i't i mk hi iti- i "JflE WESTERN DELUGE. . ..nrc and Allegheny City Flooded Fitte a &ain Storm-A Hundred and Jjfty Lives Reported Lost. t-rriblc rain storm prevailed in tlie - 4n part of the State on Sunday even e :Hcli resulted in a terrible devasta Vjjfc and property in the vicinity of tl-1 fur" A morning paper in that city 1Vlt! ti.e following graphic narrative of the fi. m flood sates of the heavens were j i.,a nHit, and a vast volume of Vr was discharged upon the city. Dur. i ihv heavy showers took place, but Irl' till- J . .roved only preparatory to they p THE DELUGE i -h came down upon us between eight ..i Tl liV. v - 1 . . . .1 II 111 H I l . . . . w-. - -w. . - . M- ; -onipanied with vivid lightning, and Vw.nr the storm was fast and J;,r (UT i" " , , I I1C TvaiL'i u;-ji viumu in enuuu, ..;rlv listened as the flashes of ,V''litniii'r foil "roa tnem 'n Qucdc succession. lf ''Uf j-Vl loss of life is reported from A k'1" , .. i,.. i i T,01,V, aim a poiumaij ium wjuau bv the late destructive conliagra- ,W t the Uni'-Mi Dejxt the tunnel of Jl(! "r-n Handle llailway was flooded with ' L four feet of water, and of course be- u.abie lor trains, auu iranic ior the tiaie 1 rVli" ' bcin" OTi the road was suspended. rhirty-sixth WarJ were felt the , .,t c'ttH' results of the deluge. roniend'His body of water which Tlu SWEPT DOWN THE HILLS S iwmill Hun raised that stream -with ;,' .,.h1( 'us velocity and power into the river l-inre tjinntuy ci uarreis ami lumoer ' r, ,';!n io.l awav, and i list pilod up against 1 J which did not lonir ,,J.t tl;- furv of the assault. The bridge j,v -.vliith Carsou street crosses the river was swept from its abutments. So great vrls irs I'-Tl-c thit large numbers of barges vi;h cal wore torn from their fastenings vv swtM't (!nwn the river. The towboat ) T. Wcii.1 was also carried away. At tfiJ's mill A TRKMENDOUS SLIDE 1 l :v- 4l. oc Handle ll-jad to the depth of about eight ..-.r -V truui co::uns toward the citv was :rcA there, and 1 -ulv morning. was not dug out until Anotncr tram was bot The tio l up JUS below the saw mill run. il-mau'C to the tri will (jC prreat. The verv ,i.,j.!:lCc done to business houses is ' 1 i - t., ....,.1..,1 "f''lt, l'U. CillJ.'Ul t.'i: ii;ii.lpui'.u U UL liii-5 IUUC. 1 i. 1 1 . . Mf?.srs. Arbuthnot. iShannan & Co., in Lilvrtv street, had a valuable stock of goods i:i tlu- third cellar, and this was flooded .r.il damaged to the amount of $5.00. IN ALLEGHENY, t!i? greatest damage done was in Spring Harden avenue, in the Seventh Ward. In 010 t-vern a number of persons were seated when the water commenced to rise. A nw bv iwiu:ir.inr. ana was urevnea. A m. T.r.i.. !... t.: :in ci .iuerin;iu iwi nn; m a vain eiiilenvor to save the life of a baby. A vour.r lady, piiteeu yesrs old, is also ainon; the victims. Thus far thirteen K'dies have been recovered in this section t fth? citv. and ;;t Woods Run three bodies liave Won found. Five or six rersons are inissinjr. A well kuown citizen named .T'jh:i .'vhaeSer, Is suppossed to have beeu 1st i. Adam Burgess, a police officer. The ?! of the drowned at Woods Itun are Mr. Uraunon and a child named (Jor Ki The f:L is extinguished, and until (l.ivii.'ht come:? no conception of the trag c Ijr taa be- f it. A Later Dispatch. a?T.l a-iditional particulars of the flood, and gives an incr?a?ed. and, we trust, an exag-reriited account of the loss of life. It Fay? : Over one hundred and fifty lives have K-en )ot by the flood. Of those lost, over f?ve;;'y bodies have been recovered, About "no hrndred persons were drowned at Buu-her's Iun