Go to Simon4 Fried's for boots and shoes. Go to Simon Frrtd's for hats and caps. Go to Simon Frie'd's for shirts and Uui Ircllas. Go to' Simon Fned's for trunks and valiees: if you want to see the latest style o fall and winter goods, go to Simon Fried's Go to Simon Fried's for a nice fittin suit. Go to Simon Fried's for neck tics and collars; t There is no charge for showing goods at Fried's, neither arc there cross looks if you do not buy. MAltHIED. On February 24. at the parsonage of M. E fchurch, by Kev. Geo. V. F. Graff. Mr. Lemuel Cramer of Middle .Smitlilild and Mary L. Transue of Tcbyliahna Mills, Pa. March 15, 1873, al East Stroudsburg, after an illness of 43 hours, Amos Gross, youngest son of George . Oross, aged 17 years o mo and 2$ davs. "Them also which sleep in Jesus will God hnnar with hini. WALLIAM S. REES, Surveyor, Conveyancer and Heal Estate .A.a't. Fams, Timber Lands and Town Lets FOPw SALE. Office next door alorc S. Ilees' news Dej ct and Jd door below tlie Lorner fctore. March 20, 1873-tf. Auditor's Notice. &tate of Peter Kunhel, of Pdk tsp., dec' J. The undersigned Auditor appointep by the 'Orphans' Court of Monroe County, to make riistrbution ol the monev in the hands of John S. Fisher, Executor of tlie Isat Will and Testa- nient of the estate on Peter Kunkel, deceased, 'hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of his appointment on Friday, April IS, iti, at the 1 rothonotary a oihee, in th liorough of fcslromKburjr, at which time and 5ice 1J ferscms Laving any claims against prud fund will present the Fame or be fcie e debarred from coming in for am share there of. TIIO. M. McILIIANEY, Auditor. March '20, 1S73.-4U Auditor's Notice. Estate of Francis J. Smith, deed. The undersiged Auditor aprointed by the Orphans Court of Monroe Co., to make distri bution of the money in the hands of Ilczekiah .Smith, Administrator of the estate of Francis J. Smith, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of his appointment on Thursday, April 17, 1S73, at the I'rothonotarv's oilice in the JJorongh of Stroudsburg, at which time and place all person having any claims against said fund will present the same or be forever debarred from coming in for any share thereof. TIIO. M. McILIIAXEY, Auditor. March 20, 187D.-4t. Auditor's Notice. Estate of William A. Knerr. The unlersigned appointed by the Court of loninion I k-as oi Monroe County, Auditor to make distribution of the money in the hand of Linford Maish, Assignee of William A. Knerr, for the lenefit of creditors, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties cf his appointment on Saturday, April 11, IS73. at ID o'clock a. in., at the Prothonotnry's Office in Stroudsburg, at which time and place all persons having any claim against said fund will present the name or be forever debarred from coming in forar.v share thereof. TIIO. M. McILIIAEY, Auditor. March 20, lS73.-4t. Auditor's Notice. E!rjt of GOTLIED BOIISER, deceased. The undersigned appointed by the Orphans' Court of Monroe countv auditor to make dis tribution of the money in the hand of George i. hhafer, Administrator of the Estate of said uvceased, will attend to the duties of hi ap pointment at the Prothonotarys office in iStnuidsbu rg, on Monday, April 21, 1873, at 2 o'clock p. ni., when and where all persons nterestcd are requirwl to attend and present t'icir claims, or Ijc forever de-barred from com i ig in for a share of said fund. JOHN S. FISHER, March 20-4t Auditor. Auditor's Notice. Uelatc ofPTUCll FREDERICK, deed. The undersigned, appointed by the Orjdian's court of Monroe (.ounty, Auditor to examine mid if occasion rcpiire re-settle the fifth ac count of Robert W. sfwink, and Andrew Storm, Exorntors, of Peter Frederick, dee'd, will at tend to the duties of his appoinlmeut on, SATURDAY, April 12th, 1S73, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the I'rothonotary's of fice, in Stroudsburg, at which time and place, all persons indebted are required to attend, if thev see proper. TIIO. M. McILHANEY. March 13, lS73.