(Eljc 3cCfcrsonittii. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 4, 1873. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. JUSTICE OF THE SUTREME COURT, ISAA.C G. GORDON, of Jefferson County. STATE TREASURER, ROBERT W. MACKEY, of Allegheny. "We have had delightful weather for a week past, each day verifying the prognosti cations of Old Probabilities to a dot. X. Ruster is in New York at present, buy ing his Fall and Winter goods. Look out for a Big Stock of Clothing, Hats, Caps, Furnish ing Goods, and Dry Goods, by the first of next week. If you want a real good Cigar, go to Char ley Mick's, down town, and get one. Charley never keeps any but good oneson wale, and In ptock of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco and ripes cannot be beaten. Mr. Wm. Altcmosc lost a valuable Stall ion at Camp Meeting, on Sunday. The hrse had been driven quite hard, and the death is supposed to have been caused by the exhaustion consequent thereon. The Democratic State Convention, at Wilkes Barre, nominated Judge Ludlow, of Philadel phia, for Judge of the Supreme Court, and F. M. Hutchison, of Allegheny, for State Treasu rer. The ticket will not receive votes enough to elect it. Three hundred and eighty-five wagons passed Bossardsville, on Sunday last, on their way to the Camp Meeting at the Lake nea r Saylorsburg. As the wagons were filled chuck full of people, some idea of the attend ance may be formed from this data. As Mr. Kistlcr, was returning from Camp meeting, on Monday evening last, accompanied by a young lady, owing to some cause his vehicle was turned over a bank, and he and his companion were severe ly bruised. The lady has several teeth knock ed out and was otherwise, but not seriously injured. The wagon was a complete wreck, an i the horse was instantly killed. t , i ... ' . . - T E learn that the next term of our Pub-,' i- a -ii r j i l f Sm h i l i c Will pAm ri nn rt r Ln,I-i tt I i 15th inst, and that it is proposed to continue them in operation for the nine months ensu ing. The Board of Directors have secured the services of Prof. Morey, as principal for the term, which is a sure guarantee that the mIiouIs will be properly managed, and that if the pupils do not improve the fault will lie somewhere else than in the management. Mr. M. is an excellent teacher, and will be ably assisted by his assistants. A TKCirFr inmrnrfmonf. w limner nnla i i.n.l!.W,mn1r,Wp,l.in.l1,Kn,in!!lInnJ!l' bur-r tLc ,i0,,CStr f the past lin.l.M-th cnnnr,Unn r.P 1'..1. Qf.IJ ...- 4v 4J v'i viiw Ji uuii k-- Li t-tv Committee. Tho nl.l flnm- vchu-h w-, , t.l,.IWllU VleW' U1C laP3 01 1110 Dt merC1 rotted, has been torn out, aud the building j filled uP, even with the street line, with i pravel, and sand, and neatlv paved with hard ' burnt brick. Trnrl- w,v, fr tho St Mmr I and Hose Carnages have also been laid with the best quality of flag-stones. We learn that the Bev. John Kohler, of Trappe, Montgomery county, Pa., has ac cepted the call to the Pastorsnip of the St. John's Lutheran Church of this borough, and that he will cuter upon the duties of his position about the 1st of October. We con gratulate the congregation upon their secur-iaD( securing the services of so able a Divine, and t cannot but prognosticate from his advent among us, prosperity to the church, and an excellent harvest in the noble field to which his talent and energies are devoted. We have been favored, by the publisher Mr. Joe (Judge we would like to call him after the Election) Lynn, with the 2nd No. of the "Monthly Souvenir," a periodical of large size, published at Mauch Chunk, Pa The "Souvenir" is devoted to the interests' of the Lehigh and Wyoming Yale's, and will doubtless prove to be a magazine of more than ordinary merit aud deserving. The number before us is filled with choice reading matter, and is illustrated with a number of wood engravings, executed in the best style of the engravers art. The maga zine is furnished at the mere nominal grice of $1.50 per annum, which should