THE MONROE COUNTY Co-Opeiak a GO MPAN STH0UD3EURQ, PEHNSYLVANIA. Limit 5,000 Members. charter perpetual. l.i lti:ui tilt""-!) ivr tmiro siTty-!iv year 4f ai-t wt ;a-.-! iniHivt. -i-.ii.nticn.pxc M-di'j,! d in?, r f.i l;f- inav Ivooiii a "f this Company, l ' t ' f ... . .... !' ... U Ml aaail-.; 'ii I . a-'' " " no mi M Of) 1!'J (W . r, i to C" ' Vn.l onf M'nr f.-r 1'nliey. N.i ..tli.T -!:; ! ir.:ul at nny f.m.". of't'Iin! and t" ei:t lr vu:-h i.k-ihUt whodi w. Tii-u.hutna -" "t this f,.;nji;iiiy v r tli Lit'-- Ii.Mtnun? ('.tiii"n: "' llwit t h" lV.'s ars ? .n:U Ih-t tli'3 "f :--l rat" r.i.-uis i-un sivn r! : eom- p t' li. v L.liis f.:-.ii!v a! a tr:i!;u-:, and .:iya.. a '.K-ii I int"rv:-Kant sm-h small M.i,tj.t ii irt ,-,ui.U. ii,V:nv:i-.iiic-l Ly :l.-ru. T!ii-.-iii!.:'.ny c;:mi' ...,,- vu :i i!. lYr-n::l-i in-:'" lUtieatc. T ill ni,.Vr-,li;p in XU ('..-niny, arc nro i:i ;; u il.t that tlu-ii-famiii- .r v. ii! at sw many d..Har ju- thrro an- phiuV-.s i-i ;!.; 'o.:i jjHiiy. 'o r."itiiti!isur'-''d urn travf lmr.r ivM.lonce Viipliictliot-.s fur iii!iratii-', r information, may Ik m.wl.j i-i Hi-- I'invi ! r .sriAry, at Ssmmbburf, I u. M. ' l 1 1 in -h . W "' f 'i Kii.darus S!nn., II- 1' Uicrman, f. I. I ir.xllu .-.'., lVU-r Urnvur, K. H. Ir--li.T. K. S. STAri-I"-3, I'rc.Vt. M. A. !' I- Vax liu;:s, S c'y. "Man-h i,"T:f-if MONROE COUNTY Mutual Fire !::stirar.?c Company. STZOUISBURG, PA. jt)!rix nif,:t:iaii) io, f r;y7 PERPETUAL. Tiv r'.--I,sw: of this ro-.i'.pi v. oik, rml Jtins r'iv-rn-ii. t ini5r.-.!i.- Iium', r Kv:i vc-:y m tti-ria'.ly t-h.i:i ;!. pl.fiii it uj-.!! a i,.:-is rfjur.1 t' tlit of any J :i - !utir:inr.- ('i.jii-.wnv in tint Stat. Inn. .:ia;it uuivii t'.a'Mt .!ia:iL-..s are tin' following. vi ' lM.-h-, in st ofU in p-rjttial, arc i?5iiM for i .- -rtv U fl-.i:i d an J tlv; rat-? of prnuinui i finrt a. r-iin to tin? rik of tho i.roo'.ity. r.-wniiun not1: arc t-.n. and ail a-ossmcrtts arc froii-rtv U innr-il f.r id r.vr than two thirds o! X us chs'i a'.:i a'td mtciint of iiiM-.rini- I-M in .ise .t livs. provil u the J.vs he e;ital to th-: a -.i-vint ! in-iivaiif . 'An:ti!ul a-tm. nt.-" .-.-! arc-, exc-nt in rasr "f in-iivv loss, an 1 wht i- a sji -ei.d ass'-mjnt i- !l -jrv. Thi-t .rnifianv i t r.T' fi.-" v r-i to inftiro property i;n t-.-ruis iuul'i ioof il llsn uuJ.-r the .!3 ' Ai.i-I i'TtiiT m.-.y 'C r.i.nile ti any f-f the ana5;c5, Sin vyor. or tJ.vrct.try. ; S:sV s, J. I ,. IcIV.r K. X Msj.I'', MU I. 1'iai 1 . 1. i'r -ilh ad. l:...frt Hoys j a K i:.-- ht J roli Sk(.ii JV r, 1". ll.i-r nia:i, T. W. i:h(xit.-, T!i-i. I'oi h, AV:!!:;i:;i V.alUf:'. ST1 KiDTLL .-T()Kt:S, Tres't. T n. I!::itr.:t. .-vcru.-uy ati-l Trojisurtr. srnvKYous. V 'T Monroe C'otiiilv : S:1- Trakf, William .:lVrt, " fii-vx G. Phafor, T. V". ::jid-s, J. I -pne Tr-nar, Jaooli StauiTcr, loii'n ly.iugt r. I'or V.'a":ic ounty : V. .A. " liar-" A. Masti-rs. I'or Pike County: St vm. 1 Di. trick. I'or NortliP.i;ipton Coanty : !:i -hard 'am h-n. For Carhi'ii County : r--:MU--l Zi'-ynfas. For Wvoiiiiti' Count v : i. M.. Koon, il. Vi'. Fardvr.-ll, " .T. K. r.dwarrls. e-Th-1 Mr.n-;"rs mc-i rn:il i;!y ?.t th? S--cri tary's ti.'i.-.t in Sirudsl.r. "u tl.i; lirst Tue.'