-J fmV rrrtirriBiwi iiai BARGAINS u -?HE: -MONROE- CQUNTYJ !&JVJLLIAMr lei tfcpv ;t r , - t . i ittt a I in n i ': i i I I "5 . - i ii - t BTSOUDSBUROPEJIXSYLVANIA. Limit 5VOOO'Mombers. CHARTER - PERPETUAL. V? - Aa-P&vbfwa iodvDdia!ad.-ftfitbreex,Bot tbn ttlovn nor more tbfte ixty-five years of as, an 1 not ear ajvl is any c-.yy vatll,ai "Hn?y danger-. o to life, may'lifsotae menrbei- of. thu. Company, by. tvtaz an admission fee, w Ally's : ' From 15 to Wyesra crane 53 00 40 to 50 -4 - 600 t Wto6J,,".5-"- 10 00 " 60 to 65"- - " 20 00 ' An3 one dol.ar lor Policy. -T - , - 0 oUtrr cbar4 w ill be- made at an tiaie; excepting on- da'Jar ar.d n-o cent for each xueniUT trao die. TV advaclrg'- of this Company over the" ordinary I Jf.- Insurance Comwanii'a are, that the fees are ao ama J that tap. man cf moderate mrans can secure a com petency to hia familv. aC a irifiJjir cost, and payable at ruch long interval, and such small sum, that no person ao ho inoocTcr.inred bv them. Tbia eonjp(ny cannot fill no pasia can,TT.yt it. Persons holding cj-rtincatea r ..,.,w.xtn this CommiiT. arc sure la ca.e ot death that their fsoiiilios or heirs wul Ret as many dollar as there are members in ihu Company. .V.. - ; -JJo re-strictiorrfarepHcedupcn traveling or residence i.r.i;i;.ini nr in:irsci.-or. informituoxi.. may be madVie the Directors or fv.f jvtarr, at btroiidsburg, Ta. R.-R. Staple. Uicaecker, ; ;,. U. iXolbau?.h. v- tjae. X.imtrua Shurp. f U. l-ethcrman, C . C Brodaead, J- A- etherwan, EB. Drehrr. 1LUAM FINE, Prea't. if. A. Io L. Van IIof.n, Sec'y. March 6,'73-tf - a. ' ; f ..' -. MONROE COUNTY : :j Mutual Fire Insurance Company h -, . s r STJ10Ur BBURQ, PA. ' rf-Arfr.j Xs .y - t . ? -.! ------ f - i? a j i . j ! '. '.?lie euf.scriber liavinnr started a Machine ShQpt 'ncaf the Jirad ot -I Main; Street, Stfoudsburg, Pa;, ' 1 i j :l -iHo. .C '"i 1 'vciTARTnhrERPbf(rxi ' The 'n-r-Li'ws of ti's'Con-.r.ay, and reev7tion soTern Ijir in .ranee hnv-, roc-ntly been "t-ry materially cnAOed,' p'tii.-.in i upon r lis equal tothptof any Lif'j Iavtr '.nee Coiupanv in thy Suite. Important s:iwr? these chajigts are the fo51owinr, vie: -j. t. ' '. r ' Policica, instead of b'iin? perptu&l, arc bsaca for fire, yrars. '- ' . AH property rs c!:t:r".Tt ana iie raie oi premium ja prepared to build, and repair all kinds of Machinery wuh accuracy, and ciapatcn. Being fitted with ; . , - SPECIAL MACHINERY FOR TURK - ;Ai7. SHAFTING, AND -PUL-s --.LEYS, AND - WITH IM- . : r r c. PR O YED TOOLS of various kinds, and having sn cxperiancc of-over -Thirty years, in designing, -and buildingr machinery for Bpecial pnrposee, I feel warranted in guaranteeing the best of work. ;;lIavo on hand, and building, 4 PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, of . from, 2 to 10 llorae Power, designed 'specially for Farm ue, or or driung ny light ; machinery. I also .keep in stock, several thousand feet of , irjt widths of 1$ inch t- G inches, (can obtain wider ones at vtrv short notice) at nianu-r facturers prices, ol-o Luce Leather, Belt Rivets, Punches, &c. STEAM PIPES & FITTINGS nf the variouss aizea. Pipe cut and fitted, at short notice. IIcmp& Rubber Steam Pack In I