The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, May 01, 1873, Image 2

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uEI)c 3cffcv50uinn.
It snowed again on Friday night last.
It rained on Tuesday night.
, Green peas and young onions and lettuce,
are not the things Lragged ahout, by our
amateur gardners, hereabouts.
We have'nt heard a word about the Durn
my engine for some weeks. Is the thing
dead ? Or have the excited ones concluded
to let the thing rip for travellers.
, The largest stock of Carpets ever offered
in this market, at Bush's Store, Main street,
Stroudsburg, Pa., and at lower rates ever
offered in this town.
. -
A peripatetic medicine vender, with song
and female accompauishment gave ussevcra
specimens of the strenght of his lungs last
week. The "liniment ' didn t take, how
ever and he left.
Cold I cold, has been the watch-word o
4,gcntle spring' thus far. "We have had
some tolerably pleasant days, but none that
made a change from flannels to linnen and
cotton goods, desirable.
The weather we have been blessed with
this spring "beats all natur" for general disa-
grecablencss. The morning may open with
a most au?piciou3 sunshine, but there is no
telling until night how many snow and rain
storms we may have before the day closes.
Wc observe that the Town Council has at
length succeeded in removing the unsightly
objects which have marred our side walks on
main street so long. They deserve credit for
the work already done, aud wc hope they
will continue until all the side walks arc
Runaway. It. 1L Hepue, Esq's, spirted
eam, took a notion to try their mettle on
Main street, up town, on Tuesday afternoon.
They knocking over of Gen. Burnett's lamp
juv-t and a smashing of 3Ir. Depue's wagon
was the consequence. No one hurt.
N. Rustcr has jus-t received froufthe New
York Collar Company, twenty thousand
paper collars, the largest stock ever brought
to Stroudsburg, comprising all styles, from
ten to forty cents, per box. Also a new
it ck of neck-ties and scarf's.
"Buck Beer, from the celebrated Brewery
of Waekcuhuth, Adam & Co. Newark, N.
J. on tap at Peter Horn's Saloon. Loverers
jf the beverage that "exhilerates but don't
intoxicate" are invited to drop in and 'take
a s u'l
Lost. On Saturday, April 2Cth, on the
road from Stroudsburg to Bartonsville, a
small Locomotive Watch Seal. Any person
finding the same and return it to the office of
the o EFFER3 ON IAN, will be liberally rewarded.
May 1-1L A. II. ROEMElt.
Property Change. Frederick Frable,
L is disposed, of his saw mill and lumber
property, in Wayne county, to Messrs L. T.
Labar and Lewis Myers, who design going
into the lumber business. Mr. Labar will
take charge of the property as a resident
superintendent. j
As George Metzgar, son of Abraham
Metzgar, was working on a new building,
near Hartonsville, on Saturday last, he fell
from the roof to the ground, and received
severe injuries. We have heard nothing
touching the condition of Mr. Metzgar since
the accident.
We are pleased to learn that his Hon.
J udge De Young, is slowly recovering from
the indisposition with which he has recently
been afflicted. We should be better pleased,
as would his hosts of friends throughout the
county if his recovery was more rapid. But
that the Judge is mending surely is rendered
certain by the fact, that his good old fash
ioned hearty laugh, is beginning to claim in
The Hon. John B. Storm's residence, to
which extensive repairs and alterations are
beginning to be made, is beginning to show
a decided taste on the part of its owner. A
mansard roof, and other adornments of a
most chaste and recherche character, are be
ginning to loom into view. When comple
ted, judging from its appearance, comfor
table arrangements, and locality, it will be
one of the most pleasant residences in all
this section of country.
Our people, hereabouts, should not forget
Decoration day, which this year comes on
Friday May 30th. We observe that the
Grand Army of the Republic are already
moving in the matter, and hope that our peo
ple will fully prepare themselves to second
their efforts. The graves of the heroes who
sacrificed comfort, and life itself, to save our
glorious country should not be permitted to
go without this floral recognition of a free
people's lasting gratitude.
Accident. As Mr. Fred. Norton, who
was in town making purchases, was about
returning to his home, in Stroud township,
on Monday evening, his dog, who had ac
companied him, got in front of him, and in
the darkness Mr. N. fell over the animal,
injuring himself severely. At first it was
thought his arm was broken, but on examina
tion by Dr. Jackson it proved to be a severe
sprain instead of an broken arm.
