The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, March 19, 1874, Image 2

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    ; jar 3C9i
SIjc 3ctFcrsoiunn.'
TnURSD A Y, M AECH 19, 1874.
Wasted, copies of the Jeffersoman, as
follows : No. 15, date of July 2Sth, 1870, and
No. 2S, date of October 7th, 1S7U. As we
dwire these number to complete our files we
shall feel greatly obliged, and cheerfully re
ward anv one who will brine them to this
office, THEOCIIOCn, Publisher.
Death is agaiu busy with our great men
It is but a week since we announced and
enrumentei upon the death of ex-President
Fillmore, and now the country is bowed in
grief over the death of another who has oc
cupied a large space in the history of the
country and in the affections of its people.
Senator Sumner is dead. Ripe iu experience,
vipe in all that makes a man great in the eyes
of a nation, ripe io his love of liberty not tor
himself alone, ripe in scholarly wisdom and
true statesmanship, at a time when he cqulJ
least be spared and in years which but better
fitted him for the station which he had so
lone honored "he gathered the drapery of his
romh around him," and entered upon the
j-iurr.oy to that undiscovered country from
whence no traveler returns followed by the
regrets and tears of the nation.
In his career in the Senate, Senator Suir
M?r has proved himself a more than worthy
Muveesor of even the great Webster. The
records of the last twenty years prove him to
have had but one oliect in view, and that
t lie noble one of securing the greatest pos
t-iii'e good for his country. Iu his every act
from his advocacy of the freedom of the
i.ave down to his latest vote, this was plainly
apparent. Men may have differed with him
jirid men may have hated him tor the sup
posed extremity of his views and method?
but no one for a moment doubted his honesty,
or believed but that his every act was promp
ted by the honest "convictions of his large
h?ar' ; and to-day those who once despised
him are most earnest in their praises of the
man and their regrets that he was so early
-ind so suddenly cut from his usefulness here.
Tut he has gone. Man proposes but God
:i."poses, and we can but bow in meek sub
mission to that Allwise Power, which for
sotne good purpose, doubtless, has seen fit
iins to afiliet us.
Senator Sumner's talents and wisdom and
t-xperience were the gloried property of the
whole country, and it is meet that the whole
country should mourn his death.
3As an independent Editor and publish
r r our neighbor of the Democrat does not
prove himself a complete success. Like the
im which needs the services of friend
Xieuest to correct its faults, he goes off half
rocked occasionally, when the shot go rattl
Ingaround promiscuously, producing a havoc
every point except where designed. This
1. 1 proved his experience in many instances
y.u -e his advent among us, and it is surpris
ing that he really makes no show of learn
ing wisdom from The politi-
i A history of this county for the last three
or four years, faithfully and truthfully writ-
f .-.n, would show that we indulge no exaggera
tion in what we say in this recard. lie has
often independantly advocated matters which
jrickcd some one of his political brethren to
the extent of inducing an interview one
week, and the very next week has swallowed
that independence by humbly singing dumb,
or abjectly taking Lack all that Le has said,
if not openly advocating a contrary view.
Look at his editoral conduct during the
lat and previous Congressional campaign,
lie advocated Burnet's claims one week and
jtonu the next, and alternated so rapidly in
di.-p'aying and hiding his manly independ
ence, as to become so bewildered that lie was
compelled, in order to preserve his mental
eqiUiibrum, at last to settle dowu into a
perfect nonentity in the contest.
Look again at his conduct of the Senator
ial and Representative contest At thecom
inrneement of each be appeared as independ
ent as a chimney sweep, only to draw hi3
bead within his shell, and leave his friends
to fght the campaign as listlessly and as
h-ilently as though the Democrats had no
organ to cheer its cohorts on to victor-.
Look at his conduct last fall. lie was ter-
riCically independent in his onslaughts on
Carbon's presumption in claiming the Repre
pontativQ, and yet how truckulently he yiel
ded to the songs of Carton's Sirens, and left
his Monroe brethren to fight the battle alone
until the day before the election, when he
was forced to stand by his work to the extent
of issuing an extra, advocating the claims
of Monroe county and the election of Mr.
Kistler, as her representative.
