The Lehigh Valley Railroad announces a quarterly divideud of 2j pfcr ceut., payable April loth. A hill amend the Local Option law ol last year has been favorably reported in the State Legislature. It provides that domestic mines, cider and malt liquors shall not be included in its operations The only immediate effect of the bill would be upon the election in I'hiladel phia next October. . m The lrrgest number of dismissals ever made by a Presideut at one time, will be on the JUtn oi .iay nei, wnen emeeu hundred Assessors and Assistant Asses pors of the Internal Revenue will be dis charged. The Bureau employs two hun dred and forty five clerks and messengers at headquarters. Philadelphia had in the year 1872 112, 000 houses 3U00 more titan New York nnd Brooklyn combined. The population overawed about six person to each house, while in New York the average is nearly fifteen. It is very well for New Yorkers to speak of Philadelphia as a provincial town, but the figures show that she is fconsiderable of a place. A. friend assures us that it was so cold 1 kookers at one time during the last winter that you could walk along after a couple of men nnd read on the ground just what they had been saying, and a scolding woman got up to her knees in Iter own abuse five minutes after begin ng ber oration. Yorkers Gazette. Sequel to the Item about Glass Stock ings. A glass composition, which may be made" at any time into curled or frizzled yarn, has been discovered by M lirun fant.'ol' Tlcs frizzled threads surpass it fitness not only the finest cot ton, but eveu a single cosooo thread, and they appear at the me time almost as i eoft and elastic as silk lint. anI LcauUIol o tbe eye. These smooth threads are now wora ia textile fabrics, which arc tuade into neckties aod various other arti cics. In softness the glas yarn aim approaches silk ; and to the touch it is .like the choicest wool or cotton. It also possesses a remarkable strength, remains uohanged in light and warmth, and is altered by moisture or acids. Another great advantage which it necessarily pos escs, is that of being non inflammable and incouibustable. The composition ol this glass material is peculiar to the iu ve&tor. The spinning requires extraor dinary dexterity aod constant atteution, nod is said to be very trying to the sight. With a wheel of the diameter of five Au trian yards, one operative is able to spin three thousand yards per minute, all ol the most u oil or in size and beautiful quality. Slroiiil-sburs 3Iarket Report. Corrected weekly for The JeflTersonian by C. I). Drodhead. Wholesale and Hetail Dealer in Groceries and Proviions, Mess Pork, per bbl. Hams, 6igar cured, per lb. Nh.iuMers Mackerel, No. 1. per bbl No. 2, Butter, ml! Salt per Sack Lard Cheese E;'gs, per dozen Beans, per bushel Dried Apples per lb. Potatoes, per bushel, Hay, per ton Straw, per ton Wood, per cord Wool 18 00 20 00 J 5 1H 20 00 25 00 13 15 30 2 25 12 20 30 1 50 2 00 6 7ii 15 00 12 00 5 00 35 40 GRAIX 31.1 RELET REPORT. Corrected weekly by Gardner &. Wallace, Wholesale and Retail dealers in Flour. Meal, Feed, Grain. &c J-'iour, per bbl., Extra to heft Family lye Flour per bbl. Com Meal, per cwt. chop Fee, 1r grain, per cwt White per bushel Red Wbe&l 5iuck heat Fkwr, per cwt. Core per bu&k Oa1 Barley dick ' heat Rye H00 to $10 00 5 50 00 1 50 1 3') 1 30 1 60 J 00 1 75 1 75 3 50 60 40 50 70 90 Special DSTotices. -o to Simon Fne(Ts for loot and sboes. Go tcSiuKwa Fri.ef for fiSiiris zni. Uui- Go to iu:oji Fried's lor trunks and 'aliaes. If yem tra-nt to see ths latest style of Jail aad wiutcr goods, go to Simon Friers. Go to Siuioa Fricd's for a uioc fitting tuit Go to Slaion Fried's for neck tics and collars. There is no charge for showing goods at J'ried's, neither arc there cross looks if you do not buy. A CAKU TO T!Ii: LAlIi:S. DUPOJN'CO'S GOLDEN PILLS. There is not a Lady living, but what at some period of her life wili find Dupoheo's