DIKE). 29, 1875, Susie SmitA, Smith, aged 17 years KlrMra, Oliver D ,-U , n.- .1 - . '-odheadsville, Pa-, February 1st, Mah ged about 2j year. t Stroudsburg, February 2d, Adam .tUTit. .gl 62 year, A .-J 57 Jear? 11 r,"s!kin, Jn- 2itIl r- Otmdia Schocn-''"'.-d 77 years. ":1 ia hope of eternal life. r ,torrvil!c, Pa-, Jan. 31st, John EiUn U f.,r many year a resident of this place, rear. pecial aSTatice. DECKER & CO. ,;n8 Wonderfal Cheap Auction Store, re going to sell off all of their v's & Boy's Boots & Shoes, ar-d ome below cost. vU-Artie wcr.n grogsns worth rrl'bOvW '0I"vh , ; ' u boot worm i-v v kip boot worth tr..n.-ns' and Misses $3 00 for $3 50 2 25 for 1 0 2 50 for 1 50 1 75 for 1 25 2 25 for 1 75 4 00 for 3 00 and Children' .mi GsirS wonderful cheap DECKER & CO. t . . r,v:ved at ilaaius Drug store a -,-r lot Ol .0gJUU .a t. , waxran Oct. S-lL T-c r?cc:.ved at Williams' Drug Store fctck of" cite Lead aud Linseed Oil 1 1 -;he fail t'3?. Prices of Oil and Lead Oct. S-lt. craven at the Monroe County air V Il'.isttr h.d the best uiade and finest v-r in Monroe Count v. Rusler received ri'reaiuia on Clothing for 13 year -,-r V. Raster has returned from ;";tvV::h a big stock of clothing, hats jrs, tarnishing goods, dry goods, &c -.'vc'it anything in his line, give him ! H,-- will "sell vou goods cheaper than t::f. Pcr.Lic. If you want a nice and rf clothes and one that will wear i n to Kilter's nnd jou can have your cf the larre.t and be?t selected :'s .2 tew a, at prices that wid astonish Great la-gains at Ruster's in whit2 dress - utI-.t shirts, draws, hctfery. gloves, Y.!e-. lows, col'iars and cuffs, handker--fc urenders. umbrellas, &c Call and r.riiir.e before purchasing elsewhere. V P-vr his all the verv btcst styles ol (.2.1 and see them, lie is ;,iis very low. - .. . . - . seliinj A.OTIICR TROPHY TFOX BY THE ESTBY COTTAGE ORGANS f;.et ipnorand heantifally finished in---r.: (to far eclipsed their conipeutor in r iri:-.'. wetr.eas and delicacy of tone, rtrzv cn the f.t and only preraiura gi? cii i! iuir cf retd Orgnns at the Monrce r.;v Fi'.r. held brpte.Tsber 25. 1S74. :.v c-.;v ;he ItU. For price list address -. " J. Y. SIGAFUS, HAIR WEAVING. ?'" "::a?.!OTT LAKE announces thaX the is ?::t:z iz :i k:r.d f hair-wraviae: aiier the mast p-rtir-T " i"-cVii"s. furl. Frizes. Ac. put up i:t- r. l Orders left at Mrs. P. JL a.-nTts' ...- rs ;:ire. Main :re Streudsburc. Pa., will b - rrT t;-.;ded to. Esidence near Shwfer's School Ic-jis. ' Tltb. 4. '7:-3: SECOND ANNUAL REPORT or THE KONROE COUNTY IcOnerativc Life Ins'e Co. ire- voir endlr.g December 1, 1S74. :.. tzzi on .ar..2 fr.ni 1ST 3, $203 CO r.Ecrivri). 1 Tclirv Shi? LP. 1 SO 0D n zr dea'.h 13? 00 ;er soureei 2 00-S320 C0-$523 00 EIPE'DrD. ! $152 00 33 00 70 00 C2 00 VJ'-J. c: t-Jr.K :,,(...: 15 25 3 50 55 00 SCSI 25 167 75 "'izi i-d '.a.:u.ery, 'ice cotT,; i.-f; oner, -.V.I. $523 00 ' :-er-ofny:a)crfc at bciu- E of vps r IS5 145 'ti a; er,a oi vear, 'arcidt-aifis. I M. A. Dr. L. Vax IIoek, 5c'y. The undersized. haie; Wn appointed aon ef the accounts of the Secretary and ;a:rer of the Monroe Countr Co-OieraUve '-prance 'company, tor tne year is -, "'ft Hat tre have examined above accounts fe Secretary and Treaurer and compared - 5 i'-h the Vouchers, and nd thera correct Tiir;orOBE scuocir, SIMPSON FETHERMAN', -sft 4-tt. Auditor. Court Proclamation. rt rion. Samtel S. Dbeuer, President oS-.fi. Ju,lK,.4i iiri, 0f Peniwylvani, v-fl nf .1.. J t --K..X fc, i - v' me counties OI Jionrw) riri v i 'javvrB and Jacob m-avfker. iuirt-a, ,Ju'm 0'' ti Court of Common Pteafth r'"--' ioi,r and bv virtue of ibeiroflices. Justice t-:T."rj0urt,f ''yers-nd Terminer and General Jail i - 7 in"-. U.urt of enorJ Ouarter Sbsmocs in and nr. rrM hv iMii1 chir rrept CCitrt....j:. It . VT ' . - .