uE!)c 3c(fcvsoniau. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2G, 1875. fcif The Senatorial question is warming up lively. The aspirants Messrs. Depuy, Cool bangl), and IUirnct arc working hard, with the latter, it is said on the inside track. As we are fotumitted to the nupport of Amandus )' Deaiocrat of caur?e we don t bother our self with outside squabhles. The Erie Convention. On the 8th of September the Eric Con tention will meet. The time is shoit, and in View of this fact, and that other fact that our distinguished ucighbor over the way is the delegate from this county, the question to him becomes an important one. Arc you prepared ? True, the doings of that Conven ton are not going to turn out preparations for our funeral ; and it may be thought that we have no put in the matter. Wo have an interest in it, nevertheless so much of an interest that we caunot forego the pleasure of throwing in our mite towards securing a distinguished representation. We have al confidence in our distinguished neighbor. lie has talent, Democratic probity and a wil to "bust the clouds," if necessary to secure the object of his mission. But then lie has no experience, lie is green jolly green a Veritable rough diamond spread out upon the grass and we would knock the crustations off IiEti--barni.sh tip his rough spots and JIacc him before the crowd with which he will come in contact, a bright jewel in the galaxy of Democracy. As we said before, he has no experience tn State conventions. 7,Te have had. W have been there on several occasions we have looked we have worked we have conned we have danced lustily; and we have paid the fiddler well for his fiddling. Why not then impart our experience, and from the abundance of our heart make our pen to speak those words of soberness, wis dom and truth which may, if heeded, place our distinguished neighbor on the highest pinnacle, not only as a model Democrat, but, also, as a delegate of the first water. We assume the task ; and now, neighbor, stand tip and !itcu attentively, that not a single word be lost. In the first place, neighbor, it should be borne in mind that iu all Democratic Con ventions brass is bound to win, and that the more brilliantly the article is finished, and the more freely flashed, the more certain the effect We have no fears of you, so far as a possession of the article goes. You have it in abundance; but, then it is latent with in you and crude, and rusty for want of use. Sow we want you to begin the work of ex huming the precious metal, at once begin the whittling off of the rough edges the sand papering down, and the polishing so Jiecessary to attract attention and secure awe. As there is nothing like first impressions to secure respect, you will of course dress in Jour Sunday clothes, make free use of soap (You had better take a good chunk of the home-made article along,) and water, keep your face and nose and hands clean, tip an occasional dime to the boot-black, throw back your head, swell out your chest and walk among the delegates as though you considered yourself a power not to be sneezed at. Wit, too, properly thrown in, is worthy of consideration ; and, as it seems to be your forte to be excruciatingly funny here at home, it would not be amiss if you should carry with you a few well conned Allcntown "chokes," as a means to bring back to reason and good humor any, whom accidental brusqueness on your part might vex. And We do not know but that a theological tinge in your walk and conversation would have a ?Mpp7 effect. Your European experience in that direction would readily prompt you v hen to put on and take off the appearance of semi-religious fervor. These being the fules necessary to secure success, it but re mains for us to suggest the manner of their application. This portion of our self-imposed task, vrc frmless to be by fur the most difficult por tion; And yet, after all, we dou't know but that the application is easy enough. You have but to be sure, as a first necessity, to always keep in mind that you arc the repre sentative of the banner Democratic County of the State even gallant Monroe the county which, in