MISCELLANEOUS. .llcntown ships harness to Cuba. died. Produce and Furs, taken in exchange! tioil t'l fj Ihv is selling .1-. rcr ton. ORDINANCE No. 11. At a special meeting of the Town Council and Bureeas Of the Rornuirh r.f Kn.l StrnniMiii Vic 11 f.wi 7S Mr. Walton, was for a Io time a prominent LJJ, "d asaortment of KefaU enacted that the Stroudsbur, wj-mauc viuiuin in OLrouusuUre:. YOU 1 "r nauway company be and herebv is directed At hia residence in Stroudsburp, on the 3l7t for ooda at Simon Fried's Empire Cloth- Ult linn .1 A Sf 170 Tr tir r . I CV . r,t ' mmaaua snows a rjonuia- vpnro a. k. m 1 CP"-UJ 1 f l Irf " "Jnmo auu Uav8 ' - zrci I r i rr i . r i -'11 . m t . ... in .ueauvuie at i-i to ana nonored citizen of this phce. In ISM h -,7 . WUIUIUS " was elects! Stt , , . . wm nn at feimon i?ried .v. uiuaiui, wmtH omce ne neld in w wasnmton street in said Borough of East Strouda ,.-0 ,r;il TWVcmrJnr, Jo, three Paw. A f w Ulm. M;.. 4 rV.:u ci IT?m l?c If-"" M of the Eern wing wail Massachusetts, cuantn to the Presidency, Mr. Walton was ap- .most every variety, at very low priees af tSZS& o7U inmates in the Uerks 'J -ireasurer ot the Mint at Phil- a empire looming ctore. wkk oi um kuit oa mde w u to conform to the adeltthia. u-liioh t:,; u . . ... . c- , ... . ?:rt,''"1""'""'".,,uccl- wu"! i v air a i lie acceptably filled Simon Fried ' received last Thre are Mms House. CO'V . . T . . . t, . . until IftHl 1, j... 1 .... , , . . from the date of notice of this Ordinance, then thesaine rhnn 1 avne, late rrotestant JJipLSCOpai . BUFwi oy an ap- 'argral STOCK OI IteadV made Uothinff. w"11 be removed bv the said Borough of East Strouda- ucau Week the trek w not renaovd a aboe ordained, in thirty days of Africa, is r. 1 Fifty ten 3 01 SraPcs were raisea nnJins and vicinity this year. 5ftM 5 MLonco,n'8 .miniatration.- Boote, and Shoes, and Genta Furnishing cath0 in cording to law. GEORGE E. STOUFFEK, Chief Bureesa. Henry Mii.i.ee, Sec'y. UCL 1, 1874.-31. After this Mr. W. entered into a co-nartner- Goods, ever before seen in our counts ci.;,. u -n-i i .... I J : T,fc " .?U8irS W," Simon Fried has the hn and best selec a white Pier with feet like a dog is the Tiiir tum.j.i , ? , ouriiiwb on tea stock ot ready-made clothing in .Monro iv-fv!,, rUrfinl rvMintv I 7 "uaueipnia, anu lor lour or county ne eus cuea pcr tnan any other J , " uvc yea" were prosperous, but at the winding cnanc m our county. Uall, examine aud con W"" " " " .t l' 'e ar, misiortune overtook them and " Fte of Josnrn Heckman, deceased, jV.rwtie viu ,l . "ey laiied. About four years ago Mr. Walton 13ARGAIXS. For bargains in Clothin ,VJe "ndersiod appointed by the Orphans' Conrt How many people are busy m the world returned to this place, broken in fortune, and re- Boots, Shoes, Trunks and Valices, &c., go iSiu?AdSrXSK plhcnn!ringcui-u-uu.u. -uW , wmea we practice of Law. About two years oa Fried. Simon will sell you K33hta c t up-" i "ev "ao "uu uuran to sTive wav an(i for iho rvvu vut' per uiuu any oiner iner- . v vw.. . u.t i me muceoi nuu.juuu x. Rriirham ioiir.g s health is in so pre- Mast year hia sufleringa have been, at times. cnant ln -Alonroo County. ons haviu? anr claiiu, aKainst said fund will orient ... -x cnndltion that his earlv demise is terrible. It is r.lnc; rt i. vi . tt . , . . some or he foreTer debarred from coming in for any Ci"'""-; " I. o-v. . m auu w ic- iiu uuwtiiu, Oimoa ITiea lias tne l aro incrcoi. uA-nd tor. late that the last vear of his lift. lflwof nnrl IWf cU..f1 C,.!- rnut- . . . M. A. De L. VAN nORN i v: . r v vt.u;(r. r . i ... . . 