-4t. Orphans' Court Sale. T.y virtue of an rder of the Orphan' Court of Monroe county, will be sold at public sale on the premises, on SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1873, the Allowing Real Estate, of Peter S. Lisbing, late of Poccno township, in said county decea,siul viz : A certaiaR messuage and Lot of Land, situate in said township of Pocono, containing 99 ACRES AND 127 PERCHES more or less, bounded by land of Addison Jlenry, Nicholas Madur, ciard X. Cramer, Isaac Brink and others; about 4) acre cleared, JO acrea MEADOW, 'alance good Timber Land. The Improve iatutu ure a Log DWELLING HOUSE, 16 by 13 feet 1J Stories, Frame J'arn 16 by 30 feet, and other out buildings. Ihereisan APPLE OIIC HAUL) and otlier Fruit Treess on the premises. The publie road leading Voni Tannersville to Henryville, )asnes thfougb the same. Spring f water near Uie door and stream of water running through the premises. Kale to commence at 10 ocIqcIc . nr., of said ay, when conditions will be caade known. DANIEL LEE. AdminMrator. By order of the Court. Thoniaa 51. Mcll tanev, Clerk. March 20-4t. Sheriffs Sale. T" . 1 A a. J iy virtue oi a writ oi hi.- icsi. n. ia. to me directed, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne county, I will expose to sale, at JL'ublic Vendue, on SATURDAY, the 20th day of March, 1873, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court House in Stroudsburg, Monroe countv, thefol- lowing uescrioeu real estate, to wit: A certain lot of land situate in Tuhfchannock township, in said countv, liounded on the south side by the Eastonand Wilkes-Barre turnpike, on the north east and west, by land lately owned bv Jacob Sox, deceased, being same piece of 1 l. I 1 ll II- . . . lauu jiurtiiii-Mru ity cuingion oox, oi Jacob cox, oeceaseo, containing about FIFTY ACRES, The improvements thereon one two story Dwelling House, one, barn and the other outbuildings. raeizeu anu laKcn in execution as the pro f 1 11 . . perty of William Burger, and to be sold by me lor cash. CHARLES HENRY. Sheriff. then it s Olhce, btroudsburg March 13, lS73-3t THE MONROE COUNTY Co-Operak Life Insurance COMPANY. STROUDSBUEG, PENNSYLVANIA. Limit 5,000 Members. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Any person of sound body and mind, of eiiher sex, not !ess than fifteen nor more than sixty-five years of ajp, and not enjra- jed in any occupation, exceeding-'y danger ous to life, may become a member of this Company, by paying an admission fee, as follows : Fro n IS to 40 ye.irs of age S3 00 40 to 50 5 00 " 50 to f0 " 10 00 60 to C" 20 00 And one dollar and ten cents fcr each mem ber who dies. The advantages of th;s COMPANY over the ordinary Lift Insur mce Companies are. that the fees are so small that the man of moderate mans can secure d comaeiency to his family at a trifling cost, and payable at such long intervals, and such sm ill sums. that no ccrson can be inconveienced by them This compmy cannot fail; No panics can effect it. Person holding cer i incites of memh-T-hip in this Company, are sure in case of ileal h thnt their familes or heirs will get as many dolLrsas there are members in the Company. io res'rictfons are placed upon traveling or residence. Applications for insurance, or inrorma tion, may be made to the Directors or Secre tary, at Stroudsburi.', Pa. DIRECTORS. R. S. Staples, H. K, Biesecker, Wm. Fine, J. H. Fetherman, Peter Gruver, Drcher. M. P. Coolbnugh, Kind irus Shunp, C. D. Brodhead. E. B. R. S. STAPLES, Pres't. JAMES CARR. Scc'y. March 6, 1S73 tf. J. T3. I-I'CTLL, (Successor to J. E. Erdman,) jloEirce Co. Marble Works, Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa., Where will be found constantly on hand or made to order, ISIMDSTOXES, &C, of the best Italian and American Marble. Having been in the employ of Mr. Erdman for nearly ten years, I feel confident in iuv ability to pleae all that give roe a call. All work warranted to give entire satisfaction. trjj Orders bv mail promptly attended to. feb 20'72-tf For Sale A Great Dargiu. $00 will buy a nice little Ilousa and Lot near East Stroudsburg Dejt. Lot 40 x 200 ft. Terms, 5250 cash, balance very easy. Also, 5200 will buy a fine IJnilding Lot, 40 x 200 ft. Term, $r0 cash, balance in monthly payments to suit purchasers. Call on or address l'El KSU.N & S I I LLM A N, Jan. 16'72-tf Opposite Depot. ) EV. EDWARD A. WILSON'S(of Wil- liam-btirirh. N. YA Recipe for CON- SUMPTION and ASTHMA carefully com pounded at HOLLINSHEAD'S DRUG STORE. 