John 1. Carmaoy, of Lehigh county,
has a calf two or three weeks old, which,
instead of a coat of hair, is covered with
wool like a lamb, and has a tail like that
innocent animal. It is of the ordinary
size, but rather a straDge looking "baste."
Sad Accident. On Monday last Mr.
Jacob C. Row, of West Aubern, Susquehan
na, county, having business in this neighbor
hood, reached here in Uhj 5.10 P. M. train.
Having transacted his business, he got on
oard one of thcrCoal trains, 7.15 r. M. to
go towards his home, and, when about 300
yards from the Depot, he fell olf and under
the train, and the wheels passing over hi
legs and cut them both off, about half way
between the knees and ankles, that his feet
merely hung on by a portion of the skin and
tendons. Drs. Hush, Jackson and Shull
were immediately called to the case, and
after examination and consultation, decide
that it would be imprudent to amputate the
limbs until reaction had taken place. Every
thing was done to make the sufferer coinfor
table, but his hurts are such that but little
hope is entertained that he will survive the
shock to his system.
P. S. Since the above was in type Mr.
How succoiubcd to his hurts. He died on
Tucsd ;y afternoon.
All people would undoubtedly prefer a fine
head of hair grown upon their own heads
to being bald, or wearing false hair, and it
has been the study of many of our learned
men to find a remedy to restore the hair
when it has fallen out, and renew its color
after it has become gray. Such a remedy
has been found and is now offered to the
world under the name of Hall's Vegetable
Sicilian Hair Renewer ; and, to verify this
statement, read the following :
This is to certify that I was very bald ; in
fact, my head was perfectly smooth; and it is
common in my family to grow bald eirly in
life. I have now used four bottles of Hall'
Vegetable Hair Renewcr ; and the hair has
grown out all over my head, and is now a
natural brown. HARTLEY CONLOX
May 28, 1S68.
Personally appeared before me Hartley
Conlon, and upon oath, says the above state
most is true.
M. G. BUTLER, Notary Republic,
Office of the
Of Monroe County.
April 20lh, 1S73.
For the JcfiTersonian
It is a pleasing duty to announce that the
difficulties which so recently agitated our mem
bership in this jurisdiction, have been satisfac
torily settled all conflict of authority has en
ded. By the action of the Supreme Lodge, at
its session held in Richmond, Va.f during the
past week, the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania
is again in full possession of all its rights and
prerogative-', and 13 to be respected as such, by
all the subordinate Lodges. The Supreme
Lodge, at the same session further decided
that the true intent and meaning of its lcgisla
tion at the session of April 1872, wa., that
each and every subordinate Lodge of the order
had the right to decide for itself, whether it
would work the Amplified Degree or not; anil
the urand Chancellor of this jurisdiction was
instructed to inform the subordinate Lodges
that thev can be furnished with the necessary
number of Rituals required by them, either wit
or without the Amplified Degree. In aecon
ance, therefore, with the said legislation of the
Supreme Lodge, Grand Chancellor William I.
Macnmllen, has issued a proclamation to the
subordinate Lodges. The subordinate Lodges
of this county, which recognized the Supreme
Inner Steward, Joseph D. Weeks, as a District
Deputy Grand Chancellor, are to be considered
as in full accord with the Grand Lodge, and
in the same position as if no difficulties what
ever had occurred, and, finally, it is fervently
hoped and desired, that with the satisfactory
settlement of the trials and difficulties which
had beset cur path, our jurisdiction will
once enter upon a career of prosperity, unsur
passed even by its history in the past.
Let brotherly love ever continue and prevail,
Let all by conversation and by action, prove to
the world that our order is in reality one of
fraternity and whose highest aim is the good of
humanity, Eepectfully, &c.
W. II. Keixiiart,
D. D. G. M.
An intoxicated man was detected Satur
day night in an attempt to pick the pock
et ot a billiard table.
The Montgomery Advertiser, speak
ing of the cotton crop for this season,
says : "The money paid for it in its raw
state will not fall far short of S330.000,-
000. Of this sum about $35,000,000
will have gone to speculators and first
purchasers, leaving $295,000,000 to the
It is estimated that the Pennsylvania
Railroad will spend $19,000,000 in this
State, during the present year, in increas
ing its facilites for transporting passengers
aud freight. Of this sum, $3,000,000
will be spent on the Pittsburgh division,
extending from this Pittsburg to Altoona.