-. i.-. .1: r.t a. -"Mi'iiuz Lnoi a iurt or uuaner cw'' f:",r Ocntrul Ja;l'Di livery and Orphan's sail Luunty of Monro, to n noiaen , fcOXla Y, the 22d day of January, 1875. ",I1W week, if necessary. XOTIC'R lcf of the its t, ,, -C"siabl(a of the sajd county of Monroe, t- r bethKn au(j thpre rady with their rolls 4 !n,'u'-'tlou. eiaminatious and thT rwoenii i'-i'v' a" l'J"se iia wlueh th-:ir oificcs sre ap- mil rUao, to ive rt-rnce apainst the .i!T r tiia.li oe in uie jau " Monroe, or aeainst person who stand charged k comoitiMon of cffeiwf tA thn and there it.t .. t t, t , -i . - . l. -; 4 ""cute or uLifv .haii '.Gud save the Commas wt! save the Commocwcsltb.) toe fttrodhorir. $15 to 820a,S? e. iermafr. Ad- & Co., Portland, Ke. reoruary 4, 1875. Iy. License Applications. The follovinsr TrjlirMn fnr limnti lu the office of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sce iouof Monroe County, and will be presented for al lwac, Monday, February 22, 1575, HOTEtS. Jaraea K. Fenner, Euat StrwudaWrc. John Barlow, do Ephrairo Altemose, Tunkhaaaock, Jjsiah Dowling, Coolbaugk, Auiandu J. alarsh, Eldred. EATnra Hooau. Fetr Born, Stroudaburj, Jeaae Albert, da Christian lliiler. do Jaonea Wexkhelaer, Poeoao. TIIO. U. MelLH A VET Ofirk. Febrnary 4, IS75. Sheriff's Sale. Py irtn of a writ of ren. ex. to me directed, iaaued out of the Court of Common Plaaa of Monroe County, 1 will expose to aale, at Public Vendue, on Saiurduy, the 20th day of February, 1875, at two o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court Home In the Borough of Stroudsburg. Munroe county, the follow ing described Ileal Estate, to wit : A certain messuJieo- and let of land situated in the Borough of Stroudsbcr. Monroe county, on AnaJominkc Avenue, adjuininz lands of John Miller and Davis I). aiton, 5 j Icet lront by 3X ret uejp. ine laiprove- ments axa lrsone Frame Dwelling House, IS by DO fet, 1U Stories hieb. Well of WtUr on the premises. Sized and taken in execution as the property Xelaon Jones, and to b sold t nie for cah. J ACO ii K. S1LAFI'S Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg. t ebruary 4, T&-t- ) Sheriff's Sale. Br virtue of a writ of pleu. fi. fa. to me directed, is sued out of the Court of Common Plea of Monroe Coun ty, I will expose to kale, at Public Vendue, on Saturday, the 20th day of Ftbruary, 1S75, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court House in the Borough cf Stroudsburg, Monroe County, it following desirised FUa! Estate, to lt: A certain maasuace and lot of land situate la Boss township, Monroe County, containing 100 Acres, more or less, adjoining land of Amelia Pnsklrk. Adam Sehlegsl and other. About ZS acres elsjred, C acres MEADOW, balance good Timber Land, a good APrLE OECHAItD on tha same. Spring of ws- ter ne&r ue door, improvement are tnrce t Log Dwelling Houses, one 13 x 20 feet, one-aud-a-balf stories high, one 20 x 20 feet, one story, one IS x 20 feet, one story, and LOG STABLE 16 x 20 fet. Seized and tkn in execration as thd property of Cas per V. Buskirk, William Buskirk and Stephen Busklrk, and to be sid by me lor casn. JACOB K. SUAFEIt, Sheriff. Sheriff's Off.ce, Stroudsburg,! February 4, 1S75. 