The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, October 07, 1875, Image 3

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...jii T S
fi! rrl by an Art of General As
i Vnf the Commonwealth of Peiin
M R"'b- I?, Vi. i Act relating to t he Elec-
n- of t :1 ; (le the duty of the .Sheriff
r Jul? 1 ... oiv notic
tice ut such flection,
ecU ,1,. known in sucn no;. v..
i vrv
- :.. ...... i nnticp wi;:n ciiufiTH
,j io !" i . mv therefore,
... hrf ft ,eJ ..' r.l ., nfM.mri
art" . iMh Sherii! ci u---,..... . -
or it! I) Hie COUOi
l)V this Proclamation to tlie
!o m; fiJ county, that on
K!lrc iV NOVEMBER 2nd, 1875,
, i.r.f the General Election, the fol-
lhetm are to ho voted for by the free
l"irri.ountv of Monroe:
,!:." :". 1 ',LK;oX to tho o!ncc of Governor
for i;oN to till the office of Treasurer
( t of Pennsylvania,
for . PvoV to represent the twenty-
(' .natoria! District, composed of the
' et' . f Carlton, Monroe anu i ikc.
f' oNt : 1 'I:'iSON' fur AsPOciate I,,,,Se of
t!'e iSi X for Prothonotry ami Clerk
'1 r ur'n'of the Count v of Monroe.
Pr'KN for Register and Recorder
(! ...... Monroe.
,ft 'J:.; i.m for Treasurer of t!ie Coun
ts . I
,r Monroe.
OXS for Commissioner of
r.,intv of Monroe.
t!T KrK PKKSONS for Audit
J of the County of M,
litor of the
)i: PKUSON for District Attorney of the
rmintv of Monroe. ...
"''so herehv make known and give notice,
i fi'lic Kleclions of the several districts of
it J enntv, will he held at the places here
inafter designated, to wit:
Iao of Voting.
n,. freemen of the township of r,arrett.
,i 1 tl.nir election at the; house ot
inlu-" Albert, in said township.
" tv. frremoii of the townshin of Chcsnut
j, :i are to hold their election at the house of
Folii 55tor:ii, in sai-Hownship.
X'io Ireemeii oi ino ioiimui vi wwr
i,au4 will hold thcirelection at the Nagles
;!i.T',M,(, ,!-!iouse. in s:iid township.
rii,. freemen o! Mast MroudsMirir, will
10!Jt!)e:r eiect on at the Annlomink House,
.-.i.l H,vonrr!i
ri,.. f'oenKMi of the township ofEldred,
1 .old their
election at the house of
.St-'pli-rt l;oer. in said lownMiip
t.i.'. tV'inen of the towns'iip
li.-,M tiieir el.'.'Ctio!! at the house of Chas.
M in said tewn.-hip.
1 in
!l ('I 1.1- lO. I O
i i.
ir el'.'ction nt t!ie house of Peter
II. S:
rin. ni s i i'
t!i.? tw!is;ii; of Ii;!dle
Si:i,tii!y w
! h;
tiieir election at the
l,...wuf Jaai:s l'i :eo, in said township
The fre--!ii-?:i of i'ie to .vnsliip of Paradise, t'!(,;r r'.erLoti at the house of
1 ill ""OI ' - - -
T rne X vA.. in s ii l township.
The fr.vmeii of the township of Pocono,
will hold their election at the house ot
l:;is:ill .MIUC T. Ill JJiu io. .1
T!:e t:e!!ie:i oi the towns. i:j)o
of Polk, wil
h-.! ! T'n-ir ,.i action at the house oi Ueorc
ir-vii. i:i s.iid t:)wnsh!p.
The fr";n"!i of the township of Prie?, will
Im'.J tiieir i
I.o'i, in si!
.'.'t.n'i ;:t tie iioiise oi J,ewis
i township.
... . i . . . i -i- t
i ;ie ;! iv;ii
ii o; liie i )w:isnipoi nes, ii
1 1 , : -1 Tli-'ir ei'flio'i ;;i noutu 01 jjiuu h
iStiH-ker, in iid townrdiip.
..i i e l i. tt
The freemen of t!r township of Smithfleld
will hold their election at the holism of
Edward Vet;tr, in said township.
Tli" freemen ofthe township of Stroud, wil
hold i'l-ir election at the house of John Bald
win, in the horouh of Stroudsl.urg'.
The freemen of Strouilshiir', will ho!
tho:r election
! iriK!rii-
tlie Court House, in sail
The fnvm":i if tho
township of Tohyhan
na. will hi. 1.1 t:r.Mr e'uction at tlie Jiouse oi
iiobert Warner, in s :;J township.
The freemen of t!ie township cf Tunl:
ii'irmoek, will hold their election at toe
Louse of James Mewh-irt, in said town.h:p.