in Allegheny ; twenty eight st Suw-mill ram, of whom the bodies of seven have been recovered and ten bodies have been lo..t it Castle Shannon. AT WOOD S RUN the-ltfivnc lias been fearful. Houses were ";.t airay. and for hours the place was 'nc sheet of water. One house was torn 1osti eompletely. and another overturned. The lower story of the house was com ,te!y demolii-hed by the stones hurled a.Ttiinst it. Brndy and Justin streets were ninpl-tely washed away. Stones weighing roni five hundred to eix hundred pounds vcrc carried from Centre avenue, through the culvert, to Fifth avenue. Seventh avenue is completely gutted and will have t bo repaved. The curbstones were carried iff- A wall at the head of the street was 'vried thirty feet. Eleven bodies have h'Ha recovered, and sis are missing. On 'io fcoth-s.de the I'ESTKUCTIOX OF LIFE AND PROPERTY Mf-arfttL Up to this time eight bodies ':""e beea found, and there are twenty !:i;"'ln'- One block of ten buildings was y 'lt away. The Went Knd gas-works, 'Fcranccvill., are j,,-,,,e Jt is now a mplote wreck. Deputy Mayor Grice and .i;urc Martin are holding inquests on the o'.ic-f. AtSii-aotheflefc-truetlonof property jyas lar-e. One family there saved their lives by petting out of their houses iDto a A number of street and steam rail ys are stopped. The Connellsville llail r'i is completely blockaded above the 'Y- and no trains are runninc.. The sly On the Counellsvillc road .uhed away from under the the urth is THE OREATsT DAMAGE nfined itself within the block bounded ' -i 'jtaraen avenue, iNoitu unestnui "'tt, Kafit Perry street, South Centre reet west. lhe land within the described Ilia; coDfie- the hill 'jrninr rhiy ?df, which iu a brief space swal- the inhabitants, the flood eomiug n Aeia between nine and ten o'clock. noUUi(ien-Was its aPPearance that they did 10 ascend to the upper stories -'jfe tUir houses were afloat. Some i, ., "r,a',i, vrinsoy, ana jrieasam aney wiiiWay lines ;ire all stopped. ' The stables irmiirvi... r i . t ..t tr-.i ;ue 1 ieasant Valley' lines are scriou t IS rr,r;..--. VI.. J 1 1 : -w.y tne torrent rushinrr from "' ftffirjtiod itlf iit.n tr, hr.llow. f j . ... - I until striking against neighboring structures imj v ere o eriurnca or crumbled to pieces, HOUSES ARE LYING ON THEIR SIDES, lodged iu the trees, some completely bro- ken into. . The dead bodies have not all A FORTY MILLION LAWSUIT. The Great Case Of Tumbull VS Pardpp Decided. Maucii Chunk, Pa., ) Tuesday, July 24, 1874. j The great $40,000;000 coal land lawsuit ot lurnbull vs. Pardee and others, which nas ueen pcnaiug m this State tor two years, has been decided in favor of the de fendauts, under the provision of the law of i ennsylvania governing the gaining of ti tle to land by Treasurer's sale for arrears 01 taxes. lhe question at stake was the title of several thousand acres of land in lower Luzerne county, rich in deposits of coal, held by the defendants, and claimed by James Turnbull, as the heir of Alexander and Jame3 Turnbull deceased. The land is in the heart of the coal fields. and was the property of the Turnbull family, once prominent in Philadelphia, long beiore it was known to contain coal. The last Turnbull in whom the title rested was James Turnbull, deceased, father, of the claimant, lie neglected to keep the taxes on it paid, and it was sold at Trea surer's sale. The property subsequently came into the hands of Oris Pardee and other great capitalists. The father of the plaintiff died in Philadelphia about forty years ago, before the great value of the land was known. He left a divorced wife and the plaintiff, then a mere child. Some ii:uu aiicr me ueam 01 nis iatner. voumr f urnbull went to sea. His mother, in 1SG2, believing that her son was rightful owner of the land in Luzerne count v, made efforts to have the claim substantiated. She found a friend and adviser in O. II. Wheel er, Esq., then a lawyer in this place. He shared her bcliet m the justice oi her sons claim, and recommended an ejectment suit to recover, it oeinLT necessary to hnd the . 