The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, July 29, 1875, Image 3

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    n w. n.itinsr an oransre tnery
I.13, : breakfast will cure the
brSfor intoxicating drinks. A pleasant
tPPt l,e ,1, t.hA trial bv all who have a
for the flowiug bowl.
17 hosier has sixteen flouring wills,
Koc" fi.ot.nrpA 518.000 bar
vliicn' J v.wlwl, of wheat consumed.
. t
l tst year iuauuv. , -
. Hour u""v '
r,iS.i 000. men employed-! 171, runs of
"' 81 I'1 addition to t,us' 000 CooPers
f TomvWnent in making barrels for these
!i Rochester claims to produce more
J" r to-day than she ever did before, and
, of the higher grades than any other
:tv iu tliC umicu
There arc thirty-eight collieries in Xor-
.i.mberland county, a piuu6
. riMHiOOO tons, and rcquirinc: the
rV Kino men and bovs, and
.m' ill I .J -
l.iliilr Ul ivv- 1
..,:.lfl,rT enrines driven Dy a iniriy-uve
1 x. . . it e
hundred steam horse power. The opera
tor receives about $2 at the present rate
for coal at the mines, aud the miner gets
from this for his salary from 1 25 to SI 75,
the easy or difficult mining regulating the
A Good Puzzle.
Those who arc curious as to magic
uarcs will find something to interest them
: Pirton's "Life of Benjamin .Franklin."
This great philosopher was very fond of
inventions ot this son. iicre is me cor
rect answer to the puzzle : "In what man
mav the odd numbers, from 1 to 49
Jn.'lusivc, be arranged so that the sum of
each row of five figures shall be 125?"
33 47 1 15 29
45 9 13 27 31
7 11 25 39 43
19 23 37 41 5
21 35 49 3 17
To Pensioners.
The couutry is now being flooded with
circulars of claim agents, addressed to
pensioners, suggesting to all of them that
by applying to such agents they may obtain
an increase of pension. The fact is that
Congress did not, at its last session, give
any "increase to any class of pensioners.
Invalid pensioners, viz., men who are now
pensioned for wounds and disabilities, can
as thev always could, eet an increase if
their disabilities have increased. The pro
cess to obtain such increase is very simple,
and any pensioner may adopt it without
any expense. Let him write to the Com
missioner of Pensions and ask him to be fur
nished with "blank application for increase
.f an invalid pension." Upon its receipt
he will execute it according to its form aud
directions and then return it to the Com
missioner. The officer will direct him to
be examined by a surgeon, and that will
end his labor in the matter. The employ
ment of a person to aid him will not only
be wholly uselcs but will subject him to
the payment of a fee from which ho will
derive no benefit.
Bird Charity.
Wc have read a good deal about the
characteristic instincts of birds, but the fol
lowing actual account of a circumstance
which happened this summer in West Pitts
ton, goes far towards establishing the be
lief that there is a lanjruaire anions the
music inhabitants of the air which is under
stood by them in common. A lady noticed
a small chipping bird flying about for sev
eral days in front of her premises, appcar
mtly very busy in constructing its nest.
She also observed that its attention was
divided between two trees, to each of which
the little bird paid mutual attention. A
closer watch revealed the fact that to one
tree the bird conveyed sticks, straws and
other things used in nest-building, while to
the other it carried food in the shape of
worms, crumbs, &c. These operations were
daily observed until the lady's curiosity
became greatly excited and she determined
upon an investigation. "With the assist
ance of a friend this was made, when it was
discovered that chippy was playing the
Kood angel to an unfortune blackbird which
has a nest in on one of the tress, but whose
Igs, upon examination, were found to be
almost cut off by a piece of fine wire which
in some mysterious way had become en
tangled around the slender bones. The
bond was so strong as to forbid the use of
either wings or limbs, and the poor bird
in some way had managed to tell its sorrow
to little chippy, who it was discovered had
been feeding it daily while building its own
neat in an adjoining tree. "When the black
birds thongs were removed, its friend
never visited the tree again.
prof. Donaldson's fate an ascen
There is every reason to suppose that
Prof. Washington Donaldson, whose name
was prominent in connection with the
Graphic transatlantic balloon voyage last
summer, with a Mr. Greenwood, a reporter
of the Chicago Journal, perished in Lake
Michigan on Thursday night. Donaldson
has been connected with Barnum's Hippo
drome the present season, making ascen
sions each afternoon. The last ascension
was made at Chicago on Thursday after
noon last, since which time neither balloon
nor its occupants have been heard from.
