The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, July 02, 1874, Image 2

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    Stye 3cffcvsonian.
S There will le no paper issued froui
this office next week.
TtELTfiious Notice. On Sunday next.
July :th, Kev. J. B. Rath, of Bethlehem
wiif preach in the Lutheran Church of this
1-lace. Services at 10 J A. 31. and 7 J P. M.
On Sunday July 12th, the Rev. F. W
Wcitkcttcn, of Bethlehem, will preach in the
Lutheran Church, cervices at iu .a. iu.
and 7i P. 31.
TIc Sew Currency Bill.
The new currency hill which passed both
houses of Congress on the eve of its adjourn
ment, and at once received the signature of
the President, though not exactly what cither
the latter or the great mass of the people de
sired, is a step in the rightdirection, and will tend
to prepare the country for a resumption of spe
cie payments at no very distant day. By its
provisions the ultra inflationists are curbed in
their rejoicings and the evils which their full
des-ire would inflict upon our monetary affairs,
and at the same time the radicals in the oppo
site direction are prevented from rushing the
change in our financial policy to a too sudden
crisis. It is a mean between the two extremes
and, hence, a safer ground to stand upon than
either a compromise which after due reflec
tion appears to give very general satisfaction.
r,y its provisions the amount of paper nion
cv to be kept in circulation is limited to $3S0,-00-',000.
It cannot exceed this sum, though as
business settles to a permanent and more legit
imate basis than it has heretofore occupied,
there is nothing in the law to prevent its set
tling below that figure, and it is but reasona
ble to sui'pose, from its already published pol
icy, that the administration will avail itself of
the earliest opportunity to secure that reduc
tion. Such a course would best meet the views
of the country, and as we have before said it i-
hut reasonable to suppose that Gen. Grant will
pursue it.
The law, also, is designed to operate a relief
t the bank, as one of its provisions eases
upon the reserves which they were required to
keep on hand against circulation and deposit.
The bill provides that no reserve whatever
need be kept against circulation, and it also
provides that the five per cent which it requires
to be kept at the Treasury shall be counted as
part of the reserve against deposits. Under
the late law it was required that country banks
Miouid keep a reserve of fifteen per cent on
each its circulation and deposit, and city banks
a rocrve of twenty-five per cent. Thus, if a
country bank had $100,000 of circulation and
100,000 on deposit it was required to main
tain at the Treasury and in its own vaults the
i '.vre sum of $30,000 lying idle, and the City
W.ks $50,000 in the same predicament. Un
der the new law there will be the reserve
:iiT;u:ut deposits only, which shall be, as before
fiueen per cent to wit. $3,000 in the Treasury
ud $10,000 on hand for the country banks,
a;ul $ ,000 in the Treasury and $20,000 on
band for the citv bants. The relief to the
banks from this change must be apparent at
once, and that it is afforded at no new risk to
note holders and depositors is settled by the
f.ict that none of the other safe guards in these
resoeebi heretofore found ample, have been set
aside. Eeside this three fifths of the said re
serve may consist of balances due to an associa
tion available for the redemption of its circu
ldtin" notes from associations approved by the
Comptroller of the currency, organized under
the law, in what are now known as redemption
The bill further provides for a greater equal
ization of the currency throughout the coun
try, bv taking from the Eastern banks their
overj'ius of circulation, and giving it to the
"Western and Northwestern banks which arc
short of their fair proportion of the currency
"allowed. It does not attempt to force this
equalization before the "Western people are
iirenared to receive it, but only as fast as banks
p.n organized and prepared to claim circula
tion. That the Eastern banks may not be
drained too rapidly the law permits of the
w ithdrawal of but $30,000,000 during the com
ing year. But as there is no time set at which J
this sum may be called for, it is Fettled that a j
requisition upon an Eastern bank for its share
of this $30,000,000 must be met within thirty
days. Thus all the banks in the States having
more than their fair proportion of circulation
re compelled to keep on hand, or loaned on
short time, each its share of the $30,000,000,
and keep it waiting a year for a requisition
whic h may fall upon it at any moment. After
the first year each bank must be prepared to
meet its proportion of the $30,000,000 of over
plus at any time after thirty days notice.
