white; -ow.s to a iar 'e fize. It is believed to be much the most abundant in starch of any variety extant. It retains its qualitv perfectly throughout the year, appearing on the table like a ball . r a ..... ti i.t,ri, .,.i.,!Wv rf this Potato late in Snrinar niav. perhaps, be owing to it tardi- nes in sprouting, remaining plump and free from sprouts when kept untilJune, and never having that wilted appearance common to early sorts. , . The foilowiii" extract from the report of the Committee awarding the premiums oiiered in ISTo confirms all that was claimed for them by the originator when first introduced: ' ...... .-o,l iitiniiinintit vprdift fnr iho most nrolific Potato culti- v-ited at present. Yields of from twelye to twenty pounds to the hill are reported by the,U m.rl iii one instance J8i pounds were dug from one lull. As an ,.t nf tli lo,t p-tinL' nualitv. but to this. Compton's Surpise is an exception. Thou ind's have testified that they never ate a better Potato. Its uniform mealiness of grain, omibineil with the purest, flavor and its snowy whiteness of flesh, which is not in the least siliectedbvits blue skin, can not tail to make u nigmy vaiuauie as a lamnr a ui. -"-v shows a peculiar tendency to produce a surlacc crop, not lounu in owier kiuu. Two years ago wc paid $15 for one Uushel of the above Seed Potatoes. EXTRA EARLY VERMONT. The superior merits of this variety, first sent out by us in the Spring of 1S3, may now be considered as fully established. It has been largely cultivated over every section of the coun try the past two seasons, and fully sustains the high character given it by the committee for awarding the premium oflered by us in 1873, in the following statement, after examining the reports of the various competitors : ..r.. i.'..,xir v,-o-r..--p ln ?iq nrnved bv the numerous reports before us, more than sustained its previous reputation! yearly all the competitors declare it from one to tvo veeks earlier ihrn the Early Roc. and many ecen more. Its uniform and large size is recognized uv every ir M.?..-! 'There are more than 100 in the amount I raised that would weigh from one to two pounds each and Mr. Salier raised one tuber that weighed three pounds twelve oi'Nces. Its superior cooking qualities are unanimously commended, as well as its compact growth in the hill and its freedom from disease, and with the thousands of cultivators who have Town it alongside the Early Hose, there seems to be no doubt left, that in quality. Anrdiness, eirlin-ss and yield, it Jar surpasses mat ccicoraiea variety. A first-class certificate was warded this variety by the lioyal Horticultural Cavtiox In consequence of the great similarity between the Extra. Early ermost nd the eVrly IIo?E, manv of the latter will.doubtless be offered by unprincipled persons as th Kvkly Vermont. To avoid imposition, we caution purchasers to beware of itinerant .Idlers and purchase their stork ot reliacie partie3 oni.v. c eropioy no pun ui a6cui. GEEAT j COMMOTION THROUGHOUT MONROE COUNTY, ABOUT THE Large Assortment OF find Extremely Low Prices AT Society of Lon- SIMON ERIEDS, THE Mammoth Retailer OF Men's, Boy's & Children's lt . ' - . . . . I Adress all orders directly to our nouse. P,oih of these varieties" were sold at $4.50 a Bushel lat year, per Duahel, Cash on delivery. October 7, iS73-t We now offer tliera at $2.00 THE TANITE CO. Stroudsburg, Pa. 1 I FALL m WINTER GOODS. Jsjt :iST. EUSTEE'S, 1875. Gents Furnishing Goods, Trunks & Valises, Umbrellas, &c. ieiioiii Those wisliing to purchase any thing in the CLOTHiyG ilAT, will do well to call at the Rii,ve place as they will Lnd a larger ana liner Extra AnQoanccBicnt TO THE PUBLIC. Stock of Clothing than all the ret in town r'"t together. All wool suits as low as S3 00 the Unions as low as basket and diaenal suits from SIS 00 so S3 j 00; the imitations . .JMt i.