The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, June 26, 1873, Image 2

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    , Sljc 3cffersonicm.
The rain on Tuesday made the corn fields
hereabouts fairly shout with joy.
Dn. A. II. Davis, of Clarksville N. J.,
and his Esquimaux canine, created a decided
sensation on our streets last week.
The past week has been prolific of wed
dings, an-1 rumors of weddings among the
youmr bloods hereabouts. "Well let them
wed. Its only nature repeating itself.
We call attentiou to the advertisement of
J ay Cooke & Co. in another column, respect
ing the Northern Pacific 7 3-10 Bonds. In
our issue of next week we will notice these
Londs more at length.
Jilt. F. A. Crandall, formerly editor of
the Scranton Republican, and more recently
of the Oswego Times, has purchased the
Eric, Pa., Gazette, and will take possession
of it immediately. Mr. Crandall is an ac
complished journalist.
TiieIU. Rev. Bishop Howe of the Episco
pal Church, will hold services in the Lutheran
Church, in this borough, on Friday (to-morrow)
evening. Services to commence at the
uual hour. The general public, are cordial
ly invited to attend.
A most delightful, welcome and refreshing
rain storm visited this section of country, on
Tuesday, the value of the rain to our parched
gardens and fields can hardly be estimated.
After a three-week's drought it was particu
larly welcome.
Jcpgf. DeYouxq requests us to announce
that he has again postponed the sale of
John Kiesgc's Hotel property, until the 5th
day of July next, at 2 o'clock, P. M. The
J udgo assures us that no further adjourn
ment will be allowed and that the sale will
positively be made on that day. See adver
tisement in another column.
Lecture. A free Lecttire will be given
in Union Hall, at East Stroudsburg, on
Wednesday evening, July 2nd, 1S73, by
Prof. Henry Albert Subject Distinction
of Laity and Clergy, and stinted mainten
ance oftJie Ministry. The public is general
ly itivited to attend, male and female, as well
as the ministers of the different denomina
tions in the Stroudsburgs, and other places.
Lecture to commence at 8 o'clock, r. m.
Henry Albert.
Narrow Escape. On Sundav morning
last a valuable cow, belonging to Mr. Wm.
Brooks of this borough, had a very narrow
escape from serious injuries if not instant
death, in the following manner: Her lady
ship wa3 passing quietly along the street
when a dog suddenly bounced upon her, and
in crossing the race at the upper end of town
the planks gave way and precipitated the
nniinal into the water. She was extricated
with much difficulty, when it was found that
the was but slightly injured.
Cholera is spreading gradually over the
interior of the country, cases having appear
ed in several of the Western cities. In Nash
ville and Memphis deaths continue at the
rite of twenty or thirty per day. A case was
reported in Washington on Saturday even
ing. It is pretty clear that we are to have a
general visitation of the pestilence this sum
mer, and people can not exercise too much
care and cleanliness; The cholera is also re
ported to be increasing in the countries of
Central Europe, where the poverty and un
clcanliness of the people are highly favorable
to its existence.
From Secretary Robeson's report in re
gard to the Polaris, it appears that the party
of men who were found on the ice-floe became
separated from the ship accidentally, and not
by the intention of any one. Captain Hall
is beiieved to have died a natural death
After his decease Capt. Buddington was fre
quently drunk, and very little discipline was
enforced. Most of the men examined
thought that the Polaris would yet turn up.
The Navy Department has sent the steamer
Tigress in quest of her, and still another
Government vessel will probably be dispatch-
on the same errand.
The Utica Steam Engine Company (for
merly ood & 3Iann) is the largest Steam
Engine works in the United States. Thev
have their machine, boiler, blacksmith, and
team forge shops, brass foundry and pattern
chop, all complete of their kind. They have
now in successful operation over 2,500
engines, while the rapid increase of their
business and the growing demand for their
work affords conclusive evidence of the favor
with which it is everywhere received, and
the universal satisfaction it gives. All their
machinery combines beauty of design, per
fection of workmanship and material, and in
point of efficiency, durability, strength and
economy, it is unsurpassed Iron World.
