The Beginning of Education. i The chill is no sooner born than its education may be said to begin. The first gap of air the infant makes and - the pres sure it feels at its mother's breast are les- s ns learned. With each progressive stej in the relationship of the child with persons and things external to its nurse, its food, the light and various other beings and ob jects which may surround it, it is acquir ing the elements which form the basis of all education. The earliest years of childhood are most profitably spent in the development of those observing faculties which the young exer cise with instinctive readiness. Easily, however, and spontaneously as the power of observation of the child seems to act, it must not he presumed "that all guidance, on the part of the parent, nurse, or who ever may have charge of it is supereroga tory. Children niav be aided, from the very earliest age, with great advantage even in learning those objective lessons which most of them are so forward in ac quiring. Those who have the constant care of the infant, or even they who may be only brought into casual relation with it, can seldom resist the invitation the little creature, by its many endearing ways, gives to notice. It thus, without any systematic i-ffort, or even with a good deal of apparent negligence, will secure for itself at times the means it requires for the proper de velopment of its observing powers. The playful sympathy of the vivacious nurse with her smiling charge will prompt the trolling of a nursey dittj-, some lively ac tion or other, or the presentation of a bright object. The child may thus learn its most essential lessons from teachers supremely ieiiorant .of the useful instruction they give, or even of the fact that they are instruc tors. There are some, however, who are in capable, from perversity of disposition or want of natural animation, of responding even to the invitation to mirth of an in fant's smile. Such should never be al lowed, if possible, to have charge of the voung. A cheerful disposition should be "rt"rarded as one of the most essential re quisitions of a good nurse. Mothers should moreover especially cultivate a lively man ner with their children. All the surround ings, if possible, of the child should be Miimating, and objects noticeable from brightness of color and distinctness of figure ought to be placed within reach of his daily vision. Somberness of dress of the child and those who have constant charge of it should be avoided. Among formal observers of ceremony it is not uncommon to make even the nurse, in case there should be mourning in the family, drape herself in the habiliments of woe in which she can hardly have part. The baby even . 1 1 A ... is sometimes maue an involuntary mourner of death before it lias begun to rejoice in life. The sudden apparition of itself and nurse in the deepest black, as it they hat. been both dipped in an ocean of ink, can not but have a withering effect upon an infant with its tuec bediming to bloom with the first miles of sjoyous existence. Systematic intellectual education of the child should be deft rred until it has reach et the ace of six or seven years. Previous t that period it may be allowed to pick up. like Moses in the "Vicar of Wakefield," a lnis-t'Uanccous education at home. Dur ing the years of infancy, of course, there will be no attempt to do more than arouse and engage the observing powers by thost 3u-':.i;s wiiicii naturally sutrrest themselves t' a sympathetic mother and a lively, crood natured attendant. I snould be remem bered that no well-constituted baby can easily dispense with constant and animated couirianionship. Movement is the first es sential t f its early develpment, and it should never be ado wed, except in sleep, to re main torpid. Its limbs, its every feature ana its wnoie oouv, m iact, wmcn are so ready to respond in lively sympathy with the least stir oi lire, outrht never to want the provocatives to action they demand. Those skillful teachers, the Germans, do not admit any pupil into their most ele mentary school before the age of six 3-ears This i-j as early a period as most children can be subjected to the discipline of svs tcmatic stud'. Intellectual pursuits even then cannot be persistently followed unless combined with a careful training of the phvsicial powers. Exclusive culture of the mind is dangerous at all ages, but more c-ixK-ially during the earliest. While the bodily vigor is carefully pro moted by abundance of good food, playful excrise and cheerfulness of spirits, there is very little risk of the young being intellec tually overworked. 