And now look at his last fiasco. In the
Norton's he thought he had proper subjects
upon which to display an overwhelmirg in
dependence. The result is before us. With
out satisfying himself of the truths in the
case he grabbed up and published everything
that came in his way to belittle and beslime
them. And what was the result? What
but another backing down, or what amount
to the same thing a burying of his indepen
dence in an abject, begging appeal to his
friends to stand by him in his day of suppos
ed tribulation ; a flourish over "We follow
Democratic principles where they point the
way," &c, and a call upon the party to stand
by that organ which has so often through
cowardice proved so faithless to them. True
he flings a fling at two prominent men of
his party Simon Fried and Charles S
Detrick and insinuates against the honesty
of some seventy-five others, Republicans and
Democrats, who condemned his unwarranted
course, but his fling is the fling of impo
tence, and his pitiful appeal but another
evidence of the truth of our assertion, that
as an independent Kditor our neighbor of
our Democrat is not a complete success.
S&" Thomas J. IIam7 editor and proprie
tor of the Wayne County Herald, has re
ceived the nnaimous nomination for Repre
sentative, of the Pike and Wayne Represen
tative District, to fill the vacancy occasioned
by the resignation of the llonoruble William
Il. Dimmick. In accepting the nomination,
he says he "accepts the honor conferred up
on him with an oppressive sense of his
incompetence to meet creditnUy the require
ments of the position for which he has been
named, but with im misgiving as to his desire
and ability to discharge them honestly and
with fidelity, should the voters of the district
sec fit to ratify his nomination by an elec
Why so silent on the interrogatories .put
by the Kaston Argus of last week for your
consideration, Thomas ?
J&iy Copper is now made successfully in
Pennsylvania, and from ores found within
the State. We have long been prominent in
the production of coal. With the copper in
dustry recently established, our State may
well boast of its mineral and metal produc
tion. Yet the other States have no reason
to be envious. Many of them have eqia
advantages in respect of iniucral deposits,
and tha same tariff protects all alike.
Jte5 A volcanic eruption is anticipated in
Western North Carolina. It is reported
from Ashville as being between that place
and Old Fort, and not on Bald Mountain
The rumbling sounds have been heard and
felt frequently for two or three weeks past for
some distance in that vicinity.
Philadelphia has had a
doughnut" part'.
A rATENT molascs factory is in operation
in Wilkcs-Rarre, Pa.
Wm. Walmslet. of Byberry, Bucks Co.,
killed 173 muskrats during the winter just
The Temperance Crnsadc.
The meetings which nre being held under
the auspices of the Woman's Temperance
Praying Band appear to be fcteadiy increasing
in interest and enthusiasm. In Philadelphia,
ihe fair apostles of temperance, wc observe
by the "Inquirer,"-have employed more un-
obstrusivc and legitimate means to combat
this great social evil than their sisters in the
"O y-rTy t -r tT-r-T rx TWmr tho Whnlfi of ASt I LolTeSPOnaenCC OT 14C urjjcrnmuMi
e 4 WarL- Fuhn rub- JSCRANTON, PA. , March 1 1 til, J ft t
CUU1U1U, n- .rr I , " , . - - . .
i-r. i .r..i i. AT- V Butts ' of Dear Jeff. I had purposed, this week,
UMitu mm cuiau i-v v - - i . e ,
.i r . - i ;n,CTnf warfii noting some ol me many mnrawui u a..
mrainst "City Hall corruption," and the ture that combine to pre thui third c ty of the
onir. Iney demand r restoration 0f
the $1.50 and a Rtrike may yet be the result of
a relusal to comply with the demand.
The principal topic of discussion here (,
. torn weeks past ha been the Postmastershi
rvA State, its thrift, wealth and marvelous growth, a movement having been made to oust the pres.
but not being well enough posted in statistics ' rimr, oiotum, ana secure the
to do this understands, I have-concluded to appoimmcni oi -jo?epn a. ocranton, Esq., h
postpone the task until another and more fa- his stead. Though ostensibly to become th
vorable seawn. And I do not see that it mat- correspondent of the LcpuLllcan, it U said Uia
growing evil of ' 'Sunday desecration, in th
- . . V "T-l 1 ?
c tv of iNewark, . J. 1-earless m exposin,
frauds perpetrated upon her citizens, by her
I t . 1. . ..aIa3 -r-vrt lift-
West, yet their efforts are marked with persecuted uy in
.scarcely less success. Every day brings to cians, lyui-uu u,.
their notice a number of cases in which nicn were never m w- .-.