Lvformatton Wanted. Mrs. Philippina
Young, aged about 50 years, and wife of Mr.
John Young, of Stroud Township, wandered
away from her home on the 14th inst., pas
sed through Stroudsburg, and was last heard
of at Stockertown, Northampton Co.. Pa..
since which time no further clue to her where
abouts can be ascertained. It appears that
the old lady suffers occasionally from men
tal derangement, and wanders off at random
Any information regarding her whereabouts
will be thankfully received by her husband,
Mr. John Young, at Analomink P. O ,
Monroe coanty, Pa. Mr. Y. h an honest,
lard-working fchocmaker, with a family de
pendent solely upon his labors for their sup
port, and will esteem it as a very great favor
jf the papers in adjoining counties would
ake a note of this item, thus assisting him
Uw hour of affliction.
TnE wooden Indian in front of Hess Bros.
Tobacco store, on Main street, remains quiet
since the capture of Capt. Jack, notwith
standing the report that other tribes are in a
state of scalp clipping fermentation. -
TnE Constitutional Convention did very
little worthy of remark last week. An
amendment to the libel law was adopted, as
follows :
"Sec. 7. That the printing press shall be
free to every person who undertakes to ex
amine the Legislature or any branch ot the
government, and no law shall ever be made
to restrain the right thereof. The free com
munication of thoughts and opinions 13 one
of the invaluable rights ofuian, and every
.nn- fVoclv enonk. write, and print on
Villi. "uj ti-J -j . p , - ,
any subject, being responsible tor the abuse
of that liberty. No conviction shall be had
in any prosecution for the publication ot pa
nors rpf'prrins to the official conduct of offi
cers or men in public capacity, or to any
other matter proper ior puoiic investigation
or information, where the fact that such
publication was not maliciously or neeligent-
ly made shall be established to the satisfac
tion of the jury. And in all indictments for
libel t lie jury shall have the right to deter
mine the law and the facts, under the direc
tion of the court, as in other cases.
The section providing for 50 Senators and
152 Representatives was also passed. To
ward the close of the week much time was
lost in discussing the matter of adjournment.
Finally, a resolution was adopted, by one
majority providing for a recess from the close
of this week until October next.
Fire. The Saw Mill belong to John Mc
Carter, and located on the old Eck property,
in Coolbaugh township, was destroyed by fire
on Friday last. The fire was discovered
about noon, but owing to the prevalence of
heavy winds, notwithstanding that the whole
neighborhood turned out and worked man
fully, in less than one hour, the mill and
about 25,000 feet of logs were destroyed.
Mr. L. T. Smith, who was running the mill,
is a very heavy loser, his loss being estima
ted at $2,000 on which there is no insurance.
Mr. S. desires us to return his sincere thanks
to all who turned out and worked so manful
ly, though unsuccessfully to save his property.
The fire originated from the sawdust taking
fire from the engine. We understand that
a new mill will be built immediate, on the
sight of the old one.
The 4tii. All over the county, except
in Stroudsburg, preparations are being made
for a proper observance of "the day we cele
brate,' the glorious 4th of July. Here we
seem to have let patriotism ooze out of the
tips of our fingers and the ends of our toes,
and to feel that there is nothing in the day
worthy of remembrance. In other places
patriotism, combined with interest, looks up
on the matter in a different light, and, at
once, the set is made to make patriotism,
and the almighty dollar go hand in hand,
We regret this is so. We would rather see
our town filled with people from other places
on that day, but as that cannot be, we must,
instead, submit to seeing our people go to
other places, and, if we would celebrate, fol
low after them. Last 4th we had a good
time here, and there is no reason why we
shall not have a good time on the coming
4th, save perhaps because of the littl
"onpleasantnesses," which, to men who take
no active part in such matters, grow out of
th.2 success of that other class of men who
We notice that our neighbors at Tanners
ville are making extensive preparations for an
observance of the day in an highly proper
manner, and also thatthecitizensof Portland,
Northampton county, Pa., have completed
arrangements for a grand patriotic display
This ia as it should be. For the benefit of
the public we will state net as an item of
news however that the citizens of this
place, with their usual inactivity will con
tent themselves with the snapping of a few
fire-crackers, and probably the weather per
mitting a feeble attempt at a pyrotechnic
display in the evening, buch patriotism
would be below par in any European
We should by all means have a celebration
in Stroudsburg ; and there is yet time to get
up a good one if a move is made in the right
Destructive Fire at Pottsville.
