JUL i - 4 ?! i i tt i i I J ? i Vi ' i-'' i rjUIE TALKING MACHINE. Domestic Seeing Machine. THE "LIGHT nUSRISG" "DOMESTIC" 'V.ITS Jfl.IClTY, ' H&f j SI Ml EASE OF Mmutfrment, X !' fcs., ttiul n,1 RUXXIXG, TA LKS ITSELF INTO PUBLIC FA YOB. TUG WORLD CHALLENGED! To produce a Family Sewing Machine t'l I w ill few n light, ami s he;vy. thai is s lirht running, and as easily operated Tli is Machine is warranted to wear cqmlly ns long us any other manufactured. Sold o:i inouth'y navmen'8 For sale by D.ARIUS DREIIER. M.iin St., Stroudsburg, Pa. Sept. 12. 1S72. V2n5ir RHIcr are tint a vile Fancy Drink. nuJ'j I'fiKvr liiim, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Kefusa Liquors, rf c:ore 1, syiicnl, a:ul snreitened to please the tiste, c.ilicd ' Tonics." " Apjietizers," " Restorers," fic .Ui.it lead tlie tipnler o; to drunkenness and ruin, but are a true Medicine, made from the native roots and herb of 'a! i fornix free from a!' A.colinlic Stimulants. They are the G-eat ISiiMid Purifier and a Life-giving Principle, a Perfect Renovator and Inrigorator of the System, carrying o.T ail poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy condition, enriching it. refreshing mid invigorating both mind and body. They are easy cf aj;iiiuitra'.iit, promnt in their action, certain in their r?.sti!ts sti'c and re:ia! e in ail forms of disease. X Person can Ink tlicne Hitter accord lug to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not rlcstroved by mineral poison or other means, and the vital organs waited beyond the oiut of f pair. I)v;cnsia or Imllircslloii. llead.iclie. Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the C."he--t, Dix liness, Sour Kruct itions of the Stomach, Had Taste in the Mouth, IM'ons AuicUs, P.ihilt.iiioa of the Heart. I irlimnia'.lon of ihe I. onus, Paiuiu llie re.ons of the Kiduevs, a. id a hundred otiier painfu! svmptoms nre the :Tspiins .f Dyspepsia. In these complaints it h is m eq ia', and one U'.tle will ro-e a better jiuar-ar.t-e of its m-jits linn a lentrhv advertisement. V:tr l''fin:il C'oiiitlaiiif , in young or old, manic! or Finale, at the liavru of woinanhood. or the turn of life, these Tonic 15 tters displav fo decided an influence that a marked improvement is soon puicep-tb!-. Ir Iiiflainiiinlory nnl C'Jtronic Itlien t'.iatism a;i l (imr, Dys;c;sij or Itidigesiiou, liiiious, Iteniittent and I ntoi ini:te?'t l evers, diseases of the l.awi.l, I.iver, Ividneys ami I'.'.addL-r, these Hitters have lec mo t successful. Sucli Diseases are caused by Vitiated I!lool, vh ch is generally produced by dorange-i:i!-nt of ih; Digestive Organ. THoy are ntJonllc Purgn'tre n wtll an l Ttuiic, possessing a:o the peculiar merit of acting :sa iiverti:i agent in rieving 4 ingesiiui ir Ir.fl.itu. i-i;:Ion (Jf ;he L ver and Visccr.il Organs and in Uiiio4ts D;--'-i'es. Var Skin Disen.rs, Hruptions, Tetter, S;(lt lUieum, i;io:c!ies SjMJts, Pimp es, Pustules, loi'., Car l:uncies. Kin-j-worms. Scald-Head, Sore llyes. Lrv f ipcia I:ch, Scurfs Dicnlorations of I ha Skin, Humors a:ul I 'i .eases ot tlie S!:ln. of whatever name or nature, rrj l-Krally du; up and carried out of ihe system in a r'l irt time by tlie tt-e of t't:se P.itiers. One lotl!e in '.'i cvri '.vi'.l convince the most incredulous of their l : ltlvj c. fleets. ( l.'.i:iic tlie Vltiatnl ninod whenever you f-:J i i i:i'purit!ei burstlnj through tiie skin in Pimple, 3l.ii;i:ins, or Sores; cleanse it when yon fiild it ol- .rncie 1 a.i.l s'uggish i:i I lie veins ; cleanse it when it is f ..! : your feeliu ;s will le'l you when. Keep the blood -i:r-. 