Taking it in all its provisions the bill is re
markably fair and moderate, much more so
than there was any reason to expect from Con
gress at the outset of the session. We do not
think that the President acted unwisely in
signing it. Something was required to be
done for the relief of the country, and as this
was the bert that could be obtained, we think
the President acted wisely in accepting it.
The effect of its working will doubtless prove
Jte? Our' neighbor of the Democrat de
rives consolation from the idea that
the Democratic party still gives indication ol
lingering vitality. In his last issue he in
stances a number of States that have shewn
leadings that way, aud from this pampers
his .readers with the notion that the skies
look bright, and that the day in which the
it-eat conglomeration of treason Swartwout
ism and swindling generally can again take
hold of the public tit of .which they have so
long been deprived. Experience as a teach
er is not successful with our stubborn neigh
bor. A retrospect of the last fifteen or eigh
teen years would have satisfied him that the
events of the present elective season are but
history repeating itself that the results in
the Republican States which have so cheered
hini are but the results of a pastime, in
which the Republican party has been pleased
to indulge during that time, of galvanizing
so much life into the dilapidated body of
Democracy as will enable it to stand up long
enough to be knocked down when the proper
time arrives. That proper time, as hereto
fore, will come with the next Presidential
election, when there will be such shaking of
the dry bones as Democracy never expenen
cod before. Even though Cassarisui be the
rule, and Gen. Grant be the nominee for the
third time, this is sure to be the result W e
do not begrudge our neighbor the rapsodyof
his feeling, but we would advise him to not
too long delay the "tapering off" or the de-
noumcnt may prove more than even he can
JDST We find the following in the Milford
Correspondent of the Wayne County Herald
of last week. If Gen. Burnett has consented
to be a candidate we do not see that the
Democracy of the 22d Judicial District can
do better that elect him.
Thcrft seems to be no doubt now that Hon
Charlton Burnett will be a candidate for
President Judge of this district.
5 His excellency, Gov. J. F. Hart
rauft, has our thanks for an early copy of
the Genera! Laws of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania. It comprises 170 laws, cov
ering nearly 300 pages.
-2fThe Republican State Convention wil
meet at Hanisburg, on Wednesday, August
Congressman Hale has accepted the
Postmaster Generalship, and will qualify on
July first.
The days arc growing shorter.
A dclkjiiti- ll shower on Mouday even
Who is doing or trying to do anyth:ng
about the Normal School matter? Really
it looks as though the establishment of such
rtjl.nrnr'a nnnnr-
an institution uere uuuuujU.0 viT-
tunity, and is it to be allowed to pass by
without an effort to seize upon it?
Sciiimpf's Grove near Scrauton was
the scene of a pic-nic gathering on Sunday
last. The music ot two Urass Janos, iuu
contents of some twenty odd kegs of lager
and general enjoyment among those present
were the order of the day. The babuath
i circumscribed by very narrow limits in
Scranton, and yet it has its churches and
church goers too, and a goodly sprinkling
of them at that .
- 1 M
the mill dam at Bartonsville last weefc wnue
trying to swim across it. He was rescued
bv Luther Sluttcr after he had gone down
the third time. If it had not Dcen ior xui.
Skitter's bravery he would never have seen
daylight again. Mr. Slutter deserves much
Mrs. Hinton, mother of Mr. Charles
illinton, of Brodheadsville, broke her le
last week.
Jesse Merwine's wife, near Brodhead
ville, cut one of her feet nearly off last
Wednesday, while chopping wood. demo
Harry Gordo.v, son of Mr. W. Gordon
who resides near Kerr's Bridge, in Stroud
township, accidently cut himself on the
right leg below the knee, on Sunday last
Jh;i.t. dressing a turtle. The wound was
II Wlil. V -
TfiE celebrated Beecher-Tilton scandal has
. T ft . 1 ..Jl!..
again broken out a fresh, u mo poor u
fools who are keeping this thing a going
could be persuaded to enter a twenty-four Dr. Geo. W. Jackson
foot ring, with seconds, bottle holders, spon- Sutphi, ?l present stopping at
gers, &c and pummel away until they had ' ' . " parettV. in this Boigh, met with
knocked the nousenseoutof each other, both & accldent on last Sunaay after
thif nni
1 thp. world would be the gamers. As '-,,.,.!!
