The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, April 15, 1875, Image 2

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And the gas project- don't let U3 forget
Our readers wilt have noticed in last week'?
paper the annouiu-cment of the death ofone,
who has become quite a celebrity, and was
!;i.own to the traveling public for nearly fort y
vr.ars. We allude to Sir. Pivid Starncr,
whose death took place on the 6th inst. Mr
was a native of this place, and at least for
ty years of his life was spent as a stage driver
between n and Stroudsburg or between
Stroudsburg and Milford. Indeed from
.lite young manhood, until some sis year?
;!o, since when be has been a sufferer from
the of which he died, he maybe said
to have occupied the scat on the stage box,
both night and day. lie lacked the advan
tages of education, because his youth passed
while educational advantages were rather
sparse in this neighborhood but ho posses
ted truthworthincss and a disposition to
oblige, which made him asuscfulinhisspherc,
as are the best of those who occupy more
t railed positions among men. Accommoda
ting to a degree, he was to the people aloug
the road what express companies are to-day,
vrith this difference that his terms were mod
orate, aud his good offices were always prompt
ly discharged and to the satisfaction of his
patrons. Many a trip to Milford, to Strouds
1 iirg and to Easton were spared residents
!ong the road, by David's perfect readiness
and promptness, and frequently bis stage box
was literally packed with the fruits of his
many commissions, and yet notwithstanding
bis illiteracy and his inability to read, be was
never known to have made a mistake, nor to
have failed in leaving the right package in
the right place. His power of memory was
but little short of miraculous, and whether
vi;.h package or message, it was all the same
' Pave," as he was called by every one, was
always ready to meet his customer satisfac
torily so far as his share of the transaction
was concerned. About six years ago, while
in the pursuit of his avocation he was attack
rd with paralysis, and for most of the time
t-inee, lie has been bed ridden. While we
regret the death of one who in his day and
.-pherc was so useful, we do not feel that we
over step the bonds of good heartedness when
we sav that death was a relief at which his
own good soul rejoice. He has left earth'
trials and tribulations earths pains, and
arth which had ceased to be earth to hi
eli.uded mind, and, doubtless, his step from
time to eternity, was but a transition from
lfjs trials here to a far more glorious and
never ending bliss in heaven. His remains
were interred in the Cemetery on Friday last.
in ceded by solemn services and an appro
priate sermon by the llev. Mr. Carrow, at
ihe Methodist Church.
The disturbances in the coal regions con
tlnue to attract general attention. Early las
week, on the requisition of the Sheriff o
izerne county, who declared himself uuable
t.i keen the peace, Governor Ilartranft or
. red a regiment of volunteers from Phila
d.'hihia to proceed to Ilazelton. On their
jn ival the soldiers were distributed in srpuad
t-i protect the mines where violence was cx
; ". ted. The object was not so much to pro
ec-ed with the mining of coal as to preven
reference with the pumping, which i
neecary to keep the mines from filling wit
v.utt r. The presence of the troops caused
treat czdicmeut among- the striking miners
jiu-1 their fr:.e.ns, and a committee was dis
patched to Hamburg to request the (J over
nor to order then away. It wa3 promised
,-ti their part that if this were done there
should be no interference with "dead tvork
in the mines. The Governor declined to do
; except with the concurrence of the Sherifi
and operators of the mines. Public meetings
have been held at. Ilazelton and elsewhere to
; ive assurance that there will be no further
io'ence, but it is admitted that the miners'
societies can not control all their members in
this respect. The leaders insist that there
will be no resumption of mining ia the anthra
cite region for months to come unless the
owners come to the terms of the miners ; and
the operators themselves appear to be quite
?! determined in their course. The subject
a perplexing and troublesome one ia ail its
aPrts, but the declaration of the Governor
that peace and order tball be maintained at
v. -hatevtr cost will be generally approved by
the people cf the State. Bucks Co. Int.
An'D now set hens.
TiiE frost is nearly all out of the ground
Improvements. The improvements,
hereabouts, arc pushing along. Mr. Fulmer old on the 27th inst.
is pushing the work on the Stroudsburg
House, and will have it completed a.? speed
ily a3 possible.