-.c TIiv sip put in the latest stvle and are equal to custom work. All the IVTt'lllv Itltl. ivrc. "vj - - m latest stytes in "White Aests aiacl, Coats. IN YOUTHS', BOYS' AND CIIILDRKFS CLOTHING, toii can't better vourself as they are made up in the best of style and are cheaper than you 5 IlSICBfJftCC S iljni fin.-! thi-m any where else in town. Ci. QllOt UiSblEStJ). E Ultl j In order o have more : room to display iay large stock of Clothing, kents Furnishiii" Goods and Trunks and Valises, i have concluded to quit the HikTS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS! Those wishing to buy a stylish Hat or Cap will do well to call at the above place, as ri!l m.t 2nd a more complete stock in town. The prieec are verjMow. .adies9 and Gents5 Farnishias; Goods! -R S. WILLIAMS, r. THE MONROE COUNTY Co-Operative Life Insurance COMPANY, STE0TJDSBTTE0, PENNSYLVANIA. Limit 5,000 Members. CHARTER rEKPETUAL. Atit ner.on of sound Wynn.t mind, of either nox, not r.r, ...... m.irn than sixtv-liv' years ui and not on d in any occniation.oxcwiiti?ly ou to life, may l.-coiue a member of this Cmupauj, Oj paying an admission ?e, as . From ir to 4') rears of as 3 00 " JO to 5! a ""f " SO to CO " " " 1 M GO to 6". " " u 20 00 No other charges will he, ma at any time, excepting on dallar ana it-u cems ior i-iiLii ijn-iii-" i Th advantaites of this rompany over uie uru.u.. . t :r. i. -....,. im that the fees are so small .i... ,.T .i..l.r'ilo mnaii.t rail siicure a tum lllitb IIIV 11111 'J iii.FXAv -- peteney to his f.imilv at a triHitit? cost, and payable at iueh lor", and su h small sums, that no pursou V II m. - - - ii. nt . f mom Vwriiin in ihis Com nan v. are sure in case oi death that their families or heirs will get as many dollars as there arc members in the tomjauy. v:.. era tilur-i-,1 iitmiii I riiv-lluu or rt-:u--iiic a Jiwnruiu-iv or information, may be made to the Directors or Secretary, at Stroudsburg, 1 a DlKECTOttS. R. S. Staple,. H. V.. Blesocker, M. F. Coollaunh, Kindaru Sliujip, J- -,te "i:l "" C. 1. Crodhead, J - eicrniau, E. B. Prener. WILLIAM FINE, IWt. M. A. Pe L. Vajj IIosk, Scc'y. March 6,'7.1-tf Watchmaker & Jeweler, MAIN-ST, STROUDSBURG, PA. Located in corner buildinp;. third door be- ow the JefTerMniiin office. Room handsome- v fitted up, and heavily slocked with then- nest assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Jewelers No tions, &c, ever offered in thissecthn ofcounliy. A full assortment of Spectacles, of the best quality, and suiied to all ages, always on sale. Silver-ware, and Silver Plated ware, al ways on hand at manufacturers prices. (T7-leiiairin2 neatly executed, anu cnar- o-es extremely moderate. Calls from the public respectfully soliciied. S..le Ayent tor the ceiecraieu iviamonu Spectacles. November 5th, JbO ly. 4 W " all dec ttiv lot of STOVES of ocripiions liuve been received at lhe store if the subtjcriber, in the borou of Slroudshur. lie has COOKING STOVES, & PARLOR STOVES of the latest ininrovements; and entire new wtylef, and considerable a ving of fuel, which can be had at tne lowest Lity prices. Also all kinds of Stove-Pipe. A lar?e assortment of TIN WARE of ev ery description, constantly on hand, whic will be sold :it wholes ilc und retail, as rea sonable as can be had in the Cilv All kinds ol repnirin: done in the shortest cheapest and best manner. Lull and exnii ine his stock before you purchase elsewhere. Feb. 11, 0. WM. S.FLORY. "SAMUElTHObDT r , t - ..r..