fiction at least, holds the banner wagered by the brothers Rigler vVillisai and John years upon years ago. Having this in mind you will be sure to keep your eyes peeled for the assemblage of any suspicion little cotaries during the sessions and recesses of the convention. These are always to be feared and nipped in the bud, at once, for it is in these that mischiefs are brewed and delegates sold as sheep on the shambles. On seeing such, you will at once assume a theologico-majestic mien, and stalking in, with an assumption of virtuous indignation, insist upon it that every thing tierc must be done on the square. You had better, immediate'' on your arrival, secure a seat commanding al! portions of the room, and commanded by all portions. We would not, however, being an instruct ed di-legao, r.dvise you to aspire to the Pres idency of the- cr;Mer?roT, thwjh for a Mioment doubting your ability to fill it with ?ionor and acceptance, nor would we advise you to accept any other official position the best place to work, decidedly, being on the floor. Here bring all your latent abilities in play, your versatility of resource, your clo rpicneo, your wrf, yonr withering invective, s'l m-iy in turn stand you in hand, and it is not presuming too much for us to say, that your immaculate wisdom will readily prompt you which, when and how to use. Settmcri ;2'--':.i i ... ;v lu!i-lt(." u.vier tl;o iij',-( in of LU wr; do not harbor a d;u'.r,. flmt. i n i n your efforts will create ail impression vivid, astonishing and captivating to the last de gree. Whether the end will be the trium phant success of your endeavors, will, how ever," depend much upon whether you sue ceed in securing votes enough. c have thus endeavored to give you m general terms the best method of success fuly fulfilling the duties of a delegate to a Democratic Convention. Particulars, o course, you will supply yourself. One thin we had almost forgotten. It should hav been first; it will not come amiss at last. Ic sure to enter in bold letters of your ow taking chirograph', on the Register of th Hotel you honor with your patronago Amaxdus O' Democrat, Editor of the G hf.exawald, Delegate from Monroe Co Stroudsburg, Pa. Huntingdon has produced a three pound cucumber. Clover seed is worth $10 per bushel in Lebanon county. The Vermont hay crop is twenty percent larger this year than last. A cucumber forty-nine iuches long causes Pottsvillc people to wonder. The Eastern Penitentiary at Philadelphia is overcrowded with convicts. A lady physician of Philadelphia has an income of $10,000 from her practice. The boy who loves castor oil lives in Iowa He drinks it by the pint as a beverage. . From one seed of clover grew, in Potter county, sixty-five stalks, bearing 537 bios so ins. Drinking water was worth a dollar a bar rel at Chatham, Chester county, during the late "dry spell." A Northumberland county farmer raised fifty bushels of onions from one pound of seed, this season. J. D. C. Ralston was killed at Middle town, Dauphin county, on the 12th inst., by the explosion of an emery wheel. o Sueak thieves are plying their vocation in Clarion, stealing everything from a rooster up to eight bushels of mortar. A funny scene that sacred panorama followed with temperance scenes, in front of the "IJurnctt House" last Friday night It is estimated that fully seven thous- . and rersons attended the Union (.ami 1 11 - -r 4 1 Meeting in Ilinkle's woods last Sunday. Tui: gass furnished by our new gas company works adniirablcy, and adds much to the ap- carance ol the portion of the town in which. it is used. The quarrel of newspapers, as to circula tion, initiated in New York, is spreading. Gaston can now boast of quite a respectable ittle affair of the same. A man in Erie county was drenched with two gallons and a half of whiskey to save him from the effects of a rattlesnske's bite. Singularly enough he recovered. II eavy weights are in order. Wm. Rader, of North Coventry, Chester county, weighs 192 pounds; his wife 104, and a daughter of thirteen years tips 114 pounds. . -- A friend who passed through ;the Delaware Water Gap, on Sunday last, in forms us