Golden Pills just the medicine she needs. TOE NERVOUS DEBILITY, HEAD ACHE, FAININESS, &c., Tliy never fail, and may be depended upon in every case of difficulty caused by cold or disease. They always give immediate relief. A lady writes: Duponco'a Golden Pills re lievd me in one day, without inconvenience. The genuine are in (White) boxes, and up on each box my private Revenue Stamp, with out which none are genuine, and the box is signed S. D. IIQWE." Full and explict directions accompany each hox-Price $1.00 per box, six boxen "$5.00. Sold by one Druggist in every town, village, cty and hamlet throughout the world. ' Sold by DRE1IEK & BRO., Druggists, Sole Agenu for Monroe County, Strotutsburg, Pa. These Pills will be sent by mail (free of poR ta8) to any part of the Country, on receipt of the price thereof. tdec 12 '72-Cni. The most Wonderful DiscoTery of the 19th Ccafury, Dr. S. D. Howe's ARABIAN MILK-IT RE FOR CONSUMPTION, and all Diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. (The only medicine of the kind in the world.) A Substituteor Cod Liver Oil. Permanently cures Asthma, Bronchittis. In cipient Consumption, Loss of Voice, Shortness of Ureath, Catarrh, Croup, Loughs, Colds, &c, in a few days, like magic. Price SI per bottle; six torso. AIJMJ, JLU4. s. u. liUYVlvS ARABIAN TONIC BLOOD-PURIFIER, which differs from all other preparations in its immediate action upon the Liver, Kidney's and ISlood. It is purely vegetable, and cleanses the system of all impurities, builds it right up, and makes pure, Uieh lilood. It cures Scrofulous Disea ses of all kinds, removes constipation, and regulates the bowels, for "General Debility,", "Lost Vitality," and "Broken-down Constitu tions," I "challenge the 10th Century" to find its equal. EVERY BOTTLE IS WORTH. IT3 WEIOnT IN GOLD. Price $1 per Bottle; six Bottles $5. Sold by uti&iicu & buu, Uruggista. Sole agents for Stroudsburg, Pa. DR. S. D. HOWE, Sole Proprietor. dec 1272-Gm. 161 Chambers St, New York Kstey Cottage Organs. lhc styles are beautiful, adapted to all requirements and tastes, with prices suit able to all classes of purchasers. We call special attention to the Vox Jlcr- ntana and the wonderlul Vox Jubilante. Every instrument fully warranted. IsST" Send for an illustrated catalogue con taining full description of Organs. Splendid Christmas Gifts and New Year's Presents for all. J. Y. SIGAFUS, Dec. o.'72-tf. Stroudsburg, Pa. MAUUIED. At Newburg, Orange Co., N. Y. on the 20th of March by Kev. Mr. Longaker, Mr. Charles B. Shelly and Miss Mary 1,11a Melick, loth of Newburarh, oldest davchter of Samuel Melick. On February 19ih 1873, at the house of the bridegroom, by Rev. J. II. Frits, Mr. Olivet" Courtnglit, and Missbarah lnbIc,auofmith field twp., Monroe Co., Pa. DIED March loth, 1S73, Mr. Joseph Zimmermen, of Branchville, Smithfield twp., Monroe Co., Fa., aged 3 years, 2 months and 7 days. March 17th 1S73, Mrs. Sabina Weaver, wife of Valentine Weaver, of Smithfield twp., Mon roe Co., l a., aged 60 years, 10 mo and 24 days March 18th 1S73, Mr. Moses Z. Michael, of Pahaquarry twp.. Warren Co., N. J., aared 46 March 21t 1873, Ida, infant child of Daniel and Julia Walter, aged 2 years, 2 months and 1 day. At Jackson, on March 20th 1S73, Rachael, wife of Ezra Marvin, after a lingering illness of sixteen weeks, aged 5. year, 0 nlont lis and 14 da vs. Dr. J. I-I. Stmll, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office 1st door above Stroudsburg House, residence 1st door above P. O. april 3-1 m '10 NOTICE. The Co-partnership heretofore existing be tween John II. Conner and J. T. Carmer, in the butchering business, in the Borough of btrotidsburg, was dissolved by mutual consent. The book account, &c. have been left in the hands of J. II. Conner for settlement, till the first of May next. After that date they will be placed in the hands of a Justice of the Peace for collection. JOHN II. CONNER. J