Eljc Setters oniau. THURSDAY, KAY 20.1S75. Mr. Charles Bo.-:.ard, sold his Hotel and Farm at Bo.sr.ardviI!e, in this count', on Thursday last, to David Krcsge, for $4,000. Subscriber and Farmer, your couuimuniea tion came to hand too laic for insertion in this weeks J' fK Will insert it in our next i-sue - 1 11 - wn -r . . -WT- mm I r k l . ll. . A - J . 1 1. I t" Ilflll 4;.. n.m-rrtd flT. r"Wl I III UI13- 1 XIOUIU .. . Free JjCCturc at tue l. Al. U. A. rooms, dESSE a. uraves, iue nouiu puuiu- a ulluh . " .u,, .l;;!, in tho coal l'ndav evemncr, 21st mst., by llcv. U-. v. grapner, oi uiu i;eiunaiu "' .j-t fctx., uulua;. , Carrow, D.D. Subject. "Contracts in Eng- sojourning m town lor a iew uajs anu is lish and SoanLsh. American manners and adding to his already large collection of nc- cuKtotns." The public generally cordially rather There has been no resumption of work during the rejnons. invited to be present rrntivns nf iho mimnrniis points of beau tv and interest in tins vicinity. e will have Ox the night the burglars so mysteriously burglarized out of jail, seven pieces of dried beef juj-t as mysteriously broke out of Mr Ivobcrt Brown's smoke house in East Strouds- burg. If this was the work of the jail break a full assortment of his views for sale in a few weeks. Milford Heruld. The potato bug has made its appearance Brown's "Wall Paper Trimmer saves time and time is money. i,.juu ltous re ceived this week, making G,500 rolls for in several parts of Maryland, and has begun gfs it proves them to be not only generous the Spring trade. I am selling Wall IV its work of destruction t I . . ,.- .... , . 1ITI . I W 11I11.M3 UI n.ii flue Sm'mir r-hAOTinr t 1:111 OVT. W llflt I . .. . m 1 i - 1 iu 11...-, Sfnrk- v;iis:iiia in ' pvna IS S:ilU lO Liu f-J is the use of white-washing your walls Li,n.iri thnf. t rts loss to raise an ox there I " n i ti... n Ti.i nr;,VP dlod w. wvdr bv the strikers, but they continue UCUCiai UUUll V.. jnu-"-,,: -" w - , , ... . Mnn.hiv afternoon at his home in Lexington, outrages upon those w no v m uot jum 1 ' infinnfp lirilllI f 1 L 111. luiuiyiu -J w IV V ftlHUUIIp ... , J' I.. i . i : .1. r.ro.lnlitv nntl - IllillO Willi 1 IU11MI UII lV v . .Pilinlr .liAWprs. have been mak- 1 1 I Illllilll.L I 11 1 1 1 IXLilll T I I ,U."lUilO VJl lUV.il w-. .. 2 ten verdict of "Blodc to nieces by a biler hng incendiary speeches at different points, bursting." ana are c thcives, but considerate tlueves- t;iste and with a proper appreciation of the . i i r f IT. ii . . .1., fa o nvnrr luill nm! Snvinrr whpn vmi pnn hliv tli-in -i rl-. lr-L-An nn tli AtlrllltlC COaSt, mined to live are wil inc to let live, and f . .A . . . Now don't forget those cisterns. Thcy arc an absolute necessity and may prove the very salt of the earth to us as a savior against the day of fire. Those wLhing to secure a good bargain will do well to call at X. Rustcr's, as he is bouud not to be undersold. Mr. C. P. Mick has bought a lot of Robert Roys, adjoining Judge Throops property, fur $ 100 and will at once proceed to erect a residence thereon for his own use. Simox Pried, our enterprising clothier, has gone to the city to purchase a full sup ply of the spring styles of clothing. They will arrive next week when he will be pleased to have all call and examine them. . The national Ranks of Easton, both declared their tegular semi annual dividends on Monday 10th inst. The Easton National 0 per cent., payable on demand, and the who, while thev smouched all the dried beef a11 1aPcr 50 cliCP ani1 have lt trimmcd tender luscoius-Icft all the hardware in irec oi cnargc ; von i lorget uic piace shape of hauis, bacon, Sec, for the well be- D- li- RRON, ini of the owner. Rut it is not certain that May C-2t.l Brown & Keller's old stand theiail breakers are the culprits, though it is a minciilenffi lookincr that wav that the iail And now we are to have a fourth of July was broken out of and the sruok ken into on one and the same ev loing all they can to prevent a re- ,ir.iv.tTmi f.l wrirt. J.I1C 1U1C liniiuia uiu lwKH.niin both destitute and desperate, and are regardless of any law except that ol their own will. No further steps to pro .nit. flio laboring reoile from violence have been taken, and many parts of the coal dis trict are practically in a state oi anarcnj . It is time that some positive action was of hie and pro- t I i i - .C ,..r!.niMtii auOPlCU ior luu ausuiuuuu A very perceptible shoe., of earthquake I l iaintpn!inrtl nf u was felt in the towns of Pedham, jNorwooU ! TT,.,l.i ;,i Afncciphnspfts recentlv. 