Police SServ'iy Glivria,
That in Article -::. Section 1 of the Constitn
tici;, it i- declares. 'U.v rv niaieciliztn twtnty-
i f ve:irs ot sir. possesMfitf tne loiiowmcr
iii:il:'!e:i!ion. siul! he entitled to vote at all
-i n- : ",i-4t He shall have been a eiiizen
f i'ie l uiied .States at iea-t one mouth. Second
Ik- -h ill have rc-ided in the Slate one year,
;"r if, having previoiidy Leon a qualified t lce-5-T
or n.'.tivf iruni i-iti.tii of the State, he shall
have reni'jied therefrom and returned, then six
months,) immediately receding the election.
'1 Lid He t-hall have resided in the election
l:iritt v. here he shall offer to vote at least two
nioiiths immediately preceding the election.
I'jurth If twenty-two years of age or upwards,
he shull have paid w ithin two years a state or
eoaaty tax, which shall have heen assessed at
2 cant two months and paid at least one month
Lefore the election."
And, that it i provided lv an Act of As
sembly, approved July 2, 1S:J0, "That every
Jtrsun, excepting Jusiiccn of the Peace, who
saall hold any oiiice or apointiiient of profit
;r trust undtr the Government of the United
Nates, or of the State, or of any city or iti
wporateil district, v hether a commissioned
oliicer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or
gent, or who is or shall be employed under
tne le-Mative, executive, or judiciarv depart
ment of this State, of the Cnite.l Sta'tes, or of
any city or of any incorporated district, and
lso, any member of Congress, and of the .State
Jislauire, and of the select or common
council of anv t itv. or corn niissi oner of anv
me-jrporated district, U bv law incapable of
";.""IJo r exercising at the same time, the
e.lice or appointment of judge, inspector, or
clerk of ailV election in 'tlilj (Vimmiiiiwnrillli'
that no judge, inspector, or other officer of
bucii election shall be eligible to any office
to be then voted for.
"In case the person who shall have rc
cuved the second highest number of votes
h-r in-pcctor, shall nt attend on the day of
"ny flection then the person who shall have
received the -ecotid highest number of votes
or judge at the next preceding election shall
:,ct i,s mspec-or in hi place. And in case
",e Irm who sh.ll have received ihehih
?t number of vo'es for inspector thall not
"d, the ppr-on elected judge shall a p
ntaii inspector in hia plac and in case
,:le !'f'rs'J.' tdected, as judge shall ationd.
the unpctor who received the highest
"umber of voIpb thall a judge in Jiis
i"ce; an.) if any vacancy shall continue in
j'"'' 'J"rJ 'or the space ol one hour after the
lme fixed by law for the opening ofthe
fdion, ti.e qu.USed voters ofthe town
up, ward or district for which such officers
I'll have been elected, present at such
cuo,, fciu eject oueo-the number to
l fcueh vacancy, and each of said inspectors
' -w appr,Ult one clerk, who shall be a qualified
sterol said district. 1
r, . lje dl,tv of the several assessors.
ever !'V "V' ,0 atten at t,,e llace of ,JoIdi,,
general, special or township election dur-
for t' 1s tilue llie-eilid election is keptopon,
. e purpose of giving information to the
tionT T andj"dgc, when called on, in rela
0 " 10 Uie r'lit of any person assessed by them
i.1 r' at SIUl' -!cct"l0n "" uvh other matter.-'-a.ion
to the assessment of voters a.-, tlie
said icspectors or judge or either of them shall
from time to time require.
It Hiiy person shall prevent or atlempt to
present any officer of ony election under
tlii-s -Act from holding such election or use
or threaten utiy violence to any such officer
or shall interrupt or improperly interfere
wiih hun in the execution of his duty, or
nhall block up the window or avenue lo any
window where the same rr.ay be holding, or
shall riotous'y disturb the peace at such
election, or shall use or practice any intimi
dating threats, force or violence, with design
to influence unduly or overawe any elector
or to prevent him fiom voting orrestnin the
Ireedom ot choice, such persons, on convic
tion shall be fined in any Mini not exceeding
ne hundred dollars and be imprisoned for
any time not less than one nor more than
twelve months, and if it shill be shown to
the Court where the trial of such offence
shall be had that the person so offending was
not a resiuetu or me cny, warn, district or
township where the said offence was com
mitted and not entitled to vote therein, then
on conviction he slnll he sentenced to pay a
fine of not Ies.s than one hundred or more
than on thousand dollars, and be imprisoned
not less than six months, nor more lhan two
If any person not by law qualified shall
fraudulently vote nt any election in this
commonwealth, or being otherwise qualified,
jdmll vote out of his proper district, or if any
person knowing the want of such qualifica
tion, shall aid or procure such person t- vote,
the person so offending shall on conviction, he
fined in any sum not exceeding two hundred
dollars, and be imprisoned for any term not
exceeding three months,
If any person shall vote at more than one
ejection district or otherwise fraudulently
vote more than once on the same day, or
shall fraudulently fuld and deliver lo the in
spector two .tickets together with the intent
illegally to vote, or shall vote the same, or
if any person shall dvise and procure an
other so to do, he or they so offending shaM
on conviction, be fined in any sum not less
thin fifty nor more thin five hundred dol
lars, and be imprisoned for any term not less
than three nor more than twelve months,
" If any person not qualified to vote in this
Commonwealth, agreeably to law except the
sons ofqualihed citizens), shall appear at any
place of election for the purpose of issuing
tickets or influencing the citizens nullified
to vote, he shall on conviction forfeit and pay
any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars,
for every such offence, and be imprisoned for
any term not exceeding three months.