1 the health of tlie system w ill fo-low. lir.itrfiil t liotisii.'s p.roclaim Vikkcak ISiT rnBS tlie most wonderful Jnvigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. I'in, Tjc, nntl olhtr Worm, lurking in Ihe system of sa many thousands, are effectually de stroyed aad removed. Says a distinguished physiol. r;i -t : lliere isscarccly an individual upon the face of the f-arth whose body iiexempt from tlie presence of worms. It is W"t upon the heahhy elements of the body that worms exist, but ifion the diseased humors and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. 2o system of Medicine, ih vermifuges, no anthelmin tics, will free tiie tysiem from worms like these. Bit ters. rierlianical Disease. Tersons engaged in J'lin s and Minerals, such as Piuniliers, Tvpe-setters. tlold heaters, and Miners, ns they advance in life. will. I s r-'ihiect to paralvsis of the l!.w.;ls. 'Io guard a -ainst ihis take a d.ise of Walker's Vinegar Kiti eks once i.r ;"e a week as a Preventive. IiHns. Jtcmil tritt, nun Inf t-rmit f ent J?c-rrn, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our rr: it livers throughout the United States, esecially I'i.l.c of the M ississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Ten r .'- s... CuiuNerlaiKl, Arkansas. lied, Colorado, I5raro J'.io (Iratide, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile. Savannah, Koan- !;-, J lines, and many others, with their vast tributa i t Srou . iio;:i oi:rmi.re country during the Summer ;..i 1 A.itiimn, and remarkably so during seasons of i.:iiisiil he. it and dryness, are invariably accompanied Vy extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and iher alklommal viscera. There are always more or less f bstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of the stomach, and great torjxir of the bowels, being clogged up with vitiated accumulations. In their treat-r-.e'it, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon tlii-s-j various organs, is essentially necessary. There is t cathartic for the pnqvise equal lo Dk. J Walker's Vivu-;a IIittkrs, as they will speedily remove the lark colored viscid matter with which the bowels are I ad 1, at the same time stimulating the secretions of l ie llvrr, and generally restoring the healthy functions of ih; digestive organs. Srrofiila, or Ii :;' Hi ll, While Swellings, U.cers, Krysie!as, Swehed Neck, Goiter. Scrofulous l illainhiatious. :dolent Inllammalions, Mercurial Af f:c:ions, O d Soies Eruptions o' the Skin, Sore Eves, -tc. etc In these, as in all other constitutional Dis cuses, Wai kkk's Vinkgar Hitters have shown their t're-.t curative powei in ihs most obstinate and intract i.b! : ca -es Dr. Vlk-rHCulirorniit Vinegar Ulfters ret on ali lluse cases in a similar maimer. I-y purifying the IjIooJ they lemove tlie cause, and bv resolving away tlie e Tects of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the aTecU'J parts receive health, and a permanent cure is r'Tcted. T2e roi-r(Iea of Dr. Walker's Vinegar P.tTlKK-i are Aperient. Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Couuier-Irri-taut. Sudorific. Alterative, and Anti-Uilioiis. The Ajcrleut and mild Laxative properties of D't. Walker's Vi.nk.car I'.ittkrs are the best safe guard in all case of eruptions and malignant fevers, their balsamic, healing, and soothing properties protect the humors of the fauces. Their Sedative projierties a'lay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels, either from iuflauim itionr wind, cn'ic, cramps, etc Their Counter Irritaut influence extend throughout the system. Their Diuretic properties act on the Kid neys, correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their Ami- Iliiious properties stimulate the liver, in the secre tion of bile, and its discharges through the biliary ducts, rA are superior to all remedial agents, for the cure oi JJilioifs Fever. Fev.