Fottsville, June 20. This afternoon
a fire broke out in the planing mill of
Charles Martzliu on Second street. The
wind was blowing briskly from the north
west and soon spread to adjoining houses
The entire block, bounded on the east by
Secoud, on the west by Third, north by
Mioersville road and on the south by
uign street, composed of stores, shops
and dwellings, was destroyed.
Kapitzch's extensive soap and tallow
cnanaiery was completely destroyed. In
sured for 10,000.
Sparks were blown over the principal
part of the town, and on Centre street a
number of stores and residences were set
on fire.
Cools' confectionary store, six squares
off, took fire and was considerably dam-
aea, uut was speedily extinguished.
The fire gathering 60 rapidly in the up
per section of the town, and several stores
taking fire in the business portion dowo
centre street, many of the citizens be
coming alarmed, and fearing a general
destruction of property, telegraphed to
tne eurroundinir towns for assistnnfo
which was promptly responded to by run
ning special trains from Mahanoy City
and Tatnaqua The Minersville and St
Clair Hoes Companies ran here four miles
on foot, hauling a reel of hose, in sixteen
minutes. Forty buildings were consum
ed principally tenement houses. One
child was killed, supposed to have been
burnt, and another seriously injured by
jumping from a second-story window.
A gentleman was also hurt and several
firemen were wounded by falling debris
and others severely burned. The I
estimated at $120,000, on which there is
insurance of 550,000, principally in home
Hon. John B. Storm has nnnointod
nephew of Mr. James Sweeney, rd
Summit Hill, cadet at West Point.
There are now 1500 Graflges In Iowa.
Seven cents a head is the ruling price
for shearing sheep in Eastern Oregon.
Erie has twelve hundred new houses
under way.
The whole number of Modocs taken
prisoners is 150."
Scranton and vicinity clain more mad
dogs than any five'eounties in the state.
A complete set of burglar's tools costs
about 1000.
An editor may not be religious, but he
generally has an umbrella which keeps
An Indianapolis parent has been fined
S6 for giving his minor son a glass of
lager beer.
The epizooty has reached Lewistoo,
North Idaho, and nearly every horse is
afflicted with it.
Germany can bring into service an army
of nearly two million men, if necessary,
for conquest or defense. - '
The Boston Globe states that "nearly
160,000 bodies are buried in Greenwood
Cemetery, lies lJhuadclphia.
A woman at East Jaffrey, N. II., has
had an exact picture of a juniper tree
printed on her leg by a flash of lightning.
A farmer living near Brimfield, 111.,
has ten plows in active operation in hi?
Local option in New Castle has led to
a run on the pottery for "Little Brown
An old woman in Liverpool, England,
recently made a special request that she
might be buried with her spectacles on
A few minutes devotion at niht will
not clear the conscieuce as a foul trick
done during the day, Dor will going to
cuurcn on bunday a tone for wilful sins.
An insane woman in Ilollidaysburg got
all of her teeth pulled out. and told the
dentist to send his bill to General Grant
The dectist got mad.
A neighboring editor is on the alert
with this information : "The season for
farmers to slide off hay-mows on to pich
forks has nearly come."
Capt. James A. McClarg, a constable,
residing near fc-taunton, Va , has sudden
ly become deaf, dumb, and blind, with
out a ay apparent cause.