1 ' It ... 1! x ll .,,.,c -iTfr m"L- : .VCCOluing iu an iicvruuiito, Seven children of one familv were buried citv has uever been so poor as at present together in Rensselaer county, N. 1., hav- An old and well known resident ot the city, Goods cheaper than ever at He has them marked way down to bottom prices. . . IVoi li for poor Boys. To Fanners, Mechanics, and Employers in the Country : At this season, country I . - I " l " . i i t. uAMit. t f i htit hAriM I Ia:.. x. u ' i w '..viva core ir k nnv. c house bro- The initial steps were taken at the meeting mS uieu amiost MUiuiiauWuav - pug iu i y;". -v- " - i ... , . Livtir .ill vmi.i.l " T in mnssps arc liungcr- cning.. at the Court House, on fnday evening last, , l1r:nl.:nr K:1ionn tl,,t does T sr,lv N Ruster's ?n? i1 . ? f'' not rcrluhc a elise' 2S?othin- Sld but r- The percentage of growth, too, or i.. atusici .i TU(eej we iUnSt have it first, because it is -n. i .i : r ; nirr d,rw ' . . .i 2....i..r i .... ' T . i uiuiv, iiiia uiu puc-i; ui " v"v at least 111 tllC increase OI vaiUCS, was ii wbi a duty we, as free citizens of these United ccnts States owe to the patriots of 76, and, second, because it is necessary that we have this Despatches from Portland, Oregon, re- jast yCar to the preparation for the great Centennial of next port that the warm rains of the past two w thrcc -r l 1 1 . . I ironL-o Imvn infiirnil t limiTlTltlll OTMIII CrOTl vrar. iiCt us mereiore. an nanus duc our "--.0 ....-u.w. - - B - climil.l.-r. tr. rlirt xcool nn.l Parpfnllv nil Ji thrOUgllOUt tllC State , k ,T 1111. it the project forward to success! ul conumma ILUU 11 .1 t -ii 1 n. x a celebration mat win prove nouoraiie to A 1 i tl : ...x.i if. f;.v. I great structures ciccil-u 11. ii csi 1111:11111 1 liii: mi 1111: l 3 ui jjciJvA 1 of 1-1 and IS come now. friendless and home- P . . . . , ?r 7 and Union counties, iew ocasey, uave year than in any previous year for a quarter- century. Unly uvc minions was auueu real estate assessment roil, .1 1 ? years ago tue annual increase was fifty millions. Real estate is very dull. Stnrps do not nav. houses do not TaV, the - - i v' . t lor oihees do not Ktt pay. and increase in building will be small. loil 1.1 1 c -l,:1. mi . .r...,. , .1 . 1 1 ii 'AiTV acscriDtion 01 uiuplhv iiiiicn ia uu- less, to our Roys Lodging-houses and to this " 7 7 , 7" t 'A 0 irUU f ' 6 1 t;"" der ll"cavv mortis s s"iJ to be in dan- a: m 111 ii r,i both hand and heart, aud prove a brilliant by pleuro-pneumonia among their cattle. uer nca) mon0.i0w is saiu lu uo office. They are boys who have had little i.:i,.i,ai.i ' 1 1 . . . 0 jrer. Since the Panic, personal property Mil. 11(11111111 1.1 1 1 llllL 1 f ll L 1 lULUUi .. k.llUllll I w w 1 ' ' . .- .. I I o - x l . . . 1.,1, ,,,r-K. 4I.i c irmL- Jury List-May Term,lff75 ChdfinuthiU John Green. Coolbavh Hi ram I lamer ITamilton.-Georgc Kupert, QCorSe K,. beniler, liamet I cm merer. 1 Conklin. Paradise George AVancr. iVono 1 eter SUick, Henry . Uj; Price William Hate. Jioss Joseph Kresge. ., ..iuluun I ilnrn. field. Martin Transue. ' "' vm ten- Gilbert "12 I',. m Strorul JcfTerson Urotzman Fvan T T Strondtbitrg-U. W. Rhodes, Snmiiel n an, Charles S. Detrick, Carev VhWW ander Kaubcnold, William Acke i.tr roiun. Chestnuthill- nrrix junoii5. Tannn T 1 - I l xvuuenuaiijrii bafav 1 J.I 1 'IVAtl Lveritt, Adam Altemose, Martin Kism.i.o, Coolbaugh J acoh l Heller, A. D. Dnu!" EaA iSlroudsburg William F. Lush, ZHiltoix training aud of rough habits, but they will . - . ii ii l irst national o per cent., payaoie on anu . nevolcnt work wm icase write, to Mr. V.ltlil... I aucr tnc i-iin inst. I n o-rv cr,f ,ii Vmr.L,..' I 1 V . II if V tl 1 O. "VT Tn,11M Million, a sfi-anMriii Port Tcrvis. raging-House, if ewLuauiotTSCU, ew o , i , . i : ii.ii.. has been arrested and lodged in the Pike P 01 K- "auu luu I'" 1U laiu.l.u luc ,7" "JUl7' r , p most certainly abide and rule within us. To The extensive steam saw lumber mills ot "as aisp uepreciateu ciiorniuu BU, .... the farm or in the shop. To lovers of vour country and Kppinger, Russell & Co., at Jacksonville, age