"All elections by the citizens shall be hy
ballot. Kvery ballot voted shall be numbered
in the order in which it shall be received, and
the number recorded bv the ele'ction officers
on the list of voters, onnosite to the name of
the elector who presents the ballot. Any ele-ctor
may write his name upon his ticket, or cause
the same to be written thereon and attested bv
a eititzen ofthe district. The election officers
hall be sworn or affirmed not to disclose bow-
any elector shall have voted unless required to
do so as witnesses in a judicial proceeding
'Electors shall in all cases except treason,
felony and breach of surety of the peace, be
privileged from arrest during their attendance
on elections
a:ul in srcinz lo ana returning
Whenever any of the qualified electors of
tins Commonwealth shall be m actual military
-ervicc, under a requisition from the President
of the United States or by the authority of this
Commonwealth, such electors may exercise the
right of suffrage in all elections by the citizens,
under such regulations as are or shall be pre
scribed by law, a fully as if they were present
at their usual places of election.
All law s regualating the holding of election?
by the citizens or for the registr ation of electors
hall be uniform throughout the State, but no
elector shall be deprived of the privilege of
voting bv reason of his name not being re
Any person who shall give, or promise :
offer to give, to an elector, anv inonev, rewan
or other valuable consideration for his vote at
an election, or for withholding the same, or
who shall give or promise to give such con
sideration to r.nv person or partv for such elec
tor'ii vote or for the withholding thereof, and
anv elector who shall rcceiveor agree to receive,
for himself or for another, any money, reward
or other valuable consideration for his vote at
an election, or for withholding the s.ime, shall
thereby forfeit the right to vote at such elec
tion, and any elector whose right to vote shall
!e challenged for such caue before the elec
tion officers, shall be required to swear or affirm
that the matter of the challenge is untrue be
fore his vote shall be received.
Anv person w ho shall, while a candidate for
offii-e-,' be guilty of bribery, fraud, or willful
violation cf any election law, shall be forever
disqualified from holding an office of trustor
profit in this Commonwealth, any person con
victed of willful violation of the election laws
shall, in addition to any penalties provided by
law, be deprived of the right of suffrage abso
lutely for a term of four years.
For the purpose of voting no person shall be
deemed to have gained a residence by reason
of his presence, or lost it by reason of his
absence, while employed in the service, either
civil or military, of this State or ofthe United
States, nor while engaged in the navigation of
the waters ofthe State or the United States, or
on the high seas, nor while a student in any
institution of learning, nor while kept in any
poor house or other asylum at public expense,
nor while confined in public prison.
District election boards shall consist of a
judge and two inspectors, who shall be chosen
annually by the citizens. Kach elector shall
have the right to vote for the judge and one
insjector, and each inspector ehall appint one
clerk. The first election board for any new
district shall be selected, and vacancies in elec
tion boards filled, as hhall be provided by law.
Election officers shall be privileged from arrest
upon days of election, and while engaged in
making "up and transmitting returns, except
upon warrant of a court of record or judge
thereof, for an election fraud, for felony, or
for wanton breach of the peace. In cities they
may claim exemption from jury duty during
their term of service.
Xollce Is Also Given,
That it is provided by an Act approved
Jantiar .".0, A. D. 1871, "On the petition of
five or more citizens of any election district,
setting forth that the appointment of overseers
is a reasonable precaution to secure the purity
and fairness of the election in said district, it
shall be the duty ofthe court of common pleas
ofthe proper county, all the law judges of the
said court able to act at the time concurring,
to :irv.ioint two iudicibus. sober and intelligent
citizens of the said district belonging to dif
ferent political parties, overseers of election to
supervise the proceedings of election officers
thereof, and to make report of the same as they
mav be required by such court .Said overseers
shall be persons qualified to serve upon the
election boards and shall have the right to be
nresent with the officers of such election dur
insr the whole time the same is held, the vote6
counted, and the returns made out ana signea
bv the election officers ; to keep alist of voters,
if tbev see nroner : to challenge any person
oiferintr to vote, and interrogate him and his
witnesses under oath, in regard to his right of
suflrage at said election, and to examine Ins
papers produce ! ; and the officers of said elec
tion are required to afford to said overseers, so
selected and appointed, every convenience ana
facility for the discharge of their duties; and
if said election officers fchall refuse to permit
said overseers to be present, and gerforiii their
duties as aforesaid, omccr cr onicers snai
be guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction
thereof shall be fined not exceeding one thous
and daihirs, or imprisonment not exceeding
one year, or both, in the discretion of the court ;
or if the overseers shall be driven awav from
the pedis by violence or intimidation, all the
votes polled in such election district may he
rejected by the proper tribunal trying a contest
under said election, or a pai t or portion of
such votes aforesaid may be counted, as such
tribunal mav deem necessary to a just and
proper dispoition ofthe case.