3i- J Sheriff's Sale. By Tinue of a writ cf van. ex. to me directed, lssned oat of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County, I wUl expose to sale, at Public e&dae, oa ScUarday, ths 2Ct day cf Tebru&ry, 1S75, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Ccnrt House in the Borou'h of Stroudsburg. Monroe county, the following described Ileal Estate, to u: A certain mouuajre and lot of land situate in the Bomueh of Stroudsbarjr. Monroe county, on the North side of Sarah stret-t. hexne 75 feet in rront on baran street by 140 leet deep, adjoieiee; land ol Henrietta D X uang D1 j. ia. lrener. ine laipro'rmtau are Vrn.Tri a "nwfnirirr House. is Vi- 9i ft tva toris hieh. with Frame Kithen attached 1U stories. Frame Barn ithT ft Kniit Trers and vr on the premises. ALSO : A eeruin lut of Laid aituaU la Stroud town ship, conuiiiir.g 14 ACRES, m.n nrlru adtoiniae land of John Pa!mer. John Boys i.-.hn lxrtar and others, all cleared. Also, the interest of d-fandant in a certain lot of Land on the South aide of bark ttreat, in the Borough of atroudsbarg, eomiaia 1C Eight Acres, .;t,!ti lind nf Td?nh.am "W. and John T. PalaatT and others. The improvement are a Frame Dwelling House, 25 by SO feet, two steries hieh. Frame Eara i u in fi inH ntir ont-bnildinrs. cL.ir.4 inV tikf-n in execution as th preteTty of William E. B. Pilaier, and to be sold ty me for cash, uiacn- JACOB E-SHAFEEs Sheriff. Sheriff's OSce, Stroudsbarg, Feb. 4, "7&-;t, Sheriff's Sale. t. nf it wr't of vn. ex. ts me directed, issued out of the Court cfComm'.n I'i-as ef Monroe county, will expose to sale, at Pubiie Vendue, oa Saturday, the 2Qih day cf February, 1S75, t -v---t- T. ;( ft.m.-on. it the Court Uonse id the Rornn-h of Stroudsbarz. Monroe county, the following described Bvnl Estate, w wit: , A crtiin lot or j.i-ce of land, situate in the townan of Coolbaugh, in said County, cLtaia:ng about One Acre, V.undsd tv land Jhn IeckeT, John Possirger an the pubUc road. The improvement are Frame Dwelling Honse, 14 t "i feet cn stnrr and a SITCHEN attached, shout half an acre cleared. . . Seized and taku in execution as ths property or Ag - Ho. and to be sold T me for ch. ' JACOB K. SIIAFEP Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Stroud'burg, 1 February 4, IJ75. St. Sheriff's Sale. -r .....r.i -r!f nf ven. ex. de tsrris to rce ;.;-H .,t ct the Court of Common Pleas of SiSfc.a po to sale, at Public Yen due, on' Salardav, the 20A d-7 cf February, 1S75, . CtiTt House In the t 2 o'clock tn the fttro7'Vj Count . tlt following Borouiih Cf Suouiisburg. Monro ixuni. , descry WW.w"-. t,D.mert and rraetof Ail llial crriMH J -' " ... , n 'oil jotaiM land bw or l.t f Juas to.tfc U J ut Jacob Sinmastr and Oeorg Able, lina in m JafllS "w"4 land late cf Thonu Xddi. dec d. containing 264 Acres, ce f six per ecnt fexeepting therefrova ) pen-lies, more or l.-ss, conveyed by said !l and wife by Salomon Knecbt, by deed snd aa aZI'vw-aaee miA IVbruarv 6, 1(W, rwwui w. "--',--'-' Stone Hotel Building ai r 41 feot. two ptorif high, stone De kitch- gv .,f., hrwl 20 X 40 f-t, VAbUT vritfl piece w.. .,v Hou; 20 x 20 reel, ice nuui- h - - . Z . n iLrn 30 x 44 fe-t, wne shed x 5 feet, frame shd Q x ft, one hog staUe, IS x 16 feet, corn crib, and other out-buiidiog. Apple Orchard, o tha creiuu. A stream of water passes througu iht iae. About 70 acres cleared lano, oa.ancs Timber Land. The Easton and Wilkes-Barre Turnpike p thrutfli SoiSnTtak-n in execution a. the property of Ren llaruelLandto be y --h. Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, 1 February 4, 1675. at. j BLANK DEEDS For sale at this Office TT, jT Register's Notice. Notice in hereby siren to all Deraooa I nt pra ted ia the estate in the respective decedent, the following accounts hare been filed ia th Regis ter' n Office of Monroe county, and will be pre sented for confirmation to the Orphan' Court of said County at Stroudsburg, on Monday, the 22d day of February, 1S75, at 10 o'clock, A. M Account of John Peters, Administrator of the Estate of William F. Peters, dee'd. rinal account of Samuel T. Strunk, Admin istrator of the Estate of Henry Strunk, dee'd. r irst account of Amadus Woodling. Admin istrator of the Estate ofOeorjre Woodline. dee'd. Account of Isaac R. Transue, Administrator of the Estate of Frederick Transue, dee'd. J. Al'PENZELLEK. Keeister. registers Uuice. btroudsburg, Jan. 23, 1S75. