. M it . i '-I i s i 1 . Tlic Empire Ding Store!!! (Removed to Fowler's building.) fTfJ 1 have recently bought the Stock .? cf Drus in Nicho'as Raster's buil irij ding, formerly owned by M. F, IgSajX Ev.n, and have added a large eupply of NEW GOODS, rUF.2 ESUG3 AND MEDICINES, 1 different brands of f"re WHITE LEAD and other PAINTS, .Pure EPICES, ground and ucgrcucd, 1nsed Oi!, riw and boiled, Japan Dryers V.iriiilnv, WitiJow Glass, French and" A ".erica n Putty, Patent Medicine..?, Fruit Jars, pure Wines and fa il tors fr medical purposes, Rye Whiskey, 7 years old,; and will keep on hand a suoply el j '. Ilorse & Cattle Po-Ad- r, Froths-Pur Mers' Horte Lin iment, Fast India Oil, Shoulder Hrhces and Supporter, L:m' at Fixiurss, and every thing usually kept ; ;v a i) n u a s t o n k: i i I hava the assistance of (C. S. Detrick, w l;o hss had lo years experience in reading Medicines and dispensing Prugsr) 'and . .Siimu'.l Williams who lias been in the buiiles5 iiiy?ici;i ns Prescriptions carefully com ponndrd t'r.m the purest ; material, Physician.- oJes for Druys and Medicines care tnii tilled, from selected stock at reasonable pi iocs. All orders by Stage or otherwise, will be promptly utienled to. . Give me a cull and P ti.-ily yourselves. : I . I . ' PETER WILLIAMS. StrcuJcburg, Pa. Jt:ly 21,'73-Gm. Ayer's Cathartic Pais, Tor the relief Mint euro of iUT;uine iiH'nts in the stom nr!i, liver, ami bow els. Tliry iirc ;( inii'1 Hjjfrik'Hli and an c xc'i!iu jhm g;iiivo. l!oiti jdiroly vcffr t.ihlc, liny t-iMit:.i;i no nirirUiA oriiiijse ral v. lintov'er. Mui-li !".'r!i'5 i'k:;t,!.' jui'l su-rfiiii. i j-reve'it- wt l.'V i.ioir uiiKiv an J every farsii.'y ':o;:l-I liave t!.C!.i oil ii:nl for t!i?ir rotJfction "a:vl lt-lief, wtu-n irrjuii cl. l experience has pr'tved them to t.e ! tie i-ai-ft, sure!, and le-t of all tle I'M with mIiU-I' I'io i.mikct aboi!7i'i. l!y tii-:r tHTiisio'i::! iie, t:i;; ulooil is I'uriiitvl, tlic ro; Titj'tLii- of t!;'.' s -t-sa expcilil, obstnutir.ns ifmnvcJ, ainl tlio v.-J.ole nisir-riinerr of life re-toiTi to its liealiln a tlviiy. lnlei iiul orjr;ms nliii li Wrotue K ijlji' Tj mil sluivti are i-kanbCd tjy A;rr'n t'iiis, s(.ui..laUl into fl!tir. 'I tni iti!-ijk-iit i ! i -c:- i-i v,ua:ivd into hcalili, the value :f iiii h i-i;.ui vi'tiMi reckoned on the vrvt multitudes who i-:.;u.. it, can hardly be coinjHUed. 1'heir s-.iir :,! L'iCiii'pltrusant to lake, and pivMTVcr tlici: virta03 uniniji;iired for any lensrth oT tinu', k Uiev art- ever fresh, and pcriVctiy ri-IiitOli-. .'ilthou.ch scuichinpr, they arc mild, and o;er;'N v-iihoiu d:.4tarliaiK-; In Viic constirittion, ordti-t, t:cuy;itioa. i'uii directions arc giveu on iho wrapjic!- U ta.-f: !ios, ho-- to use them ft c. l'aiiuly I'iiyiic, nr.d fcr the following foini.Li'r.t, v.lii. !: thc.e fills rapidly cure: i'or iVV;ii or 'BnHittan. lllrx--;. P-initfuor .W'l of j;iii;te, t:i,' 6i;oui4 le taken moflerau-ly ro ?ri;nu!;!te the stoiii arh, snd restore it healthy tn? nr.d actioii. 1 or J,lvrrConit!i!ii! and its vai i-i syip. t-v JRiltt B5-it3uci, kk 2Sou:l Kfhi. fiinnrfice or tnn't'ii W:fln--. IJ1 ion C-oilc nnd C2ilii fVviT.inri h.t!; ie juairiousiy taken for each run, to corvvrt i! ti;.ea'd" actio a orreniovc tLe oLti'itctioi: whi.-l c:vie it. t-or l7-KBierT or CidrrlitM, tt!t or; -t.ilii dope is penerally reoiiirel. 1 or S2!i'uii3Mtii. out, ft'r i-I. !tar!on of t!s liowrt. 6"a?iii i :!. SSarU and Loin, tliey t!irn!l le rotitn lioitrly taken, as rcijuired, t njjsc ihe dit-HT:? if. rkiii of thi sypt-ni. Witii stirti cfta:ic th.).-. f v iijilaiiit liisappear. bor X5rfy aud 17 ropt.ic;l wt"'inr. t: ty chould tc rukuii i;t ki.- m;l ;V-i;i;.rMt :im; t prod'fe t?:j t:Tr;-t of a d.