1 i.-r ii ill i j:s.iaui jicjr ucjure anyviiing couia ue uone, tliev commenced a search for him. F or f,f,- .....o i : mvu. (ois mo .'uii-jii. ttu-j. anvu ai.i.i-1 ouslv to hear ot ins whereabonts. 1- inally, in lbil, the heard of him in Mazat lan, -Mexico. He was summoned home, and ar rived in Philadelphia early in 1872. His career had been one of constant dan ger and hardship. On his first voyacrc lie Was shipwrecked. With eight Companions he floated for nine days on the ocean in an open boat. It was picked up near the Is- 1 1 " n . mi .t ii. I iana oi ot. l nomas, witn all its inmates dead but Turnbull. Recovering from this Voyage, he Went to Central America, and, in IS-iO in f1-i.fi.rnv Tfp rnmnino.! Ihorp m ICiJ, IO WlUOrnia. lie remained mere a VCiiT or two ana made conirtoratdc uipney, auuering 10 a resolution 11c inaoe .... .... - 1 when he leit hame to touch no intoxicat ing drink and never to jramble. Leaving California, lie went to Mexico, engaging in the construction of a canal at Mazat lan. While there he was robbed several times and was once left for dead, with twelve daggers sticking in him, by a gang of 31exi- cans, who roboed him. On the way from California to Mexico he was the vi'Vm of a steamboat explosion, in which over a hun- drea were kuied, lie being one ot a very V VSIVVV s lew who escaped, lie was several times shipwrecked, but lived to answer the sum- tueii3 to come home and prove his claim to immense wealth. lie worked faithfully in his cause, but takes his defeat philosophi cally In Philadelphia, last year, the police made o0,400 arrests. The ""overnment is reducing its labonnpr force all over the country. Lancaster claims to have a girl, only eight years old, who weighs loo pounds. Cumberland county has an elevcn-vear- old girl who pulls the scales down to lu'8 pounds. An . . 1 i i.il-, Bellcfonte man keeps a pet rattle- snake tied m his Iront yard, to keep away lihtmncr-rod men, sewing macning agenta and book peddlers. little trirl in Reading has just died from the effects of having: her ears pierced. This announcement is not expected, how- a A 1 T A I ever, to top me saie cu earring:.'.. ' x t n vnw yn,i. ihloF rnh James McCabe, a cy iork thief, iob- cre overturned while others floated on and others are completely overturned with mornings ago, and asked to see his wife. the roof wedged in amone the debris, "he is not here," replied the mistress of u In f?nrrfnfir cVi.. c.t-.l.l,- ,1 thft hmiSfV "Thorp . Tin nrwi i-ro ...if tho An i " "- cuuuo, cuiuita, aim snir's rp - i Dceu taken out as vet, nor will they for inarriu your oiuest daughter last night, collection of state and County Taxes some davs to Minn. As noar tta ,.n kJ . for the following: places, to wit: ascertained fifty bodies have been recov- An "infernal machine," containing three In of ou&baj SatrfV ered by half-past ten this morning. IJer enclosed m a box, was J he J'j at lhe f recently sent to Mrs. Charles C. Herring, novlBe of J. H. Stacker. bed a jewelry store at uaruora, v.onn., pavc the side walk ah-ng their respective prop Tuesday, July 9th, was caught and tried, crties. either with brick or stone by November anrl -a. 