'in", r,, . .. .. i( M special biiiLiiii'juia nuui xiv; Europe, on Saturday, were S juver u;ua. r" tuiuiwauns me man ot praver was ViU seu mem cneaper than any I Tioga county, at the last term of sought after-and in company of praying merchant in Monroe county. Call and ex- In the MtAlaiottiLil.Al'nwMX' late that the last year of his life was widelv largest and best selectp.l Sfcr-L- nf C.mh; ew ork dUTerent from any of his previous experience. Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Valises, and Gents 5206,39G, The men of the world, as such, were no longer Furnishing Goods in Stroudsburg, and he A 11 fl 1 fnr' 1To1"l PP boon companions the man of prayer was will sell them cheaper than any other a"UUALUA IUUIUC. art. eiht jurors were fined $20 each for friends he felt his greatest solace. May peace amQC or yourselves rest upon nis asncs. r-;n-3FPca little girl, daughter of J. B. Kuhn, of r-inklin. was thrown into convulsions last f jck bv eating peach kcrnals. The New York Sun says there are 50, (l) vrorkingmcn out of employment in the ci;v of New I ork. store in Boston was entered by burpr- lars on Friday night, and $3000 worth of meerschaum pipes carried off. Philadelphia has 29 exceedingly sue vsful niirht schools for adults, two of those sihools being for colored pupils, Oa one-eighth of an acre, Henry Fostor, AXOTIIER TROPHY WOS Special Notice. GET OUT OF THE WAY ! Dont' you see the Lightning Express COMING IN LOADED DOWN WITH DECKER'S GOODS FOR THE WONDERFUL BY THE ESTEY COTTAGE ORGANS I Set! 2-a. Notice is hereby given that the undersismed harinc bcn appointed Auditor by the Judces of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe county to make distribution of the funds in t he hands of the'Assixnec to and anion the persons entitled thereto, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Saturday, November 21, 1874, at 10 o'clock, a. m., at his office in'Stroudsburg, when and where those interested may attend If they think pro- D. S. LEE, Auditor. ,fBnSlur, has raised ninety bushels of CHEAP AUCTION STORE. I the Xo. C variety of Peerless potatoes. ' AT THE SMASH DOWN PRICES ! These superior and beautifully finished in struments so far eclipsed their competitor in volume, purity, sweetness and delicacy of tone, a3 to carry oft' the first and only premium eiv-i en to exhibitors of reed Oreans at the Monroe ixmnty l air, held September 25, 1874. Buy onty the best. For price list address Oct 1-tf. J. Y. SIGAFUS, TEACHERS' COUNTY INSTITUTE. TV. A Of V. 4 ntinal f TAA1A1.. I T : .. a a u .hi i'uuni vi. jjiuu v tllO A. t,un a 111BL1LULH OI n. A . . M. Monroe Countv. wUI be held in the fonrt Hn .t strouasorg, uct. is4-t Stroudsburz. d'urine the week besinnine Novem'hor ! I r 1. 1 I I "nn. iij-i l :n . k j " lleiiumg uuas xiauiuiicii m price irom AT THK S M A nTT TIOWM PPTPT?Q f nr..7.,Tr7 "rr,,"?".' 7 jif ier tiiuusana to o o lor common : jere. fruttciiey, .nlfr, m S14 00 to S12 00 for nressad. T,.t.A,i a . .. t ...a-.. Co. Supt. Monroe Co. i I "tm me cuuus wtriii unuer. ana ll is oirouasourz. nov. 4. lbM-Jt iust what Decker has exnertrd nnd wbaf ho ha i,,piii:iu.. .o v..-. w uu uunuu huUu .. . . 1 r. .. : 1 mTT-m nmn nTrrvonvTi-i t-. . --r-- wlf thU rpir Thf wr T-r.n ieen waning tor, so he could sell nearly all -Lxm, oi.n,jJV&riUK.Kjr UillNJS. Auditor's Notice. Estate of Jacob Tbassus, dee'd. The undersigned appointed by the Orphans' Court of Monroe County, Auditor to make distribution of the money in hands of George M. Hoffman, administrator of the Estate of Jacob Transue, dee'd, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Friday, November 20th, 1874, at 10 o'clock, a. m. at the office of S. Holmes, jr. uq., in birouasourg, at wmcn time ana place ail persons having any claims against said fund will pre sent tne same or De iorcver debarred rroin coming in lor any