l)c 3ctfcvsouian. THURSDAY, M ARBH. 13. 1873. !:: nit JDliia m. E. Conference. Tho following named Minsters have been appointed for this place and vicinity: Stroud.sburg, J. F. Chaplain. East Stroudburg, R. H. Sanderlin. Delaware Water Gap. H. F. Isctt. Cherry Valley, F. M. Brady, J. Richards, Tannersville, L. B. Hoffman ; one to b supplied. Monroe, J. rastorfield. Tobvhanna, T. W. Maclary. ; , Tho Steamer Saturday last. va3 out for practice on Go to Phillips' for fruit candies and oys ters, prices lower than before the fire. Several snow .storms vi.-sited us since our last issue. for Sale. Two new seven Octave Fionas, for sale, at . the Washington Hotel. Dec. 19 '72-tf. Go to Phillips rosturant and confectionary for rood cigars and tobacco, opposite the M. E. Church. We heard the first blue bird of the reason yesterday. Now look out for green peas, fee, kz. 31. L. Phillips' has the largest and best stock of French and American candies in town. Try them. Tho Hon. John R. Storm returned to his home on Saturday last. lie appears to stand his Congressional labors well. Don't forget that 31. L. Phillips has just opened his place of business up town, oppo site the 31. E. Church. 31. n. t oolhausli, Sljsn Sainer. To all those who want .Sign Painting done, call soon for I expect to leave on or about the f:r. t of April next. Co to 31. L. Phillip., rcsturant andcon fectionary for oysters, the largest and best in town. Only $1 per hundred. Drs. Keller and Patterson are home from Medic d College at Phi!ah'lphia to spend their vacation. Dr. Samuel Foulke, we understand con templates locating at Mountain Home, for the practice of hi-? profession. Lzg RnOKE.v The Hon. C. Burnett, while walking up town, on Wednesday of last week, slipped on the ice at Miller's cor ner, an d broke the small lone of one of his lsrs. His hurt was attended to by Doctors Miller and Soip, and we are pleased at be ing able to announce, that he is doing a? we!' as can be expected. Ti: : entertainment gotten up ly the young foiks of our borough, at Williams's Hali, cam3 o:T on Tuesday evening, with a spiiit r.t:d a vim that was really surprising. The house was crowded, so that many were t'.trnel away from the doors, because even tt:;ni!ng room could not be obtained. The plays were exceedingly well placed upon the stage and performed, and the whole thing reflected great credit on all concerned. We understand that the performance is to be repeated on Saturday evening next, 15th insr. Crist Mill Burned. The Grit Mill, belonging to 3Ir. A. J. Shoemaker, in Mid dle SiuithSclJ town.-diip, was destroyed by fire, on Tuesday of last week. It is not known how the fire started, but when dis covered, it had gained such headway that nothing was saved. The mill was nearly new, and was valued, separately from the grain on hand, at $7,000, on which there is an insurance of $2,000 in the 3Ionroe Mutual. We sincerely regret this loss which falls so heavily upon our young friend but we are pleased to learn that, with characteristic energy he is going to rebuild at once. Friend Sciiocii. In looking over the Monroe Democrat of last week, I find an article headed Local Option : In the first section of which the writer states, that our jail is empty, and is informed has been so for a long time, our court of quarter sessions, have very few trials, and those of minor grade, &e. Now for information I would like to ask this temperance man, whether in his opinion this state of things is found in the securing of public housos an I the intcmperanee conscucnt thereon, or in spite of it. A Temperaoce Man. The Temperance Executive Committee arc making arrangements for lectures' at the following places: At Shawnee, Thursday Eve. 13th inst. ' At Paradise, Friday Eve. 14th inst. At Water Gap, Saturday Eve. 15th inst. ' At Brodhe 'dsville, Monday Eve, 17th inst At Middle SmithSeld, Tuesday Eve. 18th. . At Cherry Valley, Wednesday Eve. 19th. Et East Stroudsburg, Thursday Eve. L'Olh. Lecturers have been secured, and Lec tures will be given according to appointment, with out fail. Come one, couic all, admission free Tkmpeuanck Executive Coilmitteje. Alexander II Stephens was elected to Congie.-s lat week in I he Eighth. DiBtiii ofGeorgii Tiie vute was small, there bring no oj-puxt ion , ft is ..fated tint upward of 20.000 col ..red p.