- nOOn. 1 UllC wii i" iiuu f-" a
it is the pulpit and the press are Dotn ais- friends, sitting on a rocking-chair,
ii. v .:,.!- mir Vc.k streets.
in counting iue uuv,a
He is seldom alone, and to his credit be it
d, his companions are always pleasant
and agreeable. Us girls think However,
that he has flirting reduced to a science.
Ned tries to win on the strength ot
his mellow countenance, languid blue eyes
nnd icarlv tombstones, but it wont do.
i j .
"Distance lends enchantment to the view
.V.vw f.r tbn nnnlo of niV eVC You
nv" .--w "XX" v
know "Captain Jinks" was the pet of the
army and "Gus," is our pet. lou can t
imagine what a dear, darling little duck lie
is. Just to think, he even allows the ladies
to tickle him, and that is such jolly fun for
us. "Greely," occasionally sails out of
siht on the Lake and unless he is "very
careful, he will get caught in a storm and
be shipwrecked. I think it would do him
good to get caught in a sqxiaU. "Oofty
Gooft," oh, how I would like to pull his
ear. He is like the Irishman's flea, "now
you've got him, and now you have'nt got
him." Or like a bad sccnl he is all over in
a few" moments. Of late, he has been devot-
Joscoh Parris and X;
Italian laborers, quarreled in Xewarv V
J., Sunday evening, when Parris i ' '
a stiletto into the bodv of Ccu r.N
ing a fatal wound. Parris was arrcsS
A man in easy circumstances i r
Vt. the other day hanged liiuiselfll n'
he had been sued for $29. TrP ir,
saying mat ne was perlectly san K'it "r T
had got so low that his name warn'
for $29, he had no desire to iZ
longer. anJ
A New York court has just dccM .
case which would seem to ostahKJ, p
merchants everywhere would do well
bear in mind to the effect that tho i . tlJ
cannot recover tor goods sold to ml
The decision released the defendant ft,
births nurnlor of debt cniif,,.3
cannot recover for goods sold to m QT
n't i t.i minors
- w,
rom i
contracted i
fore he attained his majoritv. '
I 1 . , 1
graced by their repeated exhibitions ot spite- unconsciously rocUed 0ver the edge of the ing much o. uw time 10 agricultural rur-
ful wickedness. porcnj falling' two or three feet and strik- suits, but every evening his bronze features
Wp believe it is settled that the 4th of ing her head and shoulder on a brick walk can be secn iu company with "Greek,"
iie.oy ciuiiii passcu over 1iiit!,1.
sic, N. Y., Jlonday at five P. f U
roof on Vassar's brewerj' was carried f(,
fences were blown down and chininovst
led. The schooner Lizzie ToUp, 0f kmX
port, laden with pig iron, capsized off MarL
borou-m and sunt, ihe crew savl
July is not to visit Stroudsburg on Saturday, and sustained very pammi, m are airbg i;mscf on 3Iam strcct. llc is cry
Well this is bad enough, but let us thank .j - modest and extremely quiet, Due men yuu
God and take courage, Monroe county is not tie 0j saying, "still water runs deep,
to be wholly without patriotism on that day. - , . and the little angels are at the bottom of
Tannersville is working like a nest ot beavers, Again, x na e uau iu &0 hanJj.omc gchool tcatlicr ig le,s
and they are going to succeed in getting up over tne weuworn ,u u u a tobe. Cause why? I
a creditable celebration. Hoi then, boys! ian, covered witn pieasanmcs wnuu - 7 ' .