AS. T. CA11MER. Stroudsburg, April 1, 1S73. NOTICE- The butchering business will be continued by the undersigned, at the old stand, where a full supply of choice Beef, &c. will constantly be kept ou hand. I atronage respectfully solicted. JOHN H. CONNER. April 3, '73-1 m. McCLELLAN'S INSTITUTE. West Chester, Pennsylvania. Newly furnished and equipped throughout. htndents prepared for College, or for Business Manners and morals receive as much care as the intelleect. Instruction faithful. Training manly. Government sensible. Special provision made for very young boys. For Circulars address R. M. McCLELLAN. April 3, 1S73. Principal. A. CAED. Having recovered from my recent illness, would inform my friends, and the public generally, that I am prepared to attend to all professional calls with promptness. Charges as usual, moderate. March 27-1 1 GEO. W. JACKSON, M. D. For Sale A Great Bargin. $500 will buy a nice little Housa and Lot near East Stroudsburg Depot. Lot 405 200ft. Term, $2-30 cash, balance very easy. Also, $200 will buy a fine Building Lot, 40 x 200 ft. Terms, S50 cash, balance in monthly payments to suit purchasers. Call on or address PEIRSON & STILLMAN, Jan. 16'72-tf j - Opposite Depot. Auditor's Notice. Estate of Peter Kunkd, of Polk tsp., dee'd. The undersigned Auditor appointep by the Orphans' Court of Monroe County, to make distrbution of the money in the hands of John S. Fisher, Executor of the Isat Will and Testa ment of the estate on Peter Kunkel, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of his apjointment on Friday, April 18, 1873, at the Prothonotary's office, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, at which time and place all jersons having any claims against said fund will present the same or be forever debarred from coming in for anyshare there of. THO. M. McILIIANEY, Auditor. March 20, 1873.-4L Auditor's Notice. Estate of PT-EU FREDERICK, dee'd. The undersigned, appointed by the Orphan's court of Monroe County, Auditor to examine aiyl if occasion require re-settle the fifth ac count of Robert W. Swink, and Andrew Storm, Executors, of Peter Frederick, dee'd, will at tend to the duties of his appoinlmeut on, SATURDAY, April 12th, 1S73, at 10 o'clock, A-. M., at the Prothonotary'n of fice, in Stroudsburg, at which time and dace, all persons indebted are required to attend, if they see propr. TIIO. M. McILIIANEY. March 13, 1873.-4t. . Auditor's Notice. Estate of OOTL1EB LOIINER, deceased. The uudersigned appointed bv the Ornlmns1 Court of Monroe county, auditor to make dis tribution of the money in the hands of George vj. ouaier, Aaminisiraior oi me Instate ot said deceased, will attend to the duties of his pd pointment at the Prothonotarys office in Stroudsburg, on Monday. April 21. 1873. at 2 o'clock p. m.. when and where all nprsnna interested are required to attend and present ineir claims, or be torever debarred from com mg in for a share of said fund. JOHN S. FISHER. March 20-4t Auditor. Auditor's Notice. Estate of Francis J. Smith, dee'd. 1 he undersized Auditor appointed bv the Orphans' Court of Monroe Co., to make distri bution of the money in the hands ofilezckiah Smith, Administrator of the estate of Francis J. bmith, deceased, hereby gives notice that he mi am-iiu tu me nuiiits oi nis appointment on Thursday, April 17, lS73,at the Prothonotarv's otnee in the .borough of Stroudsburg, at which time and place all persons having any claims against said fund will present the same or be forever debarred from comintr in for anv share it " inereoi. TIIO. M. McILIIANEY, Auditor. March 20, 1873.-4t. Auditor's Notice. Estate of William A. Knerr. f The undersigned appointed bv the Court nf wmmon rieas ot Monroe Countv, Auditor to maKe air.trioution ot the inonev in the hands of Linford Maish, Assignee "of William A. Knerr, for the benefit of creditors, herebv pivps notice that he will attend to the duties of his appointment on Saturday, April 19, IS73, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the Prothonotary's Office in fctroudsburg, at which time and place all persons having any claims against said fund will present the same or be forever debarred from coming in for anv share thereof. THO. M. McILIIANEY, Auditor. March 20, 1873.