-J J S;: 1. ; .; ? Empire Drag Store!!! A. (Removed to Fowler's building.) I line recently bought the Stock of )rtiL's in Nicholas liu-ter s bull- 1 firti.erly owned by M. F. , a n J have added a lure Kvn- if NKW GOODS, rUSS DRUG3 AND MEDICINES, different brands of pure ;;-:iTD LEAD and other PAINTS, Vu.vj SPICES, groucd and unground, o! ()!,riwan.t boiled, Japan Dryers, .r;i!s!n-.-, inlow dlass, French and .A 'cancan Putty, Patont Medicine, JVi.ii Jars, pire Wines and Li i rs f r medical purposes, Rye Whiskey. 7 years old, and will Keep on hand a -jnol suuply of Horse & Cattle Powd-r, Prof" s.r Myr Horse Lin iip.oitt, E.i st India Oil, Shoulder f'iiC'. anl Supporters, I imps and 'is mi res. and every thing dually kept ' .1 I) HUG STOHKH! I h-vo the ass stance of (C. S. Detrick, i l .... . . c in rannil.. I . n s and dispensing mugs,) amI mil U iUu.i.s who has been in the i- . i. i iilt'Sn pJ vticiins Pre-cripiions carefully com- (1 frn:i tic puresl material. Physi- c !mi- ord-s lor Drills ami Medicines care- iii! tilled. from selected stock at rca.onabl" pries. Ail r.lcrs by Stage or otherwise, will be promptly anented to. " i Give me a cull and s . ris y yourselves. PET Eli WILLIAMS. StDui.'sburg, Pa. July 21,'73-fim. Cathartic Pills, Ayer's For the relief and rare of all leran;e incuts in the stom ach, liver, ami bow els. ThcyareainiM aperient ami r.n excellent purgative, licin; hi rely vege table, they eontaiii no meiTir.y or mine ral whatever. .Miuh seiioiis sirkness ami siiflerintr is prevent ed liv tlieir tiiiK'lr r. i .- an feverv family should have them on h: r.d l .. i juotei-tioii and relief, when leiiuiieil. i. rr experie:ii'e lias proved them lobe the snf i a;es:, and be-t of all the 1'illn with whieh i i - ; Kiikel abivjuiN. V.y their occasional r e, l !;.:. I is purilied, the corruptions of the f-ys-:'.;i e.vpelied, obstructions removed, and the t. lin'e ma -hiaery of life refctoretl to its healthy ii i.viiy. Jnteni'al orp.nis which become i-lojrj-'ed I .-) lipriri -h are cleansed by Ayer' i'ill, and .-:i;i::i!ited into action. 1'luis incipient disease i i-:;:i:i.Jrcil into hetilfh, the value of w hich ehanue. v reckoned on the vast multitude who enjex i-, i -.1 hardly be computed. Their susrar eoatinj . lii 'm jilLMant to take, and preserves theii ;. i . ; iv.:i;;r,i::ired for any length of lime, s. 1 tii-.v are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. .";".s)Vi-:i searcbinjr. they are mild, and operate v.:!.v,it tli tuvbance to Hie constitution, or diet, oi .li'i.-li-i:). I iii directions arc riven on the wrapper to c : !. . how t- use thcin lis a Family Physic, !. r the f.ilowinic tomphiiats, whieli these rr..i :!y euro: 1 --r rS.vjii'Siii or B nItarettoii. I.ltt-.:-.. I.i:iarncr and Lom f Ai!rtthey .: ! iief.iken jv.oderately to stimulate the ttom- . '". re-ioro its healthy tone and action. ; i- .7-) ?: C"oi!ij5;stn't ami its various ymv C;iliasa iaeitatU'. siicU Uruib Zv. 3tiji!Sc or rji StirUn, Kil- ; .-. and IJil!0: I'mith. they should : ; u-iy taken for each ease, to correct, thr i ci! ac'JOu or remove t!ie obstructions which . . . gr.rtrry or ri'sirrljce;?, b'.:t cr. i 1 -c"i; p-e;ier;!lly vci;uired. ?A Iirii:uatiHi. iotit, firavol. frti T::--!:?i of tJi- tli'iirt. in tlir i - '. 2jnt ! and fioiu. thee should be contin '. ;. t as requii-ed, to clianjre the discae: ; :. -i ff tl'.c system. With such change ths !s disa'ppear. I V i;roj.r and Kro;tifal fiw t!iii:. -n.j;:'il betaken in iarce a nit irepie;it lo. c. i .'.:.viu-e the eft'eet of a drastic imrzo. r -,- r;i':;jiri!JM. a larjre '.o' should be : .r. .! ai u produces the desired eCe."i by syin 1 ' a TiUtncr nU. take one or two nr.