Ui discharged without a ei.sC -u . . .1. . ru., f 1 r -;,1 the face of his patient ! 1 Ml- i' o.irl ivnrv lilack. a Ml' liU","" . . ipplicd a as lete Jca L necessary to keep up a mask. comj - cmirlc Svlvan Glen, ot .New t riptured a monster animal L" urile, off Montauk Point, i rcsemb recently. i:. Il"3 . .1 sivn iect ions n 1 two feet the The a!11 tt.,i;l tin ordinary tu irtle, thro"?11; - . w, i.irfre fina prcj iect- ril lias UU iv-vj o . anl11 .:.i,r side, which measure ei ;ht feet il.,?-Ul w icross. The head is unqucstion !!5V that of a turtle, but is crowded abl.y. Jtie texture. The ami with imal is ? '.win? iu its head. Its neck hh l.w.l- : ..bout a 'v,' . 7 . ' ri.l.'cs run horizontally at equ:. aiil ria T. a ttlln :a nofc thick, a' al dis- and re- la" n,!J tutta pcrcha. It is estimated ?! "bed from SCO to 1000 pounds. it VL's' 9 t . How to Destroy Insects. that rrho Boston Journal of Chemistry says tint hot alum water .s an enectual insecti- i . It will destroy red and black ants, . sniders. chinchbuirs, and all T crawling pests which infest our houses. ..c r Si .rives the following directions I III ml . J' C frits application: Take two pounds of , and dissolve it m three or lour quarts Yhoilin" water ; let it stand upon the fire .-, .i..f oi.mi disappears : them apply it until i 'it -- ii . - with a brush, while nearly hot, to every - t and crevice in your closets, bedsteads, mntry shelves, and the like. Brush the ;r vcu suspect that they Harbor vcr .;' If in whitewashing a ceiling, plenty .,.l.l,d to the lime, it will also scrv ol aiuiu ii - . . i . ;cwt! nt a distance. Cockroaches will floe the paint which has been washed down in cool alum water. Sugar barrels iml boxes can be treed irom ants Dy uraw vc i wide chalk mark just round the edge ..f'tlie tup of them. The mark must be unbroken or they will creep over it ; but a ?!! sot these depredators at naught. Powdered alum or borax will keep the i.:..u,imt nt a respectable distance, and travelers should always carry a package ot it in their hand-bags to scatter unaer ana over their pillows in places where they have :mv reason to suspect the presence of such Wd-iellows. To this we may add that we i,.,v r.wntlv irot rid of an army of large Jtd IV J I. . - . - auts. which invaded a pantry, evidently by wav of the seal jape connecting a water tloset with the sewer, by scattering pow dered camphor on the shelves and wherever they harbored. In three days there was nut one to be seen. Abyssinian Slaves. The Abvssinian girls are remarkably j.rettv. with large eyes and delicately-shaped f utiuvs. These girls are brought down I'n.m the Cialla country by the slave-dealers ir-'in Abvssiniai). That beautiful country, which, had we not wantonly deserted it, inHit have become of great importance, is now a prev to anarchv. The opposing tribes arc only too happy to sell their le inale prisoners to the Arab slave-traders. These enple bring down the young girls in gangs by various routes, but the princi pal outlet is the lied Sea, at Massowa. A great market is at Gallabat, the frontier Town of Abyssinia. There I have seen them crowded together in mat tents, wait ing for purchasers from those commissioned to procure slaves by the wealthy Arabs and Turkish officials. At Gallabat a handsome vouni: trirl of sixteen is worth about 15, but the same girl at Cairo would fetch 40 ir .