07" Mrdicinex Fresh and Pure. Nov.21. I8rt7. W. HOLLINSIIEAD. J.llES II. U'ALTO, Attorney at L.av, OiBcc in the building formerly occupied by L. M. Hurson, aud opposite the Strouds burg I3ank, Main street, tStroudsburg, Pa. jan 1 3 tf Election ProcSaiuation. Whereas, by pri-viplonn of an Act of the General Ai-8tITibly of tin Commonwealth nf Pennsylvania, approved lh i7th d?v March, iu the of our L-trd one thousand ei.'hl hundred iind teveniy-two, n it'ed 'An Act 10 permit the voters of this Com nonwe'lth to vote ewry three year6 upon the quPfcti'tn of granting licenses to sell in toxicating liqMors." it is enjoined upon the Slier ff of every county to ive due public m.fce of tucli npec:al election therein pro vided for three weeks previous to the tine of holding the smie and three weeks before tucli election very th'ird year there fier : therefore I. CHARLES HENRY. High .Sheriff of the couniy of Monro, in said 5fimuMn wealth, do hercHv make known anJ proclaim, in pursuance of the provisions ofj slid Act of Aeib1v. that at the time of ho'ding 1 he town.hip election throughout said county to wit: FRIDAY, MARCH 21ST, A. D. 1873, and ot the 6everal places designated by law for hold;n eiid township elections, the special election provided lor by taid Act of Assembly will be held; and Hiat theali fieJ electors of the several election districts in slid county are to vote upm said uestiau of ffrauilin' licenses to neti intoxicating, liquora ia taid county ; siid votes to be cist. and by ili election fficer lo be received and coantea aad returns mace as proviuva byeaid Act of AEsembly, u:id to take effect in ofcordaoce with the provisions of said Act to wit : AN ACT to permit the volere of this Cum mouwealih 10 vole every three yers on the q-ieMion of granting licenses lo sell int.ixiCHting liquors. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Com monwealth oj J ennsylvania in General Assembly met. and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, I hat on the third Friday in March, one thousand eight hun dred and seventy three, in every city and county in this Commonwealth, and at the annual tnunicipil elections every third ear thereafer, in every such city and county. it shall be the duty ot the inspectors and judges ol elections in the cities und the counties, to receive tickets, either written or printed, from the legal voters of said cities and counties, Inbelled on the outside. 'license," and on the inside, "for license. or "agrtinst bcen-e,' and to deposit said tickets in a box provided (or that purpose by said inspectors a nd judges, as is required by law in the case ot other tickets received ai said election; and the tickets so received sl.all be counted, and a return ot the saute made to the clerk of the court of quarter sessions ot t he peace of the proper county. amy ceriined as is required by law; ulntli certificate shall be laid befi.re the judges of me sain court, at the first meeting of said court alter said election shall be held, and shall be fi ed with the other records of said court; and it shall be the duty of the mayors 01 ciiies, and eheritls of counties, or any other officer, whose duty it may he to pre form uch service, to give due public noiic of such special election above provided tor. three weeks previons to the time of holding the same, and also three weeks before such election every ihird yar thereafter: Pro tided. That this act shall not be construed to repeal or affect any special law prohibit ing tne sale ot intoxicating liquors, or pro hibiting the granting of licenses: Prodded 1 hat when the municipal and township elections in any county or city do not occur on I lie third rnday in March, the celectior. provided for in this section shall be held on the nay fixed for the. municipal election in !