snare tnereoi. U. A. HOLMES, Auditor. Fashion! BARGAINS A-t ZEST. ETJSTER'S, 0 f an a ie kviaiionai ia of THE OLDEST AND MOST Reliable Clothing House in Town! GOODS MARKED DOWN AT Extremely Low Prices ! CALL AND EXAMINE THE LARGE AND FINE SELECTED STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER cdilch Hats Auditor's Notice. Caps, Furs, Furnishing Goods, Dry Goods, k N. B. Particular attention paid to CUSTOM WORK. Good fita warranted. N. RUSTER, PROPRIETOR OF THE NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION, September 3, 1874. tf. Main street, Stroudsburg. Pa. fr horscli this vear. lhc suar crop .- J "-" c wum DCn ueany an " ir.ijt; to be the finest of many years. ' I Uas declared a semi-annual Dividend of four T' . ' I .,.-7 C : in T.n .tl PAnrc nmor rm ovsnf Mnllo 1 fv v-v-.. uu uu unci me uiu nisi ,,..1.. t'omo- "I'd I , . ..... I . ' ,:-t i.) uiL- a.-.caLt: uC ft ,t uo, man those merchants who laid in their stock INovember o. 1S74. at. i rav taxes to the amount oi 114,101:. six weeks aco. M,, n-mast be scarce at Lock Ifavrn . J,,strae and look for yourself and see the ( n.rr.ian woman onerca t"ii dullars, and con 40 cents, worth a ereat deal more monc-v. I T711 . T rtl i 1 s- Presi.i. -nt Grant rave S500 to the Shel- r ldunei3 OlOtns, Uassimere3, :.: f r Homeless V.'omen in Chicago dur- ;r: his recent visit there. Two thousand houses have been erected :r.r.-:iHin during the last four years. The I:.:! I:r. iniprovcments last year cost $1,- NOTTOF. ito;?!nlf i&t fe! &5 fej fej .mu. yo.orea Alpaca, an colora, beautllul, for30 and .,,K ; , ,K. m.mw. ,.f .... !..; Estate of Levi Frantz, of Paradise tap., dee'd Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned having been appninted Auditor bv the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County, to make distribution or the fundi in tne Hands or Anna t rantz, Admi iatratriz, to and among the persons entitled ttiereto. will attend to the duties of his appointment on Thurs day, rovemoor lL'lh, 134, at 1 o clock, 1'. at the rrothonotary'a otnee, Mrouduburg, at which time and place all persons having any claims against said fund win prosent lue same or be forever debarred from com ing in for any share thereof. T. M. McILHANEY, Auditor. eirouusoerg, uct. id, is4-4t iHENRY D. BUSH. (Successor to R. F. & II. D. Bush) DEALER IN Auditor's Notice. DRY G00BS & K0TI0S' SILKS, DELANES, CALICOES, TituYii!e is to have a rope factory. It lo a convenient institution tvhen they i-iroto p.'t rid of some of their surplus Nov. 5-2m. There are charges of extensive official eruption in Middlesex. Mass. It is said ..it s me of the reoord. have been to pre- ::t cotection. V 1 ... a t'.i'i y:-zn. nr penai msuunons are ' .i-iinir crowded. The State prisons of i'-ra, and other btates are hteralh '::ri';'nr' ovor." ion Horse Company of Northampton County," Estate of Elizabeth Bcskirk, of Chestnuthill tap., Shawls Cloths and CaSSiniereS that a stated meeting will be held at the pub- dee'd. rT OTTTTTMiT. Mc house of J. 1'. liudy Heller, Inn keeper in . Joce is nereny given that tne undersigned having A - a i XA . . . . - Boots and Shoes. I (V..Ann.n , ll. n I T a I. CCt I t O 3nH ATTIOTI J flip rfrrtn O Tl t i 1 1 1 thurotn m ill atlenrl ... , i imtiiuuii, iui nir pui uuoc cicuiiiiir me uuiuers I " 7C r : , r- " . 1 v; . Nearly all these goods you will find as cheaD .k. .,t lf. A.k , to the duties of said appointment on Friday, Novem- as lwf..r.. the war V . . , ,s , . . . . . VU ber 13ih, 1874, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Prothonotary't AV e have Calico 6 cents, good and er the Company shall be changed to a Live .,ieu' 'J tenia a wnoie paper, lilJiliUJZ Stock Camnanv i AND WlATEli FLOWERS, nearly half price. Lome and see lor yourself and you will oe satisned. DECKER &. CO ipany or remain as it ih. A full attendance is expectel. JACOB BOWER, Pres't. R. Ackesman, S'ec'y. iNoveinber o, IS 4. 