-J 4 i 1 - M t i -..- 1 i -1 ...mi 5 t i i f 1 THB MONROE COUNTY , t Co-Operative - Li ETRCUDSSURG PENNSYLVANIA. Limit 5;000"Meiribcrs. ' CHARTER PERPETUAL. nT'?rMiOotittf boy ami uitmt. of either sot. not tuna f.flt-f n nor more loan l.iy-u:' oars i j and a l 'jialiuanv.cui1;;tiin,rx(.vfi;t;ely 'iau. r ,. ... f liiV, may f Tuc a m-nilxr thin Company-, by t-aylii mi :iu:n!-o-in t't-,.t iuilv: " 1 ro:u 1 to 4 years of 2iij .-0 A ) t. ."0 - " o- 00 - .... " Ml to " -.-. tn ; 1') Of) 2a uj Ati.'i no ii.iiiiir :'or J". ' , - oiIht i-haru'cs v ill !- iisa.V at any t:m i-xiM-pnii tin- .Jall-ir ana t r nrs ..rt nvli liiouifti-r wlw.fli- Th ijulvs'-iUitUii CoT.'j'Miy vcr th- ordinary 1 ln-if aiuf lxp:i k tiro; tt;t. -!- ''-s r wiuUI tout it.v matt M'"l' i;t" myitis van ."ion ri- a com- Mi. 1 nitenaHsiw-l m; h small -inns, f!j:il m lfiiui i-.n'l..- ;i'e..nc,LV"-a 'v lliri.i. Tlii-r nnninir rtrnt : -i.l u.j ;: n ;. nii'-vi it. 1 W.S..H lmMunc cf rntu at . ' .V. i.. t!.: i -..iin-'.mv :ir mire in ruv ! d-rli. liiattli.nrn1::Ks..rh.-irs!!ita.sjiiaiiyaI'is f) j?ann ,,. or or Jri.ia fly a t!-. nre i'1'U..uimii tli- .i:;ii.:'ii. ' . f No i-,.Mi-j..tit.p-PTi';il:ii-ut!i'n tmv.iinhrrcMdom-o. light mtirhiiicry. I liiSU Keep III fctOCfc, ..pHU':,ti.;i.l'ori.unii..-e , r ' '''"brrl "tverul thoUraoU ft'Ct of wa'lJ to tUo lii Ji tirs or ..vrctiirj , at o..'.uaUt.r0, i a. Win. l ii"', .. i. l''lliTTii:in, J. A. l-'otiitTiiiaii, i:. n. rr. i).T. vii.;.iam r !:.; n-cs't. M. A. P.? I- Van S5c.;'y. M. F: ;"4':;i:i.ii, t. L. l'.-j!jil.-il. MONROE CQUNTY .?'if?:ri! Fire Insurance Company. STR0TJISBURO, PA. .: j'. :&X. new ' MMME SHOP ! i The euWcrilicr liaving started a Machine Shop, aer liie head of. . " Main Street, StroudsburgPa., prepared to build,-nnd 'repair all kinds of Miicliiuery with accurucy, and d it patch. Beinjr titled-with o. n w- - r innrrriT'n V ml? TT7T?'!S?- JiN . SM FT1XG. A .XD P PL ; Llrii, ,1A'Z? TT777 2.U PllOVED TOOLS of various kind, and having- n xperianc of over Tlnrty years in designing am' iMiddinsr micliinrr for si':ial nurpfge.-, I I'e. l wtirratit-d in guariHiJeein tliC bcHt i v.;rk. llavi' on liana, anu building-, . , - - - - . - - - I'ORTABLE 'STEAM EStllNKS, f fiom 2 to ll Horse Power,- designed Harness! Sa S.J WILLIAMS, Tl.e HtMive business lias ngaiu oveuu-. rr--ir Twv .4i uiveJ.t the otj Kiaud,". lately swept away fe-gL- S f" iy the. late flood, near Baldwin's Hotel, m . g?s (- Yatclimaker & Je weler y MAIN ST, STROUDSBURG, PA. . Premium Nevr York Oak Tanned Beltin SiroudsL-urir, where will Le kept constantly on hand the host assortment of ilanicss, '.double "and single, Saddles, ... . - : DridSes, Collars, in! every othfr article ii?uil!y furnished in Located jn corner building, third door be- thisJmeot liUbinesn. . WorumauB ow tlic Jefiersniiinn dbCP. jwnmnanniur on the shortest notice. A