.i .r..i n(r.uaA the tables have been turned. Agraudjury
, i j u-hoe lionestv and lntcirriry inc viiauu w
caiuruay aucruijua uiwun, ncitiiviu " . . . - . i
:.Ci it at t. u,;n cTDOt aonc us auiv ty iuuicuu huic ui
IU CI. i ilUIS I'l. jti. VyNUitii, vaiimiiui. suvi . , , l , , , . I " - -
below Seventh, and in Lady Washington city ouiciais upon cnarged oruuguu and ;t h from the appearance and spirit oi
ntnwn ivenne tlow Berks St. tbem Dr thc XjC'10 aRU wnitu at LUC UUi these that one can better judge of the prosper- "
Hall, Germantown avenue, below Berks St.
tera much a3 those are subjects that cannot Col. J. JJ. .Lacair was realiy sent to Wasliing.
spoil by keeping. " ' Ion to aid Congressman Shoemaker in securing
What T conceive of greater importance than me appoimmeni ior ocraiuon. i iiere is
factures in a place, large or small, are its particular allegation against the fitness of Mr.
ot .!.? v. .1- t. 1 I .Jl,-i,ni fiir thf Dnsition. whn waa rrn.: . .
newspapers, niesc, as reuecung uum mc in- -- -i mie.t
ibre and tastes of the people, are certainly the for a second term of four years only a fPsr
best indexes to the vim of those same people ; months ago, nor is a word uttered as to the
soundnesg of his republicanism. It is alleged
owever, that Slocuni was not the ch
oice of
A o,of.,l ctirrmrr mopt nir W15 ere, U IUUW UU wa uv.i
j .u- rr f wmt ed libelous. Ihe nature of the charges can
Union streets. The audience was composed m the following from the xN. 1
of old and battered tars, who had withstood T n tune of last Monday: '
.k. -..r ,nrl pn,nptrtna The Grand Jury of Essex County , ; J.
wuww . ..v i - hvhlrhhas been n session over nine weeks,
voyages, but who were fast losing their man- i . d Saturday. The rumor that
hood and strength through the excessive use snvnral indictments had been found against
c r.rmuinent officials of Newark drew a large
f neonle to the Court House. Thc
After a hearty ana earner aaurc uy r"T indictment chnrrcd Alderman William
Dr. trench, she called upon those present to gta-,nsiy Chief of Police llogers, Street Cora-
sign thc pledge. In rcsponso many ot the missioner Sullivan, Wra. Dykes, Valentine tjie proprietorship of Joseph A. Scranton, Esq. of the Scranton papers threw out the slander
sailors walked to the platform and traced Belcher, J. O'Conner, M. bhanley, and B. building which is one of the finest and ous assertion a year or more ago that the
eome almost illegible characters upon the best proportioned specimens of architecture in ,Mrf. retnrn to its fealty to the party and
pledge book, thereby declaring that they fiefj.avenu& yfm. B. Gould, jr., counsel town, is of yellow Milwaukie brick with the support of Ilartranft and Allen was to U
would never again touch, taste, nor handle for tic aecused, pleaded not guilty in their granite trimmings and including the base- rewarded by just this little Tost office plum,
intoxicating drinks. behalf. Thc second indictment was against ment uve stories high. The basement is The manner of the thing certainly carries with
A!derman fctainsly and ex-d -uage .J . oscpn v.. the Jobbi and pregg d artment. it its suspicions, though the Republican in the
COLUMBUS, Ohio, March 14.-'lhe cm- l oung , or consp my J ZL li The first floor i. occupied by the Third Xa- article already referred to predicates nuch
. V . T .. I I 1 1 1 1 I I V Iilllll 111 111 U1WU . V. v- - w -
cncliar niiiiA n munrt n v M-aiv. UUliinsr a J . , ., - ... . . t -r.
0 r . opened, ihe tniru inaicu
procession on the streets one nunurcu anu Stalnsly with misconduct
itv of a place than from anything else. I must the people, and that it was understood that
confess that Scranton is abundantly blessed in rscramon iu u. tue i-ouumeni by the
this way both in the number and the quality first of .March. Indeed the Republican of
of its newspaporial exponents. It boasts two wees ago aiiegeu erapiiaucaiiy mat Us Editor
daily and three weekly papers in the English had the assurance oi panics in high position,
lan-,:affc, one weekly German and one weekly in black and white that he ihould be appoin-
Welch paper. tee by the the ume designated, blocunj La
Of the Dailies the Scranton Republican takes resigned, lor some reason, anu lor some othtr
the lead in point of age as well as in point of reason Scranion's nomination hxs been sent to
expenditure in its get up. The paper as well the senate, anu win prooamy oe connrmed Le
as the building in which it is printed, is under tore this reacnes you. i uo not recollect which
The lumber production along the Dela
ware and throughout Wayne county is now
about .equal to previous seasons.