Professor Donaldson made another suc
cessful balloon ascension from Centre
Square, Allcntown, Pa., on Monday af
ternoon. Landing near Phillipsburg, N. J.
As usual he went up on a trapeze bar at
trched to his bslloon, and while ascend
ing performed some daring and wonder
ful gymnastic feats.
The prospect for a crop of peaches this
summer seems to brighten as the season
advances. The Wilmington Commeriml
m o
cays the crop in Delaware now promises
to b largest that has been grown for sev
eral years. In the central and lower por
tions of txe peninsula the trees are liter-
ally covered with blossoms, and the indi
cations are highly favorable for an abund
ant crop in the districts named.
Io about five months France will
the remainder of her war debt toGermany,
and be freed from the presence and cost
of the German troop3. There is much
glorification over this fact, one of the
most remarkable on record. It is referred
to, also, as a proof of the general prosperity
of the French people, the elasticity of the
uuuon, ana or tne permanency of the re
public. Of the last named item, mi
judge more correctly after a time.
The winter wheat In Illinois is reported
to be exceedingly promising.
Ileavv frosts prevailed in Tennessee,
North and South Carolina on Saturday.
Sp.ntl.im1 produced 15.500.000 tons of
coal in 1871.
A man was still husking corn in Chea
ter county last week.
Beef is only two cents a pound in Texas
and the kidneys are gratis.
Great numbers of buffalo are being kill
cd in Kausas for their hides.
One may live as a conquerer, or a king,
but he must die as a man.
A promising young man is all very
well ; Detter nave a paying one.
..... -
The South Carolina Legislature con
tains 101 colored members.
Can a son be said to take after his
father, when the father leaves nothing to
A man has been arrested out West for
knocking his wife down with a cheese.
It mast have been a strong one.
It is reported that extensive borax de
posits have been found in Kern County
A St. Louis paper recommends an am
bilious debating society in that State to
decide " htch is the butt end of a goat f
A European writer says the Americans
are the most extravagant people in the
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
have just put their eight hundred and
eleventh locomotive on the road.
Two men in Mufreesboro, Tenn., were
recently fined 20 each for whispering in
Is there any sentiment in the human
heart more tender than the bosom of
dollar shirt ? We paws for a reply.
Only fifteen per cent, of the land o
Cuba is under the plow, yet her annua
exports reach ninety million dollars.
The latest pun in local option countie
is, that the sicalloics homeward fly, li
cense or no license.
The prisoners in Northumberlau
county call the presiding officer of their
court Judge Sock a Idler.
IfBrigh am Young wore an additional
weed on his hat every' time he lost a wife
or a mother in law, it is estimated that he
would have a hat twenty-seven feet high
There are 851,000 sewing machines
made annually in the United States.
Ihree companies make more than 150,
000 each. A very large profit is realized
on them.
Oue inch of rainfall distributes 100
tons of water over an acre of laud a sug
gestive fact in a mechanical as well as an
agricultural point of view.
Georire M. Sanderson, a
cigar manu
facturer of Jersy City, is insane from
derangement of the digestive organs bv
suiuMug anu cnewing to excess.
Lawrence county has one hundred and
eighty one manufacturing establishments,
wuicn in the year produced goods
to the amount of $3,429,700.
So they say that in local option coun
ties landlords have invented a sandwich
composed of a layer of water between two
layers of whiskey.
It 13 about as wise to get mad at the
editor and stop your paper, as it is to re
fuse to get your mail because you don't
like the post master.
A gentleman on Tuesday drove from
lioncsdale to Carbondale m a wagon, be
ing the first vehicle on wheels that has
passed over the mountain since last No
Eli Brown, reported one of the most
dangerous counterfeiters in the North
west, was arrested in New York on Wed
Joseph Miller, the oldest, and one of
the most respected citizens of Coatcsville,
Chester county ; died on Thursday night.
in me luutn year ot Ins age.
A Herald correspondent, writing from
Rio Janeiro, reports the recent death at
Itabaiana, of a mau 130 years old, who
had been married three times and was
the father of 73 children.
