The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, May 27, 1875, Image 3

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Tli8 Desolation at Usceola Extent of 1
the Damage w Hat the People Need.
Tyrone, Pa., May 23. The following
lias been received from the superintendent
of the Moshanuon Land and Lumber Com
pany, of Osceola Mills: "I arrived here
yesterday and find 'the destruction and
desolation very much greater than it has
been reported. Nine-tenths of the town
is burned leaving scarcely enough ahes to
mark the spot where the houses stood.
The fire broke out at or near Taylor's saw
mill, on Coal ran, two and three-quarter
miles above Osceola, burned the mill.
lumber and houses, swept down the run to
the Moshannon cn4:, t.uviiiic ki its course
tl"! saw will, lutaber and bouses of T. C.
Ik'hr:.-" & Co., Ihcaoe down the Moshannon
l.i ;he Kvlt rniil of the Mo,hr,nton Land
and J,i;?ub:ir Conipatsy, three-quarters of a
nni:e above the town or Osceola, burnincj
the mill aud house and about 2,000,000
leet of manufactured lumber, besides a
Iarrc quantity ot logs, thence down both
sides of the creek on the east side of the
rear of Oscola, taking first the part called
Frcnchville, sweeping" over the centre of
I hA ATl-tl . .1 I - nfV W . . aji.. a... . 1 - I W
4 : 1 1. . u ut: ....1 1 i it .1
Lest dwellings in the place, with all th
hotels and stores on th wrW: u nP
e West- Side Ot the
creek, at the same time first attacking t.h
Philadelphia colliery, owned by the Kittan
ning Coal Company, burning the shute and
all the miners' houses and twelve railroad
cars belonging to the same company, and
then the large gang-saw mill, owned by the
Moshannon L. & Company, was between
two fires. The lumber first took fire and
was fought vigorously, but to no avail.
The Tyge mill, as it is called, was almost
the last to take fire and all was consumed
' .-
around and about it. 15.000 000 f.w
lumber and the finest saw mill, so said, on
this contiuent, not the largest but the most
complete in all its parts. . Besides this the
large planing mill belonging to Wallace
Bros., the saw mill of tiamuel Milligan,
and the large steam tannery of John White!
In the midst of the conflagration thieves
and robbers were plying their trade, ap
propriating articles of value. Money and
clothing arc needed, and the supply of food
will have to be kept up for a time. A com
mittee of the very best men of the town
arc now in charge of the supplies coming
forward, and they are being dispensed with
great care and economy. A special police
force is on duty, lloutsdale, five miles
'auoTc, oii the Moshannon Branch Railroad,
has escaped pretty well, only about fifteen
houses being burned, and, to the credit of
the miners, even the violcut strikers worked
like heroes to save the coal shutes and im
provements connected therewith, none of
which have been damaged. The railroad
will be repaired so as to bring out coal by
Friday. Reports received here to.night
describe the fire around
Phillipsburg as nearly out."
In Carbon County.
Malti! Chunk, Pa
.severe fires have been
31 ay 11. cry
raging in Carbon
county for the past few days. An immense
amount of lumber, saw-lojrs and dwelling-
houses have been consumed in the Hickory
Jtun and 31 ud liun regions. The fires are
beyond control, and nothing but a rain-fall
oau extinguish them. The inhabitants of
31 ud Hun have suffered terribly from the
flames, numerous families escaping only
wit u tueir lives, ail tneir Household goods
and residence being lost.
The Book of the Season.
We have received by the last mail a cop'
nf the first number of an illustrated publi
cation, which is being issued by Allen,
Lane & Scott and J. . Lauderbach, .No.
South Fifth street, Philadelphia.
The title of the work Is "A Centur
After," and its object is to convey, in an
entertaining and agreeable manner, bT
means of superb illustrations, aided by
charming and piquant literary matter, an
idea of the wonderful paogress of Philadcl-
phia and its sister cities'5 of the State of
civilization and the attendant arts and
.sciences, which has marked the growth of
the nation in its first century of existence.