large assortment ,y fi(tej Uptant heavily stocked with the fi ct . ucst astortuicnt ot Varo uiocss, waicnes, jcweiry, cwci nlvrntv nn !,nn,1 f.tlnn.I mnkt VOiir OWH UOCE, &.C., ",,,UJ' " ' i i I ....... .....i; ...III l.i' ncii.i:t ui.IuIp r.nl . .. t T" 1 . . K MAMi-vr I inliv - . i 1 1 . i. - pi'pr n erru I u i iiib rtki i n vf i pi lire HCl mm TACe itM III lins iuunci. - ' - , . . . v- - . - I i - n.,,l ..mti.l tn nil no-psj alvvat'S iilfchortett not ce. Call ao-t exur.ine uawjr, u..vv 0-, JOHN O, SAYLUU. Ajent on ie. n-fvi.o, n ic-r(if I onver-ware, nu onvcr . . . - . - l I -V fr7-i:Mairin' ne.itiv execuieu, anu cnur v . ' r.. r. ih imlilii recnecifuliv soliciied tS..le Ayeut tor luc ceut-raiea utamwiu Snetacles, November 5th, JdGS ly ciiai:tei: perpetual. Tt-. '.y-ti-sn"tl:brTi-i7irj,an.i rc;.'i:l:il't.i 5-vTn-"ui:r iasura;i.o t'av.-, r.-c-.;iiUy Ikh-u vry in;tfri:iily rhanjv.'d. j. tut' ins it uprn a oqual to that uf miy LSIc- In-iimn-f (.'otr.iuiv in thvMatc. lmitoiiaiit nir.aa the.' chuui's arc the fol'iwin, tI:: lV!iL''. s, i:ib:iJ f bc-irj pvr;?iuiJ, arc LaiJ fr A!l j.r 'p'-vty 'n i-i-.-ifi '4 au.l t"uf ratv uf ri-uiiisin is fixo,l ai .ni'.:i- t- iln- rik ;' ike l-r -rry . I'li-iii; un iiwit-s art; tai.cn, and nil aa;ssiricx.:a rc l'ro;. -t- i innrivl for not more tlinn two lliirds of is a -tu:.: i;i-ti val ami t.t t--.ll amount of JtiNurawv pai.i in of I. !... nrovid.i I lit- luss ic O'juol t-j the i.n..oi.t l inuratiii... "An-.i'i.-'.l :i:-.-?ii'M'ii:s on!y are rr .-wlt, cx'T- n f v a;rl v. iiovc a ::.xsMujii'. is In-f-iY-vi; y. Tlie o'si:any N thercf nr jtrfrr.-i t- itiMire v'P1"1 V uiM.;i drill's iii'uvh niort. airuLle tli;ni undi-r tiic t-U fysii"n. . An;i:.icstlo!j way tua-Jc t acy of tVr aaioCis. Surveyor j, or f:nxy. MAX.Vt.KH--. Sf i'd I! - ra'-:-, J. I' .-i-nf I.';i:: r IL ?t.-.il-.-s, :;-..i L r-rjkf, I. Kr.Hiinr.fi, J:S"rt Jioys, Kr:wht Jtilm fcyt'n.-r, K. Ha'ji nnaii, J-ob .S:ov.rf'i.r, Thi'). S-lvi.-1), W". llhadcs, SmiOKU. ST0KC3, l'.-Jst. L. B. Ii:i.ir-.t, Sjerctury sJ Tri-.x-arvr. F"r ."-I'l'nr'jc Cutintv: SiU T.. Prsk?, AVilMii liiil. Tt, " '.eo. G. 5-baf -r, T. IV. IUii..i..-s. J. 1' in- L"Kar, ' Jjcob St;iuUr, Ju'iin Ii!iii:r. For Yk'ayne (Vniuty: F. A.f 'j.pdt, " Ci.ar!-b A. Misters. For Tike Coutity : Fur Northampton Coast r: Fur Carl-oa County : Situiui zi'ijcini. l'v.r Yir-.'iii)!i!i Co'it;tv: O. M. Kooa, II. Y. KarUwvll, " J. 15. Dlaru. , ft-The Maua'.-ii inevt regularly at the S-Wtary's )iii; ia !Mro,.n.I!Jiirjr, ou lac lirsl Xuv!:iv of n.-li liiooTh, at 2 o'ciock.F. M. play lo,'"3-f in widths of inch t- G inches, (cun obtain witter Oiies at v ry short notn:e) at niann-fiicturt:r- (trices, al.-o Luce Leather, Relt ilivets, Punches, &c, STEAM PIPES & -FITTINGS uf the various fcizes. Pipe cut and fitted, at short notice. 