JV hen the balloon left the circus ground at
o 0 clock, it rose at an altitude of 5.000
icet into the current of a wind blowing
M-eaany to the northeast directly toward
tC Michliran. Tt, W:m cmno- ut. ? riirn nf
1? miles hour. There were about
1L0 miles of water to traverse before a
landing could be made, which would re
quire about eight hours. When about in
Jhe midst of the lake it is supposed that a
hurricane, which had been gathering on
the banks for some time, struck the bal
loon, dertroying it at once, leaving its un
fortunate occupants at the mcrey of the
How the two men met their fite we shall
probably never know. A tragic chorus
ng their requiem in the roar of the thun
der and the wail of the wind. Had there
been a fitting inspiration of such an end-
-, ineir death would have been heroic
ut w. a as their enterprise was, nobody
;7. , nk without a thrill of the two souls
wcii passed away amid the crash and the
01 mat tempestuous midnight.
Reports to the Department of Agricul
ture. Washington, July 23. The returns
of the Department of Agriculture for July
show the condition of spring and winter
wheat at about 82 per cent, of an average.
Winter wheat, including California, aver
ages 74, and spring wheat 9G. The spring
wheat States iu the Northeast and North
west arc generally iu high condition. Of
the winter wheat area the South Atlantic
and Gulf States are generally above average,
but in the Middle States the conditiou is
very low, New York rangiug down to 45.
West of the Alleghanies the prospect is
better, the State averages being between
71 in Ohio and 95 in Iowa. California re
ports winter wheat at 70 and spring wheat
at 55 !
A Band of Robbers and Murderers.
Memphis, July 25. Last Tuesday
Frank Williams, engaged on Hancock's
plantation, on Frenchmen's Bayou, forty
miles above here on the Arknnsas side,
disappeared, he having drawn ten dollars
from his employer the evening before, and
was last seen in company with John
Randolph and John Phillips, colored.
Search was made for them and it was
found they left. Pursuit was made, aud
they were overtaken and carried back to
Shawnee village yesterday.
On their arrival they confessed to having
murdered Williams. The murderers were
then carried to Crowcll Landing, on their
way to Osceola, the county town, and reach
ing the landing, they informed their captors
that they belonged to a band of which Rob
ert Burton, a white man, also employed on
Hancock's plantation, was the leader, and
one Jesse Carter (colored) was also a mem
ber ; that they were organized for robbery,
and had murdered several persons.
Quite a crowd had collected by this time.
The indignation of the citzens was intense,
finally culminating in a mob taking the
prisoners out and shooting Randolph, killing
him instantly. Phillips broke from his
keepers and escaped. Yesterday the whole
neighborhood was in search of him. Ran
dolph's body was thrown into the river.
Warrants were sworn out for Burton aud
Carter. They were arrested and taken to
the Osceola jail. y
Safes Blown Up With Nitro-Glycerine
Arrests Made on Suspicion.
Lewiston, Me., July 23. The Na
tional Bank of Winthrop was entered by
burglars this morning, and the bank vaults
and safe of the Savings Bank were opened.
The loss is not yet ascertained.
WiNTiiour, Me., July 23. The rob
bery was a bold operation. The safes were
blown open by nitro-glycerine, as is sup
posed, there being no indication of powder.
There were three distinct explosions, all of
which were heard by several persons.