-asti" )"';'. For fupir-s.tU:n. a Inrfre die hm:'d t trk?u, as it produces tku Uvsir.i- cflVct v .-vir. p::hy. ' . . " A a Dinner I'M. la!-.? we or'trr PM : V.'o:u.Te di?c-rttion aui r-iicv the U:ii:n-!i. .Ah oscasioual tior? t tin:i.la!k tl.o liiia. h a restores the apnerite, :i:,d ii, , n- aw- i'. system. Heme it i oft -.a ad aiitai-fo-i nh. t.o serious deranseincnt cvi. ti. :;;; vki. ;cc tol;tttly veil, often ili.d th :t a di-e ftf f.t-J J'iils inaie.s him l'e-l deoideil!,- !nr;e:-, fio:n ih-". leaasinfr and renovating eUc 'l o.r Ui d'e-itr pr.r:rAr;:a ht ' lr- J.C.A 1'EJt & CO., Vrarti, e;I rh nuiu't . JL O V.'JSL I, 21 A SX., V. S. .1. rc2 SALE UT ALu DKUGGUTS tVCiiy WitIti April 17, 1973 ly. I Ayer's J. For restoring to Gray Hair its natural Vitality and Color. d resting yhctt is at once agreeable, ljp;tltl;y, and etu ctiuil ' fo r frsiM. Pferriug the . -- color, with the tjhjts avd freshness nf youth. Tliin liaFr n thicfPTierl falling lir.ir eliceked, ii.iv baldnc3. often, though not always, eurtd Ly its oie. Kothing can re-store tlia l)a;r whore the follide are de stroyed, or! the glands atrophied and deeaj-ed; but such as remain can be .ayed by this application, and stimu- lated into activity, ho that' a new iwtV of hair is produced. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it dean aud vigorous. Us occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The restoration of vitality it. gives to the .scalp arresrs and prevents the forma tion of dandruff, which is often so un cie.mly and oiTeajivev Free from those doK-terions substances which make Sytae preparations dangerous and inju tivas to the Iiair, th Vigor can onlr b'iiiellt but not harm it. If wanted ihnrly for a HAIR DRESSING, iN'.uhhig else can be found bo desirable. 'staining neither oil nor dye, it does not -toil wliite cambric, and yet lasts loogon th. bair, giving it a rich, glossy i'-.sU-e, and a grateful perfume. - ; Pfepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer 5t Co., .irrjM tical and Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS. April 17, 1873.ly HLANK MOJITO AGK rf i r -or fray .) A. ROCKAFELLOW, DEALER IN Ready-Madc Clothing, Geuls Fur nfshing Goods, Hats & Caps, . Boots & Shoes, &c. EAST STROUDSDVRG, PA. (Near the Depot.) The public' are; invited to 'call apd exam ine goods. Prices moderate.. May 6, 18fi0. tf. Itcli! ItoliI.'Itcli! ''SCRATCH! SCRATCH! -SCRATCH! ...... USE HOLLIXSHEAD'S ITl'II SALT RHEUM fll.M.UEM, -No Family should be without this valua ble medicine, for on the first appearance of the disorder on the wri.-ds,: betweeu the fin- .ers, &c, a slight application of the Oint ment will cure it, and prevent its being ta ken by others. "..Warranted to give satisfaction or ; money refunded. Freiiarcd and sold, wholesale nnd reali!, fcy W. 1IOLL1NSHEA1), Oct. .13, 1667. v i i i Urupgist Cards, Bill-Heads, Labels XE1T, CABAP 1XD Ql ICK, Priuted to Order at the' JEFPERSONIAN OFFICE Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. All Orders promptly filled. Give us a call. PAPER II A i 15 IS, GLAZIER AlD PAINTER, JJONKOE STREET, Nearly opposite Kautz's Blacksmith Shop, Stkoudsburo, Pa. The undersigned would respectfully in form the citizens of Siroiidsburg and vicinity that he is now Inlly prep i red to do all kinds of Paper Hanging, Glazing and Painting, promptly and at short notice, and that he will keep constantly on hind a fine stock of Paper Hangings of all descript ions and at low prices, the pairoua;e of the public is earnestly solicted. - May 1G, 1372. LOOK" "! LOOK ! ! jS'Xxv. J . .A.. Hays, OF THE Popular Hal Cap Emporium, ILs just relurtined from the cities with an iminen.se stick of Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnish ing Goods, for Sprinj and Summer wear, which he is offering at ... - GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. . Thankful for past favors, I respectfully ask my old customers nnd the publo generally to examine my Stock and Prices before making purchases elsewhere. Store on Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa., a few doors above the Washington Hotel. J. A. HAYS. April 21, '73-tf, : . . G. H. Dreher. , E. B. Dreher (2 doors west 'of the "Jefllrsonian Office,") ELIZABETH STREET, r St roudsburgr, Pa., . . ; ' j DREHER & BRO., Urugs, Medicines, Perfumery. und Toilet Articles. l3aints, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS & PUTTY.. Abdominal Supporters and Shoulder Braces. Seeley's Hard KL'mJElt TUL'SSKS Also Ritter's TRUSf?i:S OF VARIOUS PA1TERNS. Lamps and Lanterns Burning and Lubricating Oils. Physicians Prescriptions carefully Com pounded. N. B. The highest Cash nrice paid for OILof WINTERGREEN. , mav4-tf. BLANK DEEDS For sale ct tiiis- Offico Prthfiifg Wi M H a II w i ff DR. BUTLER'S CURATIVE -01NTNEKT 150TU DKAWING ASU HEALING. . . j ; , .; . . r..-. ' Is working mot remarkable; cure? in every ta -e. It is proving itself to be the most speedy and efi'ectusl ix'medv known for the variotts forms of external bodily afflictions as specified below : - ' : This OINTMENT is composed of the best materials, known to the Materia Mcdica for the cure of all kinds of Sliln Diseases, Soic, Ilruises, . . f. t ? i r, ?- v"Ciik,V frosted rcctyi"V;. Chapped Hands, .... ..ESPECIALLY. VALUABLE YOW , i CARBUNCLES AND -BOILS, Poison, Suit tAu;?i, Tettrr, Bm-nis and Scald, Coni3, Settld Haul, JUtci , co c ii-y-. ; sijtdas, Sore Liis, Blotches ' in all their stages ; for open . Felon3, Burns',' Ulcers, ; of a scrofulous character,' and for all Cancer on' aifections. For any external affection this , " OIaSTTjMJ11S5"T will be found preferable to all sorts of poul ticci", piasters und salves, in every stige of such aliection. . . S. fj. Detrick, Drucgist, E:ixt Stroudsburg General Agent. . feb20'7;My UNDERTAKING. ; McCARTY has on hand the largest and best assortment of f7.grrJgK TPTMMT VP. Q be found outside of either ci'y (New York or Philadclpliia), and will make this branch or bis business A SPECIALITY. - COFFINS and CASKETS of any size or style, can be furnished at one hour's notice for shipment, at a charge of onk-third LESS THAN ANY SHOP IN StROUDSBURO In no case will he charge more than TEN PEU CENT above actual cost. , : ' attended to ih any pirt of the County at the shortest possible notice. Sept. 2G,'67-tf rjlIIE TALKING MACHINE. The Domestic Sen ing iMaclii no. THE "LIGHT RUM8S" "SOU 13y its simplicity, EASE I OF ' Xoisdtas. and : and & R UXXIXG, TALKS ITSELF INTO PUBLIC FA VOR. ,THE. WORLD : ' CHALLENGED ! ' To produce a Family Sewing; Machine that will sew as light, and as heavy, that is as light running, and as easily operated. This Machine is warranted to v wear equally as long as any ether manufactured. Sold on monthly pavments..' For sale by'"" 1 " DARIUS DREHER. Main St., Stroudsburc Pa. Sept. 12. 1S72. .. NEW STORE -:and:- NEW GOODS ' t . ; . it -:at:- KEDiCED -'PRICKS-"' DARIUS DREHER, begs leave to an nounce 'to his friends and 'to the pub lic generally, that he has just received a general assortment of Dry Goods, X'otions, Dress Trimmings, AND ' - MILL IX Ell Y GOODS consisting, in part of the following desirable articles, viz. : ' . ; Calicoes, Laicnx, " 1 French Chintz, , en's Dress Goods, . Worlced Edyiwjs, Parasols, Zcphers, - Shetland Wools, ; . ; Shetland Wool Shawls, Delaines, Mastitis, : ; T . ' ; - . ; White Dress Goods, Insert in;, Lady's and Children's Sacks flannel and Cloth, Lady's, Jisses and Men's Hoes, Gloves and Collars, Monmiih Goods, Shroudings, dc., d-c.t Goods shown with pleasure. 