bang estimated at thirty millions due, would be a charity to the lads t irout, then lo en t our country ana t i o by fire on Saturday chiefly, to the heavy decline in ordinary ttageto the employers. All Us ree institutions and just lets see l ow Hi. ioss f 00,000, only partially ll values. Pacific Mail, which once was labor desiring to aid this will surprize by what we can do Let no ,th- o i 3 1 3 quoted at three hundred, is now forty-five. be of use on employ them and an advantage to the employers. emnlove'rs of labor desiring to aid i i i ii.. sured ing ueicr US iroui wuihiux wuiuiiy, uvzuy , untiringly and energetically to do our whole Panama Railroad has been as high as lour county (Pa.) jail for placing obstructions on! the track of the Erie Railway on the Pela- ware division. His object is supposed to have been plunder. Mr. Wm. Mosteli.er, of Stroud town ship, has a female porcine specimen which a New York. lew days ago, presented her tickled owner with nineteen thrifty little piggy wiggies in a single litter. Visions of sassengers and broat ivorst, but wasn't that a haul. boys whom they would employ, their address, with the name of the town and county, aud the best means of reaching the place ; also, what portion of the railroad fares they are willing to pay. C. L. Rrace, See'yi Child ren's Aid Society, No. 19 E. 14th, Street Grand nrnmrations am bem? made in hundred, but now is scllim? at one-third dutv on this ninety-ninth anniversary of our w Vnrlr f,.r bn ilodiofition. nn Juno 2. that rate. Kansas Pacific bonds which glorious national sabbath. It was said by 0f the new Masonic Temple. Delegations were issued at ninety-five are now sellin one of the fathers "that he was most happy from all parts of this country and Europe at seventy, and to these shrinkages is to be that showed most reverence for his country will be present. auclcd the entire loss ot bans capital in tne Ucean, the Atlantic ana other ruinca uanKs. Lake navigation is opcing very slowly. Then, again, railroad bonds to the amount It has been computed that five hundred of more than $300,000,0U0 have defaulted vessels will lie idle at the upper lake ports on their interest since the panic, and these all summer, as they can only run at loss to a large amount are held in that city. under present rates. New York may wear a showy mask, but there are ccrim featuros behind it The Easton Dispatch sa-s that the pro- and its institutions." Let us by our obser vance of the 4th of July 1S75 sec if we can not make our happiness in this regard per fect. Fourth of July Celebration. Ac- liW. cordinir to prevsous notice a large number ltizons attenaca a meetm?: in tne i f ..ii i i p j r oi our ciiizoiio ancuueu u iuuului iu mi; . - , . 0 t t i ny s, grades and Pevons, &c, announced for to consult joct of running a steamboat from Lehvidere q of u Easton and An,boy Rail. the 9th June, is beginning to attract consider- , t . - nnuto (iin novt to Port Jervis, which was talked about last road Mr. Theo. G. Wolf, lady and son, ac companied by Mrs, Frank Swan, of Scran- able attention throughout the country; Vnniver,ary 0f American Independence in summer, has taken definite shape, and trips prcsidcnt Asa Packer, General Supcrin- and well it may, for purer strains are not ktrnml shn The mcetinsr organized on wlU shortly bG bcSun- tacio iu ui; iuuuu. n 10 uauUJ 1UJU"U motion ot J. o. Jiec, iisq., ty appoiutin tendent Robert II. SaTC, Ario Pardee and the entire board of Directors of t lie 1 -aster. ton, are visiting friends and relatives here- that manv of the most distinguished cattle ThoTnis Hell President. A. O. Green- Geortre Spender, of Mauch Chunk, Pa., and Amboy Railroad, together with two aUuts. They are all worthy of an enjoyable men of the country have siguified their in- Wald Secretary. Mr. ice stated the object has been missing two weeks. He is sup- distinguished civil engineers from the Ani tims which we hope they will have. Mr. teulion to be present at the sale, and we of the meeting. On motion, after some posed to be out of his mind. As he had a gentine Republic, passed over the entire W. returned home on Monday. should not be surprised to see the biddinu discussion, it was decided by the meeting large sum of money and some valuable line of the road on a tour of inspection on Piaster. A new lot 'on hand at