J, Th CoOsl'ftiliohal Cotiventioa" lias ost several hundreds cf thousands more. The dry P00" n0Ui!C f Morgan, Young, heaians & Co., at Philadelphia, hare A l,leJ: liabilities SG0O.O00. They Ifill be able to pay from 75 to 80 cent? c3 the dollar. fevr housekeepers know that the rrcfjed juice of garlic is an everlasting merit (or broken china, glassware, and the Iic 'eav')o 00 ,uark f fracture if pcatlj doue. Come Chinamen last wider rented one Utdrei and sixty acres of land a short distance from New Orleans, and now they Jc Catherine a f plcndiJ rice crop. They ujed 8 f'r'l0U ,u 00t lueir fiel8 from the river. ' . Jacob Francis, ajred eighty.five, and -nMpft fiddler in Kastcrti Pennsylvania, th i:a Pottstown on the 18th iust. For three ffre am' ten )Cars ne "ad drawn the h:iirs of the horse's tail across the dried intestines of the feline, for the delectation of rustic lass and swain. , lare crowd gathered on Sunday io Francirco to witness a balloon 30 cenoim and wedding of Professor Lay ni Miss Jmitn. 01 mac cuy. iiie ballon ;rt off without the party or any one else, and when lust secu was goiDg n.rth at a hijih altitude. . Tlify have a debating society at Senior i!!e. N- J an one Ter,inir last week the in'portact question, "Which is most neful to man. a woman or a horse ?" was di-russed. After touch learned talk p 0 and eon. it was unanimously decided in favor of the horre. The So'merville f, ones talk of an action lor slander. MARUIKD. At Hiok-ite Meeting House, in Stroudbiirg, m the 1 1 tli ir.st., Fri ml' ceremony, Dr. S:nincl I'onike, of Oakland, Pa., and Miss M.irv 15. Wolf, daughter of K. 1. Wolf, Esq., ,,f irouilb-.irjr. I 'a. l p.niuiieadsvillf, Octolnr v, 1S73, by Rev. I. E. Sfhollcr, Mr. .Josiah Killer and Mrs. JVlIv l.:itif.-r, both of t hestnuthill, Monro.; r.'intv, Fa. At the .:imc place, October 12, 1S73, bv the Mine, Mr. l'eier Ever r.nd Mia Sirah Butz, Uiili of Hamilton, Monroe county, Pa. At r.n!licadvi!'e, November 6, 1S7H, by die uno. Mr. John Appcnzeller, Ilegis t -r sin! Ueconhr of Monroe county. Pa., and Mi lf!ilili Ilauey, of Chestnuthill, Monroe cvin:v, I'a. I'. ul- comity papers please copy. iii:i At Kii't'riuni, Cameron county, Fa., Octo Ur 2 ", KS73, Aaron Evans, son of Jliram J.van, formerly of Monroe county, Ta., aged 10 vears, " months and 13 days. At Kc!k-rs ville. Monroe county, Pa., Novem 1k r 1S7."., of dropsy, William E. Mantl, asl IS years and 8 mwnihs. Kcttiaius taken to J!r."klyn, N. Y., for interment in Family llurving (iround, n Monday, 10th iust. Special jSTotice. JL are beautiful, adapted to all rcu:rcu!Ciits and tastes, witn j.nceai ftnt aMc t.) all c'asses of purchaser?. We call ?peeia! attention to the Vox Her man a:i 1 the won Icrtnl Vox Jnbihuttr. Every instrument fully warranted. fcsrSiMi 1 f'tr an ii!tiitr;:tel catalogue con ta in :ii fall description of Organs. J. Y. SIGAFUS, IW. .V72-tf. ftrudsLurr, Ia. FOUR TONS - OF BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, FOR SALE. EXTRA lanjiiire of nov l.-Vtf M. W. MARSH, Stroudsburg, Pa. NOTICE. Notice i hereby given, that an application iil )t made to the nest session of the Legis Iainre of this State, fur the passage of a law, mollifying the trust of the Cemetery lot, in the f'rks' .f DnKlliejolV and McMichaels' creek.in tlit Iw.rougli of Strondoburg. To the efl'ect tliat s- r.i:k!i of the f-aid lot held in trust, that i nut used, and is unsuitable for the purposes of a (Vaietery, may be sold or leased, and the annual income thereof appropriated towards keeping the Cemetery on said lot in repair. n.v lo-ot J. If. STROUD. Auditor's Notice. yin: of in: D01.ru it. metzgtji:, fccu Ti e mii'rrsigncd appointed by the Orphan's fonrt of Monroe county, Auditor, to makedis t ; iii'it n of the mor.ey in the bunds of the Aiiiii:nitrators of i!ie Instate of said Rudolph 11. Metzer. de eaed, will attend to the duties of Lin appointment on Saturday, December 13, l"3, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the office of Su-pljcn Holmes, Jr., in the Rorough of