'A P. M. was sentenced to the State l. 1S74. The width of the sidewalk shall be Prison for seven years. - . . ... .- . : ... v A terrible disaster was cccawuu-u iu c- vada on Friday by the bursting of a water spout in the mountains. Between twenty- five and thirty-lives are reported lost, and a great tol of property dcStroyCd. Tho oats croo is now aoou ripe in Bucks count and quite a number ot ncids wom .-lit durincr the close ot last, weeK The trrowth H generally short, or not more in a substantial and workmanlike manner, un- -f Spermatorrhoea, or bennnal Weakness, In h i. r.-T.,., c. tho der the direction of the Street Committee, by voluntary Seminal Lossea, Irapotency, Mental tl...n Mli.m hut. firmrrs sav that tliC heads are well filled, and there is likely to V i A.4 w i mi be at least an average yield. . Gen. Charles Albright Ls favorably com- mrmded in certain quarters as a successor to Hon. John Scott in the United States g... Airrtnrr his siinnorters arc the lH.-wv.. -f. IT . Jlaucli Chunk Gazette, Montour Anwn and the Nornstown True Witness. can. a: Ti .rv thp Tlo?.s abduction case X ilV ill v-wv- J v is ret as dark as ever, xne .'iayui u. m rl'l H l Ph.tr.rlflr.hia has offered a reward of $Q, 000 for the recovery of the child and the ,rtnViVtiV.n the kidnappers, but no lijrht wu x t . has been obtained Such a reward ou?rht to bring cut the sscrets ot this narrowing case. No effort or cost oupht to be spared ty. arrest and ounbh the child-robbers who . have thu:3 far rajnage'l to defy the officers of MistiM. BESM A brideeroom seldom renders his moth- cr - in - law speechless, but here is an inter- IN esting ca.se : A self.pwscesed younj- man called at a house in Atlanta. Ga . a few mcmbcrs of my own family." replied, "it's one of them I w Well,' I ant to see. J-1 living on becond street, riuladelphia. It purported to be a box ot newly-invented articlfs, which Mrs. II. was to inspect, but provea to be m iact lull oi powaer, with matches arranged to explode it when open- ed. The scheme hannilv failed of its tmr- pose, and one Edward Wagner, her son-iu- law, was arrested as the criminal party. W Here IS JOSepll FriedriCn? The aered mother of Joseph Fri.'driidi Cor FederichY who IJondin ..Lout I , , , - 0 thirteen years, is very anxious to hear from - . , , 1 illLU. lie 1V113 III UCieS Willi leUineS OI his mother, residing near Delphos, Ohio, but his friends m Ileadinr have not heard of him since the outbreak of the rebellion. Exchanges would favor a deserving, but poor old lady by copyin; a Identified. The bodv of the man found near Eilen- bcrger's Island, a few weeks ago as men- tioucd in the Free Press at the time by a party ot gentlemen fishing, has since been recognized as that of James Honey, an Irishman who fell in the creek at Strouds- burcr some time in February last. His wife and brother removed to Freemans- burg last week. Honey's brother went up to.btone Church, where the bodv was buried. recognized it and made preparations to have it removed. Laston f rcc 1 ress. Special jSTotice. If you want fine Kid Slippers and Button) Boots call on Adam's, Fowler's building, Stroudsburg, Pa. June 25-3t. Collars, ties, cuffs, &u.iuuut;is, eve , ui Fried's. Go to Fried's for clothing, boots and 8h0cs, trunks, valices, and gents' furnishing fc,uuu , . llie largest ana Dest assortment oi ready- -i-.i.- i- i. .ii.