- v i i.oto l!?estion ami n lieve the toiuacb. .'. : 'loc.-isioiial dose ftiir.v.lates the stomach ar. I 'V ri.-, re-Tores the appetite, and ! .-iporatc t! r ;. fi'i. II Mice it is olidi advantageous whv-: t . -c. ii:i derangement exists. One who fee i ; ;l jv well, often find that a dose of the I !j;:ike. hi!ii feel decidedly better, from the t -:;.;hir and renovating effect on the dii-'esti; rm i-arko r.r 1. C. A VI'Il .C- CO., VmrtJcal Clirmift. i.oy.i;ll, MASS., V. S. A. SALE BY ALL JjSLGOISTS LVEKV WH ii: 17, 1673 ly. Ayer's lair Vigor, I? F?r restoring to Gray Hair its iral Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, liejilthj, n n d pfToctiinl fnr or j ray hatr to its or'ujinal color, tcitk the fh)?s and f resJi ncss of youth. Thin l;:t:r i.s thickened, falling hair checked, :i:id baldncos often, tliough not ahvaj's, ei:;vil hv its use. Xotliing can restore t';c liair wliero the follicles are de-strv-fd, or the glands atrophied and decayed ; but such as remain can be f avo I by tli is application, and stimu lated into activity, so that a new pro wt Ii of hair is produced. Instead of i'r.i'ing the hair with a pasty sedi m.Mf, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its o vu-ioiuil use will prevent the hair fro: a turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. The lvs.toratiou of vitality it gives to the s a';) arrests and prevents the forma tion of d.mJrtifi", which is often so un ci i:Jy and oli'ensive. Free from those u.iet.'i i its substances which make :.!j pivp irations dangerous and inju 3 i j .is t ) the hair, the Vigor can only L 'M b;it not harm it. If wanted v.iv'y in- a HA lit DRESSING, 5i': !;::r el e cm hi found so desirable. C:::'::i:ni!ig neither oil nor dye, it does i; . s ;li white cambric, and vet lasts i iJ-V j ; " i tli-j hair, giving it a rich, glossy i ', aa 1 a grateful perfume. '??.red by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., rvi.t ticvl and Analytical Chemists, LOWULL, MASS. 17, 1873 ly. A or I PLAXK MORTGAGE For s:i!t at this Office. 0CKAFKLL0W- DEALER IN KcadV - iUaUe UOUllng, UeDIS fUT- iiisliing Goods, I!a(s & Caps, Boots & Shoes, &c EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. (Near tbe Depot.) The public are invited to call and exam- ine goods. Prices moderate. May 0, 18fi9. tf. MASON TOCK PAPER HANGER, GLAZIER AND PAINTER, MONROE STREET, J Nearly opposite Kautz's Blacksmith Shop, Stroudsbcro, Pa. The undersigned would respect fully in form llip ritizpns nf St rotidsbur? iind vicinitv Lj1;t jie jg oW t u1 y prepared to doall kinds izing nnl ramtinjr. nottce. and that he nromntlv and at short will keep constantly on h.-ind a fine htock o? Paper Hangings of all descriptions andnl low prices. J he patronage of the publi is earnestly solicicd. May 16, 1872 LOOK! LOOK!! Mr. J. A. Hay; OF THE Popular Hal & Cap Emporium, IIj? just rettinined from tlie cities with an immense stjck of. Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnish ing Goods, for Sprinj and offering at Summer wear, vshich he is GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Thankful for past favors, I reppectfully ask my old customers una tne puui-o generally to examine my Stock and Prices before making purchases elsewhere. Store on Main Street, Stroudsbnrg, Pa., a lew doors anuve inc w astiinjitori tioici. J. A. HAYS. April 21, '73 tf The Corner Store A SUCCESS! The Cash System a Success C. R. ANDRE & Co. With manv thanks fur flic liberal patronage stowed in the past, would now call