Strouds-l-urg, at w hioli time and place, all persons having any claims or demands arainst faid find will present the fame or be forever de barred from coiiiinjr in for a nhare thereof. JOHN & FISHER, Auditor. MroUJ,burg, Nuv. 13-4t. ADJOURNED Public Sale of Real Estate. l'-y virtue of nn order of the Orphan's Court, f t Monroe county, and by authority from heirs i, (icur-c I.aliiie. deceased. I will offer at :de, :j, my jfiiee, in Stroudsburg, on SAT UK DAY, DECEMBER 6, 1873, "t '2 o clock in the afternoon, all that certain Uriu late of (Jeorge LaRue, decease!, Mtnated ""it one mile from Rartonsville, and four imlt from Stroudsburg, in Hamilton town "'p, M(tnr,M! c(uiity, bounded by lands of Jacob K.jiise and others, containing 51 Acre. About 40 Acres of the land is cleared and un-fl-r cultivation, 6 Acres of which in meadow; 'stlum-e, good timber la id. The improve- i-iiL6 are a F. 11 1: -..,f,e!. ,.,r.u lhrte rooms-rfg v taeii story; frame Rank Rain, M lea tquare with threshing Jloor, graintry and mown, ht0"e tabling for 3 horses and 4 cows ; hog a"d indtry house. A well nt the door, a fcevir filing sjririg not far from the liou.se. A public road passe through the place. lhe property is Umnded on the south by W Pctcuo creek, with a fall of about 'lb feet, nd Ls ,,1vwrU,5 of H ,njje from a w mUlf hafa ,t?lie frw a church sihJ school house, and aUut one nuJe C'otn luilj, store and posUoffice, Terms, oiift-third, Jaja.uarv 1, 1S74; one- third J WILLIAM S. REES, Guardian and Agent for the Hei;s. v 13-4t. miitm DIVIDEND NOTICE. The Directors of the Stroudsburcr Bank have this day declared a pemi-annual dividend, of three per cent, payaole to the stockholder?, on and after the loth him. Nov. 4, 1S73-21 J. MACKEY, Cashier. SABASTINE EOHLE, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. SHOP CORNER OF Pocono and Green Streets, STROUDSBURG, PA. 1 am now prepared to make to order, all kinds of Boot and Shoes, such as French Calf. American Calf, Kip, Turkey Moroco, Glove Kid, and I'eoble Ooat. at reasonable prices. Specia I attention paid to half-soleing, heeling and all kind of mending. One trial and be convinced. nor Ctf PRIME OYSTERS AT C. D. LRODHEAD'S Grocery Store. Families or parties desiring FRESH OYSTERS, will find them for sale by the QUART, HUNDRED OR THOUSAND, at all hours during the day and evening, nov 6-tf a a a MEETING. A stated meeting of the Union Horse Insur ance Company of Northampton county, will be held at the public house of J. P. K. Heller, on Saturday, the loth day of November, 1873, at 10 o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of holding the annual election for electing the officers of said Company- for the ensuing year. JACOB BAUER, Pres't. Rklbek Ackermax, Sec'y. f Nov. G-2t Instruction in Music. MISS C3S3I.4. JAXE gives instruction on P8ANO AND ORGAN. Would respectfully solicit the patronage of those desiring to learn Music. Satis factory reference can be given. oct23-3t FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. A reward of $50.00 will be paid to any per son who can give satisfactory information as to the person or persons, w ho cut off the tail of a horse at the stable, belonging to A. M. Hauser, at Delaware Water Gap, on Friday evening, September 2Cth, 1S73. Any person giving satisfactory information will receive the above reward from M. G. Jones, Luke Dutot or Enos Dcpne. Trustees, of Cahleno Ixvdge, No. 376, K.ofP. JOHN J. P.iJRD, ct.lG-ti K. of K. and S. Auditor's Notice. &tale of SALLY A XX GROXLR, deceased. The undersigned appointed by- the Orphans' Court of Monroe county, Auditor to make dis tribution of the money in hands of John DeYoung, Executor of the last Will and Testament of Sally Ann Groncr, deceased, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Saturday, November 22, I $73, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at She Prctlumotarv's Office, in the borough of Stroudsburg, at which time and I place all persons having any claims against W11: rriu ii.e .ue or w iorever UVOi2ALl 1171.1 JkiU'.l 1 I if I HUT riltllV IMll Wi. TIIOS. 