Hook up your nags and let us hie away to leisure moments, when the writers mind were uon l khuw. r b
T.nnprviiu and real pleasure on that day. in a sentimental mood, and their pent up steal cucumbers, snouia not ue nonorcu
. I 1 1 l . ...... 1 ... 1 1 1
. love and friendship could no longer oe con- .j tie company ot a "brick-top blonde
The new railroad through this reigon is tained. They give vent to their feelings, Tlicn tllcre CUT own dear "Ad,"
r . 1 - 1 1 t- 1 . , 1 I
the interesting topic ot con versauon up0I1 the fan ot .Miss "li , oeuer Known wearjnr a smile of contentment,
and speculation. Ihe surveyed route has M the blonde," thusly: She is surrounded on Us tQ the brick
t 1 1 C . .,. nil Vi o f 1 j I 1 t 1 - .-. - i- A n rr nr 1 J
Deen miervicweu anu iuuuu lu uc au mat 1.1 a iargC tircie w pcuwous iii-uua, . iT-,minv" a rinlv hannv
U.. .1 ,1 tt-o orn nnrl th.-lf TIot- T. W nfnrnw the reader "u"i3,u"- J " J
w Un1,.,l isthflriehtofwav to secure 'Mrnn,l nronts arrive dailv' buth'ben he is on his way, and while m
" - " - . T , 1 1 I
the immediate commencement of work. We thev fail to console her, for the same writer llackettstown. 1 nope ne may ue naITy
hope property holders along the route are ajjSj ana still she's not happy!" The "Mo- yet. Publish the above, Mr. Editor,
disposed to deal liberally with the company, docs" invading the parlor of Miss L. .. and I will subscribe myself
The new road would prove the building up certainly could not have been the cause of her
of our county, to a greater extent, doubtless
than the D. L. & W. has been.
A Friend assures us that he never en
joyed a season of amusement so thoroughly
as when he visited the Germania Hall
Varieties in Scranton.
The manager 31 r.
nninnnln "Shpn ' tries to revive ner
UUllUiiuvbui X
drooping spirits by wishing her "many hap
py days," but "Mathews," the cruel wretch,
dampens the kind wish by allowing his thirs
ty soul to cry out for a bath of "button s
l.r Pvnrv tmifl alike " "Pettlt has HO
choice of drinks. In reply to a pressing
Confidentially Yours,
Miss. I. C.astellabiolie.
Thanks, Miss I Canteilabiglie, come
again, Ed.
Good summer weather we are having
Under the law family sewing machines
annot be seized for debt.
Specie shipments to Europe on Saturday
iruiu .cw loiK", ri.iw.
Interna l revenue receipts for the month,
,-HG ; for the year, $101,578,960.
Grasshoppers an Army of them in
Western lowa.
Tlpnorts of "rasshopper ravages in "Wes
Ilarrv Weeks is a perfect gentleman, the invitation, he says, he "don't care what, torn Iowa continue to arrive. A resident
n 1 f ,1 I.!... A liftl.i 4 fVnfi" 1 . L' 1 T.. 1,-1. li. f-rc crf?.-.n cwV.
perturmers ana pei lormances uisl ciass, anu iurive mm mc ucui. - 01 11 uuuiui tuuuy o mai 1.. .vi...
;.i,,.t .,Ann vWirifv' nn.l'vnice-wood," and other harmless ingredients ed with them, to the damage of the grow
won t hurt Uim. jit una incuu, u. iiij: niicui auuwiu. ii-
Homer" must have been under its soothing two-thirds grown, and they vary in size
influence when he "met by chance, ye gentle from that down to tnose just naicncu.
1 i-nn .v. " ; thn cbUnifi Thev are not yet large enough to fly. and
not uav duu, ouais - - ... , -l t r. 1
innc nf Bi-ntimpntnlitv and v.nenin me j . T.
IV. 1J V "
that a seat among the audience can be en
joyed as quietly and as orderly as a seat in
church. The most fastidious could not
ful to feel perfectly at home and enjoy
finish the laudable sights of the town unless
In ten
t i ,i- i j
x , ,r;i! r- .. . , . ,...i.r.. n places wnere tneir eggs Avere iaiu
.wv..-- """'"-v ' zemttl Ot lllS SUUlimuy, lie irauiiui.j n ,nn nrmnt: e WW . nP nnrl
claims: " lhe sun never snone on u unci . n ,y Af iho Dps Alr.ines
..,.1 . ... . fx I UJJ t-UV. v J
me ucrmunia ana us arieueaiuu iiitiuuuu iauy. ne uijsi nan; ut- river the country is lull ol them, ltiey
in the programme. So
says our menu
and we have the fullest confidence in his
"What wc heard and saw," "nix kum
arouse" this week. On deck next week.
