JUL A i , i i i $ ' '-: i ,t . .. , , 4 A - . s ; I m?!K TALKING MACHINE 4 i. THE'GHTRBSRirAL .QMESTIG "a inajrment, Xr,;-!' naif fmmm O" "; V ft J ' f'SXIXG. TALKS ITSELF ISTO PUBLIC FA YOU. THE WOULD C II A LLEXGED ! To ;iroi!npp n Funi' Sew in? Machine t!i t vvii sew a ligh, an-! lu i vy . hat is as li'!;t runtrng, :md ;is easily -penned This Machine i- v:irnmti,l to wear rnnsl'y its long hs anv oilier manufactured. Soil o:i ino:i:li'V c :i niT. s For .-ale' by D.NRIUS nREHER. Al l in St., Stroiultiburj, Pa. Kcjii. 12. 1S72. M S3 lr i Vi.i--ar "::tors r.rs r.it l vi!e r.u:cy Dim', i-i i 'j i : t'.v.r U i n, V;;i;-.kjy, l'r.io!' Spliit anil Refuse L' ; ". '. ' !, s'.'c-.l. a 1. 1 s-j-;tcne.l t please tlie li ili.! " '1't:'.c,'' " Appc: zcrs," ' Restorers," , :!: '.t !e i 1 t'ie '.i r,cr o i : i (!r:in!;cnness ami ruin, a ''-I- Mi-!.'cic, iu.kIs tV:ii tUs native roots '.:c-'.i of '.t".;:'..rn:.i. fic: fruma!' .Vclu:icStiniu!.itits. "i ii i:t- (; -cat i! ixul 1'iiriiler a:ij a I.ifc-jji vinj I , ; n lvr:ct Rr:,i ator ai;d Iiivij;iralor f the p-.i. i- srr;. ; i j . T a i pi!ims m.i:.cr ami rcsio; in? ill.- i ia iis-i'!livcf-iH.tio:. nrlchin? it. rtf:ehiiii; J'iJ i : i v T 1 1 i ;-. bcl'i iniml and bnA: Tliev are eay r.i1nK.-.,r.u!'M, iTvn it i;i tlicir action, curi.il.i in liicir t -s-i': s, . ; nuil re.: i;i .il! f-rni- .f (ite.T-e. i.-rs-j-.i can I .iU a I U fsc I' i 1 1 f rs accorj z ! .:'.;c:;-i:, r.uil r'in:i:n litii" imwe'l, J-ioviacJ i;.:r l;tr:cs iui i'.T.(rnv(vl bv iniiii-ral pfiiNtm ii ttlhcr n:-.v,-, .-..I i.u v t.il c;r:ins v.vatw'1 lei:il point Ci":::-:r. lys-;.j.!;t r-r Iii'l;--sio:i. IIs.i.l iclic, T iiti t: il.:--r. C". 'i'i-. 1' -litnc-s i.f tlie ( 'lie-:. Piz 1.:i.- t H::.l t Hi e i.itli, U.i.I 'Paste M i.i;li. P.. A iicli. P ilp.t iiii.n of tli . :i i,n;i).ii oiit.rtti l.inivs. F.tiuin l lie te '.osii of ii'i K -vi, a:ul a l'.i!:i-f : c l iitWr I'n'.titit! svinptom.s ,:i ; i ,l p i:i; of I. -;c i.si.i. In tlice cO'iii.l.iints i: ii 1 1 ii i- i r, ,i:i.l mi- !..i:i;.- xvl'l pii"e a iieitsr a'-' tr-i"."r-e nt t! :ii-!im t!n:i a lctr.-iv ;ii-.'cr;iC'netit. i'1.!- ! in - ! (' :iiti:!:i!i(s. in ymiiij r.r ti'A, i:-..v. ; r ii"'e. t tV.: iii'Ari of wo!i:a;.l:nn;l, or t!ii t:irn f-t I. . 'I'. tine I! iters np';jr m W!IcI an : i : ' '.i a iji;'.:cJ i;!ip!iivci;iciil -.ull pmcrp- I'o:- I -i fl no :n:i( i- n.l ( U l imic Itlictt Ili;1is! 5 .1 ! 1 ( I-i:.-, 1 .e:,-. i i. I iciicsooil, I'.linilM, ilci ' t a.i I I 1 1 . -1 1 i -! : -n t I'evrrs. I'ie:ises of t!u P. . '..(. I.'v.-r. K.;,!.i a il'.i.I i .r. t!ice P-itcrs l.avi ' " il- H-u-U rl ifisp-? a' ctki-iI by V.: 1 ''.'.. r. !. v,U i li U e!i.;(,,;;y j.r.,auvciJ liy iiMii;j ct- "t of !i : I ;c I've ) .liis Tlj'-y -f? :iiru!lo I'tirsnllro n vcll n T T.:ki-. i msses .;; ,-r- i the ptcu.i ir nieiit of :ic!iir. a.i p.iv.! !iil a-tit in r'ieitv t 'i.meitioii or p,r!.u:i. iyy.'..,.: . : :hu I..vcr ar.-l VI. Cor.il ri!is, a;.d i:i Ui'.ious I,;S'- i--. !'V nismcis, Itiiij.tl-iiis, "IVtrer, S.;l!- ' 1 :!!. i'. n i-ll Spots, r,,lf, cs, I'llitlllcS. IioiiJ., C.ir- ' . Uiir: ni.nns Si iii ll-.il. Sue lives. P.ry- ; :l I ''. Ssinls, 1 i-c.iiiir.it'iiiis .if the Skin, I ijiio'is ; 1. 