t General Election. .hhnfi. ...... r Sheriff's Proclamation. Whereas, By an act of the General As sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, entitled " an act regulating the General Elections within the said Commonwealih," passed oa the JJ day of July, 1639, it is made the duty of the High Sheriff" of every county to give public notice of such elections i it -J !. i t to be Iioiueii, uhu iu iiijko kiiuwii ill sucn roiice what ofticersarc lobe elected. There. fore, I, CHARLES JIEXRY. High Sher iff of t!e county ot Monroe, do make known by this proclamation to the electors of the c 1 1 .... T.' ! 1! - 1 1 count' 01 .ionruu, iii.u mi itcuou win ce held in said county, on TCESDA Y, Ac 14th fry of OCTOBER next, at the several election districts below enumerated, nt wh ch time and p'acesare to e elected by the freemen of the county of Monrce. by b:illjt! ONE PERSON' for State Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Peniu-ylvania. ONE PERSON for Justice of the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. ONE PERSON to represent Ihc counties if Monroe and Carbon in the llou.-e of Rep rcfCi.tativea f Pennsylvania. . ONE PERSON for Treasurei of Monroe CdU.it. ONE PERSON for Commu-sionr of Mti.roo coun'y. ONE PERSON for Auditor of Monroe county, TWO PERSONS for Jury Commu-sioner of Mor.ne County. The election to he opened between t!i. hour rf nnd ?vm o'clock in the f. i re noon, by rub'ic proclamation, and to be , p. n ii. til seven o'clock in the evening w hen die j..ih shall be closed. IMacoof Votin. Th'! freemen of the township of Barrett, will hold their election at the house of Adam , he t. in said township. The freemen of the township of Chesnut IiTi ere to hold their election at the house of fY'ix Storm, in said township. Tie freemen of the township of Cocl l.riu.'i will hold their election at the Nagles-i'A-: sci.o il-house, in said township. Tl.e freemen of fta-t Stroudshur, will ill. . ? .. . l. - 1 : l II J The freemen of the township ofEldred, jwili hold their election at the house of iEiw.ird A Frantz, jr , in said township. j The freemen of the township of Hamilton Hi hrs! si their plcrtion nt. tholinn nf $Man.t in enwt tourntii in ..., ... . t: T!ie lreemcn of the township of Jackson, ii! ho!J their election at the house of Sam Hu'ini h, in said township. The freemen of the township of Middle ;nithfu!il, will hold their election at the ua2 of James Place, in said township. The freeman of the township of Paradise, t ill hc.M the r election at the house of .vmm SI. Everi'f, in said township. The freeien of the township of Pocono, 1 ill ho!.! their election at the house of Ma nvih Milier, insai.l townip. The freemen nf the township of Polk, will $ lil t'inir election nt the house of George Grivn, in suiJ township. 1 Tl:e freemen of t!ie township of Price, will It ' 1 tlenr election at the house of Lewis th t in slid township. The freemen of the township of Ross, will hf'.d tiiir election at the house of Jacob II. $ H-k'T, in said township. ' j Th- fre: men of the township of Sinithfield w.!l hold their election at the house of B war! Vetier, in said township. Th freemen of the townshipcfStroud, will h d t': ir election at the house of John Bald !". in the borough of Strouclsburg. I'I'hc freemen of StrouJsburg, will hold ti ir ejection at the Court House, in said lffnu;'h. f"he fr?em?n of the township of Tobyhan m., Uill holJ their election at the house of arner, in said township. Jl'lie freemen of the township of Tunk lnock. will hold their election at the h of Uptiraim Altemcse.in said township. holier is Hcrcbv Giv cia. hat very i.er.-on. excentin-r Justices of iii! l i i nt e;ir. u h s'uill ho!fl an nffirp or nru tmrnt nf profii or trust under the United !i'es r of this S at- or anv rilv nr rumor- ..istrict, whether a commi.-sioned officer cr-,ierviot a subordinate officer, or sgenis Ejii is nr .-h;i!I be employed under the iegi? Ive, ex-rut ive or judiciary department of f)j Stute nr the United States, or of any Jua";mrat-d district; and also, that every Tr-'i i!.. r o! Congress, and of the S ate legis l!pr" iic! of ihe select or common council Oi : y c t y, or com nissioners or any incorpor ?iejfc tl strict i by law incapable of holding f J'fci.-:!! t ii,e same time, the appoint fl;l ' Ju!. iiisp.-ctor, or e'erk A' nny. '' a i.f tins Co:iimouvoalih, and that m. ' ci.r. J ,idge or other ofiicer of such elec--t'f s'.n!! b- -hgih'e to be then vo'ed f .r. A .-o. ih it in th- f .nr: Ii sjcrion of the Act j 4-x;ml.;y, tiit.t'ed " An Act relating to cx-Tuti...!!, and for other purptj.es," approved -,k' l. it i enacted lhat the afore- ""j lo;!. section, "kIi i il nt be construed, to pr ' ? -n: a-.y mihtury officer or borough offi cerfr.,,,, ..rvirr as Judge. Inspector, or ''fii. Ill itiv rr. ..!.... I - - : 1 1 . ; , v f or j)'.