-.jde hive left (j.'oria f.,r M-Sis 'p"'. A'k i hm.h and Texas, wiihiij.the pact uvu ye-is. A Grand SIcIgn Elilc. j On Thursday evening last, 7th inst., a large sleighing party left this place for Mr. Jacob Edinger's, near Tannersville. The nartv numbering about fifteen couple. On reaching our destination Vc found Mr. and Mrs. E. ready to receive us with a cordial welcome. found it. just, the place jto have a good time as we anticipated. No pains were spared, in behalf of Mr. - & Mrs. E. in making our. visit a pleasant and happy one, asVas'thc result.. At II o'clock' the summons came to partake of some refresh ments which was responded to by all without hesitation. The supper was one thatjconld. not be excelled as we had every thing that heart could wish, and all partook very freely of the luxuries spread before us. The party ill left the table feeling ; that their wants were well supplied. ' We found. some, parts of the road in rather a bad condition, as the snow had drifted somewhat'; .but under the careful management of the reins ;of , Willie and Georgie succeeded iu making our journey safe, and without spilling us out, as is custo mary. ; The party in every ? respect was Complete success. - - - 31. .m. v .! , THE I,5CAL. OPTION LAW. ., . . . . Address to the Citizens cf Monroe County. Gentlemen and tax-payers of Monroe. Coun ty. On Friday, March 21st, 1373, an election will be held in our county, to determine, wether Hotels and Restaurants shall he licensed in-cur county, or whether those Hotels and Kcs'.aor ants must be closed up, and no license granted for their continuance, whether spirituous vinous and brewed liquors shall be kept' for sale within the limits erf Monroe county, or not. In order that oar good citizens may vote undcrstandingly, a glimpse at the provision? of the Local Option ' law, 33 published, will show what it contain, and the propriety o voting for or agiin-t it? provisions. The Com mittec appointed at a meeting held February 2Sth, 1373, at Stroudsburg, do respectfully solict a full attendance of the vote's of every township and borough in our county, and that every man may examine and from his own opinion, and vote undcrstandingty on the question, we submit the following: 1 This law, if carried into effect, would de prive every Hotel keeper of the privilege o! stlling liquors cf any kind whatever, as wel malt as spiritous liquors, and would give w exclusive privilege of such sales to druggists, nor would it put them under any restrictions, they could sell to any person calling for the smie, all the per-on need to say would be that he desired it for medical or mechanical purposes' and he would Le furnbhed with any quai he might de-nre to purchase, this 'would "put it in the power of hard drinker, w ho cannct new procure it at a well kept Hotel to buy of the Druggists by the dimijohi), or jug full, and thi would create more drunkards than now exist under our present well guarded license law. It would take the sales out of the Hotels, and place it in the hands of, and at the disposal of the Druggists, without compelling them to give any security to the Court, as Landlord must now do. It would r.ot make temperance any stronger, nor half so strong cs it now is, but it would caiise every Hotel in the - county to close rp, ss they could not afford to keep Hote ls opetl, if denied the right to sell liquor. Now suppose all houses out of the Borough of troud-burg to ele.se up, and discontinue the busiuess, which they would le compelled to do, how would the travelling public get alcng, no fctabling for their horses, no meals, no bed for themselves, should they call on private houses, farms, mechanics, &.C., and seek ac comruodations, they would find few places where they could receive accommodations. Some mighf Fay we could give you meals, but we have no stabling for your team, eoiiic would say we cannot furnith beds, others would say we cannot accommodate you in any manner others again would say we will not be bothered with furnishing accommodations, our business will not afford it. In the Borough of Strouds burg there might possibly be two or. three houses kept for the accommodation of men attending Court, but the?e being denied license- to Fell liquor would neccssairly have to double their charges. Thoy are now keeping jurors and witnesses at $1.2- per day they would, as temperance houses, have to charge $3.00 per day under the Local Option law. This would compel Jurors who now get $1.50 per day to pay $l.o0 out of their pocket every day, and yet by law they are comje!Ied to attend a jurors and witnesses bui.much worse would be the condition of the traveller out of Strouds burg, who could not be accommodated at any price, as he could then find no hotels to stop at. Now take into consideration our bark and lumber teams who are constantly out, especial ly during the winter season, and must nearly all stay from home at least one night, and then generally go in companies of six to twelve or more, they would find no fires to warm at on the way, no stabling for teams, no meals and beds for themselves, we can sec no other way for such travelers than for them to carry their own victuals with them, also their feed, buckets, 5Lc, and to lay out in the cold with their teams all night, houseless, and stableless. Our hotels are now generally well kept, with plenty of every accommodation for man and beast. 