eiecial aiteniion to tne balance oi tlieir I FALL AND WINTER STOCK, which U yet large and well selected, consisting of DRY GOODS, JAPANESE SILKS and STRIPES, CLOTHS and FANCY CASSIMERES, VELTING3, WOOL JACKETS, VELVETEENS, PLAIN ad PLAID FLANNELS, NOTIONS &c, &c. The time i approaching to take account of Btock, and tliese pood riiii.t be tiold to make room for SPRG STOCK, consequently will be km a at REDl'CCD PRICES. All who wish to buy cheap and save money come and see what we have to offer. Terms CASH! C. U. A NDKE & Co. jan. 30, 1873. TTASIILTOX'S SIM.UI.IISS COR JLJL bLTS. The best in use. The only place they can be had in town is at the cor ner store, lrythcm. C. R. ANDRE & Co. j an. 60, to. tf. WINTER STORES. RYE WHISKY, $4.00 a gallon. $1 1.00 a dozen. YELLOW SEAL SHERRY, In large bottle, 11.00 a dozen. GOLD SEAL BRANDY, $1S.00 a dozen. APPLE JACK, JAMAICA RDM, SCOTCH WHISKY, CATAWBA WINE, OLD POUT WINE, CHAMPAGNES, SEtiAKS, &V. H. & A. O. VAN BEIL, The Wine Merchants, 1310 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. -lv February 27, 1S73- DR. BUTLER'S CURATIVE OINTMENT DOTH DIUWIKG AND HEALING. Is working most remarkable; cures in every V . . , - 1 case. J t is pro vini; Usel! to oe me mosispeeuy and eflectual remedv known for the various forms of external bodily afflictions as specified below: This OINTMENT is composed of the best materials, known to the Materia Medica for the cure of all kinds of Skin Diseases, Sores, Urulscs, Cuts, Frosted Feet, Chapped Hands, ESPECIALLY VALUABLE FOR CARBUNCLES AND BOILS, Poison, Salt yArwwi, Tetter, Burns and Scald, Corns, Scald Head, Blisters, Sore Eyes, Ery- ' . n ' -r . Til . sipetas, bore L.ip, lAotcnes in all their stages; for open Felons, Burns, Ulcers, of a scrofulous character, and for all Cancer ous affections. For any external affection this OINTMENT will be found preferable to all sorts of poul tices, plasters and halves, in every stage of such affection. S. S. Detrick, Druggist, East Stroudsburg General Agent. lteb U' .i-ly UNDERTAKING. McCARTY has on hand the largest and . v7 best assortment of and TRIMMINGS be found ouiside of either city (New York or Philadelphia), and will make this branch or his business A SPECIALITY. COFFINS and CASKETS of any size or stvle. can be furnished at one hours notice for shipment, at a charge of one-third LESS THAN ANY SHOP IN STROUD8BURO Il nocase will he charge more than TEN PER CENT above actual cost. attended to in any pirt of the County at the shortest possible notice. fSept. 26,"67-tf T HE TALKING MACHINE. The Domestic Sewing Machine. THE "LIGHT RUNNING" "DOMESTIC" SIMPLICITY, EASE OF Management, JCoiscIcss, and ml RUXXIXG, TALKS ITSELF INTO PUBLIC FA VOR. THE WORLD CHALLENGED! To produce a Family Sewing Machine that will sew aa light, and as heavy, that is as light running, and as easily operated. inis Aiaciune is warranted to wear pqmlly as long as any other manufactured Sold on monthly payments. For sale by DARIUS DREHER. Main St., Stroudsbtirg, Pa Sept. 12. 1872. NEW STORE -:and:- NEW GOODS -:at:- REDUCED PUICES. DARIUS DREHER, begs leave to an nounce to his friends and to the pub lic generally, that he has just received a general assortment of Dry Goods, Xotions, Dress Trimmings AND MIL L IX Ell Y GOODS consisting, in part of the following desirable articles, viz. : Calicoes, Ziaicns, French Chintzs, Children's Dress Goods, Worked Edgings, Parasols, Zephers, Shetland Wools, Shetland Wool Shawls Delaines, Muslins, White Dress Goods, Insert nigs, Lady's and Children's Sacks Flannel and Cloth, Lady's, Misses and Men's Hoes, Gloves