4 Quicks sales and small profits" at the old and well known Millinery Stand of F. A. DREHER. The Millinery business will be carried on as usual by Mrs. Dreher. Patronage respect ly solicited. DARIUS DREHER. April 2G, 16GG. AKZCI? STOCK. P CBIOICC Family Groceries, Queensware, Glass ware, Vrood a.nd Willow-ware, at , . U. R. ANDRE & Co. Terms CA SIT. jau. 30, ' 73 tf. BLANK LEASES Kor-Salu at this Office- SSSSI ' -and '; ; 3 Si,u5T-rTtLjwsa : NEW :, . ; MACHIKE(SIIOP ! The subscriber having started a Machine Shop, near the head of Main Street, Stroudsburg,- Pa., is prepared to build, and repair all kinds ot Machinery .' with accuracy, ana, aispaicn. Beinff fitted with ' ' SPEC1A L MA CHINER Y FOR TURX IXG. SHAFTING, AND PUL E YS, AND WW- '2M-: ' . , ; d ROVED TOOLS -! - : ... . , .. : .' : ? ' of various kinds, and having an experience of over Thirty years, in designing, and building machinery for special purposes, I feel warranted in guaranteeing the best of work. 'Have on hand, and building, '; 1 ! : PORTABLE STEAJI EXCISES, - sv - of froni 2 to 10 Horse Power; designed esoeciallv for Farm ue, or for driving any light : machinery. I also keep in tock, several thou.-and feet ot : x it jiiiuiu iic w x Ji jx uua x uuum uumiigi in widths of 1 inch to 6 inches, (can obtain wider ones at very short notice) at manu facturers price's, abo -Lace Leather,' Belt It i vets, Punches, &.C.,'-: '' V r " -. STEAM PIPES.-& FITTINGS t.f the variouss sizes. Pipe cut and fitted, at short notice. Hemp & Rubber Steam Packing. "I would call the attention of Blacksmiths. Wheelwrights, and others,; to my assort ment of all sizes of ; . .)..... ' ' ' ' ' , Macnine Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Lag Screws, and Bolt-ends, which I offer at New York prices. The Bolt-ends especially, being threaded and fitted with nuts by machineiy, enable the Blacksmiths to furnish bolts of any length, much cheaper, and quicker, than ; to cut them by hand. , ' Call in and see my stock and Machinery. G. SANFORD. March G, 1S73 tf. LOOK THIS WAY, ALL WHO WANT ' ' ' - I . Carriage Work or Blacksniidiing DONE IX A SUPERIOR MANNER ! THE Subscriber begs leave to iu form the public that he is fully pre pared, at his establishment, at the corner of Simpson and Sarah streets, iu the borough of Stroudsburg, to make to order, every style of ' . , Carriage, Wagon, and, in fact, everything in his line of bu siness, at the shortest possible notice, and oif the most reasonable terms. 'Carriages repaired, trimmed and paint ed in the best style of the art. Having first-class material always on hand, and none but first-class. workmen engaged, the public are assured that uene c ..1 l. :m i- - i . uut ui s i-e ut s 3 worn, win . ue lurneu out at his shop. In connection with his Carriage Shop he has also a IRlacksniith Shop, where superior worktneu will always be found ready to attend to the orders of customers i The public are iuvited to call and ex amine his stock before purchasing else where. 