The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, January 08, 1874, Image 2

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    EI)c 3cffcrsonian.
Write 1S?4.
nnntl.or rrisis. Clsistr.lur the most ff oriOUS COLORED Hosiery ih iuu iauL uaidnu..
Republican in Europe, "lias been defeated in among our fashionable women.
his ctlurta lor the good or uw coumry auu Tuesday was a delightful day for gloomy
people, the L'ortca has Dccn lorciury u.n- Wednesday, ditto,
ved, and a new ministry has bceu formed 1
Court Proceedings
Judsre Streeter, and Associates De Young,
and Gruvcr on the Bench.
The only case tried, was Davis, McMurtry
k Co. vs. Brown & Stoddart. 1 his was an
action of ejectment brought to recover pos
I . - . .-. tt i i -r
WlUCU Will ue ucaiu iu piiui. - iucewsuuis iaiiuiy ainuuiMius w,. i ..;jonrP
Republican, if it docs not, through intn- thc cry be "Shoo-fly, dou't bother inc." 'n loDynanna low..... -
VU HAS Atvj "w-
Congress reassembled, after its holiday
rest, at Washington on Monday last. The
first days proceedings give somewhat of an
idea of what Congressmen learned from their
constituents at home during the recess.
The Bankrupt law, it is developed, will be so
auieuded as to take the unfortunate debtor
out of the mouth of the sharks in which the
present law places him, and give him a
chance for his life and for the preservation
of his honor, or, at least, require that a
majority of thc dollars held against him by
his creditors shall decide before he is forced
into involuntary Bankruptcy. This will
materially wipe out thc chances for pcrsccu
tive prosecution, and will place both debtor
and creditor more in the' light of honorable
men towards each other.
Again: the day demonstrates that thc
people do not desire any more tinkering with
the tax laws, in shape of readditions to the
burdens in that wav. already almost too
hard to be born. Per consequence of thi
coffee and sugar wiil remain on the free
lists, and whiskey and tobbacco will
retrain as they are, the most burdened of all
our industries that thc wherc-withal may be
raised to maintain the financial credit of the
Government On thc contrary, it is plainly
thc idea of a people thrifty aud prosperou
because of economy in thc management of
their business affairs, that instead of adding
to it is time for Congress, and all having a
hand in the management of affairs at Wash
ington, to think of taking off some of the
tares now insisted upon.
Again, the d:iy demonstrates that the
people look for retrenchment in all thc ex
penditures of the Government, as thc very
Lest means of certainly making "both end.-
sncet." The experience of private lift
would serve as an excellent guide for those
in public life: when the dollars grow scarce,
ypend less of them, aud thus always keep
within range of the purse. We are living
neither under an empire nor a monarchy.
'Ours is a republican form of government,
.and the more simple and economical it is
scariied on the better it will . be for us all.
Plash and tinsel are necessary adjuncts both
io a monarchy and an empire. Without
these to tickle thc masses those heavy gov
ernmental structures which burden down
Europe would hardly hold together for c
lay. The King lives above thc subject, and
the subject stays with him upon mere suffer
encc always an unconsidered and secondary,
but never an independent being. Honor,
honest3T and love of country arc the powers
which hold up a republic Nothing for
mere show is required to make it firm as the
veverlasting hill. The President lives with
the citizen as man with man brother with
brother. Ilia office gives him no preroga
tive over the voter who cast the ballot which
.tweeted him ; on the contrary, it makes him,
for the time being, thc mere servant of his
fellow citizen, and amenable to him through
she ballot-box for every dereliction of duty.
Extravagance in the government begets ex
travagance in the people, and these un
checked lead to bankruptcy, not only finan
cully but morally as well. The people see
this, and hence Congressmen assembled at
Washington, on Monday, impressed with
the well grounded belief that if Congress
and the administration desired to retain the
love and admiration of the people, retrench
ment and reform, economy and simplicity,
juust be the watchwords.