3t. office, Stroudsburg, at which time and place all persons navmg any claims against said lund will present the same or be forever debarred from coming in for any snsre innreoi. T. M. McILHANEY, Auditor. Birouaiourg, uct. 10, Ibi4-4i Auditor's Notice. Dress Goods Generally, White Goods, Flannels, Trimmings, and HOSIERY, NOTICE. fe? fe? fe5 In the matter of the Account of John De Young As signee of Jeremiah Tocl and Thomas Remel, of Ross township. Notice is hereby eivon that the undersigned havin? been appointed Auditor by the Judces of the Court of I To tne Members of the Monroe Horse x?.?' uOmpany. the persons entitld thereto, will attend to the duties oi n 13 appoiniujeni on oaiuraay, riovemoer 14lh, 1S74, ce, htrouds- having anv The Monroe County Agricultural Society. at their last annual Fair, held September 24th, loi-i, awarded tne DOMESTIC COMPANY, a premium for the bet rr . oo ,- mv. .... c vuiujmih tc ju o ciock A..M.,attne rrotnonotary's om on exhibition. Oct. 22 '4. 3t. -;n ot r,,.0,.:tin , v' h,.,r. t wi,,h t; i, .11 1 - ' , 1 . . . . ' V. 1 I V J U Ok L.ll lULintlllC. U I L .11. Ill II .L t . I -"11 . . . . --' -J . all U L . Vll. vcmber 14. 1S74. to eect oliifers t- nerve f,.r V"""" prar,u iao samp or oe x- i i orever debarred irom coming id for anv share thereof. me i-iiMiiujj year. ouce is aiso given to aw T. M. McILHANEY, Auditor tne oiucer.4 to oe mere at iuo cjock a. i. ol airouasourg, ucu 10, i.4-4t said day prepared to settle their accounts un der penalty of a line of 52, of the neglect of at tending, lioll call 2 o clock I. M. 1 . S. E DINGER, Trest. John 11. tenner, See v November 5, 1874. 2t Ruy the quilted Dootsfor service of Adams. Examine the new stock of Boots and of Vrilliamsport, made ' i" c"ffins shlCe he conimcnced business ghoes at Adam's. city, over twenty years ago. A avo r jz-i ir. his hie ! It was proven at the Monroe Countv Fair that N. lfciister had the best made and finest f'iKir, ; n r .,. r-., . .. t : i j . ,i - . . i i viuuniig in iuuuivc vvuiiiy. ani.-itrr ittuvvu " l'JE3 I-Hl mere IS On martCt IOr thu first nrPmmm on Plmhintr for 1.1 voor. . . -r . I O - J 'I rtl'V T.rii'.n 1 1 onti r.T Ihn m tttii I 11 -v. II HI T ri . .i. i " NOTICE. l-i I'J LUC il'JLTS. AND IN SHORT The usual stock of a well appointed DRY GOOD AND NOTION STORE. The stock was Dot purchased at Auction or Bankrupt Sales but will be sold at prices satisfactory to purchasers, and warranted as to quality. NOTICE. Raster ha3 returned from flirt fitv with n hicr sfnr-L- nf r-lntVi in tr lntc U, I w ...v.. M - - '.' W . ' . VIVlllllllJ . . U L Tc S VOUr reanilt.S ! A ir.finia will vipldlf.an. furs, fnrnishmtr frni-vda Arv trnorla n o:j'),f.!.) bushels, Tennessee 2o0,- " you want anything m his line, give him a r ,r rAoM,Ali f m,i- and North Carolina 120.000 bushels cal1- . e M 3'o Sods cheaper than tie firsl jav of December. 1S74. ELECTION NOTICE. There will be an election held at the Bank ing house of the Stroudsbunr Dank, on Mon day, November 16th, between the hours of 10 o clock, A. M., and 3 P. M., to elect ii:. i: . r :j t .t i. r I iiiiiiceu uirccLuio ior 5atu uans to serve ior Stroudsburg. April 30, 1874. inc ciisuiin; year. i .... Oct. 15-5t.J J. MAC KEY, Cashier. CALL AND SEE. II. D. BUSH, -tf. All persons indebted to the firm of Lee & em out before OXEN FOR SALE. of720.00O bushels. pnsr of book thieves have been ar--''i at Y ashin'rton. D fl. Th Kimm j , i ? .i ii r good, go to huster s and ou can - . e.UcnMvely from the shelves of ;ck of the arest'and be --r, ,s0nai committee rooms. stock in town at prices that w A .