(. The Abyssinians are a much ad vanced race compared with the negroes of Central Africa. The women are very af fectionate ami devoted to those who show them kindness. Thus, as they combine beauty with devotiou, they are much sought for, and command a high price iu the mark et. They are seldom purchased by com mon jteojile, as their pnce is too high, and they cannot earn money by bodily labor like ncgresses, being too delicate and un able to sustain fatigue. Although they are generally termed Abyssinians, (llahbes hem,) 1 have never met with a true high caste Abyssinian girl these would be Christians ; whereas all I have seen have been Gallas a Mahommedau race. Many of these poor jrirls die from fatizue on the desert journey from Gallabat to the sea- eoast. Those who reach Khartoum, or the towns ol Lower Lgypt, are sold to the wealthy, and generally take a high position in the harems, often becoming the wives of their purchasers. In the Soudan I have met several charming Abyssinian ladies, who, having married European residents. !iave become perfectly civilized ; proving uit race is capable ol great advancement. V tan Ulan g Ma igozine. Special ISTotice. I We hnvp 1 nnn a r a i v limber Lands to exchange for a good Farm I"-, cuuu-asouro: on a cash basis only. lr., Pearson & Thompson, jJulyS .tf Kast Stroudsburg. ir brve 1'00 Ares of pood Farm and f J mibcr Land in Arkansas, withiu two miles 3?"i liailroad tn nvr.l,.,n-rc. 1 r. Also a dwelling in Tironl-Iv. nnvin-r -Tn iler month, unincutulred for a ?ood farm. Pe.uson & Thompson, 'tf. East Stroudsburg. Or ''Ms cheaper than eve lias them uiarkwl u- cr at N. Kuster's down to bottom i-lrii'i' J I w,LW TU arrivc Kuster's this uk and nest. JWt fail to call and see ne ni lwi'1 A w;',v,lin wcure a good bargain W i Vl;H ,0Ita11 at ItustcP as he is t: I A new ,, i j , . 5x r, . "una ai fttokes' Wills, l'nce ;Wied in L0!" "i cents i,cr b,,shel- Crai" IavriVfCi' bnliel, live $1.05 at present U1 X. s. W YCKOFF & SONS Indhfri'""1" onler t0 rluit t,,c IJoot f "irp TH,ICSS. Silon Fried ofTors his Vow i'T V cot't- Comc one and a11- . VStMclaa has just 'uuee lor bargains. A fresh supply of Enjtllsli Salted Potasli, just received at Williams Drug Store, JMam street, fetroudsbursr, 1'a. War ranted pure. PETEIt WILLAMS. JuneO-tf Just received at William's Drug Store, a lanre stock of White Lead, Linseed Oil and VAltNISII for the spring trade. Price of Lead and Oil reduced. March 18, '75 AUDITOKS SETTLEMENT FOR THE BOROUGH of STROUDSBURG, For the year ending June, 1S75. A. O. GRKEXWALD, Treasurer of the Stroudsburg bchiKil District, fur the year eiuiitig June 7, isd. DR. To State appropriation To tuition of pupils out of District To tax of John Keener on Duplicate of 1872, To tax of S. L. Drake, on Duplicate IS 70 S2G 32 of 1872. 482 93 To tax of I,inferd Ruth " 1874 1726 0:; " cash of C. U. Warnick for lot 50 00 44 44 I Y. Kaird, former Treasurer 228 67 44 John Ml 'art v. late 44 187 80 Balance due X. O. UfenwaM 44 a2 00- $3,405 83 CR. Br amount paid Teachers on Checks 82144 3S 44 . " 44 as accrued Interest 49 85 44 44 " for Secretary's salary 1373 25 00 44 44 " Auditor's for 1874. 6 00 44 44 " for Printing, TO 00 44 44 44 Fuel and Contingencies, 164 a 44 41 44 repai rs for School 1 louses 583 19 44 Treasurers Commission on $3;fcft) 05 at 2 per cent, paid eut, 66 7353405 83 Examined and allowed. July 8th, 1875. JACKSON LANTZ, " JOHN S. FISHE1I, VAuditors. U. S. JACOBY, J STATEMENT of the Building Tax levied in 1S72. DR. To amount of Duplicate for Building S1402 10 casn ior lot soia 10 c u. arnicit ow w- ','- v CR. By exonerations allowed on Duplicate $51 24 44 commissions for collecting f 1440 80 at 5 per cent. 72 04 4i cash paid for repairs in 1872 57 13 u u .4 u D7;; 94 17 " " " " 1874 583 19 $S57 77 Balance due said Building Fund $684 33 This amount is now in use as ordinary School Funds and due from the same to the Building Hina. JACKSON LANTZ,) JOHN S. F1SHEU, J-Auditors. B. S. JACOB Y, J July S, 1S75. PETER II. ROBESON and REUBEN THOMAS. Orer- seers of the Poor in account with uorougnoi sirouus burg, for year ending June, 1S75. 