1 f ! H IH f.i Dtuctcb ta-politics, itcratuvc, Agriculture, Science, iilcralilij, anil caeral ihUdliQCiuc. VOL. 31. Published by Theodore Sclioch. V ?a (? -T vi I llr h year in advance ami if nut f jrf no i'ie en I f the ye:ir, Ino dollar and fifty t,t will lie r.lirpeJ . r hi''' iii:n.:!!ini I until .til .irrea'ragcs are paid, tt:e t "' ..t t-i "I K litor. U.V lrrii,iie:iis "I one square f(oight linrs) or ! ' i;i"-i; iiifi"tiiins $1 j(t. Each additional j .,n mi, 3 ' miiu. Longer ones in proMirlittii. jou iMsi.vraxc;, OF ALL KINDS, tctitrJ in the hislirt style of the Ait, and the rit.i.U reasou.it)le term. WILLIAM S. REES, Surveyor, Conveyancer and Real Estate Agent. Farms, Tiabcr Lauds and Town Lets FOR SALE. Oiiice in xt dour above S. Hces news Depot ii nil ':1 door In-low the Corner Store. M:ircli -J', l7-:-lf. D R. J. L A N T 2, iStirtjoii and Mechanical Dentist, St;l! Ii is Ins oiTi.-e on M.iio St reel, in t!ie second fl.irv f l)r. S. Walton' iinrk !)iM:.l!ng, ncaily oiio-mi.- i i-- s;,-oiiJliiii; llotiM, and t.r .i.iU-i'litnitlf t .1 1; !n" culili-rn vi'.i.s nuisi.tiii i. .(( t;. e a:nl Hie muM rif:i"'t 11 I iMiei'nl alien1! II tu all m:i:t(-r. pr 1 1 ;iii:i t :ii-nf.-l'iT. t hat l;r i f.illy aide to it-i firiii : 1 1 it ,( liiio i- 111 t!n: ;k-iilal line in l!ie mo.-! o.tiiTiil, Ijlr I 1! .1 1 I ,1 . : !m I 111 tn ni-r. H.n-ii -.1 .iHi-:i! i 01 41VC11 lo s:ii:i !!io X.itura Teeth ; to Kit' iaM-riioii .f Arlini-ial reel Ii on Kil!it r. i .U, !i:k-.i-.ir ilti.itiiitt.ius Gujiis, ai.d illicit his In ;tl -.ll-f i.i-'im -!. J it (H is hit k.i ia t ' ? 5!Ml f.illy and il.mi-r el en 1 rM' ins I'.ir if w .1. k ;u t lit lot' xp.rii'i.( eil. it In iIiom lin.u -it ' i-t ui.-i;. April 13, -TI. ly PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ti. ii-e l.-t door above S:roudsbur;r House, ri-ttli'iii-L' M door :i!i;)Vi- Post Ollke. n;a-c hour fnun !' to 12 A. M., from : to o n i 7 to .1 r. m. M.-ir '7.M v. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON & ACCOUCHER. Iii ;lio t .1.1 ii Uice of Dr. A. Sieves .!iick-oii, ; re itli'in-c, ct'i iKT of .S:;ra!i :nitl l'nwiklii! .-.trect. i STROUDS3URQ, PA. ' CI'lRiTIM; AaD MIZi HAjiUML DEMIST, II iciiiz l"'-:itfil iii ".i-t otiotid.-!'!!!"' Pa.. :t:i- n i'inccs tiial he is i:o-.v prepared to iiisert .-trii- i lici.il icctii in the must beiulifn! and life-like j m cr. Also, rreat atic-:i;io:i liivin to iiSHr.g j an i ji:-;-s-.-rvi:ir the naCira! teetli. Teeth t-s- J lri -:e l without j:n:i by t;sc of Nitrous Oxide I ' i.is. AM other work hicMfiit to the profession j d -il" in the most i-!;:!Ifu! and apjiroved style. All wtir!; Mltc-udcd to tifomt'tl v and warranted. ! t'!i ir;e-rcasonalde. Patronage of the public ml'i-ito.i. ' i.ii'-e in A. V. I.oder's new huildinsr, op-p-i:e Anahnuink House, ICast "Stroud.sliurjr, Tt. Jnlv 11, 1S7;J ly. Anr,o:i;ices lint bavin? just returned from Dcuti! Coilegs, he is fully prepared to mahe anne al teetli in tiie mn-t beautiful and life like nnn.-tcr, a nd to fili decayed teeth ac C"rtl;ri to tiie most iniproved method. Treiii extracted without pain, when de- ' rr I, by tlie use of Nitroun OxiJe G-s, wh.ch is entirely hirujles. Uefutirin; of I kinds nat!y dono. All work warruntcd. tarf reinuahl. (),mC? in J. G. Ko!ler! new Brick build in. i S-rect, StronJsburg, Pa. u 31-1 f Atltriiy nt Iawv, O.Ti -' iu h, Luil iit: fonu. rly oecU'!ed ly Ii. M. lui-so:i. ati I opposite the Stroii-.'s-h iV ii.mk. Main stix'jt, Str ni JsLarir. J'a. jin I :;-1 J" A 1 he sub : ii!:i r wo'ilil Kifurrn fbeniiblic flint fie has h-M-i d the house formally kept by -Jacob Kne -ht. in Uypiu-h of Stroud-honr, Pa., ii'i.l h.ivii!-.' repainted and refurni.-hed tbesaine, is pii-p.ire.i t' entertain ::!! who may patr;nize hi'ii. It is t!:e aim of thf proprietor, to fttrn-i-h superior accommodations at moderate rates and will spare r.o pains to proru.le the eoni ( rt of the i;ot.-. A liberal share of ubiie j'.-itro!i-...:,. solicited. Apr'.! 