-ci:ii election in "i 'he s;ii,ilCl of As-em!,h- entitled nn i- ii-.i.g to elfciioes '-'l, D S-l'.l Jul i O.l lw-m l'..-f! I.... i, I u) i.w, luuuri puiriUL'8 oie i .ct.,r end Ju!ges shall meet p tees app .inted for ludd in T r ?OPClorK!iiill annnin i; Ct f . , .. o.Ja i uc a uvi iuiieu voLer. or fh llh. wl.-. I t tin.. - . "i.sirict. ' t C Si l''e l)t,rHOn wno PaaH ve re '!? second highest number of voles ?"ctor. shall n.it attend on the day of jWtion then the person who shall have ;i 'he -econd highest number of votes ?e at th- next preceding election shall f ,ris;ec or in his place. And in case f!!n who shall have received ihehigh r of votes for inspector thall not f f -It . if It':; itir ?. iie per.-on ch cted judge shall ap 'i inspector in his j lace and in case ?ro;i elected, us judge shall not attend. V"' -p ctor who received the highest y oi votes slall app ,iut a judge in his if any vacancy shall continue in rd l0r the 6p,lCe ol o:ie h-ur after the M-J.I Ly Uw for the opening of the .t.ie qmlified voters of the fwn fd or district for which such officers been elected present at such w. Hull elect 'h V CAr.ru one of the number to ;a!l be the duty of said assetscrd re n uie .isLr;ci to which Ihey r t': v..y Le ung, bef.re nine o'clock o'i ' - J'-riimg 0f ihe second Tuesd.iy of Octo- 1 i rH.J each Oftaid ill.Iiertort k!i:.II annnini u I'L r-r . :.. i: . . . fpectively to attend at the places of holding! every general, special or township election durin-r Hip whnlp time said dectmn iq L-m ot n To r .1 .L' r "r l-"t..j" 1 :: , . in relation t., the rihtof any person aesa- , . . .1 . 11, .. . cu uy im;u, iu uic ii outu tiecuon. ana such other ...atters in relation to the assess- ments of votes as the 6aid inspectors or judg es, or either of them, shall from time to time require. io person shall be permitted to vote at any election as aforesaid, than a white free man of the a;e of twenty-one years or more w ho shall have resided in this State at least one year, and in the election district where he oflers lo ote at least ten da vs immediate. ly preceding such election, and within two years paid a State or County Tax which shall ht, hrpn na,A . r, ,ju before the election. But a citizen nf th lays the United Mates who has previously been a qualified voter of this State and removed therefrom and returned and who shall have resided in the el etion district and paid tax es aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote attpr residing in thisSrate six months. Provided Ph .t the white freemen citizens of the Ui.i- ted Slates betwi en the ages of twenty-one ana 1 w en-y-i wo years who had resided in the election district ten days as aforesaid. pnan d ; entitled u vole, although they shall ioi iia'c p.iu saiu taxes. Kn n .rf.n elm It U ,1.:tt.l . whose ruiric is not c-nt nned in ihe list ot r . . v . . v 1 .1 1 1 -mr- uu 11 irii rn M. - i taxable mil ibilams furnished by the Com- m ss uners. iin'rss first l, .. fr myment within two years of i State or County tax assessed agreeably to the Consti- tution. and fri.P siti.f..t.,r., :m.. . . ' -- j .outinc cmier i on his own oath or the affirm ition of another that he his na d such tar nr .;!., produce a rocoipT, shill make oath to the payment thereof; or, sccoiid if he claims a right to vote by being an elector between ihe ages of 21 and 22 years he sh.ll deno.se on oath or affirmation that he has resided in the State at least one vear next before his application and makeeuch proof of residence in the district .is is required bv this act andr0""'1 a c,tizen therein and has moved mat nea.ies verily bel, eve, from the accounts guen him, tfnt he is of the age aforesaid, and gives such other evidence as is required by His net, w hereupon the name of the per son so ntimnted to vote shall be :nserled in lhe alphabetical li n.te m.de opposite thereto, by wriin2 the word 'tax.' if he shall headmittpH in1,i,n-n by reason of such age, and in such c ise the imiiiu sii!tii oe cared to the clerks whosliall in b oretrcm any onicer or any this act from hulding such election or IlKf or threaten any violence to any such officer or shall interrupt or improperly interfere wiih him in theexecution of his duty, or .-nan b ock up the window or avenue to anv window where the same n.ay be ho'ding. or snaw riutwus'y disturb the peace at such election, or shall use or prsciice any intimi dating threats force or violence, with design to influence u.idly or overawe any elector or 10 prevent him Irom voting orrestrnn the freedom of choice, such persons, on convic tion shall be fined in uny sum not less than fi e hundred dollars and be imprisoned fur nny time not less than three nor more th.n twelve months, and if it sin II be shown to the Court where the trial i.f such nffrnrA shall be had that the person so oflendinT was n-t a readent of the city, ward, district or township where the said offence was com mitiedand not entitled to vote therein, then on conviction he sh ill be sentenced to pay a n ne 01 not ies than one hundred or more in a,t thousanil dollars and be imprisoned ? nor more than two If anv per.