would call the attentir.n of Blacksmiths. Wheel wrifflits.1 and oilier?, to my assort ment of all sizes of Machine Bolts, Nuts, Washers. Lag Screws, and Bolt-endst which I offer at New York prices. The Blt-enls . especially, being thre.uled and fitted with nuis by machineiy, enable the Blacksmiths lo furnish bolls ot any ier gth, tr.ucli cheaper, and quicker, than to cut them by hand. ,'Call in and see my stock and Machinery. G. SAMWUD: March 6, 1873 tf. &x--d acordin-.' to the riiV et the pmpi-rtr; . I'fmiuTa iote arc. tast e, aiid all aa?o?sm smelts are aaoe on trie ii'i'.'j.-. Pre; ertv is ii ured S r not mere than two !lnrj! of Itfl ru turl t:;h va!:!?. an.! the full ammint of insurance paid in ea-fe r,:'l,-;. provided the. less be equal to the acHiur.i of inurano-. ... "Annual assessn tits'- culy arc made except inrases tf heavy loss, and where a spcvi.il &aM;s$uie&t ii aeer-f t?vy. - The CJrcpany l. there fr? prepare.l to in.ar property VTn terra; much m-.-re di-iral'le than undrr the old yjtTr. f , 'AnSixiiticns tr.ay 'c- rnaJet' "anvof the 3Iaasrs, Suivoycw, or Ser ritary. . :. 'J ' . ,J. , MANAr.nns. PcrV.n. jJtaVf?, J. t pne Iv Uar Tt. S. Staples, 'los 1,. Trlce ' T V. ttrthcaV Rohrt Koya. Jaeeh Kr.e.ht 'M.hn Ilnr.'r, F. Hawinan, SKouiTcr, : ' 1 -Thvo. Srli.wh, ' T. W. Ithodes, William Wallace. - . . . :'STtX!M"LLTOKES,rr,t. ' . E. 2J. Htxivcz, SecrctaryaadlTeasarer. -..: : . . SUIiVYOnS. ' ' For fon we' Tounty : Sllsa I,T)raa.e,- Williaw (Gilbert, Geo. G. Shafer, T. W. F.hjies, J. Ivpue IX'Par, : Jacob Etautier, . . J'-hrt TVliager. For Wayne County: F. A.Opp-'It, . ..J Charles A. Masters.- Tor Pike County : Siniiiel Detrick.. i , " . For "or:::arjpton County: lushiri Caailea. ,''.., , ,. .. . . . "" For Carbon Cputf ; ' . ; Saaii-fci Ziegenfus. For Wvo7P:rt5 Conntv: O. M. Kw"a, -" lL V.tJia?dweiL " J. REdirards. The far.?.i-ers meet rccruiariy st the Ji'ocretary's Odct In Siroudstur?, on the first Tutsdav of each raotth, at 2 o'olotk;. 21. -. t r - : : . .' t M ay 15,73-tf x : READ i THIS ! - V. O; 3?. jVUGK, J i ma Lll DEALER IN ' ; ' (Opfiie Wallace's Luruler Yard,)- rpni: talking machine. The Domestic Scuias: Machiac. tor "li icl'T aitMWiaP,'i Uy its and n'irSa EASE OF .W'liiarjeMeitt, eltss, d)ul RUXXLVG, TALKS ITSELF INTO PUBLIC FA VOR. THE WORLD C II A LLENGED ! To produce a Family Sewing Machine that will sew as light, and as heavy, that is as lijrht running, mnd as easily operated This Machine is warrantpd to wear pqtMlly n? long as any other manufactured. Sold oa monthly pavmen's For i-nle by DARIUS DREIIER. Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa. Sept. 12. 1572. The Vihnve ' fcuHinessJias ngalrt, been j&- m'nied atjhe ..o'JJsiamf," lutcjywcpt away ly the late flood, near Baldwin m .Hotel, in StroudsVurif,'; where will be kept constantly un hut.d the- bett assortment of '- m YiC f l'Cj Harness, tloublcjind single- Collars,; ; f i; 'f. ltd everr ctbor article usually furnished, in hi line of business. Work made vto. order on the" shortest notice. A large assortment of ; Mountings and Saddlery Hard- e - ware ; ':r- ";fr always on hand.'vC'ill and make your owe HtIcciion,nnd it will be furnished in -tyle ard price not to be excelled in this market. 