17, '72-tf.j I). I,. PIfrLK. JV II0XE3DALE, PA. M-'st ivutra! location ot any Hotel in town. It. W. KIPIJJ & SON, i Mam .-treet. I'iX'i'lietors. -'aimuv H7.;. ly. jit'Ei itv.i.vvi ii or si:. J I'lTd.-ITK T!Ji: DKI'OT, Kast Stfouilslitirg, I'a. V. J. VAN COTT, l'r.i.:ietor. Tin4 n a ii contains the t-hoiest Lio,uors and tho tvelk is supplietl with the best the market sflvrK Churjres moderate. may 3 lS7J-tf. r. ITS OX'S .Muunl Vernon Housf, 117 and 113 Uorth Second St. AnovK Anc;r, PHJLADSLPHiA. May .10, 172- ly. I .) KV. EDWARD A. WIESON'S(of VViJ. Iiam-burgh, N. Y.) Recipe for CON KUMI'TlONiind ASTHMA carefully com pounded at HOLLINSHEAD"S DRUG STORE. 07" Medicines Fresh end Pure. Ncv. 21. 17.) V. IIOLLINSIIEAD. 3&SiSUXSi O ' F lllAl !,l:.Vi,V. MONROE COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company. STROUTSEURG, PA. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Tiic Iy-L-ivs of this Company, and the rriilaiintis "ovoriiing' insurance have, re cently been very mitcrially chunked, placing- jt upon a bi.-is o(jual to -that of any Fire Insurance Company in the Slate. Important nmon the.-e cliangcs are the following, via : Policies, instead of Leinjr perpetual, are i.-Mied fr five years. All properly is classified and toe rate of premium is fixed according to the risk of tlie property. Premium notes are taken, and all as sessments are n ade on the noics. Property is in-nred for nut more than two thirds f its aclnil cash value, and the full amount of insurance p.iid in case of" loss, provided the !o.-s be equal to the amount of i'lMir.. nee. Ai.nua! ossefsmct.ts" only are made, cx rpt in cases of heavy !os. and wiiere a special assessment is necesiry. The Com puny is therefare prepared to in sure property upon ter.i.s much more desira ble thin under the old eytdem. Applications may be made to any of the Managers, Surveyors, or Secretary. MANAGERS. StcjJel! StoI.es, Jacob Knecl.f, J. Dpite J.eBjr, Richard S. Sin pics, Silas L. Drake, Ci.:-s. D. nro-ihea:!, liohrrt B .y-, John Edinger. rrancis Il.-igerman, J.ic ib Stoulier, Theo lore Sclioch, Thos. W. Rhodes, Wiiiiam Wallace. STOGDEM. STOKES. Prcs't. E. B. Dreuku, Hecrttary ami Treasurer. SURVEYORS. Tor Monroe County: is L. T) ri !c e, Tnos. W. Rhodes, William (M'u-rf, Geo. (i. Shafer. J. IKpue LeBar, Jacob Sfouffer. For Wayne County: F. A. Oppelt, Jos lu Miller. For Pike County : Samuel Detrick. For Northampton County: Richard Camden. For Carbon County: Samuel Ziegrnfus. OCT" The Managers meet regularly nt the Secretary's Office in Stroutlsburg, on the first Tuesday of cuch month, at 2 o'clock P. Al. May 15,73-tf GOOD NEWS! NEW FIRM AND 5EW GOODS? WAGKER & BH0SES wouM announce to the public, that they have taken the stand lately occupied by L. T. Lahar ci Co., and lilted and stocked it with choice lines, of Groceries, Provisions, Crockery ware, &c. livery article in store has been selected with the greatest care, and they can assure custo mers, that no matter at what price ?o!d, every thin"; pnichased of them will prove to be of the best quality. It is the design to keep a complete assort ment in each line, so that all tastes may be suited. Whether in want of heavy or line Groceries or Provisions, Crockery Ware, and Glassware, Tobaccoes or what not. This will he found to he the place to call. A speciality with thei will be a No. 1 brand of St. Louis Mills Flour which Ktands at the head of the list every where. Call and examine poods. Prices marked down to the lowest living R'ure. SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS ' Constantly on hand. ALSO: On hand and for sale a supcricr lot of Ceilirg Lath, Hemlock Boards and Scant ling, Matched Flooring, and White Pine of all kinds. II. S. WAGNER. M. II. P.IIODES. April 10, 187o-tf. C1AB YOSJ T:J.r, WHY IT IS thut whrn any one comes to Strouds burg to buy Furniture, they always inquire for McCartys Furniture Store! Seot. 26 B LANKS OF ALL KINDS for Sale u this OJfico. STR0DD3BURG-, MONROE G. II. Dreher. . E. B. Dreher (2 doors west of the "Jefilrsonian