31ost, if not all, of those children who are said to have broken down under the weight of their studies have not been injured by too much work but too little play. If a proper care should be taken to sustain a just balance between the body and mind, both would be found capable of much greater effort than either is wont to exhibit, and -with the result of increased robustness . John htuart Mill tells us 111 his auto biography that he began the study of Greek at an age earlier than he could remember, but which his friends assured him was when he was only three years old. Before he reached his teens he had traveled over the vast domains of ancient classical and a large portion of English literature. Al though Mill placed a very modest estimate on his natural powers he accomplished what it will be safe to say was never accomplish ed before at so early a period of life. It would not only be absurd to attempt to ef fect the same results by the same means in most children, but if the experiment were tried it would fail in ninety-nine hundred cases out of ten thousand by the premature extinction of mind or body, causing either the death or idiocy, of those subjected to the process. Harpers Bazar. A tea swindler is plying his game quite Buccessfull in some of the country towns, lie sells a numher of five pound packages, telling his customers that it is better not to disturb the tea, but to use from the top of the package. On examination it is found that these five pound packages con tain about one pound of tea the rest is made up of wads of paper. Look out for LL advent. 13LATG II LEY'S Improved CUCUMBER WOOD PUMP. Tasteless, Durable. Ef ficient a nit Cheap. The best Pump for the lat money- Attention is espei-ially invited to Blatchley's Patent Improved Bracket and New D10 Check Valve, which can Be withdrawn without temoving the Tump, or dj.turhing the joints. aIm, Ute Copper. Chamber, w liifh never emeus or scales, and will on! Iat any ottier For sale bv Dealers & the Tiade eeiieral'.v. Inquire for Blatchley's It s , fc"afs Pump, and if not for sale in ) our Uw n send direct to CHAS. G. BLATCHLEY, Manufacturer. 53( Commerce St., Philadelphia, 1 a. March 12. lbT4-Sin. PAPER II A ME R, GLAZIER AND PAINTER, MONKOE STREET, Nearly opposite Kautz's Blacksmith Shop, Stkouds3urg, Pa. The undersigned would respectfully in form the citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinity that he is now hilly prepared lo do all kinds of Paper Hanging. Glazing and Painting, promptly and at short notice, and that he will keep constantly on hand a fine stock o' Paper Hangings of all descriptions and at low prices. The patronage of the public is earnestly solictcd. May 16, 1872. Iron in the Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRONG. The Peruvian Syrup, a Protect" ed Solution of the 1'rot oxide of Iron, is so combined as to have the character of an aliment, as easily digested and assimilated irif.Ii the blood as the simplest food. It increases the quantity of feature's Own Vitalizing' Agent, Iron in the blood, and cures 'fi thousand ills," simply by Toning up, Invigorating and Vitalizing the System, The en riched and vitalized blood per meates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out -morbid secre tions, and leaving nothing fov disease to feed upon. This is the secret of the won derful success oftJiis remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar rhoea, Boils, Xervous Affections, Chills anil Fevers, Humors, Iioss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in, a bad state of the blood, or ac companied by debility or a low state of the system. Being free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects are not fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are 2ermancnt, infu sing strength, vigor, and neuf life into all parts of the system, and building tip an Iron Con stitution, Th ousandshavcoecncJian ged by the use of this remedy, front weal;, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women; and invalids can not reasonably hes itate to give it a trial. See thai each bottle Jias PERU VIAN SYRUP blown in the glass, ramphlcts Free. SETH V. FOWLE L SONS, Proprietors, IVo. SO XIarrisou At,, Boston. Sold bt Druggists generallt. October 10,'73-ly. GOOD NEWS! NEW FIRM AND SEW GOODS? & RHODES would announce to the public, that they have taken the stand latelv occupied bv L.T. Labar v U., ami titled and blocked it with choice line?, of Groceries, Provisions, Crockery ware, &c. Every article in storo has been selected with the gn-atest care, and thev can ass-tire custo mer?, that no matter at what nrice eold. everv thing purchased of them will orove to be of int nesi qnamy. Jtjsthe design to keen a complete assort ment m each line, to that all tastes mar be ...