.Again, the day demonstrates that currency
tinkering is not a favorite dodge with the
masses of the people. Bankers, speculators,
railroad managers, and corporations gener
ally may demand an unlimited inflation of
the currency, but the people look with a
jealous eye on all such dodges to meet the
bloated views of the times. If instead of
being added to the currency was cut down
one-half and the business of paying interest
on deposits was wiped out, we would see a
dawn of prosperity such as we have not
. seen for years because our eyes have been
blinded by printed figures which did not rep
resent the truth. "Our crushing evil at
present is too much of the representative
and too little of thc reality of money, aud if,
instead of coming to the rescue in Septem
ber last, the government had quietly set still
and permitted the balls to keep on knqekir
down the financial tenpins, until the Vau-
dcrbuilts and Goulds and their hosts of
sXecula ting-pauper compeers had been
knocked into irretrievable bankruptcy, we
fchould now be opening upon an era which
would prove the foundation of a wealth solid
and lasting as time. Our ideas have all
been by far to large to make it safe for
Government to pander to them ; and the day
will hi a blessed one for all when a return to
specie payments rescues business from its
acquired gambling propensities and brings it
lack again to its legitimate channel The
people want no tinkering with the currency,
save in so far as may be necessary to secure
its prompt reduction iu volume, and thus
hasten a return to the circulation of gold and
fcilver, and to the days of honest dealing.
The day was also the precursor of still fur
ther demonstrations, as will be seen as the
session of Congress proceeds. Let us hope
that the end of the session will show, iu
acts of wise legislation, that the wishes of the
people as demonstrated have been heeded.
Under the New Constitution, com
mencing with this spring, all city, borough,
and township elections will be held oa the
third Tuesday in February. This year
Tuesday the 17th day of February will be the
eventful day, and aspirants Jfor municipal
honors will shape themselves accordingly.
i i : tUtt Tinvnl
C,.,T?; m r' vJ. i wtora of SOWING wild oats would be a very fine h0ws: Several years ago the tract belonged
may fiithers Don Alfonso. The event took thing were it not for the crop one has to to Messrs Day k Saylor, who s in I860,
..v." m ,l rnnt fail to bring sor- reap. money to James II. Stroud, .,q., to paj the
. , i rrc envprn-
row to tne miua oi evuij iuivi r
ent. throughout the civilized world,
It is singular that a people can be so stub
bornly blind to their best interests as the
S.nnrrl i.mvfi tllCUlSelVCS tO bC. Y ltll
- r
fn-roa nn ih ;mi snvoral other tracts owned
, ,i . . i
M'ORTSMEN will do weu to rememuer uiat , . M smn.1 handed thc tax
the hunting season closed on thc 31st of
December, ult.
moncv to Wm. Smith, Esq., the Ircasurer
of the County, who applied a part thereof to
, . . ;;a tu, ,nj n....... wn ...j -nm,nnvl Harvey lract in ooioaugu iu usuip,
bCSt 01 OpiU'l '"' Ultiu auw DJUCI V. J- lU UllU IllCUUmw, naowiuuivuw- - , ,
f l,Ws ho. kmnn" thorn on .., T".,, tV-U-, on Thnrahiv last W not belong 10 iaj cV ?a)iur, auu a.
i .i. i,,,,r ww.up i;wAT " : . June sale, following, sold the tract in dis
nn.l,nre like doss than like men return to aiie protracieu luceuugs .u i. pute to Otroua o. iioiimsneaa,
- - " I i t i o o . l l i i i. w 1 t i 4 v- wfAii. ort
ii,. of tvrannv and nreoarc again to t hurencs or otrouosourg auu x. ouuuua- costs, who in turn soia to irUW v
The small-pox has made its appearance
in portions of Northampton county. Last
week the Easton Argus announced its arrival
at Bangor, and this week the same paper
notes the death of two bright little children
nf Andrew Albert, at Flicksville, and of
several in a family named Smith, m the
same locality from the same disease.
Joxas Altimus, Esq., the newly elected
Pnnntv Treasurer entered upon thc duties ot
j .... .-i
lis office on Monday. Jone is both honestana
p-m.abie. ana win uouulics um&v,u.ivAvw..
officer. Mr. Featherman the retiring Treas-
nrpr carries with him into his retirement,
the well earned reputation, of being one ot
thc best, if not the very best aud most oblig
ing Treasurers the county ever had.
themselves with the rotten medley burg, still continue with marked success.
which royalty spreads before them as a feast.