!ay of ach pi iuth. At 2 n lo. kl M. L5'",".T READ THIS! Wholesale & Retail DEALER IN tobacco km mmis. (Opposite Wallace's Lumber Yard,) STROUDSB'jnC'.PA. BEAD THIS ! april 0-tf. (.0 TO J. II. McCAKTY & SOAS, ODP-FKLLOWS' HALL, MAIX 'ST.. STROUDSBURG, PA., AD BUY YC'J. FURNITURE, Carpets, Oil-Cloths, Rugs, Win dow Shades, Curtains & Fix tures, Table Cloths, &c. AND 8AVK At Least Two Profits. A McCarty X S'in.s buy, direct from the manufacturer, for cah (uiH 00 days), they can sell you y 0 R K F IIllNITUR E, OF A LETTER QUALITY, AND FOR LESS MONEY than you en buy at retail either in city or country, and fvorv arUc!t is warranicu to uc us represented. June lS'74-tf "rvOX'T iOOL YOUR MOXEY 1 away for worthless articles of Furniture, but ro to McCarty k Sons, and you will get rdl paid f.r it. June 1871 tf . t-? 15LATC II LEY'S Z I nproveel CUCtrMllER WOOD "2 ri'MP. TaMflcss, Ptiriihle, Et-r- fi ioiit h nt L'hf ap. 'I'iie hest l''jinp rr for t!ie li-a.-l tnuiicy Attention is-lii- cs;nt-ial!y imitod to Blatc hley's I tcLJ iJ Patent I 0..10W1I liracket aiul New 51 jf Ln riKC.U Vahc. whirh can He r- 11 vnihoiit lemoving the pi,. F;nn;. ,,r li-turtinj I lie joint. f"" W:S Also, the (Nipper Chamber. ht;h .Fi' : ,1 never cra-R ir scales, into win ,",;. oniliist any other r For sale bv Dealer i the Ttatle r-,--.,'--J fcH SrUrra Inquire for Hhitrhley's 'uuip. anil if nnt for aie in "ydtu t.wn t-et.d direi-l t CHAS. G. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer. i0( Commerce St., P'iiladcfjihia, la. M ir h 12. I.-Tt-in. 5 PAPER CAKSER, GLxZIEPu AITD PAINTER, MOXilOE STREET, Xcrtrly opposite Kauta's Clncksmith Slop, SrROUDsurso, V.k. The un(!er?iriieil woul.l reaped fully in onn liie citizfiis ( St romloburtj unci vicinity tint Ik is now tullv preptretl lo do all kinds of I'aper Ilininy, (J'ozinjr an J I'aintitijr. promptly and nt f-!:ort nol:cp, and that he will kofp con.-tantly on hind a fine stock ! Paper I la ngin ars of all i'ocripi ions and at low prices. Tiiij p-ttronac oftho public 's earnestly oiiclod. lay lSi'J MAKES THE WEAK STBDHS. T7ic rcruvian Strtip, a Trolcct ed Solution of the Vvotox'jtle of Iron, is so combined as to Jiavo the character of an aliment, a3 casilif di nested and assimilated with the, blood as the simplest food. Jt increases the quantity of Nature's Own Vitalizing Agent, Iron in the blood, antl aires 'a thousand ills," simply biToninn up,lnvigoratinr and Vitalizing the System. The en riched and vitalized blood per meates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secre tions, and leaving nothing for tlisease to feed upon. This is the secret of the won derful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar rhoea, Boils, ZCervous Affection:', Chills ami Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases cf the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in, a bad slate of the blood, or ac companied by debility or alow state of the system. Jieiug free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects arc not fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but arc permanent, infu sing strength, vigor, and neuf life into all parts of the system, and building up an Iron Con stitution. Thousand have bcc:h changed by the use cf this remedy, from . wccJc, sicldy, sujfcring crea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women; and invalids cannot reasonably hes itate to give it a trial. Sec thai each bottle 7ia3 PERU VIAN SYRUP blown in the glass. I?aiiiplilcts Free. SETH W. FOV.'LE k SONS, Proprietors, TVo. SO Harrison At., IJostoji. Soto uy Dni'fiisT8 cineraut. OctoL-er 1G, To ly. GOOD NEWS ! SEW Film AM) 5EV fiOODS? WAGME & IIIIOBSS wo'ikl a'inonnce to the public, that thev have taken the stand lately occupied by L. T. Labar x Co., and fated and stocked it with choice line?, of Groceries, Provisions, Crockery