Stokes' Mills. Trice SS per ton or 30 cents per bushel. Grain wanted in exchange. Corn 81 00 per 'bushel, Rve $1.00 at present. May 13-lin. N. S. WYCKOFF & SONS spirited and prices rule marvellously Irish to celebrate our Natal Day on Saturday, papers with him it i foi this region. And yet we hope that all the ,TU. Un motion oi u. o. i.ee tne ioi- ua-u ""j h. the herd will not be taken away from here papers with him it is feared that he has Wcducsdav of last week. The track is all down and the road entirely completed, with lowimr committee of arrangements were ap- the exception of a little trimming up, aj: the and Norristown Jucrtown Tunnel. We are told that the 'pirited money men wlio take pride in the possession of Our mysterious jail delivery on Tuesday that liberality which will step forward to se- of last week, has resulted in a jail delivery cure the diffusion of more of the pure blood indeed leaving Hotel de Stickem, literally for which this herd is noted among the com an empty castle save to the rats, who there moner sorts of cattle of which we have so do conrrei-ate. and held hk'h old revel. many fine specimens in our midst. It needs P. S. Mr. David Heller has been appoin- but this to give our cattle a reputation, ti-d jailor, and moved into the Jail on Mon- equal to that which liberal expenditure has day t,. i .r i -n i , ... r ' tviintod. in whose hands was decided to The Easton Sentinel u e nope t.ie .aie win uc.c.ope u as a met, arrancrement and management of Register do not like the appointments of ceremonies of opening the road will be held, niai Ki! liaii; rLn iil-u iuuucv uiuu uviw uisu , , , the celebration Simon Frif.d, Chairman, Darius Dreher, A. O. Greenwald, A. C. Jansen, J. G. Keller, Frank Hess, Ihco. Schoch, Peter Roru, Samuel II oilman, N Ruster. The Reethoven (Jornet liand was pre- sent ana music durincr the evening. The meeting the new Auditor General and Secretary of in the shape of an excursion, on Saturday. Internal Affairs, and assert that Messrs. the -Jth inst Temple and McCandless overlooked the claims of the strongholds of Democaacy in Pennsylvania. The excursion to New York on Thursday last proved a most pleasurable time for all connected with it. Enjoj-ment ruled the hour. All was seen that could be seen in the j time allotted for stay in the city, and every jno, doubtless, secured a full money's worth b not coa.si(ierej an exorbitant price m ran not counting in 4ne signt seeing, un- , . . . )ec.iuian. Let us think this ... A . 1 A 11.1 I 1 II w 1'iriunaieiy our reporter was icu uenmu, anu hence we are unable to go into particulars. ecurcd for the herds of other counties, with no greater natural grazing advantages than we have. If this desideratum can be secured in no other wav. let it be done bv a union of not attend on account of some of their fli members bciirjr out of town. On motion union, in other localities, which has secured adjourned. trains of neat kiue for which a thousand The nine soup-houses in Philadelphia - i -- ,1.,:.,. i, rt- -:..i irnrrn 11 Til ,.l 1 i hjvi, uaiiy, nuiiii'' 111c; I'a.ii n 11111:1, i ..;uv niiuuiu cuun, vi v.i.i . ..v.. 1.1 1 r i n I persons; me total nuniocr 01 ineais mr- . - n m.j 1 no" nnn i 1 , , . ., 1 ii iL iiisuou nciiiir 1,01 .ww, iuui uiu iiiiiuuiu passed a resolution inanKing tiieiii ior men - ioo'iaoio i t I. . , 9 , ... i pTnondpfl S2-.fl.3 l.i. This is in addition Kindness, xotn iauus nau urai luua-u, . ,. . , . , . .1 01 i .i n ii, i i i to the relief lurnished imt tne trouusuur luihui iwhu wuiu by 200 other socie ties, exclusive of religious orjranizations. FIRE AT HAMBURG, PA. A Distressing Occurrence Fourteen Horses Burned. Pottsville, Pa., May 1G, To-day, near llamourg, ot. Jiicnaei s Jiutneran and Reformed Church was dedicated. A large concourse of people came from the surrounding countrv to attend the dedica tion. During services a fire broke out in a grove where a large number of horses andletrriages were tied to the trees. The Hamilton Jacob Eyer, Andrew Urol,, John Ilaney. ori Jackson John Kinsley. Middle Smithficld George W. Xoack Sa ucl Dewitt. ' ' ' ra" Pocono David Learn. Polk David Hawk, Jacob Altemose J0f.1 Kreege, Nathan Gregory, William Kunkel Poss Chart. Correll, Jerome Mansfield Smithjield William Lander, Theodore ilou scr, John M. Strunk, David Myers. Stroud