Oregon papers report the crops good
There will be, at a safe calculation, 600,
000 bushels of grain raised, in Umpqua
vauey atone.
It is stated that there are twenty seven
steamers in China waters waitins to brin"
Chinese to tbe number of 20,000 toCali
The homicidal mania is prevailing in
Virgiuia, as well as elsewhere, seven
murders having been committed in that
State during the last two weeks.
The dog tax in Loudon county, Va.,
this year amounted to $1983. It pays
for all the sheep destoyed and leaves
S1000 lor the school fund.
A JJetnot female of just twenty five
was married to her fifth husband on Tues
day. All of the gentlemen are alive, aud
tne nrst tour are doing well.
At Burlington, Iowa, a little girl 8
years old walked up and gazed a few
moments on ber dead mother, and then
turned away and died almost instautly.
Jeff Davis, ex-President of the Southern
Confederacy, was in Bethlehem. Pa . re
cently, visiting his niece, Mrs. Sayre,
widow of Senator Broadhead.
Se ven Indians made a raid into Brown
county. Texas, but Here captured, aod,
after being washed, seven white men
stood revealed. They were huu? out to
Two boys named Smith went out fish
ing at Delphi, Iud. It being quite dark
they used a light, which so confused the
fish that twenty seven bass leaped into
the boat.
Mifflin county has just been relieved
of a black snake thirteen feet long, and
sixteen inches in circumference, a man
named Duffy having killed it and four
rattlesnakes on the same day. Next I
. , J f , , , J
" UJl V"u " "' uo lucy ,,a out
at Zanesville, Ohio 1 A man there adver
tises that he wants a woman to "wash
iron and milk one or two cows." Wash
ing may do cows good, but we don't think
they II like ironing."
Judge Seldom, of Canandaizua. N. Y.
has sentenced Elizabeth Cady Stanton to
pay a nne ot one hundred dollars and the
costs of prosecution, for illegal voting last
fall. Jler counsel has asked for a new
Erie has a city library containing four
thousand live hundred volume. It had
. r r
seven hundred paying patrons last year,
auu was visneu oy about lorty thousand
persons. The receipts were 2,013, and
the expenses 82,428.
A certain gentleman of ouracnuin(nnc
has realized 81,000 more or lees, chiefly
less, during the past, by raisiog Maltese
miens ior live dollars a niece, or ton dnl
Iars a pair, malt and hops for five vnB
a class, or ten a shoppen. Titutcille
The Chinese companies exrjend ahmw
$50 each for bringing Chinese laborers
to Laltilornia, aod they are raid
200 ia return. In other words, the corn-
panes make nearly $150 on each labour
they import to California.
The York Gazette says : Georeo V
Noedel, Esq., has left on exhibition at
our office several specimens of gold and
silver taken from his farm in Nnrth
Codorus township, York county. Mr.
Nocdel says specimens of the ore havs
been examined by experts and pronouno
ed rich id the precious metals. He is
making preparations to ascertrio tbe ex
tent of the deposit more fullv and
as bis machinery u put in pUCQ wiu
vigorously to develop it.
As a proof of the rapid growth of Car-
boudale, the Advance states that the list
of taxables in that city now exceeds 2,
400 names. This is an increase of more
than a thousand during the past five
A California paper insists that eGOO,
old. is a liberal allowance for the
expenses of a trip from the East to Cali
fornia, and says that it "includes the cost
of transportation to and stay at every one
of our great sceuic attractions.''
Honest collections have made the In
ternal Revenue receipts for the last fiscal
. . nit ci- 1 to I L
year aggregate ciu,Ui,no, which
comes within a comparatively small trac
tion of the estimates made at ..the begin
ning of the year.