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. Ir virtue of an order of the Orphans Court of Monroe County, will expose at Public Sale upon the premises, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20th, 1S75, the following described Real Estate. late of John Wilson, dee'd., viz; A certain messuage and farm of land, situate in J action township, Monroe County, con taining 115 ACRES, more or less, adjoining lands of Silas Feinhart, Wra. li. Keinhart, John M. Kinsley and Daniel Paul, about SO Acres cleared, balance TIMBER LAND, Chestnut and Oak The improvements are a Log Dwelling Honse, about 30 x 50 feet, two storiea high, Frame Barr 32 x 45 feet, Stone Stabling and other out-buildings. Good APPLE ORCHARD, and other Fruit on the premises. Also Water on tne premises, ine public roaa leading from Stroudhurg to While Haven, passes through the premises. hale to commence at 1 o clock, Y. M., and and condition! made known, br Wrn. II. REIN HART, Win. H.WILSON, Administrators. By order of the Court T. M. McILHANEY, Clerk. January 23, 1875-4L ORPHANS' COURT SALE. Br virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Monroe County, will be exposed to public sale, upon the premises, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9th, 1875, the following described Real Estate, late of Le vi Strouss, deceased, viz: A certain Lot, Messuage and Farm of Land situate in Stroud township, Monroe County, containing 25 ACRES, more or less, adjoining land of Ebenezer Hunt, John Iiors, Charles Oearing and John Detnck, About 20 acres cleared, balance Timber Land l ne improvements are a r rame Dwelling Mouse, ... 16 br 13 feet, li stories; FRAME BARN and other out buildings. Good young Apple Orchard, on the premises, and also water on the premises. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock in the after noon, when terms and conditions will be made known, bv 'MORRIS n. STROUSS. Adm'or. By order of the Court. Tiio. M. McIlhanxt, Clerk. Januarv 21, 1S75. St. Auditor's Notice. Esiale of JACOB ROW, deceased. The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans Court cf Monroe County to make distribution of the balance in hands of Philip Row, dministr:ttor of the Estate of Jacob Row, deceased, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Friday, February 19, 1S75, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the Prothonotary'g office in Stroudsbnrg, when and where all persons having anv claim or demand on said fund wil present the same or be forever debarred from coming in for anv share thereof. TIIOS. M. McILIIANEY, Auditor. Jan. 21, 1875. Auditor's Notice. E'lalt of GEORGE E. DODEDORF, dee'd. The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County, to make dirtribution of the money in hands of Reuben Frable, aignee of George E. Doden dorf. for the benefit of creditors, will attend to the duties of his appointment, on Thursday February 18, 1875. at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the Prothonotary's office in Slrsudsburg, when and where all persons having any claim or demand on said fund will present the same or be for ever debarred from coming in for any share thereof. TOHS. M. McILIIANEY, A editor. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned auditor appointed by the Orphans' Conrt of Monroe County, to make dis tribution of the funds in the hands ot the ad ministratorof the estate of Geroge Corell, dee'd here v eives notice that he will atrend to the duties of said appointment at his offiVe in the borough of Strnudsbnrr', on Thursday, Feb, 18th, 1875, at 2 o'clock, P. M., when and where all persons interested can attend if they see rror)r. Jan. 21, 1S7G. D. S. LEE, Auditor, Auditor's Notice. Et'aU of JiESJAMIX II. HULL, dictated w.f;.. is herebv given, that the undersigned having been -jinted Auditor by the Judges nf !, Orr.hatis- Court of Monroe County, to AtT.ntnn ftf ihft funds in the hands o John C. Strunk, Admini6i.""tor, to and among the persons entitled thereto, ro u e duties of his appointment on bai'uy, reo- 111 I. lR7fi nt If) n'f frf-k A. Ji. at llic rum . v ' - - office of John B. Storm, Ej., in Stroudsbjrg, when and where all persons having any claim On sail liinu, win jjrcnii ra.iut ever debarred from anv share thereof. M. A. DeL. VAN HORN, Auditor. Stroudsburg, Jan. 21, 1875. 4t. Auditor's Notice. Estate of GEO. JIESRY IIUEBXER, dee'd. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned having been appointed by the Judges of the r.irt tf Common Picas of Monroe County, to make distribution of the fund in the bond of Abel Storm, Executor, to and among the per sons entitled thereto, will attend to the duties of his apioinment on Saturday, February 6th, 1S75, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Register's Of fioe, Stroudsburg, at which time and phteen orsoo having any clakua against said fond wiTI preent the same or be forever debarred fro coming in for any share thereof. JOHN APPENZFXLEK, Auditor. Janmry 14, 1ST -4. Tm f; -J gTATEMEWT or Receipts and Expenditures Or MONROE COUNTY, FOR 1874. JONAS ALTIMUS, Treasurer of the Coun ty of Monroe, in account with said County, for Receipts and Expenditures, for the year end ing January 4th, 1S75. DR. County Treasurer received on Duplicates for 1S71 $ 496 67 " 1S72 1038 42 " " u 1873 4264 61 " M u 1874 8109 61 $13903 31 State Tax, ree'd on Dupli cate for 1S72 10 46 " 1873 85 58 " " 1S74 100 64 State Tax. Stroudsburg B'k2 44 02$ 440 70 Loan of Stroudnburg Bank 500 00 Redemption on Unseated Lands 162 45 " Seated 56 71 S 219 16 County Tax.Uns'ed lands 1473 29 " Seated " 135 33$ 1603 67 Road Tax. Uns'ted land 2341 22 " Seated 96 29 347 93 Special Road, Uns'td Seated u il tt II It II 7 58$ 2793 02 School Tax, Uns'td Seated Uns'td Seated Uns'td Seated 1823 13 203 07$ 2031 20 Build'g' 622 64 10 43$ 63312 Bounty M 63 49 72 90$ 126 39 21 09 Poor To balaucs 123 74 $22,406 40 CSL By parmenta as follows, vix : State Treasurer, on account of State Tax, $1680 22 Pd Jurors $2511 32 237 79 844 51 " Co roubles " Elections " Assessors 677 64$ 4221 26 " Simpson Fetherman, late Treasurer " A.O.Greenwald,pri't'g01 13 " T.Schoch, 359 75 " Bridge Views 17 25 " Running Township lines 58 95 " Inqui.it'n on dead bodies 71 72 " Boarding Prisoners 239 21 Redemption of lands 157 41 " Fox & W.ld Cat scalps 106 45 " Interest on Co'y Bonds 231 43 ' Stroudsburg Bank, Com missioner's Note 500 00 " Countv Institute 189 35 201 20 $360 83 $382 43 " John Kern, boarding Jurors " Refunding on Tax Du plica tea " Witnessea in Ct Cases 112 00 46 54 578 26 Fuel for Co. buildings 113 40 Expressage 1 25- Stationery, Books, Ac 122 57 Jury Commidoner 19 73 Cleaning county office 8 00 Repairs to County build ings 28 35 Chas. Henry, late Sheriff 56 95 " ' conveying Prisoner 107 00 Merchandire 43 32 Seal & Press, Prot'yeffice 17 25 Clerk of Sessions 175 46 $1540 80 Boarding Albert Heiney in Asylum 163 80$ 742 43 " Com'ners Counsel " C. Burnett, collecting " District Attorney " Countv Commissioners " Court "Crier, " CommissioDtra Clerk " Tip Staff " Countv Auditors, 50 00 60 00 63 00 768 78 139 25 169 73 54 00 60 00$ 1354 " John Brown, auditing Re gister and Recorder's and rrothantorv's