-on shall make any betor warrer '. upon the result of anv election m this r,m. J monwealth, or slnll offer to make any such bet or w.iger, either by verbal proclamation inereot, or by apy written or printed adver- tiemenL or nhallenrfe or invitP v i,prn.J to make such bet or wager, upon cniviciion o - - "j thereof, he or they shall f -rfeit and pay three times the amcmil so bet or to be Let. If any person not by law qualified shall fraudulently vcte at uny election in this commonwealih, or being otherwise qual ified, dull vote out or his proper district, or if any tperson knowing the want of such qualifica tion, shill aid or procure such person t-j vote, the person offending shall on conviction, be fined iu any sum not exceeding two hundred dollar, and be imprisoned fur any term not exceeding three month. "In all cases where the name of a person claiming to vote is found on the list furnioh ed by lhe Commissioner and Assessors, or his right to vote whether thereon or not i ob jected to by any quilified citizen it shall be the duty of the inspector lo examine such p.-rson on oath s to his qualifications, and if he cljiins to have resided within the district f .r one year or more his oath shall be suffi cient pn-of thereof, but he shall make proofat least by one competent witness who shall be a qualified elecor that he has resided within the district for more. than ten day$ next pre ceding such election and shall also himself swear, that hi.-i bona fide residence in pur suance of his lawful calling is within the district, and that he did not remove in said district for the purpose f voting therein. 4 -Evry person qualified as aforesaid, and who shall make due proof, if required of his residence and piyment of tax-s aloresaiJ, fhall be admitted to vote in the township, ward or district in which he shall reside. Ii any person shall vote at more than one election district or otherwise fraudulently vote more than once on the same day, or shall fraudnlerii ly fold and deliver to the in spector two tickets together with the intent illegally to vote or tidvise and procure an other so to do, he or they so offending sha'l on conviction, be fined in any sum not less thin fifty nor more thin five hundred dol Jars, and be imprisoned for any term not less than three nor more than twelve months. " If any person nt qualified to vote in this Commonwealth, agreeably to law except lhe sons ofqualified citizens), shall appear at any place of election for the purpose of issuing tickets or influencing the citizens quriified to vote, he shall on conviction forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, for every such offence, and be imprisoned for any term not exceeding three months. Pursuant to the provision contained in the 6ih section of the act aforesaid, the Judges of the aforesaid district shall take chirge of the certificate or return of the election of thir respective districts and produce themot a meeting of the judges from each district at the Court Hoise in the Borough of Strouds burg, on the third day after the day of elec tion, being for the present year on FItlDA Y the 17th day of OCTOBER next, then and there to do. and perform the duties required by law of said judges. Also, tint where a judge by sickness or unavoidable circumstan ces, is unable to attend said meeting of Judges then the certificxte or return as aforesaid shall he taken chirge of ly one of the In spectors or clerks of the election of said dis trict, who slnll do and perform thj duties required of said judge u.iable to attend. :i!ri hr iiL-o n. tr. . i: . r . i anon ; me siiu amjav us ia 11 sosiaifi w hpn -"j .ow..o n.tn ui .. t1Prn. 1 and where the tax claimed to be nai l bv the , r abettors, guilty ol either of the mi.-den "-"" tlUIL 111 I III" llf III llll MTU kf-IT 1 ' ..... ... " If anv nprson sh.nll . affiant was assessed, and when, where and nors "foresaid, shall, 0.1 conviction, be -j r . . uiicmui iui . .. , - - ..,, ..i: ,1 1 . T" . 1 1 1 1 11 f ' rm 111 in n ni riin kv nMAtn 1. 111 i riixi iiul Lwttuiii' w 1 1 1, liidiiii hii ACT, April 17, 1869. Sprlinn 5t .1, l 1 i . "" mc -icm u1Ye n the tenth day preceding ine Beconu lueiiym October ol each vear. r i, snal on the Monday immediate- 'y lowing, make a return lo the countv iv,nm;; : r ., e ., ' LV' Vl" , .B 01 B Vl BU pen?on? uUvcovu uj in in Eiutc mc return retjuireo to be made by him by the second section of ni's aci, noting opposite each name the ob- servations and explanations required to be ,noiea as atoretanJ; ana the county Commit- sioncrs thall ihereurton cause the same to be added to the return required by the second section of this act, and a full and oorrect copy thereof to be made, containing the names ot all persona so returned as resident taxables in said ward, borough, township or I'lt-cuiti, auu lumisn uie same lojemer with tfr.necessa7 election blank to the officers ui iiiu cicvuihi in ouiu wuro, oorougii, lown - nip or precinci, on or lefore six o clock in the morning ol the tccond Tuesday of Oc- tober; and no min shall be permitted to vote at the election on that day vho?e name is T. 7 . . - make P"ol . . i. - i: . i ... . 