A' young man in Peoria sought to se
cure hia sweetheart by strategy, so he
took her out for a boat ride, and thra
tened to jump overboard into the lake
if she didn't consent to marry him. But
it did not work. She offered to bet him
a dollar that be daren't dive in
Thousands of dead pickerel have been
cast up on the shores of Lake Como, in
Oswego county, New York. The fated
fi-h are the largest aod finest, and what
is also yery strange, no other varieties o
fish seem to be affected by the apparent
A singular epidemic has broken out in
a Kansas town. Every wife in the town
has been attacked by an irresistible
detirc to present her husband - with
nice little dressing case, wilh shavin"
materials complete. An attractive young
woman has opened a barber shop in the
The wife of PI i'ip Nixon, f jrmerly o
Phillipeburjj, but siucc living at Port
Morris, N. J ,on Thursday week became
insane, and taking her two children, one
under each arm, jumped from the second
story window to the ground, instantly
killing the youngest child, aged 9 months,
and inflicting fatal injuries upon herself,
nnA n.nnK.r:. r.i,- .I.:-
: , ;:r r
4 s ir oil D ;f rt i
On Seveia'
nf flimo mrl
decly p rd
occasions bright flashes
prin hulls nf firf ctir cnr?to
fr.,n, th t .
The Fredericksburg, Va.. Lcthier savs :
"The reports from farmers living in the
several counties around town are that the
prospect for a good wheat crop has never
been better. They expect to have this
year the best crop since the war. Corn,
although thrown behindhand in conse
quence of the cold weather we had in
May, is looking finely and is growing
There is an Irishwoman of gigantic
strength io St. Paul. One morning she
lifted a barrel of sugar from the ground
into a cart. The next evening she pre-
anntA'-f llA htlchnnH .n .tit 'I '
v u ii. 14 wi.1 uuauuuu n nil IWIU9. 1 V
days after she did the washins for a fara
ily of ten persons. Not so fortunate was
a Missouri girl. She washed all day.
made a supper of twelve hard-boiled esus. I
and then danced all ui-jht. It is men
tioned that her funeral procession was
Concerning the hight prices of iron
and its manufacture in Eogland, the
5 UflKoVl T..o..l .1.. 1 J
; i i,A11 ' j' ,. . -, - .
ing steel houses in that city have received
letters from the United States counter
manding a large number of orders, for
the reason that the goods can be made at
lower prices at home, it seems that Peon-
svlvania is able to tindpr bid in
a branch of manufacture wherein the
mother country not lou" ao was with -1
out a rival.
Probably ho reasonable women will
look favorably upon a new foreign inven
tion which a manufacturing firm in Wes
... T I " . . ... " m.
iciu a euusy ivaui.i is copying. his is a
bonnet made of spun glass and trimmed
with flower, feathers, etc., of the same
material, variously tinted. It mar be
beautiful : it may not be expensive : but.
alas I when dusty it can be washed and
a . -
made to look as good as new, and what
woman wants a bonnet that can be easily
renovateu as that :
Last winter Mrs Ilattie'DavcoDort. wife
of Flower Davenport, of Albion, Erie
COIintV. bad n nrocnnlimcnl lli.l I
J ' j . . - i 1 1 iij . it b lllilb BHUVTflO
to die and be buried with her then unborn
On Friday last she was delivered
of a child which lived but a few hours.
She would not allow the child to be bur
ied, stating that 6ho wished to have it
kept until her own burial. Singularly
sue aepartcu her lite on bunday alternoon
at 4 o clock. Ihe funeral of the mother
and child took place last Tuesday.
It is an important fact that tbe Chinese
have recently been reorganizing their
army, which now number 300 (inn mon
armed with Enfield, Remin.-ton 'and Colt
ritles, and with a full comolemeot of rifled
artillery. It is asked, what if, under able
leaders, they should some day swarm be
yond the limits of their own empire and
attack the territories of their neighbors ?
1 bey are brave, patient, capable ofdis
cipliue ; and there seems to be no reason
why, with proper training, they should
not make excellent soldiers.