The robbers left within ten minutes of
the last explosion, which was so severe as
to blow out all the windows in the front
part of the bank and cause a general smash
up inside. The contents of the main safe
were so badly mutilated and so many frag
ments were left behind that it is thought
the amount realized by the robbers could
not have been large. The capital stock of
the bank is S10o,(j00, and the amount of
the deposits in the savings bank was about
$100,000. The safes of both institutions
were rifled of their entire contents. The
standiug of the bank, the directors say, will
not be impaired. A despatch says four
men have been arrested on suspicion near
Bethel. As the distance from here is about
forty miles, it is doubtful if they could
have got so far in the time they have had.
Portland, Me., July 25. Yesterday
the three men calling themselves Lewis.
Clark and Levi, who were arrested at
Bethel on Friday, on suspicion of having
been connected with the robbery of the
National Bank of Winthrop, were taken on
the first train to Winthrop in charge of the
deputy sheriff, Mr. Woodward of Winthrop,
who accompanied Sheriff Carr to Bethel,
has identified the men as the three whom
he saw in the streets of Winthrop the after
noon before the burglary. After their
arrest they were searched, and about 50
were found. The man calline himself
Lewis is the largest of the party, and is
evidently the leader, as he does most of the
talking. The authorities arc confident they
have the right men.
It is thought the loss to the bank will
not exceed 850,000, two-thirds of which is
in bonds. The heaviest loss falls on the
savings department. The standing of the
bank will not be impaired.
Only Decoys.
Winthrop, Me., July 25. It is now
thought here that the three men arrested
are not the real burglars, but decoys to
engage the attention of the authorities while
their confederates make good their escape
They are undoubtedly connected with the
affair, however. The bank has offered a
reward of 10,000 for the apprehension of
the burglars.
On Saturday, July 24th, by A. "V. Loder,
EKqr., Mr. Situon P. Miller, and Mrs. Hannah
Ace, Dotn 01 cjmiiuneia t.p., tnis county.
On July 20th, 1875, at the residence of the
bride's parents, by llev. J. L. bchalier, Mr
Iieniarain F. Barry, of Philadelphia, and Miss
Mary Jt.. Marsh, ol Hamilton township, thi3
On Saturday, July 20th, at the residence of
the bride 8 parents, by Jiev. (jr. JL. bchaner, Mr
Samuel K. Walter, and Miss Julia i . JJarry,
both of Ilarailton tsp., tins county.
In Stroudsbursr, July 27th, Mrs. Anna, A u
gvsta Lee, wife of John Lee, (daughter of John
aud Kachel Quacko,) aged 33 years 1 month
and 29 days.
Sister thou was't mild and lovely,
Gentle as the summer's breeze,
Pleasant as the air of evening
As it floats among the trees.
Peaceful be thy ilent slumber,
Peaceful in thy grave no low,
Thou no more ehalt join our number,
Thou no more our joy shall know.
Special ISTotice.
We have 1,000 Acres of Arkansas Farm
limber Lands to exchange for a good harm
near otroudsburg on a cash basis only.
Pearson k Thompson,
July 8 '75-tf. East Stroudsburg.
Wc have 1,000 Acres of good Farm and
Timber Land iu Arkansas, within two miles
of Railroad to exchange for a good farm near
Aln n ilwnllinof in T?rwA-W natrlntr fcrn
.1 i ii" i
nor mnnlh nriittpiimlmroii tnr fi rrrr. 1 (omi
JulyS, ,5-tf.J Last btroudsburg.
C.nmU rh.vinnr rl.nn nvor nr T "Hnctm-'o
He has them marked way down to bottom
New goods will arrive at N. Buster's this
week and next. Don't fail to. call and see
Those wishing to secure a prood bartraiu
will do well to call at N. lluster's, as he is
bound not to be undersold.
A new lot on hand at Stokes' Mills.
$8 per ton or 30 cents per bushel.
(J rain
wanted in exchange.
Corn 95cts. per bushel, Iye $1.05 at present
May 13-lrn. N. S. WYCKOFF & SONS
Important. In order to quit the Doot
and bhoe Jiusmcss, bimon rried offers his
entire stock or Hoot q ind Shood it firct
enure mock oi .Doois ana onoes, atnrst
cost and below cost. Come one and all.
now is your chance for Bargains.
rV fresh supply of English SaltCfl
l'Otasll. just receired at Williams' DniC
Store, Main street, Stroudsbure, Pa. War-
ranted pure.