5i;iiU & Rubber Slcam I'acSilng. I would call th attenti-in of B!ack-mit!j. U'heelwric'hts, aii.l otiiers, tj u:y asfcOil inent of ail siiea or , Machine Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Lag Screws, and Bolt-ends, hich I offer at New Yo k pr'c-3. The B .lt-en'!s '.-pec ally, bein threnled and fitte t with r.u's by niacliineiy, enible the tScttsiiiths to furnish Indent any 'ei fjtli. tr.r!i cheaper, and quicker, than to cut them by hand. Call m and see my stock and Machinery G. S A.N FORD. March G, 1S73 if. rjUlK TALKING MACHINE. The Domestic Seuing "laehiue. "DOHESTKTBr rr r- ? "m-Thsm r i;'-t '-iA t. u". 1 Cama Cll 1 IC1 ge It T-v lr--i - rv The unJersrsati tates this metlvoJ o informing tbe public, that lie still con tiuues tha anv busvoess iu il it. tranche at his old Stand, c franklin street ,4 X exlfiiiv lolof STOVES of Stroudsuun;, Pa , where he will be hap all descriptions Imve been received at nv io reCeive orders fuv woiti ia his liue ... i i he sinrei.f the mhsenber, in the boruugti iu cJa(iiu fCDeiit oi oi riiiius: iir-'. l le una BAEGAINS At KtJSTEIl'S, as Won 1 . THE OLDEST AND MOST Reliable Clothing House in Town! GOODS MARKED DOWN AT Extremely Low Prices ! CALL AND EXAMINE THE LARGE AND FINE SELECT i:i STOCK OF FAIL AiD WIXTE8 Hats, Caps, Furs, Furnishing Goods, Dry Goods, k N. B. Particubr attention paid to CUSTOM WORK. Gi Cts varraut COOmOSTOVES.&PAKtORSIOVES. trSt ,tyli.,, and considerb!esa vig of fuel, which "'s f of h& l'f of seoned : ,n be h. at the Wt Cty prices. Also lumber is Lr-e and very cwa piste; and e all kinds of ilso has a full force of lirsr class workmen at all the Iraneties, ke Satters himaell that he is fully prepare-! to aecouiodate all who favor him vitkwvrdera, and guarau- Stove-Pipe. crv description, constantly on hand, which tee ellre satisfacuon. will b s.dd i wl.ol-lo re,:,i, as rea Impairing promptly attended prj-able os can be had rn the City. All kinds of rep:iirinj done in the shortest, cheape.-l and best maimer. Call and ex inl ine his stock before you puirh ise elsewhere. Feb VM. S.FLORY. to W.M. HUNTS .MAN. July 23, 1S70. SAMUEL HOOD, BEAD THIS! O. P. MICK, Wholesale & Retail DEALER IN TOBACCO AND SEGARS. (Opposite Wallace's Lumber Yard,) STHCUDSBUKC, PA. BEAD THIS! april 9-tf. go to J. ij. Mccarty & sons, ODD -FELLOWS' HALL, MAIN ST., STROUDSPjURG, PA., A?D BUY YOU 3 FUHNITUHE, Carpets, Oil-Cloths, Rugs, Win do w Shad 03, Curtains & Fix tures, Table Cloths, &c. AND SAVE At Least Two Profits. As M:Orty t Son buy, direct from the manufacturer, fr casb. (nut 00 Uajs.i, they cau sjII you MOKE FURNITURE, : OF A BETTER QUALITY, AND FOR LESS 3IONEY tbao you can Taiv at rntafl citln'rliicltyorcouutrv,nd evtry axiictK t wiuuuu to w rirpj vdjuuxi. June By its SIMPLICITY, r;; Is?'.;-- ! EASE OF fd RUXXIXG, TALKS ITSELF ISTO PUBLIC FA VOR. TIIK WOPwLD CHALLENGED! To produce a Family Sewing M.