A cfro n rvn p li toAAHl.3 1 tj
..... uiici n ivj luponeu uimscil a.
employed by a boarding house agency in
Philadelphia, recently visited Dovles
town. Ilo called on the various hotel
keepers and proprietors of private board
ing houses, aod offered to furnish them
with all the summer boarders thpv wan
ted. on condition that they would each
pay him 810 for his trouble and to defray
iuo cifjeuec 01 aavertisin" &c lie la
bored induotriously duno-lis short stay
. J e " J I
iu mis place, aod we learn succeeded in
doing quite a thriving business. Several
of the hotel keepers and some private
partie paid him the whole or a part of
tne price demandfid nd t U mi maipJ .
he pocketed nr SI 00 in Do,W
town. We have not learned that any of
the boarders have arrived, and it is iren-
. w - - - J ---
erally considered that some of the usually
wideawake citizens have been most
curelly Bold. Jntell itencer.
The wheat harvest has commenced in
California, and telegraphic advices from
that State represent that, according to
trustworthy statistics the yield will be
fully up to the very large prodttct oi last
year. J ins is much better man nas ueeu
expected for the last few months, owing
to the failure of the rainy season, wnicn
is so necessary to the California crops. If
the anticipated rainfall had occurred the
increase would have been luiiy twenty
per cent, over last year's product, owing
to the enlarged acreage placed under
cultivation, the more eeneral use of
fertilizers and the improvements in irriga
The Republicans of Maine expressed
the judgment of their brethren every
where by the resolution? of their State
Convention last week. I hey protested
against granting another acre of the pub
lie lands to railroad or canal compauies ;
they declare the party will interpose no
shield to protect men who have proved
faithless to their trusts; they denouuee
'Credit Mobilier" transactions in every
form, and demand that the evils of pirvate
or special legislation 'shall be uprooted
That is exactly how. Republicans feel in
Pennsylvania. The Maine Convention
denounced most sternly the "back pay
transaction in Congress as a gross viola
tion of political honesty, and called for
the immediate repeal of the disgracefu
and odious act. This resolution would
also be full) end rsed here, add we hope
it will be next August, when our Coo
ventsou meets.
On Monday last the arrangements for
a consolidation of the Delaware, Lack
awnna aod Western, and Lackawanna &
Bloomsburg raUroads were perfected by
I the stockholders of these two roads, the
j terms of the consolidation giving the
shares of the latter the right of exchange
lor the same amount of the Delaware
Lackawauna & Western railroad com
pany, under which, title the j)int inter
csts will herealter be known aod operated
& w. be-.g, ad thatm
the Lackawanna & Bloomsburg railroad
JjaCHlaun a jJiimmsuuij; ionium
(rr which certificates of the former wil
ha0ge d) 3 WJW0. A. ag
J gregate sta nds a t S2o',500,000. The ear n
I ings OI tne liioouisourg t'rancu iur uie
past three years, are reported by tuc
President. Cram Sloan, to have been over
12 per cent, per annum. The E?l. Lack
& Western company is now one of the
strongest in the state, having control o
nearly 1000 miles of road, all of which is
in good condition, and ably managed.
The following are the branches owned Dy
this company : Morris & Eessex division,
Oswego &. Syracuse, Utica & Chenango,
Cavua division, Syracuse & Bingham-
ton and the "main line," which passes
through this county. It is, indeed, a
powerful company, and has among it's
f th UoiteJ g g
stockholders some ot the wealthiest men
Special JSToticeS.
N. Rustcr has every new style of hat there
is out.
I A Ilncrr noc nil flirt nnw cfr nc at nnr-lr-
tics and collars.
N. ltuster has suits from $5 to $40. All
wool suits lor $10, made up in the latest
. , 1
N. lluster has a Hue assortment of dry
goods and notions. Aud a new lot of sprin
and summer shawls
N. Ruster has a large stock of kid gloves
of the Alexander and the Irevion make,
which he is selling at reasonable prices.
Kvery pair warranted.