-. I ' Whether in want of heavy or fine Groceries or Provisions, Crockery Ware, and Glassware, Tobaccoes or what not. This will be found to be the place to call. A speciality with them will be a No. 1 brand of St. Louis Mills Flour which stands at the head of the list every where. Call and examine goods. Prices marked down to the lowest living figure. SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS Constantly on hand. ALSO: j On hand and for sale a superior lot of Ceiling Lath, Hemlock Boards and Scant ling, Matched Floorin o and White Pine of all kinds. II. S. WAGNER April 10, 1873-tf. M. .w RHODES. BLANK MORTGAGE For sale at this Office. I l-1 Pitfe I Gothic Hall Brim Store. William IIollinlical, Wholesale aud Retail Druggist STROUDSBURG, Pa. Constantly on hand and lor sale cheap for CAsn, a fresh sup ply of Drugs, Medicines, Taints Oil, Glass, Putty, Yamish, Kcr oseue Oil, Perfumery and Fancy Goods also Sash, blinds and Doors. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicina purpose. P. S. Physicians Prescriptions care fully compounded. Stroudsburg, July 7, 1864. G. H. Dreher. E. B. Dreher 3 (2 doors west of the "JefTersonian Office,") ELIZABETH STREET, Slrourtsbsirgy la., DREHER & BRO., DEALERS IS I)rus:s, Medicines, Perfumery and Toilet Articles. 3?aiixts5 OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS & PUTTY. Abdominal Supporters and Shoulder Braces. Seeley's fllard RL'ISBEK TRUSSES Also Hitter's TRUSSES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS Lamps and Lanterns Burning - and Lubricating Oils. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully Com pounded N. 1J. The hiahest Cash price paid for OIL of W1NTE11GREEN. uiay4-tf. The Empire Drug Store!!! (Removed to Fowler's building-.) I have recently bought the Stock ft J)ru2S in Nicholas Ruber's bull dinjf, formerly owned by M. F Lvans, and. have added a lare supply of NEW GOODS, PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, different brands of pure WHITE LEAD and other PAINTS, Pure SPICES, ground and ucground, Linseed Oil, r.nv and boiled, Japan Dryers, Varnishe?, Window Glass, French and American Putty, Patent Medicines, Fruit Jars, pure Wines and Li qiors for medical purposes, Rye Whiskey. 7 years old, and will keep on hand a good supply of Horse &l Cattle Powder, Professor Myers' Horse Lin iment, East India Oil, Shoulder Braces and Supporters, Lumps and Fixtures, and every thing usually kept IN A DRUG STORE!!! Physicians Prescriptions carefully com pounded from the purest materia, Physi cians ordes for Drugs and Medicines care full filled, from selected stock at reasonable prices. All orders by Stage or otherwise, will be promptly attented to. Give m a call and satisfy yourselves. PETER WILLIAMS. Stroudsburg. Pa. July 2l,'73-6m. NOW IS THE TIME TO USE Youatl's Condition Powder. In the Fall and Winter when your cows give but little milk this powder is pure to increase .lie quantity and improve the qual ny. ror norsps, 11 increases the appetite, promotes digestion, exhilerates the snirits. renders the coat soft and 6hininir. For IIos one package in your swill barrel wili hasten the fattening process at least 100 per cent. This powder has proved an excellent article for sheep. Be sure you get the Genuine Youatt's Condition Powder MANUFACTURED BV WILLIAM ISOLLIXSIIIL1D, All other is a counterfeit. See that the name of WM. HOLLINSHRA D is nn mrh package and buy no other. Warranted to give satisfaction or the money refunded. iov. llVod WM.HOLLINSHEAD. Itcla! Itcli! Itcli! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! USE nOLLNSIIEAD'S ITCH & SALT RHEUM 0LDIEM No Family should be without this valna. ble medicine, for on the first appearance o! the disorder on the wrists, betweeu the fin gers, &c, a slight application of the Oint mnt will cure it, and prevent its being ta- Ken Dy oiners. Warranted to give satisfaction or monev refunded. Prepared and sold, wholesale und reatil, by W. 11ULLINSHEAD, Oct. 13, 18G7, Druggift, BLANK DEEDS For sale at this Office - - Itt .p rn in JNiiiW UnvnAoo A .VQ full A "TV MACHINE SHOP! The subscriber having started a Machine Shop, near the head of Main "Street, Stroudsburg, Pa., is prepared to build, and repair all kinds of Machinery with accuracy, anu uitpuitu. Being fitted with SPECIAL MACHINERY FOR TURN ING, SHAFTING. AXD PUL LEYS, AND WITH IM PROVED TOOLS of various kinds, and having an experiance of over Thirty years, in designing, and budding machinery for special purposes, 1 