in Hart- and drove hd do(r' from a bone which thej i&J . coveted MARRIED i . icK mcf. . flt tne house of the . 4 m Un lJ& :fa ;n Shawnee, bv Rev. PL . h X- I L 11 " " - " f TU sA frA Fin cVi inr1 At icq Mcac S Waiter, both of Shawnee. ...,- f-idence or trie Dnae s sister, June V 5ft bv Rev. Henry B. Cornwell, Mr. 17th, in, If Wnnrl. and Miss Marie L. Struve. Vnd daughter or tne laws vjtcu. 7. oiruve Brooklyn. u Vew Hampton, June 10th, by Re tin B. Bflpjen Mr. Wra V Staples a r !tha rluni, Dotn oi junction, n.j. u Broihcadsville, June 20th, by Rev. D. -S'hueH'M-i Mr. Wm. Frantz, of Jackson, isa Cecilia Hawk, of Pleasant Valley. On the 23 J inst, at bride's parents, by t? . I S. J- McConnell, ofLaston, Pa., V Joseph K. Urodhead, ot stroudsburg 1 Miss Ella C, daughter of James Andre Jf StrouJ township, oHonroe county, ra. it Rrodheadsville, June ICth, by Rev. D P sk er, Mr. Aaron oniner ana miss I uo'nda fiveritt, both of Hazleton. Pa. DIED. ii. ?rth nit . in Urodheadsville. Mm i m VUC W v . - - , Ela. J-. wife of Mallloa Shupp, Esq., aged j years. U the residence of Findlay Bush, at . -! n AnriI24. 1874. Mra. Dlizaheth n ' i - -- Ribble. widow of the late Andrew Ribble, of . NT T a era A AQ Trorc A mrtf lie and 13 aays. Special ISTotice. If jou want fine Kid Slippers and Button JJoots call on Adams, rowlers building, :roudsburg, 1'a. J une 25-3t. Special Notice. Read the advertise neet of the fall term of the Wickersham "ormal School, in another column of the Jeffersonian. .As the school will be crowded it term, those intending to attend it, would do well by applying early. June 4-4 1. D. E. SciKEDLER. Collars, ties, cuffs, suspenders, &c, at Fried's. Go to Fried's for clothing, boots and shoos, trunks, valices, and gents' furnishing rk The largest aud best assortment of ready cade clothing, boots and shoes, trunks and ralices at Simon Fried's. Pnrorf Pl.istnr at Stria-M1 Mills 3 nr ten, or 30 cents per bushel. Corn and Rye $1 00 per bushel at present N. S. WYCKOFF & SONS. . FOR SALE, QneotSMITirS celebrated MOWING MA CHISES cheap. Will pell it on trial, if not uusfactorv no sale. Apply to G. E. STAUFFER & CO. June 25, 1S74. 3t East Stroudsburg, Pa. Executor's Notice. TUA of ROEEIiT F. BUSH, dee'd. N'otiee U hereW given that Letter Testamentary up on tie ts'-ate of Hubert t . Euan, late or atroudsburg, deceased. bie been tranted by tbe Register of Monroe founiT u :he undrignel. All penona indebted to the n;d will make immediate payment, and those hiving claims or dniaudt against the same will make uea mown witnout aelar. ' WILLIAM WALLACE, Birouteburn, June 25-6L.J Executor. NOTICE. Ii herebr given to all persons who have nut yet paid their School and Building lax tor that it is the duty of the School ioara to have said lax collected, and the Col lector, Mr. John Keener, in whose hands the aid duplicate is now, is instructed to collect it. WKEKT E. DEPUY, Pres'L June 24-4L C. S. Detbick, Secretary. jOTICE TO THE Tax payers of Monroe Co. In pursuance to an Act of Assembly, entitled An Act relating to the collection of State and County Taxes in tbe county of Monroe," ap proved May 6, 1867, the conntv Treasurer i I meet the Taxpayers of said county, for tbe tollectionof State a'nd County Taxes in and "the following places, to wit: Ib the Borough of Stroudsburg, Saturday J' 2-5, 1874 at the Treasurer's Office. Hoss Township, Monday July 27. at the House of J. ILStocker. Eldred Township, Tuesday, July, 28, at the House of Edward Erant. Polk Township, Wednesday July. 29, at the Mouse of Joel Berlin. Cliestnuthiil, Thursday 30 at the House of Jiarl Eberle, and Friday July 31, at the House of Mahion Shupp. Jadson Township, Saturday August 1L at HouseofGeo.H. Singer. lunkhannock Township, Monday August T I t Il0U8e of Z"1 Bonser. ,mi V;annaTownsl,iP. Tuesday August 4, "the House of Isaac Stoufier. Uolbaugh Township, Wednesday August the House of Samuel Case. . 