N. Ruster has just returned from the city
with a tremendious largo stock of clothing,
hats, caps, dry goods and furnishing goods
Call and see for yourself.
Trunks Valises of all kinds at Fried's.
Splendid Cassimerc suits at Fried's.
The best assortment of Loots and shoes at
If you want any Gents' furnishin
g0 to 1VloJ'S
Go to Simon Fried for Clothing, Boots,
Shnr3 Trniil-a V.-ilicoc T TrnV.rl'-i a .t- flrnt;'
w,, - " v. ...... , , . . . j w lxj vi i. iiuo IV V. v 111.0
Furnishing Goods.
Go to Simon Fried's for French calf hand
sewed boots he warrants them to wear as
good as any custom made boot, if not, the
money is refunded.
Estcy Cottage Organs.
The styles arc beautiful, adapted to all
requirements and tastes, with prices suit
able to all classes of purchasers.
We call special attention to the Vox ller-
mana an(1 t,ie wonderful Vox Jubilante.
-&vcry instrument luiiy warranted
Ba5" Send for an illustrated catalogue con
taining full description of Organs.
Splendid Christmas Gifts and New Year's
Presents for all.
Stroudsburg, Fa.
tv, -0 tf 1
' 1
There is not a Ladv livinir. but wW nt Bnm
period of her life will find Duponco's Golden
Pills just the medicine she needs.
AUili-, i'AlflTUfcSS, &c,
They never fail, and mav be dndd ,n
in cvery tase of difficulty caused by told or
--"y- . - ""aj b juiut-uiaie renei.
I- la,dy V,tes; .lponco'a Golden Pills re-
iievu me in one nav. n-n hnni ; onn it Ait inn .
ti.p Mlin- VV:i: V": '""i0
on each box mv private KevcnuaStamn wuK
out which none aro genuine, and the box is
6'g"ed D. HOWE."
hull fir-I i.K .1 II
n uirecuons accompany each
. box ea '$5.00.
hold by one Druggist in every town, village,
city and hamlet throughout the world
Sold by I"fEIIER4BRO.,JruR8i;u Sole
Agents for Monroe County, Stroudsburg Pa
These Pills will be sent by mail (free of pos
tage) to any part of the Country, on receipt of
the price thereof. 12 7'm.
The largest stock of Carpets ever offered
in this market, at Bush's Store, Main street,
Stroudsburg, Pa., and at lower rates ever
offered in this town.
The most Wonderful Discovery of the 19tli Century.
rr. S. D. Howe's
and all Diseases of the Throat, Chest nnj
icings. i nc oniy medicine of the kind in th
A Substitute for Cod Liver Oil.
Permanently cures Asthma, BronchittiR. In
cipient Consumption, Loss of Voice, Shortness
of Breath, Catarrh, Croup, Concha, Colds, &c.
in a iew aavs, nice maaric. l'riee i per bottler,
six for $5. "ALSO, UK. S. D. HOWE'S ,
which diners from all other preparations in ita-
immediate action upon the
Liver, Kidneys and Blood.
It is purely vegetable, and cleanses the system'
of all impurities, builds it right up, and make
pure, llidi Blood. It cures Scrofulous Disea
ses of all kinds, removes constipation, and
regulates the bowels, for "ueneral Debility,"..
"Lost Vitality," and "Broken-down Constitu
tions," I "challenge the 19th Century" to find"
its equal.
Price $1 per Bottle; six Bottles $5. Sold br
DKEIIEK & T.RO., Druggists.
Sole agents for Stroudsburg, Vjl
. . DR. S. D. HOWE, Sole Proprietor,
dec 12'7-6m. 161 Chambers St., Xew York:
In Washington, Iowa, June 19th, 1S73, hy
llcv. N. Wells, Mr. James Kdinger, of Strouds
burg, Pa., and Miss Annie Singmaster, of
Paris, Washington county, Iowa.