-r and Ague, etc Kartlfy the lx-ly n-;.iinat llieae bv puri fying a'l its fluids with V'inkgr Hitters. No epi demic can take bold of a system thus forearmed. The liver, the stomach, the bote's, the k'dneys, and the nerves are rendereJ disease-proof by this treat iuvig onnt. I)ii-i-rt long. Take of the Ditters on going to bed at ni-ht Iroiii a half to ona and one-half wiue-giasfull Eat g(jd nourishing ftKid, luch as beef steak, mutton chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-diHr exercise. They are composed of purely veget able ingredients, and contain no spirit. J WALKEK, Prop'r. It II. McDON AI.D&-CO., Druggi.ts ami Gen. Agt.s., San 1'iaiittsco, l.ai. and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts., New York. SOLD I5Y ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS, u iiy 9, lo7i Jiii. VOU TL'IJi Will IT l tli t when a n v one come toStiom ry to liny P'iriiiture, tliey iilwoys i'qiii 'IcCartys Furriimre Store? (Ki-ui. ! . V ' S O ! Uaj Offi.cc. ALL KINDS fi,r Sale HfiJ IS FALL AND A.t N. RTJSTEJ'S. THR NATIONAfT HALL OF FASHION, the most reliaMe place lo get a pond FhiAiinh! Smt.,f CLOTHES chenn. Hoys, '! Children's Clothing in this town, and Prices. HATS AND CAPS. THE NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION, the headquarters for HATS AND CAPS, ha v inr always the largest stock on hand, the very latest Styles in Fur, Wool, Cassi- -tiers and Straw, in High Silk Hats, we feel sure we cmi suit all. FUnisrisi-irjsrG- goods. THE NATIONAL H ALL OF FASHION is also Headquarters for LADIES AND GEN'IS FURNISHING GOODS. Ha ving the largest and mot select assort men ot Furn-i.-bing Goods in town, we re sure we can suit all. We have a splendid line of Gents nnderware for Sprite an Summer. A splendid line of Indies and Gents Hosiery and GI..V8, a splendid line oi Youth White Striped ai.d Paid Shirts. We have the Striped fl.mtr and Prints. We have the larirest assortment o- Clothe-F-ced and Paper Collar. Cuffs and twelve thousand of "he I. test styles of Collars. Cuffs and Bosoms at the National Hall. Y-u will also find a full line of Linen Shin Fronts. Cravats and Ties, Ladies and Gents Handkerchief nd Ladies Collars and Cuffs, We have a good assortment of Iaraots - ' l will. - I I ..t.... WKiffli 10 nrAnAiinnajl tKa IvAt in llsfl and Uiiihrellas, voriicin spooi ouk, hi um suhpio. mvn id j. ui.vhv-v .,. ... Alsoa full line of Coate'a and Clark s spool tup MTinTAr. Ii aT.T. OF FASHION a a ij 1 1 a o Alwa8 on liand a full aSM.ttment of the hesl brand of Alpacas, the Capitol being the lead irn'ih in lliv.ria W havi iilaavs on hand fohI rsirtment of Black. Groscriin and pi. in S lk.-, tSitins, Grenndiens, Poplins, Frow Frow, Striprs, P.rcales, Paris Cnn brics, Chinz. Ginghams and Prims. A full line ot White Goods and Muslins. Also a splendid lot ol Spring and Summer Shawls and Skirts at astonishing low figures. Particular .Attention Paid to Custom Work, which we have done in he latest. tyle.. We warrant n good fit. We also take meas ures for custom shins. High Siik Hais to order, irood fits warranted. Give u a call and he convinced thai wp can't be undersold. Our motto is quick tales and small profits. We show good's with plejsure. N. RUSTER, PROPRIETOR OF TIIE NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION April 18. 