6'&t ISkS1 AugU8t 7,lt the Hcm!f J?wnKhl. Monday August 10, at the ofLewii Long. 11 -'eld Township, Tuesday August at the House of Jacob Place, and Wednes-L;!lg-S,t,12' at the IIo"8e of Jame. Place. S m d t0wnhiP. Thursday August 13, Ani, iiU8e of Sifeon D. Bush, and Friday if!'14- at He House of Thomas Brodhead. the n "iroua-burg, Saturday Ir?!rofJonHohenshel"d. lerust 17, at and Tuesday r j ivZ in rw,nfi,liP, Wednesday and Thursday . w.uf ai ioe umce oi o. j.LraKe $Xmrlwa ...1 ! .1 j . Poart 7 " avaH tneraseives oi tnis te aTily t0 Pav their Taxes will be entitled C -m of FIVE PERCENT. For WeTl ence of Taxpayers visiting Strouds- uie lreaurer will receive any of the 'axe u his office, before said days. JaR 10PAS ALTIMUS, Treasurer. io74. 0t. CAUTIONJ TAKE NOTICE! - Me hereby cautioned against harboring 'eut ef . j 7 w ""J extent or tne taw, tae Sytty byk" iBtt7 uamt- S" "s Min. v A tomr B. HTJDDLK50N. ''w. Monroe Co.-Juue 18, l74.-4t. -gnacioua sparrows -uiuon lownship, Monday Au A obum ,o 0f CharIes Andrew, ""gun 18. t tu it..- j V iiuaaieeon, under any pre- STROUDSBURG SCHOOL DISTRICT. Receipts and Expenditures for 1873. Tax rate, 13 milU on the dollar of valuation. RECEIPTS. urosa amount of tax duplicate $ 2216 17 Add 5 per cent on $638 14, (balance duplicate; 31 90 , . - $2243 07 iecuci o per cent, discount on $1271 96 $63 60 Deduct Collector's commissiena Q9 Rfi " ara'tof Duplicate yet due 345 22601 48 JSet am t. of tax received $1746 59 Aaa Biate approDnation zv. R7 " ain't, from Stroud Up for tuition 44 70 vo. ireas r. militia fund 57 11 pay puptla. 52 50 $2223 57 Fd Teacher wages, $1839 64 " for repairs, 62 83 " fuel and contingencies 191 15 " Treasurer's Dercentape. 54 f5 " Sec'y. for services i'72) 25 00 $2222 67 liajance on band, 90 Add amt. yet due from P. Y. Baird. 228 87 " a c r-i. G. F. Heller, 29 50 P7 Ppil; 35 00 M " " on duplicate, 345 22 $639 49 Amt. yet due on unsettled bills 2142 61 Liabilities in excess af resources $1503 12 U. D. BKODHEAD, Pres't. Attest: A. O. Greznwald, June 18-3t. Sec'y. STROUDSBURG SCHOOL DISTRICT. Receipts and Expenditures for Building for 1873. Tax rate, 8 milk on the dollar of valuation, levied in 182. RECEIPTS. Gross arat of tax duplicate $1482 10 Deduct collectors corn's. $11 00 " amt. of duplicate due 1234 70 $1295 70 Balance on hand, $186 40 U. D. BKODHEAD, Pre'st. Attest : A. O. Geeenwald. June 18-3t.J Sec'y. MERCANTILE APPRAISEMENT. Notice is hereby ciren te all wholesale and retail deal. ers 01 Mercnanaise, Distillers, Ac., of the county ef Mea- roe ana sum oi rennsyiTania. taat tner axe claaai&ed and assessed by the undersigned. Appraiser ef Mercan tile laxes lor tne year 174, as follows, to wit: Class. Names. Taxes. BAaarrr. 14 5. Coleman, . 7 00 13 Loring Andrews 10 00 13 Safer A Rinehart, JO 00 14 A. Albert. 7 00 13 E. F. Palen 10 00 ClirSTfUTUILL. ..J. 5. Kresge, ...Charles Tidd, .., ..Franklin Stotx, ..Isaac Rodenbau(h, ..Henry Getz, ..Martin Kishgaugh, COOLBACttH. ..L. T. Smith .James A. Young, ..Dodge, Meigs A Dodge, ... KXCKXD. ..John Harter, ..George Frantz, I AST STROCPSBCBO. ..Loder Van Fliet, ..P. Empey, ..J. C Romine, ..George Mun. ..S. S. Detrick, ..Morgan A G arris, , ..M. A. Deets, ..A. Rockafellow ..Wilcox 4 Whitaker,- ..Thomas Stemples, ..J. H. Shotwell...... ..L. T. Giersh ..John Burt, Brewer, ..Alistise Keyes HAMILTON. ..Allen Metzger ..J. S. MeNeal ..Saylor 4 Bro.. ..Kistler A Fetherman, ..... ..George B. Duke, ..A. B. Shafer, 14. 