"At all elections Jiercalter held under the
laws of this commonwealth, the lolls shall be
opened at seven o'clock a. m. and closed at
seven o clock, p. in.
' herncver there shah be a vacancy in an
election board on the morning of an election,
said vacancy shall be filled in conformity with
existing laws.
At the opening of the polls at all elections
it shall be the duty of the judges of election
for their respective districts to designate one
of the inspectors, whose duly it shall be to
have in custody the registry ot voters, and to
make the entries therein required by law ; and
it shall be the dutv of the other ot said inspec
tors to receive and number the ballots presented
at said election.
"All elections by the citizens shall be by
ballot ; every ballot voted shall be numbered
in the order in which it shall bereceived, and
the number recorded by the clerks on the list
of voters opposite the name of the elector from
whom received. And any voter voting two or
more tickets, the several tickets so voted shall
each be numbered with the number correspond
ing with the number to the name ol" the voter.
Any elector may write his name upon his ticket
or cause the same to be written thereon, and
attested by a citizen of the district. In addition
to the oath now prescribed by law to be taken
and subscribed by election officers, they shall
severally be sworn or affirmed not to disclose
how any elector shall have voted, unles re
quired to do so as .witnesses in a judicial
proceeding. All judges, inspectors, clerks, and
overseers of any election held under this act,
shall, before entering upon their duties, be duly
sworn or affirmed in the presence of each other.
The judge shall be sworn by the minority in
spector, if there shall be such minority inspec
tor, and in case there be no minority inspector,
then by a justice ofthe peace or alderman, and
the inspectors, overseers and clerks shall he
sworn by the judge. Certificates cf such
swearing or affirming shall be duly made out
and signed by the officers so sworn, and attested
by the officer who administered the oath. It
any judge or minority inspector refuses or fails
to swear the officers of election in the manner
required by this act, or if any officer of elec
tion shall act without being first duly sworn,
or if anv officer of election shall sign the form
of oath without being duly sworn, or if any
judge or minority inspector shall certify that
any officer was sworn when he was not, it shall
be deemed a misdemeanor, and upon con vie
tion, the officer or officers so offending shall be
fined not exceeding one thousand dollars, or
imprisoned not exceeding one year, or both,
in the discretion of the court.
"On the day of election any person whose
name is not on the registry ot voters and
claiming the right to vote at said election,
shall produce at least one qualified voter cf
the district as a witness lo the residence ol
the claimant in the district in which he
claims lo be a voter, lor the period ol at least
two months, immediately preceding said
election, which witness shall be sworn
or affirmed and subscribe a written or part
Iv written and partly printed nfhdavil
to the facts st,ited by him, which affidavit
shall define clearly where the residence is
ofthe person o claiming to be a voter, and
the person so claiming the right to vote shall
also take and subscribe a written, or partly
written and panly printed affidavit, stating,
to the best of his knowledge and belief,
when and where he was horn; that he been a
citizen of the United States for one month,
and of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania;
that he has sided in the commonwealth one
year, or, if formerly a qualified elector or a
native born citizen thereof, and has remov
ed therefrom and retured, that he has res
ded therein six months next preceding said
election; that he has resided in the district
in whtch he claims to be a voter for the pe
riod of at least two months immediately pre
ceding said election; that he has not movod
into the district for the purpose of voting
therein ; that he has, if twenty-two years oi
age or upwards, paid h state or county tax
within to years, which was assested at
least two months and paid at least one month
before tbe election. The said affidavit ehall
also state when and where the tax claimed
to be paid by the affiiant was assessed, and
when and where and to whom paid; and the
tax receipt therefor shall be produced for ex
amination, unless the affiant shall state in his
affidavit that it has been lost or destroyed,r
that he never received any; and if a natur
alized citizen, shall also state when, where
and by what court he was naturalized, and
shall nlso produce his certificate of naturali
zation for examination. But if the person so
claiming the right to vote shall take and sub
scribe an affidavit, that he is a native born
citizen of the U. States, or if born elsewhere,
shall state the fact in his affidavit, and shall
produce evidence that he has been natural
ized, or that he is entitled to citizenship by
reason of his fathers naturalization ;) and
hall further state in his affidavit that he is
at the time of making the affidavit, of the age
of twenty-one and under twenty-two years;
that he his been a citizen of the united
States one month, and has resided in the
State one year; or, if a native born citizen
ofthe state and removed thorefroin and re-
returned, that he has resided therein six
months next preceding such election, he s ! i a I
be entitled tovote. although he shall not
have paid taxes. 1 he said affidavits ofthe
witnesses to their residence, shall be prefer
ved by the election board, and at the close of
the election they shall be enclosed with the
lit of voters, tally list and other papers re
quired by law to be filed by the return judge
with the prothonotary, and shall remain on
file therewith in the prothonotory s office
subject lo examination, as other election pa
pcrs are. it the election officers shall find
i ha 1 1 he a ppl icant or a ppiica nts possese al 1 1 he
legal qualifications of voters, he or I hey thai'
be permitted to vote, and the name or names
shall be added to the list of taxables by the
election officers, the word tax" bei'112 added
where the claimant claims to vote on tax
and the word "age"' where he claims to vote
on age; the same words being added by the
clerks in each cise respectively, on the lists
of person voting nt such election.