vzare, &c. Every article in store Ins been selected with the greatest c;re, and they can assure custo mers, that no matter at what price sold, every thin purchased of them will prove to be of the best quality. It is the design to keep a complete assort ment in each line, so that all taste.3 may be suited. Whether in want of heavy or ne Groceries or Provisions, Crockery Ware, and Glassware, Tobaccoes or what not. This will be found to be the place to call. A speciality with them will be a No. 1 brand of St. Lcuis Milb Flonr which stands at the head of the list every where. Call ami examine goods. 1 nces marked down to the lowest living figure. SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS Constantly on hand; o ALSO: On hand aud for sale a superior lot of Ceiling Lath, Hemlock Boards and Scant ling, Matched Flooring, and White Pine of all kinds. II. R. WAGNER. M. .W RHODES. April 10, 1873-tf. BLANK MORTGAGE For saJp at this OfTirp. msm mi Ii'on in til Blood fiodiic L'all Bnis Store. Wholesale and Retail Druggist. STROUDSUURG,rA. Constantly on hand and tor rr-y sale cheap for cash, a fresh sup ply of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oil, Glass, Putty, Varnish, Ker osene Oil, Perfumery and Fancy Goods; also $ah, fcSiistls r.nd Doors. Ture Wice3 and Liquors for Medicinal purpose. P. S. Physicians Prescriptions care fully compounded. Stroudsburg, July 7, 1SG4. G. H. Dreher. E. E. Dreher PHCENIX (2 doors west of the "Jcfiersonian Office,") ELIZAUETII STREET, SlroHfJslrurg1, Pa., DREHER & BRO., DEALERS IS Brills, Ulcdlcisies, Perfumery and Toilet Articles. Paints, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS & PUTTY Abdominal Supporters and Shoulder Braces. Seelev's Slard Rt'DBS:R TRUSSES Also Hitter's TRUSSES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS Lamps and Lanterns Burning and Lubricating Oils. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully Com nounded. N. 1. The hinhost Cash price paid for OIL ot V INTERUREEN. inay-t-tf. The Empire Dnig Store!!! (Removed to Fowlcr'a building.) I have recently bought the Stock T&-5-- of Drugs in Nicholas Ruster's buil KT;i ding, formerly owned bv M. V. Evans i4 and have added a large supply of NEW GOODS, PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, different brands of pure WHITE LEAD and other PAINTS, Pure SPICES, ground ard ungroucd, Linseed Oil, raw 3nd boiled, Jnpan Dryers, arnisbes, lr.ilow (jlass, trench nu American Putty, Patent Medicine, Fruit Jars, pure Wines and Li quors fur medical purposes, Jive HViW.ry, 7 year old, and will keep on hand a good supply of Horse & Cattle Powder, Professor Myers' Horse Lin iment, Ki t India Oil, Shoulder Braces and Supporters, Lamps and Fixtures, and everp thing usually kept .V A D R U G ,ST T 0 R E .' ! : rhysicians Prescriptions carefully conipond ed from the purest material. Physicians ordes lor Drugs and Medicines carefully itueu, Ironi selected stock at reasonable prices. All orders bv Stage or otherwise, will be promptly atter.ted to. Give me a call and satisfy yourselves. pj;tj:i: williams. Stroudsburg, Pa. July 24,'7o-tf. TT Tin NOW IS THE TIME TO USE Youatt's Condition Powder. In the Fall and Winter when your cow give but little milk this powder is sure to increase the quantity and improve the oualitv l or Dorses, it increases the appetite, promotes digestion, exhileratcs the spirits, renders the coat soft and sinning, l or J togs one package in your swill barrel will hasten the fattening process at least 100 per cent. This powder has proved an excellent article for sheep. Be sure you get the Genuine Youatt's Condition Powder, MANUFACTURED BY WILLIAM H0LLIN3HEAD. All other is a counterfeit. See that the name of WM. IIOLLINSIIEAD is on each package and buv no other. Warranted to give satisfaction or the inonev refunded. WM. IIOLLINSIIEAD. Nov. 19,'GS-tf Itch! Itcli! Itch.! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH I USE IIOLLINSIIEAD'SITCII i SALT RIIELjI 0IM3IEM No Family should be without this valuable medicine, for on the first appearance of the disorder on the wrists, between the fingers, &c, a slight application of the Ointment will cure it, and prevent its being taken by others. Warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. Prepared and sold, wholesale and reatil, by W. IIOLLINSIIEAD, Druggist. Oct. 13,'67-tf BLANK DEEDS For sale at this Office NEW MACHINE SHOP ! The subscriber having started a Machine Shop, near the head of Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa., nronnrnd to build, and repair all kinds of Machinery with accuracy, anu aifpdixn. t ' . ' ' i j: i.t. Beinjr fitted with SPECIAL MACHINERY FOR TURN INC. SHAFTING, AND PUL LEYS, AND WITH IM PROVED TOOLS of various kind?, and having on experiance of over Thirty years, in designing, and build in? machinery lor special purposes, i feel warranted in guaranteeing the best of Work. Have on hand, anu building, PORTABLE STEAM EKGIKES, of from 2 to 10 Horse Power, designed especially for Farm u.-p, or lor driving any ight machinery. 1 also keep in siock, several thousand feet of Premium New York Oak Tanned Belting, in widths of li inch tn G inches, (can obtain wider oops at very short notice) at manu facturers prices, also Lace Leather, Belt Rivets, Punches, &c, STEAM PIPES & FITTINGS of the variouss sizes. Pipe cut and fitted, at 6hort notice. lit nip & Rubber Steam Paclilnff. I would call the attention of Blacksmiths, Wheelwrights, and others, to my assort ment of all sizes of Machine Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Lag Screws, and Bolt-ends, which I ofTer at New York prices. The Bolt-en. Is especially, being threided ant fitted with nuts by machineiy, enable the iraclsmiths lo furnish bolts ot any lecgth much cheaper, and quicker, than to cut them by hand. Call in and see my stock and Machinery G. SAN FORD. March C, 1873 tf. FJUIE TALKING MACHINE. The Domestic Scuins: Machine THE "LIGHT RUiMl?iG"i 21 By its SIMPLICITY. I. - .'. 1 EASE OF b Noisdc.., aud i-?! ana x?,i T TT -r r w TALKS ITSELF INTO PUBLIC FA TOR. THE WORLD CHALLENIGED! To produce a Family Sewing Machine tnat wdl sew as light, and us heavy, that is as light running, and as easily operated. This Machine is warranted to wear pqmlly as long as any other manufactured. Sold on monthly pavmen's For sale by DARIUS DREHER. Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa Sept. 12, 1S72. NEW STORE -:and:- W GOODS -:at:- REDUCED PRICES. DARIUS DREHER, begs leave to an nounce to his friends and to the pub lic generally, that he has just received a general assortment of Dry Goods, Notions, Dress Trimming, A XI) M1LLIXERY GOODS consisting, in part of the following desirable articles, viz. : Calicoes, Lawns, French Chintxs, Children's I) rcss Goods, Worlcd Ed, j nigs, Parasols, Zrphrrs, Shetland Wools, Shetland Wool Shaicls. Delaines, Muslins, White Dress Goods, ' Insert in gs, Ladis and Children's Sachs Flannel and Cloth, Lad ij s, Misses and Men's Hoes, Gloves and Collars, Mourning