Povs can't we even ret get up some
thing for 4th of July ? Suppose we try.
Tun riioeiiix Fire Company contemplate
holding another festival in about three weeks.
The festival at East Stroudsburg was a
complete success, financially and otherwise.
Last Monday was the warmest experien
ced iu New York, fur fifty years. The same
can be said of it here.
The Companies at Scranton have made a
reduction of ten per cent in the wages of
machiuLts and other shop men.
To Sportsmen ! It is not lawful to shoot
Wilson or gray snipe from the first day of
January to the fourth day of July.
3f Under the New Constitution and the
election on law passed by the last Legislature,
of 1 874, there are no longer any ten day as
sessments to be made. The county commis
sioners will send out copies of the new law to
their assessors for information. The regis
tration of voters is to be finished sixty days
before the election, aud to be returned to the
commissioners, and taxes must be paid thirty
days before the election. There are several
other changes in regard to registration and
votiu,T. A residence in the district of at
least two months, previous to the election,
is required.
E-vfThe Democrats of Pike county object
to holdin" the Congressional Conference at
Mauch Chunk.
Thoy prefer Stroudsburg.
The clans from the city "swelterers" are
begiuiug to gather in our neighborhood, and
inconsequence our boarding housekeepers
are lookiug chirp.
One hundred thousand barrels of lager,
valued at one million of dollars, are turned
out annually at one of the breweries of Phila
IIi'Gii Donahue, the pedestrian, comple
ted, on Saturday morning, at Springfield,
Mass., the feat of walking one thousand
miles in one thousand hours.
Lo', for I saw him pictured, -catching a nv. i alreadv eaten the crrowin?; crops on
"Lidie" is on the kry, for she wants two tj.e ground, and left the fields as barren as
little ones for a cent. Why not triplets aboard. Many of the homesteaders, in
No doubt she will want to know "who is the despair of a crop, have packed up and are
fault of this." sol will refer her to Joe moving out ot the country. Humboldt
Now "Mclick" is goiog to take his seems to be the Lastern limit, though
7tlusic in fhc Air.
Cn,XrUZl. departure. He certainly was pierced will, farther Sorth they estcoJ farther East into
ThirblnJ i Ip id of cupid's arrow. He sorrowfully says, "it Kos..!, and J innebago coun les, and in
nc Pv.normance. mis wau lstuaipiau uj y ,j.mi , . i,nrbnv Minnesota still farther Last, while South of
voitvt mfn vhn xr'th nnp or two excentlons grieves me to leave fctroud?ourg. looruoy, ..r1
joujg men, wl.0, w.iu on, or iw o uitpuoua, a ,, Humboldt thev do not come so far Last.
knew nothing about the rud.ments ol mu.ic, nowonucr. m , accounted for by the fact that thev
three months ago. Since their organization ior " " came the country b a soutllwCst wind
the "boys" have been working hard, under w not proot against tne winning wajsw " The ilope now s that as soon as they arc
the instruction and efficent leadership of handsome owner, lor he Irantiy tens ner M iarge enough to fly, say by June 24, or
TVnf ATnrnn of MauMi Chr.nk. to cc.t un to was one summer, he mctaiairyoung uionae, Tuiv i tbev will leave. Thev rise m clouds
the telling point in their respective parts, and the meeting resulted iu a broken heart an,i go whichever way the wind happens to
And we trust that few will doubt that they h 1 am to judge by the close attentions ne blow. It is hoped that the departure may
have made more than ordinary progress in has been paying her the past lew days, i be speedy. Uttcajo Journal.
that direction, who had the pleasure of hear- bope the "green-eyed monster has not
In. nn lt Tndnv rvpnimr. W'e entered his heart, but it looks rather dubious
have no doubt that each one tried hard to when he says to a rival, "potter you don't
Wild Pigeons.