31. McIEIIANEY, Auditor. oct25-lt Agricnhizral Implements. Wc wnuIJ call the attention of the Far mers of Monroe County, to the following; im proved machinery: Two-horse Wheeler Tread Power. One-horse " Two-horse Emery Tread Power. Cutting Tioxes, Fanning Mills, Clover IIul lers, Hay Rates, Corn Shcllers, Chum Pow er of different kinds, Field Roller, Road Scraper, Cast Iron Feed Boxes, which will be furnished at the shortest notice, and all guaranteed to give good satisfaction. Apply to II. Q. BOWER & Bro., IJaekettstown. N. J. or to JOHN V. SHOEMAKER, Kellers ville, Monroe Co, Pa. Either by mail or otherwise. August 23, 1873. tf. REWARD. Rroke out of Railroad Cattle Pen, at Fork' Station, on the night of October 15, 1S73, A LOT OF CATTLE. belonging to the undersigned, of which 16 head arc still missing. A reward of TWO DOLLARS PER HEAD will be paid on deliverv to L. T.SMITH, Fork's Station, I). L. & W. R. R. The Cattle arc marked with letter "S" on the right hip. All information leading to the whereabouts of said Cattle will be thankfully received, and the above reward will be paid on delivery as above stated. SHADDIXGER & SMITH, oct23 Fork's Station. Orphans' Court Sale. Rv virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of the county of Monroe, there will be sold at Public Vendue, at the public bonne of Charles Rrown, in the villasre of Tanners ville, on SA TURD A I', X0VE:-BER2'l, 1873, the follow 'wingReal Estate of Joseph Heckman, I, late of, Pocono township, in said deceased county, viz: A certain messuage and tract of land situate in said Pocono towr.hi, con taining 300 Acres, om re or tr.a twiiirwll In.. I -1 in I of Andrew IIV1V r L It J 'I' '... V J ... ... Slet-cker, James Werkhciser, John Stump and others. The improvements are a Frame Dwelling House, mS;! !! fr 24x44 feet, 2 stories high ; a Frame Rani 28x3f feet; Wagon House, 18x23; Hog Pen ; Corn Crib and other outbuildings. ALSO Saw Mill in good condition. About 50 acres cleared 5 acres of which are ME A DO IV LAXD. Ral- ance good Timber Land, 4& principally chestnut and rock-oak. The Pocono creek runs through the same, af fording hii excellent water power. Apple or chard and other fruit trees on the premises. Public road from Tanners ville to Long Pone" passes along and through the farm. (Jonditioni One-third cash, one-third in sis months, and balance in one year, with interest, to be secured by judgment bonds and mortage. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M. JOHN RUTZ, Administrator. Rv cycler of the Court THE MONROE COUNTY Co-OperatiVe Life Insurance COMPANY. STROUDSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA. Limit 5,000 Members. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Any person of 6ound body nnd mind, of either sex, not !ess than fifteen nor more than sixty-five years of age, and not enga ged in any occupation, exceedingly danger ous to life, may become a member of this Company, by paying an admission fee, a follows : From 15 to 40 years of age $3 00 " 40 to 50 .4 m 5 00 " 50 to 60 10 00 44 60 to Go 20 00 And ore dollar for Policy. No other charsres will be made at anv time, excepting one dollar and ten cents for each member who dies. The advantages of this COMPANY over the ordinary Life Insurance Companies are, that the fees are so small that the man of moderate means can secure a competency to his family at a trifling cost, and payable at such long intervals, and such small sums, that no person can be inconvenienced by them. This company cannot fail; no panics can affect it. Person- holding cer tificates of membership in this Company, are sure in case of death that their families or heirs will get as many dollars as there are members in the Lomnanv. No restrictions are placed upon traveling or residence. Applications for insurance, or infbrma lion, may be made to the Directors or Secre tary, at Stroudsburjf, Pa. DIRECTORS. R. S. Staples, M. F. Coolbaugh, Kindarus Shunp, 