Office,") KLIZAHETII STREET, SJromlsbtirg', I'a., DREHER & BRO., DK.VLKRS IX Drills, Dlctficincs, I'crfuisierj ;ml Toilet Articles. OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS & rUTTT. Abdominal Supporters and Shoulder Braces. Seeley's ciaid Rrzjiss:ci Tsirsss:s aixo Bitter' iLS TRUSSES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS. Lamps and Lanterns Burning and Lubricating Oils. . Physicians' Prescriptions; carefullv f'om- potituled. N. 1). Tim highest Cash price paid for OIL of Wl NTERGREEN. inay4-tf. THE MONROE COUNTY Co-Operative Life Insurance COMPANY. STROUDSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA. Limit 5,Oao Members. C II A RTE R PERI E T U A L. An' person of sound body and mind, of eiiher sex, not !ess than fiiteen nor more than sixty-five years of ay, and not enga ged in any occupation, exceedingly danger ous to life, may become a member of this Company, by paying1 an admission fee, as follows : From 15 to 40 years of cre 83 00 " 40 to fit) 5 00 " ftO to CO " " 10 oo " CO to 6. 20 00 And ore dollar for To! icy. No other charges will be made at any time, excepting one dollar and ten cents for each member who dies. The advantages of this COMPANY over the ordinary Life Insurance Companies are, that the fees are so small that the man of moderaie means can secure a competency to his family at a trifling cost, and payable at such long intervals, and such small sums, that no person can be inconvenienced by them. This company cannot fail; no panic? can affect it. Person holding cer tificates of tuembrr-hip in this Company, are sure in case of death that their families or heirs will get as many dollars as there are members in the Company. No restrictions are placed upon traveling or residence. Applications for insurance, or informa tion, may be made to the Directors or Secre tary, at Stroudsburg, Pa. diukctors. R. R. Staples, II. R. Diesccker, M. F. Coolbaugh, Wm. Fine, Kindarus Shupp, J. H. Fctherman, C. D. Brodhtad, Peter Gruver, E. B. Dreher. R. S. STAPLES, Pres't. JAMES CAUR, Scc'y. March G, 1873 tf. The Umpire Drug Store!!! I have recently bought the Stock sttrf of Drus in Nicholas Kusler's buil YEtt ding, formerly owned by M. F. Evans, and have added a lare supply of NEW GOODS, PURE DRUGS AND MEDICINE?, different brands of pure WHITE LEAD and other PAINTS, Pure SPICES, grouDd and ungroand, Linseed Oil, r.i wand boiled, Japan Dryers, Vurnishri, Window Class, French and American Putty, Patent Medicines, Fruit Jars, pure Wines and Li quors fr medical purjMjses, Rye XVhhketj, 7 years old, and will keep on hand a gooj Mi;ply of Horse &. Cattle Powder, Profphfor MyTb Horse Lin iment, Fast India Oil, Shoulder Braces and Supporters, I, 'imps and Fixtures, and every thing usually kept 1 N A 1) 11 U G 8 TO II E ! ! ! I have the assistance of (C. S. Detrick, w ho has had 15 years experience in reading Medicines and diprnsin; Drugs.) and Samu 1 Williams who Jims been i'i the business Physicians Prescriptions carcfujly com pounded from the purest material. Physi cian ord s for Drugs a nd Medicines care full filled, from tclected stock at reasonable prices. All orders by Stage or otherwise, will be promptly attented to. Give inc a call and satisfy yourselves. PETER WILLIAMS. Stroudt-burg, Pa. July 2173 6m. COUNTY, PA., SEPTEMBER 11,. 1873. LOCAL OPTION. ioiF is the time (o forci Yuor Clubs. FINE OLD RYE WHISKY. Fully Four Years Old. $4 per gallon. Or in large bottles, socurely packed in casos, $11.00 per dozen. Very Fisse Pale Sherry, AM Rare OW Port Wines, AT SAME PRIJES. GOLD SEAL BRANDY, Verv Choiee. $18.00 TIIK DOZEN. Send in Your Orders, H. & A. C. VAN BSIL, No. 1310 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. February 27, 1S73 ly. nni n m inc tonier tore A SUCCESS! The Cash System a Success C. R. ANDRE & Co. With many thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed in the past, would now call special attention to the balance of their FALL AND WINTER STOCK, which is yet large