draw it a host of subscribers. It beats the city month lies all hollow. The new Masonic Temple in Philadel phia is almost finished. The dedicatory ceremonies will begin on the 25th of Sep teuiber and continue three days. It is estimated that over 100,000 members of the mystic tie will be present aod assist in tbc ceremonies. Judab P. Benjamin, formerly a rebel benator, now a member of the English bar, has notified two ladies named Camp bell and Chambers, of Madison, Georgia that they are joint heirs to $12,000,000 from a French estate. S. Wells Williams, the oldest inhabit ant among the foreigners in China, aod Secretary of the Uoited States Legation, has just finished his dictionary of the' Chiuese language. It is the result of 40 Ji9arrfnnao? ad C0Dtains explanations of i-jDUU Chinese characters. Pittsburg i3 eaid to ce building a pair of the most powerful engines in tlie world. The pair will weigh 1500 tons aod will cost 8423,550. They are to be used in rais in water, and are expected to be of suffi cient capacity to lift 14,210,000,000 gal lons every 24 hours. TSIE GLORIOUS DEMOCRACY, Monday last was a day that will long be held memorable in the annals of Democracy hereabouts. For a long time back there had been dodgings and nudgings, and winkings and blinkings among the leaders of our Demo cracy, aod it was evident even to the most mystified beholder that there must be a very large and wonderful "lien on," engaged in the work of political incubation. The last I week's Monroe Democrat, conscious that the strain was too heavy for the body politic to bear long without darngcr, came to the rescue, and, in language terse and graphic, conde scended to let us know what the "lien" aforesaid was trying to do. Monroe county, said the Democrat had for a scries of years been slighted and insulted by Mother Northamp ton and Sister Carbon, and that now, as the "old woman" had been set out side the politi cal ring, sister Monroe would assert her rights, and would just as certainly secure them that she intended to set up on her own account, and that she meant to inflict condign punishment upon Sister Carbon, by whipping her soundly in the coming election Ou Monday, the efforts looking this wise, were to be inaugurated, and, of course Mon day became a day looked lor by the curious in such matters, with more than usua' anxiety. Monday came, and with it came the unterrified from the North, the South, the East, and the West ends of the county, with faces rendered terrible by the determina tiou dire to strike the tcrrilfic blow. The great Suiithfield of Democratic owcr had Ex-lteprescntative Place and John Coolbaugh for her champions, while Stroudsburg came with a delegation, marshaled and generata by no less a personage than he, who, through the columns of the "Organ," pumps most delectable Thunder for ihe amusement aud instruction of the brave cohorts, who swear by and pray to the great Democratic party It was a grand day, and in spirit with its grandeur was the terrible aspect which things were made to present. At 2 o'clock P. M. , a tap or two of the bel announced that the work was about to com mence, and great was the rush that was uiade to the Court House, to see and hear what was to be seen and heard. Carbon had delegation on hand, and these too rushed with the crowd. But both crowd and Carbonites were doomed to disappointment This was an extraordinary Convention, with extraordinary objects in view, that was ! about to meet, and it would be degrading to its diginity to proceed in the ordinary way Besides it was necessary to know how the I Cat intended to jump, or rather, whether the , ... , , ,. , . , ,. ! uiu lien proauceu chicks, uucks, costings, , w 1 1 c o 1 snakes or snapping turtles,- ere the brood was presented for the consideration of the people, Instead, therefore, of a direct assembling of the convention the prospects must first be submitted to a Modoc pow-wow in the lava bed of the Jury room, or to a star chamber inquisition. No matter about time honored