1 1 ; 1 -i's ot i!to S': :i, of -;i it ;vcr n.im-i in u.iture, ' - I ' il l : lip an l r .n-iie I out of tlie wslem in a 'i i : 'it : livid; ii ft oft'-,-. e P. :t.:is. )i liott e in i 1. 11 xv. 1! (.niivi.ico t .o i.i.i .t i:icrodii ons l liicir r j f I ; j "r:i .. (' iir '.i:i i; t!:c Yilialrd IJ!iiI xxlirnever you i i n; '-l: .1: ; 1i.i;s..i: ; 1 1: 1 1 i:i;;.'i 1 lie s' ili ill Piiili!e., i ii . i.r S !." : ( 'cm e it xlii-ii vim li:ul it ob w 1 a.. 1 'nj.-i-'i i i tin; veiii-i ; c'"s. it xvlien it is i .i- io. ir.s wiil yi in wlieit. K:e: the liiood 1 liil'li of ;!i-i sv.Je'n x-i "I fn !oxv. ilx-fill lliii:n i!i:l i priK laini Vini'0w TllT-;:i-: i.i.i-t vo.:.k:!.i' I :o. l-urant (li.it evur Mi .t.iincd il.i'-T vs'ei:i. i. T.i,.r, :t:i-l ollitr WiiriiK, lurking in n. :n of s ) iii ii.y tlioiisiinls, ;iu eifectiially lie- 1 a.l t.vDoved. Si;i a tlisl.itiiisired pliy-ml. P'i.t.; i i -r uco y an i:ilixi.l.i.i'i u;oi tlie f.ice of ihe xx i i . !. : y i e x iti i it ii n'i! I lie picsrtiCi; nl ttnrms. iii i -.jiwi-i i!ii l.e i :liy element of tlr; Im-lv tliat . l-z tint it I 1 lie iP.ssM-.tf-I li iniiii ; ami slimy us i i t; ;-!;. 1 tlio -e l.viii iiiimsteis rf disease. ' r,l Mod-c:i ii. v-niilt'it-i;, tin anths'.min x i 1 o l.ii sy- :... fi... voi no, ilisc llicse l!;t- il i. V ilftl. I..- , "Zi;r-t:?fiI Tl4.t4CA. Ti rKon s etitra-'ed in I', is a.i I M';icr.i!, inch rn Pluiiili-.ts, Pvpc-setter;, i ..i ii !im s, and M m.. s. bi tliex1 aiix mce in life, will ! iM n:t to ji ii i vsis of tl:e ll-vi ls. 'P.i rn.iid a-.;ainst ilii; tai;u a dnse of H'a 1 Kelt's VtNB'j.Mi lilT I URi otiCi i-i' a xvt-ri; as a Preventive. Ullixj.is. lii-ut it i -itf , iiiki 1 1 t eriiiit leu t I-.-xvliicli arc so prcva'e it in tlie valleys (f our --ut nv-n, t!iMnr;liont tin United States, especially i'i e nt ilie M : siss noi, ' i i i, Mi-simri, 1 1 inoi, 'I en i ' 'iiiilirr'and, Ail.a.ir.as. R..-il, Coioiad.i. Tliaos, i p.-nl, A'.ibain i, Mniii e S ivanuah, Roati- v : a. id in.tr.y fit'ici, wi.li- their va t tribtit.i- i . i n-.,; i.niit onrtti'.iie rontitry dm iif- tlie Sniitmcr ; ii . ii.nn.i, anl i c::i:it kali y f.o during re.is';is r.f i .ns i;! li.;-t titid ilryiit ss, a,e inv.niaS'y accompanied 1 .' i x:'-'i' ,x- lican-mients of tlie r-tnni it'.i am! liver, and '.'ioi' a'i.i':n:n:ii X iscera. 'J ln-ie are a!xva-s more or less 0 .:i uii. .i-i of i Ii ; li ver, a w o.iUness ami ii i i table state 1 i i!i ; sMm iuli, an 1 Kr,-'.it toi 'nr of tlio luratli, beiiii; ' ' l."."-l "1 xvuli vitiated a'-jiiniu aiinn. ItKjheir lieat i i.-nt, a ;.!', attvi", t-x -i iin- a p.iweif.i! inil.ience iijxnu iii- v.itiuiis iiians, i ; e-.enti illy n-.'-ess irx-. 'I'liere is : o c.ii'iarfiC fur tiie pnrjio-j; i-qin! t. IK. J Wai.khk's S tTii'.'.tt Piti i.k -, as tliex xvili snoc!i'y leniove the 1 i: c i'-ii -i.l vise ii matter xx iih xx li cli tiie hoxveis are l- Ti l -.l, at t'i ; s tun; time Minin'atins l!ie secretions of t v; i.v-', ai'-I yenei.t !y leaturiii;; llio lioailliy functions o; ;li.; i.;-.--i :ve oi-'.'ans. riri-iiPitlii. n" lii';n rivil. White S.veliincrs '..'is, Kiyipt"!as .xvtfl.ed Nock, (Jmw-r, Sctofnlous ! ill mi.-ii.itiiins, I'iii'::i:l Inllainniaii nis, lelc;lria! Af f i-.io !-, ()' 1 S-nes, Irii;i!i.i.,s o' the Shin, Sore Eves, , e:e Pi tli.