"It slnll be lawful tor any quail
fied citizen of ihe district, notwithstand
ina the name of the proposed voter is con
tamed on the list of resident taxubles, to
challenge the vote ol" each person; where
upon the same pro .f of the right of suffrage
as is now required by law shall be publicly
made and aet.-d on by the election board, and
the vote admitted or rejected, according to
the evidence; every perron claiming to be
naturalized citizen shall be required to pro
duce his naturalization certificteat the elec
lion before voting, except where he has been
for ten years, consecutively, a voter in the
district in which he oners his vote; and on
the vote of ich person being received, it
thall be the duty of the election officers to
write or stamp on such certificate the word
'voted,' with the rronih and year; and
any election officer or officers shall receive
second vole en the a.. me day, by virtue o
the same certificate, excepting where sons
are entitled to vote by virtue ot ihe natural-
izaiion of their fathers, thy and the person
wno ma ii oner sucn second vote, utxuiso ol-
fendinir thall be guilty of a high iniMjemean-
or, and on conviction thereof, be fined or
imprisoned, or inih, al the discretion oF the
court; but the tine ihall not exceed one hun-
rired dollars in each case, nor ihe impron-
mem one year, the like punishment shall
he inflicted on conviction, on the officers of
election who shall neglector refuse to make,
or cause to be made, the indorsement reqnir.
ed as aforesaid on said naturalization ceitif-
If any election officer shall refuse
or neglect to require such proof of the right
of sutirage as is prescribed by this law, or
the laws to which this is n supplement, from
any per.-on offering to vote whose name is
not on the list ot assessed voters, or whose
right to vote is challenged by any qualified
voter present, and thall admit euch person
to vole without requiring such proof, every
Derson so offend in jr. shall unnn mnrlriinn
: . - ' I
be sentenced, lor every such offenc, to nuy
r.n . .!;.,.. fl.,i I....! ' .
" "-"--: .i.cnuiKi.tu!", in
irk nnL'.rfrn n n iniTiricr.nn-.nrit i w-. .n.A l,nnl
one year, or cither or both, at the discretion
& - v.. .v i.ijio ""Oil
Ol Hie court.
As soon as the polls shall close, the officers
of election shall proceed to count all the votes
c:isl inr earn rrmnKinif votpii inr nnri nnio i i
full return of the same in tripl cate, with a
return sneei in aatniion, in ail ot which the
, ; 11... l. i; i ... i in I
oien leetiveu uy eacn c:nuiuiuesiiau oc given
after his or her name, first in words and again
in figures, and shall be signed by all of said
officers, and certified by overseers, if any, or if
noi so ceruueu, me overseers and other ohicers
refusing to sign or certify, or either of them,
shall write upon each or the returns his of their
reasons for not signing orcertifyingthem. The
1 1 - - - - J'."-'..v..y I
and fully declared from the Window to tl.p
voie. as soon as ronnieii. RLifiii nisn rio i-nriir.iv i
citizens present, and a brief statement show!
- 1
tne votes received oy each cai.tlidate shall be
raaue anu signeu oy me election ouicers as soon
as the vote is counted, and the same shall be
immediately posted upon the door of the elec-
tion house for information ofthe public. The
triplicate returns shall be enclosed in envelope
and sealed in the presence of the officers, and
one envelope, with unsealed return sheet, given
to the judge, which shall contain one list of I
voters, tallv-nnoer and oaths of ofiirprs -iml I
another ofthe said envelopes shall be oiten to
the minority inspector. All judges living with-
in twelve miles ofthe prothonotarv's office, or
within twenty-four miles, if their residence be
in a town, v mage or city upon the line ot a
'il . jin
rai mail lead nir to the conntv Rent Khali h-
fore two o'clock post meridian of the dav after
the election, and all other judges shall, before
twelve o'clock meridian of the second rlavjiftp
the election, deliver said retMrn. tncrptlw.r with I
return sheet, to the prothonotary of the court
1 . ' rD - .......
of common ideas ofthe count v. which said
return sheet shall be filed, and the day and
-. ... -
lour of filing marked thereon, and shall be
preserved by the prothonotary for public insjiec
tion; and the other of said triplicate returns
hall be placed in the box and sealed up with
the ballots. All officers provided for by this
act shall be compensated as like officers are
.aid by existing laws. Whenever a place has
been or shall be provided by the authorities of
iny city, county, lownsiup or borough, lor the
co f L-nmiirv rt I Im I .a. I 1 1 rrw tlm uiWaa n nl
. i . . ,
1 Z , J.. , ,,
, i i i .i i n .1 i
be finished, and the ballot-loxes or boxes con-
, .1 .- i . i- . t . i .1
llllliuiliv Ill.-l'Ctlwl rllall. mitJX lilt? vlcdiOll oumi
. . i i , ' I , . ... .