-.-..iv residing in Bradford countv wove you all. ever before To THE Punnc. If you want a nice and Stroudsburg, October 22, 1874 stylish suit of clothes and one that will wear have 3'our st selected ill astonish LEE A Co. The subscriber offers for sale one yoke of OXEN, six years old, well NOTICE. yH. c rag carpet irom January 1st, Great bareains at Ruster's in whit3 dress l' Uwt!cr iSt. 18l4. Tf StrPthrri cTiirto nnddr cliirfc r-jura (iclconr nlrxvae - ( V- Uti'J VI L'lJ I V A t U IT . n I r LW f Vl neckties, bows, collars and cuffs, handker chiefs, suspenders, umbrellas, &c. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. IN. Rustcr just received Jrom the citv a nice assortment of dry poods, alpacas, shawls, broke, (weight 3000 lbs.) and in prood condi tion. ror terms, &c. apply to or address L. T. SMITH. Porta Sfafmn fnrmo Or T., xiic amjuiti uieeiirir oi me HiocKnoiners oi (Hobpr l;i 1S74 4t U C-. 1 I T 1 T). .!IJ! 1 I I - - inc onouu.suuig 1jVO.ii anu ij'.iuunig Ansucia- .v . .... ..II 1 , , n " r.i,i reacn over nail a iniie. is the way women go for their rights ;' 1v;r'l,'wa : A woman there called on ?: ;:; c'-;'r"d man and oiTered herself to - in Eiarri&ge. lie was not "willin." Let co y it. Germany has adopted a vrhk-h the holder of a railroad tick r)' -ct-'p at any point on his journey, '!.K7 V-'i-jd tlio ticket remaining crocd Vrii you think it? The United -p s annually nearly 5150,000,000 oi potatoes, representing a money -HfaWt 910O.O03.O0O to the consu- A anatic appeared on the portico cf the Jse on Saturday, and spnnkleu tion, will take place ln the Court House, on Friday, November Cth, 1874, at 6 o'clock p.m. H. S. JACOB Y, Sec'y. Stroudsburg, Oct. 22, 1874. 3t. ''U Jl'r ter, tlien hung up an placard Lbclod, "For "Rent," im- and 'm the United States Court postmaster of At- A5f .. . t - a verdict of S 1 1 .000 in fkvor govprnment against the bondsmen of .r'-y-ma, late : ua. r. ;-r was manufactured in the Chester prison during Sprfmlipr 1 R7f. ,;, ; c!'ttk, 21,903 yards of carpet, 33S , Reeling, 1,013 brooms and 177 J- tic t :-v,vi nu a neavy fiiiicy uit ,IJur, instead of feathers. The has hitherto sustained an - F. 1 n..Lv;.. ., ., -.wo tne -j-rr, ' mo.souito is an insect of , niruencal iraijortanee. It is r f :?ts aud H,M as good for birds. "UD a livehrMtd liv tnskinfr 4,, i ' u Jogert, ex-treasurer of ,1J riin.i., xr -r i , ci ;, uv - .i a beea com ta county jail at Xew City on c , ,u'us liie county iunas. at ?-fi fw't J it'!" A-, 'yness & Son have etftab-i- uWy of cutlery at Ea$ton, ipf'o 0ut an excellent quality gentlcmou are English, , 1 hcffifld, and understand their trimmings, &c., which he sells real cheap. If you want nice paper collars, cuffs, neck ties, bows, &c., go to Buster's he has the largest stock aud sells cheap. N. Ruster has all the very latest styles of hats. Call and see them, lie 13 sellim goods very low. Just received at Williams's Drug Store one barrel of seven year old Rj'e Whiskey. t . ',J r;ii;, ,.' ti,, in the manuiaciure oi pianos l am proporea to lurnmn Just received at Hllliams Drug Store a lntest an(i mot improvcl instruments at the lowest large lot of Xngli&h baited Potash, Warran- posuiblu pricca. I have located, myself permanently ted good. LUct. 8-1 1. Just received at Williams' Drug Store a larfe'e stock of Wrhite Lead and Linseed Oil for the f a'l trade. Prices of Oil and Lead reduced- Oct 8-It. It. MAINONE, Maker, Tuner, Regulator and Repairer or Pianos, Organs and Melodeons. Tartles residing ln Stroudshursr and vicinity, whih- inz tbtir Instruments tborouirbly tuned, reeulated and repaired at a most reasonable price, will please