On glancing over the pages we confess to
a sense of pleasurable surprise at the beau
ty aud artistic merit of the illustrations
which adorn this elegant and seasonable
book. There is that in it which will amply
repay the time devoted to an examination
of its pictorial treasures, and the trifling
expenditure necessary to the ownership of
n work of intrinsic beauty and value. Here
is something that possession will not tire of
an inexhaustible fund of refined enjoy
ment. From the foretaste which is here
given us, we hazard the opinion that the
future numbers will be eagerly looked for
in advance of publication, and that, when
..nmr,Wd it. will be not onlv a remarkable
W,L- i,t o A.XrrUM ennmir of iIia Ten-
a T,7,.t
41 II Ll 1A1 1 LU1L1 iL,UlI 2IIUVI 'Vll'AVUVVt I
The original contributions by Parley,
Moran. Beiisell. Schell, Hamilton, Wood
ward, and other well-known artists, will
consist of character, sketches and pictures
que views of scenery, (much of it associated
with incidents of romance, possessing a local
and national interest,) taken from points in
Philadelphia and vicinity and throughout
the State. The whole work, as announced
by the publishers, is intended to be a
Monument of American Art, Skill, and
It is excellently printed on a toned paper
of superfine quality, the size
ot the page
about 10 x 12 niches, aud will be
led in fifteen semi-monthly parts, at
fifty cents each, aud sold only to
Memorial Day a Legal Holiday.
The following communication has been
received from the Attorney General rela
tive to Decoration day :
The act making Decoration day a legal
hoilday declares that the 30th day of May,
commonly called Decoration day, or when
that day falls on the first day of the week,
the day preceeding it shall be a holiday,
and provides it shall be lawful to require
mvnienfc of all notes, checks and bills of
exchange due payable on such holiday on
the secular day next previous thereto, and
iu default of such payment the same may
be protested, etc. The law is clear ; Satur
day, the 29 th of May. is a legal holiday.
Samuel E. Dimmick, Attorney General.
A W ilkesbarre landlord, on Saturday
evening last, refused entertainment to Wang
L,hm too, a lecturer and graduate of
Columbia College. The "Coolie," as the
landlord called him, said he was able to
pay charges, but was ordered from the
The Clarion Jcffersonian
says : 1 lie
is considera
growing grain 111 this county
ble i.i;i.n.i v f -
kj u"oicu uy uiu spnug irosis. iUany
wneai, neias are being plowed for corn
and oats. Prospects for fruit are far from
"-in uiiguu iv wcck or two ot warm
weather may revive some crops that now
appear winter killed.
The Carlisle, Pa., Volunteer says : "The
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank of Shippens
burg having appointed assignees, all hopes
of it again-start imr in business arc at an
end. It is hopelessly insolvent, and scores
of men, women and orphan children who
fnnfcAaA in I . ..11 1 1 ti
in iu aie uneriy ruinea. ror a
bank of its capital ($65,000) it is the worst
tailure we ever heard of. For vears the
money.ofit3. depositors has been parceled
ut 10 pontes. Une man drew out of the
, ,10000 more th the whole capital
J n,lc.Scianton .Sllk factory, founded some
r aS 13 joying a season ot un
. -
"F F'ry, coming mny up to
I i no ovn.iirfiti.iii.i . . , i -: I , 1
1 .k. piij w tvl o. XI
materially improved in
every department.
and its producing capacity has been in
creased upward ot one hundred per cent.
xiwijr is m mil operation, employing
ISO hands, principally girls, and working
eleven hours a day, aided by the most su
perb machinery. The ages of the operativs
vary from twelve to sixteen years. The
company is now preparing 4,000 pounds of
"r T'rr,in average oi oV,UUU
I he bcranton Silk Company's
is now the fifth establishment of
that character
m size and capacity to be
found in the United States.
Mortality Among Congressmen.
Another member elected last fall to the
r oriy-iourtu Congress has just died, Mr.
.uaaow, oi Uregon. Ihis makes about the
twelfth death among the new Congressmen
a larger rate of mortality than had ever
been known before in the history of the
A Boy Lost.
Intormation wanted of Irani Kdward
David, who left Silver Lake township goto
Jjitcnneid, liradtord L'o.. 1'a., on the 5th i
ot 31a'. baid boy is about 15 years old,
slender, dark hair, and complexion ; coat
and pants gray mixed with black, stout !
boots, black sot t hat. Any one knowing
of his whereabouts will confer a favor on
his father ' by letting him know. J. C.
David, Litchfield Centre, Bradford, Co.,
Burglary atMilford.
Saturday night May 15th, the
watch-case lactory ot Desire Bournique, of
oi ii mord, ra., was entered bv bunrlars
I a ( J I
and robbedof about $2,000 worth of watches
and money. The entrance was effected
through the rear door, which was easily
broken open.