-- j tliev Tho.e wishing to buv v,..i -.rill all the latest novelties of the season always on hand. n;v thino- in the furnishinjr "oods line will do well to call at the above place, as they will find a much larger stock than in any other i-lace in town. DBY GOODS! ti ()?., within" to hnv I.rv Cluods will nlso do well to call at the above t-lace as prices are 1,,,.- Uv:iva v.'i hand a full line oj the Capitol Alpacas, which are the Lest you will fcnd. f'r.iendiJ lino of .Skirts and Shawls. You can get a splendid shawl, alike on both sides, for ?1 To. fore offer and mil sell iay stock of Bools & Shoes at aud below cost. mum fkied, April 15. 1875. NEW STORE -:and:- Asrcnl. . Partkubr attention paid to CUSTOM WORK. Good fits warranted or ' Jj"V GOODS lid S:Lli'1. motto i.-s we will not be undeiFcld, so thofe wishing to buy for CASH will do well to all before- purchasing cUcwhcrc. r N. BUSTER, PROPRIETOR OF THE NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION, -:at:- bciciiiber 57-1. tf. Main stkeet, Stroudscuiio, Pa. THE GREAT CAUSE -f ok ; i'Oj MCTMAN MISERY. ; JuM V'j Jiilcd, in a Scaled Envelope. I ice C cents l l.v .STHOlT31SSJUIlG HA8ACJIEAP CLOTHING AND Boot and Shoe Store, AT LAST 1 CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, A .("? on the atur:'. Treat ;nc:it, and Jlalicul I. if-AUis". Invohinturv -.mi.i;ii, ImiHjtoncy, ; N'Tvomi jM.ility. atxl Ji'itWiim-uts t' MamaKS lri-iK-inllv : ('iiiisum'iiion, r..i!.'i-.y, ami Fits; Mental I'iiyi.-ai iu.-a.-ity, Ae. i.y Ji.iti;itT j. cli- James Edlnpcr hasjust returned with an J li.; wy'rM-n-ii.w atitlior. in this a-luiiraUe Iec- ; CDtire new StOCK 01 inn-, f li'arlv l. roves from his i.wn cx jH-rifiice tliut tlic s-if,:: coiist-nieiR-i.-s of Si-ll-Aousc may lie elleet ually imiovc-d witliout niclii-in-, au.l witlimit dangerous urj'ifal oi-ra:i.iP.s, bou;;ii's. iutrtim-iiis, rins, or .r-'l iM.intiiir out a mwi ot euro at (.iico eel tain i.H . !?''. ial. bv wl.i.-ii fvcrv sutlrfr. no m-.itf.T what , AND i-oi"iiii iii 'way hi; may cure himself cheajily, piirau lv ami raJii-a'ly. This Lcciare wiil prove a to tlioussnds aud S'iit un.lrr seal, i:i a p'.aiu envelope, to any address, .!i reepipt of s'x cell's, or two postage stamps. Address tua 1'ubUsliers, CHAS. J. KLINE & CO., 17 I'.o-.vt-rv. New YorV. April 15 'Tr-Iy. l'oat titliee Box, 4."irto. J". 13. I-ITJLL, (h?uceti-por to J. E. Erdman,) Monroe o. Marble Works, Main St., Stroud sburg, Pa., Where will be found constantly on hand or made to order, JIOXl'liESTS, KIEADSTOXES, &.C., Gents' Furnishing Goods, that he borilit at panic prices and is selling i theiu at linees that astonisli all. Call and ii.,!. ...! i., : ..i i r .. i iuuk anu uk iuiiviiiucu uciuie vu ijurenase elsewhere. One door above Hollinhead's Drug Store. lIay 6, 75 tf. GO TO J. EI. SicCAKTY & SONS, ODD-FELLOWS' HALL, 31 A IN ST. STROUDSBURG. PA., AND BUY YOUR FURNITURE, Carpets, Oil-Cloths, Rugs, Win dow