usages, and the fair and square transaction of the business on hand, in the presence of the people, which has ever heretofore pre vailed, this Convention would do its own work iu its own way, and, if need in tIjC SVC of oblivion. Accordingly, ..... . nit ti i Cal" the Delegates to secret conclave, and outs,Jerscre to await the moye- m.CDtS f.the lf-!UtcJ maStrS' Wlth Wliat Thence tlicy COUJd After about an hour had thus been spent, iu hatching and fixing, the Court-house bell rang out boldly, when the Delegates came sneaking into the Court-room, and quietly slid themselves into the seats within the bar. The Convention was then organized by ap pointing Ex-Ilepresentative Place, in behalf of whose wounded honor this battle was to be fought, Chairman, and John Coolbaugh, . Green wald, Esq?., Secretaries. It as evident, at this point that the work had not proved so genial as had been expected. Carbon's eyes were upon the Convention, and though Chairman James and Secretary John, old stagers in political crime, managed to stand up to the rack, our modest friend Amandus O was not quite equal to the work, and hid his blushes, and terrors by set ting with his back to the Delegates and the I auditors. The presentation of the creden tials of Delegates was next in order, after which on motion of Delegate Swink of Stroud township, William Kistlcr. of Pocono town ship, was nominated-as candidate of the De mocracy of Monroe, for the Legislature. It was then proposed to make this nomination unanimous, but emphatic no's from Smith- field, Chestnuthill and Coolbaugh met the proposition. Our modest neighbor. Amandus O., who, we ardently hoped, in view of the fact that Congressional honors fur Monroe are indefinitely postponed, owning to black-republican geremandering of the district, would be the unanimous nominee of the Convention for Representa tive, niade a majestic arising at this point, and, his face suffused with blushes, proceed ed to read a ponderous whereas and resolu tion, grand as a concentration of glittering generalities, but lamentably weak in ideas and truth. Our friend must be immensely presuming, or wofully wanting in historic- knowledge of party doings hereabouts, when he asserts, in view of Beardslec vs. Dimmick, that Monroe county has never tried to over reach anv of her sister counties, in their re lation of Senatorial, Bepresentative or Con gressional Districts. The truths of history are the other way, and if Monroe is aggriev ed now, she is only suffering because of the precedent set by her own aggressions, and should sing dumb. These bantlings of our neighbor also met with emphatic nos. A motion to adopt and embody the resolutions adopted by the Democratic State Convention met the same fate ; not because the delegates voting no were not wool-dyed Democrats, but because, seeing so much that was heterodox in the action of the Captains of the Convention, they had come to doubt whether it was pos- sible that any thing Democratic could be en compassed in any proposition these same 'captains might be inclined to submit Mr. Secretary Coolbaugh, (we love to hear John say things, for he tays them so modest ly and smoothly k you know,) then offered a resolution of encouragement for the nominee pledging the party to support him, &c. There was no opposition to this resolve, as the few who had determined not to be con taminated by the bolt had retired previous to its presentation. After a few remarks, in good taste, by the nominee, Mr. Kistlcr, the Convention adinnrnod. nnd thus ended about as comnW a fn ns wns over exhibited to! the public. It is probably none of our business what Democrats choose to do with their own mat- tcrs, or how they essay to do it, but we can not avoid venturing the assertion, that both the Convention and its procedings, on Mon day, were both irregular and illegal. Usage, based upon agreement, as the nominee be longed to Carbon, merely required the ratifi cation of Carbon's work by the Monroe Dem ocratic County Committee. Acting under! this