6 ' Iiereinaer required. ot ciioi jn uie uay ot ejection any person whose name is not on the list, and claiming the rirht to vole at said election shall produce at least one qualified voter of the district as a witness lo the residence of ."v. V. 1 1 1 I. U LL III Willi II I H thA rlainmnt in llm ! .;.i : ...U"U I. cIa'ms ' ,)e a voter, for the period of at least . v 8 nexi preceding said election, which witness shall lake and subscribe a written. or Parl,' written and partly printed, affidavit lo ,he UcU 6tated bv hin, wl'ic,, 6idavit shall define clearly where the residence is e. , . . - HLrtu" u claiming to 03 a voter, and m person soctaiming the right to vote thai! iiiso iaKe ana suiiscnue a written, or partly wruten ana partly printed atn.Iavit, staling. to the best ot hm knowledge and belief, where and when he was born: that he is a citizen of the commonwealth of Pennsvlva- nia andot theiJniied iStites: that ho has re- . .. . ... . Jed in the commonwealth one 3 ear, or inurt-uu'ii, uiiu ne nas resiiaeu ir.ereni six months next preceding said election ; that he has not moved into the district for the pur pose ot voting therein ; that he h is paid a state or county tax within to years, which was assessed at least ten d.ivs before said cIec,l"n; and. ,f a naturalized citizen, als state when, where and by wh it shall court ne waa "atura,,zed. and shall also produce 'iuuiii4'.iuii, mr uaiiium shrill hf nrn lnrtvl fur omminm ;.,n ,.nin 1 1. ' ...,uii.i.iuici amant snut stale in his athdavit.th it it has i. i . .1 n . i . i . t I uccn iuh ur uc&iruyeu. or uai ne never rc- ceived any ; but if the person so claiming the right lo vote shall take and subscribe an affidavit, that he is a niiive born citizen of trie United State., (or if born elsewhere, shalls-tate that fact in his affidavit, and shall produce evidence that lie ha been natural- ized, or that he is entitleJ to ciiizen.-hip bv reason of his father's naturalization: and shall further state in his affidavit tint he is j at the time of taking the affidavit, between J thc uges ot twenty one and tweuly-twoyears; t tin I he has resided in the state oneyear and in the election district ten days next prece- ding such election, he shall be entitled to vt.te. although he shall not ha ve paid taxes : the said affidavit of all persons making such cljim, and the affidavits of the witnesses to their residence, shall be preserved by lhe ehction bard, and at the close of the elec-lor lion they shall be enclosed wiih the !Ut of volers' ta"-v ''s' an w,',er papers required 3 "ltu "J ,ue iiurn ju;ge wun the prothonoiary, and shall lemain on hie e,vl th ihe pruthonotory's office, sub- cl lo examination, as other election papers are! '."e elecitn i fficers shall find that Pp''cant or applicants posse.-s all lhe SillllUH"UCttlll"lsul voters, ne or iney snal' De permitted In vote, and the name or names rn;,H . e aaaeu IO ine "sl m laxat,les by the , . ., ... - . . . i cictnuii oLuccrs, uie wuru tax oein' auueti where the claimant claims to vote on tax. nnd the word "age" where he claims to vote on age ; lhe same words being added Ly lhe clerks in each case respectively, on the lists ot persons voting at sucli election. r T . .1 tl mm cttcuon n. it snail oe lawiul lor anv qualified citizen of the district, not withstand- .1 t ' ivm U111U4UUU lUC 1.1A I t'LCMIL I llfTK ur r " mg the name of the proposed voter is con- fine or imprisonment, nnd also be subject to tamed on the list of resident taxables, to an action for damages by the party aggriev challenge the vote ot each person ; where- ed ; and if any person shall fraudulently upon the same proof of the right of suffrage alter, add to, deface or destroy nny list ol as is now required by law shall be publicly voters made out as directed by this act, or made and acted on by the election board, and tear down or remove the same from the place ihe vote admitted or rejected, according to where it has been fixed, with fraudulent or the evidence; every person claiming to be a mischievous intent, or for any improper pur nituri2cd citizen shall be required to pro- pose, the person so offending shall be guiliy duce his naturalization certificteat the elec- of a high mi-demeanor, nnd on conviction t ion before voting, except where he has been shall be punisiied by a fine not exceeding for ten years, consecutively, a voter in the five hundred dollars, or imprisonment no district in which he offers his -ote; and on exceeding two year.