1 in 1S71 S.S55 09 Amount of checks issued since last Auditors settlement to July 20, ISio, jinn :j rcter IT. Robeson, Trcalurcr of Overseers, in account with said fund, D72. To cash of A. Fowler, on Duplicate of S-sT, 71 372 7" 222 89 $032 35 44 Linferd Ruth, 44 1873 u u " 1S74( CR. By the paymeut of checks for the following named pur poses : For keeping paupers For keeping vagrants For funerals For rent For Medical attendance For auditing 1S71. 174 and 1873, S n6 IS 71 70 00 f.l 00 25 00 12 00 8 (iO 10 50 151 01 35 80 SCSI 23 For mating Duplicates For nrintinir For services of overseers For lumber Bal. due and in P. II. Robeson's hands $1 12 JACKSON l.ANTZ,") JOHN S. FISHER, V Auditors. B. S. JACOBY. J July 20, 1S7--5. july 22. ::t. Auditor's Notice. Estate of MARY S1IAFER, dee'd. 1 11 1 ' ) i t" " . . - of Monroe Count r. Auditor to make distribution of the fundi in hands of Alonzo B. Shafer, Administrator of K L'.r.u t-i.r Vhf,rr li-isH will nftenH to th IIIU Jj3(.k vri .i.i; . - - duties of his appointment, 011 Tuesday, the 3d day of August, 1875, at H o cloct a. m. at tne omee 01 Jion. j. B. Storm, in Stroudsbur, when and where all persons ;.trrvtH irr reiii red to attend or be ftirever debarred from coining in fr a hhare of said fund. M. A. IK 1 VAN HORN, Auditor. July 15, 1S75. It. LOST, From my wacron on the public road be tween Stroudsburtr, and the residence of Jacob Treible, in Sniithfield township, on Thursday. July 8, lbtn, one blue and white striped woolen blanket, and a piece of checkered flannel red, blue, black and white. The finder will be suitably reward en for his trouble, by sending inc word, and I will call and jret them. MATIIEW raOCTOR, Bushkill, July 15, 1S75-3L A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope. Price 6 eentt A future on the Nature. Treatment, and Radical cure of Heminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhoea, induced hy Self-Abuse, Involuntary J-jnissions, inipoiency, Nervous Debility, and Impedimenta to Marriage generally; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, &c. By Bobert J. Cuu- - - 1 ...V.. ,.T l.o Wlrtvfr. Ilrw.fc- An The world-renowned author, in this admirable lec ture, clearly proves from his own experiences, that the awful consequences of Sdf-Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bouaries. instruments, rings, or cordials; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every eunerer, no mancr wnm his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. 4Tliis Lecture w ill prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any addrss, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Address the X'ublntiers, til AS. J. C. KLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New York. April 15 75-Iy.J Post Office Box, 4556. ORPHANS' COURT SAIE. Hv virtue of an alias order of the Orphans' Court of Monroe County, will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, on THURSDAY, AUGUST 5th, 1876, the following described Heal Estate, late of Levi Strouss, deceased, viz : A certain Lot, Messuage and Farm of Land Situate in Stroud township, Monroe county, containing 25 Acres, ninri nr Ipsa, adloinin" land of Ebenezer Hunt, Jno. Bovs, Chas. Gearing and Mrs. J no. Detrick. ' - a rr- t T J About 20 acres cleared, balance iiruoer .anu The improvements are a r rarac Dwelling House, ir, hv 18 fett. U stories: FKAMI IJAKN and other out buildings. (Jood young Apple Orchard, "jon the premises, and also water on the premises. Sale to commence at 1 o clocK in the auer