But such arc the Spainards little better than
tigers in their cruelty, and no better than
dogs in the manner in which they yield their
backs to thc master's whin, and their necks
to the tyrant's yoke.
It is singular that the country which can
produce a people so abject as arc the Span
iards ca
The dense fosr of Saturday night, left us
almost in darkness, the lamp-lighter depend
ing upon the rise of the moon let the "glims"
Under the charge of Court, the only qucs
tion for the Jury to detcrmin was whether
thc mis appropration of the money was the
mistake or negligence of thc plaintiffs or o
tVm Treasurer. Mr. Smith, if the former
then thc verdict should be tor the deiend
Ouit Carrier desires thc return of his ants hut if the latter then the plaintiffs wen
hearty thanks for the liberal manner in which entitle to recover. Verdict for plaintiffs
his New Year advances were met. It almost Alfred Ileiney, who had been acquitted o
n at the same time, produce such in mature out of little tho charge of assault and lattery on the
,'. . , it- i Dorev." hrround of insanity, but whose insanity was
men as Uastciar ana ins coworkers m - i
v. ..u..wu...wU.. .. c UlVI.Ur.r( ill U UUy Ull till lUb uunui"o"
with the wiud in all save their love for biood. noticed, as in thc course of erection in
The latter, generous to enemies as well as to Li - Woujrh a couple of weeks ago, and
friends, have but the one grand object in view they wjjj au be rcady for occupancy on the
the freedom of thc people and the advance- h st 0f April.
nmrt nf thfir intnllu'flnae to such a Ditch as .
Tim The robbery of the till of the Williams'
r,. mnnWin, tnr minmnt.isfs Billiard Hall, on Saturday evening, said to tenced to pay a hne oi ana ine cosia oi
" I t . r-1 A. Z 1 A -7 M..v-v--k-
to-morrow, and absolutists next day, just as have amounted to 5 1 a, was the subject oi prosecuuon, una u, uuucrgu yu.
- - . , . . i r ftA nmiirtr im tt Ton n i
ti. vrnA ,nnv 1-W thpir vcktil,. idoas. much snccuktivc talk. Have wc "tUl-tap- j- .
v..v, ......j.. j . , .iu. irnhnnB' 'mirt tho t, nwinir
The Jatter are republicans at aa times, pcrs amuug us k -
. - ... m m - I ItGlC IXXKKA
This is the strangest winter, so said, that Sale of Real Estate of Michael Super,
i ret TV. 11 n
j uiucer runnier oi the T
The County Auditors commenced their
work of examining the financial operations
of the county for the year past, on Monday
last The board is made up of Kindarus
Shupp and E.. II. Heller, Esq. George
Shannon, of Smithfield, thc third Auditor,
;! r,T,fi(.1 fn home bv illness, lhe work
of the Auditors is important to the Tax
payers, but we have no doubt it will be well st
done by thc board.
bird Precinct was making his roua,j":
Friday afternoon he law semetliir, i',51
heap of old rags lying on a stoop at ,1
fourth st. aud Fifth ave. Thei';
soon reached ths place and discover i
old woman evidently iu the last ia,r K
destitution. He was about ta takel'js
to the Station house when, perceitin,i
intent, she strongly objected. She 1:
she was not a vagrant but had a hoffi t
One huudred and sixteenth street t
Fourth-ave. She had only been ie;
on tne eioop io resi. under thesa T
cumstjnecs the officer allowed her . !
part. Coughiug dreadfully the old
man began to pick her way down J
street, but after proceeding a few n,
was obliged to desist. The officer - i
had watched movements, renr:.:'?
her wretched condition, obtained a .,
and wagon, auu wim a romjasrEmi ir
came alon at the tirrie, conveyoj i,er!f
the station house in hast Lightv eV;t
Here she said her name wns V
. - 1 t . . f
rarci x iizaiuiiuuu?, uuu utr aire v v.f
stated ttial sne liaa oeon J.6 ttarsin'Vf
. 1
3IOUNTAIX Home, Pa., Dec. 22, 1S73. cuuutry fclic relused to go to tl.e l i
The second lecture at this place under the tal, ami Serjeant llicks sent f,r l'i
of a dangerous type, was directed to be taken
to the Insane Asylum, at Danville, Pa., for
Christie Hiller, convicted at the Septem
bcr sessions for selling liquor to a minor, and
whose motion for a new trial failed, was sen-
auspices of Mountain Home Lodge, No. GS4,
I. O. O. F., will be delivered by the Jicv.
TKnnin V. ?.Tiif'I.-irv. of Tubvhanna, m the
Oakland 31. E. Church, on Thursday even
ing, Jan. 15th, 1S74. Subject "The Utility
nf Odd Fellowship." Seats free. Lecture
to commence at 7 P. M.