-", as in all otin-r cunslitiition il Iils-ei.-s, ' ki-v:"s V'ivkcjik PlTTKits have shoxvn tlieir .roa'. c i- 'live iii.xvoi'j i.i iii: most oLir.iinate and iiilrac'--a -l ti . " l'n!litr' ('.ilifix iiin Vi liCii f 151 : t e r3 set on all tli.-sj cases in a iimil.ir in. inner. P.y imiifyin tlie II o" 1 lit y lom.ive tin; ciuse, and by rei!vinj5 aw.ay tli c i:ctr. ol i!,e ii'.'!.!'iinvitio i (tlie tubercular deposits) t':o aToct -il pr.its receive hcaitli, and a permanent cure ; f c:ed. 'i'ln; prr2!ries of Dk. Vi'ai kick's Vinegar Pi i tt'tis are A nt; :cni . lJia..lnie:ic and C'aiiiiiiiati.-e, Nutritions, Lixaiive, D.niciic. Sod.i ivc, Counicr-Irri-tiru. S i ion ic. Altera. ivo, and Anti-ISiiious. T!i; A"B! i"iit and mM l.ix.itixc properties r( V.: Wm.IvEk's ViM-axK PlTTKH . are the best safe t ii 1 in a i ca-es of cinptinns and malignant fevers, : : r L i s imic. h-alini, and wiolhiuti properties protect ''i ' i ! of tij finces. Their Sedative properties r: j -.ii 'i in the lien ois system, sio'inch, and bowels, i I ;f f. i ii.lPimm ilion. wind, Co ic, cr.mms, etc. i i.ir f l.i.inier I n innt influence extends tlnoiihoiit !'; : s stem. Th.tlr I) luetic prvei ties aot on the Kid r v ;, c-.rrcctiii-; and tcin'.itina the flow of in inc. 1 heir il ions pr-meriies stimulate the liver, in the secre ' hi nt ijiie. a id its ('i-clia:;;cs throtit;h the biliary ducts, .. -! o e sii-mriiir to a I iim tdial agents, fur the cuic of ' is -'tver, F.-v r and Am?, etc. i"i-.- ify ltc Ij:1 y a -;a5isl l!iasc bv pnn (.:. a i its fluid, v.ii'i Vinhok Hittkks. No cpi c r.tii I ike ho d of a system thus forearmed. The t'i ; s'.iniiici, tht ho-c s, t'.e k'dneys, and the !:."; oo rcndctcJ Ui-casc -proof by this great iuvij- ijlirr'laii. T.ike of the Hitters on point; to bed -. , it !'o it a h lit to oiia and one-half vvine-;iasfull P. i;ond niMtrisliiii' food, inch ai beefsteak, iiiuiton c.-.p, veiiisui!. roat hoof, and vegetables, and take liior i-rercise. They are omiiMised of purely veget r: i T-.-iieuts. and contain no snint. ' ;v U.KI-1U, P.oo'r. II II. McDOXALD fc CO., I-i t .iis ami (Jen. Auts., Sin I iancico, la.. . cm. ot Wj ,ln , "t i m and Chariton Sis , New Vork. ilY ALL DKUCOISTS AND BEALERC. .. .'J. l:lo ...i J ' lo-ii m v .ne c.iirie.- t.oSt'O'i't Viv F i ro i t u if, tlif-v 1 1 u ;iy s i oqii i I.:(!ur;v- !' niilHir' Store' Si Ht. LWKS Oi ,L KINi)S f r sa lli.d (Jliti.-e. ,;- wim SIMPLICITY, 'T FALL AND Vt 1ST. JRTJSTIUJ'S. Till: NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION 'the most reliable plaw'to mi a fond Fitsli-oiiiiblo Suit ,.f CLOTHES cheap Having the largest r-tock ot Men's, Youths'. Hoys', and Clnldicu'ri Ciolhifg in t It is town, we ft-el assured we can't be beat in Goods a lid Prices. HATS AND CAPS. THE NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION, the headqu -irters f..r HATS AND CATS, having a J wave the l.