V propeller which arrived at Detroit on
Saturday morning had on board 1 ,000
r 11 "XT - T 1 tj-r
ii- i i . f r. i i hvit iifrp. iever nuna. inenu oiuiuu,
mate Uis mars, ana soiar as we iiavu uuuru, -- . . , , i n ii .. lJvo Wtm rpontlv nndit noir Fr-mk
- i . . ii.i ii,.. jm MnrriM wi 1 he n vou through. "Butler is mc paeons recenu cau in near x ranK
me universiai opinion was mm 11117 U1U 1 1 1 cc 1 r u
well. The "boys" deserve the most liberal content to uabK iniue cjiuiguut m m,
assistance from our citizens to keep up their
enterprise, and we have little doubt that they
will receive it, after having done so remark
ably well on their first appearance in public.
lustrou3 orbs, as the scintilations of his
phosphorescent brain indicate.
"I wish you much joy iu your life,
And every thing happy and mellow ;
Hoping, and wishing you may become the wife
Of some clever young fellow."
Eureka 1 Bully boy. Mellow fellow is good
fort, in Benzie count', Mich. This is the
largest shipment of live pigeons ever made
at one time in the State, and 11,000 o
them are to be used at the approaching
New lork State Convention of Sportsmen
which takes place at Oswego July 25. The
Detroit Tribune says : "The pigeons this
year abcut Frankfort are more numerous
J 0 i i 1 1 1 .... r.r
UlkUt Ilka I LIU l " UW IO WIM ..vri.i....- . "II '1 , I i 1
. m ... ,1 .ur. 17. kj. t uuwoou, ui iuis ciiy, who re
iiaiiuniiviiJK "'- . i i-i iii r i
Mrs. Surrat and Mr. Headin were
married at Tunkhannock last week. The
groom is 70 years of age, and the bride is
enjoying her seventh husband.
A raid was made by Constable Keener,
on Sunday last, on a number of boys, iu
swimming at Lambert's rock, in 3IeMichaels
creek, in this borough. The boys made
their escape.
Post Office. The Stroudsburg Post
Oflice will be open on 4th of July, from 7 A.
31. to 8 A. M. , and from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M.
All mails will be dispatched as usual.
M. A. Lee, p. m.
It is reported that Weston, the great
walkist, is soon to visit Scranton and Wilkes
Barre, for the purpose of exhibiting his
powers of endurance and speed in pedes-triauism.
Some foul-mouthed characters, male and
female, are becoming an intolerable nuisance.
Officer Keener, why not give them your
Mrs. Rebecca Drinker, sold her house
and lot, on Main street, in this borough, to
Dr. Amzi LeBar, for $4000. The Dr.
moved his family into the building on Mon
day last.
Wm. Raferty, Esq., real estate agent, and
also Milton Ediugerr moved into the build
ing lately occupied by Dr. LeBar, on Main
street, in the rear of Samuel D. Ovcrfield'e
A Surprise.
31 r Editor : This day, a week ago, 19th,
inst. I had been away. Had just brushed off wiicre I go, I see the
ilm ,li.ot tF -o t.l irliin cntiin t venntv rr ftiir-l 11 nv . ( tf . f. ..
IIJ UUCl Ul lllliu CUU1V inmij ui mm I Wall. J. IS (JllV I i it i ( .1
, ,r , , . vuiijr, reports that over an area of some three or
, v-i.v. i T...b. ..inat ucr pala may ue roses wunoui morn, four mUcg are thc trceg afc litcralK.
wun 01 ur pious, ae , u e.r . a u, Anu PicuurruU ur BUuUJ . covered with pigeous, and about 200 men
xue unneweu.. vaS buuucu mau x uau he sinccrey topcS anj he is right, too, who have been engaged for ten days or more in
neither power nor disposition, to innaer Ucserveg journeying along a more pleasant catching or killing them. Every day from
them. pathway in life, than she ? Echo answers, ten to forty barrels of dressed pigeons
Ana alter all their " noise ana snow oi
bundles of goods and money given to my
wife, it seems they were not content till they
appointed one of their number to "watch"
me. I can account for this only in one way;
I suppose they thought I needed "watching."
The watch is a good one ; and warranted to
keep time. But the value of this "surprise"
cannot be estimated by a money standard. It
gives, what no Paster can do without, an
expression of the esteem and love of the peo
ple! Your's Truly,
J. Pastorfield,
Pastor of the 31. E. Church.