A New Hampshire woman had shot
six crows with her husband's rifle at last
accounts, aud he was patiently waiting
till she missed oue, so that he might try
his hand, according to agreemeut.
A veay werlthy farmer of Titusville
has this "notis" posted up in this field :
It any man s or woman s cows or oxen
gits in these here oats, his or her tail will
be cut off, as the case may be."
The opinion prevails now, according to
the latest accounts, that the Modocs will
spread themselves in small parties, thus
giving the cavalry work all summer to
hunt them.
Old Ezekicl West, of New London
township, Chester county, who is aid to
be 118 years old, is very sick, and it is
believed that his sands of life are nearly
run out.
It is against the law to kill blue birds,
martins, swallows, robins, or any other
insectiverous birds at any season. The
penalty for violating this law is five dol
lars for every offence.
A game of billiards was played in Bos
ton oa Jiooday evening between Frank
Dennison, the present chnmpion, and T.
It. Bullock, for $200, the championship of
Massachusetts and golden cue, 1500 points
up. Dennison won, Bullock scoring on
ly 71C.
Silicate of soda ha3 been di? covered to
exert a very decided chemical action in
checking alcoholic fermentation, in this
respect being somewhat similar to borax,
although much more energetic. A small
luantity of the silicate will entirely ar
rest the fcraieutation of wiuc, as also of
The tight money market in Philadcl-
)hia was very much relieved during last
week, aud ou Saturday the rates of inter
est were comparatively easy. Good bor
rowers could obtain any amount at six
and seveu per cent , and the market was
easier than is usual at this season. This
ias been the case in most of the country
towns of the State, and money has been
attainable on good security without diffi
culty. A lady named Baircll, liviug in Exeter
township, Berks county, sold a bag con
taining several pounds of rags, as she
thought, to a ragman, but soon afterwards
discovered that she hud given hiui a
quantity of patch work and $20 in coin.
The articles were recovered, but watch
ful housewives may draw the moral that
rag-bags and patchwork bags should not
have the same external appearance.
Some time ago a New Hampshire far
mer discovered a large toad near his bee
hive, actively at work catching and de
vouring bees. With that woudcrful for
bearance and kindness of heart charac
teristic of nil New Hampshire farmers, he
tenderly picked up that frog aud carried
him a half mile away from the hive. The
next morning that identical frog was back
again at the old stand, actively at work
as before. He again took him up. car
ried him a Ions mile away, and dropped.
him. But in twenty four hours he was
back again, reduciug the number of bees
as successfully as ever.
The case of Phelps, Dodge & Co., has
been settled by the payment to the Govern
ment of $271,000. The firm, however,
ruts forth a statement to the cGect that
they have not been guilty of any intcn
tional fraud, and that, in their opinion,
they have done the Government no wroDg
Their explanation is, that they have import
ed tin plate of an exceptional character
and that their invoices were occasionally
averaged. Thus they violated the
technicalities of the law, but, they claim
complied with its spirit. The singular
feature of the affair in the payment, on
their part, of so large a sum if they be
lieved themselves innocent.
News from the Indian country of the
Northwest continncs to be of a threaten
ing character. The people of Eastern
Oregon fear that a general hostile out
break on the part of the aborigines is ira
minent, and have requested the Governor
of their State to furnish them with arras
to defend themselves. This ecms a rea
sonable request enough, if the Indians
have really assumed a threatening atf'
tude, and will no doubt be granted. The
Modoc warriors of the lava beds will elude
the vigilance of the United States troops,
and may succeed in forming a junction
with the belligerent Indians of Western
Oregon, and, by their influence, do much
to briDg on a general war.