and well selected, consisting of DRY GOODS, JAPANESE SILKS and STRIPES, CLOTHS and FANCY CASSiliERES, VESTING3, WOOL JACKETS, VELVETEENS, PLAIN aid PLAID FLANNELS, NOTIONS c, &c. The time is approaching to take account of stock, and these troods must he sold to make room forSPRIXG STOCK, consequently will be sold at All who wish to buy cheap and save money come and sec what we have to offer. Terms CASH C. II. A N'DUE & Co. jan. 30, 1S73. A It'lCi; STOCK CBIOECK Family Groceries, Oueenswure, Glass ware, Wood and Willow-ware, at C. ft. ANDRE & Co. Ta rns CASH. jixn. 30, '73 tf. HAJSirTo.ys s eami-ess van SETS. The he.st in use. The only place they can te had in town is at the cor ner .store. Try them. C. R. ANPRl i cfc Co. jan. 30, '73. tf. Executors Sale of a valuable PIECE OF LAND. The undersigned offers at private rale, a valualile FAIiU, situate in Stroud town ship, Monroe County, Pa., one mile from the Stroudshurg Depot, on the Milliud road, adjoining land of Stroud Rutson. John Y. Vanlieet, Daniel Calkighan, containing Thirty-two Acres, more or less, all cleared, and in a high state of cultivation. The improvements are a two- A story fi'f'ill Frame Dwelling House, 18 by 2S feet, a 7-ViM ME HA I'X 3t ) ly -10 feet, Carriage House "0 by 120 ft. and other out-lni!dings. A never failing well of water near the door, and a lot of choice fruit trees on the premises. SAMUEL MICIITLE, r.,,1Jn, JACOIi F. IlEKZOG, JuCut01s Stroud tsp., Sept. 11(5, 1872. To Fruit Gravers. t2 The tinderiened. proprietors of Jifaecdon Xunrria, propose to furnish the citizens of .Monroe eotintv and vieuutv, with Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Hedge Plants, Shrubbery, &c. of superior quality true to mme. and warrant ed to be in good condition when delivered, and (pia'ity as represented. Josi-ph F. Foulke.is our authoiied agent, to sell and deliver and collect for us. JONES & PALMER. Orders hv mail protnptly nttended to, or v ill call at anvoncs residence to take orders if re quested to do so l y word or t - - A Jress. JOS. 1 . 1 Ol LKL, Stroud.shurjr, I'a. Jan. 10, 1S73. BLANK LKASKS For Salo at this OfTtco. 2& ISABEL'S PRIDE. X5Y ntAxcis urcxsiiAW iiadkx. Isabel Rerringcr turneJ away imjiati cntly, her beautiful face- wearing a very di-satisGed expression, as she said : "I do wUii, Fdgar, yuu could fix your thoughts on something higher than the style of my dress, or hair. " The idea of a man kuowning about such things is, to me, abominable. If you design becom tug a motlitte, why, it ia just as well" "Come, uow, liLtle love, speak right out Don't waste time in beating about tUc bush. What is the matter? What have I done or left undone?" Ed-vir Lorraine said, with a pleasant, indulgent smite on his handsome face. "It is what you ate nut duitjg that pro vtkes me V "Oh, you little tyrant ! Do I not love you enough ? Is not my every thought ol and fur you ? Can I not tell the color of every ribbou you ever wore, and re member how every braid of your hair was laid, how every curl fell j and am I not working hard, every day of my life, to get richer for your sake ?" "Richer ! I don't enre a straw to have you rich ; and it is jut what I detect haviuj; your thoughts Used on such things. 1 am yhid, and waut you to love me, and thiuk I look well that is, like my general appearance." "Isabel, will you tell me plaintly how or in what I fail to please you V Edgar asked, gravely. "Edgar ! Oh, I want you to to grow yreat to make your name known to fame! I know vou can do it ! I know you h ive the power, if you will only use it! Oh, I do euvy Cora Melton ! How often I have heard persons calling attention to her as the wife of the celebrated author ! You ued to write perfect little gen-?. Why have you pivcu it up V "Because I learned to love you better thin every thing else, dear. Aud, Isabel la, perhaps if you coul l look into Mrs. Melton's heart, you might find longings there for what you possess and care so little for. Rumor whispers she is not happy that