THE MONROE COUNTY Co-Operative Life Insurance COMPANY, STROUDS5URG, PENNSYLVANIA. Limit 5,000 Members. CHARTER FERPETUAL. Any porson ifsouml jHnlyaml minil. ofrithorsex, not Ii tfinsi til'tivn i:ir more than Mxty-tivi; year of axe, mi-I nit "n-;:! l f ii a?iy (.-riinit!'ii, rx---linply t;ui;i-,r-u'.is to lif.., may Iccimiii a tiiin!:r f this Coniiaiiy, by jiayinjr :in iulmisiiu ft-o, as fiiKiiws: l nni IT t-t 40 years of a-o Si 00 " 4 to 50 " " " 5 00 " ro to 6' " " io oo no t. r- 20 oo And one 'l!::r for Puliry. No oilur charges will 1' mail" at any time?, cxoej)ting ' t:tilir aii-1 t mi cent for rai-li r.n'iiih-T who UK's. Tli' aiivantap's of iliis O'liijjruiy over tint onlinarr I. if.. Int!r:iiioi- Companies are. that tli fees arc su small lliat tl;.' man of nimh-rata mnns can sviiri a com- p t -in-y to hi-, family at a trifling cost, and payable at s ii-l) loin; intfi vi ls, and swti small sums tlmt no jvrson ran i iiK'nnvnii'iHc! by tln-ui. Tliisf'nipany cannot l .il ; in i panic can it. IVrsons holding certificates of ni'-TnfoTsbip in this Company, arc sure in case of (ieatli that tli ir ( oni'.i -si.r h. irs will get a many dollar a- I here are men 1hts ia tlic (Viutiatiy. No restriction. ar- pl;;c: d upoi: travi linor residence. Appilications lor insurance, or information, may be M.ide to the Iircclors or S.vri-tnry, at Stioudsburg, r. DIKKCTOKS. IT. U. Hiesecker, Win. Fiiif, J. II. Kcthcrman, lVtr liruvor, E. V. Dr;!i?r. II. S. Staples. :r. r. coiimiv,!., Kiiidarns Sliu)p, f. I), r.rodhcad, It. S. STAPLES, Treat. M. A. TV L. Van IIou.v, Soc'y. March C,'7-tf MONROE COUNTY 3!i:lu:il Fire Insurance Company. STROUT 8BURG, PA. va i a ri:n 1 'erpeti 1 a. The !y-Laws "f this Coniptiy, ai:d rvjriilatlotn trovern i : T insurance have, nxviiily Ih-.-h very materially -li;f iir -vt, piaciiiij it uhhi a basis i (ual to that of any J.ii'e liistiiuncc Company in the State. lni ji irl.iiit among these changes are the following, vis: t'oliev-s, instead of Kin perpetual, are issued for live y -a is. All jif ijirty is clriifi.'d and the rate of premium is fix ti a-f. inline to the risk of the property. i'vi.iium a:e takcu, and at! a.:-smcnta arc mad-.- on (lie iiotis. 1'ropjrty is iiis.trcd fir not more than two thirds ot its a-!iial cash value, and the lull amount of insurance .iid in case of loss, providi-d the l.ixs ie cjual to the Mil Mint ot insurance. "Anniitd asso.sni.-nts'' only are mad", except in case of h. avy lots, and where a spcciiil asscssmciit is ii sary. Tl.-.' Company is therefore t insure property u; :i ter:t!s lu'icli more 1 siiabie under the old y.-! -m. Applications m.iy lie mndc ti any of the Managers. vircyors, or Svrctary. M.NA;rcns. Sto-d II, .1. I pue K. S. Staples, s I ts 1 Irak , C. 1. r.rmllicad, Ilolirrt Hoys, la-oh K;itcht .Telm lviiiirer, V. ilacrinan, Jacob sinutuT, Seh-M-h, 'f. W. lih"xles, William Wallace. ST(x:M:I.L STOKnS, Prei't. 11 15. Iinr.iiKn, Secretary and Treasurer. SIIIVKVOIIS. For Mniiroe County : S:l-s 1.. Iirake, William tiilU-rt, " fieo. fl. Shafer, T. W. l:!ioJ J. Dejiue L-l;ar, Jacoii Stautler. For Wavne Count v: F. A. !! It, ' .1.. I Miller. Fur Pike County : Saiuinl iMrick. For North.imj.ton County: 1 'aniden. For Carbon County: Samn 1 iCieixeJifiis. i. - The Manars meet regularly at the Secretary's t iti - in Si romlsbur, on tiie first Tuesday of each liioiiih, at -J. uilmt P. M. May 1.,'73-tf SEAD THIS! C. IP. MICK, Wholesale & Retail DEALER IN TOBACCO AM) SUGARS. (Opposite Wallace's Lumber Yard,) STilOUDSBURG, PA. READ THIS ! april 9-tf. GO TO J. II. HcCAMT & S0S, ODD-FELLOWS' HALL, 3IAIX ST. XTR0UDSBURG, PA., AN'D BUY YOUr? FURNITURE, Carpets, Oil-Cloths, Rugs, Win dow Shades, Curtains & Fix tures, Table Cloths, &c. AND SAVE At Least Two Profits. As MrCarty &. Sons buy, direct from the manufacturer for (not 00 days;, they can sell you MORE FURNITURE, OF A BETTER QUALITY, AND FOR LESS MONEY than you can buy at retail citherineity orcouutry.and every article is warranted to be as represented. June