Catasauqua, Lehigh Co., Pa.
July 26, 1S74.
3Ir. 3Iyers, proprietor of the Shawnee
Flouring 3Iills, had the misfortune of cut
ting himself very badly in the left hand
with an axe last week while chopping wood,
nearly severing the index finger from his
hand. The wound was neatly dressed by
Dr. Lobar and he is doing quite well.
An old gentleman, named Flyte, living
near Sciota, fell from a hay wagon last
week and broke one of his legs in the thigh.
He was attended by Drs. Drake and Hoff
man. Another gentleman at the same place
dislocated his shoulder-blade white pulling
off his coat.
Harry Edinger about 15 years cid, a son
of our commissioner Peter S. Edigner, near
Bartonsville, came near being drowned in
none. Thus endeth my notes on a fan, and packed in ice, have been shipped from
with it, I hope (without flattery, for I can't
flatter worth a cent,) that
"The birds may cease to tune their evening eong,
The winds to breathe, the waving woods to move,
And streams to murmur, ere hek friends cease to
Editor J effersonian : For a long
timo your ubiquitous, reporters have served
a number of us fun-loving, and sometimes
niischievious ones, up in a style that has
apparently afforded the "stunner sexv much
amusement, and I must confess I relish
the "dish" myself.. Now I hope you will
grant my request, accompanied with the
prayers of some handsome young ladies, to
publish a few random shots at the hand
some, accomplished and eccentric characters
who have
"Broken the heart of many a gal,
Aud almost broken mine."
Grant me this favor, Dear, 3Ir. Editor,
and I will "never cease to love," no, that
wont do, because 3Tou are married, but I
will remember you in my prayers. I will
now slake my thirst with a copious draught
of "Sutton's beer," preparatory to shooting,
There is good-natured John, the original
John, as quiet as a church mouse, whose
frequent walks to Bark street indicate which
way the wind blows. He never flirts, oh
no ; but then, goodness, girls, watch him
Then there is another John, with
beautiful whiskers, who takes much delight
During a heavy thunder storm nt f.l ,
X. Y 3Ionday afternoon, the Wn
arm of P. R. Chadwick was struct
ightning and destroyed. Two LW,;,
who had taken refuge in the barn
struck by the bolt, one being instantly
llled and the other seriously injure J. '
Brown's Bellofonte Itrrmblimn vit.
3Irs. John W. Holt is still the butV
champion of Boggs township. he v
but one cow at present, but Irom this cot
he has made eight pounds of butter rr
week, for the last eight weeks, besides rais
ing two calves from the milk of the same
cow. The family was also supplied with
cream. ' This cow has to be milked three
times a day.
The latest published report of the Bu
reau of Statistics shows that for the nia
months of the fiscal -ear ending Marti
31, of the present year, our exports -ceeded
the imports by $3o,723,9'J2, against
an excess of imports over exports to the
amount of $57,802,14S for the correspond
ing period m Ibid. Such an exhibit is by
no means unpleasant to contemplate.
The Appropriations made at the late s-
sion cf Congress for the vcar begiunin"
Juby 1st, are 827,7C3,7S7 kss, in the ag
gregate, than the appropriations ot the fis
cal year which is just drawing to a close.
This is a lanre reduction in national ex
penses, and shows what can be done, in the
way of retrenchment, where there is a wiil
to accomplish it. The taxes have not been
increased ; and the expenses have been si
much curtailed that the steady reduction
of the public debt can go on, as heretofore.
without cessation.
The Allentown Herald savs : 0a Mon
day, while the men employed in Mr. Israel
Ivlop s ore mines, at this place, were en
gaged at work, they came across a piece of
solid iron, which had the ap ;aranee of a
turtle. Cursiosity prompted the men to
break this "turtle-looking" ore, and they
were very much astonished to fined thai
the turtle contained a petrified bull-frog
and the exact representation of a roofer.
Mr. Geonre fcnyder, Jr., visited xexas yes
terday and saw this ore wonder, and des
cribes it as the most wonderful thing he
ever saw. Mr. Kolp presented him with
the rooster, but refused to part with the
Chicken Cholera.