-, or both, at the discre the vote of such p-rsou being received, it tion of the court. shall be the duty of the election officers to Sec. 10. At nllelectionsheralter held ui wrile or stamp on such certificate the word der the laws of this commonwealth, the polls "voted," with the mouth and year; and if slnll be opened betw cen the hours of six and any election officer or officers shall receive a seven o'clock, a m, and closed ut seven second vote on the same day, by virtue of o'clock, p. in. the same ceriifficate. excepting where sons Sec. 17. It shall be the duty of the Secre- are entitled to vote by virtue of lhe natural- izaiion of their fathers, they and the person wh' shall ofTcr such second vote, ujoii so of fending thall be guilty of a high misdemean or, and on conviction thereof, be fined or imprisoned, or b ith, at the discretion of the court; but the fine shall not exceed one hun dred dollars in each case, nor the imprison ment one year; the like punishment shall he inflicted on conviction, on the officers of election who shall neglect or refuse tomak;, or cause to be made, the indorsement requir ed as aforesaid on 6aid naturalization certi fica;e. Sec. 6 If any election officer shall refuse or neglect to reqnire such proof of the right of suffrage as is prescribed by this law, or the laws to which ihis is n supplement, fr.m any per.-on offering to vote whose name i not on the list of assessed voters, or whose right to vote is challenged by ony qualified voter present, and shall admit such person to vote without requiring such proof, every person so offending, shall upon conviction, be sentenced, for every such offenc-?, to py a fine not excoediug one hundreJ dollars, or lo undergo an imprisonment not nnre thin one year, or either or both, at the discretion of Ihe court. Sec 8. The same rules and regulations shill apply at every special election, and at every seperate. city, borough, or ward election, in all respects at the general elec tion in October. Sec. 9. The respective assessors, in speclors and judges of the elections shall each hive the power to admini-ter oaths to any persons claimiriT the right to be as sessed or the right of suffrage, or in regard to any other matter or thing required to he done or inquired into by any of said officers under this act; and any willful false swear ing by any person in relation to any nutter or thing concerning which they shall be lawfully interrogated by any of s i id officers shall be punUhed as perjury. Sec. 11. On the petition of five or more I Pit iTPnn rF me county, staling unaer oath that they verily helieve that fraud, will be practiced at the election nhnnt mhn hphl in "7 oisinct, it shall be the duly of the couri Pr common pleas of said Conntff if in slQinn , if ( . ;.., . . ... " :J I, 7 . "ereo ,n v"t.on, to ap- juuinnuj, touer and intelligent citizens of the county to act as overseers at eiernon; said overseers Phall be selected n different political parties, where the inspector belong to ditlerert parties nn,i where both of said inspectors belonr t0 th same poliiical party, both of the overseers shall be taken from the opposite political party ; said overcers shall have the right to be present with the ofhcersi of the eloccion, during ihe whole time the same is held, the coumea anu me re'urns made out an: Un d by the eUction ..fficers; to keep a l " oi viuura it uey see proper; lo dial lenge any p rson ottering to vote, interro- gate nun und his witness under oath, in re gard to Ivs riffht of siffra?o at said elec lion, and to examine his papers produced rc r- . . : ana ine omcera or s.iid eect.on are rcqu.red io anoru 10 sai;i overseers so selected and J "rr cu i--ijt ruiucinnitc omu Mcnny Mor th? discharge ol their duties; and if said election officers shall refuse to permit said Verseers be present and peform thcirduties 08 aiorosaid, or u iney -na I j be driven away tmm Ilie Dill IS liV Violence nr inlimintinn - . I - J ... ii.ii.i.nuuil. " 11 lhe vo,.os r'le1 at ch election district ,,,JJf uc ,T .r"" t y ir.ouuai iryinor n comel uuuer .u eiecuon: Provided Th:,t no person signing ihe petition shall be appoinien an overseer. Sue. If any prothonot.iry. clerk, or the r .1.. " . ur umi-r pf-rwu, buan " ",e B, ai ' uu,t;e l "y naiuranz.tion pit"-' i"-illu nn ic oe auixea, or SJV,; ou'' or cause ur peniiu me sau;e i be given out, in onriK, wnercby it may be fraudlently used, or furnish a natur ilization certificate, to any person who shill not have il l.l.. : l i ot ei1 uuiy tximnieu anu sworn in open court if111 lne presence ot some ot ihe judges there- (f, according to the act of Congress, or glial aid in, connive at, or in any wnv permit the issue of any IrauJu'ent naturalization certi ficate, he shall be guilty of a hi misdemeanor ; or-if any on- slnll fraudulently use any such certificate of naturalization