2-Now lest usexamine this matter in a financial point of view. The licenses paid into the .State and national Treasuries amount, for Monroe county alone, to say $0000.00 for Hotels and " A I . ivesiurani licenses, me tax of 7o cents to $1,50 pe-r gallon for all liquors brought into our county and sold here, with the porter, ale' and lager, at $1.50 per barrel runs up to at least oj.wu,UU making together, the sum of Sob.OCO.OO. This smount on the adoption of Hie local law, would cease to flow into our national and State Treisuries, and would have to be supplied by direct taxation on our tax payers, who now groan under heavy taxation. which would be more than double in this case. It would cause our good citizens to pay double the amount of taxes they now pay", double for travelling bills, when they could get any accom modations at all, and deprive them of Hotel accommodations entirely. This law would reduce the value of Hotel property at least to half Sta present value, which now is at least $150,000,00, say the value of this property under local option $z2 "),000,00. This law would operate very unjustly ui on a worthy class of men, who now keep orderly 1 and well reguletcd huue, and would utterly ruin, a large. numberwho own nothing .but their houses and furnishing goods with a email lot of ground, and it.would create another class of persons with the whole monopoly of liquor selling, I mean the druggists, who might sell it by the bucket fulL-with'onf any restriction, nor could thyv be stopped by the court. There would be tvyo topers than to one now, as, there is no legal restriction placed upon druggists ; in other word it ould be robbing iVter to pay Paul, taking away the business from about Ut weight prsonv and passing it in tKe halids of four clMrrent persons; druggists, who'would afford no accommodations but to vend to custo mers" bad liquor in the shape of the various kinds of "bitters, now fold by tln-m,' and -admixture oflaudnnm and bad whiskey, and bad whiskey iiv.itelC - -r-rz--4--; 3 Every Temperance man who voles on the 2l8t'in's'tarif against license, from that time finds his vote. recorded in favor oA the-sitlc of all kinds of poor liquor, without any. restric tions or reservations; he virtually takes away from the well regulated Hotel, keeps his vested rights under the-state and national govern ment,; wherein, he : ha always been placed under bonds with sufficient security in a large sum, to keep a good hotel, with a large num ber of statutory safe guards- tlvrown around him to compel his good order, and he further takes from him' the one half of his value in eatbles and hands over his right to druggists, who are under no responsibility whatever and who mav sell to minors, drunkards and on Snndav, and vet the law will not reach him This would indeed make the tetotaller a friend bv record to' the use of bad whiskey and he would froni'that time be considered an inter- medlc-r and . strife creator, a despoilcr of some mens estates, and the good order, peace and graltude of the county the raiser of taxation, the destroyer of public accommodations for travellers and soioumers. in fact the whole community would suffer by this mans vote 4 It is belcived that the local option law is unconstntional and would at any rate last not over one year, yet it would in that time disar- ange matters to a great extent, and would in the end be pronounced unconstitutional as was the case with an act passed some years ago. We therefore, are of opinion, that the man who attends the polls and votes for license is the mot wise, well meaning and patriotic of the two, and trust that all may consider, their own interest in pocket and all financial matters, as well their own accommodations, when from, home. ' By order of the COMMITTEE. : The Local Option supplement, which missed the House finally on Mondiy niihi ol last week, was signed by the Governor n Ihursuaj; t-cveral amendments were urole in the House, which were concurred in by the Senate on Wednesday." On a test vote the Senate stood 18 to 11 As it was amended, the supplementary bill provides lor holding elections in all the cities and counties (except Philadelphia) on the Hist of March, and provides for counting the vote of boroughs and cities which have already held their elections. The county of Allegheny, which wis ex cej'tcd in the original bill, is uow includ ed. The vote in the city ol Philadelphia ?s to I c taken on the question of license on the second Tuesday of October, at the time of the general election. Eight days noiiee of the election is required. None of the provisions of the supplement i avc any sj eeiul application to