snaaes, uurtams cz Fix tures, Table Cloths, &c. . AND SAVE 0 wifkiTiem tts nsri iKAsjjmt t ut ti: DARIUS DREIIER, begs leave to an- ! t 1 1 . I i nounce to nis irienas anu 10 me puD lic generally, that he has just received a "eneral assortment of Dry Goods, Notions, Dress Trimmings, AND MILL INER Y GOODS consisting, in part of the following desirable articles, viz: Calicoes, Lawns, French Chintzs, Children s Dress Goods, Worked Edgings, Parasols, Zophers, Shetland Wools, Shetland Wool Shaicls, Delaines, Muslins, White Dress Goods, Inscrtings, Lady's and Children' s Sacks Flannel and Cloth, Lady's, Misses and Men's Hoes, Gloves and Collars, Mourning GootJs, Shroudings, &c. , d'c, Good 8 shown with pleasure. ''Quick eales and small profits" at the old and wel known Millinery Stand of F. A. DllEllER The Millinery business will be carried on as usual by Mrs. Deeheb. Patronage respectly solicited. DARIUS DREIIER. April 26,1 866. rtl.Al.ef Tallinn sr.l Anri.-nn Miirhle. At XjCcXSt TWO PfOfitS. Having been in the emulov of Mr. Erdman I for nearly ten yeans, I leel conndeiit in my ability to please all that give me a call. All work warranted to give entire satisfaction. 5" Orders by mail promptly attended to. lVb 272-tf AKfCti STOCK. OT CHOICE Family Groceries, Queeasware, (Jlass vare, Wood and Willow-ware, at C. K. ANDRE & Co. Tarns CASlll jan. Z), '7 tf. As MoTarty A Sons buy, direct from the manufacturer lor (uot 00 aaysj, tuey can sell you a.otiii;k tuoi'iiy yos BT THE ESTEY COTTAGE ORGANS MORE FURNITURE, OF A BETTER QUALITY, These superior and beautifully finished in struments so far eclipsed their competitor in volume, purity, sweetness and delicacy of tone as to carrv on the first and only premium giv AND FOR LESS MONEY en to exhibitors of reed Organ at the Monroe than you ran buy at retail eitherincity orcountry, and uv-ry article i warraut'.-d to be as represented. June J.VTWf County Fair, held September 2-1), 1874 Huy onty the leU. Oct l-tf. For price list address J. Y.SIOAFUS, (Jama Making. Th undersigned takes this method of informing the public, that lie still con tinues the above business in all its branches at his old Stand, on Lranklm street, Stroudsbur, Pa., where he will be hap py to receive orders for work in his hue, including general Wheelwrighting, Blacksmith ing, Painting, Trimming, &c. His stock, of the best quality of seasoned lumber is large and very complete; and also has a full force ol firsr class workmen t all the brauches, he flatters hinisell that be is fully prepared to accomodate all who favor him with orders, and guaran tee entire satisfaction. Repairing promptly attended to WM. HUNTSMAN. July 28, 1S70. UNDERTAKING ! LEE &. Co. would mo t respectfully an nounce that having procured an elegant NEW MACHINE SHOP! The subscriber having started a Mnri Shop, near the head of Cl"a Main Street, Stroudsburg, pa is prepared to build, and repair all fcjn( Machinery wilh accuracy, and divmtl? Being fitted with 'patch- SPECIAL MA CHI i Ell Y FOR Tr-n.. ING, SIIAFTLXG, AD PCI LEYS, AM) WITH tf." PROVED TOOLS of various kinds, and having on exper;an of over Thirty years, in desijr,, j',, , building machinery tor special purposes feel warranted in guaranteeinjr tlie best' p work. Have on hand, anu buildin" PORTABLE STEAM EXCISES, of from 2 to 10 Horse I e-p in stock especially for larm tue, or lor Jri. ir,g h0 several thousand feet of HEAESE, n. Premium New York