Ely Hit, ) Committee
Jon. II. Bond, of
J. P. Zabriksie, J Arrangements
because they know that it is m an mtelli-
1 !! t
ently conducted rcpuuncan iorm oi goveiu- hag faUen wIthh) thJ recollcction of the dee'd. Jackson tsp., to Christian Sibtroth
ment only that the greatest possible amount
of good am be secured to the greatest
numbers. But Spain has rejected these
men and their works, and to day Spain with
her interests arc again on thc sea of confu-
Thus far but little cold for $656.25.
weather, less snow, and not a single day of
good square sleighing. Too bad.
Ileal Estate of Henry Strunk to Moses T.
Strunk for $2250.
Alias orders of sale granted to sell.
Ileal Estate of Joseph Shackelton, dee'd.
. " " Mary Larue, a minor.
" ' Joseph Heckman, dee'd.
John Baldwin, Adm'r., vs. Arch E. Hall
and Samuel E. Palen Ilule for new trial
Andrew Trieble vs. George and James
Michaels new trial refused.
Bossard Estate vs. Phillip McCluskey
new trial refused Plaintiff to release amount
ot Judgment above $200.
Almanacs of every description tor the J0ha S. Brown. Esq., appointed Auditor
year 1874, are being distributed through the t0 jttle accoount of Prothonotary and Regis-
borough and surrounding country by our Upr anfi TPfrfi(r with Commonwealth.
We arc pleased to see our old friend
ion' without a rudder to stcar her by, with- Daniel Staples upon the street again, he
out a trust-worthy captain, and without that having nearly recovered from the injuries rc-
uuity so absolutely necessary to save her from ccived at Succasunua Plains, N. J., on the
the men whose instincts are only such as morning of the 2d of December, IS 3.
can force her on to destruction.
We pity the men who would so nobly
elevate her in a position among nations and
make any sacrifices to secure her prosperity
and peace; but Spain and thc bulk of he
bigotted, royalty ridden Spaniards merit
nothing but the most sovereign contempt
A most diabolical attempt was made
to assassinate J udgc S. D. Morris of Brooklyn,
N. Y., by means of an "Infernal Machine."
The apparatus was enclosed in a cigar box,
purporting to contain 100 choice cigars.
which was left at the Judge's residence on
New Year's Eve, by two boys. The dis-
Mpw Charles Williams, of Bossards-
this county, slaughtered a porker, on
thc 30th ult, which weighed 733 pounds
when dressed. Can any one else in Monroe
county, show better hgurcs m the I'ork line.
men of pills. They dilate on nearly all the
"ills that flesh is heir to, and promise the
wherewith to cure them too.
Tom. B., whose name has a ring in it, fur
nished the Turkey for our New Year's feast.
covcry of the real contents of the box was jt was pluuiP) fat and lucious, and proved
purely accidental, owing to a defect ot some to us a most interesting sequel to the Turkey
ot the working machinery, lucre was cx- ODCrations of the Street Passenscr Railway
plosive power enough m the box, had the ConiDany on Thankscivim: day. Thanks,
design of thc murderous assassins proved sue Thomas, and may your shadow never be leis.
cessiul, to have killed the whole tamily and
blown the building to atoms. It is to be The first lecture of the course for the
hoped the villians will be discovered. benefit of the Lutheran Church, will be argued and Judge Streeter recommemded
delivered cn Monday evening, in the the report to iho. M. McIIhaney. to make
i rlmdlnt oitANT, on Monday, sent audiCncc room of the church. The lecturer, correction according to the direction of the
an interesting message to Congress, reviewing the ll-v. J. Frv. D. IX. of Rdin?. is a Court.