. -
Ninkty-f.ioiit persons have joined the M.
E. church at Sharpsrille, Pa., during the
revival now in progress.
The firt of April will again witness a
great deal of changing round among the folks
that have to move. What a terror these
annual Sittings arc !
The shooting match between Mr. John
Selwood, of this place, and Mr. Moses
Shields, of Oakland, will come off on Satur
day afternoon next, at the Fair ground.
The singing of the Choir of the M. E.
Church has been improved by the assistance
of Mr. Harry Wolfe and Miss Anuie Wolfe.
Harry presides at the organ in an artistic
Howard Patterson and P. B. Keller,
students of Dr. Geo. W. Seip, graduated at
the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia,
last week. Both are promising young men
and they will no doubt rise to distinction in
thc medical profession.
Luzerne county does a big law business.
For the year 1873 there were G.500 civil case
on the argument list. For the October term
alone there were 3,200 cases. In the Quar
ter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer for the
same year there were 1,171 cases.
Dr. Homer J. Patterson, dentist at
East Stroudsburg, who has been confined to
his room forsorne time past with inflammatory
rheumatism, is rapidly improving and will
soon be able to resume thc duties of his
The water was let into the Delaware
Canal between Easton and Bristol, yester
day, and the line will be opened for business
on Monday 23d inst. The Canal is now
owned and manscd by the New Jersey
Central Railroad, and is in fine working
The "Patrons of Husbandry" of this
County, each grange to be represented by
the Master, three Husbandmen and three
Matrons, all 4th. degree members, will meet
in this Borough, on Friday the 27th inst,
for the purpose of forming a county orgniza
One day last week- while Mr. Samuel
Buckley, foreman of Wallace's planii
mill, wa3 engaged in removing a piece of
lumber lying close by a blind-slat sawin
machine, the middle finger of the left hand
was caught in the saw and badly lacerated,
and only for his coolness and presence of
mind might have lost his hand. The wound
was dressed by Dr. Geo. W. Jackson, and
is now doing well.
Miss Barry, teacher of the colored school,
complains that some persons, unknown, are
in the habit of almost nightly entering the
school house, and from indications, play
cards and befoul the floor with peols of
tobacco spit .It is to be hoped that the
proper officers will see to the matter. The
perpetrators, are no doubt members of the
gangs who, in the early part of the evening
infest our street corners . and insult passersby
with obscene remarks and ribald jokes.
A White Elephant. Mr. Adam Fore
paugh of Philadelphia, has received a letter
from thc office of the consulate of the United
States in Bangkok, Siam, stating that hi
agent, Mr. Patey, left thc latter place on the
6th of January last, taking with him a white
elephant, the first that ever left the kingdom
of Siam. The conditions upon which the
permission was granted Mr. Patey to remove
the animal provides for its safe return. With
twelve natives to assist him, Mr. Patey is
bringing the rare quadruped oyer to this
country per Dutch ship Osten.
"An Englishman who has been all over
the world writes in one of the London
weeklies that New York women IiaTe the
prettiest mouths he has ever seen." He
didn't visit Stroudsburg.
The third indictment charees Wm. tional Bank in front, and the business and upon its standing as rhe only or leading Ke-
as a member 0f Lrnnr;Ptnrs private offices in the rear. The publican in the city. Ihe tact3 clearly md
a I ml . I - 1
fifty-six strong. Thc afternoon was spent in the Common Couucil. 1 he fourth charges seconti joor j3 cut Up into offices for rent and catc that Scranion's appointment will not gire
street work, closing with a prayer in the ro- Joseph C. Young with misconduct while ralI y occnpied a8 law offices the third universal satisfaction hereabouts,
tunda of the State House. The Legislature acting Commissioner nf J8 uoor ia a book-bindery and the fourth floor The week has furnished its usual chapter of
was not in session at the time. Several more LujUv to Cachof these" charges. In thc first contains the editorial and composing rooms, accidents to miners and others hereabout?, but
groceries have surrendered. two indietments the parties were required to The arrangement throughout i3 excellent, and I have already drawn my letter too long to
cive 10,1)1)0 hail each, and in me lasc iwo nccessarv to render each make an especial note ot them.