view, doubtless, several of the townships failed to send representatives to the Conven tion, and of the thirty-seven Delegates pres ent, but nineteen, by their votes, proved themselves bolters leaving the inference ve ry clear, that the majority of the Monroe Democracy favor Carbon's rights, and intend to support them. The only redeeming feature of the .Conven tion was the nomination of so good a man as Mr. Kistlcr for the Legislature ; but it is la mentable to think that so good a man would consent to assist in fighting the battles, and skinning the skunks, of disappointed office hunters and jolitical hucksters. The end thereof can only be defeat. Improvements. His Hon. Judge Dreher who recently purchased the Dr. Stokes pro perty, has a large force of workmen engaged in fitting it up for occupancy. Theimprove ments contemplated are quite extensive, and being handsomely located, will, when finish ed, make as fine a residence as the town boasts of. Mr. Joseph Matlack is fitting up the Judge's old residence with a view to occupy ing it as a residence for his family. Jesse Albert has a large force at work up on the basement of his new residence, corner of Franklin and Monroe streets. Jacob Knccht's new house is progressing finely, corner of Green and Ann streets. Theodore F. Hallock's new residence on Monroe street is in the hands of the plaster ers and will soon be completed. Jerome Featherman's extensive repairs to his propert3r on Green street, by which he has nearly made a new house out of the old one, are about completed. Thomas M. Mcllhaney has about finished i rear addition to his. residence on Green street. John S. Fisher, Esq., has just finished the job of making a new house, out of the old one on the McDermot property on Sarah street. M. B. Brown, is getting the material for a fine residence to be erected by him this fall on the lot recently purchased by him of A. I. Labar, corner of Buff and Green street. M. II. Rhodes is cogitating over a plan for a new house, which he contemplates erecting, this fall, on the south east corner of Franklin and Thomas streets. Geo. W. Drake, remodeled dowelling, on Main street down town, is fast approaching completion. It will be a neat affair. 31 r. Thos. A. Bell has a number of work men engaged making considerable of an ad dition to the rear of his residence on Center street. The carpenters are at work fitting .up the store room in Sheriff Marsh's new building. When completed it will be the finest business room iq town. From the foregoing it will be seen that the course of improvements in our Borough, has been steady during the present season. Our neighboring borough of East Stroudsburg has not been behind as in the race of im provements. JURY LIST Sept. T. 1873. GRAND JURORS. Barrett Edward Price. East Stroudxburg Wilson Pierson. EUred James Ilciney. Hamilton J. II. Fetherman, Chas Fred erick, Jerome Mansfield. M. Smithfield Charles Angle, Daniel Clark, J. 11. Chambers, Benj. Place Wiu. r rut hey, Jr., rrankhn 31 osier., J "ocono Sebastian Singer. Polk Daniel Haney. Jioss Philip Reuimel, Jere. Newhart. Smithj;ddYw. Walter, C. M. Huffman Stroud Jefferson Brotzman, John Fran- kcnfield, Urn. Smiley, Elijah B. Fisher. Stroudsburg Bobert R. Depue. Tubyhanna Andrew Eshenbach. PETIT JURORS. Cliertnut)till-Xm. Keller, S. II. Weiss, Cwlfjavgh George Vliet. Eldred Peter Jones, Levi D. Frable, l'eter 1 . Chafer. Jamilton Jonas Newhart. Chas Frantz, Samuel Gruver, Adam Custard, Jos. Fable, r ranees fcnyder. M. Smithfield Cyrus Vanauken, Levi Huffman. J'aradise C$ W. Row, C. L. Krauter. Pocono Josiah Titus. David Bowman. Joshua Sebring. Polk John Kerchner, Jacob Altemose, James Berlin. Ross Samuel Flyte, Win. Sceurcam. Smithfield Peter Row, Abraham Labar. Thos. Brodhead, John Moser. Stroudsburg Philip Miller, Edward Hib bler, Abraham I. Lebar. Tobyhinna Timothy Miller, Wm. Long. Tunkhannoek Wm. I). Chrstman. T. M. McILHANEV, Proth'y. . One of the results of the recent disas tcr to the Chesapeake and Delaware canal has been that