noon, when terms and conditions will be made known, by MORRIS IL STHOUSS, Adm'or. liv order of the Court. Tho. M. McIlhaneY, Clerk. July 15, ;75-3t. BLANK MORTGAGE For ,salo at this Office. m Terrible Sensation !! THE CHEAP AUCTION STORE AHEAD ! THE RED FLAG FLOAUIXG TO THE BREEZE ! The crowds are coming from every quarter. SUMMER GOODS arc rushing off at cost and some below cost! Wonderful knockdown in price & profits' These are "Facti." "NVe have marked down our bleached and unbleached Musis n from 1 to 2 cents per yard. Our Calicoes knocked down 2 cents a yard. Our Hamburg Edgings, Swiss and Cam- brick Muslin, Pekas and Victoria lawns marked down from 3 to 5 cents a yard. Our black and colored Alpaccas down from 5 to 10 cents a yard. Our Cotton bats and best Carpet warp down from 5 to G cents per lb. Our Hosiery, Gloves and Notions won derful cheap. Children's and Misses striped Hose only 8, 10 and 12 cents a pair. Our Linen Towles, Table Damask, Bed- tic, Flannels, heavy Shirtings, Pant-stuff, Counterpanes and Carpets, by far the cheap est in the County. Come and see for your self. AVe have four thousand yards of beauti ful bonnet and sash Ribbons, some five and a half inches wide, for 25 cts. a yard. Some Ribbons as low as 6 cts. per yard. We have beautiful wide Sashes only 20 cents. Our best Spool Cotton, 200 yards, only 4 cents. Our best Pins and Xeedles only 5 cents a paper. We have concluded to close out some of our plain and striped Summer Dress Goods for 10 and 12 cents a yard. I We are now selling a good soft felt Hat for Boys and Men for 80 cents and 61 25, nearly half price. We have Misse's and Ladies Straw Hats trimed, for the wonderf ul low price of 25 and 50 cents. We are selling beautiful Flowers much less than half price. Wc arc selling good Cassimere Coats for 3, 4 and 5 dollars. We are selling good Vests, well made, for 60 cents, and Pants for $1. We will sell a whole summer suit, for Men, coat, vest and pants, well made, for $2 35. We will sell a whole suit, well made, of Cassimer cloth, for $8, and Children s and Youth s suits for $4 and $6. We will sell Youth's and Men's leather Gaiters for $1 50 and $2. Wc will sell Misse's and Women's good cloth uaitcrs lor 51 2d. We have given you a few samples. Now for the Rush ! Come one and all. Come from Stroudsburg & East Stroudiburg. Come from Conadcnsis. Come from Oakland and Toby h inn a. Come from Spragueville & the Bmithfield's. Come from Portland and Water Gap. Come from Chesnut Hill and Hamilton. Come from Kellersville and Bartonsville. Come from Chery Valley and the Mountains Come even from Paradise, and we will do you good. Wc have swung out The Red Flag, to the breeze. When you come to town get your eye on it and don't take it off until you get in the Wonderful Cheap Auction Sstore, among the Clieap Groods. We wish to inform the public that we have no connection with any other Store new or old in Stroudsburg. Wc mind our own business and let our neighbours and their goods alone, wishing them all peace and prosperity. DECKER & CO. STOP Tj April 15, 1875.-ly. FOR SALE CHEAP. A LAW LIBRARY, principally Standard i'ngiisii orK8. July 8-3t. S. G. TIIROOP, TO THE LADIES. Ladies Hair-Combings, made up cheap and good into Braids, Swithces, Curls, Prises, etc., orders left at Mrs. P. II. Clemens' Kanrv Mil linery Store, Main Street, Strondsburg, three J 1-1 j. . T.. .1'.. 1 ,.