the v irgmus cmhroglio with spam, accom- fin: scholar, and the subiocf' The Bonds Ml'RDER Case. Tha trial of Timothy 1 J I
pamea with an the documents connected 0f Alatri
Thomas M. McIIhaney, Esq., appointed
Auditor on the Estate of George Buskirk,
John S. Brown, Esq., on Estate of John
Woolbcrt, dee'd
John S. Fisher, Esq., on Estate of Emma
Snyder, dee'd
Tho. M. Mcllhauey, Esq., on Estate of
Francis Wagner, dee'd.
Tho. M. McIIhaney, on Estate of Benja
min Depuc, dee'd.
The exceptions to the Auditors Report
imonv." is one which should draw n Heller who is confined in our Jail charsred
therewith, it makes a lengthy document- fun house The ecturG w:n C!,mmence at with the murder of Jacob MufHv. last fal
too .engthy lor our paper but as the tacts half-past seven o'clock.
presented an appearea in print during thc
progress of the trouble it is not necessary for We receive from thc publishers, 3Iessrs.
us to repeat then now. ' Geo. F. Root & Sons, Chicago, the "Song
Messenger" for January. . This well known
JSSTTiie State Legislature met at Harris-
LurgonTuesda'. Thc session will bean impor- chan
tint one, as the first under New Constitu
tion, and as the body upon which will de
volve the duty of passing the laws necessary
to give operative effect to the will of the peo
pie, as expressed in the new fundemental
musical journal has recently undergone a
at Kresgevillc in this county, did not take
place at this term of our Court On applica
tion of the Defendant the case was continued
and will be tried the first week of the Febru
ary term.
The prisoner is very respectably conncc
IlARRisnuita, Jau 6.
Thc Senate was called to order at three
o'clock by Speakor Strang. After prayer
by the Chaplain the eleven new Senators
were sworn in.
c r . . l " 1 i
surgeon sieiuen, km sum mat s!,e j,.:
consumption aud asthma. She was c'.'.
willing to go to the bellevue Ho!'
and remained at the station house mJ
night. The Sergeant observing thai$h?
looked wau and starved, scut for ,
which she seized upon with irrcat avilisl
Owing to her opposition she wasnittj ?
en to Believe Hospital until Saturl;
ling. 1 he surgeons discovered tp
sho was suffering; lrom general del i; ?
produced by starvation and expo-a;'
She was too weak to endure a lath -A
her clothes were dimply taken oj, df
dress being put beside her bed. i
clothing was black with dirt and f
with vermin. While the nurso was t !
dressing her, she threw aside the dr
when suddenly the old woman ?,ij
of bed and fiercely resisted her. War ;
Brennau then examine! the dre!.
fouud that it was absolutely fjuiltcd ;
An election for Speaker resulted in a money, it conuuneu u Poe!S,e -
Wlucn was uuea yiiu uiuurj, n.uu yv.
nies up to dollars. About 300, isc;;
... . j a t r : i i r
vote 1 for Senator 'o? iu pennies nuuu u .u
McClure voted for pate OanK ou.s were iouu- , wi;n a
quantity ot bauk Lias wliicii were i ?
sjlutely rotten and crumbling to p-1
It took the Vi aruen over two lKur; .;
co'int the money. 3ieaDThiia tlte .
choice of Butler B. Strang by the Repub
lican votes.
The. Dem crats
McSherry, and Mr
Mr. Strang.
Thc Speaker elect was then sworn in.
election of officers.
The following officers wre then elected.
viz : Chief clerk, Russell Errett
assistant clerks, Thoma3 Cochran and J.
R. McAffce, and transcribing clerks. L
L-owan. i. A. ltuey, John u f lemmg.