Monroe county. It i.i not generally known, perhnr s, 1 1 . a i be United Slates baa become the leading cheese producing" country of the world, and further, that this cuprernany has been achieved within a few vcars. Twenty years ago we scut abroad about one mil lin of pounds of cheese annually. Id 172 sixty million of pounds of Ameri can cheese were shipped from our shores I en years ago Lngland and Holland wert fa if o us the world over fix the superiority ol their cheeses, rsow the epicures ot Europe prefer the products of American ch ese presses to "Stilton," "Chedder," and the once favorite brands of Holland. I his'wiil be sad news to our free traders. and one more argument for them in prov ing the pertinacity of our countrymen in striving by all honorable means to turn the balance of tiaJe iu their favor. These warm' friends of iviropean enter prise can still point to the American con sumjitiou of foreign wins, silks and Womaa Workers. The new census of the United States hovrs that, to a greater or less extent, women have managed to creep into all kinds of employment. There are in the Unite! Stites 21 women dentists, 07 female clergymen, 515 female physicians and surgeon, 'i'.l women gunsmiths. G lemale barbers, 2 female hostlers, 11) (J letnalc draymen. 7 female sextons; ll) canal women, 4 female gus stokers, 7 feuide gunpowder makers, 4S female stock herders, 2 female professional bun ters and trappers, and, strangest of all Hi female ship riggers and I lemale pilot Who says that tho women arc not coming to the front? By the time the next census is taken we shall probably have some fern ile : judges, anil,.' perhaps, a senator or two. r HarrisbuTg, March. 6.' , . :( After a trial of two days, the cao of (jeorge U hvans eamo to . a speedv determination in the Dauphin county court this inoming. the jury returning n verdict ui. I -Hi UUU in favor of the State: This is understood to be ten per cent, orf the amoHnt actually collected ; by Kvans. who however, hud claimed a commission on the amounts previously collected. The jury did not find that Hvans hid com milted an embezzlement under -the law which was passed to procure his appoint ment as State Agent. :. . A valuable iron ore deposit has just been disu..veril on the Illuo Mountain some distance west of Slatington. ' This vein, it is said, has a thickness of at let twenty feet. A gentleman connected with the (hi rbon Iron ejo has been at the idace and examined tho ore, and he pronounces it 004. Jtlanch Vhunc Democrat. For the Jeflersonmn J . . . .... Who shall sell the Liquor. Mr. Editor: An article appeared in yoor paper ol March 6th called an Address to the ministers ol the gospel vt Monroe county, whiehjror. egotism and , mis-state menta exceeds, aoythinj: or U19 Kinu mat has been published to an intemgeni ?om munitv" formany allay and "is only excell eel fur.,iuccwiiteocy by this- Loeal- Optoo Law itself, if this article was gotten up latino minislcrs. in the ..ciuoiug iithe Cortnnittee jwould have' us believer' Irt their vauify they no doubt thought they had gotten up an excellent article that it would not do to hide its briliianey undei ra bushel which' would" he the cause were it sent to the ministers alone but the citizens of Monroe must see it Grst, by 'at! means; and judging1 from " the fact that they no doubt thought their address Mould convert .'more votes' airainst' licensing Hotels, ttian the eloqence and expostula tionsul their minivers: they no doubt thought that auch'au excellent address sentout ; to'thc citizens of the - county through the medium ol our weekly paper? would be read with pleasure and convic tion and handed' around from father to son. and from neighbor to neighbor until through its gentle influence, licensing ol Hotels would be amontr the things of the past.' s-' ' ': -: '' '- " Indeed it would in all probabilty be known no more forever at least in Old Liberty loving, time honored, Democratic Monroe that has been living along in ppace and quietness for over one hundred-years under tbe old and time honored custom of licensing the home of the traveler. This 'Executive Com mi t tee say : The Legislature of our State has given to the people of each (louuty, the privilege ot deciding for themselvse, whether litensrs Jor the sale of liquor shall be granted in their County or not, which tins Com m ttcc must know is a mis stati meot, other wise. they are very ignoraut of the law The Legislature positively, declares, (see St? 3 of. the law. thus: rrovided that . i nothhir contained in the provisions of this act shall prevent the issuing ol license? to Druggists, for the sale of liquors foi medicinal and manufacturing purposes Alter reading this provision will thi 'Committee have the effrontery to tell the citizens of Monroe that thru have th nrivilrae of deciding for themsclve.