her husband's heart is en tirely in the world of his own creation," Edar said, a warning tone in his voice. "I'd risk all that, aud even be content to be second in your heart, if Fame was my rival. Edgar, I have never told you. because, until lately, I have not thought much or cared about it, but when I was about fifteen a lot of girls went to have our fortunes told. 1 was to marry a man that was to become one of the greatest o! his time, the old witch told me, and " "Did she tell you that you would be happy ?" asked Edgar, gravely. "No, but that would le inferred, of course I kuow I should. And it is just this, Edgar. I've made up mv miud to to 'r "Wait until sopjc crcat man comes aioui;, auu men cast cie ou, j. suppose. "No, indeed. Edgar, you arc the only man I shall ever marry. I could never love any other to well. Rut I'm going to wait awhile. I am young enough, and you are too. Now, listen, dear ; let njoney making alone j you have enough to serve you just now. Go to work and win the laurels that are waiting for you. Go trav el, study and think for a while, and then give to the world what is in you." "Isabel, can 1 not do this after you are mine '! For you I will woit for all you wish." "No, no. Go from we ; I should re tard your progress." "You cannot mean it? Are you not afraid my love may was cold or die out" "No, no ; you will love me all the more! And, oh, Edgar, I shall just worship you, indeed you must to woik, love.' "And go from you, Isabel V "Yes, for a while. a few years only aud every day I will write to you." "Years, Isabel ! What ir L lail ? If ill ncss oh, you do not love door you could not send me from you." "E lgar, liten Three years at the furthest 1 will hid you come to me. If in the meantime you should grow ill, rend for ;nc, I fear nothing. 1 know you will gain u!l I wi.-li." "Enough, Isabel. I will strive to please you." E lar said, a grave earnest look theu in the eyes, which an hour ago were beaming with love alone. "Yes, even now I see the coming great ness." "Stop a moment, Isabel. Say, what il when struggling f.r Lime, fi:mv and ice shoulJ gather over aud chill the love you have laid aside ?" "Still your glooriiy thoughts, love. 1 will not listen to such. Oar love shall never grow cold." The last good hy had been spoken, the last kiss pressed on her pale lace, and Ed-ar Lorraine's form was fast disappear in'.'? Wilh a sob the proud girl threw herself on t Ii nio.-sy turf. Turning for one more look, E lar saw her another moment, aud again kneeling by her side, he said : "Tis not too late, dear love. Let rue stay with you. Keep the best l ean ever jve you the truest love, earth's dearest treasure. Rid me remain, darling." "No' ih, no! 1 w.ill uot le so sellish. I give you to fame. Go, Edgar. Oh, why did )bu tome back V "To give and have oue more chance for happiness, Isabel." lie was gone again, ar.d tuiucd no more "Hcncoforth my worship s-hull be no longer at the thiiue of womati. 1 ni'.l .1 1 . 1 . , CC T NO. 18. woo fame, trusting to her for a better re ward." Time passed on, and true to her pro mise, every day Isabel wrote to her lover,' always in the same toue loving, cn couragiug, and predicting speedy success. Scarcely had a year gone by, wtien ior several of the leading papers of the time appeared contributions from an unknowu author. The choscu themes and the stylo suited the people. Soon came earnest demands for the poet's name ; but untif the. cry was echoed across the great wa ters was Edgar Lorraine's name civen to the world. Ere the three years years had passed, Isabel wrote : "Come, my laurel-wreathed love." She dreaded i change in Edgar. Her own love had truly grown great. How eagerly she looked forward to his return I How endless seemed the days that passed! At length he was coming. Far off she saw the well known form. She could not sit calmly and wait. Down the garden walkr through the gute, and along the shaded path, she tlew to meet hini. So loving was her meeting, that it could not