accounts 7 50 " M. II. Dreher, making In dex, Co.Treas'rs docket 20 00 " M.H. Dreher, estimated valuation, Monroe Co. 25 00 " Peter Merwine, 8 00 " Jonas Altimus, ad'tising 37 50 " Miscellaneous 6 65 " Gid. Burrctt, jude'nt 2076 70 BRirxsta. $2123 So Resaca Smithfield Phillips' Kunkletown Bartonsville Howeys Perrv Price's Mars'halls Creek Tobvhanna Bell's Pencil's Slate Quarry Buttermilk Falls Henry ville Bridges FennersvilJe Stcddartsville Hawks Wire Creek Bridge Rsnsbury's Kresgeville Long Pond Bushkill Stanhope Heller's Su Hi vans Stony Run IchaLod Price's Stokes' Pocono Wallace's (Iron) Brodbead's " 123 41 18 22 403 51 23 45 19 75 200 18 57 22 59 83 83 1317 191 43 232 06 185 73 364 44 7 50 $1719 66 800 16 25 10 30 9 72 300 82 50 4 65 3 70 1 00 5 00 20 95 13 62 64 47 76 31 140 03 256 33 $665 88 Road Tax oo Seated and Unseated lands. Barrett 213 18 Coolbaugh 1317 00 Chestnuthill 25 00 Jackson 30 18 Middle Smithfield 49 71 Paradise 24 83 Polk 32 61 Price 57 90 Pocono 26 C9 Smithfield 11 90 Stroud 17 93 Tobyhanna 623 05 Tunkhannock 192 79$ 2632 77 School Tax on Seated and Unseated lands. Barrett Coolbaugh Eldred Hamilton Jackson Middle Smithfield r'.r.illse Polk Pocono Price SmithGeld Stroud Tobyhanna Tunkhannock 190 10 1062 00 23 58 21 78 77 57 32 43 108 60 36 72 32 34 0 10 33 03 30 21 497 37 322 88$ 2648 70 Bounty Tax on Seated and Unsealed lands. Hamilton Jo 80 S roud 70 29- By receiving $22,232 66 at 2J per ct. paying out 21,316 43 at 2J per ct. $84 09 557 06 632 91 $22,406 40 Tv.!r- $123 74 Framing, raased and allowed by us this 4th day of January. 1875. E. II. HELLER. J. E. BN Y DER, A odi'tow. G- P. BHAKyOV, j i of the Coaa- ty of Monroe, Outstanding Bonds, 8545 00 M W 5 8641 C9 $425 41 140 ST 5 201 8597 IS 4322 43 inecas, Assests. County tax doe by collectors. State " M Balance dne by Peter Merwisa, 1st Sheriff. Assetta over liabilities. JONAS ALTFMTJS, Treasurer of the County cf Monroe In account with said county on Miiiua &nea lor we year ending January 4th, 1875. DR. Amount received on Duplicates for year, iru 1 ST? 60 104 99 C2 954 W 67 28 C9 20 24 10 00 394 145 94 678 From 8 FUhfrmtn. lite Tress. 62 951 153 41 Balance due, CE. Paid N. S. Brlttaln, James Klnu. P.efundinz Checks. Commissions on receiving $153,41 at 2M per cent. u paying out 553,33 at 2H Tar rnt Balance due. 94 675 158 41 Examined passed and sllowed by os this 4th day of January is7u. G. D. SHANNON", VAndltora. J. E. SNYDER, ) JONAS ALTTMTJS, Treasurer of the County of Monroe In account with said county on Ltog .isaes us year ending January 4th, I8T5. DR. Amount of taxes received on Dupli cates for 1873 1873 27 00 29 SO 19 00 Cfi 58 17 24 I 152 22 Received from Simon Myers, Duplicate for 1874, To balance, 1873? CR. Paid Checks. Coramtsidon on J142 OS at 5 ter cent 7 10 159 32 Examined passed and allowed by us tms 4in aay oi January 1875. O. D. SHANNON. Auditors. J. E. SNYDER, J STATEMENT showing balance duo by Collectors on Duplicates. ecu mi hi. 1870 John Vanwhy, 1871 " Emithfleld. 145 43 611 63 Wei. McNeaL James Wilson, jr. nam II ton. Paradise. Coolbaugb, Hamilton, u Poeono, ParadUe, Polk, Ross, Stroudsburg. Barrett, Chestnuthill. Coolbaugh. East Stroudsburg. Eldred, Hamilton, Jackson, M. Smithfield, Paradise, Pocono, Polk. Price, Ross, Smlthfitild, fitroud, Stroudsbnrg, Tobyhanna, Tunkhannock, 210 46 119 76 1872 235 SS 55 67 Samuel Oower. 1873 Anson Hller. 450 39 82 02 83 19 Charles Slnper, Francis Keller, Jacob Serfass. Adam Corrcll, John Keener. 