A large number of finished watches were
taken and some coin. Mr. Bournique had
Saturday received about 31,300 in solid
coin, which, fortunately, he had that even-i
ing removed Jrom the lactory. Several
unfinished watch-cases were lying on the
cases and were not taken. It is thought
the burglars had become fricrhtcned.
Several bars,
burglar's tools aud
a ham
mar on which were the letters
"P. J,
were found. The burglarly is thought to
have taken place about three o'clock Sun
day morning, as some folks in the neigh
borhood heard the dogs barking loudly
about that hour. Certain Port Jervis par
ties are suspected. Port Jcrvis Gazette.
Erie's Stock.
The New York Commerical Advertiser,
a thoroughly reliable newspaper, of May
18 contains the following regarding Erie
The heavy decline in London on Erie
Ftock is due to the large orders that went
from here yesterday and this morning to
resell on New York purchases of yesterday
and the day before. It is mentioned that
as much as 50,000 shares were placed on
the London market by cable from this
An editorial article in the Tribune this
morning on the affairs of the Erie road,
carefully prepared and looking to the early
default on interest and bankruptcy of the
concern and the total loss of the present
capital stock of eighty-six . millions is at
tributed to the inspiration of Mr. Gould,
because of his supposed stockholding in that
Parer - V e aon 1 believe, However, that
Ir- Gould will wait for Erie stock to fall
below zero before buying the control for
the Ju,y election.
Special ISTotice.
Just received at William's Drug Store, a
large stock of White Lead, Linseed Oil and
VAUNISII for the spring trade. Price of
Lead and Oil reduced. March 18, '75.
At the M. E. Parsonage, Analouiink, Pa.,
Mav 22d, 1875, by Bev. B. L. Martin, Peter
Brown of Forks Station, and Miss Mary Singer,
of Uartonsville, both of this county.
Incorporation Notice.
Notice 'm hereby given that it is the inten
tion of L. T. Siuith, David Taylor, E. E.
Hooker and eight others, citizens of the State
of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, to apply to
the Governor of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania for Letters Patent incorporating
the subscribers and their associates and suc
cessors, into a body politic and corporate by
the name of " The Pocono Land and Im
provement Company," in pursuance of the
Act of the General Assembly, approved April
29th, A. J)., 1874, the character and object of
which corporation will be the purchase and
sale of Real Estate and the improvement of
the same, to transact business and have its
principal office in the County of Monroe, and
Commonwealth of 1'ennsylvania.
and eight others.
Stroudsburg, Pa., May 27-3t.
The Winilerfnl Cheap
um Now!
What Next?
Over 2000 yards of I
t dulling Calico
remnants, only 7 and si nts a yard
Over 150 pair of Ladi
Stockings only 10 cents.
heavy fine White
OIso 444 pair of Ladies'
ma nwurens and
1 yi
Misse's heavy striped cottc
Lhoseonly8, 10, 12,
16 cents, nearly half price,
What Nej
250 yards of heavy ingra
ii carpet, pretty
style, only 35 and 45 cents.
What Next?
Large quantity of good sillA Parasols, only
SO and Si. verv ohean
- ' - L
What Next
100 Ladies' beautiful bilk fccwfs, from 20
cents to ou cts., nearly tiai: price.
v t 1 t tm 1
What Next?
Over 400 fine all linen handerkchiefs from 6
to 12J cts., worth nearly double tM money,
What Next?
Six cakes of Toilet
awful cheap.
Soap, all foe
15 cents,
What Next?
Six pair of Mens' half hose only 25 pent3 for
tne lot.
What Next?
Summer Dress goods only 10 eta. yanl and
What Next?
200 Mens' Coys and
for less than half price.
hats. Some
What Next?
A wonderful big lot of Children'
Youths and Mens' ready-made clothin;
received, cheaper than ever.
I, just
What Next?
Beautiful white Counterpanes only $1 25
very cheap; Linens, Linen Towls, Napkins,
Gents' and Lydie's handkerchiefs from 8 to 25,
What Next?
Three thousand yards of
all widths and colors, nearly half price.
What Next?
200 trimmed and untrimmed Hats for La
die'n, Misse's & Children, less than half price,
ALSO Lace.", Flowers and Feathers wonder
ful cheap.
What Next I
Gents', Ladle's, Misse's and Childrens' Ho
siery and Gloves, some of the best in the coun
ty for the price.
What Next !
All kinds of Notions and Fancy Goods,
good Pins, and best Needles for 5 cts. a paper,
and good Epool cotton, 200 yards warranted,
only 4 cents a spool.