and Collars, Mourning Goods, Shroudings, drc, cCc, Goods shown with pleasure. Quicks sales and small profits" at the old and wel known Millinery Stand of F. A. DREHER. The Millinery business will be carried on as usual by Mrs. Dreher. Patronage respectly solicited. DARIUS DREHER. April 26, 1866. A KICK STOCK OT CHOICE Family Groceries, Queensware, Glass ware, Wood anil Willow-ware, at C. 11. AN DUE & Co. Terms CASH. jan. 30, '73 tf. BLANK LEASES For Sain at this Office. NEW MACHINE SHOP! The subscriber having started a Machine Shop, near the head ot Main Street, Stroudstaurg, Fa., is prepared to build, and repair all kinds of Machinery wilh accuracy, anu uispaicn. Beinjr fitted with SPECIAL MAC MS ERY FOR TURN ING, SHAFTING. AND PUL LEYS, AND WITH IM PROVED TOOLS oi various Kina, anu iiavmg on caPc..u.i of over Thirty year,, in designing and r I " , 1 1 A v nn r n vt.n 1 i .u- .u:.... - :i ,llirnnM i DUIMl lT IIMCIllliri JT IUI Bhilai jri..,-.. , feel warranted in 'guaranteeing the best of wrK. nave on nanu, buu uuiiuiui:, i . r l I 1 . 1 .1 . n . nn.l nnr: huildinor. PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, of from 2 to 10 Horse Power, designed especially for Farm ue, or lor driving ny liglit machinery. I also keep in stock, several thousand feet of Premium New York Oak Tanned Belting, in widths of 1 J inch t 6 inches, (can obtain wider ones at very short notice) at manu facturers Drices. aI?o Luce Leather. Celt r Rivets, Punches, &c, STEAM PIPES & FITTINGS of the variouss sizes. Pipe cut and fitted, at short notice licmp & Rubber Steam I'acUiii?. I would call the attention of Blacksmiths. Wheelwrights, and others, to my assort ment of all sizes of Machine Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Lag Screws, and Bolt-ends, which I offer at New York prices. The B-ilt-ends especially, being thre.uled and fitted with nuts by machineiy, enable the Rlackstniths Io furnish bohs of any length, much cheaper, and quicker, than them by hand. to cut Call in and see my stock and Machinery G. SAN FORD March 6, 1873 tf. LOOK THIS VAY, ALL YI10 WANT Carriage Work or Blacksmith. DONE IN A SUPERIOR MANNER! THE Suhscriber be;s leare to in ffurui the public that he is fully pre Air pared, at his establishment, at the corner of Simpson and Sarah streets, in the borousrh of Stroudsburjr, to make to order, every style of Carriage, Wagon, and, in fact, everything in his line of bu siness, at the shortest possible notice, and ou the most reasonable terms. Carriages repaired, trimmed and paint ed in the best style of the art. Having first-class material always on hand, and none but first-class workmen engaged, the public are assured that none but first das work will be turned out at his shop. In connection with his Carriase Shop he has also a Blacksmith Shop, where superior workmen will always be found ready to attend to the orders of customers The public are invitee1 to call and ex amine his stock before purchasing else where. VALENTINE KAUTZ. September l'J, l867.-tf. Gothic Hull Drug Store. William Uollinslicact, Wholesale and Retail Druggist. STROUDSBURG, Pa. ' Constantly on hand and tor sale cheap for cash, a fresh sup ply of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oil, Glass, Putty, Varnish, Ker osene Oil, Perfumery and Fancy Goods; also Sash, blinds and Doors. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purpose. P. S. Physicians Prescriptions care fully compounded. Stroudsburg, July 7, 18G4." Chance to make Money ! One Hundred Dollars from One Dollar. A Mire thins ami no Deception. Every person owning HORSES, CAT TLE, SHEEP and HOGS are guaranteed to make One Hundred Dollars by using a One Dollar Package of "YOUATT'S CONDITION POWDER," manufactured by William IIollik.uiead, Stroudsburg. If you have never used it try a l'uckae and if it does not benefit your stock to the amount of one hundred dollars, in your estimation, call at the store and get your money refunded. HORSES It will give them a good ap petite, keep their skin loose and renders the coat soft and nhining, keeping them in good condition with one-half the feed, being there by a saving of one-hulf the monoy. COWS. It makes them give more milk wilh one-half the feed, and if they give more milk of course you inuke more BUTTFR, and the more butter the more money I have so much confidence in the Cuttle Powder Unit I make tin above offer, know ing well that it will do all that is claimed for it. WM. HOLLINSHEAD. 03T Ask to- see The Great Tobacco An. tidole. March 4, I860. tf. Harness I SaddleryJP- ti, I nainess has Offain been re- J nw""- " t sutiied at the old stand, Wic.y wcpi.w.. hy the late fl,od, near Stroutfslnirtr, wnere win u- ""f on hand the best ossorlment of Harness, double and single, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, and every other article usually furnished in ik; ir,a nf l.iicinos,- vorK maue io oruci on the shortest notice A large at-sortinent of Mountings and Saddlery Hard- t vour owr alway, .on hand C-ll and J seieciion.n nu ii w iii uc ii ii i ,L- .-a-lfot Pru:e . not V be excelled m th m arket strict aueni io.. p.. .u .u .c p j, in shortest notice. Call and examine JOHN O SAYLOR. Ajrent PETER, GRUVER October 6, 1870. tf A IV extensive lot of STOVKS of all descriptions have been received ul the store t.f the subscriber, in the boroul. ofStroudsbur-. He hns COOKING STOVES, & PARLOR STOVES, of the latest improvements ; and entire new styles, and consider.ibtcsavingof fuel, which can be had at tne lowest Litv prices. Also all kinds of Stove-Pipe. A la rpe assortment of TIN WARE of ev- j ery description, constantly on hand, which will be sold at wholes jIo and retail, as rea sonable as can be h;id in the Cilv. All kinds of repnirinjj done in the shortest. cheapest and best manner. Call and ex-un- i ne his stock before you purchase elsewhere. Feb 11, '69. WM. S.FLO III SAMUEL HOOD, Wholesale and Detitil Dtaler in fi(gjr r ni y a enPAVrC tUUtiI AllLUll Si V T KaB9 TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, AND IN Metal House Furnishing floods GENERALLY. Roofing and Spouting done on short notice, with the lest material, and at reasonable prices. His stock of Cook, Parlor and Office Stoves embraces all the best varieties known to the trade. CALL AND SEE. Store third building, alove the Methodist Church. 3Iain street, STROUDSBURG, PA. August 4, 1S70. tf. mwm NOW IS THE TIME TO IT8E Vonatt's Condition Powder. . In the Fall and Winter when your cows give but little milk this powder is sure increase .he quantity and improve the qual Hy. for hrs8, u increases the appetite, promotes digestion, exhilerates the spirits, renders the coat soft and shining. For Hos one package in your swill barrel wili hasten the fattening pmcess ht least 100 per cent This powder has proved an excellent article for sheep. He sure you get the Genuine Youatts Condition Powder, MANUFACTURED BY WILLIAM HOL.MXSIIIMI, AM other is a counterfeit. See that name of WM HOLLINSHEAD is on each package and boy n. other. Wamnted Cive satiafiction or l he money refunded Nov. 19, 'C3 WM. HOLLINSHEAD. DOX'T you McCarly is know ilial J. i the only Undertaker Stroudsburg who understands