I, i .- ' 1 ' I 1 1 II Taz Enipiie Brag Store!! !U (Removed to Fowler's building.) ffZSSdhf ' hive recently boujht the Stock p-r cf Drui'e in Nicho'a Ru-ier's buil Yhiii dinir. f.r.rrly owned by M. F. Evm. and have ad Jed a larje rupply of NEW GOODS, PURE DE.UG3 AND MEDICINES, different brand of pure WHITE LEAD and ether PAINTS, Pare SPICES, ground acd ucgroucd, l,.n-eed Oi!, rw an 1 boiled, Japan Dryers, V.imislie, Window French and American Putty, latnt Medicines, Fruii Jar?, p.ire Wine? and Li-q'inr-5 f.r medical purpose, Rye Whiskey, 7 yrars o!d, and will keep ;u hand a goo.1 Mipply of Horse & Cattle Powder, Frof-?or Myers Horse Lin iment, llml India Oil, Shoulder Braces and Supporter.-, I .-imps and Fixtures, and every thing u-ually kept x a n A' r a s r o n i: i f i f hive the askance of (C. S. Derrick, v ho lias hjd 13 e.rs experience in reading MeJicines and dissir.'isin J Drugs,) and Siiinu.-l Wi'liai.s who lus Leen in the business Physicians Pre. cript'on? carefully cni pomuVd fr-'in the purest material. Physi cian- ord e i'r Dr.ijjs and MeOicine? c.ire full filled, from selected ttock at reasonable mire. All order. by Stage or otherwise, will be pn.niptlv aiiented io. Give tne a cjII and p ti.-'V yourselves. P FT Fit WILLIAMS. StntiJsinirg. T'a. July 21,'73-Gm. Aye r s Sarsaparilla Is wjrit 1- known n one cf the moi-t i-!.- - J- iiintion. hn.'nl :i its i .'riii-i v iriiiCf. nn-l fustninc-d y it? re i'!.:vkii!i!e errc'. -So iniM as to Le a!e nnJ ::-itvi.-;l to ehililren. and yet so fcartl.inj t efiectuaHy purc o.jt tlie re;it eor iTijtriya A' the Llt.xxl. iuh a? the scrofulous ! -vnliirni." ecintflhihiatit'm. Iii.uuritii??. hi. eae- that have lurked in the svstcm 'v year.", koh yield to 1 1 il r powerful anti- !'..". a:t 1 i'.i.-aj)pear. IIei.ee its wonderful e'.-.v?. r.ir.r.v cf wli:..li are jm'.kly known, f .Scroiuht, ar.i all scrofulous tli-ease, L"IeCi'.s Krui( ions, aixl eruptive di ivr. of the skin. Ttimors, JJIotelics, I.oils Pimplfs, I'urstulcs, Sores, St. AntluMiv'.s Firo, Iito:c or Hrysipp I.tS Tiller, Salt Khcunt ScaM 1!c:k!, i:iiiprvo:ii2, ami internal UI-cr:ir-M;s of t;c 'tcriA, .Stomach, ZAvi'T. Jt also cures other co:n ' ; -its. t whi- h it vciiM not se.?!ti epeii r. l: pt. !. as Dropsy, Dyspcji : !.u Tits, Xri:rnli;i, IJrarf Ii;-cat Weakness, J)ebilit3, and Lrju-orrlMf a, v.l-.en tiiy are jnanitesta- h"'H cf tilt' S4 Toll! ''.. pt. -!!;. Ir i- v.a e; -i:.-:!t restorer of heahh and ' mi'.Ii in tlie Si-.i'iT- Py nnevar.z the ;:;"tie an i virnf tl:'. iliestive orpins, li--!t.:ii s the ih-prein and listless lan- : ;-r,t' the -.m-ii. I'von where nodisorder .-j ars. jai.p'i- ;'! In-tter. and live longer, i "eaiin i!'e l!.Hd. 'Il:e systi-m moves fi v. i:!i ivraed lior a:id a new lease of h.c. P tl r PA 72 E D P. Y Dr. J. C. AYER h CO., Lowell, Mass., I'ritrllrrtl ami .i'U'lftirtil Clieiriixts. -M ' ALL DKUOUI.-sTS EVESVV.'IIEKE. April 17, 1S73 Iy. Ayer's ror, For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. A clress-iiipi Wiiieh is at onee acrreeahlo. 7 P-M effectual for "x yX-:S preserving the clr, iciti the V.? oiid fresfiir-; nf totfi. Thin imir is, t ti'ck nel. f;iliin liair checked, a.irl ha!Jne3 often, though not ahvaj-s, i-iire.l by hi use. Nothing can restore the huir where t lie follicle are de stroyed, or the' glands atrophied and decayed; h-it stieh as remain can he saved ly this application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a 'new jTrowth of hair h produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasly sedi-wi-nf, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its rcasiojsal ne will prevent tho hair from turnitig gray or falling off, and i-'Hiseouently prevent haldnes. Tiic jv.