Wm. A. Rupert, Samuel E. Nyce, J. S
Kneczile : sergeant at arms, R I'. McCall
and John Tomlinson ; doorkeeper, John
Cromer; assistant doorkeeper, Hilliam
Shearold and 11. S. Sartwell ; postmaster,
Lewis B. Richtmycrs ; messenger, Charles
Daruh ; assistant messengers, J. W . Mc
Kinlcy and Thomas Roberts ; dookecper
of rotunda, Augustus Corrcll ; superinten
dent of folloing room, Cornelius Lowe ;
palters aud folders, Lewis Knipa, A. G
Monks, W. R. Dudu, William Coatea,
James Smith and D. W . Aiken,
woman was growing worse,
rDrilatr cl n I Ail i'
f he old woman had no home, and hadt::'
. , . i i
sleeping one nigut in one snanry auij
other on a door step, depending c-a'irt ''
upon the charity of the very poor lorL.
and lodging. She had cvi'Je;:t!j U;-
Lvi.inn nt. ct'inini !l.rsf!l ff.rti-.-.'
while she was scraping together tliei-1 ;
which wa3 found in lier worm catea drj-J
TrtLune, Jon. 5. !
Uses of Rawhids.
fkin cf an animal, whether ti
calf, colt or horse, that dies on the Lrs
is worth more at home than at the t:
ners Cut it iuto narrow strips, r.'
. -i x i l. i r "
ge iu cuiwnai mauagemem, wuon .wi h;, roUtvo. PmhraMnr rmnV nF tho
resulted in a marked improvement of the L,dcat and bcst c;t;zcns of Qur Count The
paper, ane present numucr is nueu witn .. , ,. ,. ,
, , , , accusation has brought upon his widowed
the best musical matter, and is on the whole .i i i ,i , i . , ,
. . ' mother, his brothers and sisters, deep and
iu uuusi uu u uau eer seen. i . n ir 1 i ,i
uuxiuus guci. u uccpiy sympainisc wun
Some dozen or more of the Chcstnuthill Uhem, and hope, although the law must take
"ijimrods," were arrested and carried before course, if he is innocent of thc charge of
a Tanncrsville Justice of the Peace on Mon- wilful and malicious murder, (which circum
da', for hounding deer in the wilds of Jack- stances have apparently hung arround him),
son township on Sunday, contrary to the be may vindicate himself and beset again
law iu such cases made and provided. They at hbcrty. He will, we have no doubt, be
were to have a hearing to-day, and will we'l aQd ably defended by his counsel,
a? The legislatures of our own State, probably be bound over to court. If we tnc Hon. John B. S term, Gen. Burnett and
Illiuoif, Minnesota, 31issouri, Louisiana, have laws why not execute them ? James II. Walton, whose services have been
Maryland, Massachusetts and Maine asscm- secured and who are preparing bis defence
bled this week. ureinren oi the i. u. ox u. j?., i cola We have seen Mr. Heller frcnuentlv sinoo
Lodge No. 827. indulged a elorious sunner h immiinn r.,i ga : ..a
. nninpr atfamo'l hiu r.rll-tfM 1 A l ' ir.1.1 ; o 1 mi ....
... .v.Ux.v. .... vuu ai vumii's iiimrcw s iiuio, in onyuersvuie,
Thomas M. IcIliiaxky, Esq., of
this borough, has been appointed by the
Governor of New York, Commissioner for
taking acknowledgment of deeds and other
papers to be used in the State of New York.
JCSy Senator
birthday on Friday last,
Saturday night last The table was boun-
..r.l.. 1 ll .1.. J ii.i . r
V tunnn i-cuuaijf (juiucuuu wmi an iuo goou Liiings OI
The Delawarv. Vh.iw
Again. We have lost all faith in the pro- th? sca:SOn' an1 the brcthrcn ei'Ji'ed t,iem
ject'of new roads through the Delaware val
The February term of Court will continue
t??o weeks.
ley. However, the following, which we copy
irom the Jionesdale Herald may be reilable:
"It is now stated, apparently authorita
tively, that the projected coal route from
Hazel ton to Boston, Hartford & Erie from
Newburg, will be commenced in the Spring,
and that it has been decided to build it up
the Delaware to Port Jeryis from Strouds
burg, instead of eastward from that place
through New Jersej The route up the
river was surveyed last summer, and reported
to be the most feasible. If the road is built,
it will revolutionize the interests of the entire
valley, and be of great importance to all this
upper region. J he J'rie is said to be interes
ted in it, inasmuch as it will render valuable
the bonds of the Boston, Hartford k Erie,
now worthless, and of which thc Erie holds
We received from fcome unknown friend,
an advance copy of Governor llartrauft's
message, but too late for this weeks paper.