l.V74-lf DO.VT FOOL YOUIt MOXEY away for worthless articles of Furniture. jbut go to McCarty &, Sons, an.l you will cet until paid for it. fJune 18,'74-tf 13LATC II LEY'S Improved CUCUMBER WOOD jj 1 fi. ientand Vh-p. The best P-imp 1 il S. for the leat money Attention i M nffk eaoecially invited to Blatthley's rrttciit niniwtru UtM'K Oil " . Dro . Check Valve, which can Be withdrawn without removing the Pump, or disturbing the joints. Also, the Copper Chamber. hi h never cracRs or scales, und will outlast ny other For sale bv Dealers & the Tiade nonor.llf Inniitr for lllatrhlcv'? Pump, and if not for sale in your tww n end direct to CHAS. G. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer. 508 Commerec St., Philadelphia, la. March 12, PAPER HANGER, GLAZIER AND PAINTER, MONROE STREET, Nearly opposite Kautz's Dlacksmith Shop, Strocdsburg, Pa. The undersigned would respeclfulljr in form the citizens of Stroudsburff and vicinity th't he is now fully prepared lo do all kinds of Paper Hanging, Glazing and Painting, promptly and at hort notice, and that he will keep constantly on hand a hne stock oi Paper Hangings of all descriptions and at low prices. The patronage of the public is earnestly solicted. May 16, 1872. TIIE GREAT REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION which can bo cured by a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as has been proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent plrysicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, "Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. Wistar's Balsam docs not dry up a Cough, and leave the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. PREPARED BT BETH VT. FOWLE & SONS, Boston, Macs., JLnd sold by Druggist and Coalers generally, October 1073-ly. GOOD NEWS! SEW FillM AND KEW GOODS? WAGKER & RHODES would announce to the public, that they have taken the stand lately occupied by L. T. Labar & Co., and litted and Btocked it with choice lines, of Groceries, Provisions, Crockery ware, &c. Every article in ftore has been selected with the greatest care, and they can assure custo mers, that no matter at what price sold, every thins purchased of them will prove to be of the best quality. It is the dei;n to keep a complete assort ment in each line, so that all tastes may be tsuited. Whether in want of heavy or fine Groceries or Provisions, Crockery Ware, and Glassware, Tobaccoes or what not This will be found to be the place to call. A speciality with them will be a No. 1 brand of St. Louis Mills Flour which stands at the head of the list every where. Call and examine goods. Prices marked down to the lowest living figure. SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS Constantly on hand. o ALSO: On band and for sale a superior lot of Ceiling Lath, Hemlock Boards and Scant ling, Matched Flooring, and White , Pine of all kinds. H. S. WAGNER. M. .W RHODES. April 10, 1873-tf. BLANK MORTGAGE For sale at this Office. imm tock, Gothic Hall Drog Store. Willi:! mi Elolliiishcad, Wholesale and Retail Druggist. STROUDSBUHG,rA. Constantly on band and tor sale cheap for cash, a fresh sup ply of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oil. Glass. Putty. Varnish, Ker osene Oil, Perfumery and Fancy Goods; also Sash, Minds and Doors. Pure "Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purpose. JP. S. i'hysicians ircscripuoos wic fully compounded. Stroudsburg, duly , icu-. Q. H. Dreher. E. B. Dreher (2 doors west of the "Jefiereonian Office,") ELIZABETH STREET, Stroudsburg, Pa., DREHER & BRO., DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery and Toilet Articles. Paints, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS & PUTTY. Abdominal Supporters and Shoulder Braces. Seeley's Hard RITI1KER TRUSSES Also Hitter's TRUSSES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS. Lamps and Lanterns Burning and Lubricating Oils. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully Com pounded. N. B. The hichest Cash price raid for OIL of WINTERGR EEN. uiay4-tf. The Empire Ding Store!!! (Removed to Fowler's building.) I have recently bought the Stock of Drugs in Nicholas Roster's buil ding, formerly owned by M.F. Evans and have added a large supply of NEW GOODS, PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, different brands of pure WHITE LEAD and other PAINTS, Pure SPICES, ground and unground, Linseed Oil, raw and boiled, Japan Dryers, Varnishes, indow ulass, r rench and American Putty, Patent Medicines, Fruit Jars, pure Wines and Li quors for medical purjoses, Jiye JWiifkey," yearsold, and will keep on hand a good supply of Horse & Cattle Powder, Professor Myers' Horse Lin iment, East India Oil, Shoulder Braces and Supporters, Lamps and Fixtures, and everp thing usually kept X A D R U G S T 0 R E ! ! .' Phvsicians Prescriptions carcfull v compond ed from the purest material. Physicians ordes for Drugs and Medicines carefully filled, from selected stock at reasonable prices. All orders by Stage or otherwise, will be promptly attented to. Give me a call and satisfy yourselves. PETER WILLIAMS. Stroudsburg, Pa. July 24,'73-tf. SOW IS THE TIME TO USE Youatt's Condition Powder. In the Fall and Winter when your cows give but little milk this powder is sure to increase the quantity and improve the quality. For horses, it increases the appetite, promotes digestion, exhilerates the spirits, renders the coat soft and shining. For I logs one package in your swill barrel will hasten the fattening process at least 100 per cent. This powder has proved an excellent article for sheep. Be sure you get the Genuine Youatt's Condition Powder, MANUFACTURED BY WILLIAM HOLLINSHEAD. All other is a counterfeit. See that the name of WM. IIOLLINSILEAD is on each package and buy no other. Warranted to give satisfaction or the money refunded. . WM. HOLLINSHEAD. Nov. 19,'GS-tf Itch. ! Itcli ! Itch. ! SCRATCHl SCRATCH! SCRATCH! USE UOLLIXSHEAD'SITCII k SALT RHEUM OIXTMM No Family should be without this valuable medicine, for on the first appearance of the disorder on the wrists, between the fingers, Ac., a slight application of the Ointment will cure it, and prevent its being taken by others. Warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. Prepared and sold, wholesale and reatil, bv W. HOLLINSHEAD, Druggist. Oct. 13,'67-tf BLANK DEEDS For sale at this Office NEW MACHINE SHOP! The subscriber having started a Machine Shop, near the head of Main Street, Stroudsburg, -Pa., is prepared to build, and repair all kinds of Machinery wnn accuracy, mu uor... Beinj fitted with SPECIAL MACHINERY FOR TURX LYG, SHAFTING, AND PVL LEYS, AND WITH IM PROVED TOOLS r LJnrla nnd Iiavinf an exoerionce of over Thirty years, in designing, and feel warranted in guaranteeing the best of t i i L..:ti:n. WorK. Have on nuuu, nuu uuiium, PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, 9 to in florae Pdwer. designed especially for Farm ue, or for driting any light machinery. I also keep in tock, several thousand feet of Premium New York Oak Tanned Belting, in widths of 1 J inch to 6 inches, (can obtain wider ones at very short notice) at manu facturers prices, also Luce Leather, Belt Rivets, Punches, &c, STEAM PIPES & FITTINGS of the variouss sizes. Pipe cut and fitted, at short notice. Hemp & Rubber Steam Packing. I would call the attentign of Blacksmiths, Wheelwrights, and others, to my assort ment of all sizes of Machine Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Lag Screws, and Bolt-ends, which I offer at New York prices. The Bolt-ends especially, being threaded and fitted with nuts by machineiy, enable the Blacksmiths to furnish bolts ol any length, much cheaper, and quicker, than to cut them by hand. Call in and see my stock and Machinery. G. SANFORD. March 6, 1873 tf. T HE TALKING MACHINE. The Domestic Sewing Machine. THE "LIGHT RUNNING" "DOMESTIC" Bt its SIMPLICITY, p.;? EASE OF Management, Xoiseless, and and RUXXIXG, TALKS ITSELF INTO PUBLIC FA VOR. TIIE WORLD CHALLENGED ! To produce a Family Sewing Machine that will sew as light, and as heavy, that is as light running, and as easily operated This Machine is warranted to wear equally as long as any other manufactured Sold on monthly paymen's. For sale by D.ARIUS DREHER. Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa Sept. 12. 1872. NEW STORE -:and:- NEW GOODS -:at:- REDUCED PRICES. DARIUS DREHER, begs leave to an nounce to his friends and to the pub lic generally, that he has just received a nrpnprnl nsKnrtmpnl rF Dry Goods, Xvtions, Dress Trimmings AND MILLINERY GOODS consisting, in part of the following desirable articles, viz. : Calicoes, Lawns, French Chintzs, Children's Dress Goods, Vforced Edgings, Parasols, Zcphers, Shetland IVools. Shetland Wool Shairl Uelatnes, Muslins, - White Dress Goods, Inserting, Lady's and Children's Sacfcs Flannel and Cloth, Lady's, Misses and Men's IToes, Gloves and Collars, Mourning Goods, Shroudings, itc, de., Goods shown with nleasurp. xOniu eaies ana small pronts" at the old and well Known ivjiinnery stand ot r . A. DREHER. TUa Tili;n. . I : . . . iiiMncijr uuBiiiesg win oe carried on as usual by Mrs. Dreher. Patronage respectly solicited. DARins nnrcnpn April 26, 1866. A NICE STOCK OP runirr rV. Family Groceries, Qucensware. Glass ware, Hood and W hw ware, at C. It. ANDRE & Co Term-CAS II. jan. 30, 73 tf. BLANK LEASES For Sale at this Office. Harness & Saddlery. Th Tww business has again been re sumed at the old stand, lately swept away by the late flood, near Baldwin s imiei, in strmiHshnrer. where will be kept constantly on hand the best assortment of Harness, double and single, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, and every other article usually furnished in ihia line of business. Work made to order on the shortest notice. A large assortment of Mountings and Saddlery Hard ware always on hand. Call and make your own selection, and it will be furnished in tyle ard price not to be excelled in this market. Strict attention paid to rcpairingand done in shortest notice. Call and examine JOHN O.SAYLOR, Agent. October 6, 1870. tf AW extensive lot of STOVES of all descriptions have been received at the store of the subscriber, in the borough of Stroudsburg. He has COOKING STOVES, & PARLOR STOVES, of the latest improvements; and entire new style?, and considerable saving of fuel, which can be had at the lowest City prices. Also all kinds of Stove-Pipe. A large assortment of TIN WARE of ev ery description, constantly on hand, which will be sold at wholesale and retail, as rea sonable as can be had in the Citv. All kinds of repniring done in the shortest, cheapest and best manner. Call and exam ine his stock before you purchase elsewhere, Feb 11, 69. WM. S.FLOKY. SAMUEL HOOD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in C00K&PARL0R STOVES, TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, AND IN Metal House Furnishing Goods GENERALLY. jUoofiug and Spouting done on short notice, with the best material and at reasonable prices. His stock of Cook, Parlor and Office Stove embraces all the best varieties known to the trade. CALL AND SEE. Store third building, above the Methodic Church. Main street, STROUDSHUKG, PA. August 4, 1870. tf. LOOK THIS WAY, ALL WHO WANT Carriage Work or Blacksmilhing DONE IN A SUPERIOR MANNER! 4. TIIE Subscriber be?s leave tn tffeform the public that he is fnllv in iT pared, at his establishment, at the corner or Simpson and Sarah streets, the borough of Stroudsburg, to make order, every stylo of Carriage, Wagon, and, in fact, everything iu his lino of bu. oiucna, ut me Biioriest possiDia uottco. and on the most reasonable terms. Carriages repaired, trimmod and paint v iu mo uusi hiyio oi me art. Tfnnin.a .1.. i uisi,-uiass material always on hand, and none but 6rst-class workmen up"jicui le puuuc are assuroa that noue out nrst-class work will bo turned out at his snop. In connection wiil Vvl v. ..! . . " ...... Iln vaiuo oiiup he has also a Blacksmith Shop, where v.... nuikuiuii win always be found mail u n iunn.l ii i . W ulluu" u me oruers oi customers -ine puuuc are invited to call and amine his stock before nurehasln., ex else where. VA LENT INK KAUTZ beptembor ID, 18G7.