- whether licenses hall or shall uot b granted for the. sale of liquor in thcii County? Do this committee- as the) have -declared in their address to th citizens , and . minis-ters of Monroe, wish honestly and truthfully to have as much light diffused among the people as po.-si ble, in order that they may" vote intelli geutly, and for the best interests of them selves,., their neighbors and their County it they do, tl.eu I am with them, bean and hand, and. in order that our citizen may vote intelligently, wo will be in by informing them that, instead of the State- Legislature giving ns the prioirie of vot ing as to whether licenesc shall be granted or not for the sale of liquor iu Monroe county, it has only given us the pnvilcpi ol voting on Friday the 21st day of March 1873. whether the hotel keepers ol Monroe county who have been paying the entire tax of the County to the State sor years, shall continue to sell a portion ol the liquor consumed in the County as heret'dore, and still pay the CountyV State tax, or, now mark ye, whether the Druggists who I am informed pay seven dollars each, for the privilege of selling liquor, shall sell it a'l, and, the citizens and farmers of Monroe, pay the State tax. and loose their hotel homos. Gentlemen ol the Executive Committee, these arc the facts iu the case, this is the question at issue, indeed the only question the Legitlature has given you to decide. Arc you willing that it should go before the people in its true light ; as you have declared that you wanted them to vote iotbl'igeotly I hope you are willing, and io kindue?!? I would say to you temperance men generally, that as this law now stands, you cauuot vote it con sistontly with your tempeince principles, indeed you have not even the al'adow ol a temperance foundation to stand upon uud I tell you. moreover, that the moment you can cast you votes against the licens iug of hotels for the sale of liqur. you vote that the druggist shall sell it all, there fore identify yourselves with the liquor m i - i - . t tramc which your committee nave so much deprecated, and further as the law ctands, you cannot vote at all without committing yourselves, and I defy your committee to refute my declaration. Again, this Executive body says there is nothing so opposed to the Church as the dram-shop if this be truly ho, how inconsistent their position in advising the people to vote against licensing hotels and in favor of the Druggists having the eutirc sale of this commodity, . liquor, where liquor can now be had from the most of them and at any time, by the dram, the bottle, or demijohn, and with out any recipe, as a great many think is the only way to obtain it. And if your committee do not know these facts, I would advise the temperance society to obtain a new committee and notice those violations of law that have beeu occuring continuously for years. Again, the Committee say : "the liquor traffic fills the world with crime, pau perisin, and death, nnd ask the ministers help to destroy it in Monroe County, they dodge this question ( of pauperism, crime and death; in" Monore,1 biost beautifully your" committee call upoti the ministers, to' help destroy this traffic that is'produo ing so much misery in the Wo r lit yet. do nor. dare not, say that it is producing crime.' pauperism, and death io Monroe Old lionewt Monroe! oT whom Judge liarret has said 'dier citizens arc among the most orderly and law abiding, have less crime among them, less drunkenness and pauperism, than any county in the State ol Pennsylvania, within my knowl odgo" let us see how the Judge is coro borated in his declaration by facts," which are' known to all of us, or ' to maov of us at least. ; ' ' East and West Stroudihurg, have a population of between thro uud four th ousand inhabitants and only two officers are required to preserve onlr nun in each Jlorough Even upon a ga la day - - - ----- 00 extra rfficenrare-ever Appointed, and 1 defay this executive committee to name one single case of an individual.-the head of a family, out ol this vast number, whose family, are being supported by the 'own-I ship, in consequences oi ins negieci oi them through stronguntiKS. ; -jvgaiu.vur county jsil is empty, JDtn Vuje to ten months in the ear, it "docs not even af ford a Jiving:, to-the-jailor and his frmily. the jailor works at any work that may be given" liirtf,?wlnlc; his'daughteirtikes wash ing and irouiog to do. The daughter re maikcd a few days ago, that she wiMicd they would have a prisoner now and theu. that they might have some coal furnished them by the county, but this was nottlu-ir good fortune, consequently they had to furbish their own coal, does this look like pauperism," crime and i deaths No, I think not ! Agaioif you see an assemb lage -ol the people ' of" -Monroe, say one hundred, or 500 together and' look'-' at sheir1 forms and faces. the average 'will not show one twentieth, or five io 'one hundred that have dissipation stampeJ up n them.'