Stephen Holmes, Esq., broke ground for
his new building, next above Brown's jewelry
President Grant will be fifty-three years X he Cincinnati .. - -
simile ot the signature vi x'n. . x. ,
of the First National Bank of Indianapolis,
rfhe Track!
Tin: question with a good many now is j store on Monday. The building will comprize
what has become of the garden tools?
And now gate practic comes in play,
iovely evenings for billing and cociug.
Our candidate for Associate Judge is
Amanudus Orevus Grecnwald. Mind that
law offiee, for the owner, among other
Windy White is erecting a dwelling for J.
I. Stroud, Esq., near the old Presbyterian
New goods will arrive at N. Buster's this
week and next. Doa't fail to call and sec
Paterson, N. J., and New Britain, Conn.3 ,f , TWrtmcnt at Washington has
church, which Mr. White will occupy as a electcd Republican mayors on Monday. I distribixtccl 15 000 bushels of imported
residence. . , J?1 r:
L Our Boarding House Keepers, and land- A married man in Louisville is named oats, and the same qu.n, u .
Wd renerrd v. are brushing up lor the Tjroomback. and it is said tliat His uie nar- wiieat , ueiwecu
dimmer cainnaicn. and making things lookL;. bi? nnmo. two million bags of seed, containing corn,
nruce and shioey as a new pin. . . beets, carrots, onions, melons, puniptins,
The rafting season has fairly opened on
the Delaware. On Ihursday last lit teen
rafts passed down the river.
. m
Those wisliing to secure a good bargain
will do well to call at I. Buster s, as he is
bound not to be undersold.
Goods cheaper than ever at N. Buster's.
He has them marked way down to bottom,
prices. Xj
AruiL showers! Yes, we had rain on
Sunday night, and snow on Tuesday morn
ing to the depth of seven inches.
Lovely month has been April thus far,
with just storm enough to break the monot
ony cf too much of a good thing.
- .
Col. James Page, one of the best known
citizens of Philadelphia, died last Tuesday
a week, aged a little over 80 years.
Y. M. C. A. The next regular monthly
raeetineof the Y.M.C. A. will be held in their
rooms Friday evening, April 10th. All are
cordially invited.
Religious. Services will be held in St.
Matthews Catholic Church, East Strouds
burg, next Sunday, April 18th.
Rlv. P. J. MoManus, Pastor.
William Bardsley, Bepublican member becn distributcd through every
i i .nfTuM-inirn Train l i1 vi'iuu it iii jl i . n l a.
.r- : e:rt ,h Odd VeM . State and Territory ol our vast, country.
ersofFort Penn Lodge were installed, on
the 5th. the officers of Mountain Home
There will be a spelling match at the
rooms cf the Y. M. C. A. on Saturday even
ing next, commencing promptly at 3 o'clock
Everybody most cordially invited to be
Strouivsburq and vicinity is soon to have
"sporting club" the object of which is the
commendable one of seeing that the gann
ami fish laws of the commonwealth arc en
forced hereabouts.
Important. In order to quit the Boot
and Shoe Business, Simon Iried offers his
entire stock of Boots and Shoes, at first
cost and Ltloic cost. Come one and all
now is vour chance fur Bargains.
The stones arc now loose, and it is about
time that we get to work at those cisterns.
Remember, "an ounce of prevention is worth
a jH)und of cure," and that it is much better
tr build the cbsterns now. that after a while
feel sorry that we did not build them.
We noticed Mr. Theodore G. Wolf, a for
mer Stroudsburg boy, and now Superintend
ant of the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Com
Dauv's rolling mills, on our streets during
several davs of last week. Dore was not
looking as well as usual.
The Clearfield, Pa., Republican says:
' 'Instead of sending seventeen hundred rafts,
4 r about ten iniuion ieet oi lumuer u me
I- .wer market, as we did last year, only about
right hundred or eight hundred and fifty
rafts, or probably five million feet will be
it rit iuto market this year. The reduction
v.-iii be severely felt by us in this county this
year, and if the prices fall much below last
year the depression will be awful. But there
i': no U--e of being discouraged. Let our tiui
Wr s-tand, and our people go to work and
fji.-e wheat, com, potatoes, beef and pork of
their own, which is no harder work than
timbering, and they need not send what lit
tle money they have out of the county for
(hat which they can produce themselves."