Oak Tanned Baiting; in widths of 1J inch t G inches, (can obtain wiiler ones at very short notice) at manu. ficturers prices, nbo Lace Leather, Eqi Rivets, Punches, &.c, STEAM PIPES & FITTINGS of the variouss eizes. Pipe cut and fitted at short notice. ' flcmp Si. Rubber SI cam Packing. I would call the attention of I!acksrni;h Wheel w rights, ii nil otliers, to n:y a8ort. ment of ail sizes of Machine Bolts, Nuts, Washers Lag Screws, and Bolt-ends, ' which I offer at New York prices. The R ilt-en.!s especially, bein' threnied and fitte:! with nuts by machineiy, enh'.e ths li aclsmiths lo furnish Iml'stii any !ci gth much cheaper, and quicker, than to cut them Ly hand. Cali in and see my stock and Mscliinerj. G. SAN FORD. ' March G, 1ST3 tf. MONROE COUNTY Mutual Fire Snsisranoc (cr.i;, and having a person in their employ of twelve years experience, in the undertaking business, are now prepared lo attend to un dertaking in all its brandies in the best pos siMe manner. COITINS and CASKETS of eny size, style or quality, constantly on hind, and ready for shipment at 6hori notice. Order Ly mail pmmpt ly ahemied to. Our charges are moderate; we have no di?pisii i.m lo distress the living or rob the ctales ol lhe dead. N. C Ueaily-made ROBES, neatly got. ten up, can he hail at any time, at the are j of LEE & Co. j May 2G, l? STRCUrSIiURG, PA. ..'.v.; --v ; v . V - t.-T.'xv. ;....- .,'(' - .... s y-- :. ... o,- .. ;-..... .'- L hockafi:llow, CHAR TKR PURPL'TUA L DEALER IN in: Wholesale and Retail Dealer in C00K&PAE!L0S STOVES TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, AND IN Ida! ilousc Furnishing (ioods. BooSsSg and Spouting done on short noti v, witli th! tic"t material, awl at rrasonalili? pnci-s. ot . ik. I'arlor ana Ol.ioi' Stoves cnilirai-cs all the l-st varictit-s known to tlio trailo. Call arnl see. Stor third tmililin, u!vo thu Methodist ( liur.-h. Main strot-t, Struudsuurt;, 1'a. teiiruary 4, 'j.i-tr. flcady-Sadc Clothing, lieuls Fur nishing Goods, Hals & Caps, Cools & Shoe, &c. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. (Xcar the Depot.) The piihlic are invited to call and examine jjoods. Prices moderate. Mav 0,Ti9-tf LOOK THIS WAY, ALL WHO WANT arriagc Vt'crk or Dlackssiilhisg DONE IN A SUPERIOR MANNER! 'I II I- S.iL.'.rihnf im..a lnoA rt 1 igfforui the public that he is fully pre ipared, at his establishment, at the corner of Simpson and Sarah streets, in the borough ot htroudsburg, to make to order, every style of Carriage, Wagon, nnd, in fact, everything in his line of bu siness, at the shortest possible notice, ami ou the most reasonable terms. Carriages repaired, trimmed and paint ed in the Lest style ot the art. ii : - i .... i Having ursi-ciass material always on hand, and none but first-class workmen eupiged, the public are assured that none but nrst class work will be turned oat at his shop. In connection with Ins Carriage Shot he has also a IJlacksmith Shop, where superior workmen will always be found ready to attend to the orders of customers lhe public are invite'.1 to call aud ex amine bis stock before purchasing else where. VALENTINE KAUTZ. September 11), lbG7.