172 Main Street, Stboudsdurg, Pa. DR. BUTLER'S curative i.vnii:T I working most remarkable; cures in every case. It is jirov ir.: itself to be the mostsw?edy and effectual remedy known for the various form of external bodily afflictions as specified behiw; This OINTMENT is composed of the lest materials, known to the Materia Medica for the cure of all kinds of Skin Diseases, Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Frosted Feet, Chapped Hands, especially Valuable for CAHIJUNCLKS AND UOILS in all their stages ; fur open Felons, Burns, Ulcers, of a scrofulous character, and for all Cancer ous this aiil'Ciioiis. For any external affection OINTMENT will be found preferable to all sorts of jku1 tices. plasters and salves, in every stage of such affeetion. DR. BUTLER'S ' Curative for Headache. This will prove a most effectual remedy in all cases f "Headache," from whatever cause, and. will be found esiecially valuable in "JSiek Headache," painful menstruation and also Earache, Jnjlamatory Iilieumatimi and Fcrers. . REV. J. C. BUTLER, M. D. S. S. Detrick, Druggist, East Stroudsbnrg, General Agent. feb 20'73-ly Cards, Gill-Heads, Labels, k, NEAT, CAEAP AD QUICK, Printed lo Order at the JEFFER S ONI AN inlin OFFICE, Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. All Orders promptly filled. Give us a call. PAPER UAKSEK. GLAZIER AND PAINTER, MONROE STREET, Nearly opposite Kautz's Blacksmith Shop, Strocdsbiro, Pa. The undertigned vuld respectfully in orm the citizens Strodsbirg md vicinity ii it he is nw Hilly prepared lo do all kimis f I'aper llnngii. G azing in l Painting, roitn.tly and at shori notce, and that he if k'i cii..tiiiity on h i fid a fine itock ot '.iper llangi-.ff- of ail 'e-cripi ionn and nt ' pric-8. The patronage f the publi t earnestly solicied. May 16, 1872. UNDERTAKING. McCARTV has on hand the largest and 7C0ii Jt - esl ssorl ment of COFFINS '.XZ&'-jU Ji and -7-i rr . n TRIMMINGS f tie fniiii.. o ot either city (New York Philadelphia), and will .k- this branch his business A SPECIALITY. COFFINS and CASKETS of any size or tyle. Ciin be furnished at one hour's notice r Shipment, AT A CHARGE OF ONE-THIRD KS8 THAN ANY 8 HOP IN STR0UD8BURO In owsfi iil he charge more than TEN PEK ENT above actual ca-t. E:iiEri,ji.f; ended to in any p.rt of the Cuunty ut uesliortebt posaibit notice. Sepi. 23, "67,2 job Pr WINTER Having the Unrest -tock of Men's, Youths', we feel assured .we can't be beat in Goods Ifcvoms. You will always find from ei hi to cotton. ? is the best nbee to eel DRY GOODS NEW STORE -:and:- NEW GOODS -:at:- IMMCED PRICES. DARIUS DREIIER, begs leave to an uounce to his friends and to the pub lic generally, that he has just received a jreneral assortment of Dry Goods, X"otiont Dress Trimming, m AND MIL L IX Eli Y GOODS consisting, in part of the following desirable articles, viz. : Calicoes , Lnicns, French Chititzs, Children's Dress Goods, Worked Edgings 1'urasols, Zrphers, Shetland Wools Shetland Wool Shatcls, Delaines, Muslins, White Dress Goods, Insert ings, Lady's and Children 's Sac7cs Flannel and Cloth, Lady's, Misses and Men's Hoes, Gloves and Collars, . . Mourning Goods, Shroudings, ttc., tl'C., Goods shown with pleasure. "Quicks sales and small profits" at the old and well known Millinery Stand of F. A DREIIER The Millinery business will be carried on as usual by Mrs. Dreher. Patronage respectly solicited. DARIUS DREIIER. April 26, 18GG. MONHOK COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company CHARTER PERPETUAL. Amount of Property Insured $1,300.00 The rate of Insurance in this Company is one dollar for every thousand dollars in sured, after which payment no further char ges will be made, except to cover actual losr by fire that may fall upon members of the 'umpany. The policies issued by this Company are perpetual, and a fiord the fullest security, with ihe larent economy and convenience. 