that he saw four rafts glidin" down the beautiful Delaware river. A Philadelphia girl of fifteen stole $1,000 from her father, and ran away with a mar ried man of thirty-five. The police brought them back, and both were held to bail for trial. The steam engines and labor-saving ma chinery in this country are computed to be equivalent to the unaided labor of one thou sand million persons all engaged in the task of production. During the thunder shower, which passed over the north-east end of Stroud township, on the (th inst., lightning struck the large pine tree near the residence of Mrs. George Rrown, destroying it and scattering the frag ments in various directions. A FA IK of horses belonging to Wm. E. Henry, of East Stroudsburg, became un manageable and ran away when coming down Cherry Valley hill, last Sunday about noon. The carriage was demolished but fortunately the occupants escaped unhurt. An old tin kettle spout has been dug up at Norristown from a depth of eleven feet, and if anybody should go to that town and avow a conviction that the spout didn't once be long to General Washington, the people would either shoot him on the spot or else spot him on the snoot. The Burnett House, has changed landlords, Mr. I'atnur retiring and Mr. John Kuliner, a brother of t lie proprietor taking UU place. We regret losing Mr. Palmer, who devotes his whole attention to hw house at Milford, and hope that Mr. V. as we have no doubt he will, may prove a success. The Mauch Chunk Coal Gazrttc says : Under the present Republican administration Carbon county has reduced a large debt down to a point where it can be easily hand led, and at the same time reduced taxes ten mills on the dollar, or one-third less than the old ring levied. One more year will nearly wipe out the debt, and then taxes cau again be lowered. Or ii town was the seene of two burglaries on Wednesday night of last week. Ileus Eros. Tobacco Store was cnttrd by boring through the window Shutter and removing a pane of glass, and robbed of several hundred Cigars. Robert I Joys' Store entered the same night and an ntiempt made upon the (safe whk'h was :i.-:s:ieeeful. Nothing we believe va ! !.cn liom the Sitore. vwiUMwfrlimococACift.? illlWltil Fine 15 n t It-v Iicaf. On Wednesday of last week Mr. Levi Dei- trickj of Smithficld township, brought to our our office 5 stalks of Ruck-wheat, which for growth and neigiitn beats any thing ot the kind we have seen this season. The stalks are well loaded, and the tallest one measures in height 5 feet 9 inches. Mr. D. also left with us two timothy stalks which measures 5 feet 6 inches, Aiim 1.ROKE.V. Ac regret to learn, that John Ramsey, son of (.arret (r. Ram- sey, ot this place, was unfortunate enough to break lus right arm, above the elbow joint, on Monday last, in throwing a ball: Dr. Amzi ReRar, was called and set the fracture, and we arc pleased to learn that John is doing as well as cau be cxpec- ted. rri Oi i f Ml 1 1 1 i T i . .11. i c t? t n-i The singing by the school was well execut durmg the last week of September, lhe c J cates will onen on Monday. September 27th. cJ an J a11 tlleir 8Wcet volces ranS oufc un' at high noon, and the exhibition will continue through Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The books of entry will be closed one week before the time fixed for opening the fair, and all entries are free except mose or norses eniereu lor speeu, , . , , , , K which are charged the usual ten per cent. per No premiums will be awarded to. rcapin; mowing or sewing machines, or musical in struments. Mr. JOHN BOWDEX, a very estimable citizen and worthy christian gentleman, died very suddenly and unexpectedly after about 15 hours illness, of congestion of the bowels, at n resiuence in mis mace, on uonaaj evening olkrint a r rrrlr finrcwl tQ vcon V nirt anil "M I r 1 ... . ' 0 ' Mr. Bowden is an Englishman by birth, a born and educated Quaker, but for many years has been an ardent, consistent andprom- incnt member of the M. h. Umrch. He has been a resident of this place for the last 1 seven vcars, ana ncen engageu ratner exten- . , ". . , . i- 1 1 , sivelv in trucking, iew men