On the Cth of May 1873, by Rev. John F,
Cbnplain, P;t.-tor of Methodist Episcopal
Church, Stroudsburg, Mr. Mathias F. Bush
and Mrs. Lavina Price.
On the 12th of Jlarr 1S73, by Ilev. John F
Chaplain, Mr. Frederick A. Ui!e and Mis
Em m;i Uray.
On the 31st of May 1S73, by Kev. John F,
Chaplain, Mr. Daniel Devanport and Mrs,
Mary Ann Waters.
In Philadelphia, on the 19 in.t., Mr. Daniel
Kemraerer, aged 56 years.
The deceased was a native of this corttrr
rwl was the twin brother of Mr. Jacob F,
Keroracrer, also recently deceased. He was a
gentleman of extended acquaintance, and en
j&ycd the respect cf all who knew him. In hi
death the mmmirmty, the church, and the
more immediate society with which he was
associated has losJ a valuable and tnosi consia
tent member.
In neighborhood rf iDels-ware Water Gap
for a small family. Plenty, nete?s and res
Fonable terms requisite. Address with full
particul.u. T. CLEVELAND,
June 2o-i!t. 53 Wall fEet, X. l
Auditor's Notice.
Estate of Thomas E. IMler, deed.
The undersigned appointed by the Orphan's
Court of Monroe County, Auditor to make dis
bursement of the money in the hands Jcbtt
J. Stecker, Executor of the late will artel Testa
ment of the Estate of Thomas K. Heller,
deceased, hereby gives notice that he will at
tend to the duties of his appointment on Fri
day, July 2oth, 1S73, at 10 o'clock A. M., at
the Prothonotary's office, in Stroudeburg, at
which time and place all persons having anv
claims against said fund will present the same
or be forever debarred from coming in for any
share thereof.
T1IOS. M. McILIIAXEY, Auditor.
June 2G,'73-4t
Estate nf George Fable, dee'd.
The uedcrsigned apjointed by the Orphan's
Court of Monroe County. Auditor to make dis
bursement of the money in the hands of Joseph
Fable, Executor of the late will and To la
ment of the Estate of George Fable, decea-ed,
hereby gives notice that he will attend to the
duties of his apiointracrit on Saturday, Julv
26th, IS73, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the ProlhonJ
tary's office, in Stroudsburg, at which time ar.d
place nil persons having any claims against
said fund will present the same or be forever
debarred from coming in for anv share thereof.
June 26,'73-4t
The Northern Pacific Railroad Company
having determined to close its 7-30 First Mori
gage Gold Loan and thereafter to pay no.
higher rate of intere-t than 6 per cent., on fur
ther issues of its bonds, the limited remainder
ot the 7 3-10 loan is now being disposed of
through the usual agencies.
This atlords a desirable opportunity to per
pons wishing to re-invest July interest or divi
The Company now has more than oOO miles
of its Road built and now in operation, includ
the entire Eastern Division, connecting Lake
Superior and the navigation of the Missouri
river : the work of construction is rrosTessins
satisfactorily ; the Company has earned title la
nearly Ten Million Acres of its Land Grant,
and sales of lands have thus far averaged 5.Gti,
per acre.
All marketable Pecnrties are received in ex
change for Northern Pacifies.
Bonds for sale in Stroudsbunr, at Strouds
burg Iiank and Monroe County Dank.
June 2G--U
Stroudsburg, Pa.
A few Monroe County made CULTIVATORS:
with Nellis' celebrated teeth.
One second hand FORCE PUMP, ccod as
new, a bargain.
Best assortment of Pocket Cutlery, Table
Knives, &c., in the County.
Always on hand in season a full stock of
Hardware, Terra Cotta Chimnevs. Rooe. Ac-
June 19-4t.
Two experienced Beamsmen can find steady
employment, by applying immediateJy at
(Jreen ville Tannery, eituate five mile f
Scranton, on the 1..L. & W. R. R,
men preferred
JuneJ2-lt5. L.MACKEY.