1 ins company will not issue Tanneries Distilleries or Cabinet Shops. Applications for Insurance may be made to either of the Managers, burveyorsor See. relory. MANAUEKS. Depue La bar, Jacob Knecht, Richard S. Staples, John Edtnjrcr, SiIhs L Drake, Francis Ilagerman, Charles!). Brod head, Jacob Stou Her, Robert Boys, Theodore Schoch, William Wallace, Thomas W. Rhodes. Stogdell Stokes, STOGDELL STOKES, President E. B Dreher, Secretary and Treasurer Silas !. Drake, Monro- co. Peier Gilbert, Geo. G Shab-r, Tho. W. Rhodes, J. Surveyors f. A. uppelt, Wayne co. J. II. Wells, Pike co. Rich'd Camden, Northampton, Saui'l Ziegeiifus, Carbon. OCT I he stated meeting of ihe board Mrtiiayers takes place at the Secretary's ol dee, on the first Tuesday of each month, a , u'oluck P. M. Si .WHEELER & WILSON. NEW DRAW FEED Sewing Machine, Undeniably the best Machines in the WOELD ! Over 600,000 in use! 100,000 more sold for family purposes than any other make ! They make'tbe Lock Stitch (alike on both sides) without a shuttle Ihey have but 05 parts. (Shuttle Machines have over zlMi ) Vh" advantages they have over ine rnynad of Machines' of ordinary merit, it has taken many years to perfect. J hey are genuine and only need to be examined to be adopted into every family. MACHINES will be delivered nt your homes and told on terms to suit purchasers. INSTRUCTIONS given until you n're satisfied, and the Ma chine warranted by a responsible Company JAMES BOYS, Agent for Monroe and I'ike Cour.ties. Office opposite the Express Office. STItULUSUVKU, I'A. May 30. 1872. tf. Q O TO M. F. EVANS & CO'S DRUG STORE, (Suceessors to C. S. Detrick Oo.,) MAIS STREET, STROUDSBURG, Pa Constantly on hand a full stuck of pure Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals carefully selected and purchased for CASH A full nsfo-tmem of PATENT MEDICIXES, PERFUME rv. Fancu Soavs Tooth Brushes, Cattle Powder, Cattle Liniments. Also . S. I4!triKv llnre Powder P t up and constantly on hand by M. F. EVANS & CO. PROF. MYERS Penetrating Liniment, and fi. S. DETRICK'S Compound Syrup of Tar Wild Cherry & Iloarhound. Also the best WINES and BRANDIES for Medical purpo.-es. White Leads, Oils. Paints Varnishes, Mixed Paints.&c. WINDOW GLASS. SODA ASH. SAL Soda, Whiting, Lubricating, Xeatafool Oils, '3C., Scc. Trusses, Supporters and Shoulder Braces. . Five per cent off on all Cash sales of over one dollar. declfl'C9-tf LOOK THIS WAY, ALL WHO WANT Carriage Work or Blacksmithiug DONE IN A SUPERIOR MANNER ! THE Subscriber begs leave to iu forui the public that he is fully pre pared, at his establishment, at the corner of Simpson and Sarah streets, in the borough of Stroudsburg, to uiake to order, every style of Carriage, Wagon, and, in fact, everything in his line of bu sioess, at the shortest possible notice, aud on the most reasonable terms. Carriages repaired, trimmed and paint ed in the best style of the art. Having first-class .material always on hand, and none but first-class workmen engaged, the public are assured that none but first-class work will be turned out at his shop. ' Iu connection with his Carriage Shop he has also a blacksmith Shop, where superior workmen will always be fouud ready to attend to the orders of customers The public are invite.1 to call and ex amine his stock before purchasing else where. VALENTINE KAUTZ. September l'J, lb67.