Jabez Angle, Philip S. Lee, Daniel Lee, William Fine, Simon 15a rrv. Stroudsburg IJenjamin S. Ja'cobv, Saraatl Eees, Augustus Michael. Tunkhannock Geo. Altemose, Hiram IIays The Uniontown Standard says: "Vc linvo rnnvfrcril Willi cnvn-nl - . . ....i fm-iui iai liicrs m Fayette county in regard to the crops, and they are of the opinion that the wheat is not so badly injured as they at first appre hended. The late rains have brought it forward, and the fields are losing the yel low appearance of ten days ago, and l(Xk quite green. Apples, cherries'and peaches are generally conceded to be killed, but plums and grapes have not been injured much. Special ISTotice. Ilcimiants ! ! Remnants ! ! Just arrived at Decker's Wonderful Cheap Auction Store, between two and three thousand yards of best shilling ('jilj. coes, in remnants from one to ten vards. Selling at the low price of eight cents per yard. May L'0-lt. Just received at William's Drug Store, a large stock of White Iiead, Linseed Oil and VARNISH for the spring trade. Trice of Lead and Oil reduced. March 18, '75. AXOTJECK TElOl'lIY WOX m THE ESTEY COTTAGE ORGANS! These superior and beautifully finished in struments so far eclipsed their competitor in volume, purity, sweetness and delicacy of tone, as to carry oft the first and only premium giv en to exhibitors of reed Organs at the Monroe County Fair, held September 2o, 1STJ. I5uy onty the bent. For price list address Oct 1-tf. J. Y. SIC.AFUS, DIED. over. Xf.xt week being Court week we hope to rcevive calls from many for whom we have been making out those neat little bills, we spoke about a couple of weeks ago. As we said then we mean business in the matter Uccorallosi Day. This occasion bids fair to be one of unus- Sussex county, New Jeasey, has had a t. .i . i ..... i somewnao cosuy experiment miring me ground b cin - thickl y covered with leaves late "irauiu bcasuii. ahu com, m cuici- K-I, tl,.-. r, Ti-Id. , .f . i uiiii ui u.JU i ii u iiiu rjiL.iivi u iui ii i Himni- uuiuiw in iiamaudunusM!,, mc t IW.-.vn thi ionm pun H l,n rear mst was oi.ni : naruvsron, couu ; , i : .i..i . ti, ii sents a fine appearance having been finally Sparta, $400 ; and Newton, $.,7 mak-L,i a L,A en -. , . 1 1 11 ?xl 1 . , 1 il i . . .1. . ..v,v- in." completed ana enclosed wuu a ucut picket mg a total in inesc iour townsnips ior itwas necessary to kill them to put them n nil' 1 1 1 1 T T .1 . I 1. -.Pi V., c?-. ..J l 4 . . icncc. xne l asior iiev. j. t. oauuemu auppui u ui uiiuijis uiuuc ui sj,i. f East Stroudsburg' Items. The M. E. Parsonage in this borough pre- At Binghamton, X. Y. on the loth int.. Mr. George Swarlimml, of consumption, aged 54 years and (5 months. His remains were brought to this place on Monday last, and were interred in the Strouds burg Cemetery. A large number of the mem bers of Fort Pcnn Lodge, No. 134, I. O. O. F. turned out in fall regalia, and &s.-ited at his burial. At East &romlsbnrg, o:i the lsth in.. B r- tha Cadmus, daughter of .Samuel I, and Mariuli Smith, aged 4 years and S months. being a great lover of flowers, by his untiring A great reduction of wages has taken ml f i-noi- A f 1 mnntlnrf nf tlio inHlKfrV llflS! frlf !' JKiflCd to tllC LCaUtll V" Soldiers and Sailors of the late war held at ing of his home by the rich profusion of rare place in Germany tins winter. Two thalcrs, ihr. fVmrf. TTiuko Mnv f.th nllr.dv int.ro.t nlants and flowers. A new fence about the one uonar ana uny ccms, i uccu tnc- I . i r i i out ot agonj' anu pain, seventeen veindes were entirely destroyed, the teams being principally owned by farmers. ui making waeres of city laborers since the war : but - l I . . I I ..ml ( (. Uivmv f u-A ii i Ano P 111 rl 1 1 Tl f If 1 I lit irr I 'f III I Ml! Mill: L 1 IV IIlL " - rn (ft!On5. nm WO iOT.fi C c in- Uiiuiivficu, auu uic ;uiiui:iji itauiui.uu v...v.. .. a a I t.:a . nfn. t. Vino .onn unt. . mrn fun. ouontH. lv nromnt navments will save us the passed and programme adopted. added greatly to appearance and convenience. , . , D , . The HancH Chunk Cotton Hills' Ubiqui .1 .... . . riM l 11: . lnn. I . l, nl O W.n licsrjlced, lhat we plant upon each grave i ue mcmoeraarc lauug wnaius times are said to be prevailing throughout Luua V1' or our uceeasea comruues, a living rose uusn dedication ot tne auditory oi uieir the E ; nd if thU truc ifc wiI1 bc i About once in three months we hear of oi a iiaruy iiaiurc iu tuuu uur stvia u ,.,.,,1, . , rriw mmn nterl and readv : :i 1. ..i...::,. i Li . ... .1.. it 1. m i. -1 i.. - i, 1 .....N-.. 