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 14.. 14., 14., 14.. 14. 14. 14., 11. 14. 14. 13. 14.. 13.. 14.. 14.. 13.. 14.. 7 00 7 00 IS 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 14.. 13.. 13.. 13.. 14.. 10 00 10 00 7 00 15 00 7 00 14.. 14. 14.. 14. 13. 14. 14. 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 JACKSO. ..Bossard A Hxuer,.. MIDDLX SMITH TIKLD. ..A. J. Shoemaker, POOONO. ..Kistler A Bro.,- ..Arthur Maeinnis, ..Samuel Storm,. ..Kistler A Bro., .Jacob Stauffer,. 14. 14. 14. 14.. 14.. 13.. 14.. 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 PARADI3Z. 14. 14.. ..James Kinti, 7 00 . .Henry A Miller 7 00 POLK. ..Berlin t Kresge,.. 14.. 14.. 14.. 14.. 14.. ..Kunkie A tiro- .II. McClellen 7 00 .John G. Wuest, ..Jos A. Bittenbender,.... raicx. 14 Perry Price,- 7 00 ROSS. 14 Jacob Bonser, 7 00 8MITUXIELD. M. E. Hoffman 7 00 S. B. LaBar, 7 00 James Bell, Jr., 7 00 G. W. Snrder, ' W B. F. Brodhead 7 00 J3. F Slci ruBAf 7 00 J. D. LaBar 7 00 A. D. Freese 7 00 lii"'."-. John Dutot,- 7 00 f L. W. Brodhead A Bro., 4 1 Billiard Tables, 3 mobths, 30 00 STROUD. U ,.. elon retricit, 7 oo 14 Lo wring Andrews, 7 00 Joseph Foulke, Alley 2 months,. . 8 00 STKOCDSBUBO. 14 P. It Omenta, 14 Fred. Warner,. 13 C B. Andre A Co., 14 James Goueher, 14 C B. Keller, 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 19 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 If 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 13 60 7 00 7 00 7 00 12 60 7 00 7 00 10 00 14 S. Hoffman ..... 14 Heae Bro's- 13 Wm. Hollinshead.... 14 Mrs. A. L LaBar, 14 M. L. PhUlips, 13 D. JL Brown, 13 Simon Fried, Agent, . 13 -J- G. Keller 14 J. K. Brodhead, 13 Joseph Matlaek 14 - Robert Huston 13 J. H. McCarty, 13 D. H. Wyckoff, - 14 Milton Edinger,. 14 - Hester HchoonoTer., 11 Decker A Co. 14 Susan Wintermute, 14 .J. B. Miller,. 14 Peter Williams,- 14 G. C Adams, 14 J. A. Hays, 13 a Lee A Co 13 ,.,.-... D. Bu?b, - 12 -.Nicholas Kuster,. 14 J. P. Brown, 14 ..Philip Miller,. 14 Reuben Miller, 12 Warner A Rhodes,.- 14 A. Raubenold,. 14 M. L. Drake 13 Trher A Uro 14 s. D. Overneia, ' w IA. P. S. Williams,..... 7 00 14 W. S. Flory,...v.. 7 00 14 Darius Drehef; 7 00 14 .Samuel Hood,. 7 00 14 M. M. Burnett, 7 00 14 W. T. Baker,........, 7 00 14 C. P. Mu k 7 00 14 Robert Boys 7 00 11 Joseph Wallace...... ...iw..i.w..v..v.- R 00 - . . . M .C. Hiller, 1 Jtsuuara la. o m.... w J. S. Williams, 1 - - - ........... 15 00 TOBTHAMNA. 13 F. P. Blakealey ....,v W 00 14 Isaac StautTer, 00 14 Timothy MiUer - 7 00 KZnttra httrehv riven that an A D Deal will be held OB Wednesday, the 15ti day f July, 1874, in the Cl- toners vibsv, i ouwutuwiitM , all who feel aggrl ca atd. v A June lV74-4t DON'T you know that J. II. McCarty & Sons are the onlv Tinder- takers in Stroudsburg who understands their business ? If not, attend a Funeral managed oy any otber Undertaker in town, and you will see the proof of the fact Jane 18,'74-tf TOXT FORGET that when VQn WAnt Rnv thinrr ?n t!. "Pnmifnra af e J O m. ss . v wa Ornamental line that McCarty & Sons in the 1 1 V e WW -a m . uaa-reiiows iiaii, jiam street, Stroudsburg, Pa., is the place to get it. June 18,'74-tf BLAKE & CO. Photograph and Ferrotype Artists, Are now thoroughly established at their Art jravinon, locaiea on me uia seminary ground, opposite tne American xlotel, stroudsburg, Pa. where