234 61 10 00 73 21 1874 David Price, 2C9 23 639 44 21 60 248 95 169 07 851 15 142 65 271 54 Amandus Shupp, Charles W. Transue, P. Rockafellow, Joseph Teel, Chas. B. Shafer, Thomas Frantz. Morris Vauauken, Samuel Hilzert, Thomas E. Shively, Jacob Sr'ass, Jcsiah B. Snow, Jacob Newhart, Martin Yetter, Wm. Mosieller, John Kcner. Henry Eschcnbach, George L. Altemose, 107 60 78 27 S36 55 72 95 800 84 27141 716 95 760 04 165 S3 13 SS423 41 STATE TAX. Smith eld. 1?70 John Vanwhy, 1871 " " 1872 James Wilson, Jr. 1373 David Price, 8 93 13 71 Coolbaueh. 3 43 Barrett. 10 Anson H-ller, Francis Keller. Hamilton. 12 5.' Paradise, 7 99 Barrett, 4 SO Coolbaurh. 2 25 Chestnuhill, 8 60 Ea Stroudsburg, 15 60 Eldred. 6 95 1374 David Price, Chaa. w. Transue, Amandus Shupp, P. Rockafellow. Joseph Teel. Charles B. Shafer. Morris Vanauken. Thomas E. Shively, J acob Serfass, Martin Yetter. William Mosteller, John Keener, Jacob Newhart, Hamilton. 15 M. Smithfi eld. 2 Pocono, 40 Polk, 1 60 Smithfield, 60 Stroud, 2 00 Stroudsburg, 21 13 Ross, 1 70 J HO 67 MILITIA TAX. 13 1 WinUm McNeaL James Wilson, Jr. John Vanwhy, A mil Vanauken, STATEMENT ah owing ths Udebtedn IlamntoB, 30 50 Paradise, 13 00 Smithfield. 24 50 M. Smithfield, 37 50 Coolbauih, 6 50 Smithfield, 2 93 1114 S3 1872 James Wilson, jr. James U. Jintner, IXQ TAX. Smithfield, 18' 16 0 John Vanwhy, 19 50 1J00 250 47 00 3 50 1 Amzi Vanauken, M. Smithfield, 1874 Horaee Vanauken, " Martin Yetter. Bmitnnia, Amount due by Simon Myers, former Treasurer, as per settlement ol nis account lor vne year, 1867 12 02 597 52 COMMISSIONERS of Monroe County In account ' ith said county, for the year ending January 6, 16.5. Pxtxs S. EsiyGEK, Da. S2SS 15 Da. $322 00 Dx. To cash, per Checks, ?2S6 16 255 00 31 16 Ca. By 102 days atS2 50 7. miles at 4 cents Jacob Fbablx. To cash, per Checks $302 00 221 25 38 84 7191 nsi Ca. By 85 days at $2 50 971 mile at 4 cents Balance Da. To balance Saxuxl Posttw, I To cash, per Checks, J229 22 Ca. By 79 days at 52 50 $193 "8 23 54 746 miles at 4 cent S229 22 Examined, passed and allowed by us this Cth day of January, 1875. 'V G. T). SHANNON, VAudltort J. E SNYDER, CHARLES HENRY. Sheriff, in account with tha eounty of Monroe for the year ending Jan. 16th, 1875 DR. To Jnrv funds rece'd dtfrinr the Tear 24" 03 To Usance due bo so luw m CR. By summoning 336 Jurors, 100 3 By cost in Commonwealth Cases, 7 50 i By advertising General Election, 1 00 S 109 SO ty balance due, eo Examined passed and allowed by us this 6th day January 1875. G. D. SHANNON, V Auditors J. E. SNYDER, J Light! Light!! Light!!! A NEW ENTERPRISE! Keystone Oil and Lamp Store! The subscriber has just opened a new and elegant 6tock of Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, Kerosene, Machinery, Sperm and Neats loot Oils, &c, cn Main street, directlv opposite the Strouds burg Bank. I am now prepared to furnish the citiren of Stroudsburg and surrounding coun try with Chandeliers, 2, 3, 4, and G lights, Hall Lamps, Stand and liracket Lamiw, Lilass and Metal Lamps, Perkins' & Houses' Patent Safe ty Lamps, Orient, Fnller's Patent Safety Lamps; all kinds of liurners. Chimneys, Wicks and Lamp Trimmings. Kerosene oils 1.10 to 1.50 and over fire test, from 20 to 40 cents per gallon. .Machine oils of the best quality, warranted not to freeze or gum, $1 50 per gallon ; Neats Foot Oil, best quality $1 60 per gallon ; fcpenu Signal Uil $1 0 per gallon; Leather Saver, for harness, boots and shoes 50 cents per can. Give us a call. ro trouble to show goods, 8. S. DRAKE. Novtmber 25, 1S74. tf. Monroe Co. Agricultural Society Secretary's Office, Sf rrrodshnrg, Pa. 1 January 16 th, 1875. NOTICE Ths annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held at the Court Uoom, in the Borough erouisDurg, on oaiuraay, i enruary inn, iHia, at two o'clock p. in-, a wfeiah time there, will b an Election for 6 va Directors to serve daring tha ensuing year and ) to nil ua vacancy exsl4Be4 by the death U rtt. Jonji aof n ii-rt-j v.J p. rtt-r-a, ueumuv, K00FIK6 SLATE. Farmers. Slaters and others ra want of first claw ROOFING SLATE, can procure them (by calling on Geo. W. Drake) at cearly Quar ry" prices. I do not keep or soil No. 2 or Rib bon blate. I am also sole agerrt ?cr Monrce County, for Smith's Tnrbular Fluted Lightning Rod, which I will put up and warrant to be the best conductor of Lightning in existence.