Wm. II. Wolfe, of Scranton, spent sever
al days last week on a visit to his father Mr,
Peter Wolfe, in Smithfield. We regret to
learn that the old gentleman is eonsiderably
under the weather. He has turned, we are
informed, his S5th year. A ripe eld age
Simon Fried, dealer in clothing, &c., who
recently returned from the city, is now dis
playing one of the finest and best assort
ment cf goods in In3 line of business, ever
offered for sale in Monroe county, which he
will sell at the lowest rates. Read his ad
vertisement ia another column, and give
him a calL
A grand festival for the benefit of the
Pastor of Stroudsburg. A. M. E. Church
will be held in the vacant store room of Wm
S. Wintermute, Main street, on Wednesday
and Thursday evenings, 14th and 15th, inst
Several white ladies having kindly consented
to aid us. andwHJ be in attendance. An in
vitation is extended to the public generally,
Admission free.
' The New York Tribwne went into its appointcd successor of General Spinner MAKE ROOM FOR THE
new seven-story palace on Saturday. Treasurer of the United States. Frcm r nv,nn
rT-: T ,,.. ..:.; arthat the couaUy is uuucixux wucap uuuas
of Ziu varieties Ot WOOU nave -rr - -
only to have a change irom one reiuaiKauic
si.Tnature to another. It Loks like a hand-
becn collected in Berks county
Forty buildings were destroyed by fire ful of fisa.hookg
at Millerstown, Pa., on Sunday.
During the past few months the Agri-
The last two weeks have been productive ! f
interesting occasions auiuus tuo vxv. , twtt
nwhrothmn. On the 3d inst the new offi-OL i.-
What Next?
GOOD NE WS ! DECK E R has ju.t been
buying out a merchant, took all the goods at
60 cents on tho dollar from first cost, and li
ia now rushing them on to his customers, som
The Rev. Father O'llara of Wilkesbar- at cost anj below cost.
What Next?
At a sale oi merino wwcu i'iauu, ,. - , ,
pr nr Mountain nome . . , i , . it, ujuubinua"" o -
. I j i thrt nthpr fi.iv a single ram urouiiut, . . ., ... , tt-
i v.i T! . -t.,i 7 j cd vr.armr.t tn ti-ii- rnn?nT Ifffl n AS. I1C
,odgc, ana on tne iuto tne omwra ui u,ft nnA flf. r(X qnl1 nt S40 nnchJ "w . ? ' " . .. The next thine i. for all bin curtcm
. 1 "11 1 UtUVf. UUU U1V V, I V.J v. v- - I 1 . 1 i T T X. 1" 4 U ir?tl I -'-
tor the ensuing six montns, wm - ' , . t advised them to Keep aiooi num u- come anj Ket some of the greatest Lariiw
George Reynolds, of Salt Lake City, gators of the troubles, whom he denounced ever offered in Stroudsburg.
couvicted of polygamy lias becn sentenced aa men unworthy of confidence or respect, What Next?
to one year in the penitentiary and a fine that their past life was of doubtful charac- FinePpringaBd8ummerDrcS3Good3fBtr;pejf
of $300. ter, and they only worked to the detriment paid and plain Goods, only 12, 14 and 16 cu!
of those who tried to make homes for them-
officered as follows :
Fort Penn, No. 134.
N. G. Silas D. Robeson,
V. G. M. R. Brown,
Sec' v. William S. Rees,
A. S.Thos. M. Mcllhaney,
Trcas. Darius Drcher,
Ren. to G. L. John S. Fisher.
or relict during tne past
Mountain Home, No. C34.
N. G J. M. Carlton,
V. G. Nathan II. Shafer,
Sec'y. C. W. Decker, .
A. S. John Bee rem,
Trcas. Allen Price,
Rep. to G. L. E. II. Heller.