J une G-tf.
Just received at William's Drug Store, a
large stock of White Lead, Linseed Oil and
Ar a i viutt p a.1. . j i
AUMfell for the spring trade. Price of
Lead and Oil reduced
March IS. 7S.
Blair Presbyterial Academy,
under the care of Newton Preshytery, will be
re-opened September th.
For information address
July 29, 1875. 2m. Principal.
All persons are hereby cautioned not to
trespass on any property of the undersigned,
situate in btroud township, Monroe county, l'a.
Any one violating this notice will be prosecuted
to the full extent of the law.
Stroudsburg, July 29, 1S75.
Auditors Kotice.
Isaac S. Case, Superintendent,
Vev Ex. 42.
May Term 1375.
Samuel Stitzer.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Court of
Common 1 leas ot Monroe County, to make distribution
of the money fund in Court arising from tho sale of
defendant's Ileal Estate under above writ, hereby gives
notice that he will attend to the duties of his appoint-
rueuv Ul in i row ono.ary s omce, in oirouasourg. on
I riday, Augurt 20 IS ,5, at 2 o clock, P M, when and
where all persons baring any claim or demand on said
fund will present the same, or be forever 1 "
from coiuing in for anv share thereof.
THO. M. McILHENEY, Auditor.
Stroudsburg, July, 21, 1S75.
ror tne year ending dune tn, ibo.
WILLIAM WALLACE, Treasurer, iu account with
said lunu :
To balance due at last Auditor's settle
ment $108 11
To casu on Duplicate of 1 '."
" " " 1S70 67 26
" M M 1P71 97 54
" 1872 169 75
" M 1S73 684 00
To abateh tax on Duplicate of 1S74, 4301 53
" cash of IA. Fisher on Duplicate of
1S74 348 00
" cash of J. I. Allender, lien for pave
ment 101 00
" cash received for 6 per cent Bonds
issued to redeem 8 ier cent. Bonds 8350 00
" cash of Josoph Brotzman. for error
in interest, 1873, 5 0O-5H.224 14
By the payment of checks for tho following named pur
poses :
I jh ting street lamps $73 72
)il, ehnnnvs, Ac. b6 46
Fire department 205 C5
Material and work on streets 42 00
Secretary's salarv and stationery In '71 54 35
Counsel fee for 1874 20 00
Auditing and stationery for 1874 18 25
Itefunding tax to Jense Albert, 1874, 5 H
(Serving notices, 9 20
Constable's and Jailor's fees 3 70
Printing and auditing 54 &T
Extra police duty in 1873, 9 00
Costs on lien, settled with J. I. Allender 8 40
Making dog tax assessment, 18,2 & 184 10 00
CribbiDg on Bark street in 1870 94 3011174 S6
By Bounty Bonds red coined 2,000 00
By Fire 700 00
Bv 8 per cent interest repair Bonds
redeemed 7,705 00-510405 00
Bv interest paid as per Bond book 234G 62
1.. 'i- . . w . m v 1 ; a., 1 '( n ft a Q a,
of one por cent, for money paid out C9 G3
Balance in Treasurer's bands 22S03
$14,24 14
JOHN S. FISHER, -Auditors.
B. 8. JACOBY. )
Stroudsburg, July 2, 1IT5,
July 29. 3t.
Outstanding Bond
I'.ounty, 6 per cent, interest
Repair Bonds, 8 per cent interest
U 44 jj M 44
Fire Bonds. 7 " "
87,200 00
7,240 00
$,350 00
5,300 00
Bonds issued to redeem over-dua 6
er cent Bonds
?2r0 00 $30,:V40 00
By balance in Treasurers hands
Amount of uncollected tax on Dupli
8223 03
cates, of 1K,2 and 1873, in bauds oi
Ed. Fisher, Collector,
32G2 68- 8-'5, t90 71
Liabilities over ases(s $26,849 29
JOHN S. FISHER, VAuditors.
15. S. JAIUU1. 1
July 2, 1.S75. 3t.