-4t. To Investors. To those who wish to reinvest Counons or Dividends, and those who wish to increase their income from means already invested in other less profitable securities, we recommend the Seven-Thirty Gold Bonds of the. Northern acific Railroad Company as well secured and unusually productive. 1 lie bonds areahvavs convertible at Ten per cent, premium (1.10) into the Company's Lands at Market Prices. The Rate of interest (seven and three-tenths per cent, gold) is equal now to about SJ currency yielding an income more than one-third greater "than U. S. 5-20s. Gold Checks for the semi-annual interest on the Registered Bonds are mailed to the Post-Office address of the owner. All marketable stocks and bonds are received in exchange for North ern Paoificfl on most favorate terms. JAY COOKE A CO. New York, Philadelphia and Washington, Financial Agents Northern Pacific R. R. Co. Bonds for sale in Stroudsburg, by the Stroudsburg Bank, and Monroe County Bank. March 27, 1873. 4t Orpbans' Court Sale. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Monroe county, will be sold at public sale on the premi.-es, on SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1873, the following Real Estate, of Peter S. Bisbing, late of Pocono township, in said county deceased viz : A csrtaian messuage and Lot of Land, situate in said township of Pocono, containing 99 ACRES AND 127 PERCHES more or less, bounded by land of Addison Henry, Nicholas Mader, Richard N. Cramer, Isaac Brink and others; about 40 acres cleared, 10 acres MEADOW, balance good Timber Land. The Improve ments are a Log DWELLING HOUSE, 16 by 18 feet 1J Stories. Frame Barn 16 bv 30 feet, and other t-Hhr buildings. There is an APPLE ORCHARD and other Fruit Treess on the premises. The public road leading fn-ni Tannersville to llenryville, passes through the same. Spring of water near the door and stream of water running through the premies. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. m., of said day, when conditions will be made known. DANIEL LEi:. Administrator, Bv order of the Court. Thomas M. McII- haney, Clerk March 2Q-4t THE MONROE COUNTY Co Operative Life. Insurance COMPANY. STROUDSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA. Limit 5,000 Members. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Any pprpon of sound bmly and mind, of enh-r sax, not less than fi'teen nor more than eixty-five years of ng, and not enga ged in any occupation, 'xcetMlinly danger ous i life, may become a member of this Company, by paying an admission fee, as follows: From IS to 40 years of age S3 00 " 40 to f0 5 00 ftO t f0 " 10 00 60 to 6 " 20 00 And one dollar and ten cents fereacli mem ber who dieK. The advantages of tlrs COMPANY over lh ordinary Lifr Instirnnce Companies a r. that the fees are go email that the man. of moderate mans can secure a comnetency to his famdy at a trifling cost, and payable sit such long interval, and such 6m ill sums that no person can be inconveienced by thm.- This compuiy cannot fail; No panics can effect it. Person- holding cer lificHtes of membership in thi Company, re pure in case of death that their fauiibep or heirs will gt as many dollars as there are members in the Company. No restrictions are placed upon traveling or residence. Applications for insurance, or informa tion, may be made to the Directors or Secre tary, at Stroud sburu', Pa. DIRECTORS. R. S. Staples, II. It. Biesecker, M. F. Colb.iugh, Win. Fine, Kindarus Shupp, J. II. Ftherman, C. D. Brodhead, Peter Gruver, E. B. Dreher. R. S. STAPLES, Prea't. JAMES CARR, Sec'y. March 6, 1873-tf. ' Found out why people go to McCarty's to get their furniture, because he buys it at the Ware Rooms of Iee & Co. and sells it at an advance of only twenty-two and two nuunper cent, kjt in oiner words, lxocKme Chairs that he buys of Lee & Co. (through the runners he don t have) tor $4,50 he sell; for $5,50. Fays him to buy some good Fur nVir l.V.V. Xr fU Stroudsburg, Aug. 18, 1870. tf. J". 