knowing that it was fraudulently issued, or shall vote, or attempt to vote thereon, if any one shdl vote, or attempt to vote, on any certificate of naturalization not issued to him. he shall be gnil'y of a high nusdemeanor; Jers ica- fined dollars. and imprisoned in tlie proper peiiitenti.irv , ... r j lur tt p"iou eAceeumg uirce years, i. . , i . . i . . oec io. ny person m no on oitn O' affirmation, in or before any court in th s Stale, or off.cer authorized to administer oaths, shall, to procure a certificate of naturalization, for himself or any other per- son, wilfully det ase, declore or afilrm any matter to be fact, knowing the same to be false, or shall in like manner deny any mat Iter to be fact, knowing the smie to be true. shall bo deemed guilty of perjury ; and any certificate of naturalization issued in pursur- ance of any such deposition, declaration or affrmation, 6ha!l be null nnd void; and it shall be the duty of the court issuing lhe sam, upon proof beiny made before is that it was fraudlently obtamned, to take im mediate measures for rc-caliins the same for cancelation ; and any person who shall vote. or at'empi lo vote, on any paper so obtained who shall in any way aid in, connive at. or have nny agency whatever in the issue, circulation or useof any fnudlent naturalu.i- uuu tenucair, Mian uc ueeinpa guiny or a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof --hall undergo an imprisonment in the penitentiary tor not mora linn two years, and pay a fine, not more than one tli jusird dollars, for eveysuch offence, or both, at the uiscreiion 01 uie court Src. 1-4. Anv nssessnr. election oft"rer op . orperon appointed asan overseer, who shall neglect or refuse to perform any duty en joined by this act, without reasonable or legal cause, sha'l be subject to a penalty of one hundred dollars, and if an assessor sin II assess any person as a voter who is not qual ifi ed ; or shall refu.-e to assess any one who is qualified, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor in office, and on conviction be punished bv tary of the Commonwealth to prepare forms for all the blanks nude necessary by this act and furnish copies of the same to the county commissioners of the several counties of the commonwealth; and the county commis sioners of each county shall, as soon as may he necessary after receipt of lhe same at the proper expense of the county, procure and furnih to all the election officers of the elec tion disiicts of the respective counties copies of such blanks in such qumlith-s a- may be rendered necessary for the discharge of their duties under this act S.?c. 19. That citizens of this State temporally in the service of the State or of the Um.ed Stites governnients.on clerical or other duty, and wh ido not vote where thus employed, shall not be thereby deprived of the right to vote in their several election dis tricts if otherwise duly qualified. Sec. 20. The act, entited A further supplement to the act regulating t the elec tions of this commonwealth," approved Aprl fourth. Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight. ml all other laws altered or supplied by this act, be and the same ore hereby repealed. And the Judges of the respective Districts aforesaid, are by Ihe siid act required lo meet at the Court House in the Ilorouijh of Stroudsburg. on lhe third day nfiher the said day of election, bein; FRIDAY, the SEVENTEENTH day nf OCTOBER, then and there lo p rfirm the things required of them by law. Go:l Save the Commonwealth. CHARLES HENRY, .Sheriff, Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, ) September 11, 1873. ) JOB PRINTING, of all kinds neatly ex ecuted at this office. BLANK LEASKS For Sale at this Office Sheriff's Sale. a- . i " tt , 1 OI ven ex- e. terns, to me directed issued out of the Court of Com !!X J, Ic.f.o.(M0"re Count, I will expose to sale, at Public Vendue, on SATUI2DA 1 , the 20lh day of September, 1873, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court House in the Boiongh of Stroudsburg, Monroe County, the following described Real Estate to wit : ' A certain tract of land situate in Barrett townshp, Mouroe eountv. adioinimr land nf Jacotj Urublc, Mary L,aur, hnuon Stnght and others, containing to acres. The lmnrovp- menu are one . Log House, Chlfl 16 x 24 feet, 1J stories high, LogldlliSi Jarn 1 2 x 30 feet, and other out-buildings. A good orchard on the premises. 40 acres cleared. IV OI WlUC'U arfi innmtnu- n irrtrw l cmMr.., water near the door, through tne same. The public road passes Seized and taken i execution as the pro perty of bmith Trice, and to be sold ly m for cash. - J CIIAKLES ttr v r ci zif ShersfTs Office, Stroudsbur i beptember 4,'73-3t f Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of a writ of ven ex. de. term, to me directed, issued out of the Court of fm.. mon Pleas of Monroe County, I will expose to sale, at Public Vendue, on SATURDA Yt the 20A day of September, 1S73, at 2 o'clock iu the afternoon, nt th fnrt House in Borough of Stroudsburir. Monroe (.