Paper Collars 10 cts. and others in propor
tion. Wliat Next I
Four hundred Palm Leaf and Japanese
FANS, only 3 and 5 cents a piece.
What Next!
Kentucky Jeans 18 cents a yd., good Cassi
mere 50 cts. good Water-proof 95 cts. and dou
ble width black Beaver Cloth only SI 75,
great bargain.
What Xcxtl
Flannels of all kinds and colors. Among
them is heavy plaid Shirtings only 18 cents a
yard, and beautiful Counterpanes very cheap.
What Next?
Excellent Cotton Bats and Carpet Warp, a
great bargain.
What IVextt
We will sell you a whole suit of Men's
clothes, coat, vest and pants made up of good
heavy Cassimere, well made and lined, only
nine dollars and fifty cents, warranted.
What JVextt
We will sell Boys' and Youth's suits from
four to seven dollars, good cloth and well made.
What IK ext T
We will sell our five dollar Mens' Boots for
$3 50, and Mens' good lasting Boots for $1 7ir,
worth $2 50.
What Next! .
We shall pell Ladle's good lasting Gaiters for
$1 25 and $1 50, worth $1 75 and $2 25 in
some stores. We shall keep a good assortment
of Ladies' and Misses' and Children's Shoes,
and sell them wonderful cheap.
What Next?
We will sell good soft fashionable Hats for
Men for $1 50 and $1 75, worth $2 and $2 50
In some stores. Small Coy's and Youth's Hats
and Caps, very cheap.
What IKcxtT
We intend to keep on hand fashionable Dress
goods, in quantities so that none need to go
away without being suited, both in style, quality
and price.
What Next!
People wonder how Decker can sell goods so
cheap. The reason is simply this. Mr. Decker
lives near the city and can be there a great por
tion of his time hunting up the pretty and
cheap goods, and buys them for cash, and this
is the reason he can sell them so cheap for cash.
What JVextt
Our customers will find in Mr. Quacken
BCSir, the Superintendent of the Store, a gen
tleman who will always be glad to see them
and show them the cheap goods with great
What IVextl
Be sure and go to the Cheap Auction Store,
down town, 4 doors below the Post Office,
April 15, 1875. ly.
TM. . 1 1 .mm ii i i
.inese superior anu Deauuiuiiy limslied in
struments so far eclipsed their competitor in
volume, purity, sweetness and delicacy of tone,
as to carry off the firat and only premium giv
en to exhibitors of reed Organs at the Monroe
county iair, held September 25, 1874.
liny onty the btst. For price list address
Octl-tf. J. Y.S1GAFUS,
722 Arch Street,
No other Pianos have the im-Drovements.
Prize Medal of the Word's Fair. London. Enir-
iana, ana tne nighest I'rizes in this country
11....... ..'..'!
awarueu. May 0-3m
$100 REWARD!!!
Broke Jail of the County of Monroe, on
the evening of May 11, 1875, two persons
coulined for robbing store ot James Blake-
sle. One named David Wethersbe and the
other Beam. Wethersbe is about
5 feet 10, black hair and moustache not
leavy built.
Beam is about 5 feet 8, heavy built,
ightish colored, heavy chin whiskers.
The above reward will be paid for the
return of the prisoners to the Jail of said !
Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, )
May 13, 1875-3t. J
In tlie matter of the voluntary assinnntsnt
UJ II. SINGER, for the benefit
his Creditors.
Notice is hereby eiven to the Creditors of
an I I I 2yrMA II Jt J a 1I
ouiger, anu 10 an persons
interested m said trust to be and appear at a
rJSSLC.mon ?eaS of M?nroe county, to
niwiuauuis, uu tu ui uay oi
name of some suitable person as Assignee or
) -vfv, ir Jl DULLOb I
Trustee and in default of such acreement or
suggestion, tne Lurt will then appoint such
suitable person.
J5y the Court.
May C, lS7o-Gt. Prothonotary.
Be xt enacted and Ordained bv the Buraess and
Town Council of the Borough of East Strouds-
ovrg :
That all the property owners on the West
side ot Courtland fetreet. from the corner of
irown and Courtland street to a Wild Cherrv
rTy a a 1 r itr -r- tr .
ifw ai me corner oi v. tu. Henry's lxt, in
said street, shall curb and pave the side walk
along their respective properties, either with
Unck or Stone, by August 1st, 1S75. The
vidth of said side walk to be six feet.
I in case of non-compliance with the above
Ordinance the Borough will cause the Curbing
atd Paving of said side walk to be done and
charge 20 per cent,
labor and material.