- ....i i uiaue ciouiing:, uoois anu snoes, tiunss anu i valices at vSimon Fried's. To the Voters'of Monroe CouDty. T horev annouuee ruvst-tf as a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, and if cle ted, I pMge myself to honestly : "ge the duties of said ofiice and fuitl-fully A LIWIN. stroudsburg, July so, 1S74. " -t j .5 "TTT 4. ii-UQITJOr S J-i OTjlCe. In the matter of the account of Thomas Altmose, Assignee of Charles Sanscnbach. Koti..c is hereby th t the under5iened havin.: been awK.intefl Auditor bv the Judges oitnecourtoi common ricas 01 Auditor by . . nn rcM mu unty, to make aistriDutiou oi tne mims in the hands of the A.xigncc to and among the persons entitled thereto, will attend to the duties of his appoint- nient n ilonaar. the 1:4th aay or August, l74, at 12 o'c!o !c, m.. at hisotfit-e in Stroudsburg, when and where those inu-rtd may attend irthey tbiuk proper. j. II. WALHIS, Julv o0, lS74-lt. Auditor. FOR SALE. i?!!i The undersigned oners at private iHiliSsale his HOTEL and all iu effects. T!ie house " situated at Tobvhanna JIills, Monroe County, l a., in the central part ol the town. Size of the building 59 feet front by 80 feet in depth. Every thing about the house m pood order. 1 or terms, Ac. call on the sub scriber. JEROME' E. SHAW. July SO, 1874. tf. MISSING SADDLE. A "entleman'F saddle, but little used and fin ihc-d in the best manner, was missed from the carriage of the undersigned, at the stable of J. I. Allender, in btroudsourg, on the morning of the 11th of Julv, inst. A suitable reward for the .aiue, or for information which may lead to the recovery thereof, will be paid. Commu nicate with Y m. I)avii, i.pq. Stroudsburg, l'a. JOHN D. LAX K EN A U Milfurd, Ta. July 21, 1874. 3t. NOTICE. All persona bavin? any claims against roc, will present them properly authenticated for settlement. In future no bills will be paid I ) . . 1. .!. n r. w. 11 n n t K PI .a1 QlTAn u (litres iiiiuuiiit inv, v mi uxlhu. u .,vnv. b v k ottot q( d t j,,y 8 iS74. 16-lm. I - iorongh Ordinances. ORDINANCE No. 9. Be it enacted and ordained by the Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Last Vt fAltflhl 111 r (T Tliat nil the nronertv holders on .v.-.-...o- r , : - - . e ., the north side of ashington street from the corner otcrysiai ana asuingionKireeia iu uic . ppf- n-Lf Courtland strect. .hall curb and m . 1 J 1I.I . . A - i.-. T I 6 feet. nnnivivrr v 10. w-. ---..--.. -.w. . . . , , ..i hv ti.p T.i.rps . T . Council of the Borough of Eat stroudsburg: That all the property owners on the wet side of A .b. .1.1 nf Whmon rtrecL from d and ashington sts. to lav a side walk of etone, i " l 1 . 1 - t -.a -. P - 1 r. Vi ci rr ncli'ill i t.ru'ir nr r m i t: in i ,ir-rz ui uianu. nit nuui- - , I l)C IlUfc KIO w - nviJ v .-.v,.v - wid placed side by side with fpace of 14 inches between. The walk Khali be put down November 1, 187-1. In case of non compliance witu the abovenrriao. ctc.; alto, Consumption, J-.ileppy ordinances, the J.orongh will cause the paving and rurbii:r of said side walks to be done and charge 20 per cent, advance on cost of labor and material. Approved this 7th day of July, lb. 4 GEO. E. STOUFFEU, Bui irge..B. AttcFt Hen'RY Millf.k, Sec'y July 23, 1S74. 3t. ORDINANCE No. 8. Be it enacted and ordained by the BurgesB l n n and Town Council of the Borough of East Stroudsburg: That on and after of the first of July, li74, no person f-hall be permitted to sell or use Fire Crackers, Torpedoes, Sky-Rockets or Fire Work of any kind whatsoever within the Borough liruit, under a penalty of five ($5.00) dollars to the vendor and one (Sl.00) dollar to the consumer, for each and every oflence. GEO. E. Si AUri' &tt, linrgesc. Atttefit Henry Mii 1 Stfoudiburs, J u IL1.I-R, Sec'y. nc 2'J, 1S74. 