1 VALENTINE KAUTZ. ' September l'J, 18G7.tf. Gothic Hall Drug Store. i .... i ... : . . . v. O . William KEo!Iiuhcad, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, : . STROUDSBURG, Pa. Constantly on hand and tor sale cheap for cash, a fresh sup ply of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oil, Glass, Putty, Varnish, Ker osene Oil,. Perfumery "and Fancy Goods j also .Sash, blinds and Doors. Pure Wines and Liquors for. Medicinal purpose. " ' P. S. Physicians' Prescriptions care fully compounded. Stroudsburg, July 7, TSG1. Chance, to make Money ! . One Hundred Dollars from One Dollar. ; f y.xi-- i . " - r. r h r f is A sure thin? and no Deception. Every person ownhig HORSES, CAT TLE, SHEEP and HOGS are guaranteed to make One Hundred , Dollars by using a One Dollar Package of V " YOUATTS CONDITION POWDER," manufactured by William Hollisshead, Stroudsburg. If you have never used it try a' Package and if it does not benefit your stock to the amount of one hundred dollars, in your estimation, call at the store and get your money refunded. . , HORSES. It will give them a good ap petite, keep their skin loose and renders the coat soft and shining, keeping them in good condition with one-half the feed, being there by a saviug of one-half, the money. C'OIV.S'. It makes them give more milk with one-half the feed, and if they give more milk of course you make more BUTTFR, and the more butter the more money. I have so much confidence in the Cattle Powder that I make th above oirer, know, ing well that it will do all that is claimed for it. ' WM. HOLLINSHEAD. 07" Ask to see The Great Tobacco An tidote. ' March i; 16W). tf. ' , ' TTi-v ti- r nn The above .business has again been re sumed at the old stand, lately iwept away by the late flow!, near Baldwins iioiei, in Stroudsburg, where" wiirbe kept cotistantly on hai.d the best assortment of Harness, double and single, Saddles, liridles, Collars, nd cverv other article usually furnished in this line of business. Uork made to oruer on the shortest notice. A large assortment of ;.:..! : - - Mountings and Saddlery Hard- ware ' ; always on hand. Call and make your ow selection, and it will be furnished in tyle ard nrice not to be excelled in this market. . Strict attention p.i id to. repairing and done in shortest notice. Call and examine JOHN O. SAYLOR. Apent for ; PETER GRUVEli October G, 1S70. tf A IV eteu.ive lot of STOVI1S oi -ZjL all descriptions hive been received at the store cf the subscriber, in the borough of Stroudsburg. He has COOKING STOVES, & PARLOR STOVES, of the latest improvements ; and entire new styles, and considerablesavingof fuel, which can be had at the lowest City prices. Also all kinds of Stove-IPipe. A large assortment of TIN WARE of ev ery description, constantly on hand, which will be sold at wholesale nnd retail, as rea sonable as can be had in the City. All kinds of reptiring done in the shortest, cheapest and best manner. Call and exam ine his stock before ycu purchase elsewhere. Feb 11, '69. WM. S.FLORY. SAMUEL HOOD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in COOK&PAHLOIl STOVES, TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, AND IN Metal House Furnishing Goods GENERALLY. 'Roofing and' Spouting done on short notice, with the Lest "material, and at-reasonable, price.. His .stock of Co k, Parlor and Oflice Stoves embraces ail the best varieties kno"vn to the trade. CALL AXD SEE. Store third building, above Iho Methodist Church. Main street, STROUDSBURG, PA. August 4, 1870. tf. NOW 18 THE TIME TO tSE Voiiall's Condition Powder. In the Full and Winter when your cows give bat little milk this powder is sure to increase Jie quantity and improve the qual ity. For horses, it increases the appetite, promotes digestion, exhilerates the spirits, '"'uvo me iwii run auu suiiiiu. r or iios one package in your swill barrel will hasten tho fattening process at least 100 Der cent This powder has proved an excellent article for sheep, lie sure you get the Genuine Youatt's Condition Powder, MANUFACTURED BY WILLIAM IlOLLI.VsiIIMn, All other is a counterfeit. Seo that the name of WM. HOLLINSHEAD is on phcIi package and buy no other. Warranted to sjive satisfaction or the money refunded Nov. 