1 iui HjbMun; iui iiiu iiuiuuiiiifs uu iiii.iiu iiie noies oi inu inaueii vuuiik. iiioii winreis. - . '. .. 1 , . , llcsoh-cd That an invitation be extended lur luII1U5"llJfi emigration as soon as uusiness revives in jiius being passed upon some unsuspecting to the Fire Company, the several Pands and Mr. Kistler is pushing rapidly forward the America. person. Sometimes the swindler appears to the Sunday Schools of Stroudsburg and Woik on his new store buildin", opposite W. ' in Maine, in a few weeks he is heard of in Last fctroudsburg to participate with us in T-rp.OPQ otnro in th lmroii"h T,1C Somerset Herald tells this story : the West, then in the South. Quite fre ntsotvea. J nat an inviiaiion aiso i-e ten- Messrs. Hirers s aregoiux auuu uu iubi, .1 1... i,0 MW i., iiorril ITiiv I I) I : rrnw find l. V II I li t' C .1, ,.i,. ... n I - ... I I ..V . v... j v- . . -. w ..v.. ... I :i iiT ii i ii in LiiiMiMini:. i uliiu iu a in u.oivi ii. .i i 13 ii. . l, . j ri.i..i . i - .i - i t. ill . y . oiner uav anu nies utoii ine ueu. j. ne notes astinir ineir vaiue. it would oe verv and raising the building higher woman Gf the house then onens the bed. Umtifvim' to the tvonlrt of M:m b Chnnt i r rrut. :n i I 1 . ' r jo v - : r . : : on a mausaru roui. j-ius ia ue aild lays a rag or piece ot paper on it to it some person would catch and hold any provemeut. prevent it trom being soiled ; the hen then man who tries to pass one of these notes trie ceremonies. a...,, aiU. i'miM.Armonis n-hrm will hops on the miner, or whatever mav have Thev nrr nositividv wnrthlis Thfvn 1 ILUiUUn ULll'vl 1IU1I.VI tmi-uig) ..i.ii I 1 1 - i 1 I - - J - I f l J M - L 1 I a ..... -a. . I ... . ... , . :r....i ! ' ..i i ... r,.M.,..r ..o.,.:,Uln,rM, n,1 iho .lin-r nf tha sidfi walk has w.aSsri J. i'wufcls BU,W uc WtU Ueiin- Ui.iuuv.ou, anu u iuiiuis.S .wiuiiuik vu-.v. a - m thjg wintor jt has been cut down to twQ MORE BOGUS MONEY. necessity of making enforced payments with the aid of the constable. Next week will be a grand time to call and pay up personally, or send aud do it through a neighbor. .New "oods will arrive at liuster s tins week and next. Don't fail to call and . see them. ( f t, rX t .".I . i ti L- 1. t rni.M 1 1 m.'lliln TlftO fl- I I lt..mii.n nl'ClMnM.l..l.ili. 1 -? n rt 1 ? T I i ... r t i: r i,'.,t 1,. I . Mrfm IlOnt wav towards securing tneirquoiaoisuuscnp- i" i cuuuu-uuif;, . jj. - ... 1, ftfl T.l ni rs.rn of Spragueville and Key. lt. Turner of Dela- hn.d PuttinS ,,T , , r. ware ater Gap, to join us and take part in a tine lm rauroad. c icarn mat some ii,uj'j oi I'ttOGItAMME. the $25,000 has already been raised, and that the raising the balance is a matter for a very , . ii' . i i ! il . .1 . ;.l short time. e truiy ueiieve tuat ims is norni.s htrouasDurgs opportunity, ana mat no grca- pi f raeetm East Stroudsburg, at tcr business mishaps could ociai ner man p ( , ir u t , ftvinfk not to have that road completed. We had intended enlarging upon the subject of its building this week, but physical iudisposi- tiou compels us to defer it. Mr. Warren VanVi.iet laid us under obligations for a liberal supply of cabbage, beet and tomatoe plants, raised upon his truck farm, in Stroud township, near this borough. Mr. Van V. has an abundant supply of all the plants, of all kinds necessary to stock a garden and we are pleased to learn iiuds a ready market for them. lie sold three one horse wagon leads of them on Thursday aud Friday last aud has cuough left to meet demands upon him. He richly deserves patronage for his considerate indus try and his worth as a citizen. thr. Xirwr. It 11. move their track to the been laid down, and lays her egg : then no cotton mills in Mauch Chunk and there Marshalls, Captain Warnick and Captain Ljijig 0f the street in obedience to the Or- flies (wn am Socs out w"ltn c rost off never has been any, and if any person does tne cinctens tin ner turn comes to lay an- start in that business here it is not at all like himself liable to prosecu table ruin Ot hers, tinn nr rniintarl.n perty on Washington street, by filling in and anj ja strictly followed grading the lot ana