11. R. Biescckcr, Win. Fine, J. H. Fetherman, Peter Gruver, Dreher. C. D. Drodhead, E. B R. S. STAPLES. Pres't. JAMES CARR, Sec'y. March 6, lS73-tf. G. H. Dreher. (2 doors west of the "Jeffersonian Office,") ELIZABETH STREET, Stromlsburgr, Pa., iDREHER & BRO., DEALERS IN Drugs, ?Iodicics, rerfumcry ii ml Toilet Articles. Paints, OILS, VARNISHES, CLASS & PUTTY Abdominal Supporters and Shoulder Braces. Seeley's Hard lil SIJSr.El TRUSSES Also Bitter's TRUSSES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS. Lamps and Lanterns Burning and Lubricating Oils. Physicians Prescriptions carefully Com pounded. N. B. The hiche!t Cash irice paid for tUT.p WTVTrifP.npPV inay4-tf. Iron in the Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRONG, The Peruvian Strup, a Protect" ed Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, is so combined as to hava the character of an aliment, as easily digested and assimilated tcith'thc blood as the simplest food. It increases the tjuanlity of Xalure's Own Vitalizing Agent, Iron in the blood, and cures 'a thousand ills," simply by Toning up, Invigorating and Vitalizing the System, The en riched and vitalized blood per meates every part of the body, repairing damages and ivaste, , scarcliing out morbid sccrc ; Hons, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon, - This is the secret of the won derful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar rhoea, Boils, Xcrvous Affections, Chills and Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, ITcmalo Complaints, and all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or ac companied by debility or a loio state of the system. Being free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects arc not fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infu sing strength, vigor, and new life into all jtarts of the system, ami building up an Iron Con stitution. Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy, from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women; and invalids cannot reasonably hes itate to give it a trial. See that each bottle lias PERU VIAN SYRUP blown in the glass. Iamplilcts Froc. SETH W. F0WLE L SONS, Proprietors, 5v. SO IIarrIon Av.y Botou Sold sy Druggists c c n e r a 1 1 t. October IG73 ly. E. B. Dreher ipi-igetix: The Empire Drag Store!!! (Removed to Fowler'8 building.) I have recently bought the Stock of Drills in Nicholas Ruber's bull dinj, formerly owned by M. F. Evans, and have ni)rl.l lr supply of " NEW GOODS, PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINES, different brands of pure WHITE LEAD and other PAINTS, Pare SPICES, ground and ucgrouod, Linseed Oil, raw and boiled, Japan Dryers, Varnishe, Window Glass, trench and American Putty, Patent Medicine, Fruit Jars, pure Wines and Li quors fr medical purposes. Rye Whiskey. 7 years old, and will keep on hand a pood supply of Horse &. Cattle Powdr, Professor Myers Horse Lin- . iment, Ea9t India Oil, Shoulder - Bruces and Supporter?, Iinipa and Fixtures, and every thing usually kept IN A DRUG STORE!!! I have the assistance of (C. S. Detrick, who has had 15 years experience in rending Medicines and dispensing Drugs,) and Samuel Williams who has been in the b'ueinuss Physicians Prescriptions carefully com pounded from the purest material. Physi cians ordes for Drus and Medicines care- full tilled, from selected stock at reasonable prices. All orders by Stage or otherwise, will be promptly atlented to. Give me a cull and satisfy yourselves. PETER WILLIAMS. Stroudsburg, Pa. July 24,T3-6m. GRAND OPENING IN HUTCHINSON'S BUICK BUILDING. opposite T. Stemple's Store, EAST STROUDSBURG. Having just opened with an entire new stock of Dry Goods and Groceries, CONSISTING OF DRESS GOODS, DELAINES. POPLINS, WHITE GOODS, CASSI MERES, CLOTHS, AND OIL CLOTH. WOOLENS, SHAWLS, ALPACAS, FLANNELS, DOMESTICS, PRINTS Alio a full assortment of choice Family Gro ceries and Provision, r Jour, reed, Meal, bait, risli, Pork, Oil, byrnps, Molasses, bugars, Crockery and Tinware, Wooden and Willow Ware, Flavoring Extracts and Spices of every kind, and in fact every thintr usually kept in a Dry Goods Store. All my goodn are new and can not fail to give satisfaction. Good nhown with pleasure. Call and ex amine before purchasing elsewhere and there by save time and money. J.'II. SHOTWELL, Formerly Slater & Shotwcll Sept. 4, 1873.