1 Strict attention paid to repairingana aonc in $hortefct noticr.-Call and examtne c JOHN O. SAYLOR, Agent. October 6. 1870. tf Watchmaker MAIN-ST," STROUDSBuAg,' PA" Mrnt.Pd'Tnorner buUdinff; third door be- ow'the JefTerj-onia n office.- ; Rnont handnme y fitted up. and heavily stocked with-tlieft nest asfort ri.entof ; " : f, . "a0fjT Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Jeweler: 'So- .--i'? tionSr &C.; jj-a;i:.'-p? u3 pvr offered in this section of counttV.;:;. . A . full, assortment of Spectacles, ot .the best quality, and euhed toj all ages, always on 8a le. .. -..'.. . .- r - ' . ; .' ' - . Silver-ware, and Silver Plated ware, air wiivs "on band at manufacturers prices.1 ' :Q-Repairing iidiftly execufed,fartd char rB nxtremelv moderate. Calls from the nublic respectfully. solicited:; S..le Auerlt for the. celebrated Diamond SpectacIH.?- ti-'f'l T,:-'d ' t - November Oth J l 4 y. Lis r-... -.a A N exli nive lot of STOVES ol Z" all descriptions have been received at he store of the subscriber, in the borough of Stroudshurg. lie has . ' COOKING STOVES, & PARLOR STOVES of the latest imnrovements; and entire new .-tyles, and considerable saving of .fuel, which Can be had al Ine lowest Uity prices. Also all kinds of i . Stove-lipe. A brue assortment" of TIN WARE of ev ery description, constantly on hand, whic will be sold at wholesale and retail, as rea sonablo as can be had in the Citv. r . All kinds of repairing doie ir. thp shortest cheapest and best manner, (.all , ind e.xam iue his stock before you purrhise i-lwhore. Feb. 11, '09. WM. S.FLORY. if- i. r (T. ;arnaffe ,MHKin ;:' The undersigned takes thislmethod? o informing: the" public. that- he' still con linues the above business iu all Its branches at his old Stand, on " Franklin street Stroudsburg.'lV, "where he will be hap- py to receive orders for work in his line tnclodtoz seoeral . J The iMioni ion - -THE OLDEST AND - MOST s Reliable Clothing House in Town; r ca '1 t r : fc- GOODS MARKED DOWN AT 'Extremely Lo-vv: ;3?rices ! . r CALL AND EXAMINE THE LARGE ANDlvINE SELECTED STOCK OF FALL AND WliVFER Hals Light! Light!! Light!!! .... A NEW ENTERPRISE I m Keystone Oil and Lamp Store! The jrihpcriner has juat opened new and eU'gant stock of ' .. Lamps and Lamp Fixtnres," Kerosene, Machinery, Sperm and Neats Foot: It Oils, tx., .' on Main, street, dirertly ofrposite the Stronda nrsj I):irk. I am now jnfarcd to furnish the i-itizen of Strondsbnrg and snrrnimding coun try with Char.delicrs, 2, 3, 4, and C light., Hall Latnjw, Stand and lirackct Lain, (ila: and Metnl Lamps, Perkins & Houses' Patent Safe ty Lamp, Orient, Fuller' Patent Safety Limps; all kinds 'of Iiurners (.'himneys', Wicks and Lamp Trimmings. Kerosene oils 1.10 to 1.50 and over fire test, from 20 to 40 cents per gallon. Machine oils of the bent qtialitv, warranted not to frieze or gum, $1 50 per gallon ; Neat Foot Oil, bent quality $1 60 per gallon ; Sperm .Signal Oil $1 50 per gallon; Leather Saver, for haruess, boot and shoes 50 cent a per can. - Give ub a cai!. No trouble to show goods. - S. S. DRAKE. ' Novtrabc'r 20, 