The following will prevent as well a?
cure this distressing ana lauu ui-ej.
Take thirtv grains calomel, sixty grains
pulverized resin, and one gallon corn meal
Mix thoroughly in a dry state, and gives
small portion each morniiiir, iiioitened first
with a little water. Administered omanr
twice a week, it Avill prevent the disease.
Ch. A. Block, Allegany &.. l'o.
Day's Length.
The length of days in the north cf Eu
rope is as follows : At Hamburg the Ing
est day has seventeen hours and the ?h"rt
est seven. At Stockholm the longed k
eighteen and a-half hours and the glories
five. At Finland the longest has twenty
one hours and a-half and the shortest W
and a-half. At Wonderbus. in anrf.
tho .l.-i v Lists from "21st of MuV t thd
2d of July, the sun not getting hekvr the
horrizon for the whole time, but skimai?
nlnnf vrrv r-lnso tr it in the north.
v!r!t.lini.,w,. !..- l.-rnrwf f-W l.'IStS tllWi
k.'lloui.ieil U.t: ivinv. V v..,
months and a-half.
Frankfort, besides hundreds of lives one
jn coops, lhe roost is in the vicinity o
Crystal Lake, a few miles from Frankfor
in a forest of beech trees, the pigeons seek
ing this place because of the beech-nuts,
which they feed upon,- This flock, pre
vious to roosting here, stayed in Oceana
county some ten days or more, and there
afforded work and amusement to several
hundred men, and thousand of pigeons,
dead and alive, were sent to various sec
tions of the country from that point. There
are men among the pigeon catchers who
have followed this flock from Arkansas and
Missouri, and who make pigeon-catching
a business, being supplied with nets and
all paraphernalia necessary to entrap and
catch birds. They get track ' of a flock of
pigeons early in the Spring in thc South,
and, being acquainted with their habits,
are able to follow them the whole year.
They generally find men at every place
ready to buy their pigeons, and pay the
cash for them, the price being from $1.50
per dozen. The pigeon-catchers thought
this flock, when they left their roost at
Frankfort, would start for the Lake Super
ior country, thence into V isconsin, and
thence west. Some of the party were fet
ting ready, when Mr. Witwood left Frank
fort, to start for Mackinaw by boat to keen
cm the track of the pigeons, as they gave
indications of being about to take their de
Ambitious Congressmen are now begin
ning to practice holding calves and turn
ing grindstones for their constituents.
Berks county corn is in tassel.
Thunder Storm at Wilkesbarre.
Wilkesbaiire. June 20. A than-
storm passed over the city this attern-x
causing considerable damage.
r r AV.V-.t mine.
id a h'
Werner, a miner in the Wothit inim.
struck bv lightning while a nine a
followed the ratiroau'
Memorial Char.h
.1 somewhat
Th.- Kcrlitnin
into the mines.
struck, and the rear end
tpivil Smith Rtnvt Wire l'"".-1
to be a blaze of fire. The telegrapa JT
in the First National Bank was uJ
the fluid, but did no damage.
During the storm the wind pit
iha lut'iflVdilinrv nrnund the COUf-
it i i- -c nv,rniited or
en, causing the blockade of some strft-
' ' . ,t
A Prize Package Boy Served RS
A boy who had been distributing lj
packages ot candy on a . fc
llensselaer and Saratoga rauro.. ., - , ;
day, returned to a countryman anu
lum munching the sweeumai-.
that he wanted pay for that canJ
this candy?" said the country i
gol darn ye, didn't ye heave " 1
V., .. . ,i . i.V.i vi11 Ul-'
';res " said the boy, lut you
J fill n.
for it, if you want t, Jv'3
sat in utter astonishment, then fr . r
-- . .1. . r
his mouth ho dropped into mt .
i.-,fhfl aP i.i mastioau" , ,
and handed the package tt .,ief
ye heave it at me agin, i .eun-
? . .1 ...rfll I"
iaa t,ort2
"Tak yur sugar canity el
by thunder." Thc
tryman, as fir as iarat(
but didn't get it.