-3m GOOD NEWS! NEW FIRM AND NEW GOODS? WAGNER & RHODES would announce to the niiblic. that tlipv have taken the stand lately occupied by L. T. Labar & Co., and fitted and stocked it with choice ft m lines, ol Groceries, Provisions, Crockery ware, &c. Every article in store lias been selected with the greatest care, and they can assure custo mers, that no matter at what price Rold, every thine purchased of them will prove to be ol the best quality. It is the design to keep a complete assort ment in each line, so that all tastes may be tailed. Whether in want of heavy or fine Groceries or Provisions, Crockery Ware, and Glassware, Ttbaccoes or what not. This will be found to be the place to call. A speciality with them will be a No. 1 brand of St. Louis Mills Flour which stands at the head of the lb-t every where. Call and examine good. Price? marked down to the lowest living figure. SASII, DOORS AND BLINDS Constantly on hand. ALSO: On hand and for ealc a surcricrlot of Celling Lath, Hemlock Boards and Scant ling, Matched Flooring, and White Pine of all kinds. H. 8. AVAGNER. April 10, 1873-tf. M. .W RHODES. Vov Sale - A Great Bargin. $500 will buy nice little House and Loi near East Stroudsburg Depot. Lot 40 x 200 ft. Terms, $2o1 eh, balance very easy. Also, 5200 will buy a line Building Lot, 40 X 200 ft. renn8r$o0 eanl, balnct in monthly payment to suit purchaser. Call on or address PEIRSfQN &STILLMAN, Jan. 1672 tf Opposite Depot. EUSTEE'S- The National Hall of The Oldest and Most Reliable Clothing Store in Stroudsburg, AI.fi- Ttf2 New Fall and Winter Styles of CLOTHING, HATS, Furnishing Goods and Dry Goods. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO Custom Shirts - GOOD FITS W A H R AN T E D . Always on Hand a Fine Lot of SCOTCH AKD ENGLISH SAMPLES. Measures taken for Custom Work and HIGH SILK HATS', N. B. The Highest Cash Price Paid for Raw Furs. N. HTJSTER, PROPRIETOR OF THE NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION Sept. 18. 1573. AIaVn Street, Strocdsbcro, Px. The Colby Washer and Wringer. The undersigned having secured the agency for the justly celebrated Colhy Washer and Wringer for this County, are prepared to of fer these matchless household utensils to the public. Nearly three hundred of them have been sold in iStroudeburg and vicinity with univers.il satisfaction to purchasers. The un dersigned will commence canvassing the Coun ty at once. We refer by permission to the fol lowing parties who have the Washers and V ringers in use: C. Burnett, A. O. Greenwald, C. S. Palmer, ('. II. Jlowenstein, Fsthcr Wintermute, P.Miller, II. Schoooovcr. J. A. II ay 5, N. Ruster, C. I), ttrodhcad, Tm. T. Laker, Evi Rosencrans, James Oaruncr, Dr. Win. I). Walton, Rev.W.II.Dinsmore, S. T. IluckW P. Williams, John Baldwin, P. II. Robeson, E. L. Wolf Geo. E. StouCtT. Price Washer $0, Wringer $7. BROWS & WALTON. J. r. BROWN. J. K. WALTON, July 31, 187C tf. THE DEPOT STORE. Fanner's Take Notice. THE BEST AND CHE A PET GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HARDWARE, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE, CROCKERY, QUEENSWARE, and a general assortment of articles needed for family use. ' The well-known and popular place of busi ness directly opposite the depot, in EAST STROUDSBURG, heretofore carried on by William S. Barger, having been enlarged and well stocked, will hereafter be conducted by WILLIAM CONARD & CO., who propose to sell the best goods at the very lowest rates, and desire all who wish to buy to give them a call. Country produce purchased or taken in trade. oct 2-3ni J. 33. HULL, (Successor to J. E. Erdman,) Monroe Co. Marble Works, Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa., Where