Number of members 16S. Amount paid
for relief $100.
NEOLA, No. S27
N. G. J. W. Butts,
V. G. Alexander Harps,
Sec'y. A. B. Shafer,
A. S. C. M. Low,
Treas. Abraham Setzer,
Rep. to G. L. Jacob Kotz
All additional warrant ui auacnmeuu uaa . ...:i: u .; n i;i;iwl
been issued and delivered to the Sheriff for
... - through, honest labor,
execution against the property of Y llliam
. What Next?
Fine black and colored Alpacca and Alpac
ca Lustre, only 25, 30 and 35 cents.
Number of members 1S5. Amount paid flood What Next?
r relict during the past term o-i uu. . , sBi,i;,i wwi. nM n?. pj..
. , r n, washed aDout lour ieet; oi carm irom tt- r"'" ; "v- , V'U,,B
Four prisoners escaped from the Craw- " , , w bar, Jackonett, Iaonsook, Victoria Lawns
ford countv iail on the 9th inst., by taking LU a v . Hamburg eagings ana inserting, cheapest in
a stone out of the wall and descending bv nessce river, near Louisville, ii ount county, the county.
the aid of a rope.
Tenn. When the water subsided a strange
spectacle was presented. Tho whole of the
The wheat crop in Southwestern V lrgmia denuded area was covered with skcltons.
has greatly improved within the last few Some were straight, some reclining, some
days, and an average yield is now con- doubled up and some in a sitting posture .
fidcntly exwected. There were the osseous forms of infants,
. -0. . ' -it . ' . , p., c, , of children and of full grown persons.
A State census will be taken ot the State t . , ,
x' v , i i . c T Over one thousand forms have been coun-
of New lork beginning on the 1st of June , , ,
mv.' . .j i P x cj4 ted. Persons who have lived in the vicim-
iy oi Luis uuj&iaiuua cmdvij ui i.
laws and the expenses paid by the State.
than half a century never heard of any
Rev. R. B. Kistler, a Lutheran clergy- human bones being discovered there be-
Number of members 97. Amount paid man who lives in Cherryville, Northamp- fbre, and the skeletons are not found in a
or relief $95. I ton countv, jrot out his sleijrh on December mound, nor in what appears to be unartifi-
.... ..... . i " i
A e arc pleased to learn that the order, 22. 1874. and drove in no other vehicle ,1 fnrmntion of earth.
. , . a ; ,i j: 1 ' I
nereanouts, is m a very nourimnfi untn 30, 1875, riding in it 971
miles in fourteen weeks.
What Next?
Beautiful Calicoes 6, 8 and 10 cents for the
very best, Merimacks and Cochecoes.
What Next?
Good heavy solid Ginghams only 10 ct..
What Next?
Bleached and nnbleached Muslins, Rome of
the very cheapest in the county. We want
every body to get a sight of these.
What Next?
Verv heavv over-all stuff only 16 cts., worth
20 cents in some stores.
What Next?
Fine Damask Linen Table Cloths, two yard
wide, only 75 cents a yard, worth Si in wine
stores; and good unbleached Linen lalile
Mauch. Chunk has the niumps in epide
mic form.
Governor Tilden of New York is deter- Cloth.3 only 45 and 50 cts. a yard
mined to wage relentless war upon the old
What Next?
Beautiful white Counterpanes only $1 2
mi i t i' r .i: I-I 0
iuc principal ivirican uisco.ery Taramany Ring as weH tbc canal thieves.
sinrn flu rl.ntl nf T)r Livintrcf nno. bosl . . , w T
o Hn last wnlc nardoned James 11. lncrcrsoll. - T.i,,ia T i'nnn tIj v,.i ;....
. ... f . j I , f . . .t t . . , .1 .1 I t C 'I " 1 J "V-u, ..v..-,, ."ivu m. lo, I'lkBII.-i,
luisviile, ivy., erected mty-seven man-neen What is thougnt to Do tne eouincrn fT j- h Gente' and Lydie'a handkerchiefs from 8 to 25
ufacturing establishments last year. outlet of the great Lake Langanyike, by . . n . rm - fi w Vfnrs tin nrn:n. ccnte.