can snow a bet- ter record in all that goes to make up the good 11 1.1 .1 citizen and worth v christian. Mav the peace nd rest which he strove to earn, be his lot. This is an incident of the late flood in France. It adds one more to the thousand examples of the almost infinite depth and power of a mother's love : " AtCastlezarre- m zin, a young mother took her two infants (twins at the breast), tied them together and ilaced them in a large wooden trough used or kneading bread, and committed it to the waves, hoping that it would save her child- ren s lives, as she telt that her house was aoout 10 ian. liie improvised uoat swam 1 .,n ri'i "it. I r . , , , rpnf InshfrI if . np-rnnsf. i iron wltor t wid broken. The noor woman, to whom mater- nal love save a sunerhumnn form, sn.vne.led in seizing a branch and climbed into the tree. Uut it was too weak, aud began to crack ommously. fche then rapidly tied the infants to a branch, kissed them, made the sign of uic ciin ana icapca imo ine waves n.e two little twins were saved, but the devoted mother was drowned. ;y uispatcn iroui me Chairman ot the V . 1 p , ,. . ., I oiui varouua xtcpuuucan ciaic vommittee says : We have a clear majority in the con- X- .1. ri 1- . 1 11- a r, .. ventionwith two of our counties given to t, rv . i t r, f ( the Democrats by Democratic County Com- miss. oners, a ue couveniion win restore tneui which will ffive us at least sewn m.iioritv We have carried the State on the popular v vote by fully 1S,000 majority. The defeat and demoralization of the Democratic party in this State is complete. The vote on both ides this year was larger than ever before. The Associated Press dispatches are made up by editors of Democratic newspapers, who are doing what they can to prevent the XT .1 1 r i .oruiern peopie irom learning and oeueving that a large majority of the people of this Ci.i i n: !. .v .. i . . omie are iicpuuneau uj ine core ana true to um umyu. iuilii iaioilllii 13 sure xor ine n.n:.-n.-:j.t- t i -i . i,TT..:.. v...iu n r ,i UT"1,M" llwwlul uuu ICU icbiuenc m 1S7G, by 12,000 majority. The one-horse committee annointed hv the Democratic Ilniis W wintor. to inmtifc the rnnditlnn nf thn tnf T plains, in its partisan report, that no interest has ever been paid into the State Treasury - for the use of the State funds ou deposit with the banks. The reason why this is the fact is thus pointed out by the Potter Journal : "In 1S70, Hon. D. N.White, of Alle- gheny, having given this subject a thorough . . examination, prepared a bill to secure to the tional parts has eloped with a military rcr Statc interest on all money deposited in .nn . i, fi. i,.ririi' f n e, 1 bank. The bill passed the House but failed f V . IOf ' haW"S U fW m01e hite again introduced his bill m the House tor has devised a process for glazin- carthen and it passed that body by a large majority. . tL nsft ne ; It was uevcr even discussed in the Demo cratic Senate. The .necch made bv Mr. W. in the House, in favor of his biil, contains ar more information aud is a more eflective appeal for reform than any report the House committee as now constituted will evermake. This speech will be found on page 278 of the Ijcguilatixe Journal for 1871, and is the strongest appeal for reform that has ever been made m our State for years, either iu the Legislature or out of it." Here, then, were two acts, passed in two successive years, by a Republican House of Representatives, and defeated by a Demo cratic Senate, intended to effect the verv ro- form the absence of which is so much la- ' meuted by this Democratic committee. The rfW!Vnw!l.l itir ,W flirt t-wf t-s inHi tl I lni.i I a. vcivu;i KtiiiKj iiuv IIV-O tlllll L 11 111- I ocratic Donate oi i&n ; ana we insist upon lt 1 ..,. V 1 . it that the Democratic committee of the last House shall place the responsibility whereit ..... . . belongs. And, by the way, why did not tins Demo- . ... .... . . UJW "ou ui iom ).t. or propose, some ir ..r i.