-irjpst Mock on hand, ihe very latest Styles in Fur, Wool, Cassi irrs a..i Straw, in High Si,k Hats, wc feel sure we cm eu.t all. Fumsrisi-irisrGr goods. THK NATIONAL H LL OF FASHION (iENTs FUINISIIL(i (K)ODS. Havn.g Gco:ls in tov n, e i.re Mire we can uit all. We hive a pplendid line ot i.oiits .Mi.iorwaie Cor Sjirii'gMni Summer. A ?p!'iilid line of Ladies and (Jems Ilooiery wi (il-.v. s, a ei!cn iid line o; YoniliV White Striped and Paid Shirts. We have the Strips! and P-aid 'n Sht-rrois, Percales, Chintt and Print?. We have the largest assortment o CMhe-F..ced ai,1 Paper Colb.r-. Cuffs Q"d Bioms. You will always rind from ei lit to welve tii-nnd of'lif I lest sty Us o! Collars. Cuffs and Bisoms at th" National Hall. Y- u will also find a f 'U lin of Linen Slurs FronisT Crav ilsand Ties, Ladies and Gi nts Handkerclnets .nd Ladies Collars nd C.fls, We have a good as-onini.t of Pra.-o's and U.i-breHas. Corticih spool Siik. in all colors. Which is pronounced the best in use. Also a lull line of Cuaie's and Clara's spool c .tton. ,95 KM THR NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION is the best place to get DRY GOODS. Aunts o.i band a fill ;is ttu.ent of i lie best brand of Alpacas, the Capiml being the Ua ingnicle in Alp.cis. We have iilavs oi hand i go. ..I !is irtment of Bl-ck, Gmsgrnn and pi .in S Iks. S ii ins, Gnn id ens, Pop'ins, Frow Frow, Slripi e, P-rcahs, Paris C.un brics, Chin'z. Gin.-hiins and 1'iin's. A fui line oi White (ion Is and .Musl ns. Also a s.ilendid lol ol Spring and Summer Shawls and Skirts at astonishing low figures. Particular Attention Paiil to Custom Work, which we hav-- done in he lalesf style--. We warrant a good fit. We also take meas ures tor ciist m shirts. High Si k II i's to oider, t'ood fits Wiirrantod. Give us a c.ill and ln I'oiivuiced tha e can't be untler.-old. Oiir n-otlo is quick sales and small profits. s!u.v oooJs wiih p'eisiire. N. PvUSTSR, PROPRIETOR OF THE NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION A: ril 18, 17 2. Main Strkct, Stroldseuko, Pa. DR. BUTLER'S j 1 1) 'i i I Ii ) 1 1 its i.A M j Is -xVf ikiii most remarkable; cures in every ; c;i:e. It is proviiii; ii.-clf to be iiie most Kju'edy i and t filt tu.il reined v known for the various 1 ! forms of externa! bodilv afdictie ns as spec! lied j ! bei.v.v ; " j j This OINTMENT is composed of the best ' materials, known to the .uaten.i .vitdica lor the euro of ail kinds of j Sliiji 53 is cases, Sores, Ki-tiiscs, Cuts. Frosfed FccJ, Chapped S3ai;!s, KsrKt.'IALLY VALUABLE FOR CAKIiUNCLKS AND UOILS in ail tlieir stages : for open Felons, Burns, Ulcers, of a scrofulous character, and for all Cancer ous allbciior.s. For anv external affection I t'i is OITMEjSTT will b. found preferable to all sorts of jionl- j tices. plaHier and fc;uvc-; :n every stage of ueh affection. DR. MITLEIi'S Curative for Headache. I This will prove a most effectual remedy in :t!l eases of "fVfincAi"," from hatever cause, ' ainl will be found especially valuable in ''Sick j Headache," painful menstruation anil al-o : Lnr-.tcltc, JiijUiitiittfiry TUteuinad.iiii and J i'vcr.. KI2V. .J. C. liUTLER, M. D. S. S. Dotrh-k, I)iiijf:ir, East Stroudslmrrr, General Agent. " febJ0'7:J-ly Cards, Bill-Heads, Labels, k, cat, cas:ap and quick, Priii ted to Order at the JEFFERSONIAN O FFICE, Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. Ail Orders promptly filled. Give ur a call. p p 5 f r T v GLAZIER AND PAINTER, iMONKOE STREET, Wa.Iy oppost.e Kautz's Blacksmith Sh r, STRCt'D-siiiRo, Pa. ! 