. "'n " J I I
Baltimore has a berar who has retired Lieutenant Lameron. lhis immense lake . Injrersoll was rcleascd for the pur. What Next?
-',J I o-A i r
from business with a fortune of $26,000. 13 raiies ionS anu uas au a 01 m pose of using him a witness in the suits
i I Til I 1 1 H I . -I I
Tlie month of May coming, will have
five Saturdays, five Sundays, aud five Mon-
The United States already pays twice as
much in pensions as any other nation in
the world.
than 10,000 square miles.
Three thousand yards of
brought anainst Tweed, Sweeney and Con- SILK AJSB VhL VhT RIBBONS.
There is a snow-bank in Winnebago Co., nelly, to recover the money stolen by them p
Tnwa. 28 font hio-h. Tho man on whose from the city treasury. Although lweed W nati XM exi V
farm it rests is oin to build a shed around is in prison he has becn dispossessed of none of 200 trimmed and nntrimmed Hats for La-
it and keep an ice cream saloon net sum- hi. enormous wealth, and there seeml to XS
mer. He is denounced by his neighbors, be no way of regaining the proceeds of hi3 fui cheap.
who have only little drifts, 18 to 20 feet robberies while in power. But with In- U
In the wheat fields in Bradford county, u;h, a Hoated and grasping monopolist, gersoll as a witness it is expected that sev- M , nr, , r. ., ,n Un
Pa., living grasshoppers arc found in con- oral millions of this ill-gotten spoil will be 8ierv an j (iiovcssome of the best in the conn-
siderable numlers and the fanners in that TIle rulmS of JudS lwe11 111 rcsPect recovered for the benefit of the plundered 7 fr the price.
locality are worried about it.
to the collection of school taxes has been
reversed bv the supreme court and the
The Wheat crop of Oregon has not been i rctation f by the school
a failure ever since first settled by the . rtf .. m, tr.-.t r
whites, thirty years ago. What country dccision b authorize gdlool lircctors to
on the globe can show a better record than oeartca o . vowl- fifto, mu ,m
11it7t7--?iJ Cfc AAVI VAbVVUilJ. UAkVU tul fcJ V.'
will of all honest citizens
against the thieves.
Governor Tilden has the good
in his warfare
What Xextl
All kind.'? of Notions and Fancy Goods,
good Tins, and best Needles for 5 cts. a paper,
and good ppool cotton, 200 yards warranted,
only 4 cents a spool.
Paper Collars 10 cts. and others in proportion.
the dollar for school purposes.
lVhat IVcxt ?
Four hundred Talm Leaf and Japanese
The President on Rumors.
President Grant was interviewed by a
correspondent of the New York Times.
last Mondav. in reference to recent rumors.
trrttnen linvo P-nJnftd nn oWtmn viftnrv 1 In regard to Mexican incursions into Texas I onl-y 3 anJ centa a Plcce
- . j -
On Monday the Mayor was to be chosen, he said the accounts were exaggerated. What iYext ?
and there were two candidates, one "no li- A force of military has been ordered to the Kentucky Jems IS cents a yd., good CWi
cense" the other "licenses." The former frontier to protect the settlers from the rlZU
was chosen bv ten maioritv. The Erreatest inroads of Mexican Guerrillas. There great bargain.
country is Kalamazoo, Michigan, which entjlussm prcVailed. The clergymen were no reasons at present for apprehension What IVcxt '
has 11,330 inhabitants, five raUroads, clectionccrcd the whole day through, while of a war between the two countries, and he FIannels of all kinds an'a ors. Among
several millions of manutactures, and halt a tlQ jajjc3 constant praycr meetings. said that nothing would be done by this them ia heavy plaid Shining, only IS c-vnts a
that ?
A Cleveland youth of rather fast procli
vities fell in love with a parson's daughter,
and as a clincher to his claims, said to the
reverend gentleman, "I'll go my bottom dol
lar on piousness."
The largest and wealthiest
villas in the
dozen banks and colleges
applied for a city charter.