1S74. tf. ' Wheelwrighting', ' Blacksmith- mg, Painting, rrimrrung, zg. :: His stock, of.the best quality of seasoned lumber is large 'and' very complete; and also has a full loVce of firsr class workmen at all the branches, he -flatters himsell that he is fully prepared to accomodate all who favor him with orders, and guaran tee entire satisfaction " Kepairing promptly attended tr : : WM; HUNTSMAN. July 23, 1S70, - ' . . . : ;' UNDERTAKING ! X.EE t Co. would mo-t respectfully an nounce that having procured an elegant HEAESE, :Esk and having a person, in .their eniploy of twelve years experience, in the undertaking business are now. prepared to attend tnin dertaking ir all its branches in the test pos sible. manner. COFFINS and' CASKETS of any size, style or quality, consrnntfy on hand, and ready for shiument nt short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to 'Our charges are moderate; we have no disposition lo distress the' living or rob the estates ol the N. B. Ready-made" ROBES, nenily got ten up. can be had at any time, at the Ware Room of XEE & Co. . May 26. lnTtf. Iy. ; NEW STOEE -:asd:- BE AD THIS! KEW GOODS - -:at:- - REDUCED PRICES. DARIUS DREIIER, begs leave to an nounce to . his .friends and to the. pub lic generally, that he has just received a o-eneral assortment of Dry Goods,' "Motions , Dress' Trimmings, . i' : ' HILL INER Y. GOODS' consisting, in part of the following desirable articles, viz. - Culicoes, .... ' s. . Cards, Sill-Heads, Labels, k, S E IT, CAEAP AND QUICK, ' Printed to Order at the ' JEFFERSONIAN Job Printing o ,p.:ficii, ' Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa.. " '8Sy-All 'Orders promptly filled. Giveua a call. .;':. - : . , ; - april 9-tf. vr,U TO J. !!t HcCAIUT & SOSS ODD-FELL-'OWS ll ALL," MAIN ST., STROUDSBURG, PA., AND CU Y YOUR " FURNITURE, f,e.fy ; ft r f f J-4 Carpets;t)il-Cloths;Rug"s, Vin- dovr Shade?, Curtains & Fix tures, Table Cloths, &c. z::..'si iu. , ' AND SAVE At -Least TTw6 :: Profits. As McCorty & Sorrs buy, $irct from the manufacturer, MORE lrURNITrjEE7; I t : ,PP A BETTER QUALITY, - M AND FOR LESS MONEY ' :' tit-yoy t-rrt!ttihcrinrttyt)rPountr7, and l- June l.?4-tf " " ... ' , . " f j JTrlA'ilXLJLXIDI--Ja''OLTIlJIOXIiY . JL a wrf v f.i' rtl.losi riivlcs of Furniture but tro to McCarty & Sous and you will eet 1 " ' French, Chintzs, ' ' Children's Dress Goods, Worked Edgings, Parasols, Zephers, Shetland Wools, Shetland Wool Shawls Delaines, Muslins, White Dress Goods, I Insert ings, L - Ladt's and Children's Sucks ' Flannel and Cloth, Ladjs, Misses and Men's Hoes, Gloveand Collars, . Mourning Goods, " Shroudings, &c., d'C., Goods shown " w'itlr pleasure. "Quicks tales and small profats at the. ojd.and wel known Millinery Stand of F. A. DREIIER. The Millinery business will be carried on as usual by 3Irs. Deeiieii. ...... Patronage respectly solicited.