-tratio i of vitality it give. to the s-.-ah) arrests a;id prevents the forma t:o:i of dan Irnit, wliich is often so un- l'..v:i!y and oi'feusive. Free from those d-.I.iteiij.t i S'lhjtaiK'es which make s-.:;ir ;r-n ir ttioii-s dangerous and inju ri us t ) tiie liair, the Vigor can only beneiit hut not liar;:? it If wanted vrAy for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else eau be found so desirable. 'obtaining neither oil nor dye, it does vo: soil white cambric, and j-et lasts lingua tli hair, giving it a rich, glossy 7otre, and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., lracti:sl and Anuljrtical Cheinita, LOWfJhL, iIASS. Aprd 17, ly. BLANK MORTGAGE ' r s; air at this Office " 1 'w. 'I ::ttial remedies L'S! j ever discovered lbr 5r rXj'Aty eU-anMrg the svs-vCf-."pijT''i tem r.vA pnrifving SKap vcar-. with a ccn- r w ..lull i i Hair Vi mhJl 'V' Mod iiAr oi' v7a,j hair 0r6V-3L.yr 1o its Qi'i'jinal KCCKAFEII0V'' DEALER IX Readr-JIade Clothing, Cents Fur nishing Goods, Hals & Caps, Boots & Shoes, &c. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. (Near the Depot) The public are invited to call and exam ine goods. Prices moderate. May 6, 1SS9. tf. ItchTltcliTTtcli ! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! USE HOLLKSEEAD'S ITf n i SALT BIIE111 01 .YDIENT, No Family should be without this valua ble medicine, for on the first appearance o' the disorder on the wriets, betweeu the fin rers, &.C., a slight application tf the Oint ment will cure it, and prevent its being ta ken by others. Warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. Prepared and so'd. wholes-tie nnd reatil, by W. HOLLlNSHrJAP, Oct. 13, 1?67. Dru?git Cards, Bill-Heads, Labels, k, SKIT, CAEAP AND QUICK, Printed to Order at the JEFFERSONIAN Printing OFFICE, Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. 57 All Orders promptly filled. Give u. a call. PAPER 1IAXSER, GLAZIER AND PAINTER, ilONKOE STREET, Nearly opposite Kautz's D'ackmith S':op, Strocdsscrc, Pa. The undersigned wou'd respectfully in fortn the citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinity tint he is now fully prepired to do all kind of Paper Hanging, G'azing and Painting, promptly and at short notice, and that he will keep constantly on hand a fine stock o! Paper Hanging of all descripiions and at low prices. The patronage of the public is earnestly soIiced. ay 1G, 1872. LOOK! LOOK!! Mr. J. A. Plays, OF THE Popular Hat & Cap Emporium Hjs just returuned from the cities with an immense stock of Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnish ing Goods, for Spring and Summer wear, which he is one ring at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Thankful for past favors, I reppectfully ask my old customers -nd the publio generally to examine my Stock and Prices before making purchases elsewhere. Store on Main Street, Strondsbnrg, Pa., a few doors above ibe. Washington Hotel. J. A. HAYS. April 24, '73-tf G. H. Dreher. E. B. Dreher pi-ice osrizx: (2 doors west of the "Jeffersonian Office,") . ELIZABETH STREET, Stromlsburjr, Ia., DREHER & BRO., DEALERS IS llrugs, Medicines, Perfumery and Toilet Articles. IPaints, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS & PUTTY. Abdominal Supporters and Shoulder Braces. Seeley's Hard ItLIti:it TltlSSKS Also Bitter's TRUSSES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS. Lamps and Lanterns Burning and Lubricating Oils. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully Com nounded. N. B. The highest Cash price paid for itri iinv'PL'n'in.'i.nr may4-tf. BLANK DEEDS For sule tt this Office Job DR. BUTLER'S CURATIVE 0IKT3ILTT BOTH DUAWIXG AXD HEALLXG. Is working moet remarkable; cure in every ca.e. It is provit.ir itself to be the most speedy and tffectual remedy known for the variou forms of external bodily afflictions as specified below : ThU OINTMENT i comred of the bet materia!, known to the Materia Medica for the cure of all kinds of Skin Diseases; Sores, Bruises,. Culs, Frosled Feet, Cliappeti Hands, ESPECIALLY VALUABLE FOR CARBUNCLES AXD BOILS, Poison, Salt Y-h'1, Tetter, E'irnt and Scalds, Jornt, SwM Jltaft, JSurrt, Vvrf rsjet, Jiy siptl'i, Sore Lip, Blotches in all their stages; for open Felons, Bums, Ulcers, of a scrofulous character, and for all Cancer on affections. For anv external affection this OI2STTME2T will be found preferable to all sorts of poul tices, planters and salves, in every stage of such affection. S. S. D-.trick, Drup'gi-t, Ea-t Stroudsburg, General Agent. " ffcb2(73-ly UNDERTAKING. McCARTY has on hand the largest and best assortment of COFFINS and ZZf TRIMMINGS be found outside of either city (New York or Philadelphia), and will make this branch or his business A SPECIALITY. COFFINS and CASKETS of any ize or style, can be furnished at one hour's notice for shipment, at a charge or one-third LESS THAX ANY SHOP IN StROCDSBCRO If nocase iil he charge mere than TEN PEK CENT abote actual cost. I? .TIB A L1ILG attended to in any pirt of the Count at the shortest possibie notice. Sept. 26,67-tf rjpHE TALKING MACHINE. The Domestic Sririns: 3Iac!ilnc THE "LIGHT RUSSiSG-gL "DOMESTIC1 SIMPLICITY EASE OF Ma itartf-rncnt. XouscUss. and and "rV nuxxixo, TALKS ITSELF IXTO PUBLIC FA VOR. THE WORLD CHALLENGED! To produce a Family Sewing Machine that will sew as light, and as heavy, that is as light running, and as easily operated. This Machine is warranted to wear equilly as long as any other manufactured. Sold on monthly pavmems. For sale by DARIUS DREHER, Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa. Sept. 12. 1572. NEW STORE -:and:- NEW GOODS -: at :- REDUCED PRICES. DARIUS DREHER, begs leave to an nounce to his friends and to the pub lic generally, that he has just received a general assortment of i Dry Good) Xotions, Dress Trimmings, AND MIL L IX ER Y GOODS consisting, in part of the following desirable articles, viz. : Calicoes, Laic us, French Cliititzs, Children's Dress Goods, Worked Edgings, Parasols, Zepliers, Shetland Wools, Shetland Wool Shaicls, Delaines, Muslins, White Dresi Goods, ' Insert ings, Lady's and Children's Sacks Flannel and Cloth, Lady's, Misses and Men's Hoes, Gloves and Collars, Mourning Goods, Shroudings, it'C, fc., Goods shown with pleasure. ''Quicks eales and small profits at the old and well known iMiIlinery Stand ot r. A. ImKMKiL The Millinery business will be carried on as usual by Mrs. Dreher. Patronage respectly solicited. DARIUS DREHER. April 26, 16B0. 