4l . e
advance on the cost of
Approved May 3d, 1S75.
Attest: Chief liurgess.
Tueo. Y. IIoffmax,
Seretary. May, 13-4t.
Administrator's Sale
Carriage Horses, &c.
The undersigned. Administrators of the
late Jacob Singmaster, of Stroudsbure. Pa..
deceased, will expose at public sale atStrouds-
tmrg, at the residence ot said deceased, on
Wednesday, June 9th, 1875,
at 1 o clock precisely, the followincr valuable
personal property, viz :
1 elegant Gray Horse.
1 Bay Horse.
7 first class Alderney Cows, three with
calves by their sides.
3 Alderney yearling Calves.
1 Alderney Dull.
2 Grade Alderney Cows.
1 Devonshire Cow.
2 African Gazelles.
1 three-seated Brewster Carriage.
1 two-seated Family Carriage.
1 Jinney Lind.
1 PhsD'ton.
1 two-seated Buck-Board Wagon.
1 Truck Wagon.
1 Farm Wagon.
4 Setts of Harness.
10 Pea Fowls
1 Harrovr".
1 Plow.
1 Cultivator.
1 Iron Roller
1 Scrapef.
1 Herrings' Safe
1 Hay Spreader.
1 Mowing Machine.
1 Horse Hay Rake
2 Wheel Barrows.
1 Garden Pump.
A largo lot of Brick.
A large lot of first-class jAimbcr, and a
large variety of other articles too numerous
to mention.
The above articles are all first-class. The
Cattle are full blooded, and the Carriages are
of the best make and nearly new. Persons
desiring blooded cattle can do well by attend
ing this sale.
Persons desiring to see any of tire above
property before the day of sale can do so by
calling on Henry Singmaster, who resides on
the premises.
Conditions will be made known on the day
of sale and attendance given by.
Stroudsbnjg, May 13, 1875.
Im rs.
dl K OOO Per Par at home. Tfrms frw.
iplO IO PWdrrG.SunBAC.irortlaiid,
i cbruarjr i, ISj. Ijt.
iv e
respectfully call your attention to
City with one-of the best selected stocks of GOODS that we have ever had ; and, hav
ing bought our new stock at very great bargains, we propose to make it lively in shoe
We honestly and candidly believe, that
and our doing a large Uusiness
on frinail
vince vou that we cau make V'our GREENBACKS go further, atid buy More Goods
at our Store than you have been getting
manufacture of FINE SHOES, which whenever tried once, require no further recom
mendation lor their great and good service.
We have recently added to our business
under the Superintendendcy of LEWIS
man, and we are therefore prepared to make to order, on short notice.
of any grade, for Men and Women's
and do our work in the latest and
done. Try us and receive the proof.
Stroudsburg, April 2Dth, 1S7.
Boot and Shoe Store,
James Edinger has just returned with an
entire new stock of
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
that bo hnnrrht nf.
1.1 . m. ?
tiiem at prices that astonish all. Call and
look and be convinced before you purchase
elsewhere. One door above. Ilollinshead's
ijrUg ytore (J
Carriages mid Bajrsics. Two-seated farriaircs
for Livery stables and private Families,
Platform Spring Wagons,
of the latest style and for nil kinds of use, kej-t on han3
or muae 10 ouer.
. with top or without top, nil styles.
Delivery and Express Wagons,
of different styles, shipped to order. .Ml work warrant
ed in every particular for one rear. I will make to nr.
durany style of Carriage or light Bugsy that may be
wanted. None but first class work leaves my shop. I
uso only first class stock and employ first cIass work
men, and feel confident that I can trlve rnir sntivfnr-.-
tion to all who may purchase my work.
mail shall receive Dromnt attention
mail shall receive prompt attention. Hoping that i
may be able to furnish the citizens of Ptroudsburg and
vicinity with any thing that they may want in my line.
AH nri!tr hv
Marencro. Calhoun Ootintv. Mii-hiV.,.
April 22, 1S75. ly.
Cheap Music.
You can cct as much musio for 5rt ppnfs-
by buying one of our Magazines, as you can
purcnase ior $i in any other way.
"We have now ready and will send post-paid,
Xos. I, 52, 3, 41, and 5. Peters'
Parlor Music. A collection nf N-
Piano Pieces bv Kinkel. Decht. TWhpr
Wagner, etc,, etc.. evcrv number enntninintr
at least ix choice Pieces,
1, , 3. 4. and 5 Peters'
Household Melodies. A collect inn
of Songs and Choruses, by Hays, Stewart.