722 Arch Street,
rillL A D EL Vllt A.
No other Pianos have the improvements.
Prize Medal of the Word's Fair, London, Eng
land, and the highest Prizes in this country
awarded. May liO-Jm.
this Oflice.
For s.ile at this Office.
I auditors settlement
For the year ending June, 1S75.
A. O. GREEXWALD. Treasurer of the Stroudsliir.
ovuuui iisirici, tur me year enuiug June 7, 1S7j.
C.l lit:. .-I... I
To State appropriation ST-53 32
Ti ..::.. . -i . . . . . .
1 To tuition of biipils out of District
13 i ti
320 32
482 9.1
17 J6 o;t
228 67
l-7 30
I o L-t-v oi jouu j.ecuor oo L'uuucate
I , X "- u lut""-'"5
To tai of S. L. Drake, on Duplicate
To tof Unfrwi nutb
" cash of C. U. W'aroick for lot
.. . I'.Y. baira, former Treasurer
Balance due a. 6. Urceuwaid
32 50-S3,!0jS3
By amount paid Teachers on Checks S2U 1 3S
M !! t JZLTJ,-, S
for Secretary's salary 1373 25 00
' " " Auditor's for 1374. 6 00
u for irintjg( 66 00
" " " Fuel and Contingencies, 1H4 6'i
" " " repairs tor School Houses 083 19
Treasurers Commission ou $333) 03
at 2 per cent, paid ut, 60 "S S3405 83
t-xamiueU aud allowed, July 8th. 1875.
JOHNS. FISU Ett, Auditors.
STATEMENT of the Building Tax levied in
To amount of Duplicate for Building 1492 10
casn lor tot sola to C. U. Y aruick 00 00- 51,543 10
UJ exonerations allowed on Duplicate 5ol 24
I at 5 por cont. 72 04
' .rv. ...1. . : r-f 1
" " " 1873 94 17
1874 083 19 $S57
Balanco due said Building Fund
Thil mnt U now in use as ordinary School Funds
nd dM from thtt "ACK&SlANf lifnd
JOHN S. FISHEIt, V Auditors.
B. 3. JACOBY, )
July 8, 1875.
PETE bobeson and reubentiiomas oyer-
seers of the Foor in account with Borough of Strouds-
burg, for vear endinK June, 1S75. 6
I Amount of Duulicato issued in 1874
$855 09
i . ...... . .!,
.Amount oi cdccks ishuuu since auuiiuij
settlement to July 20, 1375,
51119 95
Teter II. Robeson, Trealurer of Overseers, in account
with said fund,
To casta of A. Fowler, on Duplicate of
1871. 350 71
" Linferd Ruth,
:rn 75
T22 8 $032 35
By the payment of checks for tho following named pur-
ikjscs :
For keeping paupers
For keeping vagrants
?2Sr, IS
71 70
20 00
CI 00
25 00
U 00
8 00
10 50
tor luncrals
For rent
For Medical attendanro
For auditing 1871, IS74 and 1875,
For making Duplicates
For printing
For services of overseers
151 OS
I lumber
35 so ?8i 23
Bal. due and In P. II. Robeson's hands
Si 12
JOH . ! is,
July 20, 1S75. july 22. St.
Auditor's Notice.
Estate of MARY SHAFER, dee'd.
Th undersiened appointed bv the Orphans' Court
of Monroe Countr. Auditor to make distribution of the
funds in bands ot Alonro . Miaier, Administrator oi
the Estate or Marv Shafer. deceased, will attend to th
duties of his appointment, on luesaay, tne aay oi
August, 1875, at 10 o clock a. m. at tne onic oi iton. j.
B. htorm, in Stroudsburg, when and whero all persons
interested are required to attend or be forever debarred
f comin, la for a ihare of said fund.