- . w . . uwn ueiow me inuiau tueen Hotel, or send by mail to C. & L. E. LAKE. Strnnrlslmrcr. Monroe county. Residence two miles west of O 11 il t - ii. oirouasDurg on me jvuniieiown road. July 8, 1875-6m. SOMETHING NEW 1 A SHOE MANUFACTORY. The undersigned would respwtfully give notice that they hTe established at Williams' lull building, cor ner of George and Monroe streets, Stroudsburg, Pa a SHOE MANUFACTORY, for the making of all kinds of Lalys and Gentlemen ItikTktft And ShnAB CUSTOM WORE Persons harlntr deformed fet. bunions or eoms or children with weak ankles, or erooked limbs, ean have nere 01 nrsi Class materials ana at reasonable prices Shoes made to suit their eases. HaTine had a litre exiKJrience in New York we feel confident that we can suit customers as to qualities and price, all of our goods both for general and secial sale ar warranted to be as represented. Please rive us a call, examine our goods and materials consisting of surges, giazeu rrenc n.xnai ana jrenc-n Call Kia, long grained, lirush and Pebbled (Joat Morocco, French and American Calf and Kip Skins, all of which will be cheerfully shown to those who may call. Intending to make a first rate wearing article w have nothing to conceal, either in stock or make from the public, hut wouia inviie inetr closest scrutiny. July 8, '75-tf IL E. CROMMETT & CO. ANNUAL DISTRICT REPORT or SMITHFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT, For the year ending June 7, 1875. Tax rate 10 mills on the dollar of valuation. RECEIPTS. Amount of tax levied for school purposes Amount collected by Treasurer SHlfi 13 $2139 78 $2036 28 collector 620 10 Total amount received on Dupliate Keeeivea Irom fetate appropriation 5281 78 " Co. 1 reasurer, from sales land Xt 02 Bal. on hand from Treasurer Total receipts from all sources 29 77 SH T.7 S2380 85 EXl'ENCES. Teachers wages $209: 73 61 80 K.74 4.5 00 15 00 4 48 102 00 80 85 Kepalrs, renewals, Ac. Fuel and contingencies Treasurer's commissions Secretary's salary Auditors and lown I lerk Debt and interest paid Paid other Dist ricts Total expenses of District $2522 32 Total expenses over receipts $141 47 RESOURCES. In hands of Collector I'.eturned to Commissioners $22 39 6 42 Total resources $23 81 LIABILITIES. Amount due on unpaid bills S14G 00 Liabilities OTer resources $117 19 E. T. CROASDALE, Scc'y. July 1, 1873. 3U FARM FOR SALE. The undersicrnod offers at private sale, his Farm, sit- nate in Hamilton township, Monroe County, Pa., near Bossardsville, and 6 miles from Stroudsburg, County seat of Monroe, containing 75 Acres, about 6 Acres Timber Land, the balance improved Iandt lime stone soil, in a high state ot" cultivation The im provements are a Frame House, containing nine rooms; Barn 32 by 40 fee : aeon htiert. rig-pen is Dy .w leetJ ith Carriage House attached, and all other necessary out-buildings; a never falling well of water near the dwelling. There is an excellent Orchard of Choice Fruit Trees on the farm, consisting of Apple, Teach, Cherry, Plum, Prunes, Crab-apple, several varieties, (I rapes, standard and dwarf Cherries, &c; a Lime Kiln, and one of the best stone quarries in the valley. The Kiln has capa city enough to turn out one hundred and fifty bush els or lime per aay. The crops ana stocK can De Dougiu wnn tne l arm. Here is a good chance for a bargain. PETEtt W. SHAFER. Bossardsville, July 1, 1875. tf. NOTICE TO THE TAX-PAYERS or MONROE COUNTY. In pursuance to an Act of Assembly, entitled "an Act relating to the collection of State and County Taxes in the county of Monroe," ap proved May G, 18G7, the county ' Treasurer will meet the Tax-payers of said county for the collection of btate and county taxes in and for the following places, to wit: In Tuukhannock township, Monday August 2. 