-tf. Gothic Hall Drug Store. William fllolliuslicnc!, Wholesale aud Retail Druggist. STIlOUDSBUltG, Pa. Constantly on hand and tor sale cheap for CAii, a fresh sup ply of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oil, Glass, Putty, Varnish. Ker- isene Oil, Perfumery aud Fancy Goods; lso Sash, blind and Doors. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal urpose. P- S. Physicians Prescriptions qare- Harness & Saddle it . The above business has again been re sumed at the old stand, lately swept away by the late flood, near Baldwins Hotel, in Stroudsburjr, where will be kept constantly on hand the best assortment of larncss, double and single. Saddles, Bridles, Collors, n A Avorv ntliir nrtinlA niin1v fiirnteStfi irI ihis line of l.usniess. Work made lo order nn lliA RhorfPKt nntir. A lartrp anrlinpnt , - -- of . nir x- a n- i.ii n-j iYaounLiziga anu oauaiery xiara- wci0 alwaynon hand. Cill and make your ow Hfltciion,nnU it will he furnished in tyle ard price not to be excelled in this market. htrict attention pud to repairing and done in shortest notice. Call and ex i mine JOHN O. SAYLOR. Apent fi.r PETER GRUVER. October 0. 1870. tf ,4 IV v lot of STOVKS of f all descriptions hive been received at the store of the subscriber, in the borough oi oirouusnurjr. lie nas COOKING STOVES, & PARLOR STOVES, r.,. : Ill ;iic mitTM iniir ii v ctiiiii iff v oiiu ritinrj new Ktyl(f and considerubletninof fuel, which can be had at Ine lowest Litv prices. Also all kinds of Stove-IPiioe. A large assortment of TIN WARE of ev ery description, constantly on hand, which will be sold nt wholesale and retail, as rea sonable as can be had in the Citv. All kinds of repniriiiir done in the shortest. cheapeil and best manner. Call and exam ine his stock heforeyou purchase el.-ew here. Feb. 1 1 , G9. W M , S. FLO R Y. JFAIUrLBBS. NOW IS THE TIME TO USE Voualt's Condif ion Powder. In the Fall and Winter when vour cow o-ive hut little milk this powder is mre. increase .he quantity and improve the qual it y. For hrs s, il increases the appetite, promotes digestion, exhilerates the spirits. renders the coat ft and shining- For Iloirs one package in your swill barrel will hasten the fattening process at least 100 per cent This powder has proved an excellent article for sheep. Be sure you get the Genuine Youatt's Condition Powder, MANUFACTURED BY W 1 1. 1, 1 A U II 0 1. 1. 1 A S 1 1 1. A I), All other is a counterfeit. See that the name of WM IIOLLINSIIEAI) is on each package and buy n other. W muted to rive satisfaction or ihe money refunded. Nov. 19. TS W M . 1 1 0 LLI NS 1 1 E A D. SAMUEL HOOD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in C00K&PARL0R STOVES, TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, AND IN Metal House Furnishing Goods GENERALLY. Roofing and Spoil ting done on short notice, with the best material, and at reasonable prices. His stock of Cook, Parlor and Office Stoves embraces all the best varieties known to the trade. CALL AND SEE. Store third building, alovc the Methodist L.nurch, Main street, STROUDSBURG, PA. August 4, 1870. tf. DOftT-'ou know ilial J. II. McCarly is the onlv Undertak er in Sirotidsburg who understands his business? It not. attend a tuneral manured hv n other Undertaker in town, and von will the pronl of lh fact. FSept. 16. '67 vvr ioim;i:t iimi 1 you want any thinw in the Furniture r Ornamental line that McCarty. in the wu-rcitow8' Halt, Alain Street, Strouds 'urg. Pa., is the place lo pel it. fSept. 