33. HULL, (Successor to J. E. Erdman,) Monroe Co. Marble Works, Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa., Where will be found constantly on hand or made to order, MOAU.tiEXTS, IIEADSTOXES, &C of the best Italian and American Marble. Having been in the employ of Mr. Erdman for nearly ten years. I feel confident in inv ability to please all that give me a call. All work warranted to give entire satisfaction. JpSy Orders by mail promptly attended to. feb2072-tf Theo. F. Hallock. N. H. Shaffer. HALLOCK & SHAFFER, House,Sign& Ornamental Painters, AND PAPER HANGERS. Shop on Main st. 2d floor in J. S. William's bidding, next door to Flory's Stove .Store P. S. Orders by mail promptly attended to. January 30, 1S73 6m. Van Beil's $4 Whiskey. $4 PER GALLON or 911 PER CASE of twelve larpe bollles This Whiskey ia Pure Rye, four years old and very mellow. Van Beil's 'Yellow Seal Sherry. $11 TEH CASE of twelve large bottles. This Wine we offer to our Friends, knowing it to be perfectly pure and always uniform in quality. ASK YOUR GROrEIl FR VAN BEIL'S S4 WHISKEY. ASK YOUR DRU5ClT FOR VAN BEIL'S $4 WHISKEY. TELL YOUit GROt'SR YOU WANT VAN BEIL'S 'YELLOW SEAL SHERRY. TELL YOUR IIU'G51 T YOU WANT VAN BEIL'S 'YELLOW SEAL' SHERRY. Or, send your order direet to H. & A. C. VAN BEIL, THE WINE ME IIC HANTS, No. 1310 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA Importers of all fine Brandies, Gin?, Rums iid Wine?, and dealers in the best qualities of ive and Uourbon Junkies by tbe barrel, demijohn or case. CHAMPAGNES." February 27, 1873 lv. 0. H. Dreher. E. B. Dreher J (2 doors west of the "JefTersonian Office,") ELIZA HEX II STREET, Stroistfsburg, Ia., DREHER & BRO., DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery and To 12 tt Articles. 3?aints, OIKS, VARNISHES, GLASS & TUTTY. Abdominal Supporters and Shoulder Braces. Seeley's Hard IllJISIIEZl TKUSSES Also Hitter's TRUSSES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS. Lamps and Lanterns Burning and Lubricating Oils. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully Com pounded. N. P. The highest Cah price paid for OIL of W1NTERGREEN. may 4-tf. Chance lo male Money ! One Hundred Dollars from One Dollar. Mire UiiiiS and no Deception. Every perpon owning HORSES. CAT TLE, SHEEP and HOGS are guarant.-rd to make One Hundred Dollars by using a One Dollar Package of "YOUATT'S CONDITION POWDER," manufactured by William IIollinshead, Strnudburg. Ii you hive never used it try a Package and if it does ndi benefit ynur 6tnck to the amount nf one hundred dollars, in your estimation, call at the store and net ymir money refunded HORSES. ll will give them a good ap petite, keep their tskin loose and renders the coat sofi and shining, keeping tdeni in i?o d condition with on-ha!f tie feed, being there by a saving of one-h;ilf the monwy. COWS. It mak8them give more milk wilh one-hall the teed, and if they yive more milk of course you nuk? more BUTTFR, and the more butter th more money I have so much confidem-e in iha Citt'e Powdsr tint I make th above offer, know ing well that it will do all that id claimed for it. VM. IIOLLINSHEAD. 07" Ask to see The Great Tobacco An tidote. March 4, 18fi9. if. REV. EDWARD A. W I LSON'S (of Wil-lium-burgh, N. Y.) Recipe for CON SUMPTION and ASTHMA carefully com uounded at H0LLINSHE AD'S DRUG STORE. Qj" Medicines Fresh and Pure. Nov.21. 