every style of picture known to the Art, can be procured, from a life-size portrait in Oil down to the beautiful Bon Ton. Out-door views and residences, &c., a speciality. Also, horses and carriages, of which our facilities are particularly favorable. Every person patron- i&mg wic cBULimsiiuieai rtweiTts m useiui gut. June 18, 1874. tf. GO TO J. II. McCAKTY & SONS, ODD-FELLOWS' HALL, MAIN ST., STROUDSBURG, PA., AND BUY YOUR FURNITURE, Carpets, Oil-Cloths, Rugs, Win dow Shades, Curtains & Fix tures, Table Cloths, &c. AND SAVI At Least Two Profits. As McCarty A Sons buy, direct from the manufacturer, for cash (not 60 days), they can sell yon MORE FURNITURE, - OF A BETTER QUALITY, AND FOR LESS MONEY than yon can buy at retail either in city or country, and every article is warranted to be as represented. June is, 4-u TO TRESPASSERS. All persons are hereby forbidden to tresspass ia any way on property belonging to the undersigned, la East Stroudsburg. Such as bathing, fishing, hunting, gather ing canes, or otherwise, under penalty of the law. These depredations, particularly, bathing, has become an intolerable nuisance and all parties found trespass ing will he prosecuted to the full extent of the law. utu. t rrotiraec., CHARLES L. RHODES. East Stroudsburg, June 18, 1874-lm Auditor's Notice. Estate of BENJAMIN H. HULL, deceased. The undersirned appointed hr the Orphans' Court ef Monroe county, Auditor to make distribution of the money in the hands of John C. Strunk, Administrator or the Estate or Benjamin 11. Hall, dee'd., will attend to the duties of his appointment on Saturday. Juhr 11. 1174. at 10 o.clock, at tbe Court House, in the borough of Stroudsburg, at which time and place all persons haying any claims against said fund will present the same or be forever debarred from coming in for any thare thereof. M. A. De L. VAN HORN, Auditor. Suroudsburg, June 13-4t. NOTICE. To Henry McClellan of the City of Brooklyn, Kings couhit, ciate oi rew iora, Assignor o francis a. Gale, in trust for the benefit of his creditors; and to all ether parties interested In said assignment: Take notice that the petition of said Francis A. Gale. assignee as aforesaid, has been filed in the Court of Umraon Fleas of Monroe county, Pennsylvania, pray ing for his discharge from the duties of Assignee under said deed of assignment, for the reasons in said petition set forth, and that the application of said Assignee for his discharge will be heard and considered by said Court, at the Court House, in the Borough of Strouds burg, on Tuesday, the thirtieth day of June, instant, at 9 o'clock A. M. when and where all persons objecting to the discharge of said assignee, must attend, and make their objections known. By order of the Court. T. M. McILHANEY. Prothonotarv. Stroudsburg, June 11, 1874. 3t. LIME! LIME!! The undersirned hereby informs the nubile that they have opened two Kilns, near Experiment Mills. Monroe county, Pa, and are prepared to fill all orders promptly. i ne capacity oi tne aims are oetween tnree ana four hundred bushels per day. The LIME IS OF A BETTER QUALITY than that burned in any other part of the county. Parties desiring lime along the line of Delaware, Lackawanna A Western It. R. will have their orders promptly filled, by addressing vi. A S. nbLLLK, Experiment Mills. P. O. June 11, 1874. tf Monroe county, Pa. NOTICE Is hereby given to all those who are indebt ed to the undersigned, that they request them to call at their old stand and make settlement forthwith. All accounts remaining unsettled after the 15th of June next, will be placed in the hands of a Justice of the Peace for settle ment. R. F. & II. D. BUSn. Stroudsburg, May 28, 1874. 