20 rON'T FOOI, VOlIli 9ioi-:y J away for worthless Rrlielpsnf Forni tire, but jro to McCarly's, and vou will jrei split well paid for it. ' ' Sept. 28, '67. T) S. WILLIAMS, Watchmaker & Jeweler, MAIN ST, STOUDSBURG, PA. Ixcat d in corner building, third door be low the Jeftersnni.m office. Room handnnme- 'y fitted up, and heavily stocked with the fi. nest assortment ot i Clocks, Wattkes, Jewelry, Jewelers Ko- tions, &c, cver o"eu in mrssecum oi coont.r. A M . . . - f " n 10,1 80niwcm CI OlieciOCles, of the beel quality, and tuned to all ages, always on sale. s. lver-ware, and Silfer Plated ware..!- ways on hand at manufacltfreffpfices. 0O"R?pairing neatly exeeoeafrtd char- ges extremely moderaie. Vm from the" public respectfull solicited. S.ile Aent for the celebrated Diamond Spectacles. November 5th, 1808 ly. ge The undersigned takes this method of informing the public, that he still cou I tioucs the above business in all its branches at Ins old ctanu, on rrauklio street. j Stroudsburg, Pa , where he will be hap py to receive orders for work in bis hue, lucluding general Wheelwrighting, Blacksmith- lng, Fainting", Trimming, &c. His stock, of the best quality of seasoned lumber is large aud very complete; and as has a full lorce oi ursr class workmen at all the branches, he flatters himself that he is fullv prepared to accomodate aj l,0 favor him with orders, and jruarau- t,. iurt;..n pairing promptly attended to WM. HUNTSMAN. I July 28,-1870. UNDERTAKING ! LEE &. Co. would mo t respectfully an nounce that having procured an elegant I-IEAESE, and having a person in their employ of twelve years experience, in the undertaking business, are now prepared to attend to un dertaking in all its branches in the best pos sible manner. COFFINS and CASKETS of any size, style or quality, con.-tant.y on h.md, and ready for shinment at short notire. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Our charges are moderaie; we have no disposition lo distress the living or rob the estates of the toMea'' N. B. Heady-made ROBES, neatly got ten up. can be had at any time, at the Ware Room of LEE & Co. May 26, 1-70. ly. CHRISTIAN HILLER, lias Fitted up His Excellent ui:i:u SALOO 3ST, Main Street, Stroudsburg, Fa. CO" lie now extends an invitation to 1I his friends and former customers to call at his old place of business. Here they can drink of his delightful beverages: Laser Beer, I'orlcr, Alt-, Itliiiie Wiiu?, dr., &r. and eat of his superior . C'li?rc?, Ojlrr., &?., Ac. 0Minors not allowed to visit his Sa- 'o.n. Iiune22-"71.tf. i0 TO J. II. McCAU'iTS, ODD-FELLOWS HALL. MAIN ST.. 9 STROUDSEl'RGAW:, and Ruy yout ri itMTi iti:, caki'ijts OII.-CI.OTIIS, ItL'GS, AVI,M)OW SHADES FIXTVIECS TA III. i: CLOTHS, &c, and site At Least Two Profits. As McCurty buys, direct from the manufac turer, for cush (not 60 day.), he can sell you MORE FURNITURE, OF A BETTER QUA LITV, AND FOR LESS MONEY than vou can bur at etail either in citv or 4 J country, and every article is warranted lobe as represented. Sept. 2d. oo Itch! Itcii! Itch! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! ' USE llOLLINSIIEAD'S ITtH k SALT RllEl.M 01.T.11E.T. No Family should be without this vsloa ble medicine, for on the first appearance of the disorder on the wrists, betweeu the fins aers, &c, a slight application of the Oint ment will cure it, and prevent its being ta ken by others. Warranted lo give satisfaction or roony refunded. Prepared and told, wholesnle and retail, by W. HOLL1NSHEAD, Stroudsburg, Oct. 31, '67. Druggist. BLANK MORTGAGE F -r sale at this OnTice. Carria Makin miy couipnunueu. Stroudsburg, July 7, 180L S'