3 B MASON ! sored, alter which payment no further char Tl.e undersigned woiit.l respectfully in-' nctt wiil be made, except m cover actual loss on,, the citiz-ns .. Si.OMdsbi.rg.ind vicinity bv fire that may fall upon members of the in in; is '.o-.v mny prejureu to tio an iiimis i .1 i a per isango.... u azmg nl J'ainting,! ,,j ...... ni ,-,, mJ(.n.c-. ..on null uc . il k-e,i constantly on h .nd a fine ock ot '.per Hangi g of ail .N-cr.p. ions amt i-v prie s. I nn'ri,!ia.-e of the pnblj,. ean.esl ysolic, d. May 1Q, 172. ; " T, TjNDERTAKING. j McCARTY has on band the largest nd ..-ViD 6' assortment of COFFINS - and TRIMMINGS mi o ......... o either eitv Ww V,.rt j - - - - - . . .. l'.ilii:.'!,jn .). aed will mi. k. this branch I- h.iines A SPECIALITY. ri;,T7'i tv' i no. ivi'i.1 r . i 'inn inio e;iiiii o oj any size or tyle. n be fiirn.ni.e.l at r,e hour iiottre yir. i;u i n rn iHiieil ai one liO'ir s notice Slilnn enl, AT A CHARGE CP O.N'E-TIIIRO i:.s;SJ THAN ANV Hllop iv K-rmiiinciiiiiin f ci.se t,e clNirwe more than TEN PER KNT nt:ove ocim.1 cost. I tende.l to in any p,rt ,.t ihe County at .ic shortest possib-t notice. Repf.20,fi7 WINTER e nho Ileadqnarters f..r LADIR.S AND ihe larg'taiul ino-l sleci nssorunen of J nrn- NSW STORK -:and:- NEW GOODS -:at:- REDUCED PRICES. DARIUS DREIIER, begs leave to an nounce to his friends and to the pub lic generally, that he has just received a general assortment of Dry Govt?, Xofions, Dress Trimmings, AND MIL L IX KR Y GOODS consisting, in part of the following desirable : articles, viz. : (''f"-f-1t L'unis. French Chin tr.s, Children's Dress Goods, Y o rhed JJ hj ings , Jt rasrds, Zrphrrs, V Shrt fund Woofs, Shitlttnd Wool Slid ids, rs , nines, . r t .1 Hxnns, While Dress Goods, Insert ings, Ladi's and Children's Sacks Flannel and Cloth, Ladi's, Misses and Men's Hoes, Gloves and Collars, Mo u rn ing Goods, Shroudings, cfc, iCv., Goods fhown with pleasure. 4 Quicks pales and small profits" at the old and wel known Jdillinery Stand of F. A DREIIER. The Millinery business will be carried on as usual by Mrs. D&ehek. Patronage respectly solicited. DARIUS DREIIER April 2fi, 1SC0. MONKOi: COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company. GTEC7 S" T t rr, l v..--1. .x. ;-.. I CHART EH P FIl PET UAL. I Amount of Property Insured $1,300.00 The ra!e oflnsnrance in this Company is one dollar for every thousand dollars in- uinpany fhe policies issued by this Company are perpetual, and atlortl the lullest secirity w, ,f,e urj,est economy and convenience Tl.ts co,p:, n v will not issue Tanneries' Distilleries or Cabinet Shops. Applications for Insurance may be made to either of the Managers, Surveyorsor fcJec. rotary. MANAGERS. weptie i.atiar, j.icod rvnecnt, Richard S. Staples, John Ednitfer, jSilns L Drake, Francis Hagerman, lOJiarles D. Rrodhead. Jacob Stottiror, i Robert I'nvs, Theodore Schooh, William Wallace, Tlio.nasS W. Rhodes, Slogdcll Stokes, STOGDELL STOKES, President. E. H DuixiiKK. Svrelmy and Treasurer. Nilas L. DiHKe, Monroe co. Peter Gilbert, (!eii. (J Slitcr ,,, n; W- llIioJ"8 J- Surveyors F. A. (Welt. Wayne co. J. II WePg, Pike co. . ch.; 'lr9a,"den.orll,;nP,'. ,Sa" 1 'egei.fus. Carbon. The sluled meetinir of i he board of MiMiers takes place at the SprrPhirv'u f. fice. onl he first Tuesday uf each month, at ,2o'olock P. il. Vv-'-?s?