his business! If not, attend a Funerul managed hy any other Undertaker in town, and you will me proof ot ifi. fact. Sept. Ifi, lUKoiii that when you want any thing in the Furniture or Ornamental line that Mccarty, in Ihe Odd-Fcllows Hall, Mum Street, Stroud hurg. Pa., is the place lo Sel it. Sept. '2fi OVT FOOL YOUR JUH..V away for worthless articles of Forni lure, but go to McCarty's, and you will jret well paid for it. Sept. 26, 'G7 S. WILLIAMS, Watchmaker & Jeweler MAIN ST, STROUDSBURG, pA Located in corner building-. thjr( j low the Jetter.-oniinotnce. K..nm haniW y iiuuu up, hiiu utYiijr MWKeu wtthth nest astortnicnt of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Jewelerj s ever offered in this. sect! in of ccunti A full assortment of hpecl.iclp8, 0r best quamy, anu suneu io an age? aUi on sale. Silver-ware, and Silver Pitted warp . ways on hand at manufacturers price?. ' 0CT"RePa,rin? neatly executed, and cliv s extremely motuTate. L,ali6 fr0. public rcspecifully solicited. S .le Aent tor the cel. bratcd Di 'ian:; d, tacies. November 5th, 18G8 ly. ge 1) The underjijincil fakes this method , informing the puhlic, that he still r. linues I he above hnsiness in all its brand,-. at his old fctamf, on rrankhn sti. Stroudshur, Pa , where lie will U Kv py to receive oruers lor woik including general in his j Wheelwrightinr, Blacksmi mg, Painting, mming, 1 1 is stock, oi me oesi nuaiity oi season. lumber is hi re and very complete: s- also has a lull lorce ol firs? elas ariirb,. at all the bra tic he?, he nailers iK,u that he is fully prepared to acctui;;;; all who lavor him with orders, udJ 'u2i tee entire satisfaction. Repairing promptly attended to W:i. HUNTSMAN. luly 2S , 1S70. 1TNDEETAKQTO LEE &. Co. would mo t resprcfu!lrv nounce that having procured an clpjut HEAESE, and having a person in their pn.nU twelve yenrs extri-nce. in the unl.r;aV business, are now prepared to attend it dert.iking in all its branclics in tiit b(.'t; sible maunpr. COFFINS and CASKETS ol anv rA style or quality, constant')' on fund, a ready for fhinn eiU at shori notice. OrJ- by mail promptly attended to Our ch?r- are moderate; we have r.o di I lie t- distress the living or rob tale.- e! ; dead. N. B. Ready-made ROBES, rea lvr ten up. can be harf at any time, a! tiieWi Riooi of LEE &. Co, May L6. 1-70. ly. (iO TO J, IL Md AIHVS ODD FELLOWS' II ALL A IN srh'OL'DSiuitGj'A., and Buy your F L' It X I T tr IS C A K I s;ts, OIL-CLOTHS, HUGS, W IX BOW SHADES, CUKYAIrtS & rixTtnr TARLC CLOTHS, Ac, and sive At Least Two Profi As McCiirty buys, direct from the in:: turer, for cash (not 60 da), he can! MORE FURNITURE, OF A BETTER QUALITY. AND FOR Lr.SS.VO.I than you can buy at etail either in r country, and every article is warrant as represented. S pi. CHRISTIAN HILLED Has Fitted tj His FjrciUrJ IULL Alll, i:vtix(; A AH HE LB to ft A T , O O X, Main Street, StroudsburgJi 0T"Ilcnow extends an imitate his friends and former customers 10 c' his old place of business. Here M drink of his delightful beverages: Laser lci lorlr, Alt', ISIiie Wine, :., Vr. and eat of Ins superior Cli?c, 0 11 cis &'.. Ar I in vis t the to loon. Ijune Itcli! Xtcli! Itcif in SCRATCH ! SCRATCH! USE SCKA14 see HOLLINSIIEAD'S ITCH i SALT '67 No Family should be without t J II I' r- .i 4 nllWi' Die meuicine, lor on tne nrMKi- thi disorder nn llio wrislK. bttf' irord -r a )i..l,t u km1 ipnl lull t f lit ment will cure it. and prevent i' . i ken by others. Warranted lo five satisfaction o refunded. i Carria lcllVH Prepared and sold, wholesale ' f A ky W. HOLLINJ Oct. 31, 1867,1 ' i 1 ! r ii -i