the peach growers were compelled to send their peaches to Balti more, that being the only market within reach. The Baltimore market was conse quently overstocked, and on the 23d of August the finest peaches found few buy ers at 25 cents a box, while the inferior kinds sold for 10 cents a box, and many were given away on the promise to re turn the box. lVliat we saw and heard within the week. Capt. Jack, Shoshone, Boston Charley, Black Jim, Barncho and Bloluck, of the Mauch Chunk Modocs, scouting around the Demo cratic Meeting on Monday. Two up town young ladies looking for drivers to take them to camp meeting on Sunday. A rail still want ing on the Pocono Bridge. The Somerviile widowers and Johnnie threaten to visit our town again. The "unterrified" holding a "Pow- wow at tne "rt House, with no lack of Patriots willling to sacrifice their home com- i , forts to serve the dear people at the State Capitol. The work goes bravely on ! (?) inol,ier weck lled around and the street down town untouched.beeause committee gone to Camp Meeting. The man who came to town ten years ago, with nothing in his pockets is now the happy possesser of three "purps." Weston No. 2. Sporting a new tile, and taking his daily exercise, previous" to starting ;n his overland trip to New-Orleans. Our William looking happy as a wevil in a meal bag, driv ing Ellie to her home in the rural district Ga-lang, persimmons, but was'nt their joy in Israel. One of our female "tons" at Diddies, trying her hand at billiards, a few nights ago George, the champion feather-weight bruiser trying to scare a two hundred pounder at Lake on Sunday but he did'nt Bcare. Ned W. Jr the inventer of "what I saw, m town on Saturday. Dorcy and Johnnie returning from a fruitless trip to Saylorsburg, looking so womble-croppcd. A lover of the beautifub from East Stroudsburg, viewing the Lake and its surroundings through a Sarsaparilla Bottle bat was'nt it (hie) lovely. A conductor generously halving hih toned his gin ger cake with a blooming countrv lass. The owl train hauled off for repairs Plank lying by our street crossings on the back streets preparatory to repairs. Johnny C. of Middle Smithfield illiminating the Democratic Meeting. A number of our city visitors taking up the line of march for home Shingle Johnny mourning the loss of his mate The borough regulators marking the course of events. F. A. and L making preparations for conquests on Saturday evening. Slimly attended churches on Sunday. Sarah Ann trying to dodge the rain drops on Sunday and she was lovely. The power of the Demo cracy at the meeting, on Monday. The Chief Burgess, the assistant Policeman, an Embryo Sawbones, and several smaller boys enjoying a game of foot ball on Main 8treet. Five men were killed and nine serious ly injured by the falling of an old build iog iu course of reconstruction, in New lork, last rriday week. James West, aged 20, was hanged at Baltimore, on Friday week, for the mur der of Anna Gibson, last March. James Palmer, aged 25, was hanged at Towsontown, Md., on Friday week for a criminal assault on a young German girl in IST'J. The reports of the fruit crop in the West indicate that a poor yield may be expected this season. A member of the Mississippi Legisla ture has been arrested in St. Louis for stealing a coat valued at $25. The enforcement of the liquor law in .Massachusetts is creating a great excite ment among the brewers. They are rais ing the point whether the United States Government has the right to collect taxes from the brewers while it is unlawful to manufacture and sell beer iu the State. A test suit has been brought and will be tried. Ad Indiana judge has decided that the personal property of a man who goes to Europe is Dot taxable while he is gone But the personal property of those whoj go to Heaven is regularly taxed and the taxes collected. Is Europe a better place to go to than Heaven 7 Concerning marriages in Bavaria, C. C Fulton waites from Munich to the Baltimore American : It may be an in terestmg item