It will appear iu our next issue. The mes
sage is an excellent one, but as it has the
great merit of brevity we prefer not to pub
lish it synoptically.
Sunday last was just the kind of day to
mako IrhJc business for the doctor, the
undertaker, the grave digger and thc tomb
stone maker. Well, its an ill wind that blows
uobody good.
Reives in a manner which showed that they
fully appreciated the occasion. Mine Host
spirits, lie evidently does not realize as he
should the seriousness of the crime with
which he is charged.
Numbers who were present at Berlin's
Hotel, in Kresgevillc, on New Year's day,
and his assistants deserve more than usuai in the highest terms of the perform-
credit for the excellent manner in which the
feast was gotten up.
Scranton is looking after the practices of
her officials. Withiu a month a member of
her councils, and her right honorable mayor,
have both been "spotted" and compelled to
give bail for their appearance in Court to
answer the charge of malfeasance. Scranton
is a city of "magnificent distances," and why
not have "magnificent crimes among her
city fathers" as additional attributes of great
ness. She is neither larger nor better than
New York, and has as good a right to boast
a Boss Loftus as the latter has an Oakey
Hall, or a Boss Tweed. Money is what is
thc matter.
Tkrsonal. Mr. Luther Fillmore, for
many years Superintendent on the D. L. k
W. Railroad, and long a resident of East
Stroud.sburg, but now extensively engaged in
the breeding and herding of cattle on the
plains of Laramie, is visiting his friends in
this neighborhood. Luther holds his own
so well, in every respect, looking not a day
older than when he left here some three
years ago, that ono cannot well doubt but
that the life of a Farmer on the plains, agrees
with him. Wc were pleased to take him by
thc hand.
ance of the band which was present, under
the leadership of Prof. William Moran, of
Mauch Chunk. The band is composed mostly
of young men of Pleasant Valley and Biod
headsville, who are said to handle their in
struments with the grace and skill of vet
erans. Is it not a shame that Stroudsburg
should remain bandless under such an exam
ple? . .
Dedication. The new Reformed Church
edifice at Bushkill, Pa., will be dedicated to
tho worship of God on Tuesday, January
13th, 1874. Services at lOi o'clock, A. M.,
and 2 P. M. In thc morning, Rev. S. W.
M ills, of Port Jcrvis, N. Y. , will deliver a
historical discourse, presenting old and in
teresting remininscenses of the Reformed
Church, in the Delaware valley. In thc
afternoon a sermon eminently suited to the
occasion will be preached by Rev. E. P.
Rogers, D. D., of New York City. Ad
dresses may also be expected from Rev. A.
McWilliams and other reformed ministers
from abroad. The dedicatory form peculiar
to the usages of the Reformed Church in
America. Friends who may be present will
be entertained at dinner in tho basement of,
the church. A cordial iuvitation is hereby
extended to the public generally to partici
pate with us in thee services.
J. F, SHAW, Pastor.
A resolution, offered by Senator Rhave off the hair with a sharp knife
Moil ninn nnrmfoil ilprfinrr Icoir .1 f U C ;.. :
W. Sayers chaplain. shop, on stormy days and evenings 1
HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE?- may make Iheui sott br rubMnj. j
The House was called tn order at rawhide hal:er strap an inch wide, i
twelve o'clock, noon, by Chief Clerk Self- hoId a hurss better, and Lst longer tL
r',,.:!, an inch rore. It is stronger thaali).
Prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Snyder
(German Keforuieu Church).
Thc Secretary of the Commonwealth,
Hon. M. S. Quay, presented the return?
of th, election of members, which wer
opened and read The roll being called,
all answered to their names except Mr
Young, of Alleghany.
Mr Maylin moved to proceed to thc
slection of a speaker. Agreed to
Resulted in the choice of Henry II
McCormick, of Alleghany, by 50 Repub
lican votes, against 42 Democratic votes
cast for John II. Orvis, of Centre. Thc
Speaker elect was escorted to tho chair
by Mr. Orvis.