J'anks, Thomas, etc. Everv number rrrn-
tains at least Seven Pieces.
IVos. 1 to 17 I,a C lonic dc la
Creiwc. A collection of choice oh
difficult Piano Music from the very besfc au-
mors, sucn as liszt, Wagner, ect.
flailed post-paid, on reccmt of 50 tnt
per number, or six numbers for $2. Twelve
numbers, $4.
843 lirodway,
New York.
P. O. Box 5420.
April 22-1 m.
Manhood: How Lost, How Restored!
Just published, a new edition of Pr. Ccl-
cal eure(wlthout medicine) of Spermatorrhoea
or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal
Losses, Impotcncv. Mental and Phvsiea.1 In-
eapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc.; also, Consump
tion, Epilepsy Fit, induced by self-indulgence or sox
ual extravagance, Ac, ,
I'rii-e, in a sealed envelope, onhr six eonts.
The celebrated author, in this admirable Essav, clear
ly demonstrates, from a thirty years' sueoessfu'l prao
tioc, that the alarming consequences of self-abuse may
b radically cured without the dangerous use of intsr
nal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing
out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and cllVetua
by means of which every sufferer, no matter what hia
condition may be, may cur hinisclf cheaply, privately,
and radically. " '
. -This Lecture should be fir the hands of evory
youth and every man in the land.
Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address,
pot-paid, on mreipt of six cent or two post btampa.
Address the Publishers,
127 Ilowery, New York.
April 15 '75-Iy. Post Office Box,
Improved ClTPTTMniru
WOOD 1'UMP Is the acknow
ledged STAMAK1 of the
market, by popular verdict,
the best pump for the least
money. Attention i in.iil
Ulatchley's Improved Bracket, t
Check Valve, which can he wit hdra wn wit h
mi the joints, and the copper
hamber which never cracka ii'iUnr
t'n'i wi" ,ast a lifetime. For sate ht loafers
Jj.; .- and the tradepenerallv. In onUr to ho m r..
"ftj'hat you pet Blatchlcy's Pump, be careful
and see that it has my trade-mark as above.
ii you ui noi Know where to buy, descrip-
ivei'ircuturs, i.)?etncr witn the name and address of
me aKent nearest you, win De promptly furnished by
addressing, with stamp.
C1IAS. C. uUtCIILEY, Manufacturer,
, , 56 Commerce t., Philadelphia. Pa
March 4, 1875. 9m.
A KICK STOCK or ciioici:
Family Growries, Queensware, Glass
ware, Wood and Willow-ware, at
.TT C. R. ANDRE & Co.
Terms CASH. jan. 30, '73 it
away for worthless articles of Furniture,
but go to McCarty & Sons, and you will get
well paid for it
June 18,'74-tf
this Office.
F r nale at this Officp.
the fact that we have just returned from the
with our Facilities for Buying Goods Low,
Margins, and a UAoll Lasis, we cau con
heretofore. WE sell SILVER'S celebrated
a Manufacturing Establishment, whicl
I 14
WATERS, a skillful and experienced work
wear. We use the best materials, insure fits,
best styles, llcpairing neatly and expeditiously
Silver Spangled Hambnrgs
Whits Leghorns;
From bet strains in the country. Price $2 50
per dozen. Cash to accompany orders.
1 O. Box 'J62
Marcli 11, 1375.- Scranton, Pa.
Large Assortment
And Extremely Low Prices
Mammoth Retailer
Men's, Boj's & Children's
Cents Furnishing Goods,
Trunks & Valises,
Umbrellas, &c.
Exini Announcement
In order to have more
room to display my large
stock of Clothing, Gents'
Furnishing Goods and
Trunks and Valises, I have
concluded to quit the lioot
& Shoe bnsiness. 1 there
fore offer and will sell my
stock of Boots & Shoes at
and below cost.
April 15, 1875.
SfcCAKTY & .SONS hve on haix he largest anti Wi
aworJnnnt of
and '
to bf found outside of either city (Tfew Torlr or Philadel
phia), and will malee this l.raneh or thtir business &
of any shape or stylo, can he furnished at one hour's
notice for shipment, at a charCe of one-third lew. than
any no. in Stroudshnrp. In no case will they chargo
mjre shaa ten per cent, ahove actual ctt.
I attended to in any jart of the Cents' 8 the shorteyt
' na.LijL'n mm