-tf. TTAMSiro.s si;4jiLi:ss con J-JL bLlft. The onlv piaw vuvy can ue nau in town is at the cor uersrore. irytlicui. jan. 30, '73. tf. C. It. ANDRE & Co. I FORGET fliat wile.. you want any thin.!? in the Furniture or Ornamental Jme that McAtrtyfc Sons in the wuu-r i-iiwws nan, .iam street. Stroudsbur l'a., is the place to get it. ' June 18,'74-tf Cards, Bill Heads, Labels, &c, (EAT, CAE IP AND QUICK, Printed to Order at tho JEFFERSONIAN The Hy-La-xs of t!:!s Comply, sn-J rr i : ri-' Imuran'.? luivr. rti-t-;i; Ir .i: ,-tv clianscd,!!: i. irin.i irs t- j:;.;! lili.-i l.if Iniimiice ( '.:.ip iti v iii lh :.:!.. lmjxiit.oit h:i!o:i l',ic: chan.-.-s z:e Xl.-; viz: r..Ii::ies, i'l-Urud of l.cin - ;..T'. t-.ial, r.r. i,s ve T-. ars. All jiivjiorty is I 1 ti" ra'- -f p. -:. fixtil ao: rj;ii ti tii rli'i f i!-i- pr-i.,:-:y. t'rcmiuiii uo'.e.i tukcli, ucd all 3ji-i-:ii : imdO lll ti: lllit'.Tl. rror.criv is iiinud f r lmt t-i -r.- t!ian t-ri iv I its aciunl ca-h valuf, and t!i; en r.-.i :it i !' ii. ):iid in ao I loss, jjn idol thv Unr, hi amount nf inurunco. j "Alii!ii:il nss-'Sinioi-.ts'' oalv arer:.:i!.', f 1 ,.r i. i ... i i . . i n .. ijis, ami iutc a s.iv.:.i inw-ssnry. Tin- rin;p:ir.y t'i.T"f.jr" i:rjinr .1 t '.: upon tonus nr.u-Ii lijor? d-ii.i!.;.- tl..-..i sysir-.n. Application niny he r.iado t sc; jf Surveyors, or Sv- rotury. J5 '.f l.lK Stocd. ll Stft'ci-n Mlas 1.. !)ra!v j Jacob Knol.i Jacoli .StouiiVr, :.i.?:.v:;rr. J. I',-p-!.: I.: OFFICE, Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa.. Orders promptly filled. Give us T. 1). i-ro il.-ud, loiin I'.'.i:; Tiico. S.-Ii. st ii;.i.i. si'i'i; U. r.. Dti'-iiiin, Scri-tary und Tro:i.i.vr. T. W. l;ii.iI- Silas L. Irnk9, T. W. Rhodes, F. A. Opp. It, si'::v::yo;:s. For ToKrl Coiinty : Vi!li.i::i -tI.-rt. !cn. CST All a call. rnilK TALKING MACIIINK. 1 tic Domestic Sewing Machine. J. t.-Ir, Jx-m'i Sun John 1 Miliar. For Wavuo Coiintv: (.ha.-lws A. Muit.-rs. Tor Tiko County: Br.niutl Ivtrick. For Xort!ia;;pt."n County: Kichard Cam ion. For Carlion County : Samu-1 Z logon fus. For Wvo.nin; : G.M. Koon, II. V. lturdwcll. " J. T. i5 5Tlio J!ana;:crs movt rocul;u!y .-.t t!i'- ! Ofiioe in Stroiid-lii:;-r. ou t!ic liil Tuc-vl: mouth, at 2 oVl.vL 1 M. ; May THE "LIGHT R'JKRi&V'jjl T'yJ J R-JUr. t mm wm SIMrLIClTY, KASE OF Management, Noiseless, and and RUNNING, TALKS ITSELF LTO PUBLIC FA VO P. THE WOPwLD CHALLENGED! To produce a Family Sewing Machine trnit will sew a light, and .8 heavy, that ia a8 lisrht runmngr, and easily nperaled. .. 1 his Alachme s warranted to wear equally 08 lon 8 any olher manufaciured. bold on monthly payments. For wile by Darius dueuer. Sent io ,,o Ma,n-.8troUd8burff,Pa. Harness & Saddlcrv. The above luisiness has ngain b'n re" filmed at the old stand, lately sWiMd aJV ly the late flood, near !a Id win's H'telJ" JStrondsbttr, where will Le kepi cor.sianttf on bund the best assortment of Harness, dtiiibSe and single, Saddles, Brldlfs, Cellars, nnd every other article H-uii!y fnm 111 this line of business. Work nviiio to ort on the shortest notice. A large a-,4rt,,'c" of Mountings and Saddlery Hard ware . I l r n l vnt'.T uiivnjiauii iiuiiu. Vili IIIKI limn J" .j soloction.Hnd it will he furnished in -ty'ea price not to be excelled in this market. Strict attention to r,pibi?alK' in 6hortest notice. Call and examine JOHN O.SAYLOU.Age October n, 1870. if . Can you tell why it is that when wl one ooiiH-s to Stroudxl.uri to luiv Hirm""'i ways intiiro for MoCurty's Fiiruilurt More H ill. JO. 0. " " .rt Dox'T root, Yors: j,lu;t, awav for worthless articles of I' lU,l.!,, iU, but go t.MeOarty & Sons, and you 'i?(f well paid Il.r it. JiuiejN BLANK DEKI5 For sale at this Oflico. i i