3t GENERAL HOUSE WORK. A good girl can get good wages. Apply at house of T. DUNKIN PARETT, next door to Lutheran Church. May 14-tf. Caution Notice. The undersigned, owners of Real Estate in Stroud township, Monroe County, Pa., hereby caution all persons against trespassing on their premises for the purpose of fishing, hunting, or for any other purpose whatsoever, as they will have the law executed as in such cases pro Ti ded. SILAS L. DRAKE, May 14-1874 CATHARINE STAPLES. A. ROCKAFELLOW, DEALER IN Readj-Made Clothing, Gents Fur nishing Goods, Hats & Gaps, Boots & Shoes, EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. (Near the Depot.) The public are invited to call and examine goods. Prices moderate. May 6,'69-tf T)EV. EDWARD A. WILSON'S (of It Williamsburg, N. Y.) Recipe for CON SUMPTION and ASTHMA carefully compounded at HOLLLNSHEALVS DRUG STORE; JtT" Medicine fresh and pure. Nov. 21, '67. W. HOLLINHEAD. GREAT BARGAINS AT 3ST. IRTTSTER'S, The National Hall of fashion. TI1E OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE CLOTHING HOUSE IN TOWN. Goods marked down at lower prices than ever before. CALL AND EXAMINE THE LARGE AND FINE SELECTED STO CK OF Hats, Caps, Furnishing Goods, Dry Goods, k I am selling all wool Scotch Plaid suits for $12 00 and upwards. A fine lot of English Di agnal and Basket Coata and Vesta from $14 to $30. Fine Blue and Black Cloth Coats from $7 50 to $18 ; a large lot of Union Cawimere suits from $5 75 to $10 ; a large lot of Pants from $1 60 opwards. ALL THE VIRT LATEST fcTTLES OF HATS, CAPS, UMBRELLAS AND SUN SHADES, AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES ! A tremendous large stock of Paper Collars and Cuffs at reduced prices. You can get a splendid cloth-faced folded edge Collar for 25 cts. ; a large lot of Ladies and Genu' Scarfs, Ties, Bows, Silk handkerchiefs, Ac, cheap. Stamped skirts 75 cents; French coraetu76 cents; a large lot of box-plaiting; Ladle's lines collars and cuffs, with ball; Ladies belts, de. cheap. Always on hand a full line of White Shirts, Hoisery and Gloves. A SPLENDID LOT OF DRY GOODS CHEAP I Japanese silk 45 cents ; Japanese cloth 35 cts ; fine A-lpacca 35 to 60 cts ; Percales 20 to 30 cts; Calicoes 9 to 12 cts; Muslin from 10 cts upwards. All the latest shades of Gray Mo hair and Worsted Dress Goods real cheap. Call and examine the make and quality of goods before purchasing elsewhere. N. RUSTER, PROPRIETOR OF THE NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION -April 30, 1874. Main Street, Strocdsbcrg, Pa. HENRY D. BUSH, (Successor to R. F. A II. D. Bush) DEALER IN DRY GOODS & NOTIONS, Shawls, Cloths and Cassimeres, SILKS, DELANES, CALICOES, AND Dress Goods Generally, White Goods, Flannels, Trimmings, and HOSIERY, AND IN SHORT The usual stock of a well appointed DRY GdGD AND NOTION STORE-. The stock was not purchased at Auction or Bankrupt Sales but will be sold at prices satisfactory to purchasers, and warranted as to quality. CALL AND SEE. II. D. BUSH. Stroudsburg, April 30, 1874. tf. UNDERTAKING. McCARTY a SONS have on hand the largest and best assortment of f, COFFINS and TRIMMINGS to be found oeUideef either city (New York or Philadel phia), and will make this branch or their besineas a speciality. COFFINS and CASKETS ef aay shape or style, can be furnished at one hour's notice for shipment, at a charge of one-third less than aay so 3 ia Stroudsburg. In bo case will they charge more shan tea per cent, above actual