-ounty, the following described Ileal Estaie, to wit : A certain lot or piece of land situate in the wnageoi lannersville, l'ocono townshm in said county, containing, one acre more or less. t lit ....... ....... nouiuiea oy land ot V illiani Williams, Levi Ganrdiorn. Jacob Staufler and the IVImnnt and East on Turnpike. The improvements are Frame House, 30 x 36 feet. 2 Tories hiffh. with Cellar Kitchen under. A frame Shop' It x 21 feet, frame Stable 14 x 14 feet, ana iruit trees, and well ol ater on the premises. Seized and taken in execution as the rro- peny i i nomas l. Uarry, and to be sold by me for cash. CHARLES HENRY. Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Stroudsburg, ) September 4,'73-3t Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of a writ of ven. ex. de. terris. to me directed, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County, I will expose to sale, it I ubiie Vendue, on SATURDA Yt the 20A day of September, 1S73, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court House in the Borough of Stroudsburg, Monroe County, the following described Keal Estate, to wit : A certain tract or piece of land, situate in Pocono township, Monroe Countv, containing 90 acres more or less, bounded by land of Jacob Smith, George Steen, and other land of Abraham Steen, Melchior Smith. Daniel Wolfingcr and Eliza Bush ; about 40 acres cleared, 10 acres meadow, balance timbere land. J he improvements are iiji Leg House, liiMj one and a half stories high, 1G x 20SiE feet, I rame Barn oO x 40 fret, and other out- mildinga, a spring of water at the door and fruit tree-s on the premises. ALSO Another lot of land in said town ship of Pocono, containing 80 Acres more or ess, adjoining land of Jacob Smith, the above tract, Jacob Lehman, Bachel Woolbaugh and others, about I0 acres cleared and greater part meadow. Apple Orchard on the premises and stream of water running through the same. The improvaments are a Log Dwelling House, one and a half stories high, about 16 x 20 feet, and other out-buildings. ALSO A lot of land containing 17 acres. situate in said township of Pocono, adjoining land of Joseph Bush and others, all timber and. Seized and taken in execution as the pro perty of Abraham Steen, and to be sold bv me for cash. CHARLES HENRY, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Stroudsburg, ) September 4,'73-3t iouvt Proclamation. Whereas, the lion. Samuel S. Dkeiikr. President Judge of the i'id Judicia I District of nnsylvania, composed of the counties ot Wnyr.e, Pike, Monroe and Carbon, and John De Young, and Peter Gruver. EsqrV, Associate Judges of the Court of Common .'leas of the County of Monroe, and by vir tue of their offices. Justices of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jai! delive ry and Court of General Quarter Sessions in and for the said County of Monroe, have is Eiied their precept to me commanding that a Court of Quarter Sessions of t he Peace a nd Common Pleas, and Court of Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery and Or phan's Court, for the said Couniy of Monroe, to he holden ut Stroudsburg, on MONDAY, the S2lh day of September, 873, to continue one weeif necessary. N OTIC 13 Is hereby given to Ihe Cononer, the Justices of the Peace, and Constables oft he said coun ty of Monroe, lhat they be then and there ready with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations and oilier remembrances to do those things which their offices are appertai ning, and also tlfit those who are toni.d by recognizances to proseenleand giveeviib nee against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jai! cf lhe said county of Monroe., or a gainst persons who stand charged with the commission of offences lo he then and there to prosecute or testify as shall be just. (God save the Commonwealth.) CHAR LES 1 1 EN R Y, S her i tf. Sheriffs Office Stroudsburg, ) August 28, 1873. i PROTHONOTARY'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that flic aceount of John Menvinc, Assignee or iveuuen uartzeii and wife, for lencfit of creditors, has been tiled in the office of the I'rothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Monnx- County, and will lo presented for confirmation and allowance at next term of taid Court to be held September 22, 1S73. TIIOS. M. M'lLHANEY, Pioth'y. aug. 2V73 4L TEACHER'S EXAMINATION. An examination of Teachers, fur the town ship of Middle Sinithfield will be held at Frutchey's School House, on Saturday, Sept tember 13, 1S73, beginning at 9 o'clock a. m. Teachers will provide themselves with all necessary stationery. Directors and all others interested are earnestly nnd respectfully invi ted to attend. J EIiL. FRUTCHKY, Aug24-3t Co. Sup't. It