,rom s M. A. Dc E. VAN HORN, Auditor,
, , 1R-- it '
rrom my wagon on tue puunu ruau uc-
m xi J u.
rnrw KfrmirUVmrrr and thrt residence of
rn.:i.i- cj:l,C4 ol,:
UaCOU J-TCIUlC, 111 Cimumciu lunucuiji, vu i
Tlnn-crliT- .Triiir 8 1 S7n nni rilne and white
trmefl wnnlen VilanVet nnd a Diece of
htnped WOOlen DiankCt, ana a piece OI
checkered flannel red, blue, black and
j..iuauu . , u u.j w.. ..
white. The finder will be suitably reward-
n fli-r Vita frnnVile rv spnninc inn word. I
and i win call and eet them
via ... v.v.,.. a
Bushkill, July 15, 1875-3t.
The undersiened would respectfully give notice that
they have established at Williams' Hall building, cor-
11 cr 01 ooorge ana .nonrw Birwis, ciruuusuuig, i a
for the malting of all kinds of Lady's and Gcntlemens
Boois and Shoes and Uppers. Particular attention paid
. , T - .1 r 1 l...:AHa aw ns.vry m a.
children with weak ankles, or crooked limbs, can have
here of first class materials and at reason aoic prices
Shoes made to suit their cases.
Having had a largo experience In Nw 1 ork we feel
confident that we can suit customers as to qualities iuu
price, all of our goods both ror general ana special io
.w,rnninl la he ax represented. 1'lease irivc us a
call, examine our Roods and materials consisting of
Surees, glazed French, Mat and French Calf Kid, lone
grained. Brush and Pebbled uoat .Morocco, r rencn ana
An,ri.n fialf and Kin Skins, all of which will be
cheerfully shown to those who may call. Intending to
make a
first rate wearing article w have nothing to
, either in stock or make from tho public, but
,,t,i in.11. thoiF Hnn.iKt scrutiny
July 8, '75-tf li- UlUJiMiii 1 w.
TW virtue of an alias order of the Orphans'
Court of Monroe County, will be exposed to
. 1
public Bale, on tne premises, on
the following described Real Estate, late of
Levi StrouBs, deceased, viz :
A certain Lot. Messuage and Farm of Land
Situate in Stroud township, Monroe county,
25 Acres,
land of Hunt,
Jno. Bovs.Chas. Ueanng and ."Mrs. j no. ieincK.
About 20 acres cleared, balance limDer Lanu.
The iinnrovements are a r rame
Dwelling House,
16 bv 18 feet. 14 etoriM; FUAMEi
11AKN and other out buildings. Good young
Apple Orchard,
on the premises, and also water on
n remises
riale to commence at i o ciock in tno aucr
noon, when terms and conditions will be made
known, by
Bv order of the Court
Tho. M. McIlhaney, Clerk
July 15, '75-3t
Ladies Hair-Combings, made up cheap
good into Braids, Swithces, Curls, 1 rises, etc.,
orders left at i.Irs. P. R. Clemens' Fancy Mil-
linery Store, Main Street, Stroudsburg, three
doors below the Indian Queen Hotel, or send
by mail to C. & L. E. LAKE, Stroudsburg,
Monroe county. Residence two miles west ot
Stroudsburg on the Kunkletown road.
July 8, 1875-Gm.
Terrible Sensation!!
The crowds are coming from
every quarter.
are rushing off at cost and some below cost!
Wonderful knock down in prices & profits!
These are "Tacts."
We have marked down our bleached and
41 1 unbleached Muslsn from 1 to 2 cents per
our uancoen jcnocneu uown centa a
.vur i1
brict MusllU.
" . ,
Our Hamburg Edgings, Swiss and Cam-
Pekas aud Victoria lawns I
marked down from 3 to 5 centa a yard.
Our black and colored Alpaccas down
irom 'o to IU cents a yard.
Our Cotton bats and best Carpet warn
aown irom u to b cents per lb.
i . i
Our Hosiery, Gloves and Notions won-
uerlul cheap.
Children's and Misses striped Hose only
, iu ana iz cents a pair.
Our Linen Towles, Table Damask, Bed
I.. i.i i ci . . .