1969 W.M.I1QLU NS 1 1 E A D. "0'T you know Hint JT. II S .McCarty 13 the only Undertaker in Siroudsburg who understands his business! If not, attend a Funral managed hv It 11 11 other Undertaker 111 town, and you will see iiiuprooi 01 inoiact. Sept. 16, 't7 r04VT FOHGI2T that (,. you want anylhiiifrin th or Ornamental line that McCartv in the Odd-Fellows' Hill. M:,in Jri.....l,ne -' ncci, oirouus urg, Pa., is the place lo gel it. Sept. 20 Do rro ofr ? oC Yltl o Y away for worthless articles of Furni well but go to McCarty's. and VO!l Will TPt ' " Watchmaker & Jeweler " - - - 9 MAIN ST, STROUDSBURG, pA ' ' ' ' ' ' " ? ; Located in comer building, third dor.ru. low the Jeffersonia n office. Room ban Hm, 'y fitted up, and heavily stocked withihefi. nesi assui imciiL ui . t Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Jewelers Jra. i biuus, vxi;., ; 5 ever offered in thissectim of count, y. 2 juii usaui Liiiciu ui opeciacies, of the ' best quality, and suited to all ages, alwivi -on sale. I Silver-ware, land Silver Plated ware !. ways on hand at manufacturers prices. OT-Repairing neatly executed, and char- j ges extremely .moderate. Calls from th l public respectfully solici:ed. I Sole Ajent for the celebrated DianotJ Spectacles. November 5th, 1663 ly. (VFL The undersigned takes this method of 1 informing the public, that he still coa- f' linues the above business in all its branches t at his old Stand, on Erauklia street Stroudsburg, Pa-., where he will be hap! I py to receive orders for work in his line i including general Wlieelwrighting, Blacksmith-1 ing, Painting", Trimming, &c. f His stock, of the best qualify of seasonsl lumber is lart:e and very complete; o, also has a full force of first class rrnrkmeu at all the branehes, he flatters hinilf that he is fully prepared to accomwLn all who favor him with orders, aud aarau- tee cutirc satisfaction. Repairing promptly attended t. j SA. IIUNTSMAX. July 2S, 1S70. - - I UNDERTAKI3STG! LEE &, Co. wculd mo t respectfully an. nounce that having procured an elegant HEAESE and having a person in their emnlov n' iwclve years experience, in the underiakip f business, 1 re now prepared to attenl Um'l dert iking in all its branches in the bestpos-j sible manner. COFFINS and CASKETS of any gi,L style or quality, constantly on lund. anj ready for shipment at sriorl notice. Orden I by mail promptly attended to. 0;ir cliarj-,1 ore nifxlerate; we Lave no 1isp-..i i-.n'u I distress the Jiving or rob the cslares o! :! t dend. N. R Ready-made ROBES. nea;!y pal. ten up, can be hud at any time, i tl.e Wires Room of LEE Sc Co. ! May 26, I?70. ly. 0 TO J. H. Md'AKTl'S, ODD-FELLOWS' II ALL, MAIN iT. STROl'DSBCKG.J'A., and Buy join rn:.iTiri:,c.iHPETs, i WIXDOW S!L1D$, CUUYAJSg A; riXTl lII?,1 f T.lKLLCLOTHS&e., and sive At Least Two ProfitsJ As McCarty buys, direct from the ninnr-i turer,ibr cash (not GO days), be can tt-Ilvc:; MORE FURNITURE ' I TURE, I A BETTER QUALITY, ) OF AND FOR LESS MONE than you can buy at . etail either in cityfj. couniry. and every article is warranted as represented. ISept. 26. 11 WINTER STORES. RYE WHISKY, ; , $ LOO a gallon. $11.00 a dozen. YELLOW SEAL SHERRY, (P In large bottles, ?1 1.00 a dozen. : GOLD SEAL BRANDY, U i ' 1 r- $1.00 a do.-.en. APPLE JACK, JAMAICA RI M, SCOTCH WHISKY, CATAWBA Wli:, OLD PORT WINK, CHAMPAGSKS, SE(iAUS, AC. i . H. & A. C. VAN BEIt The Wine Merchants. 1310 Chestnut StreAj . 1 . TT-r PI! i I'lULAl'Li"" February 27, 1S7S lv XX A 311 LTO X S k Ki M LESS t$ II SETS? Tt. Kc ; . 'fbel . "S. WILLIAMS," Poi'PIO Makino liace iney can ve had in towu u l " uer btore. Try them. . f l CK. ANTKi Jan. 30, '73. tf. 'I I i ) ture, paid for it. v -r y Dt 26i rg7