-aid county: And provided further. That all licenses granted after the tirt day of January, one Minusatd eight hundred and seveiity-tliree.thal! cease, determine and be come void no the first day of April, one tnousthil eight hundred and seventy-three, if the distlict fr which theysh.ill be grant ed determines 0?in.-t the rruntiiiir ot license; aud 'he traurer ot the proper county shall then refund, to th" holder o) -uch licen-e, the moneys so paid therefor, fir which the 6 1 id treasurers shall be enti tied to credit in his accounts with the Com monwealth. Section 2. That in receiving and count ing, aud in making returns of the vol en cat. the inspector and judges, and clerhs of said election, shall be governed bv the laws of this Common wealth regulating general elec tions; and all the penalties of said election law hre hereby extended 10, and fehall app'y to 1 he voters, inspectors, judges and clerk-, voting at and in attendance upon the elec tions held under the provions of thn act. Section 3. Whenever, by the returns of elections in iny city or countv aforesaid, it sh tll appear that th-re is a majority against license, it shall not be biwful tor any court or boirri of hcen-e commissioners to i.-6ue any licen.-e f r the sale of spirituous, vinous, malt or oher intoxicating liquors, or any admixture ihep ofj in si. id city or county, at any tune thereafter, until at an election as above provided, n majority shall vote in favor of license: Provided. That nothini? contain ed in the provisions of this act shall prevent ihe issu nu of l.censrse to drui? isls. f-r the ale of liquors lor medicinal and manufactur ing purposes. WILLIAM ELIOTT, Speaker of the House or Representatives. JAMES S. HUT AN. Speaker of the Senaic. Approved The tweoiy-s-venth day of March, Anno D-mim one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. JOHN W.GEAR 1 And I furthermore proclaim and make known I he following as the places designated by law for holding said election in the several election districts of said county to wit : Ilac of Voting. The freemen of the township of Barrett, will hold thei;- election at the house of Adam Albert, in saii township. The freemen cf the township of Chesnut- hill are to hold their election at the house of Felix Storm, in said township. The freemen of the Township of Cool baugh will hold their election ct the Naglc6 villu 6chool-house, in said township. The freemen of Kait Stroudsburg, will hold ther election at the Analomink House, in said Borough The freemen of the township ofEldred, will hold their election at the house of John Frantz, jr , in said township. The freemen of the township of Hamilton will hold their election at thehouse of Chas. Snyder, in said township. The freemen of the township of Jackson, will hold their election at the house of l'Julip Altemose, in said township. The freemen of the township of Middle Smithfield, will hold their election at the house of James Place, in said township. The freemen of the township of Paradise, will hold their election at the house of Lyman M. Everitt, in said township. The freemen of the township of Pocono, will hold their election at the house of Ma nassah Miller, in said township. The freemen of the township of Polk, will hold their election at the house of George Green, in 6aid township. The freemen of the township of Price, will hold t!:?.ir election at the house of Lewis Long, in said township. t The freemen of the township of Ross, will hold their election at the house of Jacob II. Stocker, in said township. The freemen of the township of Smithfield will bold their election at the house of Ed wart Vetier, in said township. The freemen of the townshipof Stroud, will hold their election at the house of John Bald win, in the borough of Stroudsburg. The freemen of Stroudsburg, will hold their election at the Court House, in said borough. The freemen of the township of Tobyhan nah, will hold their election at the house of Robert Warner, in said township. The freemen of the township of Tunk hannock, will hold their election at the house of Joseph Norton, in, said township. tjr The Election to be opened between the hours of six and seven o'clock in the forenoon, by public proclamation, and to be open