1 tt"i a lanncis, neavy cmrungs, a ant-stull,
1 Counterpanes and Carpets, by far the cheap
est in the County. Lome and see lor your
We have four thousand yards of beauti
ful bonnet aud sash Itibbons, some five and
a half inches wide, f or 25 cts. a yard. Some
lubbons as low as J cts. per yard.
Wc have beautiful wide Sashes only 20
Our beet Spool Cotton, 200 yards, only
i CCUlS.
t - - - - i
uur ucst a ins ana CCUies only o cents
a Daner.
- ------ -r"
1 ic nave concluded to rinse rmfc Rnme
our Fiaia ana Sinpea cummer ATCSS IvOOQS
lor IU and LZ CCUt3 a Yard.
e are nOW Selling a gOOCl SOlt lelt llat
to h anJ CI
tor ys ,Men bU ccnt and 51
nearly nal1 Pricc
' I 11- i . T ti . -r-r .
t u na.v iuiMu aiiu ijauics oiraw jiais
trimed, for the wonderful low price of 25
and 50 cents
Vi"e nr qrllinf twnitifnl Plnwors mur-Ti
e are scmiig oeauiitui 1 lowers mucn
icsa inan nan price.
"We aro selling irood Cassimcro Coata for
3, 4 and 5 dollars.
"Vc are selling good Vesta, well made,
for 60 cents, and I ants for $1.
"Wc will sell a whole summer suit, for
Men, coat, vest and pants, well made, for
V C Will Sell a Whole SUlt, Well made, Oil
Cassimcre cloth, for 8, and Children's and
QUth S SUltS tor $4 and ?G.
"Wc will sell Youth's and Men's leather
Gaiters for $1 50 and 2.
"Wc will sell Misse's and "Women's good
i fi o :-,, frtr 1 or.
C10111 uaiters IOf vl -O.
"Wc have given you a few samples.
Xow for tho Rush 1
Come one and all.
Come from Stroudsburg & East Stroudsburg
Com from Conadensia.
Come from Oakland and Tobjhanna.
Come from Spragueville & the Smithfield's
Come from Portland and Water Gap.
Come from Chesnut Hill and Hamilton.
Coine from Kellersville and Bartonsville.
Come from Chery Valley and the Mountains,
Come even frora Paradise, and we will do
you good.
We have swung out
The Red Flag,
to the breeze. When yon come to town
tret your eve ou it and don't take it off
the until you get in the
Wonderful Cheap Auction Sstore,
among the
Cheap G-oods.
We wish to inform the publio that we
have no connection with any other Store
and new or oia in .strouubourg.
i ii-! ii
N e minu our own DUSincss ana let
neighbours and their coods alone, wishincr AS ALTI MUS, Treasurer.
them all peace and prosperity.
C7 I
April 15, 1875. ly.
A LAW LIBRARY, rrinci pally Standard
Enclish Works
Juiys-st. s.a:Tiin6op.
For the year ending June 7, 1875.
Tax rate 1 0 mills on the dollar of valuation.
.. ... .. : 1SECE1TT3.
Amount of tax luried for "hooi purjKses
Amount collected by Treasurer ?!41t 13,
S21W 78
" Collector 020 10
Total amount received on Dujiliato
iwcciyea irom state appropriation s.pi s
Co. treasurer. Irom sales
land 33
Bal. ou hand from Treasurer 77 8411
Total receipts from all sources
SJ3S0 85
Teachers wares
61 8' J
Hw 41
4 " 01
15 W
4 4i
irrj 00
Repairs, renewals, Ac.
Fuel and contingencies
Auditor and Town Clerk
lKlt and interest paid
Paid other Districts
Total expfliises of District
Total expeusvs over receipts
5141 47
Tn hands of Collector
lie turned to Comuimioners
C 4i
Total resources
Amoubt dne oil unjiaid bills
5140 00
I Liabilities or resources
tin 19
Jul 1, 1875.'-l:
$15,000 to 20,000
7 Per Cent.
The Commiasioners of Monroe County offer
for sale 7 percent. Bonds to 6uit purchasers.