2 St. TVTOTICK TO THE rii . ' o fl i a-lltll UI S 01 iUUllIUU VU. pursuance to an Act of Assembly, entitled Act relating: to the collection of State and vAJumy aie3 in me coumy 01 luonrur. "P" T . i - - r ji wil mppt thp Tntnuvpra nf uSH rmintff forth in and Eldred Township Tuesday, July, 23, at the House of Jbdward 1-rantz. rlk Township Wednesday J uly, 29, at the House of Joel Berlin. ",r,rr:, -4.: Qrt , (Vo Tt, rtf pi. - .i TTnn.P nfMshinn simnn es liberie, ana rnday July oi.aiinei Jackson Township, Saturday August 1st, at the House of Geo. II. Singer. Tobvhanna Township, Tuesday August 4, at the House of Isaac Stoufler. Coo haugli iownship, V ednesday August 5. at the House of Samuel Case. Pirroii TAitncliSn ti.hpg!.v A tin-ncf ft I ju'a a i 110111 a. sua JVi cj V o w, I th niKonf.Inhn W Vntliera Paradise Township, Friday August 7, at the House of James Knitz. Pocono Township, Saturday August 8, at the House of Charles Brown. Price Township, Monday August 10, at the House of Lewis Long. M. Smithfield Township, Tuesday August 11, at the House of Jacob Place, and day August 12, at the House of James at t Smithneld townnhin, Thursday Augu e House of Simeon 1). Bush, and r ndav August 14, at the Housa of Thomas Brodhead. Last Stroudsburg, Saturday August 15, at the House of John llohensheld. Hamilton Township, Monday August 17, at the House ot Charles Andrew, and luesday August 18, at the House of Charles Cossard. Stroud township, Y ednesday and Thursday August 19 and 20th, at the Office of S.L.Drake 1 Thnrnnvprs who avail tlipmspJvps nf tVi's opportunity to pay their Taxes will be entitled to an abatement of FIVE PLK CENT. For the convenience of Taxpayers visiting Strouds burg, the Treasurer will receive any of the above Taxes at his office, before said days. JONAS ALTIilLS. Treasurer. June 25, 1S74. 9t. Executor's Notice. Estate of ROBERT F. EUSU, dee'd. on me waw oiuoiert.r . u5ti, late ot btrouUsburg, I uocchswi, nave tn.cn grantca ty the ltej;iter of Monroe county to the undersigned. All persons indebted to the said estste will route immediate payment, nd those naTin ciamis or neinamid against lao same win mace tnem Known wimout utietr. WILIJAM WALLACE. Stroudsburg, June Executor. IOX'T vou Iviimv that J. IS 1 McCsirtv & Sons are the on v Under- i . -.i.i l i i takers in otrouuouur who unucrstauus tucir business I 11 not, attend a r uneral managed by any other Undertaker in town, and you will see the proof of the fact June 18,i4-tt OX'T FORGET that when you want any thinar in the Furniture or 7Vmc.? tal J'.T fill McUarfy & Son i? the Odd-t ellows Hall, Mam street, Stroudsburg, Fa., is the place to get it. June 18,'74-tf .TO TRESPASSERS. All persons aro hereby forbidden to tresspass In nr wav on property lieloncinff to the uudersitrned, in East .Stroudsburg. Such as bathing, fishing, huntine. gather- mu r uihii, uuuer u-iuij yi iuc i inewuren.i tions, particularly, bathing, has become an ini..ieran.e nuisance ana an parties iouua irespass- mg will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. OH). K STOUFFER - Co . CHARLES L. RHODES. llist Stroudiburg, Jane 18, lS74-lin. LIME! LIME!! Tlie undersigned hereby informstho pubiiethat they have opened two Kilns, nt-ar Experiment Mills. Monroe eounty, l'a.. and are prepared to fall all orders promptly. The capacity of the kilns are between threo and four Miumircabumiuispcrday Tho LIME IS OF A BETTER QUALITY than that burned in any other part of the county. l arties desiring lime along the line ol Delaware, Lackawanna A Wentern R. R. will have their orders promptly filled, by addrersing U. A . 