- -: ' x J DARIUS DREIIER. April 26 18C6. ,'1:.ice stock or cuoici: X JL. Family Gro:eries, Oueensware, Glass vvare, Wood and V illow-ware, at Viils' : u.. li. AN DUE & Co. ltrmsUASU. jan. 30, :-i:V.J3i;ANK.J; LEASES;;; For -SaVar thw'-VOffi'tt" Mr. J. A.. I-Iays OP THE "; ' Hats, Caps and Gents Purnish- . mg Cxoods -1 ' " vo . or Spring and Summer wear, which be is oSerin at .i - ' , . LOOK THIS .WAY, ALL WHO WANT : Carriage Work or Blacksmith. ng DONE IN A ' SUPERIOR MANNER! THE Subscriber begs leave taiu form the public' that ho is fully pre pared, at his establishment, at the coruer of Simpson aud Sarah streets, in the borough rot btroudsburg, to make to order, every style of .' ' " Car riage , ;Wagon, .."5 aodj 'o fact, everything iu his line of bit sin ess,' at.tbe shortest possible uotice,and ou.the most reasonable terms. , I". Carriages repaired, trimmed and paint cd in the best style. of the art, ...,, Having first-class material, always. on hand, and noue but fiist-clasa workmen eogaged, the public are assured that none but first-class work will be turned out at his shop. - . . .', Iu connection witli his Carriage Shot lie has also a Jilacfcsmith chop, where superior workmen will always be fount ready to attend to the orders of customers , The public are invite'.' to call aud ex amine his stock, before, purchasing elde where,. V, . . VALENTINE IiAUTZ.' . September 1J,' XhfiJtt,', aySt'z6 J' OB PRINTING; ol all kinds "neatly ei ectited at tbia office fsr Vr. LOOK! LOOK I! Caps, Furs, Furnishing - Goods, Dry Goods, h N. B. Particular attention paid to CUSTOM WORK. Good fits warrant. N. RUSTER, ; ; - - r PROPRIETOR OF THE NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION, September 3,.1874.-tf. . - : Mais street, Stsoudsbiro, fA. PRICES REDUCED AT THE orner Sfor a THE CHEAPEST GOODS IN TOWN. Popular Hal & Cap Emp onurn Has just returuned from the cities with an immense Etock of - 7 r r. r, - . . GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. 5rThankfui for ; past . favors, I reepectfullv ask 'my 7 old customers . and the public generally Id'examine my Stock and Prices beiore making purchases elsewhere. Storon Main Street,-Stroudsbiirg, Pa., a Jew doora above the Washington Hotel. r'- - - .J. A. HAYS. April 24, '73-tf t I.' . The Empire Drug Stoic! ! ! : (Removed to Fowler's building.) ' ; I have recently bought the Stock of Drugs lu-Nicholas lluster's. buil ding, formerly owned by M. F.Evans and have added a large supply of I PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, i.riJ to uvrent brands of pure..;. "'WHITB LEAD and other PAINTS,' 'i i , vi.iT.: li.iTj c.... . :'.Purc SPICES, gronndand :ffnjrroun'fi;,! Linseed Oil, rzv and hollea, Japan ' Dryers, n Yarnixhes, Window Glass French and i f American, Putty,' Patent Medicines.-,. .-rruuoars, imre vinea anU r,i- . r " quors for medical nurio-efl, - ' ifyc WhitkeyJ yean old, 1 ' ' ; --:-.. and will keepon hand ' ' ini ) :';, ' . .. -"i a good Supply uf c 6 v t.t oi - ,i i -lorbi 5t Cattle Powder, -, , . Profe.