until even o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed. Given under my hand at Stroudsburg, the 17th day of Febrary, in the year of our Lord one thousand eifrht hundred and seventy-three, and of the independence of the United States the ninetv-seveniii. CHARLES IJEKRY, Fherifl. NOTICE. A general meeting of tlie members of the Monroe County Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany, will be held at their office, in Strouds burg, on Tuesday, March IS, 1873, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the pnrpose of making such changes in the Constitution. By-Laws, and conditions ol insurance as mav be deemed proper. Jiy order of the board of Managers. March C, 2t. E. B. DREIIER, Sec'y. Orphans' Court Sale. By virtue of an order of the Orophans' Court of Mouroc County, there will be offered for sale on SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1873, at 2 o'clock P. M. upon the premises, the following described valuable ileal Estate, late the property of Joseph J. Keller, deceased, viz : No. 1 Being alot or piece of land situate in Hamilton township. Monroe coun ty, Pa., Iiounded by land of John Fellencer, (jasper Metzger, purpart No. 2 of said Estate, Joseph Snover and others, containing. 6 ACRES AND 135 PERCHES strict measure. Ihe improvements are a 1$ story Dwelling House, about 30 by 20 it three BARN, and necessary out-buildings, a well of water near the door. - Terms and conditions will be made knowu on the day of pals, by TIIO. W. RHODES, Adm'or. Rv order of the Court. THOMAS M. McILUANEY. Clerk. Feb. 27, 1873 3t. Theo. F. Hallock. N. H Shaffer. HALLOCK & SHAFFER, House,Sign & Ornamental Painters, AND PAPER HANGERS. Shop on Main st. 2d floor in J. 6. William's bidding, next door to Flory's 5tove S'tore P. S. -Order? bv mail promptly attended to. January 30, 1873 6m. Van Beil's $4 Whiskey. $4 rER GALLON' or fit PER CASE of telve larpe bottles. This AVhiskev is Pure Eve, four years old and very mellow. Van Beil's 'Yellow Seal Sherry. $11 PER CASE of twelve large bottles. This Wine we offer to our Friends, knowing it to bo perfectly pure and always uniform in cxua lty. VAN BEIL'S U WHISKEY. ASK YOUR DRITOGIST FOR VAN BEIL'S $4 WHISKEY. TELL YOIJIt GROCER YOU WANT VAN BEIL'S 'YELLOW SEAL SHERRY. TELL YOUR liRVGOl T YOU WANT VAN BEIL'S 'YELLOW SEAL' SHERRY. Or, send your order direet to H. & A. C. VAN BEIL, THE WINK MERCHANTS, No. 1310 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA Importers of all fine Brandies, Gins, Rums and Wines, and dealers in the liest qualities of Rve and JSourbon hiskies bv the barrel, demijohn or case. CHAMPAGNES. February 27, 1373 ly. 0. H. Dreher. E. B. Dreher n-iGEisris: (2 doors west of the "Jeffersonian Office,") ELIZABETH STREET, Stroudsburg Ia., DREHER & BRO., DEALERS IN Drugs, Medicines, Pcrfumcry and Toilet Articles. Paints, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS & PUTTY, Abdominal Supporters and Shoulder Braces. Seeley's Hard II L Illicit TRUSSES Also Bitter's TRUSSES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS. Lamps and Lanterns Burning and Lubricating Oils. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully Com iiounded. N. 11. Tlie highest Cnsh price paid for U1L oi Vl.MtKUUbh.. may 4-tf. Chance to make Money ! One Hundred Dollars from One Dollar. I fcllrt! Hi I US ami no Ieretioii. Every person owning HORSES, CAT TLE, SHEEP and NOGS are guaranty to make One Hundred Dollars by using1 a One Dollar I'iickiiye of "YOUATT'S CONDITION POWDER," manufactured by William Holli.vsiiead, Strnudtfburg. Ii you Imve never used it try n Package and if it does not benefit yur sti ck to i lie ninount of one hundred dollars, in your pptimaiio", call at the store and get your money reiunded HORSES. It will give tliem a good ap petite, keep their fekin loose and renders the coat s.ifi and shining, keeping them in o d condition with one.half tte feed, being there by a saving of one-imlf the money. COWS. It makes them give ni"re milk wiih oi if hall the teed, and if I hey jive more uiilk of course you mike more BUTTFIl, and the more butter the more money I have eo much confidenre in ! C-itt'e Powder tint I make th above offer, know inj well that it will do all that U claimed for it. WM. HOLLINSIIEAD 07" Ahk to see The Great Tobacco An tidote. March 4, IS69. tf. o 1 NEW MACHINE SHOP ! The euhscribnr having started a Machine Shop, nejr the head of Main Street, Stroudsburg; Pa., is prepared to build, a:id repair all kii.ds of Machinery with accuracy, and dispatch. Being fitted wi'h SPECEXL MACHINERY FOR TURN ING. SHAFTING. AND PUL LEYS. AND WITH IM PROVED TOOLS of various kind?, nnd having an exDfrlonce of over Thirty years, in designing, and buiMinnr nvichiner lor snecfal imrnrses. I feel warranted in guaranteeing the best of wrk. Ilavo on hand, anu building, PORTABLE STEAM EXGIKES, of from 2 to 10 Horse Power, designed especially tor Farm ue, or lor dri.ing any light machinery. I also keep in stotk, s-everal thousand feet of Premium New York Oak Tanned Bel tin in widths of inch t6 inches, (can obtain wider ones at very short notice) t mmm ficturer prices, nUo Lace Leather, Belt Rivets, Punches, &c, STEAM PIPES & FITTINGS f the variouss sizes. Pipe cut and fitted, at short notice. Hemp & llubbcr Steam Packing I would call the attention of Blacksmiths, Wheelwrights, and others, to my assort ment of all sizes of Machine Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Lag Screws, and Bolt-ends, which I offer at New York prices. The B dt-en(8 e.-pecially, being tlirei.led nii fittei with nuts by mschineiy, enable the B acksmiths to furnish boh sol any 'ei gth, much cheaper, and quicker, than to cut them bv h inJ. Call in and see my stock and Machinery G. SAN FORD. March 6, 1S73 tf. The Corner Store A SUCCESS! The Cash System a Success ! C. R. ANDRE & Co. With many thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed in the past, would now call special attention to the balance of their FALL AND WINTER STOCK, which is vet large and well selected, consisting of DEY GOODS, JAPANESE SILKS and STRIFES, CLOTHS and FANCY CASSIMERES, VE .TINGS, WOOL JACKETS, VELVETEENS, PLAIN and PLAID FLANNELS, NOTIONS &c, &c. The time is approaching to take account ot stock, and these goods must be sold to make room for SPRING STOCK, consequently will be sold at IlCUl'CCD I'UICKS. All who wish to buy cheap ami save monev come and see what we have to otler. Terms CASH I C. li. A NDliE & Co. jan. 30, 1873. A NICE STOCK OF CHOICE XjL Faiuily Groceries, Queensware, Glass ware, Wood and Willow-ware, at C. II. ANDKE&Co. Terms CASH j:iu. 30, '73 tf. HAMIIrO.VS SE 4.11 L, CSS COR SETS. The best in ue. The on! v place they can be had in town is at the cor ner store, lrythein. C. II. ANDRE & Co. jan. 30, '73. tf. A NEW HAT & CAP STORE. Main Street, Fowler's Building, STROUDSBURG, PA. The undersigned havingjustopencd a new Hat & Cap Store, and laid in an entire new stock of HATS, CAPS, &c, Of the best material and The Latest Styles, extends a cordial invitation to the public U give him a call. He is a Practical Hatter, and can therefore fit any person that may be in want of a Hat or Cap. Hats repaired, ironed, or trimmed at khort notice and moderate 1 rices. September 5, '72-tf. J. A. HAYS Executors Sale of a valuable PIECE OF LAND. .The undersigned offers tit private sah. a valuable FARM, situate ia Stroud town ship, Monroe County, Pa., one mile from the btroudsburg Depot, on the Milford road, adjoining laud of Stroud Burson, John W. Vanlleet, Daniel Callaghan, containing Thirty-two Acres, more or less, all cleared, and in a high state ot cultivation. The improvements are a two- f -rA story IfilM Frame Dwelling House, iffijfe 18 by 28 feet, a FRAME RARN 30 by 40 feet, Carriage House HO by HO ft. and other out-buildings. A never biding well of water near the door, and a lot of choice fruit trees on the premises. SAMUEL MICIITLE, ) , JACOB F. HEKZOG, Stroud Hp., Sept. I'O, 1372. T j out Friends and Patrons tVe announce tl.ai at the late meeting of the Monroe County Agricultural Society ihe frd premium was ardtd to the Etey Organ. With dne regard to tlie ertirgy a teal of ot Tier panic? competing for the same prize, they found their ir.sii'umentu, when ecmpaied with tho superior merit of the Lstey, to be fifth clafs. In olkcr" words only imitatic The Ptyle of the F..ey is plia.