leave tnelr orders at tbo jeiicrsouian uince. Those wishing to purchnse Pianos or other instru ments will find it to their ad vantaKC to call on me. Ilav-1 lag had a practicle experience of over twentynjix years in the manufacture ot pianos I am prepored to furnish here and solict your favors. COUNTY ATLAS. STIIOUDSKURG ETAS A CHEAP CLOTHING AND Boot and Shoe Store, AT LAST! James Edinger has just returned with an entire new stock ot CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, AND Gents' Furnishing Goods, GRAND OPENING is : HtTCUIXSON'S BIUCE BUILDING, opposite T. Stenaple's Store, EAST STROUDSBURG. Having just opened with an entire new stock of Dry Goods and Groceries, UNDERTAKING. VltfCAKTY Jc SONS have on hand the larjret and bent . aasortment of J and r W TRIMMINGS to be found outstido of either cit v (Now Tork or Thilad. phia and wUI mako this branch or thtir busiueM a speciality. COFFINS and CASKETS of any shapoor style, can be furnished at ono hour's notice for shipment, at a charge of one-third lws than any shoS in Stroudsburg. In no case will they eharz more shan tcu per cent, above actual cost. attended to in any part of tho County at the short posble notice. JuDe 74. J. 33. HTJLjl, (Successor to J. E. Erdman,) Monroe Co. Marble Works, Main St., Stroudsburg", Pa., Where will be found constantly on hand or made to order, JIOM'JIESTS, HEADSTONES, &c, of the best Italian and American Marble. Having been in the employ of Mr. Erdman for nearly ten years, I feel confident in rar ability to please all that give me a call. All work warranted to give entire satisfaction. Csaf Orders by mail promptly attended to. feb20'72-tf . PRICES REDUCED CONSISTING Of DRESS GOODS, DELAINES, POPLINS, WHITE GOODS, CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, AND OIL CLOTH. WOOLENS, SHAWLS, ALPACAS FLANNELS, DOMESTICS PRINTS, Rubber Boots and Shoes at Fricd's. Rubber Coats and Blankets, at Fricd's. Collars, ties, cuffs, suspenders, tc, at Fried's. For Overcoats, go to Fried's. For over coats, go to Fried s. Furs, Furs, for Ladies', Gents' and Chil dren, at very low prices at Simon tried s. Simon Fried has the largest assortment of Trunks & Valises in Stroudsburg. Bargains, Bargains at Simon Frieds' in Clothing. Come and look at them. Simon Fried received the first premium on trunks aud valises at our county fair last week. SJmnn Fried received the first premium on boots and shoes at our county fair last week. Simon Fried received the first premium on ladies', gents' and childrens' furs at our county fair last week. Go to Fried's for clothing, boots and shoes, trunks, valices, and gents iurmsliing goods. Cassiraere Suits at astonishing low prices. Boys Suits from $3.00 to 12, at Simon FrkdX Survcvs are now being made for a new Atlas of NrUff Store. This Atlas is to contain a ecneral Map or the united States, showing the relation of the dincrrnt States to each other, tho Railroads and important Cities. An outline Kailroad and township .Map of the Mate of Pennsylvania. An outline plan of this County, showing the relation of the Townships and important Villages to each other, with the Itoiuli and Itailroads properly located thereon. Siperat plans on a large scale, of each Township and Villairein the tXiunty. siiowiuz v arrant ana JU lines; 1 also the location of I-iwclliugs, fctorcs aud I utiiic liuilii Jdcs, properly designated. The Public Itoads with their measured lengths in rods, from careful surveys, together with the itivers, ftre.'m, Itail roads, Canal, A tafil1 of distances, giving io mih, and tenths, the nearest ditaue from any one to all the othor impor tant Viilauea in the Countv. The whole to make a volume 13 x I VS inches, with Cloth tiide and Leat