-"s- wheeler & mi&m NEW DRAW FEED Sewing Machine, Undeniably the best Machines in the "WORLD ! Over 600,000 in use! 100,000 more sold for family purposes than any other make ! They make the Lock Si i'ch (alike on both sides) trithnnt a shuttle they have bu 05 parts. (Shmt!c Machines have over 200) Th advantages they have over in; myriad of Machines of ordinary merit, it has laken many ye.-trs tn periect. They are genuine and only need to be examined to be adopted inio every iaimly. MACHINES will be delivered at your homes and told on terms to suit purchasers. INSTRUCTIONS liven until you are satisfied, and the Ma chine warranted by a responsible Company JAMES BOYS. Agent for Monroe and Pike Cour.tics Office opposite the Exprs- Office. st no uds is una, pa. May 30. 1872. tf. " G O TO M. F. EVANS &. COS DRUG STORE, (Successors to C. S. Detrick t$- Co.,) MA!X STREET, STROUDSBURG, Pa ttigir' Tivw SSt.:(3iti, Constantly on hand a full ttock of pure Alcdiciurs, Drugs, Chemieais, carefully selected tind purchased forCASH A full asi-o' tment of PA TEXT MEDICIXES, PERFUME ry. Fancy Soaps, Tooth lirnshes, Cattle I owner, Cattle Liniments. Also P t up and consta mly on hand by fcl.F. EVANS CO. PROF. MYERS Penetrating Liniment, and ('. S. DETRICK'SCompou dSyr.ip ofTar, Wild Cherry &. Ilnarhound. Also the best WINES am! RR AN DIES 'or Medical purp..-es. White Leails, O.ls, Paints Varn'she-:, Mixed I-a it ts, &c. WIS I) O V (i LA SS, SO OA A SH. SA L Soda, Whiting, LnuricGiinsr, Sentfuitt Oils, sj e , tj-c. Trusses, Support t rs ami Shoulder Unices. Five per ceat off on all Cush sales of over ons dollar. declOT9-tf LOOK THIS WAY, ALL WHO WANT Carriage Work or Biaeksmithing D'XE IX A SUPERIOR MANNER ! THE Subscriber begs leave to in iSrrr.f'jrni the public that he is fully pre jr pared, at his establishment, at the corner ot feimpson and fcarah streets, in the borough of Stroudsburg:, to make to order, every style of Carriage, Wagon, mil, in fact, everything in his line of bu siness, at the shortest possible notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Carriages repaired, trimmed and paint ed in the best style of the art. Ilaviug first class material always ou hand, and none but first-class workmen engaged, the public are assured that none but hrst class work will be turned out at bis shop. In connection with his Carriage Shop ho has also a lllacksmith Shop, where superior workmen will always be found ready to attend to the orders of customers The public are invite1 to call and ex amine his stock before purchasing else where. V A LENT I NE KAUTZ. September 19, lG7.-tf. Gothic Hall Drug Store. Williasii 52olIitiliral, Wholesale and Retail I)niprns(. STROUDSUUUG.Pa. Constantly on hand and tor sale cheap for cash, a fresh sup ply of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oil. Glass, Putty, Varnish. Ker osene Oil, Perfumery and Fancy Goods; ISO Sash, blinds and Doors. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purpose. P. S. Physicians Prescription care fully compounded. Stroudsburg, July 7, 1804. ' Harness & Saddlery. The above business has ajrain been re sumed at the old stand, lately swept away by the lute flood, near Baldwin s Hotel, in Stroudsburw, where will bo kf pi constantly on hand the best assortment of ilarnt'ss, douMv and single, Saddles, Bridles, Coliors, and every oilier article usuaely furnished in this line of husniess. Work made lo order on the shortest notice. A large assortment of Mountings and Saddlery Hard ware always on hand. Gill ami make your ow s'!ection,nnd it will be furnished in .-tyle artl price not lobe excelled in this market. Strict attention p.tiii to repiiringand clone in shortest notice. Call and eximine JOHN O. SAYLOU. Agent fr PETER GRUVER. October 0. 1870 tf nil descript ions ha ve been received at the store of the Mihscriber, in the borough of Stroudsiur;r. He has COOKING STOVES, & PAPvLOR STOVES of tlie latest itiinrovements ; and entire new styles, and considerables.-! ing of fuel, whic4 can bp had at the lowesT City prices. Also all kinds of Stove-JPipe. A large assortment of TIN WARE of ev ery tlescript ion, constantly on hand, which will be sold at who'es le ami ret ill, as rea suitable as can be had in the Ciiy. - All kinds ot repairing done in the shortest cheapest and best manner. Call and exam ine his stock before you purch ise elsewiiere. Feb. 11, "09. WM, S.FLORY. NOVT 19 TIIE TIME TO CSS $Tt:ntt?s Cis!iUsi Powiier. In the Fall and Winter when your cows give t'Ul little milk this ponder is stir." to increase he quantity and improve the qual ity. For hor.si-s, it incr-'usc the appetite, promotes thgestii n. cxhilerates the spiiiis. renders the cott .-oft and shining I't.r Hogs one package iu your swill bain-lwili hasten the fattening pr- cess :.t !est 1 tM per cei.t. This powder has proved an excellent ariicle for sheep. P;i sure you get the Genuine Youatt's Condition Powder, MANUFACTURED RY W 5 S- J.S.I "i !JGS.f.33SI2XM, All other is a Counterfeit. See ih:t tlie .-unc of WM HOLLINSHE A D is o. each pacUag a"d buy n oi her. W.-rr.niedto rive sat sl .C'i':i or i he in-oiev refimiie.J. Nov. 19. 'OS WM. HOLLINSHEAD. 3AMUBL HOOD, ,e 7..Vii-;U;;..;vNv:.;".vv iff JA-: ts(t--v,.-.. - - ; ' ; :;.ri; v i -i-.y ;o .v. i Wholesale and Retail Dealer in COOK & PARLOR STOVES, TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, AND IN Metal House furnish tag floods GENERALLY. loofing and Spouting done on short notice, with the host material, and at reasonable prices. His stock of Cook, Parlor ami Office Stoves embraces all the best varieties known to the trade. CALL ASD SEE. Store third Luilding, above the Methodist Church. Majn street, STROUDSllUKG, PA. August I, LS70. tf. Do.vt you know 1 1 1. -ii jr. n. McCarty is the onlv Undert a Ler in Siroudsbiiro who understands his business? If not. attend a Funeral ma mured hv nnv other Undertaker in town, and you will see i tie proof oil !) tact. ISent. Ifi '07 DVT FOICUirr tliat uu.ii you want anv Ihinrr in the or Ornamental line that McCarty. in Ihe Odd-Fcllows' Hull, Main Street, Slrouds urg, fa., is the place lo iel it. fSept. 