1807.) W. IIOLLINSHEAD. NEW MACIIME SHOP I The subscriber having started a Machine Shop,-near the head of Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa., is prepared to build, and repair all ku ds ot Mac'nnery with accuracy, and die-patch Being fitted wiih SPECIAL MACHINERY FOR TURN ING, SHAFTING. AND PUL LEYS. AND WITH IM PROVED TOOLS or various kinds, ai d having-sn expTonc ot over Thirty years, in designing, and building machinery lor spec-fa purprses, I feel wurrauted in guaranteeing the best of! work. Havo on hand, and buildincr.- rOKTlCLE STEAM EXCISES, of from 2 to If) Horse Power, designed especially tor Farm ue, or lor smy t machinery. I also keep in stock. several thou.-and feet of Premium New York Oak Tanned Belting, in widths of inch tG inche?, (can obtain wnler ones at vi rv ehort notice .it nianu- ficturer prices, al.-o Leather. Belt iivets, Punches, &c, STEAM PIPES & FITTINGS of the variouss sizes. Pipe cut and fitted, at short notice. Hemp &, Rubber Steam Pacitiu?. I would call the attention of Blacksmiths. Wheelwrights, nnd others, t my assort ment of ad sizes of Machine Bolts, Nuts, Washers, j-jag screws, ana .Bolt-ends, which I offer at New York prices. The especially, bem'r threnied and fittc.i with nuts by mschineiy, enable the i acksmitlis lo iuniisli bolls ol any 'ei cth. much cheaper, and quicker, than to cut them bv hand. Call in and see my stock and Machinery. G. SAN FORD. March C, 1673 tf. The Corner - Store A SUCCESS! The Cash System a Success I C. R. ANDRE & Co. "With many thanks for the liberal nntronace bestowed in the past, would now call special attention to the balance of their FALL AND WINTER STOCK, which is yet large and well selected, consisting of DRY GOODS, JAPANESE SILKS and STRIPES, CLOTHS and FANCY CASSIMERES, VE. TINGS, WOOL JACKETS, VELVETEENS, PLAIN and PLAID FLANNELS, NOTIONS &c, &c. The time is approaching to take account oi stock, and these goods must be sold to make room for SPRING STOCK, consequently will be sold at REDUCED PRICES. All who wish to buy cheap and pave money come and 6ce what we have to olltr. Terms CASH 0. li. 4 NDHE & Co. jan. 30, 1873. A MCC STOCK. OT CHOICE Family Groceries, Queensware, Glass ware, Wood and Willow-ware, at C. U. ANDRE & Co. Terms CASH. Ijan. 3U, '73 tf. HA.1I I ETON'S $22,131 LESS COR SETS. The best in use. The only place they can be had iu town is at the cor ner store. TrjT them. (J. R. ANDRE & Co. jan. 30, '73. tf. J 1ST E "VV HAT & CAP STORE. Main Street, Fowler's Building, STROUDSBURG, PA. The undersigned having iust opened a new Hat & Cap Store, and laid in an entire new stock of HATS, CAPS, &c Of the best material and The Latest Styles, extends a cordial invitation to the public tc give him a call. He is a Practical Hatter, and can therefore fit any person that may be in want of a Hat or Cap. Hat repaired, ironed", cr trimmed at short notice and moderate Prices. September 5, '72-tf.J J. A.. HAYS. Executora Sale of a valuable PIECE OF LAND. The undersigned offers at private pale,- a valuable FAUM, situate in Stroud town ship, Monroe County, l'a., one mile "from the Stroudsburg Depot, on the Milford road, adjoining land of Stroud Burson, John W. Vatilleet, Daniel Callaghan, containing Thirty-two Acres, more or less, all cleared, and in a high state of cultivation. The improvements are a two- ju story Frame Dwelling House, jy?ij 18 by '23 feet, a FRAME RARNiki by 40 feet, Carriage IIoue 20 by 20 ft, and other out-buildings. A nover failing well of water near the door, and a lot ol choice fruit trues on the premises. JACOB b llERZOU; J EMutors Stroud tsjv, Sept. 25, 1872. T otir Friends and Patrons We annouwe that at th6 fate meeting of th Monroe County Agricultural. Scriety, the firtt premium was awarded to the s('ey Organ. With due regard to the energy ml zeal of other panic? competing for the same rize, they found their instrument, whin coibpa'red with the superior merits of the Estey, to be fifth class.