cost. EMAL3IIG attended te ia aay part of the County at the shortest possible notice. June 18,'74-tf PRICES REDUCED AT THE Corner Store! THE CHEAPEST GOODS IN TOWN. Great bargains are now offered in FANCY DRESS GOODS, ALPACAS, VELVETEENS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, FLANNELS, Ac, all of which have been marked down to PANIC PRICES. Goods all new and right in style, but marked down to meet the times. We invite all to call and see for themselves. Terms Cash CVL ANDRE A Co; rfec-4t Main St., Stroudsbarg, Pa. BLBNKS OF ALL KINDS for Bale at this Office. CLOTHING, SEBASTIAN ECHLE, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. SHOP CORNER OP Pocono and Green Streets, STROUDSBURG, PA. I am now prepared to make to order, all kinds of Boots and Shoes, such as French Calf. American Calf, Kip, Turkey Moroco, Glove Kid, and Pebble Goat, at reasonable prices. Special attention paid to half-soleing, heeling and all kinds of mending. One trial and be convinced. nov Gtf J. 13. HULL, . (Successor to J. E. Erdman,) Monroe Co. Marble Works, Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa., Where will be found constantly on hand or made to order, MOXUJIENTS, HEADSTONES, Ac, of the beet Italian and American Marble. Having been in the employ of Mr. Erdman for nearly ten years, I feel confident in my ability to please all that give me a call. All work warranted to give entire satisfaction. JBSf Orders by mail promptly attended to. feb 2072-tf GRAND OPENING IN HUTCH INS0.VS BRICK BUILDING, opposite T. Stemple's Store, EAST STROUDSBURG. Having just opened with an entire new stock of Dry Goods and Groceries, consisting or DRESS GOODS, DELAINES, POPLINS, WHITE doobs. WOOLENS, SHAWLS, ALPACAS, FLANNELS, DOMESTICS, CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, AND OIL CLOTH. PRINTS; Also a full assortment of choice Family Gro ceries and Provisions, Flour, Feed, Meal, Salt, Fish, Pork, Oil, Syrups, Molasses, Sugars, Crockery and Tinware, Wooden and Willow Ware, Flavoring Extracts, and Spices of everv kind. and in fact every thing usually kept in a Dry uooas otore. ah my goods are new and can not fail to give satisfaction. Goods shown with pleasure. Call and ex- ! 1 1 , . .. amine ueiore purcnasing eisewrrere and mere by save time and money. J. II. SHOTWELL, Formerly Slater & Shotwell Dec.. 4, 1873.-3mv Cards. Sid-Heads, Labels, k i NE1T, CJLEAP AND QUICK, Printed to Order at the JEFPERSONIAN Job Printing OFFICE, Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. tfiAII Orders promptly filled. Give us a call. THE MONROE COUNTY Co-Operative Life Insurance COMPANY, STBOTJDSBtJBG, PENNSYLVANIA. Limit 5,000 Members, CHARTER PERPETUAL. Aa-r emn ofsoaod bodv rnxnA miad. of eltber sex. not leas tbaa fifteen sor more taaar sixty-fire years of af e, and not engaged la aay ocewpatloa, exceedingly danger eos to life, may become a member of this Cocapaoy, by paying an admission fee, as folfwwsr l rom 15 to a Tsars ei age vj " 40 to 50 " - - IM " 60 to SO " " 10 00 " 60 to 65 " " " 20 00 And one dollar for Policy. No other chartes will be made at anytime, excepting one dallar and ten cents for each meaibsr who die. The advantages of this Company over tbe ordinary Life Insurance Companies are, that the fees are so small that the man of moderate means can secure a com petency to his family at a trifline cost, and payable at such long intervals, and such small sums, that no person can be Inconvenienced by them. This company cannot fail ; no panics can affrct it Persons holding certificatM of membership in this Company, are