putting up a neat picket fence. On the 6th inst., Auditor General Tern- any man over to the nearest United States MI? Elizabeth Heller left Fast Strouds- Plc took charge ot his olhcc, and was waited court who attempts to pass a Mauch Chunk tho ,!, oolinnl burg this week to open a millinary store at n bv State lreasurcr Mackcy, who prof- Cotton Mill note. As the gentleman who uicuiiuay bcnooi fnrn.l frnrn il,o fored Mr. lemple any aid or assistance is in this business is near us iust now. he Stroudsburg, at Seminary Green, at 11 o'clock. The procession will proceed to the upper Cemetery and from there to the several other places. The street car will carry 1 la of .11? UIUUUVQ Ui "IV iUUll vuuuui. luii .uu. I .1 1 1 1 il .1" Ii .1 .1 "111 . i otner egg, wnen sne uoes ine same ining iy mat lie will lay i.ur. ivistier nas ueen improving ins pro- ftVor. t .n w nn nvnr a . o m , nP hor U; Mnntnriu:n i. .... i:.. -I ) I - V m. s m. W V v- v J inuia tion of a United States note. We say to the public for the fifth or sixth time, turn and friends from East Stroudsburg and the - that he mhrht renuiro. whilfi hi- m,v hn nht. i? th, nw;.. w,.l, ,.l.l,. i..i i iD...i...:,i i citv wit i a stock ot troods. . . , .. ' o " " v ipi'i iinvfn i.iirrifL li.iini win im Liiiir ksl- iix. i 3Iiss Sue. Van liuskirk, of Stroudsburg, and Mrs. J. Sanderlin and Mrs. M. A. Crooks of East Stroudsburg, have kindly volunteered to procure rose bushes, and par Some talk of a free buss from the Depot to Stroudsburg House, this summer. Judge B. S. Wilson, of Dubuque, who are new to their duties, aud himself iu-J The AHentown Herald says : experienced. Mr. Maekey also took this A man the other evening entered the occasion to invite Mr. Temple to make any saloon of George Spong, in Lancaster, and demand ior mlormation, or to make any m payment lor a glass of soda water of- examination concerning the Treasury fered wh flu. ,..iMnT fl-i.M will i.lnn ronnrf tn tliisn recently visited tllC COUrt KL-J 1141111 " VI si II Ml ' v.. -N I f e court room of the which the new Auditor General might United States greenback. Without closely It. 11 i . 1 1. .... i:l . .1 . 1 flM I , ., ,r l idies as earlv as poible An earnest anneal irooKiyn iriai, says w io mu eiuii;i, uil-iu ucwu iu-i anu uulxsmu xiwao ameui- scrutinizing tne note Jir, pong . acceptea is made to all to participate with the Sol- ,an b? ltUc or ". question what mat win tics are ngnt in memscives and go lar - to it and gave the man the proper s i o -i ,! . he. ine same innueuces mat aueci peo- icucvu mc puuucs ui me oiaie irom ine cnangc. Unlocking at t lie note v.... . . - - I 1 a ' I . . ! 4 i a I I ..n.i i.l i ...... I . m. .-v 4- nn 1. I ue morninsr. savs . ..... i "ii ii . . i in l l i i. -.i A.itfi, ,i imi-it 1-ni-v ui anwr. t in mrv ni3 mi 1 111 iinr tnn nf.ii in ti livmnr in fl fcinll hir VprillCr. n . .. .-Ill- 1 1 .1.1 . . 1 1 u. ... - ot tneir lives still uvea. Ana an mat me . Bit d aaCr day, for.mou consecrated wealth ot the nation can add to a Every day they see hundreds of .i j j l..i . r.i: 1 .. . . - , . . We ernoyed the pleasure of a second visit ineir aaonim(iUl aiJU uy friends cordially welcoming Ueechcr ; tne iriouie 10 nci siam uucuuwj. xi uiuui ujca vast maiority 01 mose mai put m uu ap- pong . accer amount o tho next the Lancaster Intelliireuccr 1. ! il I il 1 i 1,. .. - K. - . jjcsiues, me I wuu moze on wnom circumstances nave 31r. Spong discovered that it was a "private .1 . ( lit i i:ni.i .i .i . i .i i , . ... i iiouui auer uirust u niuu uriei auinoruy, and mey note," issued by the cotton mills of Mauch k, and other pearance in the court room are warm and finil f-lnt ivifh nnr (t friiml. tliP Ifnn v"'"v , v-.. ... . a ...7 c rih' Mnn( l.. grow uuti, ana ouicr nanus siach, an.u. uiwuj, luiiuuij uiiu.own.nj, i . 11 ,1 .1 .1.11 "..l... T!U, AT. ..U ..1 nr ,. i : nearis coia in mis soiemn irusi, ours biiau a.racni menus . uiw xuluu. .uuiuiuh, aim 1) V iHuasJLi iu- . . . .... . , , ;. .1 . 