ot news to some of your lady readers to notice the fact that oo every Mooday morning a list of all the engagements for marriage that have taken place aurtng tne preceatns: week are nub liahed in the morninc papers. Thev Dro ccea 10 state ma; -jonn acnmidt, son ol 1 . . . t ...Tl r- ... . I 1 bomas and Mane bchmidt, has entered into a contract for marriage to Ivatherine Von Jones, second daughter of Josef aud Jennie ou oones, anu inai an tne papcis !. :i ir t 1 .1 . ., I nave Deen signed and approved by the parents of both contracting parties. Itnur mntil.l ah. l!1.n f I nuuiu uui jciurta nkc mis lurnjaiiivi""1" a idiiHav cariiinuiD" npar flip ol proceeding, which virtually cuts them off from all gentlemen's society, except me aiuanceu one i ne is anowea only to spend one evening a week with her, ml the company of father and mother, until the ceremony is performed : and how would our youthful Benedicts like this. especially as they are not expected to give much time to their lady friends after the publication of this formal announcement. Ah ! if we were not obliged to eat ! Ol how many miseries, of how much indices- . tion, of what incompetent cooks, of what view, to know that a man in Boston niicic iiic nail Liana anu i iih Krnnn j i - - .nU uimu r,--" - w, "penmeni oi iaoors oi masucauon snouid we-be rid, to rumors concerning it. They then told all say nothing of butchers' bills and the about it, desiring to have the facts known bills of grocers ! It is interesting, there Tho names of the teller and his assistant fore, merely from an abstract point of who are the guilty parties, are (!. T firm.! uvuig uj.ou uoiniug. iur. uweo Thomas ndence ot the directors. Grout says not McDermott of that city, for twelve days one cent of the money has been used for nd fifteen hours, ate nothing at all his personal interest, but has been lent to Prom the Gth of August at 10 p. m. to parties in whom he had confidence and the lDth of August at 1 p. m. Mr. who he believed would return it He has McDermott swallowed nothing. Oo said that the whole amount 810 810 will casionally he rinsed his mouth with water, be placed iu tho handa of 'the bank'- but Every day he took a salt water bath and whether it is or not, the bank official's are a long walk All the time be slept well, of the opinion that his bondsmen will Jor the first four days he was intensely make good a portion of the deficiency At hungry; after that he lost the desire for all events, the bank's sundus whlU -food, but grew gradually weaker. He 5140.000. il1 m.K whleh.M weighed at the beginning of the trial 141 pounds, and at its conclusion 120 pounds He does not appear to have experienced much inconvenience. He begun to take nourishment again by swallowing a very little oatmeal porridge, cautiously proceed iog to boiled rice and milk. The epizootic has re-appeared at Pough keepsie, aod fourteen horses belonging to the city railroads have been attacked by the disease. It is reported that the dis ease is confined entirely to the throat, and almost immediately alter being attacked the horse becomes weak and debilitated. At yet but one horse has died. Immediate aud careful nursing generally saves them A happy instance of sterling patriotism in the trying times of the war has just been brought to light at the Treasury Department. A five hundred dollar bond of the act of February 25, 1SG2, second series, was received a few days since, up on the back of which was written the fol lowing . "I risk this amount of my earn ings with my country, having already risked my life. The old Bhip of State will outride the storm. Some of my as sociates in arms say these bonds will nev er be redeemed. I half suspect some of them think of self and laureli first, the country afterward. Crippled and worn out, I shall soon leave the service ; but my children will not be wronged in this. T. Clark, "20th Ohio Infantry, 'Washington, D. C, May, 18G3." The law of demand and supply received a startling illustration the other day in Troy. It was