sure In cane of death that thoir families or heirs will get as many dollars as there are members In the Company. No restrictions are placed upon traveling or reaTdenco. AsBllleations for Insurance, or information, may be made to the Directors or Secretary, at Stroudsburg, Pa. DIXKCTOU. H. It. Bieseclcer, Wm. Fine, J. H. Fetherman, Peter Cruver, C. B. Drkr. R. S. Staples. M. F. Coolbaugh, Klndsxus Shupp, C D. Brodhead, R. . STAPLES, Pres't. M. A. De L. Vax Hoai. Sec'y . If arch ,'73-tf MONROE COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company. STR0TJISBURG, FA. CHAPTER PERPETUAL. The By-Laws of this Compay, and regulations govern ing insurance have, rueently ben very materially changed, placing it upon a basis equal to that of any Life Insurance Company in the State. Important among these changes are the following, tit: Policies, instead of being perpetual, are issued for five years. All property is classified nd the rate of premium is fixed according to the risk of the property,. Premium notes are taken, and all assessments are made an the notes. Property is insured for not more than two thirds of its actual cash value, and tbe full amount of insurance paid in case of loss, provided the loss be equal to the amount of insurance.. , "Annual assessments" only are made, except in cases of heavy loss, and where a special assessment is necessary. The Company is therefore prepared to insure property upon terms much more desirable than under the old system. Applications may be made ti any of the Managers, Surveyors, or Secretary. MANAGERS. Stogdell Stakes, Silas L. Drake, Jacob Knecht Jacob Stouffer, J. Depue LeBar C. D: Brodbesd, John Edinger, Theo. Schoch, William Wallace. R. S. Staples, Robort Boys, F. H:ermsn',' T. W. Rhodes, STOGDELL STOKES, Pres't. E. B. Drehek, Secretary and Treasurer. SURVEYORS. For Monroe County : William Gilbert, Geo. G. Shafer, J. Depue LeBar, Jacob Siauffer. For Wayne County: Jos. L. Miller. For Pike County ; Silas L. Drake, T. W: Rhodes, F. A. Oppelt, Samuel Detrick. For Northampton County: Richard Cainden. For Carbon County : Samuel Ziegehfus. The Managers meet regularly at the Secretary's Office in Stroudsburg, on the first Tuesday of each month, at 2 o'clock P. M. May 15,'7af READ THIS! G. i MICK, Wholesale & Retail DEALER IN TOBACCO AND SEGAKS. (Opposite Wallace's Lumber Yard,) STROUDSBURG, PA. READ THIS ! april 9-tf. Manhood : How Lost, How Restored ! Jnst published, a new edition of Dr. Culverwell's Celebrated Essay on the radical cure (without medicine'i of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, In voluntary Seminal Losses, Imnotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage etc.; also, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fife, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance ; riles, &c. BSaT" Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming con sequences of self-abuse may be radically eureil without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual by means of which every sufferer, ncv matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radScaUy. BgS This Lecture should be ia the hands of every youth and every man ii the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents, or two post stamps. Also, DR. SILLSBEE'S REM EDY FOR PILES'. Send for circular. Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO.. 127 Bowery, New York Post-Office Box, 45S6. July 2478 ly DON'T -POOL, YOUR MONEY away for worthless articles of Furniture, but g6 ia JfcCarty fc Kon3, and you will ret 'well paid for it. (Jane 18,'74-tf