-r i.j pass, or propose, some of the new Congress who has been buried subject ? The committee The others are Uuffinton, of Massachusetts' half complaitis that noth- Hcrshcy, of Maine ; Allen, of Xew York' Lhe House, itself, never Head, of Tennessee, and La Dow, of Ore l.r.: .!... :i m . "on measure upon inissuojccc : appointed in its behalf ing is done ; but the once undertook to leislatn linon if Tlt.- - -. .v. J WW 1.. .11 i - i 1 . ' I f .1 omy attempts at legislation mac were ever made to secure the State Treasury interest unori it haLincS wer, ni,b, in ....1 n 1 , ,. Tr ; " i ' V;l:'iie:m !U ,r:r tUtQ!l hya D:mojr::tie Senute.-VW7 Cor.uacrcLJ. IH Ull III KM II 1 1 II III JTflfMI An Interesting' ric-Xif. On Saturday,- the 21 st inst., the Sabbath School of MeCofhas Chapel, in Price tsp., iad tic;r Annual Pic-Xic, which proved to n, a v interesting occasion. At an car- ly hour the school, the teachers, the par- cuts, and numerous visitors from the cities of Scranton, Philadelphia and New York assembled iu the beautiful grove of Com missioner Postcn's, where ample provisions werc nia(ic for their amusement and com fort The day was delightful and the iargc number present engaged heartily in the various sports of the day. After bountiful and sumptuous dinner which was Uotten up in fine style by the ladies, al gathered around the platform, when brie ami interesting addresses were made by the l?nv 1T A lrim ilin nronrlifr in ehnr""e nti.l tlin 11 nv W lVtra nf IMlil.ld.'lnhi.l I ii. w-j Jcr the waving boughs, and over the crys- tal waters, the effect was thrilling. Mr Stephen Peters is the earnest and ef ficient Superintendent of the school, whom towtlor ,, ;,. our at.t:vc anj faithful corns ? . i . i of teachers, merit becoming com men tat ion . . .111" on in carrying on the school so successfully. L. lo. st Mortem. a i . Ar.,i on SaturtlaJ the 21st iust by Dr- LcBar assisted by Doctor Frank Keller, now of Philadelphia, Drs. Mutchler and Patterson 0f Stroudsburg, and Dr. Potter, now of I ' Deaware Water q of the boJ of Mop I ' ris Dennis of Delaware Water Gap, who dled on nday, the 21st mst., after an ill ness cxteuding through many months, but more rapidly developed during the past six or eight weeks. He had the services of 1 i:- 1 A fw several dilrerent iilivsieinns ;it ilifVvro-it x. , . , . .,, , times during his illness, and various opin- 0 ' 1 ions existed as to the nature of his disease. 1 --.--v. v.... uoubt was set at rest ou Saturday by the autopsr, for the disease was found to be scirrhus (Cancer) of the stomach, in volving the Pylorus Pancreas transverse colon omentum and a commencing devel opment in most of the other abdominal viscera. This was a great satisfaction to the minds of his friends as well as the public in general, and a source of much informa tion to the medical profession. jt js t0 ,0 101,c,i tj t tlo , -n 1 ... , . n -T , n ou liiivcn ims. 1 list jioricui fiXam 1 J ca m lue uuure' uotl1 lur 1'iiWic aooJ i,n1 tlie profession in general. Nei tncr harm nor a shadow of disrepute is im 'lied to the dead or the friends of the de- ceased m a postmortem examination. Daniel Webster in his last illness request Ccl that a fc mortcm cxam;natkm bc hc,(1 , , , i . , on ,,w b'' auJ lfc was accordingly held. V nrw ;ifrf nnlur fxillinl 1 .- " "" .v.vw ...,.t, vuuiu lllVi X UUI Man's Friend, hns hnm r,,..,,; ' " ""O " vn county T. , -u utspiotecitni ana encoura hereafter, in Kansas and Nebraska, a? ant;Jote as an T-,. OI,axcs' aml l,!e wcricr B ls UL1,, :moJ'lcu everywhere. Counterfeit ten dollar bills on the First -all?nai JSaIlk J oughkeepsie, are in cir cul:ltwn. Ihey are well executed Pennsylvania is ready to pa' every cent of her bonded debt due, on demand. That r'ou 1 'ok like a corrupted Treasury. ! According to official reports there arc 2,972 farms in Northampton count v. i.m.P .! . 1 . ) ' with an acreage as lar"-e as live hundred T i AT :u f n TP i i Judge Myrick, of California, has do tiJeJ that a man mijcroil,.r an iimjr!smi. muni, ivi j no is eiviny ueau ana ms wile a 4' i:i :. .. .:n.. i . i i i widow. -Ua exclaimed a halt-doubled up little urc1lil1 tlie other day, as he held his hand ?n 113 & green apples grow lllllll'.IVI'll' nc Sharon Herald saj s : "The potato croP uc immense. The price went (fow" to twenty-five cents per bushel one ua7 last CCK One of TJrifrham V nilllf's hftf-rr frrnT Tf'. 