It has never
Government to provoke such a result. lie yard, and beautiful Counterpane very choap.
tV,rt t nrri
v, further said that the reported resignation
T . 1. 1 . . I '
A colored congregation in Dayton have scourge, r two years of Commissioncr pouglass wasuntruCf and
decided to forgive their clergyman for bet- J beCn nted the PwPle f that no changes that he was aware of were
ting on three-card montc and losing $90 outh?rn and W estern Minnesota is not bc maJe b thc
of ftstival money
What Xext?
Excellent Cotton Bats and Carpet "Warp, a
great bargain.
What Xext?
We will sell you a whole suit of Men'
clothes, coat, vest and pants made up of good
heavy Cassimere, well made and lined, only
nine dollars and ffty cents, warranted.
The Beading Times has discovered that
r.imlle old lady again : Mr3. Mary Koeh,
widow of Jacob Koch, aged seventy-eight
yars on the llihult, residing with her
son-in-law, Mr. John Winters, at Xo. 812
Chestnut street, is the fortunate possessor
of quilts of the fiueit workmanship and
inosrt elaborate designs. iShe works with
ihe r.eedio at times till midnight and is
vt rv fond of dancing. She sometimes lays
Iwr work bv and will datu a minuet with
Wild Pigeons have bee3 unusually plenti
ful with us this spring. Large number
have been shot and caught, and, they hav
been oCered to our citizens at $1 per dozen
A flock settled down in one of our up town
gardens la;t Friday, but they left before gir-
ing our hunters a chance at them. Our
typographical force went out last Saturday
to "play havoc and let loose the dogs of war"
among them and returned after a hard days
work with 0-0-0. Bully.
Mr. Samuel Melick and lady, left here
for their home at Newburg, on Friday last.
It will be a pleasure for their many friends
here to learn that tho trip has resulted in an
improvement in Mr. M's. health, and for
them to learn of the many wishes expressed
that they may soon again be found visiting
this the scene cf their young man and wouiau
hood. Of course, having tasted of the re
freshing waters of Stroud's spring they can
not stay away for long.
Pecker & Co., of the cheap auction store
have a large advertisement in this week's
paper, giviog a description of their spring
and summer goods just received and their
astonishing low prices.
Some people on reading his advertisement
may think it one of those humlvgs that are
often seen ia print, aud we too might come
to the same conclusion, were we a stranger
to Mr. Decker and his lionoralU way of
dcaiicg, but we know, for we have dealt with
him a number of years. That his goods are
among the best, and as he advertises them
we venture to say, no you will find them
Look at his wunderfd advertisement, . then
give him a call and satisfy ycursc.t.
rn r.t flirt f oopnnc rn. I
marked, "We 13 all human, and de game J ,,,,., A , , j
' . . eggs, all of which, after being placed near
wtrry ei.eiuuc. Vof,t,,l n.i;t o nnmU nf Bills Annrnvpd liv thA finvAmnr
Irascible old party "Conductor, why farmers, discouraged with, the prospects, Harrisburg. April 12 Governor Hart
didn't you wake rne up a3 I jisked you ? uave abandoned their homesteads and left ranft has approved the following acts of thc
Ilere I am miles beyond my station. Con- the country. If the prophecy proves cor- last Legislature :
ductor "1 did try, sir, but all 1 couia get rect tjl0S0 counties most afflicted will be To repeal the Local Option law.
out of you was, 'All right Maria; get the Utterly deserted in a short time. To provide for the appointment 0f a We will aeU our five dsHar Mens' lot for
, , , . . . rrt . . , w anu .Mens gooa lasung uoow iot i
. i l . ,i ill oiate xuaru oi VCuiicuunu iuauurcrs. worth .r0
What XextT
We will sell Boys' and Youth' suit from
four to seven dollars, good cloth and well mado.
What Xcxt I
children their breakfast, I'll be down in a
the other day, one colored man inquired of
To regulate the practice of medicine,
What Xext f
A kind hearted baker in Charlestown, I otber . IWt dc surgery and obstetrics in this State. AVe Miall sell Ladle's good lasting CSaiter, for
xuass., uu icguiauj """Jones about de first of Jinuary?' "Data v.. MW. w uu vioy, w i .oa.m v-
KmL-Pn hrtA for a female bercar cverv ! ! t, . .a... t.. ment of trustees for the State Normal BOJ"e !? h" kecP a P' ?