4 XSCE STOCK OF CIIOICi: il. Family Groceries, Queensware, Glass ware, Wood and V lllow-ware, at C. U. ANDREA Co. Terms CASH. jari. 30, 73 tf. IU.AMK" T. R ASKS I For Sale at this Office. NEW MACHIKE SHOP! The Fubscriber hating started a Machine Shop, rear the head of Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa., is prepared to build, and repair all kinds of Machinery with accuracy, ana aispatcn. Being fitted wi h SPECIAL MACMXERY FOR TURX IXG. SHAFTIXG. AXD PUL LEYS, AXD WITI IM PROVED TOOLS of various kind?, and having an experiance of over Thirty yearn, in designing, and baildinsr machinery for special purpose?, I feel warranted in guaranteeing the best of work. Have on hand, ana building, POUTABLC STEAM ENGINES, of from 2 to 10 Horse Power. deizned especially for Farm ue, or for driving any light machinery. I also keep in stock, several thousand feet of Premium New York Oak Tanned Belting, in widths of 1$ inch to 6 inches (can obtain wider ones at very short notice) at manu fjcturers prices, also Lace Leather, Belt Rivet?, Punches, tc, STEAM PIPES & FITTINGS of the variouss sizes, at shori. notice. Pipe cut and fitted, Hemp & Rubber Steam Packing. I would call the attention of Blacksmiths. Wheelwrights, and others, to my assort ment of all sizes of Machine Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Lag Screws, and Bolt-ends, which I offer at New York prices. The Blt-enls especially, being threaded and fitteJ with nus by machineiy, enable the B'acksrxiiths to furnish bolts ot any lergth, much cheaper, and quicker, than to cut them bv hand. Call in and see my stock and Machinery. G. SAN FORD. March C, 1573 tf. LOOK THIS WAY, ALL VRO WANT Carriacrc Work or Clatksmithin?; DONE IN A SUPERIOR MANNER! THE Subscriber begs leave to in jf form the public that he is fully pre ir tared. at his establishment, at the corner of Simpson and Sarah streets, in the borough of Stjoudshurg, to make to order, every style of Carriage, Wagon, and, in fact, everything in his line of bu- iiness, at the shortest possible notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Carriages repaired, trimmed and paint ed in the best style of the art. Having first-class material always on hand, and none but first-class workmen engaged, the public are assured that none but first-class work will be turned out at his shop. In connection with his Carnage Shop he has also a Blacksmith Shop, where superior workmen will always be found ready to attend to the orders of customers The public are invitei to call and ex amine his stock before purchasing else where. VALENTINE KAUTZ. September 19, lSG7.-tf. Gothic Hall Dnin Store. AViliiam Klollinslieatl, Wholesale and Uetail Druggist. STROUDSBURG, Pa. Constantly on hand and tor sale cheap for cash, a fresh sup ply of Drugs, Medicines, Paiuts, Oil, Glass, Putty, Varnish, Ker osene Oil, Perfumery and Fancy Goods; also Sash, blinds and Doors. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purpose. P. S. Physicians Prescriptions care fully compounded. Stroudsburg, July 7, 1S64. Chance to make Money ! One Hncdred Dollars from One Dollar. .1 sure thins and no Deception. Every person owning- HORSES, CAT TLE, SHEEP and HOGS are guaranteed to make One Hundred Dollars by usinj a One Dollar Package of YOUATT'S CONDITION POWDER," manufactured by William Hollinshead, Stroudsburg'. If you have never used it try a Package and if it doea not benefit your stock to the amount of