Goods, Shroudings, Cc, tfr., Goods shown with pleasure. Q nicks sales and small profits" at the old and well known Millinery Stand of F. A. DREHER. Ihe Millinery business will be carried on as usual by Mrs. Dreher. Patronage respectly solicited. DARIUS DREHER. April 20, I6GG. A KICJI3 STOCK OV ( IIOK I: lamily Groceries, Queensware, Glass ware, Wood and Willow-ware, at rr .tctr L R. ANDRE Sc Co. Terms- CA SIT. ja. 30, ' 73 tf. BLANK LEASES For Salo at this Office. r55 mm WW A Harness & Saddlery. The above business has again been re timed at the old stand, lately ewept away v th b.tP flnod. near Baldwin's Hotel, in Stroudsburg, where will be kept constantly on hand the best assortment of larncss, double and single, Saddhs, Co Stars, ml every other article usually furnished in his line of business. Work made to oraer on the shortest notice. A large assortment of Mountings and Saddlery Hard ware always on hand. Call and make your own t lection. and it will be furnished in j-tyle ard nrice not to be excelled in this market. Strict attention piid to repairing and done in shortest noncp. aii an-' ua-"ig JOHN O.SAYLOR, Agent October 0, 1S70. tf 4 Ti rxletMive lol f 1 OVM l Jr all descriptions ha ve been received at the store cf the subscriber, in the borough of Stroudsburg. lie has COOKING STOVES, & PARLOR STOVES, of the latest improvements; and entire new ftvlcs, and considerablosavitigof fuel, which can he had at Uie lowest v-uy pneus. i.m ail kinds of Stove-3?ipe. A large assortment of TIN WARE of ev ery description, contart!y on hand, which will be sold at wholes -le and retail, as rea sonable as can be hail in the Citv. All kinds ot rep-iirinir done in the shortest, cheapest and best manner. Call and ex.nn- mc his stock before you pur'h ise elsewhere Febll,C9. WM. S.FLO RY. "SAMUEL HOOD" ''I ' ti U y., v . : i "Wholesale and Retail Dealer in TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, AND IN Hclal House Furnishing Goods GENERALLY. Roofissg and Spouting done on short notice, with tho host material, and at reasonable prices. His stock of Tonic, Parlor and O.Tuv Stoves embraces all the bet varieties known to the trade. CALL AXD SEE. Store third building, above the 3IethodLst Church. Main street, STEOUDSRUEG, PA. August 4, 187'). tf. LOOK THIS WAY, all v. IIO WW NT Carriage Work cr Blaeksmithin BONE IX A SUPERIOR MANNER! Tllli Subscriber begs leave to in -.rm tlw nnl.ll (!... i... r..n . tfa.ijj v i 'hhh; in. ii iiu is tuny pre Vtpared, at his establishment, at the comer of Simpson and Sarah streets, in the borough of Stroudsburg, to luak'e to order, every style of Carriage, Wagon, and, in fact, every thing in his lino of bu siness, at the shortest, possible notice, and ou the most reasonable terms. Carriages repaired, trimmed and paint ed in the best style of the art. llaviug Urst class material always on hand, and none but first-class workmen engaged, the public are assured that none but tirst-class work will be turned out at ins shop. In connection with his Can-;., fii,nr. ho has also a Rlacksmith Shon. where superior workmen will always bo found ready to attend to tho orders of customers Ihe public are invited to call and ex amine his stock before pure-basin- else where. VALKXT1NK KAUTZ. oepiemoer m, lhU7.-tf. TOB PRINTING, of a kinds neatlye7 U ecuted at this office. ' p. S. WILLIAMS, Watchniaker & Jeweler MAIN ST, STROUDSBURG, pA Located in corner building, t;,; , low the JefTeronian office. Ufon, i,-'0' "e 'y fitted up, nd heavily slocked with il"1' nest as? ortmcntof " n,l Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Jevrelpr, tions, &c, eiersJo. ever ofTcred in thissectim of count,. A full ncunrlii.nnt f . 