5 r'binnril tli-if q VTilt-nct.ni. : ware without the use of lead, which is smoother and more durable. Tim T.iinrnn ITntrm r.nlillcl.oo C. 1 L.r . :.. i , 1 Vl " ."7 e.cs Jf ".prc- sfnt,no'G1 properties! a bad showing for U1C prosperity ot the county at present. Pennsylvania has one million two hun dred thousand children of school age, em ploys twenty thousand teachers, and owns nearly seventeen thousand school houses. The longest night in Norway lasts hn-e months, and when a young man l'ocs Ino his girl, her mother, b.-fmo r.d ..ib. i . . . . . ni "er not t0 ruui ''or health by sittim Up u,ulc 1,1:1,1 two ln"- I nWJ r thA i iwi.u tjj t. lj UvOll ICIH )n Ol C TO TVS Nhl.A....l. ll. 1 I 1 . 1 ll"uuo llt recent, noods ami rains will amount to about the same as the lv I'l c.- . . "J . u i 111 louna numbers, two uuuureu minions ol dollars. Andrew Johnson I th .tvil ..i ci tiie new Congress who has boon lmvl.1 .i '"cujoer Kon V AF P., 1.: Ti a , n lehcm Coi - . i. wuomi, jjs., or tnecoutli lieth " ' 18 " V1 111 lonroe CUUiUy on "o lookout for several thousand ncreH of;!P land, on which to , workiniau's co-operative colony HMIt I Baso Ball. In August of last season the Modoc Rase Rail Club of Washington3 N. J. visited this place and by good play on their part and horrible muffing by their opponents ad ministered a defeat to the Tom Collins Club (now Caldeno) by a score of 41 to 12. It was the first defeat the Collins boys had received and as it proved the worst they received during the season, and they have always been a little sore upon it. They were unable to play the return game last season, but had resolved early this season to visit Washington and show the Modocs the difference between '74 and '75 as base ball iu Stroudsburg. Accordingly last Saturday ihcy embarked on the noon train, accompanied by quite a crowd of the admirers of the game from this vicinity. On their arrival they immediately donned their uniforms and wended their tedious way to the ball grounds which were some what down near Cape May, judging from the distance we traversed. Game was called at 2:40 in the presence of some three or four hundred spectators, including a number of the gentler sex, our boys to the field. Two men were quickly disposed of at first, when a low throw gave Leigh his first, a passed ball and hit by Syphers brought him in, when Thompson went out at first. The Caldenos scored four, Walton, Mclntyrc, Holmes and Hays being the luckey men. Six straight whitewashes next astounded the Modocs, but four men seeing first during the six innings. Our boys received a goose egg on the second inning ; the third Mclntyre scored one, on the fourth Schoch did likewise, on the fifth Mclntyre, Holmes, Zeigler, Logan and Schoch scored their dots, on the sixth Holmes placed another on the Caldeno side of the account, on the seventh, Logan, Schoch, Marsh, Mclntyre and Hayes added live more. On the eighth inning a base hit by Shrope, and a couple of passed balls put a 1 down for the Modocs. Huston and Schoch placed two more on the Caldeno ue. Ninth inning another whitewash for the Modocs and Hayes and Huston scored two more for the Caldenos. School left on second after a beautiful two base hit and our boys victorious by a score of 21 to 2. The Modocs' play was excellent excepting their disastrous wild throwing occasionally. The Caldenos played magni ficently, every member of the nine playing his position in first class style ; only seven errors were made b- them and most of these were excusable. The umpiring of the genial John was beyond criticism, the best by far we have seen this season. The following is the score moimic. r. in. ro. a. k.'cai.ieo. r. In. r.o. a. n StarfMsslstlX) 1 0 7 . Marsh. c. f... 1 2 Pit-Lh, :M b.. o o 3 ( 2 W'ait.in, i.. 1 l 3 4 ;.M. Imvrc c. t 1 1 0 'H.jIiii. s, s.s.. 3 2 5 3 illavrs, 1st bit 1 O 2 Zoi-Ur.l. f... 1 1 2 4 i Huston, -.'d b 2 O 0 0 l.ncan,3db... 2 1 0 3 jWA-liueli r.f 1 3 1 Irf'i'li, ii 1 o 0 S yjilu rs r. f o II 2 2 3 1 0 0 1 1 1 liowlhy. o. f.. O 0 2 Wiimllinpr, c. (I (( 2 .loIiiiMin, 1. Ill II 4 -tir'l0, "Jd Ii.. 1 5 0 0 Total.. 