1 '. ' . . . - .... f r
..... r 1 ...1 n .. . I r. . . , 1 . . . 1 I. I-. 1 I
inspectors affixed thereto,
' J
ol rrlkn- ,1, ,l.,i:..
MUIV, lUCLlltl 1,1111 II1U I ITIUdlUIXlt UUilT", .U
the mayor and recorder of such cities, or in
counties, townships or boroughs, to such person
or persons as the court cf common pleas ofthe
persons as the court c-J common pleas of tf
proper county mav designate, at the place
rovided as aforesaid, who shall then deposit
the said boxes and keep the same to answer
the call cf any court or tribunal authorized to
try the merits of such election. A henever the
election officers of any election district shall
renuire the election boxes of such district to
hold anv election, w hieh, by law, they are or
rdiall be required to hold, they shall keep the
same securely in their possession without open-
ing, until the morning of such election, and
until they shall severally be sworn or affirmed
not to disclose how any elector shall have voted,
and after being so sworn or affirmed, they shall
Mien the sain boxes and bum and totaltv
1 ,, , ,, , , T- t
ritmtmv nil II. o I in II nt a nm nt l.rir nn tictm whip h
i r
iney snau nnu merein, uciurc nrucreume w
hold such election.
The respective assessor?, in-
CJr. i" . K -l.nll
tpuLiu.s ouu juugco ui me citv-tiuuo enaii
each hive the power to administer oaths to
any persons claiming the right lo be as-
sessed or the right of suffrage, or in regard
to any other matter or thing required to be
uone or inquired into oy any o bitu ouicers,
i : : i r : 1 -AC I
under mis aci; and any wnuui iaise swear-
mg by any person in relation to any nntter
i i ! i r r i
or ihinir concernin'r which they shall be
lawfully interrogated by anv of siid officers
or overseers shall be perjury.
Anv arses?or. election officer or Derson
nnnninfpd as nn nveiopr who shall neodect
... . e ... - ."i i...
or reiuse ;o perform any ouiy enjo.neu oy
thio o r f iLMlhniir r f I a CT't I
dmll hp ...hipot in . nmltV nf nna liilnilrP.lL
, ,," ;J.X ' J , ,
dollars, and if an assessor shall knowingly
assess n nv Derson as a voter who is not oual ifi-
ed : or shall refuse to assess anv one who is
qualified, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
in office, and on conviction be punished bv
fine or imorisonment. and also be subiect to
an action for damages by the party aggriev
ed ; and if any person shall fraudulently
alter, add to, deface or destroy any list ol
voters made out as directed by this act, or
tear down or remove the same from the place
where it has been fixed, with fraudulent or
mischievous intent, or for any improper pur
pose, tbe person so offending shall be guilty
of a high misdemeanor, and on conviction
ehall be punis
shed by a fine not exceeding days, viz : January 1st, February 22d, Decora
dollars, or imprisonment not t.n1,,a-v ll? lh' lh;inksS,v," C,d
t. .1 .i:.. I' ridav and Christmas day, must be met on the
0 years, or both, at tho discre- V . tUa J'a nirinm ;r
five hundred
. "
t.rtr, rf II. a ftlrl
vi, n, vuii.
deputy of either, or any other person, shall
affix the seal of ofiice to anv naturaliz-ition
paper, or permit the same to be affixed, or
irive out. or cause or permit the tame to be
rivcii out. in blink, wherebv it may be
fraudlently used, or furnish a naturalization good into Braids, Swithces, Curls, Frises, etc.,
certificate, lo any person who slnll not have orders left at .Mrs. P. R. Clemens' Fancy Mil
heen examined and sworn in ooon court, linery Store, Mam Street, Stroudsburg, three
.1 e .1,0. ;.. i.,o ihoro
in the presence ot some of the judges there-
e 1 . .1 . e r Jt t.oii
of, according to the act of Congress, or shall
aid in, connive at, or in any way permit
issue 01 any trauuuieni naturalization cum- juir 8t 1875
ficafe. he shall be guilty of a' high !
misdemeanor ; or ifany one elm 1 1 finudulently
use any such certificate of naturalization.
knowing that it was fraudulently issued, or
shall vote, or attempt to vote thereon, ifuny
one 6h ill vote, or attempt to vote, on any
certificate of mttiraliz-nion not issued to him,
he shnll be rniillv of a hih misdemeanor;
and either or any of the persons, their aiders
or uocuoif, guu.y u. ......
nors aloresaui, s.ia... on conv.cuou, u
Hnd imprisoned in the proper penitentiary
for a period not exceeding three years,
Any person who on oath or
affirmation, in or before any court in thie
State, or officer authorized to administer
oaths, shall, lo procure a ceruucaie
naturalization, tor himself or any other per
...!!filli liii:if leclora or lit firm anv
oi,.., 1 ... . . j ..r,
m itter to le fact, knowing the same to be
fuhe, or thall in lil.e manner deny any mal
tor to be fitt, knowing the same to be true,
shall bs deemed rruiliv of neriurv : and nnv
certificate of naturalization issued in pursn-
ancc of any such oeposition. declaration or
affirmation, shall be null and oid;andit
slull be the dutv ofthe court issuing the
same, upon proot being made before is im.1
it was fraudlently obtanined, to take im
mediate measuiesfor re-calling the same for
cancelation: and anv person who shall vote
or ut'empt to vote, on nnv paper so obtained
or who shall in any way aid in, connive bI,
or have any agency whatever in Ihe issue.