-icliine th;it wd! .-ev n li?!', aiiil is lieivy. hn t is as liirlit. running, and as easily operated. This Machine is warranted to wear rqu . I ty ? loti irs any olher manufactured. Sold on monthly rav men's For a!e by D.Ml'.US l)RCiIIi:!t. ilain St., tSiro;iJaburg, Pa. Sept. 12. 1572. Bm pfytm. mum UNDERTAKING ! LEE t Co. would mo t respectfully Re nounce that having procured an eJejjant HEAESE, Pf r -l:.Tw" t"v-. :i -Y .3 -j'JJ-j.-fg'i- and having- a pcr.on in their emp-lfy- of twelve years experience, in the oniTiaking business, are now prepared to ailend to un dertaking in all its branches inthfe beat pos sible manner. t'5:i r style or quality, con.-tantfy on hand, and kV-kSM. i t-iiSS ready for hhiimieiit nt fchort notice. Order by ntail prompt ly attended to. Our charres ure moderate; we have no disposil Ihd t distress the living or rob the estates oi the dead. N. C. Readv-made R03ES. neatlv ct0f. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in hen un. can be had at anv time, at tbs Warp iinom of LEU &, Co. NEW STOBS --.and:- NEW. GOODS -:at:- REDUCED PRICES. DARIUS DREHER, bes leave to an nounce to his friends and to the pub lic generally, that he has juet received a (cneral asisortment oi 9 - Dry Goods, Xutiuns, Dress Trimmings, AND 21 IL LINER Y GOODS consisting, in part of the following desirable articles, viz. : . Calicoes, Lutens, Premh Chintzs, Children's Drens Goods, Worked Edfjiitrs, Paraaohx Zenker, Shetland Woofs, , . Shetland Wool Shcucls, Delaines, - . - - -Musi ins, White Dress Goods, Insert iiigs, Ijady's and Children's Sacks Flannel and Cloth, Ladifs, 'Misses and Jim's Hues, Gloves and Collars JUourniiij Goods, Shroudings, ti'C, ifcc, Goods shown with pleasure.- vQuick tales and small profits" at the old and wel known Millinery Stand of P. A DKEIIER The Millinery husinees'will be cairiedon asuMial by Mrs. IhiEiiEU. Patronage respectly solicited. DARIUS DREIIER. April 26, 16GG. - . - DOS'! I'OO I, YOU R MO.M2Y away for worthless articles of Furniture. but tro to Met .'arty & Sons, and you, will cet vol! paid t'Qf it jJuuc lS,'74-tf A KICKS stock or czioici: Family Groceries, Qu'eensware. Glass- T. 1 H'.'ll ... . ' ware, uuuuami mow-ware, at ,C. R. ANDRE & Co. Terms CAS If. - - jan. 30, '73 tf. BLANK LEASES- For S.ilo at. this Oftlco. T.nnir ? loaf t t Itf al House rtirnishiuir Goods. FiGGfiag tiUil SpootiDg Mr. J". J. I-Iays OP TH33 I. tie !! short uoW'-i', M id t'ae Ltf-t mutiTti.1. and at r.'astjntiMi! rri-os. Hijst'K.k if C.io'k, lMrlor :iu J OC'icc Stove. I'liiiiravcH r.U tl:. ti'at varicti-.'s k now n to t hi) ral:'. l.'ail a:;.i Siur..' T ! r. I I t i I li:i, al.