1875. at the house of lieuben Uonser. Tobyhanna township, Tuesday August 3, at the house of Isaac StaulFer. Coolbaugh township, Wednesday, August 4. at the house of J. B. Shaw. Barrett township, Thursday, August 5th at the house of John W . i others. Price township, Friday, August 6, at the house of Lewis Lons. Paradise township, Saturday, August 7, at the house of James Kintz. M. Smithfield township, Monday, August 9, at the house of Jacob Place, and Tuesday Auerust. 10. at the house of James Place. Smithfield township, Wednesday, August 11, at the bouse of . Simeon D. Bush, and Thurs- day, August 12, at the house ot 1 nomas lirou head. Borough of East Stroudsburg, Friday, August 13. at the house of John Hogenshield Borough of Stroudsburg, Saturday, August 14. at the Treasurer's oflice. Boss township, Monday, August 10, at the house of Jacob Stocker. Eldred township, Tuesday, August 17, at the house of Stephen Boyer. Polk township, Wednesday, August 13, at the house of Joel Kresge. Chcstnuthill township, Thursday, August 19. at the house of Charles Kberle, and Friday, August zu, at tne nouseoi uavicu jvcrtn. Jackson township, Saturday August 21, at the house of Peter It. Storm. Hamilton township, Monday, August 23, at the house of Charles Andrew, on Tuesday, 24, at the house of John Bhodes, and on ednes day, August 25, at the house of Charles Bossard. Stroud township. Thursday and Friday, An trust 26 and 27. at the house of Silas h Drake. Pocono township, Friday, September 3, at the house of Charles Brown. Tax payers who avail themselves of this op portunity to pay their taxes, win De eniuici to an abatement of five per cent. For the con venienceof tax pavers visiting Stroudsburg, tlm treasurer will receive any of the above taxes at his oflice, before said days. JONAS ALTIMUS, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, Siroudburg, June 1, 1875. G B. KELLER, MANUFACTURER Wc respectfully call your attention to the fact that wc have just returned from the City with oue of the best selected stocks of GOODS that we have ever had ; and, hav ing bought our new stock at very great bargaius, we propose to make it lively in ehoe leather. We honestly and candidly believe, that with our Facilities for thiying Goods Low, and our dointr a larsrc Business on Small MafiriiiS; and a CASH liasis, wd can con- vince e you that we cau make yoiif GREENBACKS go further, ahd buy More Goods at our Store than you have been getting heretofore. WE sell SILVER'S celebrated manufacture of FINE SIIOESj which whenever tried once, require no further recom mendation for their great and jrood service. We have recently added to our business a Manufacturing Establishment, which is under the Superb tendendcy of LEWIS WATERS, a skillful and experienced work man, and we are therefore prepared to make to order, on short notiecj BOOTS' AND SHOES of any grade, for Men and Women's t Wear. We use the best materials, insure fit, and do our work in the latest and best styles. Repairing neatly and expeditiously done. Try us and receive the proof. Stroudsburg, April 29th, 1S75. ORDINANCE No. 13. Be it Ordained and enacted by the Corporation oj the Jiorough of Last Slroudsbvrg, tn lovm Louncil Assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by authority of the same: Sec. 1. That the Stroudsburg Passenger Railway Company be and hereby is required and directed to remove the track of Eaid Bail- way to the center of Washington Btreet : be ginning at a point midway between the Eas tern ends of the Eastern wing-wallsof the Iron .bridge over 15 rod head a Creek in the said Bor ough of East Stroudsburg, to a point in said street where Courtland street intersects said Washington street in said Borough near the store of Thomas Steraples. bEC. 11. lhat eaid Stroudsburg Passenger Railway Company be and hereby is directed in re-laying said Railway track to conform with the grade of said Washington street as the same has been established by the Burgess and Town Council of said Borough of East Stroudsburg. feec. Ill That ten days notice shall be given to said Stroudsburg Passenger Railway Com pany of the enactment of this ordinance, and that said Railway be removed as herein en acted within two months from the service of said notice. Approved June 7th, 1875. PHILIP LYON, Attest : Chief Burgess. Theo. Y. Hoffman, Secretary. June 17 -It. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SCHOOL DISTP.ICT OF EAST STROUDSBURG, Ending June 1, 1875. DR. Amount of School Tax Duplicate in hands of A. 1IAL- r, Collector, 144 43 CR. Exonerations $29 4f l'or centage for collortinir 18 67 Cr. as per receipt of Treasurer 370 00 41S 13 Balance due Treasurer JC 32 Amount of Building Tax Duplicate $447 17 Exonerations 29 4? Cr. as per recept of Treasurer 139 f 1'er eentage 13 79 1S7 23 Balance due Treasurer $209 92 DR. Account of Treasurer. R. S. STORM, with District. To amount ree'd, .State appropriation $140 1 Jtal. on hand as per last report 4 52 Am i ree'd of Jacob 1 Khodes, is3. 35 00 Of tax-payers on Duplicate while in I reasurer s nanus 49. 29 Of A. llallet, Collector 370 o For Tuition 10 0051114 97 UK. By cash paid Teachers, salary, S75 00 secretary, jr, oo Fuel and contingencies 90 4.1 Percentage 13 63 Total expenses $095 06 Amount in nanus ot tne .treasurer in hauds of Collector Amount due District $-119 91 26 32 $440 23 Bounty funds in hands of Treasurer, from last year, as per last report : tw Amount ree'd of J. L, Rhodes, for 1S73, 51 50 Amount ree'd on Duplicato while in Treasurer s hands 44- 29 Of A. llallet, Collector, 139 00 910 87 Cr. by Interest paid $263 11 650 94 61 15 974 21 ' $259 0i Bonds redeemed For incidental expenses In hands of A. llallet, Collector Due District Liabilities of District 195 C2 $2,749 00 J. F. IIERZOG, Sec'y. June 24, 1875. St. Borough Ordinance. Be it ordtnned Li the Chief Jiuracss and Town Councilmcn of tlie Jiorough of tbtromlsuurg, and a is hereby enacted 1U authority of the same : That the following streets and parts of streets be curbed and paved with good hard Brick or Flag Stone, to wit: The North side of Aon Street between Franklin and Centre Streets, seven feet wide. The east side of Analomink Avenue from the north line of William II. (jaris' lot to Main Street, four feet wide. The west side of (Jeorge Street, between Monroe and Sarah Streets, seven feet wide. Both sides of Monroe Street between Cen tre and Franklin Streets, and the South side between Franklin and the Mill Race, mjvcu feet wide. Also both sides of Simpson or Poeono Street, between Susan Street and the Mill Race, six feet wide. Should any person or persons affected by this Ordinance fail or refuse to lay said Pavements on or before the 1st day of Sep tember 1S75, the Street Committee will proceed to do said work at their expense with twenty per cent, of the cost added. THEODORE SC1IOCIT, Attest: Chief Burgess. B. S. Jacoiiy, Sec'y. June 8, 1875-24-3t. ANOTHER TROl'lIY lVO. BY THE ESTEY COTTAGE ORGANS! These Riiperior and beautifully finished in struments bo far eclipsed their competitor in volume, purity, sweetness and delicacy of tone, as to carry oh" the first and only premium giv en to exhibitors of reed Organs at the Monroe County Fair, held September 25, 1S74. Buy onty the best. For price list address Octl-tf.l J. Y.SIGAFUS, DON'T FOOL YOirit JIIOXKY awav for worthless articles of Furniture, but go to McCarty & Sons, and you will pet well paid for it. (June 18,'74-tt' B LANKS OF ALL KINDS for Sale at this Office. i AND DEALER IN C. B. KELLER; $15,000 to 20,000 "WANTED! 