circulation or useof any fraudient naturaliza
tion cerificale. shall be deemed rntiltv of a
misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof.
shall undergo an imprisonment in the
penitentiary for not more thin two years.
and pay a fine, not more than one -thusapd
dollars, for eveysuch offence, or both, at the
discretion of the court
"It shall be the duty of the secretary of the
commonwealth to prepare forms for all the
blanks made necessary by this act, and furnish
copies ofthe same to the county commissioners
r.i i r : i.i. .
- "Mmm- .ntau.ij
and the county commissioners of each county
l,i,.ii a .,...., i. r.
. ' . 1 I
nft loeimo al III. urnnr Drnnnau.f f l.i rw.i, i, -
tv, procure and furnish to all the election
Iifhcr - rs of tho Hpftiiin ills' not nf llipir risnr-
tive counties copies of such blanks, in such
quantities as mav be rendered necessary for
tin ii.vhtrrfn rvr i m ntioa in.i
shall pav all necessary expenses for lights, rent,
fuel and stationery, on bills certified bv the
, . . .t. '
election ouicers.
And by an Act approved February 13, 1874,
it is provided. "In all elections hereafter the
certificate of naturalization, if genuine, shall be
conclusive evidence of the facts mentioned
therein ; and where the person offering to vote
claims the right on the payment of tax, the
receipt for such tax, if signed by the proper
ntiionr c'nii .a ii.a Atrinrn i .nru.r. r cmh w
. , xilHll I V- lUVI.Vl. ...VlVy , nuv.l
lifrsnn rlnpi nnt nrnilnw eiifh nwinl Ihra nnv.
' " 1 ' - - . . , . . 1
such person, or other evidence, stating when,
where and to whom sucn tax was paid,
God save the Commonwealth,
JACOI5 K. SI I A FEU, Sheriff,
Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, Nov. 7, 1875.
As much speculation has been made by in-
credulous persons in regard to our manner of
doing business, we wish to say to the public
generally, mai wc win oniy sen or exenange
prIerty on a legitimate basis, receiving only,
' fc V. . i .V. . " ... . . 1
rAnn I n w r tt ir ui-iAn it nil w a ur ill onf Aria in i r I
proposition uiuier any omer circumstance
whatever. Uur object will be to satisfy all par-
,ies- e are thanklul lor past patronage and
solicit a continuence ofthe same,
tUto(,! ihi.mio., .ueai i-iaie Agis.
r -r 1 1 - .... . .
Conveyancers and Collectors,
i. t . : . i, a
vuice opposite iw i,. ieinii
East Stroudsburg, Pa., Sept. 16, 1875
We will open the first term of our select
School in Stroudsburg, Monday, September
X.V . ! V. i el "?' n" 7 -, i-
. r'nA h'An
',, .....i.i . m r
iikiiii 'tii w i:i in ii ii i.iuit: iiiii ill'' an r-i-.ii nia ui
id o
the vear. We claim to understand what we
I . . I i . ,,
propose to xeaen. vur purpose is to De oui-
1 t i r -.i r i .1 e .
cent and faithful in the work of instruction,
and lo exercise a special care over the morals
anil T.inriTi.ra t.f nnr nil nil j IF niffr : fur
I - ... . . . .. . 1 " 1 ....... '
I ,ri.i I -. . tc cli'i II tir.l f hnr ill... Ii i I il vr... i.,
, t...-".--' o.. V.., V..-
I ,1
! ofSLIn"?
J 10 1-aHerno"
neither expect nor desire a continuance
e. jlorninsc sessions from
from 1 to 3 o'clock.
beptember 2, lcxo. tf.
Turbine Water Wheel
, -c:Ti7-TT7r,ar.x-'s! m-nr w
ameter, For Sale ; said Wheel being in the
hct nf nr.Ur with it arpilm P.pvp1
Wheels (pinion and mortise,) Iron Head Block,
...?.i. :i. 1 1 : . 1 1 wui
U.'"oUl HUlUUilWl "llCT,Um .1(1 nnnfn
,i i a., . , - r ... I Livx w "Uia
nnaii ana iiuicn : aiso, complete sei 01 uaie
l," TtnrM w t 1 wet irpars tc. in irood order.
Th nknn. wI-p!i i-m Wn nm for about 7
vears at our factory, and shows that the usaze
I I r I ' ll. I 1 l v..
i pas ueen careiui. e nave repiaceu it oy a
42 in. wheel, as we needed more power. ith
the wheel is about o lu ot urait luoc, aiso in
good condition.
OneROSn WITEEL.P.6 in.diameter. turned
i - - --- j
on bottomsoa to make tight joint; with Scroll
n!oci- anti ten ati complete, with Gate Fix-
tres. With this Wheel is 16 feet of Cast Iron
Pipe ($ in. iron), 12 inches in internal diame-
ter. This pipe is in three pieces, one 10 ft. 5
in. long, one 4 ft, and an Elbow lhisUheel
has given power to our machine shop for 6
I vpars. and is in excellent condition.
y .