2 3 27 11 25 Totals. 21 11 11 1st 2nd 3.1 1th ."lib ntli 7f!i filli Otli T.il C'ald.iii. 40110 15 2 " .M'XIOC 1 II II (j O II (I 1 II Double play Logan, Walton aud Hus ton. Umpire John C. Kleckler, Stroud- burg. Scorers Pickle and Huston. Time of game, li hours. The fallowing is a score of a "scrub" -ame of ball, played at the Water Gap, on Saturday last. IXXIXGS. 1 2 ;J 4 5 C 7 R 9 Tot.il Water Gap 10 0 1 2 1 5 3 1(5 Scrubs 22 l;; o 8 : 2 4 1 CI An Important Decision. Judge Pearson, of the North Carolina Supreme Court, rendered an opinion which is interesting under certain circumstances In this case the parties had made a con tract of marriage and on the day previous to the marriage, the woman executed a deed of gift of her real estate to the value of $:3,Uo0 to her stepmother, without the k uowledgc of the man. After the marriage the husband sues for the recovery of the land back to the wife, upon the ground of traud. lhe Court held that the deed was fraudulent, intended to deceive the man, and the stepmother is ordered to convey back the land to the wife." The Xew York correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger cites a curious fact which has just come out to confirm the old saying that ill-gotten money never stays long with the getter. A young man who maintained intimate relations with William M. Tweed managed to acquire by ring pro cesses a fortune not for far from $230, 000. He managed to keep out of the way while the campaign against the Ross was in progress, but when the litigation against the ring was recently renewed in order to compel them one and all to disgorge, the individual in question was frightened, and on a sudden impulse transferred all his pro perty to the temporary custody of a per sonal friend, without any of the formalities which usually attend transactions of the kind. A few days since this friend in need had business which called him off to l.'.,,-,,..,i Ou the passage, as fate would have it, he fell overboard ami wna l hi.. 1 weed s protege thereupon ma.ln ;, upon the family of his deceased fiined for a return of his valuables, hut ilw. nlv n - J --. tlt swer ho has received is th.it. tli.w nothing about it : that the i the papers he left behind him to substan tiate the claim, and that all the property that was left to them, withm, .i; . thev intend tn L-.r ti,. i:...;rr .i i 'i . . l'l'inmii i nus nas lust his money as well as his reputation. . Isaac M Singer, the sewing machine patentee, had an in income of 2,000 U00 when the extension of his patent expired. " . Daniel Odeuwelder, of Rath, Xortb.amp ton County, got in the way of a falling tree on the loth mst., and wwcrmW to death. The West had severe frosts on SUlll, night and Monday morning. 1 1 ai The hcary rains during the past tw0 three days' have caused' a considerable -r in the Schuylkill; at Reading. ne Ex-Governor Rigler has opened a m fire clay mine of excellent quality, aiul coal bank on his firm over the river !.,!' a site Clearfield, Pa. ' R. T. Round, of Kingston, suspected p having poisoned his wife a few weeks a has been displaced from the SuperinteM' ency of the Lackawanna and RloonisbuU Railroad. e At Baltimore, the other dn, there w. such a glut of peaches that the fruit literally given away by the L6xfu.ll. money has been made at the businc far. "" ' A lady, who was a great sufferer fro,,' headache, drove a six-penny nail into the back of her head as a cure. Its effect wis decided, and she is now in an insane a-v' lum. ' The potato bug appears to be or.mlnt the example set by the herd of swine whi lllo i an viuicmiy uown a steep place, and p,T ished in the water. It is that they arc fly ing by millions into the Atlantic ocean. Rev. F. W. Kremcr, D. D., paster of the First Reformed congregation at Leban on, has a congregation numbering about fifteen hundred members. Within the last year, of that number only eight persons died. Two years ago a Pennsylvania servant girl was sent to prison for stealing Suo from her employer. The money was found the other day where the man had hidden it, and now he offers the girl G as recom pense, while she wants ten thousand. Some of the