... - ma "It 1 i - 1 - 7 l -
DAYTON, March 15. The crusaders con- . cacn. i ncse wsc wm u -u m.- for the g for vhich To-day is St. Patrick's day, and a great dar
. . i tnro .1 nfirf upmifiin the i.ourt oi uver ana . . . ... .., ., , -.,...,..
tinue active work, tut cannot induce any m - i -i . fua nf th it was intended has been secured without re- u ttilu mwc nu Viu mur iuu 10 me
I XVlllllllVl ' I" - I w j
League has resolved to adopt the detective
... ... . 1 1 i
system, and will soon attempt to establish
guards near ca:h bar room to record the
names of customers.
This will be nuite as annovins as the
March 13th, 1874. )
Editor Jeffersonian. Dear Sir:
Please allow me, through your columns, to style of its get up typographical, political and
gard to expense. The appointments of the memory ol the great departed. Already the
printing departments are all first class. different Irish societies are gathering forth
Of the characteristics of the Republican, it grand parade, notwithstanding it is stormy,
- I . it 1.1
is not so easy to write. I think, however, the the streets are muuuy and the Lamohc lath,
word "ponderous' will far better express the ers set their faces against it. I will attempt a
description of the parade in my r.est.
U.11 J
m, i r i. -. -mC.iTxA .mfitii1o fr, fVio "nivfrl llfprnrv - than tlie words "liffhl"
nrsi-pi's. r,irs 1 nomas, a cniei crusaucr. naa cALncaa lu uiuiuuuu hiamuui, w c
, - . . . - . . ,.: m; j 1 J
been held to bail for obstructing thc streets, of all good," and the people ot this charge : m pouues repuoucan, ioueu uu fcum-
n t .1 . . I'll A 1 Vmm I s.w ff Mh t--T fj' 1 - .1
urst, tor the great prosperity wnicn nas at- ciuwwm
tended our labors during the conference year "buts" which act so readily for the easement
now about closing : and. secondly, for the of editors who have a penchant for indepen-
nn;r.-.n L-;nlT.oee tnvir n1 fniniK-. havn dence of action when men and measures do
i r n '.l e i i., k o not exactlv come up to their ideas of the true tions from "Strauss" and other celebrated
' ,, , .i fit.f ,;f ctofn l,t tlio mart. 11 wa3 mis wnicn enaoiea u a iew i musicians : out wiieu ut-r sml-ci br:n-
oruaders were out to-dav followed by a larere to the nrst, permit me to state, that the n , , '
movements were attended religious interests ol the charge, have been K f kLC: ,:1 I, Zl
advanced Our number has 1 ' iiuihiuih v iRi'uui.n Hg air, cuewuh.! u, uwis um upuj
btate Convention, and to continue the mdui- the midnight air, or like last Monday morn-
nnd will be tried on Wednesday. Father
Gaety, Catholic priest, declaimed bitterly
against the crusaders to-day.
Jefferson ville, Ind., March 15. Fifty
What lVe lieard and Saw within
the Week. '
Charming to pass the residence of th?
"blonde" and hear her playing choice selec-
crowd. but their
with lesa excitement than heretofore. A very greatly
number of saloons were visited, butnoshina- been more than doubled including an outlay
tures were obtained. It is thought the ing appointment, at the school house, on the
saloonists will apply for an injuction on Mon- north and south turnpike, one mile above
day to prevent an obstruction of the fctrcets. It ork s Station, where a society ot some
fifteen or sixteen, (the most ot them proba
Piwiwati. March 14. A com Darison tioners,) has been found. Uur financial con
gence of the luxury until almost the eleventh ;ngi greets the feathered songsters, whofiut-
hour of the campaign, when some unknown ter around in mute astonishment, the ec
but potent influence induced the editor to chantment vanishes like a dream. " Coae
buckle on the harness and go to work for the
cause, ihe stau ot the lirpubiiean embraces
one principal editor, two assistants, one news'
editor, and 6ome five reporters. On reading
over the paper one wonders, taking the paucity
of production in view, how so many find employ-
of the returns of internal revenue collections dition, is also, remarkably healthy, consider-
in 1 1 of the largest liquor districts in Indiana ing the recent monetary troubles, and the
and Ohio for the months of January and very unfavorable winter we have had for
February gives some idea of the effect of the lumbering. Your readers would naturally ment for the-ir tjme, jat they are certainlv
women's temperance movement upon the conclude that, m view ot the almost utter there and it is only on the hvpothesis that
liquor traffic. The following figures show stagnation in the business of this locality, editorial and reportorial labors are so wearing
the decrease in the amount and monthly col- there would be a corresponding falling off, and weakening, that cause is apparent for their
lections from all sources, and it is estimated or depreciation in the financial department being there. The paper enjoys popularity and
i r,:1a of cn oy. rvont rP Tir!rtffhr rhnrfh Tuf, such 15 not the case, hnnst a pirrnlation of some 5.000. this citv
UV ItnCllUO UUltlUia lUttl JJ. vm. 7 - ' ' - . T T 1 J V . t.,it.