11.L..J'.1, Experiment Mills, P. O. June 1 1, 1874. tf Monroe county, Pa. GENERAL HOUSE WORK. A good girl can get good wages. Apply at house of T. DUNKIN TARETT, next door to Lutheran Church. Mav 14-tf. Caution Notice. The undersigned, owners of Keal Estate in Stroud township, Monroe County, Pa., hereby caution all persons against trespassing on their prennscs tor the purpose of listim?. hunting, or for any other purpose whatsoever, as they will have the law executed as in such. case!, provi ded. SILAS li. DKAKE, May 14-1874 CATHARINE STAPLES. U . ROCKAFELLOW, DEALKR IN Hond V-Madc Clotllill". Gf llts FllT- I v" J OJ " lushing (lOOds, Slats &laps, Boots &, Shoes, &c EAST STROUDSBURG, FA. (Near the Depot.) The public are invited to call and examine gooai- 1 rices moaeraie. L.uay u, u-i. , i.tt..i n.t. A f UtiailHUUU i IIUU I.OSl, UUll litSlUI l'U, Jnst published, a new edition of Dr. Culverwell's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without medicine) and Phy.-dcal Incapacity, Impedimenta to and Fits, induced by Btlf-indiilgence or sexual extravagance; Piles, &c. fiiSr Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful' practice, that the alarming con sequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the danzeroua use of internal medicine or the application of the knite; pointing out mode ol cure at once simple, certain, anu at f 1 I if , . I -M I etlectual by means oi wnicn every nuuertr, nu matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. Tlila I ofinro aVinnlH Kft in the nand.. of everv vonth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any -.......- ..n,.- n rp,-.ntnf six rents, or two lrt stamp. Also, DR. SILLSBEE'S REM EDY FOR PILES. Send for circular. Address tho Publisher. CHAS. J. C. KLINE &. CO.. 127 Bowery, Xew York Post-Office Box, 4556. July Si.'TU ly i GREAT BARGAINS AT National Ml of Fashion The THE OLDEST AND MOST 11EL1ADLE CLOTHING HOUSE IN TOWN! Goods marked down at lower prices than ever before. CALL AND EXAMINE THE LARGE AND FINE SELECTED STOCK OF CLOTHS Hats, Caps, Furnishing Goods, I am selling all wool Scotch Plaid suits for $12 00 and upwards. A fine lot of English Di- rnl nH TWfept Pnu n.l Wat. from $14 to S.iO. Tine Blue and Iilack Cloth Coat lrom $7 50 to $18 ; a large lot of Union Casuimere Iron! SI 5U uuwtrQa 4 ALL THE VERY HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS AND SUN SHADES, AT EXTREMELY A tremendous large stock of Paper Collars V Pflnpu. I "PICUUIU CIUHi-J-cu iviucvi cugc uuiiai iyi t:t u-. , a. r M CUUCa 11 r,.,, , j, l!.r P I o J re . P,Ann1i nnnnfla 7! nntj- pt... lies. ows, oiik nanaKercnieis, oic. cneap. oisrapeu PKiria i-.i ixm, x icuvn v..-v..- , l lace. ' rt t.j. -i-i! ' i .ir. i n.. r ...i;. l.olia .d. liin st 13 a 13rKe 101 01 DOX-piaiung; Xjauiu a linen collars anu cuua, wuu ua.ua, v.i.-, ....-r. Always on hand a full line of White Shirts, Hoisery and Gloves. & A SPLENDID LOT OF DRY GOODS CHEAP! Japanese silk 45 cents; Japanese cloth 35 cts; fine lpacca 35 to 60 eta; Percales 20 to 30 els: Calicoes 9 to 12J cts: Muslin from 10 cts upwards. All the latest shades of Cray Mo- hair and Worsted Dress tioods real cheap. (Jail before purchasing elsewhere, PROPRIETOR OF THE April 30, 1374. HENRY D. BUSH (Successor to It. F. & II. D. Bush) DEALER IN DRY GOODS & NOTIONS, RTinlcr mfha nnrl OfisRimfirAS SILKS, DELANES, CALICOES, AND Dress Goods Generally, White Goods, Flannels, TrimmiDgs, and HOSIERY, AND IN SHORT The usual stock of a xccll appointed