-ir.p-, its fvll depth of toie combine a hwectnew and power e!e in Monroe county. The ORGAN is durable and fully guaran teed. We invite the public to call and examine or send for illustrated circular. SOLD ON EASY TERMS: J. Y. SIGAFUS. Stroudsburg, Sept. 2G, 1672, The Sixtii Premium, For six guccessire years the C5 ROVER i BaKER Sewing Machine has carried oil' prizes at the Monroe County Fairs. At the lute meeting of the Society, it award ed the Premium to ibis excellent iathine for "DOING THE REST WORE DONE ON THE GROUND." We did not import our samples from the cities, but ehowed the Com mittee the capacity of the Machine, how com plete and readily every style of work could t done; sewing through nine thicknesses of hea vy cloth, four thukneswof leather and fipg boxes; then without any change of needle of thread, sewing caiubrie, muslin and tissue pa per. lifter careful examination of the different machines on exhibition the Judges decided in favor of the working ability of the " G rover & Daker." " Therefore tlie very best Sewing Machine for for every Lady to purchase is the improved G rover & Baker. Sold on nlbntlily instalment, with full in structions. J. Y. -SIGAFUS. Stroudsburg, Sept 2G, 1S72. To Fruit Growers. The undersigned, proprietors of Macedon Nurseries, propose to furnish the citizens of Monroe countv and vicinitv, with Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Hedge Plants, Shrubbery, ofsuperiorquality true to name, nnd warrant eo to be in good condition when delivered, and. quality as represented. Joseph J-. l oulke, is our authorized" a"nt. ta sell and deliver and colki-t for ns. JONES A PALMER. Orders by mail prompilv attended to, or will call at any ones residence to take orders if re quested to do so bv word or letter. P. O.-Address. ' JO.-5. F. I OULKE.. Stroudsburg, Pa, Jan. 1G, 1S73. A. HOC K A FELLOW, DEALER IN Ueadv-Mad' Uofht;:?, liviils Ffrr uishiug (lOods, hs & Caps, Boots & Shoes, &c. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. (Near the Depot.) The public are invited to Call and exam ine goods. Prices moderate. May C, lhU tf. BLATCHLEY'S improved citniELR wccD rr.np. H z Tasteless, Durable, Efficient, ?i c and Cheap. The best Pump for the least money. Attention is especially invited to P.Iatch- I. ley s Patent Improved lirackct and New Drop Cheek Valve, which can be withdrawn with out removing the Pump or dis turbing the joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never cnu ks or scales, and will out last any other. For sale bv Dealers everywhere. Send for Catalogue and Price-List. Chas. G. Blachley, M'Fr. et. 12,72.1yJ oOC Corumeres it. Flila Pa. "i f it Q'nper ,raV ! Agents wanteil! All oU.e W n pv , -AorKiua pcojile f eiihi-F m x. youi or old. m.ike m rc m.neyiit woik fur us mihi ir .;.a:ei inonei t. in nil the ti ne, t Iihii l am tiling I'hi ticuUrs f.t-e. AJJiii-U SUiimiii i i o., l oilUB.i, Maine, F. II. HESS & CO., W1IOLE8ALE AND RETAIL DEALLR3 1.1 Tobaccos, Snuffs, Pipes, Cigars i AD S.V0KEUS GOODS CE Sign or (Etc Indian, Between Stroudsburg House and Ilollinshead's Drug Store, Main Street, Sti'ouclslDiirg, 3?a. The best of everything ir. the line and are specialities at this establishment. The trade of the chewing aud smoking public respectfully solicited. Aug. 15, '72-tf j F. II. HESS A CO. p S. WILLIAMS, Watchmaker & Jeweler, MAIN ST, STOUDSBURG, PA. Locat'd in corner building, third 'oor be low the .IcilorM.ni .noflice. U .oh. hand-ome. 'y filled up, nnd heavily docked with the fi nesi as-oriu.cnt of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Jewelers No tions, &c, ever offered in ihisecti.n ofcoimt.v. A full assortu ent o Ster..M 1, . f it,,. bi'Kt qual.iy, nud ui el to ill ages, aLvy on sale. S Iver-vvnre. and Silver Pi tod wire,'nL way-t on hand at man .fiduiers irie. 0-l'et.a.rmi o.tly executed, and ehm-. gf extremely n.od.-ra u C:,s. fr(J,i. th pubhe resperfu!l siici ed. S.le Ajen for the cel lr.ited Di.no d Sp-rtiic'e8. Novendr 5tli, ISG1 ly. BLANK li:!! For sn!t at thus i8i-t; rib . i'tir.u i-v-i, :.- . i