feel warranted in guaranteeing the best of wurk. Have on hand, and building, PORTABLE STEAM EXCISES, of from 2 to 10 Horse Power, designed especially for Farm use, or for driving any light machinery. I also keep in storji, several thousand feet of Premium New York Oak Tanned Belting, in widths of 1 inch to G inches, (can obtain wider ones at very short notice) at manu facturers prices, also Lace Leather, Belt Rivets, Punches", &c, STEAM PIPES &, FITTINGS of the variouss sizes. Pipe cut and fitted, at short notice. Hemp & Rubber Steam I'aeUing. I would call the attention of Blacksmiths, Wheelwrights, and others, to my assort ment of ail sizes of Machine Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Lag Screws, and Bolt-ends, which I offer at New York prices. The Bolt-ends especially, being threaded and fitted with nuts by machineiy, enable the Blacksmiths to furnish bolts of any length, much cheaper, and quicker, than to cut them by hand. Call in and see my stock and Machinery. G. SANFORD. March 6, 1673 tf. . milE TALKING MACHINE. The Domestic Sewing Machine. THE "LIGHT RUKK1KG',1L "i XiX ITS t'l6." SIMPLICITY, jtV EASE OF Manaatment. 8 Noiseless and jmSmSM and &&ZiJ RUNNING, TALKS ITSELF INTO PUBLIC FA YOU. THE WORLD CHALLEXIGED! To produce a Family Sewing Machine mst will few as lignt, and as heavy, lhat is as lirht running, and as easilv onerated. This Machine is warranted to wear equally as long ns any other manufactured. t I .It - ooiu on mommy payments, ror sale by DARIUS DREHER. Main St., Stroudsburr. Pa. oept. vz, ititz. NEW STORE -:and:- mt GOODS -:at:- REDUCED PRICES. DARIUS DREHER. ho frm 1pnvt tn fin y 1 uir nounce to his friends and in th nni lie generally, that he has just received a 1 i t- " general nscoriineni 01 Dry Goods, Notions, Dress Trimmings, AND MILLINERY GOODS consisting, in part of the following diirM. ai uncn, v it., . Calicoes, Laicns, French Chintzs, Children's Dress Goods, Worked Edgings, Parasols, Zephers, Shetland Wools, Shetland Wool Sh Delaines, ' Muslins, White Dress Goods, Insert ings, Ladt's and Children' ',i,2.. - " v "W - I, O Flannel and Cloth, Lad s, Misses and Men's Hoes Gloves and Collars, Mourning Goods, Shroudings, dc, dc, Goods shown with nl sales and small profits" at the old and well Vnu , ry atand ot A- dreher. The Millinerv hueinpsa will iv : .1 j ... uc luiucu on as usual by Mrs. Dreher. Patronage respectly solicited. April 20. 1806. "AR'US CHEU. A v ?E STOCK OF CHOICE w 1 7 Gr1i',V:,.es' Queen.sware, Glass ware, AV ood and Willow-ware, at Termor I ?r C'' ll' A?K & Co. lamsLASIL jan. 30 '73 tf. BLANK LEASES For Sale at this Office. The above business has again been re sumed at the old stand, lately swept away hy the late flood, near Baldwin's Hotel, in Stroudsburg, where will be kept constantly on hand the best assortment of Harness, double and single, Saddles, Dridlcs, Collars, and every other article usually furnis'ied in this line of business. Work made to order on the shortest notice. A large assortment of Mountings and Saddlery Hard ware always on hand. Call and make your own selection, and it will be furnished in style ard price not to be excelled in this market. Strict attention paid to repairing and done in shortest notice. Call and examine JOHN O. SAYLOK. Agent f.r PETER GRUVER October G, 1S70. tf AIV extensive lot of STOVES of all descriptions have been received at the store of the subscriber, in the borouirh of Stroudsburg. He has COOKING STOVES, & PARLOR STOVES, of the latest improvements ; and entire new styles, and considerabtesavingof fuel, which can be had at the lowest City prices. Also, all kinds of Stove-3?ipe. A large assortment of TIN WARE of ev ery description, constantly on hand, which will be sold at wholesale and retail, as rea sonable as can be had in the City. All kinds of repairing done in the shortest, cheapest and best manner. Call and exam ine his stock before you purchase elsewhere. Feb. II, 'GO. WM. S.FLORY. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in CeOK&PAKLOK ST0YES, TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, AND IN SIctal House Furnishing floods GENERALLY. Roofing and Spouting done on short notice, with the best material, and ut reasonable prices. His stock of Cook, Parlor and Office Stoves embraces all the best varieties known to the trade. CALL AND SEE. Store third building, above the Methodist Church. Maui street, STROUDSBURG, PA. August 4, 1 ST0. t.F. LOOK THIS WAY, ALL AVIIO WANT Carriage Work or Blacksmithin DONE IN A SUPERIOR MANNER! the Subscriber h --o" " c iu iu- Qform the public that he is fully pre. Vpared, at his establishmAnf f corner of Simpson and Sarah streets, in the borough of Stroudsburg, to make to order, every style of Carriage, Wagon, and, in fact, everything in hi3 line of bu siness, at the shortest possible notice and " " uiuji icuuuauic IcriBS. Carriages renairpil trimn,..! 