The bonds are issued tinder Act of Assembly
of April 2d, 1870, authorizing the issue of
bonds for the Burnose of raisinir funds for tho,:u: t:i :.! t?..j..
from all taxation, and a rare opportunity in
offered to capitalist, largos or .small, for invest
ment at home on the most reasonable terixu.
For further information apply to
The Commissioners will meet at their ofilco
in Stroudsburg, on Monday of each week, for
the purpose of issuing Uonds. - . .
M. II. DUE HER. Clerk,
June 10, 1875.
I Thn nnrlerslffnod oOVrs at nrivatn sale, his Firm, sit
uate in Hamilton township. Monroe County. Fa., near
UA..Ml..;it. on1 mil., f r-. .... trf.ii.l.i, rr I '..nlitr.
j seat or Monroe, containing
- 6 Acres Timber Land, the balance Improtod land.
umc stone soil, in a hieh state of cultivation. The tml
provements are a
Frame House,
I . .. .i: '
containing nine rooms; Barn '52 bv 40 itr1&IULj?i
fee: Wagon Shed, PiK-Fin 1 bv 30Yeet,SgS3
witn Calriage House a!tched, and ail ol
out-buildinfrs; a never falling well of water near tho
dwelling. There is an excellent Orchard of
Choice Fruit Trees
on the farm, consisting of Apple, Peach, Cherry, rium,-
Prunes, Crab-apple, several varieties. O rapes, standard
and dwarf Cherries, i'c. ; a Lime Kiln, and one of the
I be&t tne quarries in the valley, . The Kiln has capa-.
.i,. ......j ,,. ..... A n Knniri tni ft.ii.iii:
1 . j .. .
els of lime per day.
The crops and stock can be nought with tho t arm.
Here is a good cnanceior a Darr:nn.
Bossardsville, July 1, 1S75. tf.
In pursuance to an Act of Assembly, entitled
an Act relating to the collection of State ami
County Taxes in the county of Monroe," avn
proved May 6, 1SG7, the county Trersurei
will meet the Tax-payers of said county for
the collection of State and county taxes iu and
for the following places, to wit: , ,
In Tuukhannock township, Monday .Augun
2, 1875, at the house of Reuben Bonser. .
lobyhanna township, luesday August 6. at
the house of Isaac Stauller.
Coolbaugh township, Wednesday, August 4.'
at the house of J. B. Shaw.
Barrett township, Thursday, August 5th at
the house of John W. Yothers.
Price township, Friday, August 6, at tho
house of Lewis Long.
Paradise township. Saturday. August?, at
the house of James Kintz.
M. Smithfield township, Monday, August 9,
at the house of Jacob Place, and luoeday
August, 10, at the house of James Place.
Sniithhcid township, Wednesday, Anguil
11, at the house of Simeon I). Bush, andThur
day, August 12, at the house of Thomas Brod-
Borough of East Stroudsburg, Friday,
August 13, at the house of John IIogenshieltL
Borough of stroudsburg, Saturday, August
14, at the Treasurer's ollice.
Ross township, Monday, August 16, at tho
house of Jacob tStocker.
Eld red township, Tuesday,' August 17, at
the house of .Stephen Rover.'
Polk township, eunesuay, August 13, at
the house of Joel Kiesge.
Chestnnthill towiislnp, Thursday, August
19, .at the house of Charles Eberle, and Friday,
August 20, at the house of Duvieu Everett.
Jackson township, Saturday August 21, at
the house of Peter R. Storm.
Hamilton township, Monday, August 23, at
the house of Charles Andrew, on Tuesday, 21,
at the house of John K nodes, and on ednes-
day, August 25, at tho house of Charles
Stroud township, Thursday and Friday, Au
gust 26 and 27, at the house of Silas L Irake.
l'ocono township, rnday, fecntcniiHir 3, at
the house of Charles Brown.
Tax payers who avail themselves of this op
portunity to pay their taxes, will be entitled
to an abatement of five per cent. For the con
venience ot tax payers visiting Mioiulsburg,
ny o
our taxes at nis onue, neioro saut uavs.
Treasurer's Oflice, Stroudsburg, June 1, 1875.
For sale at this Oflice.
the treasurer will receive any of the above