DRY GOOD AND NOTION STORE The stock was Dot purchased at Auction or Bankrupt Sales but will be sold at prices satisfactory to ..i-lic.ra ,nH vornnil ii in nn it? " ' "1 J- CALL AND SEE. II. D. BUSH. Stroudsburg, April SO, 1874. tf. UNDERTAKING. McCARTY A SONS hare on hand thela'rgest and boat ji??. . assortment of r9.c5 f-. COFFINS and TRIMMINGS tin to be found outside of either city (New YorV or Philadel phia), and will make thi . branch or their business a speciality. COFFINS and CASKETS Gf any Rhapeor etyle.can bo furnished at one hour'- notjee for thipment, at a charge or one-tnira lees tnan any shoS in Stroudsburg. In no ca..e will they charg. more shan ten per cent, above actual cost. E.llB.lIfIirm attended to in any part of the County at the shortest. poss. mo nonce. (.June is, 4-ti PttlCKS REDUCED AT THE timer Store! THE CHEAPEST GOODS IN TOWN. Great bargains are now offered in FANCY DRESS GOODS, ALPACAS, CLO CASSIMERES, VELVETEENS, FLANNELS, Ar., been marked down to a aM of which have - lVTTrt "ClTDTlljlO JT jJl.lN JLV JL JAiIXj JllO Goods all new and right in Myle, but marked down to meet the times. We invite all to call and see for themselves. Term - Cash. C. R. ANDRE & Co. dec-4tf Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa. B LBNKS OF ALL KINDS for Pale t this Office. f f M 6 1 Dry Goods suits from $5 75 to $10 ; a large lot of Panta LATEST STYLES OF LOW PRICES f and Cuffs at reduced prices. You can get a' ana examine the maKe ana qua my oi gouu N. RUSTER, NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION Main Street, STRounsBuno, Pa. SEBASTIAN EOHLE, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. SUOr COUNKR 6f' Pocono and Green Streets STROLTSBUr.G, TA. I am rtow prepared to nalte to order, all kinds of Boots and Shoes, such as French Calf, American Calf, Kip, Turkey Murocu, Cilove Kid, and Pebble Goat, at reasonable prices. Special attention paid to half-rtleh.g, heelirJ and all khids of mending. One trial and be convinced. nov Ctf J , B. HULL, (Succegcor to: J. E. Erdman,) Monroe o. MarWc Work, Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa., Wfiefe will be found constantly on hahc? or made to order, MOVr.UYTS, IIE.tOSTOXCSy &C, of the best Italian and American Marble. Having been in the employ of Mr. Erdraan for nearly ten years, I feel confident in my ability to please all that give nle 4 call. All work ?arranted to give entire satisfaction. SS Orders bv mail promptly attended to. feb 20'72-tf GRAND OPENING IN nilTCHIXSOXS BRICK BUILDING, opposite T. Stemple's Store, EAST STROUDSBURG. Having just opened with an entire new stock of Dry Goods and Groceries, CONSISTING Of DJRESS GOODS, WOOLENS, SHAWLS. ALPACAS, FLANNELS. DOMESTICS, PRINTS, DELAINES, POPLINS, WHITE GOODS, CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, AND OIL CLOTH. Also a full assortment of choice Family Gro ceries and Provisions, Flour, Feed, Meal, Salt, Fish, Pork, Oil, Syrups, Molasses, Sugars, Crockery and Tinware, Wooden and Willow Ware, Flavoring Extracts, and Spices of everv kind, j and in fact every thing usually kept in a Dry ; Goods Store. All my goods arc new and can ' not fail to give satisfaction. Goods shown with pleasure. Call and ex ' amine before purchasing elsewhere and there- bv save time and raonev. J. 'II. SHOT WELL, Formerly Slater & Shotwell. Dec. 4, 1873.-3ra Cards, .ill-Heads, Labels, k, SKIT, C A E A P 1 X D QUICK, Printed to Order at the JEFPERSONIAN rintin O FFIOE, Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. BS All Orders promptly filled. Give ua & call. Job