- In other word enly ifaitalior&t; The Ptyle of the Estey" is pleading, its full depth of tone combines a Mveetncss nnd power that will make it a favorite in every Louse cir cle in Monroe county. The ORGAN is aY.ratle and fullv puaran- teed. ..... We iiivite the public to call and cxamina or send for illustrated circular. SOLD ON EASY TERMS. . J. Y. SIGAFUS. Slrondsburg, Sept.-2o, 1872, The Sixth Premium. For six successive years the Gkovek !; Bakf.r Sewing Machine has carried off prites at tliw Monroe Countv Fairs. At the late meeting of the Sccietv. it award- ed the Premium to this excellent Slai hine for "DOING THE REST WORK DONE ON TEE GROUND." We did not import our" samples from the cities, but slowed the Com mittee the capacity of the Machine, how com plete and readilv every stvle of work could done; sewing through nine thicknesses of hea vy cloth, tour thickness of leather and scgar boxes; then without anv change of needle cr thread, sewing cambric, lnuslin and tissue pa- cr. 4fter careful examination cf the different machine!) on exhibition the Judges decided in favor of the working abilhv of the " G rover & Jaker." Therefore the very lest Sewing Machine for for every Lady to purchase U the improved G rover & Baker. Sold on monthly instalments, with full in structions. J. Y. -SIGAFUS, Stroudsburg, Sept 2G, 1S72. To Fruit Growers. 4 The underpinned, rronrietcra of TiTnrrdnn. Nurseries, pronose to furnish the iii..ns of Monroe county and vicinity, with Fruit and Ornamental Trees Hedge Plants, Shrubbery, &c. of superior quality true to name, and warrant ed tu be in good condition when delivered, and quality a' represented. Joseph 1. oulke,i3 our authorized aarent. to- sell and deliver and collect for us. . v JONES & PALMER! Orders by mail promptly attended to. or will' call at any ones residence" to take orders if re-' quested to do so by word or letter. P. O. Ad-" dress. JOS. 1". I OULKE, Stroudsburg, Pav Jan. 16, 1373. A. ROCK A FELLOW, DEALER IX Reaij-Madc nothing, Gents Tiii r.ishiug Goods, Hals & Caps Boots & Shoes, &e. EAST STROUDSBURG, P (Near the Depot.) The public are invited to call and exam ine irooils. Prices nit'deraie. May C, 14W. tf. ELATCELET'S DIFKOVED ftCOBLR TOD IU?. rS S Tasteless. Durable. Ecient. and Cheap. The best Pump for the iea.t money. Attention1 is especially invited to Watch ley's Patent Improved Bracket ind New Drop Check Yalver which can be withdrawn witli-- out removing l!ie Pump or dis-- turbm the joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, and will out' last anv other. For sale hv Dealer-' everywhere. Send for Catalogue and Price-List. Chas. G. Blaciiley. MTr. st. 12, 72.1y oOG Commerce St. l'hila., Ta.. OO U 0W..flima, ,.eoi.le .fe tl! All clashes f e llirr m x. vmnn ri.i't. nuke more im ncval i.ik us ihtIh ir..r inoriri.ts or n;l ttip time, t han at :nt liii.-i); else. " P.trl:cuUii AJJic U Slliitoii i i.o., Toiliuiia, M.iine. P. II.. HESS & C0.r WHOLESALE AND RETATL DEALERS I.X Tobaccos, Snuffs, Pipes, Cigars, AND SJ'OKEKS fiOODS GEXGEMIJX Slgrn of the Indian, Betrteen Stroudsburg House and IIollinshead' Drug Store, Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. The best of everything in the line and ll B2ASO ' A 15 3, Z: V 11 H C JS, are upecialitica at this establishment. The tr.U of the chewing and 6iuoking public respectfully solicited.- Aug. 15, '72-ffJ F. II. IIES3 A CO. J S. WILLIAMS, Watchmaker & Jeweler, MAIN ST, STOUDSBURG, PA. Locat d in corner building third door be low the Jefier-oiiini office, llooui 'y filled up, and heavily stocked with the fi nest assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Jewelers No tions, &ct ever opred in ihisseetim ofcotintir. A tun assort ment t Sjpri.icr. s, of the bft quaTny, and s-uiied o ail ages, alvvay on sale. S Iv.T-wnre, and Silver Pitted" Wire, al vyon hand at manufacturers prices. 0O"Utnairin-. e.itly executed, and char, gps cxtrrmeSv hioutmip. Callb from the public respect firlly lici!cd. SdeAjentRiT ihe ceKbraled Diamoi.d Spectacles. November 5th, JS63 ly. BLANK DKKDS " Fur sale ut this OfBcti 4& L 1