country hotel keepers in Lancaster county now give blasts on loud sounding dinner horns when they see a candidate approaching. This calls all the farm hands and villagers together, who are glad to quench their thirst "at the expcns.j of office seekers, while the landlord fills his coffers. A Wilkesbarre, Pa., despatch says : The Wyoming Grove camp meeting was attended on Sunday by over one hundred thousand persons. Dr. Nelson, of the Methodist Episcopal Rook Concern, of NuW York, and W. II. Olin. of Wilkesbarre, preached. ' A Scranton woman considerably startled the minions of the law the other da-. Two of them called on her and expressed a de sire to levy her goods and chattels ; this their owner objected to, on principle, ap parently cared little about the furniture, as she smashed it in a reckless maimer over the heads of the officers. Wednesday aud Thursday of next week are the last days on which voters can he registered in order to participate in the next election. We hope our Republican friends in all the districts will not f.iil U attend to this matter. Last year we lost many votes through ignorance of or inatten tion to the law ; if we lose them again it w ill bc by pure negligence. The whole number of locomotives in the world is estimated at fifty thousand, of which nearly fifteen thousand are iu the United States and nearly eleven thousand in Great Rritain. The aggregate horse power is estimated at ten millions, and all engines in use locomotive, marine and stationary are supposed to aggregate four teen millions horse power. Surely this will go down into history as the year of storms and floods. France, Rng laiul and our own country have been severe ly visited, and uow the wheel of fortune has emptied another blessing in disguise upon Prance. A disastrous hail storm and hurricane swept over the section of count ry twent y miles northwest of Paris, on Pridav last, killing cattle, destroying trees and in juring a number of people. Rochester has sixteen fiourinrr mills. which last year manufactured 31S,U00 bar rels of flour : bushels of wheat consumed. 2,331,000 ; men employed 171 ; runs of stone, SI. In addition to this 000 coopers find employment in making barrels for these mills. Rochester claims to produce more flour to-day than she ever did before. and more of the higher grades thau any uiucr cuy in me united States. A Frenchman named G corses has been for many years experimenting on the pre servation of fish. At length he has inven ted a fluid which appears to be exactly what is desired. Various kinds of fish were placed in a bath of the solution f r two hours, then put in a cellar, and after six days were found in a state of perfect pre servation. Ruth flavor uul color were per fect. This invention is believed to be ef great value. The booms at Lock Haven and Williams- jKrt were again filled with logs by the late uoous aim me mills are once more m full operation. The booms contain logs enough to cut near two hundred million feet Of lumber, it is said. This is very fine for those who want to buy and for the work men on the saw mills, but not so for the manufacturers, whosu vards ar already stocked with manufactured lumber for which there is no demand. Two Presidents. John and John Ouinev Adams, are buried in A! ivc-..lni,itJ ,,n,V ieice, in Xew Hambshiro : two. Van I'lreu and Fillmore, in Xew York ; one, hichanan, in Pennsylvania : one. Lincoln, in Illinois : one. M.-in-Umi ;.. n!,;.. Tiv- n-, in Kentucky : three. .LieUon. Polk and Johnson, in Tennessee ; and five, Washing ton, Jeffersion, Madison, Monroe and Tvler, in Virginia. There is a imposition t gather them all together around Washing- tan s tomb at Mount Vernon. The colored double-child, whh-h was on exhibition in Augusta, Ga., died on Satur day. It, or they, were born on the Oth of June last. The two beings were joined to gether l3 a wide bamt, which pulsated reg ularly. This pulsation led to the sugges tion that one ot the lungs of the monstros ity was located in the connecting link. The 'male alone nursed, the other dn eudiug npon it for sustenance, and the sense of pain was evidently located iu the deve! -I Cilii one