A T Vfl
One oiEAl ot about ltorse
WHEEL 41 inches in diameter.
Any or all of the above will be sold at a bar-
gain ii prompt application is iuaue 10
STROudsnuno, Pa.
Sept 16, 1S75.
Notice is hereby given that all notes and
other papers coming due on any Eegal lloli-
I uav uciviir, ur 1111 uic ijiiuiiuht i.niivua 11
I - - - ...
I 11.. 1.1,11,,!i-f mmfi nil tnn.lriv
August 12, lS5-tf.
1U lxlxLi i-iilJJliliO.
Ladies ITair-Combings, made up cheap and
doors befow the Indian tjueen Hotel, or send
" . . f.,-v cir,i.klir
by mail to C x L. E. LAKr., btroudftburg,
Monroe count Kesidence two miles west of
stroiidsburjr on the Kunkletown road.
All persons indebted to John N. Stokes,
of Stronbsburg, late deceased, are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same, are desired to present
1-.-. . m a
them in proper order lor settlement without
delay. o-rr'i-c
- .VilmmUtrator
u Stroudabu Slh ni0. 19th 187o.
kfiX'T you
Si now that J. II.
frtv Sons nr the nnlv ITnder-
L" L. :n Strondshunr who understands their
i.Ils:nftss? Ifnot. attend a Funeral manaeed
u,., any 0ther Undertaker in towu, and you
01 w,n see tjiw prnot ot the tact.
- June 18, 74-tf
, xriro -vir. TT i-lvriC- IV.. O.l.
I 9 Jj- ivd ur .viuj ivi.m'o 101 .-aiu m
- 'iJ this Office.
Terrible Sensation !!
A-tlJilAJDl -THE
The crowds are coining frorrii
every quarter.
arc rushing off at cost and sohie below costr
Wonderful knockdown in prices t-profits!
TfkCNc arc " Faels.'
We have marked down our bleached and
unbleached Muslsn from 1 to 2 cents per
, A ft 1 . . . A
Our llatiilmrg Edgings. Swiss a riot Carir-
brick Muslin, l'ekas and Victoria lawn'
marked down from 3 to 5 cents a yard.
Our black and coloretl Alpaccas downi
from 5 to 10 cents a yard.
Our Cotton bats and best Carpet warp
j0W11 rrom 5 to C cents rcr lb
Our TfrV CW Ytw..
. w..v
uenui encap.
Children's and Misses striped I lose only
8, 10 and 12- cents a pair.
Our Linen Tcwles, Table Damask, Bed-
tic, Flannels, heavy Shirtings, Taut-stuff,-
Counterpanes and Carpets, by far the cheap
est in the County. Come and see for your
self. c have lot
We have four thousand yards of bcauti-
ful bonnet and sash llibbons, some five and
a hn f inches w rl for f r a vnrd Kmno
. . v. - w -- j w
I . . . v
Klbbons as low as 3 cts. per yard
I - -
Wc have beautiful wide Sashes only 20
Our best Spool Cotton, 200 yards, only
4 cents.
Our best Pins and Needles only 5 centa
a paper.-
We have concluded to close out some' of
our plain and striped Summer Dress Goods
for 10 and 12 cents a yard.
We arc now selling a good soft felt Hat
K01 Boj's and Merr for 80 cents ami SI 2-5V
neany Halt price.
We have Misse's and Ladies Straw Hats
trimod. for the wonderful low unco, nf 2iV
' 1
We are sellinir beautiful Flowers much
less than half price.
l 1
Wc arc selling good Cassimcre Coats for
3, 4 and 5 dollars.
We are selling gool Vests, well made,
for CO cents, and Pants for SI.-
We will sell a whole summer suit, for
Men, coat, vest and pants, well made, for
W xvill sell soil, wrdl mr,d of
I ' '
Youth's suits for Si and SG
v cu
"We will sell Youth's and Men's loathe
Gaiters for SI 50 and $2.
We will sell Misse's and Women's good,
cloth Gaiters for $1 25.
Wc have given you a fevr samples-.-Now
for the Rush f
Come one and all.
Come from Stroudsburg & East Strbudsburg.
Come from Conadcnsis.
Come from Oakland and Tobyhanna.
Come from Spragueville & th Smithfield.
Come from Portland and Water Gap.
Come from Chesnut Hill and Hamilton4.!
Come from Kellersville and Bartonsville.
Come from Chery Yalley and the Mountains..
Come even from Paradise, and we will do
you good.
We have swung out
The Heel Flag-,
to the breeze. When 3011 come to town
get your eye on it and uou t take it off
until you get in the
Wonderful Cheap Auctioa Sstore,
Olieap Goods.
We wish to inform the public that we
have no connection with any other Storej
new or old in btroudsburg.
Wc mind our own business and ht our
neighbours and their goods alone, wishing
them all peace and prosperity.
April lo, 1875. ly.