1 Bi, keep it warm as Jong as the light and warmth one or two partisans come in aione, anu go such i . I , i -.,i. ..t... T..ti. of life remain to us, aione fcucax uuv il mm words or mainlestation ot syniyathy Irom G. A. lt. ayone. will also show that the industrious eflort Chunk. It is minted (in fOtul Tinner sun' n.Mv, .,j t.,j jmumuo iu iuui ii fuc simile oi i no genuine note so lar as now ot iNcrtiianipton. c were p deed to end the old gentleman enjoying sucn excellent health, and his intellect as clear and unclouded as in days of yore. Our acquain tance with Judge Storm began nearly forty! years ago, and feel proud in being able to say that the friendship then began, has. un interruptedly continued ever since. He is trulv an honest man, and one of the noblest I5y order of the i t i ,.r iZrA .a.,a i.Ti. ;.loi iMfi ii, co.t and Uttoio cost. :11 who kt?vw him. TxntiiiTANT. Tri order to onit the Boot ' A grand juror nas ueen muictca in I tv i a.. r. ... t i c t. o- I'..- l xr AA1UIII11II couuiv ior ujiiiiiil: iu luui t uiuiitw. ana cnoe jusiness, cimon riieu uiicis ins . i;-IT ., , , , , r., i. i and shouting "Hello ! whe entire stock ot isoots and cnocs, at nrsi callefL A truc waa fuunj ag:iinst him Come one and all, by the body of which he was to have been I now is your chance lor Lariraius a member. suspicion that the State Treasurer has any the ' figures and sample letters are con desire to evade an examination of tho nf- corned. It professes on its fun to 1 lairs ot his department, or that he has any- le-al tender for five dollars." but in tho .IV i 1 f 1. . . I ' . . ming 10 conceal over ana aixive his nat- oval space on the back of the note are these ural contempt for a Hump committee of words : "This note is a legal tender for five red riiwiTitr iui u i s2 Tirr in ir rrtmu . . i ? . .f . i.i.ti. . j i . i m. wvv, vnij luuuuwna, uuiiara m me purciuige oi oacn one iniuu LlllL TliliCllIOUfs. 1 ilt 1 Mst l ll f. t Ii ia r-rn- I ,1. .ll.,i.ci .,.1. -.P 1- 11 Ull- iv... uuiiai a noil u oi OUI gUOUS, i. I ICC pel came to him to "investigate" his office the case, siity dollars ; per bale one hundred State Treasurer declined to ncrmit thpm tn ..t,vl tuv.ntir ,i..ii.o" hm ,.t .1 I v 1 HUM I II V.I1L I lllllill I III- Mill t I"" Sill I lH 1 rcas r uvj vkj, uwuuoc wiv;jr uau no iuillioriiy. X HO I J. . 1MV13, ITCSt., and UCO. PPlCCr. instant an omcer having competent author- It is well calculated to deceive the unwary ity assumes his office he invites him to in- The man that passed the note on Mr. Snonn vestigatc. Men intent on concealment do had quite a roll of other notes probably not act that part. Ilin isburj Tdjraph. the same kind. ESTABLISHED 1823. I1TYF.R & soxs, n.VNO MAN UFACTUREKS, 722 Arch Street, PJI IL A D E L PHI A. THE LEADING FIRST-CLASS riA(). No other Pianos have the improvement, 'rize Medal of the Word's Fair, London, Fn? and, and the highest Frizes in this country awarded. May 2(K.in Trial List-May Term, 1875. Theodore Schoch vs. Feter Merwine. John Merwine vs. Ezra Marvin. Use Isaac BuLz vs. Abraham Bryan. amuel Uossard vs. Geo. K. Slutter andJaccD Slutter. John (. Ulerest vs. Wm. Kunkel. Samuel Metzijar vs. Sydney Smith. Cha. Shupp, Adm r. vs. IVtcr lerwine ei. ai. Jacob Stauller vs. Lewis T. Smith. Edward lletEcGner vs. Reuben Gower. John Arnold vs. Samuel S. Gower. TTonrv V Millar vs Wm. H. Swan. John'T. Everhart vs. Wm. 1. Brown et. al. THO. M. McILIIAXEY, Fruth y. May 13, 1S76. Argument List May T. 18 to. Marv Ann Dresser vs. Andrew Storing. Mark Miller vs. Joseph M. Carlton et. ai. Ilerbine, Baum & Co. vs. Coolbaugh Township. Petition of John Mackev for decree of spconc performance of contract with Gtroro Smith. Alexander Harps vs. Rachel Brown. John S. Merrinjr vs. Levi M. Slutter. In the matter of executions to private roau Middle Smithtield township. Inceptions to road in Smithhrld townsui . Petition fur discharge of Amaiulns AUodiinc, Administrator of Geo. Woodhng, uei Nelson Detrick vs. Abraham Steen. f In tho matter of appointment oi irusuw S t roudsbu r ir Ce m e t e ry . George Butts vs. Lydia lIotTner. John Hockey vs. Wm. Kistler. ..... Peterson A Carpenter ts. limoiin - -TllO.M.McILllAXK,rww Mav 13, 1S75. $100 REWARD!! Broke Jail of the County of Monrot, on the evening of May 11, 1S73, two or i. wnfinod for robbing store of J;lfsl?tllC sle. One named David AYethcrjbo and I tnt other Uonm. Wcthche a ah out 5 feet 10, black hair and moustache heavy built. , iin;it lo.ain is about O iota o, 1 lightish colored heavy chin ho The alvo reward will be paid k return of the prisoners to tho J11 u 1 ''i-mnt v JACOB K. SHAFEK, Sheriffs Office, Stroudsburg, May 13, 1575-ot. ) Sheriff A