1 . . r- -t - """uv uuu paint ed in the best stylo of the art. iviug nrsi-ciass material always on nana, and nnn Kf -1 uni-ciiias workmen engaged, the public are assured that none but ti r&t.otica ,.--1- :it 1 , his fchop. In conneetion wiili r.. : 01 , . . ' ",0 v-',ge onop ne has also n lil:t-cn.:tU cm. 1 -,, owup. wnere superior workmen will always be found readv tn nttnn.i 1 n fp. lu u.uers 01 customers ilie nublie ar invi.l ...11 1 ,'. .V,-.- iu can anu ex- ammo his stock before purchasing else- September 19, 18G7.-tf. . . . . . . .-, . . , - 1 iimrf "OB PRINTING, of a kinds Bj . ecuted at this office. 3 11 w S. WILLIAMS, Watchmaker & Jeweler MAIN ST, STROUDSBURG, pA Wat(d in corner building, thirj i low the Jefferson inn office y fitted up, and heavily stocked with' icst assortment of ' e" f l rv. I 1 nest Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Jeweler- tions, &c, rt0' ever offered in thissecthn ofcounttv A full assortment of Spectacles,' of .1 best quality, and suited to all qtoo' ,1. on sale. . -fv Silver-ware, and Silver Plated ware t ways on hand at manufacturers priens ' O-Repairing neatly executed, ami char ges extremely moderate. Calla frora public respectfully solicited. c Sole Agent for the celebrated Damon! Spectacles. November 5th, I8G3 lv. ge The undersigned takes this method of informing the public, that he still con tin uea the above business in all its branches at his old Stand, on Franklin street Stroudsburg, Pa , where he will be hap! py to receive orders for work iu his lice including general ' Wheelwrighting, Blacksmith ing, Painting, Trimming, &c. His stock, of the best quality of seasoned lumber is large and very complete; and also has a full force of firsr class w.iikmen at all the branches, he flatters himself that he is fully prepared to accomJ::te all who favor him with orders, and guaran tee entire satisfaction. Repairing promptly attended to WM. HUNTSMAN. July 28,-1870. UNDERTAKING ! LEE &. Co. would mo-t respectfully an nounce that having procured an elegant HEAESE, gfvL and having a person in their employ of twelve years experience, in the undertaking business are now prepared to attend to un dertaking in all its branches in the best pos sible manner. COFFINS and CASKETS ot anv size, style or quality, constantly on hand, ani ready for shipment at short, notice. Oikrs by mail promptly attended to. Oi.t c!nr"s are moderate; we have no disposition5 to distress the living or rob the estates oi the dead. N. D. Ready-made ROBES, neatly ?o ten up, can be had at any time, at the Ware Room of LEE &. Co. Way 26, 1-iTO. ly. LOOK! LOOK!! Mr. J". .A.. I-Iavs OP THE Popular Ha! k Cap Emporium, Has just returuned from the cities with an immense stock of Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnish ing Goods, for Sprintj and Summer wear, which he is offerinjr at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Thankful for prist favors, I respectfully ask my old customers and the public generally to examine my Stock and Prict? before making purchases elsewhere. Store on Main Street, Stnridsburg. Pa, a few doors above the Washington Hotel. J. A. II A VS. April 24, '73-tf Chance to male Money i One Hundred Dollars from One Dollar. sure thins; and no Deception Every person ownui? HORSF.S, CAT TLE, SHEEP and HOGS are guaranteed to make One Hundred Dollars by using a One Dollar Package of 44 YOUATT'S CONDITION P0WDES." manufactured by William IIoLLi.vnxp Stroudsburg. It' you have never used it try a Package and if it docs not benefit you." stock to the amount of one hundred dollars in your estimation, call at the store and jet your money refunded. HORSES. It will give them a gooJ ap petite, keep their skin loose and renders tiio coat soft and shining, keeping them in condition with one-half the feed, being- there by a saving of one-half the money. CO IV. It makes them give irrnre mU with one-half the feed, and, if they sriye niro milk of course you mike more BUTl1 and the more butler the more money I have so much confidence in iliep'u Powdar that I make the above ofl'er, ing well lhat it will do all that is c! -iJ for it. WM. IIOLLINS"EAl); (Kr Ask to see The Great Tvl' 1 tidole. March 4, 1809. tf. Ha 11 1 iro s $ 1: 131 1;'0,;?; SETS. The l.e,t in use. 1' place they can be had in town is at tlio tier store. Try the iu. ,-.?'. P. 2 i-. Carria dillvl 0 MB jau. 30, '73. tf.