one hundred dollars, in your estimation, call at the store and get your money refunded. HORSES. It will give them a good ap petite, keep their skin loose and renders the coat soft and shining, keeping them in good condition with one-half the feed, being there by a saving of one-half the money. COWS. It makes them give more milk with one-half the feed, and if they give more milk of course you make more BUTTFR, and the more butter the more money. I have so much confidence in the Cattle Powder that I make the above offer, know ing well that it will do all that id claimed for it. WM. HOLLINSHEAD. 07" Ask to see The Great Tobacco An tidote. March 1, 18G9. tf. Harness & Saddlery. The above lusiiess has again been re nmed at the old Ptand, lately swept awy hr tK lati fi od. near Baldwin's Hotel, in Stroudsfcrrr, w here will be kept constantly j on hard the best asscrtir.ent of ilarnfss, dcuble and single, Saddlfs. Bridie?, Collars, and every other article o.oilly furnished in this line of business. AVork made to order on the shortest notice. A large assortment of Mountings and Saddlery Hard ware always on hand. Call and make yoar ow selection, and it will be furnished in rtyle ard price not to be excelled in this market. Strict attention pid to repiinngand done in shortest notice. Call and examine JOHN O. SAY LOR. Agent f.r PETER GRUVER October fi. 1570. tf extensive lot of STOVES of all descriptions have been received at the store of the subscriber, in the borough of Slroudslurg. He has COOKING STOVES, & PARLOR STOVES, of the latest improvements; and entire new styles, and considerable saing of fuel, which can be had at the lowest City prices. Alto all kinds of Stove-Pipe. A large assortment of TIN WARE of ev ery description, constantly on hand, which will be sold at wholesale and retail, as rea sonable as can be hnd in the Citv. All kinds of repairing done in the shortest. cheapest and best manner. Call and exam ine his stock before you purch ise elsewhere. Feb 11, m WM. S.FLORY. SAMUEL HOOD. WioJtSale a:d jR'.t itl Duller in C00K&PARL0R STOVES. TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, AND IN Metal House Furnishing Goods GENERALLY. Roofing and Spouting done' on short notice, with the best material, and at reasonable prices. His stock of Cook, Parlor and Oface Stoves embrace-; ail the best varieties known to the trade. CALL AXD SEE. Store third building, above the Methodist Church. Alain street, STROUDSBURG, PA. August 4, IS70. tf. NOW 18 THE TIME TO CSE Yotiatt's Condition Powder. In the Fall and Winter when your cows give but little milk this powder is sure to increase .he quantity and improve the qual ity, lor hor$fs. it increases the appetite promotes digestion, exhilerates the spirits renders the coat soft and shining. For Hos one package in your swill barrel wili hasten the fattening process at least 100 per cent This powder has proved an excellent article for sheep. Be sure you get the Genuine Youatt's Condition Powder, MANUFACTURED BY WILLI A. 11 IIOLLI.SIIEAD, All other is a counterfeit. See that the name of WM HOLLINSHEAD is on each package and buy no other. Warranted to give satisfaction or the money refunded. Nov. 19, '03 WM. HOLLINSHEAD. D 0.T yon know Jl. n McCarly is the only Undertaker in Stroudsburg who understands his business! If not, attend a Funeral managed bv any other Undertaker in town, and you wi'll see the proof of the