collections are derived from alcohol and malt my salary, ($S00.OO) will be paid in full, if and Wilkes Barre being the principal points ruthlessly kicked about on Mam aet trt
liauors: not a little beyond, in view of the help affor- of demand. The Weekly Republican, being Saturday, by fiends without souU. 1:
and kiss me," "Little Birdie," or even 'Tut
me in my little bed," would be more capti
vating. Thc "Trio" have made their ap
pearance upon our streets. They lock as
sweet and fresh as the "Flowers of Spring.''
Academy Hill does not bear an enviable
reputation. Like "The Heathen Chiaee,"
it has its "ways that arc dark, and tricks that
are vain." One of the fair sex who is fat,
fair, and not forty, was mortified, if not
pained, to see her useful appendage bustle,
1st Ohio (Cincinnati) District, $154,609 90; Jed b' tbe society at the school house. Our
IVth Ohio (Urbana) District, $9,246 13 ; conierence collections, in me aggregate, in
Vth Ohio (Finly) District, $4,49547; Vlth e in advance or mose rcporxea last year.
Ohio (Athens) District, $11,359 67; Xth But now, sir, I have something better yet to
' . . ' ' j. i.t : i. i .: ru:
21 : Hid Indiana (Columbus) District, consequent buigumiuu iu me imamcaa u. iu
$5,723 24; IVth Indiana (Greensburg) Dis- community, the people maae tneir usual an-
tript. RR:.oS2 19 : V lth Indiana Indian- "u" '" l "1C yt i""1"""
nnnlio Dlcfriof ftls.R.UlR: Vth Indiana! 'n the evening,) and gave us additional evi-
, - -1 , , . ,. , , . - ,,
I V-W,stl District. S74fi 02. ence oi tneir Kina regarus, m uie lavor oi a
" I i .. At .1. 1
Thp total dofrMsft in the 11 d strict aooation snpper, me procecua oi wmcu ag
gregated the handsome some ot eighty
dollars and seventy-four cents, ($S0.74.)
rennhlionn natprnif r. Thp. turer la
tTuAn- n;ctr;t i zkq ss- "VVTTTfh I ten you, in reiauon to mis uepanment ui .-.v. r-t - -
im t Tr.i aiso-i m I onrnnpratmns. iNntwifchstanainfftheextremel "r116"l'.T " vui.v
io ivieveianui iisiriLi., tu,oi uw. " . , ,,
. . . . . . -w-. . . u . , j a am . w. rt v i - n r nnn ino r - - .
Indiana Kvansvi e District. S4.267-1 "kwu wiu """"w u,., ; . .
greater esteem, uiougu as aa exponent
named is therefore $353,720 14.
made up of the contents, of the Daily is abund
antly noticed above.
The Daily Times is the organ of the democ
racy hereabouts, though it is eaid to have a
held in I
of the
vim and enterprizc of the city it is some de
grees behind it. It is the larger paper of the the coming season to teach the camels hot
two, but its contents are neither eo varied nor to whistle. Evening walks will soon hi in
so well put together. A. A. Chase, Esq., is dulged in by "young and giddy" lovers, wl
the manager of the Times, editorial and other- the "Bridge of Sisrhs" will be freauentel b
wise. The names of its proprietors, however,
are buried in the mystery of a silence which I
came from Academy Hill, upon it was
name, that name was no, we will not tell,
but respectfully indite the following:
Dearest bustle, thou did'st leave me,
Yes, in the dark shades of Friday niit,
Only to haunt me with thy presence
On Main street, in broad day-light.