her back, and embeliihhed with a handsome (iilt title on front cover, altogether making & neat, mbstatitlal, and useful book for reference. The work will be published for subscribers only. 1 F. W. BEEIW A Co., MAP FCHLI.fllKKS Oct. 15-it. tfr Vasoy Street, N. Y. that he bought at panic prices and is selling thini ftfc nr5f tb.it nctrtnUh nil Pnll nA look and be convinced before vou purchase Alw a full awortment of choirs Family Grc elsewhere. One door above Hollinshead's .n a"d roXV;lon"' Flour Feed, Meal, Salt, ISont 17.?m r,B,, vn, oyrupa, aioiasaee, ougari, SEBASTIAN ECHLE, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. SHOP CORNER OF Pocono and Green Streets, STROUDSBURG, PA. I am now prepared to make to order, all kinds of Boot and Shoes, finch a French Calf, rjec 4 1873.-3m. American Calf, Kip, Turkey Moroco, Glove ' Knl, and 1 ebbie (jroat, at reasonable prices. Special attention paid to half-6oleing, heeling and all kinds of mending. One trial and be convinced. nov 6tf Crockery and Tinware, Wooden and Willow Ware, Flavoring Extracts, and Spices of every kind, and in fact every thing usually kept in a Dry Goods Store. All my goods are new and can not fail to give satisfaction. Goods shown with pleasure. Call and ex amine before purchasing elsewhere and there by save time and money. . J. II. SIIOTWELL, Formcrlv Slater & Shotwell. LIME! LIME!! FOR SALE CHEAP, 58 DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS K00FhG SLATE. The undersigned hereby Informs the public that thav have opened two Kilns, near Experiment Mills. Monroe county. Pa., and are prepared to fill all orders promptly. The capacity of the kilns are between tore and four hundred bushels por day. 1 ns near 1 the Depot. For further particulars, apply to g. ii. staufYer A CO., Oct. 15,'74-2m Mt fairuudsburg, Pa. LIME IS OF A BETTER QUALITY Caution Notice. Farmers, RIaters and others in want of first claRs JIOOFIXO SLATE, can procure them (by calling on Geo. W. Drake) at nearly Quar ry prices. I do not keep or soli No. 2 or Rib ben Slate. x mu itujc acuv lui inumuo v-uumj, iu tuau tbat Durnea in any other part or Im countv 1'arUo oefetring lime along the line of Delaware. w 1 r lir r n . r r-i l . . - n:i, rp..i,i ni... j t jvi n j "wl,s '? wl tntir orders ouiliua XUlUUiiil XiUlGU JjlU tiling xvuu, promptly filled, by addressing- A a. Htl.UK, Experiment MilU, P. O. Monroe county, Pa. The undersigned, owners of Real Estate in Stroud township, Monroe County, Pa., hereby caution all persons against trespafwingon their which I will put up and warrant to be the best June 11, tf premises lor the purpose 01 nsning, nunting, or conductor of Lightning in existence. Call and for any other purpose whatsoever, as they will examine the Slate or Lightning Rods before Can yOU tell Why it isthat When any have the law executed as in such cases nrovi- t!irrhaina' fclncwhere. ded. SILAS L. DRAKE, GEO. W. DKAKE I "ne rom to yourtitmrr w dot rurultor, thy il- May 1MS74 CATHARINE STAPLES. 'Stroudsburg, Aug. .r,71 tf wy inquire fnx MeCarty s Fwrlture SKorej Sept. -jn, Oi. AT THE Corner Si ore! THE CHEAPEST GOODS IN TOWN. Great bargains are now offered in FANCY DRESS GOODS, ALPACAS, VELVETEENS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, FLANNELS, Ac., all of which have been mirt J -- . vft uv fi m vu PANIC PRICES. Goods all new and nVbt in marked down to meet th to call and see for themselves. Terms Cash. C. R. ANDRE & Co. Jec-4tf Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa. Cards, Bill-Heads, Labels, &c, NEAT, CAEAP AND QUICK Printed to Order at th JEPFERSONIAlsr Jo rnnting O PPIOE, Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. QyAll Orders rromi:tlv fin n , . -wv. MUCUS a call.