fact. Sept. 16,'67 DOVT roiIGIlT that when you want any thing in the Furniture or Ornamental line that McCarty. in the Odd-Fellows Hall, Main Street, Strouds burg, Pa., is the place to gel it. Sept. Tj DOVT IbYoTsrifroXEl' away for worthless articles of Furni well but go to McCarty's, and you will et ture, paid for Sept. 20, rf37 '.: --f ----- -,Zr-; V f 1 r;--i';' v- - V 1 V.' 1 p s v;il:.:ams, v Watchmaker & Jeweler MAIN ST, STROUDSBURG p. I ' Located in corner tuildir g. third low the Jener?onianofFice. Koc,-, 'y fitted op, and heavily slocked within nest assortment of ' CTockt, Watches, Jewelry, JeweV. tions, &c, ' 5" ever ofiVred in thissecthn ofccj;.?,r A full assort tr. en t of lpectacl"? ' best qualiiy, and iui ed to li nr.-V 8V,.':; on sale. " ? S.Ivcr-ware, and Silver Piitr.'; ;v... wayon hand at manifacturer r.rirr ViepairinT i,eoiir execute ges eztrrmely n:txleraie. Cui; public respectfully solicited. ;":-c:.... S.ile Ayent for the celt Irate! I) Spectacle1. November 5th, 1505 I v. I Exe fell i The undersigned takes this nietho t; informing the public, tint ho c ' tinoes the above busine?' i:i :,! i1 bran',"' at his old Stand, on Franklin fc'". Stroudsbnrg. Pa., where he win be K py to receive orders for woik iu IU ii:'. iocladinr general Wheelwrighting, Blacksmith. ing, Painting, Trimminw, His stock, of the be?t fiualitj of s.asonei lumber i Ure and very complete- asl also hi? a full force of Crr class w ir'kaifa at all the tranche, he Gutters h'tus?,! Carriage bra 1 v that he i fully prepared to accc mod.u I Vu all who favo; hirjj with orders, aad "uaraa. f. " tee entire satl?ftcti ;n. 3 I Repairing promrtly attended t ' t Wii. IIL'NTSMA.V. Julv 2 . 170. j - ' ; it ! f llVIB TTNDSETAKINGllj: r n iA t r i .- r- r, I ocurod an elo-rna I-IEAESE. f&'M Lind zi hxtlzz person in their ecnloy tfnr twelve rears expr;?nce. in the cnt?rtak!r.jSl; ! l-ssises. are row prepared to attend tins' drUktr? ia :S its branches in the bestrs-f s.u.e mirror. f COFFINS ard CASKETS ot sr.v siy.e cr quality, cortant y n h.md. n ready for hbn at s-;,ert notice. 0,i.-.t by mail promptly attend to Our cliarj are moderate; we J.ave r.. (li?;v'siikn Distress tne hvir. cr r.b e estates oi iL ' I ten op. can le had at anv l:n.e. al the Vu-' R.Ttn of LEE A: Co. " f Mav.iG. 1-70. Iv. I GO TO J. !!. 'leCARTY'S, ODD-FELLOWS II ALL. MAIN srnocj?. c- t r-jt end Bur vo-;t rtK7. ETL II CAKi'LTs OIL-CLOTHS, II I G, WINDOW SHADES, Cl'ZtTAIXS & FIXTlRrA TARLE CLOTHS, ir., and sit 9 At Least Two Profits! i As McCarty buys, direct from the minji : turer, for cash (not 60 days), can stY.y '. MORE FURNITURE, OF A BETTER QUALITY. AND FOR LES MOM ( than you can buy at .etail cit!:er in c-J ? country, and every article i. warranted h ' as represented. Sept. WINTER STOHLS. RYE WHISKY, $4.00 a gallon. $ 1 1 .00 a d-.a rr. YELLOW SEAL SHEERS ! In large bottles, $11.00 a dozen. GOLD SEAL BRANDY, S1S.00 a dozen. APPLE JACK, JAMAICA IU tf, I SCOTCH WHISKY, j . CATAYBA WiXi:, j OLD POUT YIXK, CUAJIPACXES, se(;aus, ac. I H. & A. C. VAN BEIM The Wine Merchant J 1310 Chestnut Sj PIIlLAPKLrB'l I-Vbruarv 27, 173 lv J" JLXSETS. The Wt in u; place thoy can I e had in town is at l- ncr tore. Trv them. .itf? C. R. AMKA jan. 3 T3. tK i I I i if r It 1 ' . :-sCiI v an PH I resi Au 0 It Hon 1ici. lu i and tnu .ia: don All Ch: oi: K I I)e art Itk cor iri wh it Ch in- J ty 1 tie K. an i Mi ar. fa: r- A: 1L j: J: t ;