1 " host nualitv. and suited in nil ' . ....... , ... v. , , , i.7ii:ri;icpg Ml? . .u 0h, I on sale. . ' a,v'5J Rilrnr-u'fl r o nn!? Sili-A Tl..i wr nn linnd nt mfiniifii-inm. i ""j Tin prices (Repairing neatly executed, nnitf ges extromcly moderaie. Calls, frPlll T public rcspecitully sidiciied. e Aent for the celebrated IW, Sppctac I es. a Novenibpr 5th, 18G3 ly. Makinff The under.-igncd takes tlila mctlml ,t itiioruung tnc puonc, fie still c-r .1 .... I.UL. tiuucs me aoove ousiness in all its hrtmchc at his old Stand, on Franklin nr,.( Stroudsburg, Pa., where he will l,e j, ' py to receive orders lor woik m Lis liDf including general ' Wlieclwrighting-, Blacksmith- Jlis stock, of the Lest quality of seusonel lumber is large aud very ctia, plete; and also has a lull torce ol hrsr class Workmen at al! the branches, ho flatters!f that he is luliy prepared to all who lavor bun Willi orders, and "uuran- rec entire satislact ion. Rcpaiiing promptly attended to WM. HUNTSMAN. July 2S, 1870. UNDERTAKING ! LEE &, Co. would mo t rpspectfullv an nounce that having procured an t!i"T,uit HEAESE, gig. and having a person in tbnir enp'oy nf twelve years rxperiencp. in the uo.i.T'a'kirj business, are now prepared lo attend ul. dert iking in all its brandies in the Lot pos sible manner. COFFINS and CASKETS ol any siz, style or quality, con.-tant'y on lnml. and ready for c-fii:iinjt. at. short notice. 0r,!ers by mail prompt ly alt en. led to Our clnrj are moderate; we have no iisp isnin to distress the living cr rob the c.!aies ol the dead. N. D. Ready-made ROUE, nea ly jr ten up. can bp hud at any, al the Ware Room of LEE ec Co. May 23, 1-70. ly. LOOK! LOOK!! Nlx. J". Ilnvs OP THE Popular Hal & Cop Empsrii, Has just returune.l fro.n t!ie cities with an immense stjcl: cf Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnish ing Goods, for Spring and Surnmrr wear, !j :c!i he is offering at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Thankful for past favors. I resp'c!fi"y ask my old custoirrrs the r"l'c generally Jo examine my Stock nod IVc; belore making purchases elsewhere. Store on Main Street, Strcudsburg. Px. a few doors above the Washington H'-cl. J. A. HAYS. April 21, '73-tf Carriage Jt Chance lo make Money ! One Hundred Dollars from One Dollar. A nrv lliisis and no nt roplion- Every person ownhig HOUSES, CAT TLE, SHEEP and HOGS are gu -irantepJ to make One Hundred Dollars by u'S One Dollar Package of " YOUATT'S CONDITION POWDEE." manufactured by William IIoM.ivnE'' Stroud.-btirg. If you have never used it a Package and if it does not lenc ) ; stock to the amount of one hundred uo.--in your estimation, call at the store and . your money refunded. , - HORSES. It will give them a petite, keep their skin loose and ren".tr')'l oat soft and shining, keeping tlicm in condition with one-half ttie feed, l.eiiij,' 11 by a saving of one-half the nicix''- COWS. It makes ll.cin give in;,r; !e with one-half the Iced, and if ''fR. milk of course you nuke nmre b and the more butter tiie ore money . I have so much confidence in j ' Powdar th .t I make th ab-ve oiler, ing well that it will do all that w t. tor it. rrTvttI. Kr Ask to see The Great lobc titlote. March 4, 1309. tf. . w.jj. H.iMUrovs si: llXKhco SETS. The lot in use. J ,.tllVr place they can be had in town i -l ueroro. Try thcni. vNii;KtV jan. uO, '7u. tf. T 9x