7 Per Cent. COUNTY BONDS FOR SALE. IXTEIiEST PAYABLE AXXUALI.V. The Commissioners of Monroe County offer for sale 7 percent. Bonds to suit purchasers. The bonds are issued under Act of Assembly of April 2d, 1S70, authorizing the issue of bonds for the purpose of raising funds for the building a hew Jail: Said Bonds are exempt from all taxation, and a rare opportunity la offered to capitalist, largcsor small, for invent raent at home on the most reasonable ternltf. For further information apply to TETER E DINGER, ) SANUEL POSTEXS, CbmVs JACOB FRABLE, J The Commissioners will meet at their officii in Stroudsburg, on Monday of each week, fof the purpose of issuing Bonds. M. II. DREHER, Clerk. June 10, 1S75. STATEMENT, " ' Stroudsburg School District's Receipts and Expenditures for 1874, tax rate 13 mills on the dollar of valuation. Am't of duplicate 1S74, '$ 22-31 OH Receipts. Treas. received from former Treasurer, 1S7 "0 Received of Collectors 2179 GO " State appropriation 353 32 " all other sources 397 43 $31 17 6& Treasurer Expended. For repairing and furn'ing $621 81 For teachers' wages, 1G30 00 For Fuel and contingencies, 117 7S Fees for Collector and Treas. 109 23 Debt and interest paid, 571 51 Other expenses, 69 20 Salary of Secretary, 25 00 $3164 53 Am't overpaid by Treasurer deducted to balance), 46 S3 $3117 C5 Amount of liabilities, 1789 5-" Am't of tax yet uncollected, 1215 30 Exces of liabilities, $574 16 KOB'T E. DEPUYj Pres't Attest : C. S. Detkick, Sec; Stroudsburg, June 17, 1875; STROUDSBURG HA? A ClIEAr CLOTHlKa ANt) Boot and Shoe Store, AT LAST ! James l-Jdinger has just returned with an entire new stock of CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, Gents Furnishing Goods, that he bought at panic prices and is sellitlff them at prices that astonish all. Call abd look and be convinced before you purchaid elsewhere. One door above ilollitishcad'a Drug Store. May 6, '75-tf. HL,.TCIII.EY'S improved CfCtilBF.ti WOomTMP i the acknow ledge STANDARD of tbo market, by opular .rerdict; the best pump for the least monev. Attention Is inriied (o lUaU-liley's Improved Bracket, th Drop 'heek Valve, which cim be withdrawn with ut disturbing the joints, and the txtt? 4 " I :iia:iHT men never eraeKS, kcuten tr runs i-q g '4 md will last a life time. For sale by lealer ! ! -l :i and the trndeiretieraltv. In onler tn hemir j .i i i - i i . , . . yj?J" l't you Ret Hlatchley's Tump, be cartful Ma see that it has my trade-mark as above. If rou do not know where to bur. daaerio- tive circulars, together with the nam) and addr f thejigent nearest yon, will be promptly furnished hf addressing, with stamp. MAS. C. J1LATCIILEY, taufoftnrtr 50G Commerce t., Philadelphia, Tl March 4, 1573. 5m. tyeyer's Poultry Powder Warranted. If used In time, to cure chicken cholera and rapes. W uli a supply of tola Powder, and a bestowal ot ordinary attention to clean liness and propei feeding i Willi it nelfnl fennnlf i f nusi, pnt and cggsbeii-rormmg material, aay otie may keep l'oultry (even In confinement) for any leucth of time, with both profit and pleasure. Package 25 ct., five for H.OO. Ask your dealer; heut free upon ro ceipt of price. AUdrcM, A C. MEYER. & CO., Baltimore. I June 17, 1875-om. ESTABLISHED 1823. PI A XO MAX UFACT II KEKS, 722 Arch Street, Pill LA DEL VII I A. Tlli: LEADING FIIWT-CLASS PIANOS. Xo other Pianos have the improvements. Prize Medal oflhe Word's Fair, London, Eng land, and the highest Prizes in thn conntr awarded. May 'JO-Sin. " A KICJK STOCK OF CHOI IT, Family (Jroeerics, Queeuswarc, Glass ware, Wood and Willow-ware, at C. R. ANDKH&Co. 2VrM CASH. jan. ?.(, "73 tf. I c-bruury 4, i15. ly. jylll