have failed to win a warm resnouse. "On, for only one of those happy by gone hours !" Isabel sighed. Aud then, when she could bear it no longer, she de termined to know her husband's heart, to bring out what love was iu it. Sho could not complain of neglect, he was ever kind aud attentive. A smile always welcomed her approach a quite pleaseut smile hut the warmth vts wanting, and Isabel's heart trembled as she remember ed his words : "Are you not fearful my love may wax cold 't ' How earnestly she tried to melt th ice away How maiucuvcred to win a cares or loving word. "Kind, always kind, but oh, so cold," she sobbed. Pressing, as she knew, used to please him best, in soft fleecy white, sprays of green, and bright scarlet berries in her hair, and looping the flowing robe, sho went forth to watch for his coming in the spot where ho had won her and where she had sent him from her, she waited. Her heart was throbbing wildly when she saw him coming and culled, "Edgar!" That toue should have awakened even a dead love ;the eager, pleading look ia her beautiful eyes have won at least a tender and approving look. "What is it, Isabel ?" he csked iu the" same tone he had always used siuce his return kind enough, but oh ! the want ing warmth ! She must, she would re vive it., "Edgir, do sit down hero for a while," she said, making room beside her oa the rustic seat. "How you used to love this place! See, don't you remember you lik ed to see me dressed like this ? Y'ou could always lis back my curls, with the sprays, prettier than I." He was looking at her ia a half-absent manner. And she, with her soul in her eyes, stood as if pleading for life. Ay, and so she was, for love was more than life to her. 4 Say, Edgar, do tell me, is my hair like you used to fix it, and the dress?" "It is very pretty, dear. Rut I havo for gotten how I used to like it." She sank further back in the scat, her lips tightly pressed, the bright color all gone. Then Edgar drew out a paper, opened it and began to read. A few moments and he poiuted to an article, and held the paper nearer that she might see it. It was a very excellent and just cri ticism of a l ite work of her husband's. Time was when Isabel would have de vouted every word with the keenest pleas ure, but that was past now. Presently the tea-beil sounded on the air. "LVnie," he said, ruing, "I am quite flashing hungry." "She sprang up then, v ith 4 - ' W eves aud crimson checks. "Hungry !" she cried. "Hungry ; yes, I too am hungry ! Why did you come lack tome? Why did you make me your wile, if you kt;cw you could uot love rue ? could not give me the food uiy heat t is perishing fur? Why, why ?" "Isabel," he drew her back beside him on the s:?at "iet us understand each other, dear. I had no idea you were not happy with me. Why did 1 matry you ? Peeaue 1 love you, dear." She shook her heal sadly. "Not as yon wish, perhaps. That love was buried here years ago, Isabel. You me standing on its grave now aud from its ashes sprung the Lurel tree. I brought you a ehaplet fruui its boughs, and believ ed, iu wearing it, you would be happy. Don't grieve, my wife. Relieve me, 1 am happy iu being with you, and nothing would grieve use so much as losing you." -Oh, that 1 could call those other days! I would give wealth, fame, everythiug, to call them back, and with them the you gave me then," Isabel sobbed. He drew her closer to hi mi, pressed his lips to hers, and said, gently : "We will do the best wc can, Isabel. God grant that love may grow again. Who knows what the future may bring?" In Isabel's heart hope is growing daily stronger. God, ever loving, has given her the promise of a tiny, but very power ful link, to unite their love. In the holiest (d all positions she may, with their baby's arm en;?irelin both iu one loving embrace, win back through it the batter ed treasure "Oh, love ! truly thou art the best of all earth's gifts!" Isabel often murmurs. "1 have learned to envy only those who t 'i :.C:-S It lUOs. t.'