Thc handsome burnette, who whistles lik?
an "old salt," is contracting with Barnuni frr
will not attpmnt tn npTiPtrstp. Tlip Inn
Will the Temperance Crusade reach our This was done, chiefly, by the people in, and f h T . Baid t h reached 2,000. .
aajaceni io ine viuage oi iouyiiauna, lor inc 0f tl Veeklics the Scranton Journal takes
roads, at that time, were almost impassable, precedence in foint of ace. if we except the
But you are ready to say, "was not that Republican. The paper is published by the
enough?" Thc people did not think so, at Brother's Benedict, makes no pretention toj
any rata ; and hence, about the middle of being an extraordinary specimen of journal-
borough ? This question has already become
the subject of much discussion by our temper
ance advocates, and, from present indications
our citizens would not be surprised if Strouds
burg should be included in its onward march
Already the "tidal wave'
has reached February, we were invited, by the congrega- ism, but is really a very excellent paper. It
its old habitues. "A starry night for 3 ru
ble," embodies a sentimeut that ni;
endorsement with every pretty Miss, acJ :?
also emphatically endorsed by the spoosey
young gentlemen who haunt thc prouieaak
and look languishingly on.
" O, Summer nights were made for love.
And love was made for Summer niglua."
musing to see the good natured Jolm r-3
Lshley, Luzerne county, and the Scranton tion of thc new appointment at the school is neatly printed but I cannot say that I hare "Swarty" make their exit through the h
undav Free Press tells us with what result: house, to sit down with them to a second special regard for a taste which is pleased with door of the engine house, and Will, sock rc-
Indecd Ashley has already felt the effects delicious donation supper, given at the house the qnarto instead of "ye ancient" folio form fuge in the coal binx when a lady cai.el 'r
of the praying band. We are told that they of Mr. Lew. Smith, at Fork's Station, and of newspapers. The paper is well supported, the purpose of organizing a bible c!a
have a regularly organized temperance league from which thirty-seven dollars and fifty The Sunday Morning Free IYs, under "the "Tannery" tried to cover himself with the
with L'residentess, VieeFresidentcssandother centSj ($37.50) were realized, making a sum editorial management of koon, is printed engine, but it was too thin. "G
necessary uwcers. xiivy uvkau eevciui i .i t 7 j lr 3
rfa n-n r,d rfnrinrr that, timfi hav visits total of one hundred and eighty dollars and
most of the paloons in Ashley and held pray- itcenty-four cents, from the two.
cr meetings duriuz the afternoons and even- And vet the neorle say. "they did'nt try
lsi The. principal accs visited were much this time." Is'nt this a pretty good
Tabler's. When they called at Mrs. Keicer s
they found that lady out and the house barred
against their entrance. They were informed
that Mrs. K. had gone to the city to buy a
new stock of liquors. Mr. Lynch was at home
but could not understand the nature of their
visit to his domicile. He mistook the cru
saders for a party of jolly women, who not
being satisfied with home and home duties,
had come to his place for a epree ; leaving
their husbands at home in the enjoyment of
a cold supper, or else bothering their brains
how they could meet the dress and millinery
bills that were due, and satisfy the servant
girls who were clamorous for their "back
Kay." In reply to their request for a room,
e replied : ' Certainly ; you are welcome.
What shall I send you in to drink?" Thc
ladies explained to him that they had come
to hold a prayer meeting, but as he had never
heard what a prayer meeting was or what it
was like, he remained as ignorant as ever of
their intent, thinking in his blissful ignorance
that prayer meeting meant some new kind of
drink, lie said that he hadn t a drop in the
bar, but if they would go to "Conrad's" they
might get some there. The ladies, however,
were not to be bluffed off, anl the meeting
was opened and continued for a considerable
time. Conrad's saloon was the scene of the
next meeting. Conrad is a German. In
his reception of the crusaders and in inter
preting the meaning of their call, he became,
like Lynch, guilty of an innocent little blun
der, and mistook thetn for a serenading party
who had come to honor him with an even
ing concert He received them kindly, of
course, and when the meeting was closed,
and they were about to depart, he beirirGd
them to stay and "sing ytst eine UJdle song
showing ? When I came to the charge last
"Peevie" stood it like true heroes.