-syr Myers' Horse Lin- V imcnt, East India Oil, Shoulder -Rraces and Snp"i6rters, Lamps and Flitures and everp thing usually' kept J'hysiqiana Prescri ptionn carefully :oompond ed from the purest material. Phvsuimis. iir,t for Drugs and Medicines 'carefully filled, from selected stock at reasonable trices: r 1 V' All orders by! Stage-or otherwise, iwill.be V'i'ny .aenie..w, :Aiiw; me a-call and Baiwiy yjseivejs.f. .. k. fVirmds Vw Wfid'i tJ t in-ANivAloiir Grest bargains are now offered in FANCY DRESS GOODS, 'ALPACAS, VELVETEENS, CLOTHS, , CASSIMERE3, FLANNELS, all of which . have been marked down to PANIC PRICES. , Goods all new and right in style, "Lrct marked down to meet the time?. We invite all to call and see for themselves. Term Cash.,. - , . . CV R. AND, RE & Co. ...dcc-ltf Main St Stroudibcrg, Fa. - -- GOOD NEWS I NEW FIRM AND JSEW GOODS? WAGNER & RHODES would announce to the public, that they have taken the Ktandlately occupied by L. T. Laoar &. Co., and fitted and stocked it with choicw ines, of 1 - i i. Groceries, ' ;' ; j, " , . Provisions, . Crockery ware, &c. Every article in store has been "selected with thegreatet care, and-they can" nMire custo mers, that no matter at what price sold, every . - - ..." ' thing purchased of them-will prove to be of the be.t quality. It is tlie dettrn to keen a coruplcte assort ment in each line, ao that all tantca may be suited. r ' r ,' n - " ! -K ' AVhetlicr in want of heavy or fine Groceries or Provisions, Crockery Ware, and Glassware, Tobaccoes or what not This will be found to be the place to call. A speciality with them will be Vo. 1 brand of . ... .. SL Louis Mills-Flour which. stands at the head of the li?t every where. Call and examine goods. Trices marked down to the lowest living fimre. HENRY D. BUSH. (Successor to R. F. & 11. D. Eokj) DEALER IN DRY GOODS & MHO.Ys Shawls, Cloths and Cassinieres, .SILKS, DEL.NES, CALICOES, . AND Dress Goods Generally, White Goods, Flannels, Trimmi . HOSIERY, AND IN SHORT Trie usual stock of a icctl uppoivte-i DRY GOOD AND NOTION STORE- The si&ek was not pirchsscl at Auction or Bankrupt Sales but will be sold at prices satisfactrv t? purchasers, sad warranted as to ua':tj CALL AND SEE. II. D. 13 C SIT. Stroudsbnrg. April 30, 1S74 tf. G. H. Dreher. T. B. Dieter ' SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS' ' ' Constantly. on hand On hand and for sale a superior lot of Ceiling Lath,' Hemlock Boards and Scant ' ling, Matched Flooring, and Whitd ,vv;' f Pine of all kinds. ' (2 doors west of the '''Jtlfer-oniaa Oice, ) ELIZABETH STREET, Strotulsbui rr, Ta., DREHER & BR0., PLALEKS IN JJrugrs, Mcdlrincs, rcrruiacry nnd Toilet Articles. ' Paints, OILS,-VARNISHES, GLASS & riTH' Abdominal Supporters and Shoulder . Braces. Seeley's Hard. Rl'IlllCR TBl'SSES-A9 ' Kitter's TRUSSES OF VARIOUS PA1TEKNS- Lamps and Lantems-Burcmg and Lubricating Oils. ThyHcians' Prescriptions careful!? ex pounded. - , . ')fj' - N; B.Th hiehest Cash nnoe ?-K" OIL of WINTERGREEN. uiav4-tf. MA '1 It TAPEK BASSE GLAZIER AND PAlNTETv ll: ANoER 1 ' M. .W RHODES. April 10, 1873-tL. i . , j r ' - HA3inro& si:4Mi.i:ss c 6n "'SVS' l-hebcstinuse. The only place they can be had in town is 'at the cor ner storeys: Try them::-.;: nr.', ; , Jan. 30, 73. tf. i BLANK , MOJLTOAGKOi MONROE STR Nearly opposite Kauts Blacksmith STROCDsaURO, Ta- jn. "'' The un.lertigned woul.l reJc'init form the citizens ot Si rooit'' rS " . j j,;,,! lh:it he U w lully prewred too of Papr-IIangin-. (iiasmg J list ha promptly and at short notice. n ot will keep con.tuntly on h.uJ n(j,t Paper, Hangings ofalMtcr!r- hi:, prlcea. The, pwH ie f:arnettlv pMted. T ' "