The National game is not waning, as
some would suppose, but 13 gaining ad
herents each year. Two powerful clubs
have been organized in Philadelphia this
year, aud the season was opened by a
game between these two clubs, last Satur
day a week. The old Athletic have made
several changes in their nine and appear
ed together for the first time last Satur
day a week. Their opponents, the Phil
adelphia, have practiced considerably
with amateur clubs, and consequently
'laid out" the Athletics the score being
11 to 3. The Philadelphia nine are:
Cuthbert, Meyerlc,. Malone, Mack, (a
Mauch Chunk lad,) Zetlein, Addic, Dev
lin, Treacey and Bechtel. On Wednes
day this latter club defeated the champion
Red Stockings, of Boston, after a very
exciting game, by a score of 8. to 5. 'This
was a tremendous victory for the Phil-
We learn from the Wilmington Com
merical that the extension of the Wilm
ington and Beading Railroad, from Birds
boro' to Reading, and thence to the Le
high river, is advancing rapidly toward
completion. This extension .is known as
the Berks County Railroad. It will strike
the Lehigh at Slatington, and will thus
connect the Lehigh coal region with the
great manufacturing establishments at
Wilmington. All the second mortgage
bonds of the Wilmington and Reading
have been sold, so that there will be no
financial impediments in the way of this
enterprise. The Berks County Railroad
has the right of way through Reading,
granted by the Legislature, and will prob
ably have no further conflict with the
Reading Railroad. It is expected that
trains will be run on the new road between
the two cities in four months, and all the
way to the Lehigh inside of a year from
The epiiooty has now cone West and
reached the furthest extreme of the conti
nent, in California. Originating in Can
ada, it has traveled southward through
the United States and extended to some
of the West India Islands, and has been
heard of in Central America. That it
will not go down to Brazil and Patagonia,
and close it career at Cape Horn, no one
at present can justifiably assert. It seems
determined to sweep the continent, and
as wc are near the end of this infliction
we may speculate as to the probability of
its visiting Japan and China. This dis
temper has been the cause of discomfort
and inconvenience wherever it has appear
ed. It has been in a measure destruc
tive, and many valuable horse3, either
through improper management, or in
consequence of weak and impaired con
stitutions, have fallen before it. As we
are probably near the end of our experi
ence with this malady we can congratulate
ourselves on the fact, and hope for a long
immunity against other misfortunes of
the same character.
Frankfort, in Germany bad a beer riot
on Monday, in which the mob made a
raid on the beer sellefs and brewers,
guting their establishments. When the
Germans "go for the beer" in that man
uer, what are we to anticipate next.
During the year ended June "0, 1872,
the United States imported 490,031 tons
of coal, whereof 257,447 tons came from
the New Canadian Dominion, and 233,
184 tons from other countries. We ex
ported during the same time 400,878
tons, of which 291,017 went to the Domi
nion, 3G,000 tons to Cuba. 37.000 to the
States of Columbia, and 18,700 to China.
In New York last Wednesday evening,
Annie llcunessy, aged 2G, wife of a re
spectable shoemaker named George lien-
ccsy, killed ncr two cniiurcn, ucorge,
aged 3 years, and Francis, aged 5 months.
She had been for some time cluicted with
religious mania, and was insane when she
did the deed. After choking her child
ren she "roasted the bodies on the stove,"
and then placed them in a tub in the
middle of the room, where they were
found by their father on his return from
his day a work.
A zooIoEical item ot interest comes
from Vicksburg, which has an eccentric
torn cat that perists in sitting on a nest of
hen s eggs, evidently for the purpose ot
hatching thein, as he is never absent from
his charge, except for the purpose ofsup
plying himself with food. At last ac
counts three of the chiekeus had broken
shell, and were kindly cared for by their
strange protector, who immediately cast
the empty shells out of the nest and went
on with his incubation, i hat a cat shouh
imagine himself to be a hen is one of the
most wonderful instances of mouomani
on record.
Cabbage from Buds.
The Padjic Rural Press says : "Take
a large head of cabbage, tri p off the outer
leaves, and slip off buds found at the base
of the leaves, lake these buds and sun
nlv set them in rich earth. The result
will be a fine growth of cabbage plants
with heads larger and sounder than can
be raised in the ordinary way."
The Old Story Again.
The New York Daily Bulletin revives
the project of a railroad direct from the
coal regions to .boston. It says :
The project of a railroad to carry coa
direct from the mDCS of Pennsylvania to
New England, is again being agitatcc
The plan now proposed is for a railroad
from Uazletoo, to Slroudsburg,and thence
up the Delaware " alley to Port Jcrvi
where connection coald be made witl
the Eric, aod over the tracks of that road
and its Newburgh Branch to the Hudson
at Newburgh. This project involves the
completion of the BostoD, Hartford and
Eric, to Fishkill, and the construction of
a bridge over the Iludsau lliver. It is
also proposed to extend the Bdvidcrc
Delaware road through the Water Gap to
Stroudsburg, thereby making for the new
line a connection with Philadelphia.