announced by the Trojan Board oT Health that every one reporting a dead cat to the Board should receive fifty cents, provided he buried the cat. Immediately a ghastly procession of the Jou 11 iroJ app.eareu i-ciorc me ooors I it r . . t J - l0 e tie3'1" ofiice, each bearing a dead cat in ins acquisitive nanus, in is lasieu for several days, jnd it was remarked that as time passed on the feline corpses looked more and more fatigued, and the air about the sanitary headquarters was loaded with a suggestion of mortality. At last Controller Albertson. alarmed at the financial prospect, concluded to stop paying, and from that moment the cat epidemic ceased in Troy. New Oil Territory Discovered. Titusville, Pa , August 23. A new oil territory has been discovered four miles southwest of this city. The Bailey & Gilmore well, which was struck yester day on the Ifamilton farm, has a quality of sand rock unsurpassed bv anv other territory in the oil region. There is every appearance that a belt of oil has been dis covered which will rival the lower Al leghany district. This is the opinion of the oldest and most experienced oil opera tors. Pure Iron. Absolutely pure iron is said to have been produced by a Bussian chemist by means of the galvanic battery. During the process a large quantity of hyilrogeu was disengaged from the ordinary iron used. The pure iron is a silver white metal, very malleable and ductile, and so soft as to be readily cut with a pair of scissors, it is verv diliereut from inm which has been hitherto supposed to be pure. It oxidizes very rapidly, anJ water is decomposed by it by the rapid absorp uon oi oxygen. The Illinois and Iowa Corn Crop. Chicago, Aug. 29. The Ch icano Tri bune has crop reports by telegraph from atout lorty counties in Illinois, euibrac ing the greater part of the corn growin portion of the btate, and from abou twenty counties in different parts of Iowa nun me exception oi nail the counties L I . ...... iu Illinois, all estimate the corn cron a oniy irom one-nail to two thirds of th I r . . . ... - . average yield, though in some localities where the yield will be short there i greater acreage planted than usual. Tl reports from Iowa correspond with the? nuiu Illinois, j ne uroutn lias imured I a.. II. r I I 1 . the corn very materially, and the season is so lar advanced that rain now woul hardly benefit it. Explosion of a Boiler at an Iron Works, Pittsburgh, Aug. 25. An explosion occurred about o o clock this moruio" a the American Iron Works of M Jones and Laughlin, South l'ittsbur-'h li sceins e engineer on uutv was aroused several times by the watchman. andshortlv r. I . . . J ,,ur ,,e go "P ana turned the water inti tne boilers. 1 he boiler over furnace No 4 instantly exploded with terrible force t,,e report being heard for miles around - : a,uus" i'e ruosi intense excitement ootier was torn into fragments the Margest piece crashing through the ware llrttlaA n nil !!.,. . t building, and fell on the bauk of the river, nearly 120 feet distant. Fortunately no " was mjureu, as the explosion occurred oetore me men began work Defalcation in an Albany Bank. Albany, Auir. 25. A defalcation ha been discovered in tho N.itinnl AlKn..w .Acuange liank amounting to S1U.84U perpetrated by the teller and his assistant who liavo made full acknowledgment of their guilt. The officials of the Exchange liauk were very uncommunicative hnm ----- J -u.u.lvw UUUUI the affair until the street was full of and W. II. Paddock. They both had been wuuc.icu nuu me nauK jor Diaov vears .n n a At !. . i. - i I f especially uroui, and bad the fullest con- lo.s. There irTi. ' TrnlZ Z to whir the money is cone chiefl to M that Grout Z I Paddock ha I en?aed in .m-i. u.: a!e been statement of Grout to thsff TV I loaned th. L - h effeCt he has theory. "enu a contrary Special ZCSTotices. ON THE LAND! THE WONDERFUL Cheap Auction Store!! Instead of mounting a Balloon and goinoff in the clouds, we are still on the Earth a rushing off ' 4 DRY GOODS, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, KEAY MADE CLOTIIIXG at a wonderful rate, without anv gas. Just come and nee the crowds pressing ;n. the cheap store saving their dollars. 