- Call and examine the blate or Lightning lioor below purchasing eiaewhere. GEO. W. DAKC, Stroudsburg, Aug. 5,'74-tf A. ROCKAFELLOW, DEALZH IX Readjr-3Iadc Clolhing, Gents Fur nishing Goods, Hats & Caps Boots &, Shoes, &Cs EAST STROUDSBURG. PA. (Near the Depot) The public are invited to call Jtnd examirv goods. Prices moderate. La7 6.'69-tf J. 33. I-ITJLL, (Successor to J. E. Erdman.) Monroe Co. Marble Works, Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa., Where will be found constantly on hand or made to order, JIOXU liEXTS, IIEABSTOXrS, A.C., of the best Italian and American Marble. Having been in the employ of Mr. Erdman for nearly ten years, I feel confident in bit ability to please all that give me a calL All work warranted to give entire satisfaction. JPSf" Orders by mail promptly attended to. feb 20'72-tf UNDERTAKING. McCARTY dt SONS have on hand tha largest and U4 assortment of rs-" M&Mk0js COFFINS (SSk 3 3 TRIMMINGS to bo found outside pf either city -'New York or Philadel phia), and will make this branch or their business speciality. COFFINS and CASKETS of any ahape or style, can be furnished at one hour's notice for shipment, at s charge of one-third lees than any shoS In Stroudsburg. In no case wiil they charge mora ahan ten per cent, above actual cost. EMBALMING attended to in any part of the County at tha shorteM possible notice. June 1S.74-44 STROUDSBURG HAS A CHEAP CLOTHING AND Boot and Shoe Storey AT LAST 1 James Edloger has just returned with an entire new stock of CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, AND Gents' Furnishing Goods, that he bought at panic prices and is selling them at prices that astonish all. Call and ook and be convinced belore vou purchase elsewhere. One door above Ilollinshead's Drugstore. Sej-it. 17-3m R. MAINONE, Maker, Tuner, Regulator and Repairer or Pianos, Organs and Msiodeons. Tarties residing in Strondsbonr and vicinitv. wish ing their Instruments thoroughly tuned, regulated and repaired at a most reasonable price, will pleasa leavs th-ir orders at the JeflV-rsonian Office. Those wishing- to purchase Pianos or other instru ments will find it to their advantage to call on me. Hav ing had a practiclc experience of over twenty-alx years in tlie musical line, 1 am propored to furnish the latest and most improved instruments atthelowt possible prices. I have located myself permanently ncre and solict your favors. of LIME! LIME!! The nndcrsiirned hereby Informs the public that ther have opened two Kilns, near Experiment Mills, Monroe county, Pa., and are prepared to fill all orders promptly. The capacity of the kilns are between three snd four hundred bushels per day. The LIME IS OF A BETTER QUALITY than that burned In any other part of the county. l anirs aesiring nine ajong tne line or ueiawara, Lackawanna A Western R. R. will have their order promptly filled, by addressing C.4S. HEELER, Experiment Mills. P. O. Jnna 11. 1874. tf Monroe county, Ps Cards, Bill-Heads, Labels, k, SEAT, CAEAP 1SD QUICK, Printed to Ordex at tbe JEFFERS ONI AN" Job Printing OFFICE, Main Street, Stroudsburg Pa. rAll Orders promptly filled.. Given a call. Can you tell why it is that when any oae comes to Stroudsburg to. bnv Furniture, tbey l wfty Uouii w McOsrrrs rurniture Saora '. of lh& r