The New York Atlantis National Bank
The Cashier a DeLrUer to the Amount
of OiOO.OOO-IIis Arrest.
Oreat excitement was oce.'sio'ned in
financial circles in New York on Satur
day cveuiug by the announcement that
the Atlantic National Bank had suspend
ed, owing to a heavy defalcation by the
cashier, P. L. Taiutor. The institution
had continued business up to three o'clock
P. M., and it was until after that hour
the suspension was announced. The
cashier, it appears, lost 8400,000 of the
concern in stock speculations, principally
in Pacific Mail.
Counterfeit Fifty Cents .
We were yesterday shown a specimen
of a counterfeit 50 cent currency, uow
being circulated quite extensively in this
city and county. The ouly material dif
ference between the gcuuino and bogus
is that the red stamp on the face of the
genuine is of a more brilliant hue than
the counterfeit. In the portrait of Secro
tary Stanton the eyes are larger in the
counterfeit than in the genuine. They
are, however, calculated to deceive, and
if our business men arc not careful they
will find some of the counterfeits on their
hands before they are aware of it. There
are doubtless some parties in this who city
arc engaged in circulating these counter
feits, and wc believe that they can be de
tected if busiues men keep their eyes ou
suspicious customers. Scranton liepub
lican. .
Is Friday an Unlucky Day ?
Friday, long regarded as a day of ill
omen, has been an eventful ono in Ameri
can history.
Friday, Christopher Columbus sailed
on his voyage of discovery.
Friday, ten weeks after, he discovered
Friday, Henry VII. of England gave
Jacob Cabot his commission which led to
the discovery of NorthAmerica.
Friday, St. Augustine, the oldest town
in the United States, was founded.
Friday, the Mayflower, with the Til
griras arrived at l'rincetown ; and on.
Friday they signed the august compact,
the fore runner of the preseut Constitu
Friday, George Washington was born.
Friday, Hunker Hill was seized and
Friday, the surrender of Saratoga was
Friday, the surrender of Cornwallis, at
Yorktown occurred ; and on
Friday, the motion was made in Con
grcss that the United Colonies were, and
of right ought to be, tree and independ
ent. At U residence in Pocono, on the 11th inst.
Mr. Anthony Sebring, aged 73 years.
In Stroudsburg, on the 2Sth ult. Willie Ri
ser, aged 0 yeara aud li days.
Special "LSTotices
Buy your ladies and children hats, rib
bons, flowers, feathers, half price, at thrf
wonderful cheap Auction Kore.-
tlny your Cassimcis, water proofs and
kentucky jeans, at the cheap Auction store
ind save your dollars. -
Iluyyotir hats and cans, at the won-
erful cheap Auction stove, nearly half price!
15 uy y o u r needles and pins, at five cents a
lancr and excellent stool cotton four cts.- n't
cheap Auction store, four doors below post
ofiice. Buy your boots and shoes, at the cheap'
Auction store, end save twenty-five cents oir
the dollar.
Buy your black and Japanese silks, arolf
black alpacas, wonderful cheap, at wonder-'
ul cheap Auction stare.
Il:i3 your coats, pants, arrd vests at the'
cheap Auction store and save thirty cents on
the dollar.
Dcckor's wonderful cheap Auction store'
is filled with spring and summer goodr", Potm
mj 2'AY' - "
Buy your muslia, flannel and beautiful
dress goods, at the cheap Auction store and
save your dollars. April 10-Hm.
Trunks Yaliscs of all kinds at Fried' s.
Splendid Cassimere suits at Fried's.
The host assortment of boots and shoes at
If you want any Gents' furnishing good
go to Fried's.
Go to Simon Fried for Clothing, Boots,
Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas & Gents'
Furni.-hinr Goods.
Go to Simon Fried's fur French calf hand.
sewed boots he warrants them to wear as
good as any custom made boot, if not, the
money is refunded.
Ksiey Cot;gc Organs.
The styles arc beautiful, adapted to all
rcquircte?ft$ and tastes, with pvu-cs suit
able to all classes of purchasers.
AVc call special attention to the Yv.c Jfcr
nvina and the wonderful V(kc .hihilunfe.