0 The store is down town, four doom bel0 Stroudsburg Post Office. DECKER tt cr July 24, 1873. 3 mo. u- N. Ruster has every new style of hat there ' is out. y N. Ruster has all the new styles of rjott- ties and collars. N. Ruster has suite from $5 to $40. f wool suits for $ 10, made up in the latest styles. " X. Raster has a fine assnrtmAnf ftf i v-"u"-v urT goods and notions. And a new lot of spring a nu summer snawis. ' N. Ruster has a large stock of kid gloves I of the Alexander and the Trevion make I which he is selling at reasonable prices' f Every pair warranted. I N. Ruster has just returned from the city I with a tremendious large stock of clotlun.' hats, caps, dry goods and furnishing gooj,' f Call and see for j'ourself. , f Li Trunks Valises of all kinds at Fried's. Splendid Cassimere suits at Fried's. The best assortment of boots and shoes at r ned s. go to Fried's. Go to Simon Fried's for French calf hand sewed boots he warrants them to wear at good as any custom made boot, if nut, the money is refunded. MAIUIIED. In Taradise, August, 20th, 1S73, at the mi. I dence of the bride's parent?, bv Kev. J. Pastor-1 field, Wm. II. Everitt, and Mary E. Frantz, S both of Paradise tsp., Monroe county, Pa. I WIDDOW'S APPRAISEMENT. The acceptance of widows in the following named Estates have been filed in the office 0 I the Clerk of Orphans' Court of Monroe eountr, f and will be presented for approval by said I' Court on Monday, September 22, 1873. Estate of Peter (jrilbcrt, deceased. M M M (( Joseph Ileckman, Philip Heller, Abraham Arnold, H Jacob C Kow, ept. 4-3t TIIO. M. McILIIAXEY, Clerk. ARGUMENT LIST-Sept. T. 73. ! Commonwealth vs. Mathias P. Sliafcr. I John Baldwin, Adni'r vs. Samuel (J. Peters. I Hossard.4 vs. McCInsky. Overseers of the Poor of Smithfield v. i Overseers of Poor of Price. j Overseers of Poor of Stroud vs. Cliar! Heller et. al. I Peter Pipher vs. Theodore P. Taylor. Andrew Treible vs. George Michael et. a!. In the matter of a Street in Siroudslmr? f. from Chestnut St. to Analomink. Com. vs. Mathias Smith. TIIO. M. McILIIANEY, ProtliV. TRIAL LIST Sept. T. 1873. f Charles Fetherman vs. James II. Stroud, ! Edward Pool et. al. vs. David A. Hall, ct.aL I C. S. Detrick vs. C. C. Tasker. lieuben B. IJonser vs. F. P. Miller. f Jobst & Gearing vs. Heller & Beinhart. I Wm. Dolton A Co. vs. John C. Strunk. i John E. KirkhutT vs. George L. Slntter.tUl. Peterson & Carpentsr vs. Cornelius Lent. I Franklin Merwine vs. Henry L. Sheunian. f Mary Ann Dresser vs. Andrew Sebrins. i M. Smithiield School Dist vs. Aniile Over-? field. I Frank Landers vs Ellis S. Bloomfield. I Joseph Greening vs. Keuhen Hartzell et.aL TIIO. M- McILIIANEY, ProthV. f GRAND' OPENING is HlTfHIXSOiVS BRICK BIILDI.VG r. i opposite T. Stemple's Store, EAST STROUDSBURG. Having just opened with an entire new stock of Dry Goods and Groceries, CONSISTING OF DRESS GOODS, DELAINES, WOOLENS, SHAWL?, ALPACAS, ; FLANNELS, DOMESTICS, I TRIXTS,; POPLINS, WHITE GOODS, CASSIMERES, CLOTHS, AND OIL CLOTH. Also a full assortment of choice Family Gro- Ties ana I'rovisions, Flour, Feed, Meal, ish, Pork, Oil, Syrups, Molasses, Sugsfif Crockery and Tinware, Wooden and I Willow Ware, Flavoring Extracts nmt tini i and in fact every thing usually kept in a l1? Goods Store. All my goods are new and a not fail to give satisfaction. i Goods shown with tdmanro. Call and ex- L amine before purchasing elsewhere and there- i -j i- nine auu iuoncv. 1 J. II. SIIOTWELL, ; Former! v Klntr SilOtWui- September 4, 1S73. tf. ? TEACHERS' EXAMINATION- An examination nP TVi for ttoi w -a. v va.i J . j liorouch of btroudshurt will 1 hold in f Acadmey building on Saturday, Scrtemf 6th, 1873, beginning at 10 o'clock a. Directors and others interested are earned? invited to attend. liy order of the Board, . A. O fillRPVWAT.D. f Stroudsburg, Aug, 2S, 1673-2t. f i t