-o w mc x ma wa3 ino answer , nut Ave of ladies' and Mb
. 1 i . j ii ii 1 .
morning, was somewnatsurpriseu me oLner dun lcft ter; Why, how's dat?" dc
day to ascertain that she was a boarding fusfc wcck &he caUed mc hoQey d(J ncxt
house keerer, and that ten people daily sat weet &h& sulkcd around and me olc
at her table. Richards the third week she cum for me
Old Ben Wade declines running as a wi(j a flat-iron and broke two ribs, and I'm
candidate for Governor at the ensuing elec- gwjne to teep right away from dar."
lie jrives several reasons tor
To authorize an additional law judge in
the Nineteenth District.
ses' and Children's Shoes,
and sell tliem wonderful cheap.
What cxt!
v ;m ii a .,r,l TT its fcr
m . 1 1" 1 i f P 11 I "II LllWl Mill, UMIIUIUL'V
To establish a system of free bnaking, Men for $1 50 and $1 75, worth $2 and S2
and to securo thc public against loss from In some stores. Small Uov's and Youth sllaw
insolvent banks. and Caps, very cheap.
To regulate the manner of increasing the W hat Xext :
tmn in Ohio
this course the principal one of which is Another circumstantial account of further indebtedness of municipalities, and to pro- We intend to keep on hand fashionable Prt
sufficient in itself, to wit : that for two gold discoveries in thc Black Hills eomes vide penalties for the illegal increrse there- Vi
vears past his voice has been so used up Irom iankton, Uakota. ihe Uwens ot. and price
that he has not been able to make a speech, brothers, who are reporteed as bringing in Atitnoruing ana regulating the making
antl It IS UlCC Ii L114I1 ttl. -. UlU ..V...W, " " v.v-. , I - It 1 w "J I -J
"entleman is now in his seventy-fifth year, and are men whose statements can bc relied Known as nomes lor irienaiess children. cheap
What JVcxt I
'cople wonder how Decker can sell p'f
an. The reason is simply this. Mr. I V'K
.18 F
. L . ... 4 . ,,,M-.
. The prospect of having so noted a eham- upon. Being out on a hunt with a party, Xo provido lor the expenses required by !s near tne city ana can oe tv 'aUa
pion as Wade for a Republican candidate and meeting some of the Black Hills pros- an act entitled an act to provide for the chep goods, and buys them Sot cash, ami thw
was sufficient, while it was indulged in, to pectors, they were induced to venture on a continuance and maintenance ot soldiers " the reason he can sell them so cnet'j
drive oiFall competitors ; but now that he prospecting tour, though lacking experience, orphans. What Xextf
is out of the way it behooves the Pepubli- and without tools. Camping some thirty To prevent the sale of intoxicating Oar customers will find in MiQcackex
cans of Ohio to make choice of some one miles south of General Custer's lines, they liquors and for the preservation of order at vsn, thc Superintendent of th e iu r
whose name will be strong enough to lead found gold within three days in such soldiers' encampments. Jjj ghohem theheap6 goods whh great
them to victory. Ex-Governor Noyes, ex- quantities that, leaving their companions to To provide for printing and furnishing pleasure.
Governor Hayes, and ex-Governor Uenni- guard the spot, the Owens boys returned wrappers for tho Legislative Record. What Xext I
son have all been named, Hayes being the for supplies and equipment. They have To provido for settling the claims of E. pe RUre amj po to the Cheap Auction Store,
strongest of the lot. Sherlock J. Andrews, no fears of the Indians, having met both Tt ters and John Laute. down town, 4 doors below the Tost 0.1'e
of Cleveland, and Professor Monroe, of Brule and Teton, Sioux, and maintained To reimburse A. H. Waters for clothing pEC'KEK A
Oberlin, are also named. friendly relations with them. and funeral expenses of soldiers' orphans. April 13, 1873. ly.