Kveiy irt-:tTtuuco.t faHy warranted.
fiiSy Send for an illustrated catalogue con
taining full description of Organs.
Splendid Ghrtstitvis Gifts a:vd New Year's
Presents for all.
Dec. 572-tf.J, Pa.
A C.4Il TO f,ifi:.V.
Duroxccys goldkn tills.
There is not a Lady living, but what at some
period of her life will find lhiponco's UoMco
L'ilh just the medicine s-he nevd.
ache; FAINTSESS. &c,
They never fail, :'.nd may le depended uik
in every o:e of difficulty cas.-cd hv rt!t or
di.-ease. They si! way give imisu-diatc rvlicf.
A lady writes: Ir;j'ii-os tiolien re
lievo4 me i one. bir, ivithwt isK-wivcnu'tico.
The ei;jie are in ( Whixk) lxes, stud up
on taeh tr lay private Ht:;o;f willk
out which are yervuine, ;r.d th box i
.signed "S. I. HOWE."
Full arl expikt il;rew-titw RrMjrp:!iy e; 1
Ikvx Priee i'1.00 jvr Lot, sx Uies ;.iu
Sold bv one Druggist in every imrn, vilhie,
eitr aud linvilvt lUvtmtilw.t tue rl-L
Sol! hy IKi:t l:i? A UIIO, I)nr-iis Sole
Acnnt for Monroe Cwmty, Stromlshnrjr, I'a.
Tbee Tills will he senthv mail (free ot' pos
tage) to any part of the Cwiutry, rm-ipt of
the price thereof. &c I2'72-(;.
The most Wonderful Discovrry of lh.cJ.9Ih Century.
Dr. S-13. Howe's
for consumption;
and all
Diseases of the Throat, Chest and
(The only medicine of the kind in the
1 Substitute for Cod Lirer OiL
Permanently cures Asthma, Bronchittis, In
cipient Consumption, Loss of Voice, Shortness
of Breath, Catarrh, Croup, Coughs, Colds, Ac.,
in a few days, like niatric. Price $1 jer bottle;
six for $5. ALSO, S. D. HOWE'S
which differs from all other preparations in its
immediate action upon the
Lh cr, Kidneys and l!ool.
It i purely vegetable, and cleanses the system
of all impurities, builds it right up, and makes
pure, liich BlotxL It cures Scrofulous Disea
ses of all kinds, removes constipation, and
regulates the bowels, for "CJeneral Debility,".
"Lost Vitality," and "Broken-dow n Constitu
tions," I "challenge the UHh Century" to lind
its equal.
Price ? I per Bottle; six Bottles $". Sold by
DliKIIKll Jfc BltO., Drutre;its.
Sole airents for StromUburg, Pa.
DB. S. D. HOWE, Sole "Proprietor,
dee 12'72-Cm. lo'l Chambers St., New York
Register's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all per.-on interes
ted in the Estates of the respective decedent?,
that the following accounts have been filed in
the liegister's Otliee, of Monroe County, and
will be presented for confirmation to the Or
phans' Court, of said county, at Stroudsbunr,
on Monday, the 2Gth day of May, IS73, at 10
o'clock a. m.
The account of (Jeorge Earier, Administra
tor of the Estate of Margaret Barter, dee'd.
Account of Charles D. Shackelton, Adtn'or
of the Estate of Joseph Shackelton, dee'd.
First account of George M. Hoffman, Adm'r..
of the Estate of Jacob Transue, dee'd.
The account of James Iv. Andre, Guardian,
of Alice Kemmerer.
The nccount of Margaret Ann Patterson,
Administratrix of the Estate of Stearns Pat-r
tenon, dee'd. '
-First account of Charles Eossard and Joseph
II. Eossard, Administrators of the Estate of'
Melchior Bossard, dee'd.
JOHN A ITENZELLElv, Register..
Eeguler'a Office, Stroudsburg,
May 1, 1S73-4L
Notice is herebv given that the account of "
John De Young, assignee of Joseph- P. Fellen-.
cer, of Stroud Township, Monsoe County, for
benefit of creditors, has been filed iu the office
of the 1 'rotlu.notary of the Court of Common
Please of said Countv, and. will be presented.
for confirmation and allowanceat the next term
of said Court, on Monti ay, May 26, 1873, of "
which all persons interested will tase nonce,.
May 1-it.