i f-Am The Colby Washer and Wringer, The undersigned haying secured tSeaveaey for the justly celebrated Colby Washer and ringer for this County, are prepared to of fer these matchless household utensils to thr public. Nearly three hundred of them hv been sold m Stroudsburg and vicinity wlA universal satisfaction to purchasers. The un dersigned wi 1 commence canvassing the Coun ty at once. AV e refer by permission to the fol lowing parties who have the Washers ariJ v ringers in use: C. liurnM A. O. GreemralJ, C S. Palmer, C. 11. Ilowenstein, Esther Wintcrruute. P. Miller, II. Schoonover. J. A. Hays, N. Ruster, C. I). Urodhead. Wm.T. Baker, Evi Hosencrana, James Gardner, Rev. W.lI.Dinemore P. Williams, P. II. ILobeson, Dr. Wm. D. Walton; S. T. Duckler. John Taldwin, K. L. Wolf Geo. E. Str.u0'..- 'rice W asher $o, Wringer $7 ' brown & walton: J. P. BROWX. , v tl ll July 31, 1873.-tf. Eanhood: How lost, Ileiv Kestore& ?3as PuWi'hed.-a- new edition of Gi-r-flj vu"wnc veieuiaiea .essay on the ra -'jW - w I If llllUUL medicine') of Sperm ATniiunn. Seininil Weakness. Involuntary Seminal! Lo.-ses, Impotency, Mental and Physical! Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc.: also. Consumption, Epit.epst, and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual ex tr.i vigance. rice m a sealed envelope only six cents. Tl.e eclebrat.-d author, in this admirable essay clearly demonstrates from a thirty ye irs successful practice, that the alarming: consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the daneross use of internal' medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, nnd effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. OSrThis lecture should be in the hand of every youth und every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on receipt of six. cents, or two post siamps. Address the Publishers. CI1AS. J C. KLINE & CO.. 127 Bowcrv, New York, Post-Cfficc Eox, July 2-173 ly BLATCHLEY'S DimOYED CITDIBER WOOD rCMF, Tasteless, Durable, Efficient, and Cheap. The best Pump for the least oney. Attention is especially invited to Bl.iirb- ley's Patent Improved Bracket and New Drop Check Valve, which can be withdrawn with out removing the Pump or dis turbing the joints. Also, thr Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, aud will out last anv other. For solo bvr Dealers everywhere. Send for Catalogue anil! Price-Li? fit. 12,72. t. Ciias. G. Bi.achi.ey, MTr.. ly 500 Commerce St. Phi la., Ta- tf) fn Cflrr t!ay! gents wanted All classes v- v.v nf AorKinp eoile.if eitlierstx. young or oM. in. ike m mc money :il wink for lis in t heir spar mnrieiit., or all the time, Mian ut an tiling else. Particulars fice. AJJicss G. iliiisun Ac i.o., 1'ort.Ianil, Maine. Agricultural Implements'. Wc would call tho nftentino of tbr Far mers of .Monroe County, to the following im proved machinery: 1 wo-horse heeler I read rower. One-horse " " " Two-horse Ilmorv Tread I'nwer Cutting 'Boxes, Fanning Mills, Clover IIu! lers, Hay Bakes, Corn Shellers, Chum Pow er of diHeiciit kinds, Field Boiler, Boad reraper. Cast Iron I ced Boxes, which wils be fmnirlied at the shortest notieo. arwl alB guaranteed to give good satisfaction. Apply to 11. y. UUH Lll & Bro., Ilaekettstown. N. J. or to JOHN V. HIIOEMAKEB. Kellersviite. Monroe Co. Pa. Either by mail or otherwise. August 48, JST3. tf. For Sale A Great Bargiu. $300 will buy a nice little House and Lot near Ea?t Stroudsburg Depot. Lot 40 x 200 ft. Terms, S2o0 ca.-h, balance very essv. Also S200 will buy a tine Building Lot, 40x 200 ft. Terms, $")0 cah, balance in monthly payment to suit purchasers, ('all on or address " PEIF.SON & STILLMAN, Jan. 10'72-tf Opposite Depot. STffliH CJOo crib Fobmeklt Wood & Mann.) STATIONARY & PORTABLE Steam Engines. The Best & Most Complete Assortment in the Slarket These Engines have always miuntnfned tha very highest Btandnrd of excellence. We make tha manufacture of Engines, Boilers and 6aw MilU specialty. We have the larsrest and most complete works of the kind ia the country, with machinery Iwlti 1 X i ' 1 Specially aaaptea wj iiw ITT. 1 i n rTVW En ana on mo wiorrai .T . i 1 . . I ,A Saw Afilla finnt AlllLt. Tanneries, Ootton Ginn, Ihreshers and all classes of manufacturing. , , We are now buildinj? the cclehrated Lane Ctrcn ar Saw Mill, the best and moat complete saw mill ever invented. We make the manufacture of Saw Mill outfits s special feature of our huainens, and can furnish complete on the shortest notice. . Our aim in all cases U to furnish the best ms chinery in the market, and work absolutely un equaled for beauty of desism, economy aud strength bend for Circular and Price List. UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. UTICA, N. Y. May "-'., l o-O.B IJLANK DKKhs Vr sale at this Oftico 'u. t: 4 - I, g gxXlM IJ llDbaiJ . ' O trinea. which we furnish at the very lowest prices u InrM TlTtmhpM ot