-ove thf M"t!itnlist Clniri-)), Main stroet, .;roudLurg, l'a. re'truary 4, io-ii. Cards, Bill Heads, Labels, k 9 10, Popular Hal k Cap Emporium, His just returnned from the cities with an immense stock of N. RUSTER, . " PROPRIETOR OF TEE NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION, September Zr 1ST!. tf. M aix stueet, SxttoccsuLiw, mum reduced AT TUB ? CHEAPEST GOODS IN TOWN. I HENRY D. BUSH. i (Successor to K. F . i II. D. rju,, ; DEALER IN I dry mm & mmm, I Shawls, Cloths and Cassimeres, n SILKS, DELA NES, CALICOES, N'EAT, fAtJAP A'iD Q U I C b HatSj Caps and Qents' Furnish ing uoods, Printed to Order at t!i3 JEPPERSONIAN P1 rinnns O 3J for Spring and Summer wear, which he is offering at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Tiiankful for past favors, I respectfully ask my old customers nnd the public generally io examine my Slock and Prices nelore making purchases elsewhere. Crest BassaiHB ry new cfilred" in FANCY DRESS GOODS, ALPACA?, ELYETEESS, CLOTHS, CASSIMEP.ES, JTASXELS;. all of vhScb Eavc tee-- mark down to PANIC PRICES. Goods all new asJ ri-Ptt in styh, but marked down to meet the- lin-.es. Wi invite all to call and see &r ihviuslves. Taring C. K. ANDEE k Co. dee--!tf JIain St htrotw?br, Pa.. coTTewsI SEW FIRM AND JSEW SGODS? WAGNER & RJI0SES wouid announce to the public, that titer Iiave-j taken the stand lately occupied by L. T. Iabarj A Co., and fitted and stocked it with choicw lines, of J Dress Goods Generally, WMta Goods, Fianncls, Triaairgs, e:q hosiery, i.T irJO?-'5 j TJie v3v.ti stock of a icsll tiT-or.itc1 ! BP.Y GQOU ANU KOTIGN STOES- The 535 waj act pu-case-J 'A Auction, cr Bankru-nt Sales ,but will be ?oM at pri?C3 3;.tis.raot.irT U; purabneera, asd- wayraat:d as tj CALL ASD SLL. II. I). Strou?lnrp, April SO, 1874.?;". PHCENIX Store on Main Street, Stroudsbnrg, Pa., Main Street, Stroildsburg, Pa. a few doom aboVe the Washington Hotel. J. A. HAYS. f,? All Orders promptly filled. GivcusLpr;j 2, '73-tf a call LOOK THIS WAY, ALL WnO WANT Carriage Work or Blacltsmithiug D0N IN A SUPERIOR MANNER! riiF. x n.. (Removed to Fowler's building.) THE Sultscriber bes leave to in pfortu the public that he is fully pre pared, at his establishment, -at the corner of Simpson anil Sirah streets, in the borough of Stroudsburg, to make to order, every style of Carriage, Wagon, and, in fact, everything in his line of bu ine'S, at the shortest possible notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Carriages repaired, trimmed and paiut cd in the best stylo oi the art. Having first-elass material always ou baud, and uone but first-class workmen eujraxed, the public arc assured that noue but first-class work will be turued out at his shop. I have "recently bought the Stoek of Drug in Nicholas Hunter's buil ding, formerly owned by M. V. Evans and have added a large supply of NEW GOODS, PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, different brands of pure WHITE LEAD and other PAINTS, Pure SPICES, ground and unground, Linseed Oil, raw and boiled, Japan Dryers, Varnishes, Window (Jhifs, French and American Tutty, I'atetit Medicines, Fruit Jars, pure Wines and Li quors tor medical purposes, lhje Whikey,7 years old, and will keep on hand a good supply of Norse & Cattle Powder, Profwtior Myers Horse Lin iment, Ea:i India Oil, .Shoulder Braces and Supporters, Lamps and Fixtures, and everp thing usually kept IN A DRUG STORE!!! mm Groceries, Provisions, Crockery ware, &c. (2' doors Tsei cf tse- ''Jereror.;iri 05:--' . 5liriSsia?g. Fa., DREHSE & EEC VriigH, Ulcdieinc, XcrJtinrj aud Toilet Atiirlei. Every article in store ha been selected with the greatest care, and thev can assure cttsto-I niers that no matter at what price bo Id. everv I thing purchased of them will prove to be of i me nesi quality. It is the ilesign to keep a complete assort-, OILS VRN'IPZ' Gl A5S 'c Fl i 1 ment in each line, so that all tastes may be ! ' " -'--' suited. ; a t ,1 : i c. - SllOU'df I uviuiuiuai outgone. In f.ftnnrptlin YDtlll llld P.iprlona Qlinnt superior wuikiiiuii win always be lounu for Dniiis and Meihcines carefully filled, from ready to attend to the orders of customers selected stock at reasonable prices. The public are invite-.' to call and ex All orders by Stage or otherwise, will be amine bis stock before purchasing else- ""ented to. Give me a call and where. V A L EN T I N E-K A Lr TZ. - 4 J , WIJ.imS. September 1U, lW.-tf. - .. trtrnd-hurg, Pa.: July 24,'73-tf.- ' Whether in want of heavy or fine Groceries or Provisions, Crockery Ware, and Glassware, Tobaccoes i or what not This will be found to be the! place to eall. A speciality with them will be I a Ho. 1 brand of 1 St. Louis Mills Flour which stands at the head of the list every where. Call and examine goods. Prices marked down to the lowest living figure. SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS Constantly on hand. ALSO: On hand and for sale a supericr lot of Ceiling; Lath, Hemlock Boards and Scant ling, Matched Flooring, and White Pine of all kinds. II. S WAGNER. M. .W RHODES. April 10, 1873-tf. AMII4TO.VS SHAM LESS COIt- SETS. The lest in use. The only place they can be had iu towu ia at the cor uer store. Trytheui. ia, .0. V.r-tf. UXA.NtaRiC Braces. Seelev's? 1 TRUSSES OF VAR10FS PAITEIL Lamps and Lanterns-BurnisS and Lubricating Oils. Plivsicians Prescriptions carcHy CcS- ipoutuled. , . -,fr IN. li. Ihe hitrhest rasa pi..- 1 OIL of WINTERS iREEX. niay4-tt' l3 BLANICMORTGAGE For sale' at this Offic'fV r m PAP EH IIASSfc' GLAZIER AND PALN-' MONROE STREET, Nearly opposite Kautz's Blacksmith Stroi dsbiko, Pa- jn. The undersigned would wspcj Jc'snit.v form the citizens of StrouJsbiir kilij!1 thHt he is now fully prepireJ 10 , Yill)lPf, r.rlnpr IIannrinf. Glau anJ , he promptly and at tbori notice, 0 j will kppn rolls Paoer Ilantriuffs of all .iecnr' bi:J lowjjirices- ; The putroiia;'P ji iV'earaest'y tofictcd. ' '