-tf. "OB PRINTING, of. kinds ea A tly ex p S. WILLIAMS, Watchmaker & Joweler MAIN ST, STROUDSBURG, Pa. Locatpd in corner building, tl,jr(j j ivtheJeffcrsonianoffice. Ron. i PT ow y fitted up, and heavily stocked u i.uT nest assortment of ltlen- Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Jeweler. tions. &c eiers Jo. j ever offered in thissecthn ofcounti A full assortment of Spectacles 'f , best quality, and suited to all on,' the on sale. alwaf Silver-ware, and Silver Plated Ware , ays on hand at manufacturers price? ftCT-Repairin? neatly execute,! ges extremely moderate. Calls fromT ntiVl!r rPsnerM fill 1 1 sn in i) nA "? r J -'"v.u. Sole Agent for the celebrated n; . Spectacles. 'J,nor November 5th, 1868 ly. ge The undersigned takes this method 0f forming the public, that he still ... lu tinucs the above business in all its I'mnV. at his old Stand, on Franklin street btroudsburg, l a , where ne will he hap. py to receive orders for work in bis lice including general 1 Wheelwrighting, Blacksmith- ing, uiu, 1 1 miming, etc. His stock, of the Lest quality of seasoned umber is large and very complete; aa, ilso has a full force of tirsr cla-j workm., at all the fcrauches, he flatters himself that he is fully prepared to act.)a;oil:i' all who favor hiu with orders, an J uana. tee entire satisfaction. Repairing promptly attended to WM. I1UNTS.MAX. July 28,-1870. UNDERTAKING! LEE &. Co. would mo t re?pocru!lv an nounce that having procured an e 'ig.itit and having a person in their employ nf twelve years experience, in the undertaking business, are now prepared to attend to un. dertaking in all its brunches in the best m. sihle manner. COFFINS and CASKETS of any s style or quality, con.-r;int!y on lunj. and ready for shipment at thort notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to Our crm"5 arc moderate; we have no dispsiii..n io distress the living or rub the elates ol ilw lead. N. D. Ready-made ROBES, neatlv . ten up, can be had at any time, at the Wure Room of LEE &. Co. May 2G, 1--70. ly. LOOK! LOOK!! jSiIi. J. A-. Plays OF THE Popular Hal & Cap Emporium H is just returuned from the cities w ill an immense stock of Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnish ing Goods, for Spring and Summer wear, which he is offering at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. tfuVv 'iiilllUl HM Ui I It ) L' I A . - a ask my old customers si nd the ruilc generally to examine my Stock and IV c-s betore making purchases elsewhere. Store on Main Street, Stroudsburg. Pa, a few doora above tho Washington Hotel. J. A. HAYS. April 24, '73 tf Chance io male Money ! One Hundred Dollars from One Dollar. A sure thins; and no DtrepHo"- Every person owning HOUSES, CAT TLE, SHEEP and HOGS are guarantee to make One Hundred Dollars by uarf One Dollar Package of 44 YOUATT'S CONDITION POWrEB," manufactured by William IIoliisb"; Stroudsburg. If you have never u; ,l J f a Tackage and if it does not "f'1.-'". stock to the amount of one hundred do.-J in your estimation, call at the store and . your money refunded. , , HORSES It will give theinapo petite, keep their skin loose and rCI,(le'il'j coat soft and shining, keeping them m condition with one-half the feed, bein?'' by a saving of one-half the nionoy. CO VS.-It makes them give fj with one-half the feed, and if he 2rB, milk of course you make more bl and the more butter the more ino"'v I have so much confidence in -e , Powdar I make the l,ve ot!c(,,ei ing well that il will do all that w c--for it. a lu to WM. IIOLUA Ask to see The Gnat titlote. March 4, 18G9. tf. TTA3III-TOXS sr. 5Ll?vou'y I I LM.VIV n'i. t..... !l I1SL 1 t . r. Carria Makinff place they can l had iu town is uer store. Try thciu. t xni't.' 0 jan. 30, '73. ti'. oyuicu a i whs omce.