Thc Altoona Tribune rzys : So far :
th rrnehra of thf Altoona D.
r -
Central Pennsylvania Cocferenca, :
by an association of journeymen printers, and
is in greater demand, probably, than any oth
er paper printed here. The typographical
appearance of the Free Press is hardly up to
what should be looked for from an association
t..i-J cA t,Jof craftsmen.bat it is readable, and beinsr Church, have rinorted to the Preside
pi 11 Id. x luuiu uuv uuu iunv ucicuun. niiui . . - . ... . I --r-- .
I Ah t I HA MMMt AM Ml St OT link a l A I 1 .T 1.1 . O A 11 " . T W rk ft 7 .
,1., Mrtf.c :nn nF ro mnn-ortfi nW: Tint I liJUV-14 l" rv"M"l", " ,i,u-" tw,,6'" ilUer, l.OUU aCCe'IlOHS nare Wifcu
niiti. ii is iviuuai iu nuic tta wum uKll U1C J(J mB CnUTCn lUC IlUHS VI lc i
population both great and small patrician influence within its bounds. Full rep
and plebeian. All affect to despise it, and will, doubtless, swell the numbsr
proclaim against it, yet all, after a sigh of greater. The jcar has been one o. ip
relief at finding themselves left out in the eral religious prosperity.
forty-five but now we have forty-five in full
membership, and forty-seven probationers.
In conclusion, I repeat, I am profoundly
grateful. to all the people, for their repeated
evidences of love and respect for myself and
family ; and most devoutly pray, that these
pleasing relations may continue during all
my sojourn with them.
T. W. Maclary, Tastor.
New U. S. District Court.
JUr. bhoemaker, of the Allth district,
has introduced in the llouie of Iiepre
sentatives at Washington, a bill to create jU(
a distnet and circuit court of the United
States for the Northern district. The
bill has. been favorably reported by the
committee, and will doubtless pass. It
will be composed of the counties of Pot
ter, Tioga, McKean, Bradford, Susque
hanna, Wayne, Lycoming, Nortbumber
laud, Union, Soyder, Montour, Columbia,
fcullivan, Wyoming, Luzerne, Carbon,
Pike, Monroe, Center) Dauphin, Juniatta
and Clinton. Court will be held in
iif:h it i iii'ii' . t , uarre anu w iinauisporc. juue
present number, commence at once indulging
an excitement of fear which bears them down
and only culminates in relief on the appear
ance of the next number to find them treated
with the same pleasant tenderness I have
never heard the number of its circulation, but
it is novel to strange ears to be saluted with
"Sunday Morning Free Tress" from hundreds
of boyish throats on the still Sabbath morning.
ging from the number of these cries cotn-
During the revival in the Met
Episcopal church in.TitusTille, u:':
began about the first of January,
persons have been converteJ, and e-a
two have joined the church.
will ofTr Tiira nmon n tin? IU
Kregate to 15,000, to be contMteJ Jj
the races on the 2L'd. L'od aua
:S from all parts of the city I should judge Ju1v nait. on their course.
lint flip Bfiloa rf tlia V-m 7-.a I .
tn'ita rxiKltlr. I WU. - t , -rifa rU3Ji C
re r- j ti .lc . 1 : i Va c-une i''1.
vi iiicucuimi im it eicii papers 1 Know next ur si uuy s pauis precisely in" ,
to nothintr. not understandin?? their "lincrn" ai behind, the father exdai
lam not competent to judge of their qualities, ness ! he won't know whether be I
ni , . . .. i. : 1 .
ineirmany readers, however, epeult well of lu scuooi or comiug homo
them, which is much to their credit.
The strike among the railroad men which I
mentioned in my last as being in embryo is
said to have been squelched by an advance of
The ihipmen ta of lumber from ";:
part for the na onths of JanarJ ,
February loot up the nanus-j-
T-r 1 1. ... I I
K rin9m rv r VVillraa Kii-.a I I nK., K I I 1 It . . V. rr,,
. x. . . i m , miiim Ttin piuuuuij iiu pi tcui. upuit ineir wages, mere is a
be appointed to preside over tha court. spark of trouble yet slumberineamonc the rail
road laborers owinjr to the fact that the 10 rer
The patrons of Husbandry io Wisconsin cent does not
ave started a newinaner catitlpd h ttnn in rw.-.imK i.. ti r-.i
, I -o" Aitxj men reuciveii
Voicing Machine. $1.50 per day and now. under the ronoeS,l.-,n
28,832, 1G0 feet, an increase
of II.
U60 feet over the same period last y
Purchasers are among the
at gocul prices. This will make""
matters easier in that lect.eD-