will be found constantly on hand or made to order, 3IOXU.HE.TS, 'III2ADSTOXES, &C, of the best Italian and American Marble. Having been in the employ of Mr. Erdman for nearly ten years, I fi td confident in my ability to please all that give me a call. All work warranted to give entire satisfaction. Orders by mail promptly attended to. feb 20'72-tf wivrnn stohiis. RYE WHISKY, $4.00 a- gallon. $1 1.00 a doen. YELLOW SEAL SHERRY, In large bottles, $11.00 a dozen. GOLD SEAL BRANDY, $18.00 a dozen. appm: jkk, jamaica rum, sc0tu! whisky, CATAWBA WLM:, OLD POUT AVIXK, CilASII'ACtfES, se(;aiis, &c. H. & A. C. VAN BSIL, The Wino Merchants, 1310 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA February 27, 1875 ly C you Ti;i,r, why it i trnt when any one comes ttStrond bury to buy Furniture, thty always inquitt for McCartys Furniture Store! Sent. ? BLANK LEASES For Sale at this Office'.' Fashion! CAPS, FURS, A LECTURE tm TO YOUNG MEN. Just Published, in a Healed Envelope. Price 6 cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical cure of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage gener ally ; Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy and: Firs; Mental ami Physical Incapacity, result ing from Self-Abuse," etc. Bv ROBERT J C U L V E R WELL, M. D., Author of the "Green Book," Ac. The world-renowned author, in this admira-" ble lecture, clearly proves from his own ex perience that the awful consequences of Self Abuse may be effectually removed without medicines," and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings or cor dials, pointing out a mode of cure at once cer tain and cfleet'uftl by which every stiflerer, no' matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically.- Thin lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent umlrr eeal, toany address, in a plain sealed envelope.-on the receipt of six cents, cr two post s';inip--. Also, Dr. CrLv.RWEis,'Marri:ige Guide." Price 50 cents. Address the Publishers; CH AS. J' O, KLINE &. CO.. 127 Bowery, New York, Post-Office Cox, 1556. Jo y 2473-ly .MONROE COUNTY Iu(;mI Fire Insurance Company STROUrSBURG, PA. 33 S5?A133,3 5233)- 20 CHARTER PERPETUAL, The By-Li vs of this Company, and the regulations governing insurance hive, re cently been very materially changed, pla cing it upon a Die is equal to that of any Fire Insurance Company in llie Siate. Important among these changes are tho following, via : Policies, instead of being perpetual, are i.-fued f r five years.- All property is cloFalftVd and the rate of premium is fixed- according to the risk of the property. Premium notes arc taken, and all as sessments are made on the no'es. Property is iiiMired fr not more than" two thirds of its actml ca.-h value, and th full amount of insurance paid in ca of los;, proviiled lhe !o.-s b' equal to the amount of iiK-ura nee. "Annual assessments"' only arc mute, ev 'ept in cases of heavy los. and whero a special assessiiienl is necestry. The Company is therefore prepared to in sure property upon ter i.s much more desira ble ih.tn under the old syniem. Applications may be made to any of the Manager?, Purveyors, or Sectetury. MANAGERS. StoiJell Stoke.-, J cob Knccht, J. Depue LeBir, John EJinger, iclnrd S. Siaplcs, Francis Hdgerman," Silas L. Drake, Jc..b Stoutier, Chas. D. HrodhcaJ, Theo.!oro Schoch, Uobert Bays, Thos. V. Rhodes, William Wallace. STOGDELL STOKKS. PresU. E. B. DaEtitR, Secretary und Treasurer. SURVEYORS. For Monroe County: Silas L. Drake, Tims. V. Rhodes, William Gilbert, J. Depne LeBar, Geo. G. Shafi r, Jacob Siouffer. For Wayne Cour;ty: F. A. Oppelt, Jos L Miller. For Pike County : Samuel Detrick. For Northampton County: Richard Camden. For Carbon County: Samuel Zieenfus. 07" The Managers meet regularly at ho Secreiary's C)iTio? in Stroulsrurg, on lie first Tnrsday of each rnon1,. nl iJ .'c'ock P. M.) May 15,T3-tt TOR PRINTING, ot all kinds neat'y ex- 7 ecufetl at this office. B LANKS OF ALL KINDS for Sa'e i this OtFice. BLANK DEEDS For sale v. this Office