20 Do n t o o L y o iTi5?i o YT: V away for worthless articles of I nrni. lure, but go to 1cCarty's, and vou will aPl j 1 :.v( i i s-m: H5:t& wen paiu lor it. Sept. 20, '07. LEWIS T. LA BAR & to. DEALERS IX Dry Goods, Yankee. Xolio7)t Groceries, 'rovisiojis. .. Flour and Feed, I'ith and S.ijt Boots and Shoes, Ilardtcarc, Wooden Ware, Crockery, Brushes t- LfGo-x?, A'rr Stent, ind, iu sl-.oit, almost cvervthin YOu can think of or ask for; all ol which are of- iered at smash down prices, at the old stand, on Main-street, between tUe unU ind the Jcjcrscnum oilice. 1 he public are uiv.ied to call. LKWIS T. LA 1JAR& CO. February 1G, 1871. The unJcr.signcil takes this method of informing the public, that he still con tinues thcahovc business in all its branches at his old Staud, on Fraiiklin street Stroudsburg, Pa , where he will l,e hap py to receive orders lor work in his line including general Wheel-wrigliting, Blacksmith ing, Painting, Trimming, &c. Ilis stock, of the l est quality of seasoned lumber is large and very complete; and as has a full forte ol firsr class workmen at all the branches, he flatters himself that he is fully prepared in accomodate all who favor him with orders, and guaraa tee entire satisfaction. Kcpaiiiog promptly attended to Y.u. HUNTSMAN. Julv 23, 1870. ITNDSRTAKIHG7! LEE &. Co. wculd mo t respectfully an nounce that having procured an clcgm.t I-IE3?ISE, -V'V" and having a person in their etiplov r.f twelve years experience, in the undertaking busines--. are now prepared to attend to un der! iking in all its branches in the best pos-s-il 'e manner. COFFINS and CASKETS of any size, style or quality, con.-t.-itit y on h.md. and ready for sbin.i ent at short notice. Orders' by mail promptly aiten iei! to Our charges are moderate; we have no disposu i u. io distress the living or rob the estates of the dead. N. B. Ready-made ROBES, nraily gnr. ten up. can be haH at i.ny time, at the Ware Room of LEE & Co. Mav -JG, 1-70. 1 v. CHRISTIAN HILLER, Hi Fitted i'j Ilis FcvUcut S A. L O ON, Ilaia Street, Stroudsbvirs, Pa. CO" I ?e now extends an fnrifarion trujll his tf ii-nds a lid form.-r cusloniers to call at his old place of busire-s. Here they cai drink of his .ie'ightlul beverages j roller, Afr, Sihine 1'iiiS Ac, &.r. an.-l eat of his tr.perior C!5t''', Oj'lr', Ac. CssT" Minors not allowed ro vis f Vs Ss-lo.-n. jntv 2"i-71-if. (.'0 TO J. !!. McrAIiTf', ODD FELLOWS' HALL, MAIN ST., STROl'DSDFRG. lt .t ai'.d Buy your f J n 7i i t i: ss s:, ca n v ets, OIL.CLOTJSS, Kl'GS, WI.I)OW SS!A!i:s, C -U i I IT A E X S A F I XT C EC TARb! CLOTHS, V-., end save At Least Two Profits. As McCarty buys, direct from the manufac turer, for cash (not 60 day?), be can scllyeu MORE FURNITURE, OF A BETTER QUALITY, A N I) F( ) R LESS M ON L' 7 t than you can buy nt etail iiher in city or country, and every article is warranted lot1' as lepre.-ented. Sept. 2r. Itcli! Itcli! Itch! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! usi: HOLLlXSHEAin ITUI i S ILT RUE O 0IXT.1IEM.'- No Family should be without this valua hie mediciiie, for on the first appearance of the disorder ou the wrists, between-the find jers, &c, a slight application of the Oint ment will cure it, and prevent its being ta ken by others. Warranted lo give satisfaction or roony refunded. Prepared and iold, wholesale and retail. by V. HOLL1NSIIEAD. Siroudshurg,.0t. 81,'fi7. Drusi- BLANK MORTGAGE For stile at this Office. Carriage Making. lffl