The Speaker was sworn by Mr. Orvia,
and the members were theu all either
sworn or affirmed.
The election for Chief Clerk aud Resi
dent and Assistant Clerks resulted in the
election of W. C. Sliurlock as Chief Clerk.
John A. 'Small as Resident Clerk, and
Hugh A. Morrison as Assistant Clerk.
Thc Democratic candidates were Wra. P.
Furey and I). B. Ilcrbett. Mr. Smull
was voted for by both parties, rcceivin
93 votes.
A commirtee was appointed to wait up.
on the Governor and inform him that the
House was organized. Committee
Newmyer and Orvi3.
No business was done in either house,
the members passing the time in consul
tation relative to the course of business
tinder the New Constitution.
iron aod more durable, and ui:iy Ic t
to hoop dry ca.ks and boxes, :
hinges. Try it on a brokeu thill, or:: .
wook word that ha3 becu split 1'j; ;
on wet, and nail fast. Thin skios Bilr
the best bag strings in the wur!J. i
rawhide rope is a good substitute fori
chain. It is valuable to mend a brh:;
link in a trace chain. For some purprr
it is bet to u?e it in its uatunlst:Ji
For some purposes it may be
so ft.
The Mysterious Murder ofNatiaii
French. I
New York. Jan
ueaiu ana burial o
The TitusvilU llerahl rccordi the fol
lowing matrimonial muddle: A singular
marriage occurred in this city on Tues
day last. The couple presented them
elves before a Justice to have thc
ceremony performed. The bride was
rather elderly, eay about forty five, while
the groom was but a little out of his teens
However, as "Barkis was willinV the
squire had no objection, and tied the two
in that knot which binds for life. Since
the honeymoon begun it has leaked out
that the young una was a Ftep son of the
woman he had taken to wift. The statute
books declare a marriage to be iltegul
when contracted bttween a woman alid
her husdand's son, but whether this is
void or not, it is the proviuce of lawyers
to say. The question of relations "row
lltfF nut it:. . I . . i C
...b ut mia eveui 13 a Utile ounmie
Should there be any children they would
be grand childreu to their own mother
aud the boys would bo brothers, and the
girls sisters to their own father.
Most of the public offices at Washin-
iou run on half time dm
irin holiday
Barking by Telegraph.
"Sam," said a darkey to his K
brother, "how am it dat dis ph tclct-j
carries de news froo dem wires?''
Ciesar, now s'pose dar aai a dog feeni,
long." "Nebber wai such a big
do'n b'lieb dat !" "You jess wait
Vs only illustratin, you stupid a:?:e
Now, dis yaa dog, jou see pats his' r
feet on de Ilobokcu 5I10', aud he put'i
behined feets on de New York sb.' j
"Yeaser.'V "Now s'pose you waltol
yaa dog's tail iu New Yoik " fl
"He'll bark, wont he ?" "Ycfser."
where will dat dog bark V "Id
I cale'late." "Dat am jest it. You '
on the dog'i tail in New York, a ;'i
bark in lloboken : and dat's Je :
telenraf works." Yesscr : dasso u-
You'a right, by golley."
x ne i resiuent, last .uuiiu.ij,
the Senate the nomination of Caleb t-tj f
ing to be Minister to Spuin U 1.
nominated J. O. Caldwell, of M'lDiJ
bo Miuister to Uruguay and Yr'"s "'
Etenezer Kuowltou, of Maine. t'
Consul at Valparaiso; Edward I
of Illinois, to be Consul at Uuenjs-v'
4 The myter;
f Nathaniel i res f
provincial Grand Master of Masins "
the Bahamas, created considerable eii
ment anions Fr?e Masons in X Y I
Brooklyn. The members if a l:
Masons' club held a meeting list u' ;
and various ptans were eoosidcreJ i-'
what course chould he adopted to tr-:
out, if possible, who the murderer t
and the place where thc murder was cm;
mitted. It was Gmlly decided to rtV
thc matter to Graud Master Fox, ani:
follow hi advice as to the coarse t.
adopted. Detective are worlin op
case, and, it is said, will sooa beab!'
throw additional liizht on the subjV
The body of Mr. French has been U'
from Potter's Ifield and deceutlv la'-",
at Greenwood.