- These ' being facts, aud the committee being aware of them no dou bt. it will be readily seen why they ''culled upon the Ministers to help save the coun y from the liquor traffic instead of ask ing their help to save u from crime, pau perisiu and death, they were not only eau tious, but indeed wise, in not putting this insult - upon the citizens of Monroe. Again, the: committee say: "the liquor traffic is sending more souls to hell than the churches of Monroe are to heaven," this is an unwarranted assertion, and very fooli.-h, yet, as some of our attorneys says; the main point of law is to deny well, aud insist upon proof. 1 therefore do so in this e, and challenge t hem to the proof uf this wild and fanatical assertion, and il if were possible for the disemtodicd spirits to those who have gone before us into the other world, to u-turn to earth, and report themselves to this executive body aud it would prove their assertion true I , think in view of our alsteniiousiics and temperate hjbits, which by proof we have establihed for ourselves beyond a doubt, it would be little to the credit ol our ministers' abilities to ?ave the souU id' such that were going to hell, that did uot use iutoxic iting drinks at all. 1 he law governing the sale of liquor or. the license law as it now exists, is ad mitted by all who understand its features to be as far reaching and wholesome in its provisions as any reasonable person could desire, it con lines the liquor traffic to men of sobriety pud; good moral char icter, not only requiring them to furnish testimony ot;12 citizens of good repute as to ihe necessity of their establishments and their fitness to conduct such business, but to give bonds to the amouot of 500 to S1000, that they will in all respects comply with the provisions of the law, promiuent among the provisions -: ol which, it is provided, that they shall not sell to apprentices or miuors, nor to habi tual drunkards, nor to any member of a family if for-bidden by a parent. hubaod. wile, or child ; Nor to sell or give it away on the Sabbath d;y, nor upon any elec tion day, from the opening until the clos iug of the polls The violation ol all or any of these provisions are fine and im prisonment. That what I jiave written may throw light on the question ol L teal Option, and that the people may vote in ttdlijiently is my ardent hope and de.-ire. CoNSlTANCY. A Peculiar Sect. Battle Creek is Michigan in the head quarters of one of the most peculiar re ligious sects to be found in this country It is called the Seventh Day Ad veoti.-ts. and it members differ from the denomina tion generally kuown as Advcntists, jn looking for the second coming of Christ soon, without assuming to fix on any par ticulir time for his appearance. They constitute a large and wealthy portion of the inhabitants of li.itllc Crick, where ihey arc greatly rpspectcd for their stiict integrity, their exactitude in their ileal ings, and their devi-u', corscicntious ad hereucc to the principles of religion and morality. ' They occupy a distinct quar , tjr of the city known as the Advent Set tlemeni, w!;!'di is distinguished for the scrupulous cleaiiJ'ncss which prevails cvery-where. "1 nbJ arc strict hygienists, and an extensive water cure, which at tracts visitors from all parts 0! i.!: Uuitcd States, forms one of their enterprises.. They have a huge publihing house where denominational books, tracts, perirtJicals and the like are printed, employing fifty hands. . The mot feingular thing about them, however, is the fact that all of the practical, money getting members of this denomination in Uattle Creek are under the absolute domination oT a woman named White, who prolesses to receive revelations, aud is regarded as the in spired medium of supernat ural commuoi cations. There is nut one ol these Ad ventists who does not place impl cit faith in the revelations of Mrs. White, aud they uuhesitatiogly pbey her directions in all things both spiritual and temporal Should tdie. require one or more members of the church to remove from the, city, or to give up a profitable business, the io junction is acted on without a murmur The Seventh Day Advcntists observe Sa turd ay as their Sabbath, which begins on Friday evening at sunset and lasts until the same hour on Saturday. On. Sun lay their workshops, and places of business are alive with activity, and such amuse ments as they indulge , in are apparently enjoyed with,uusual zest on that day.,.." " 1 r The official vote of Susquennauna coun fy shows, a majority , ot 1SH2 against, li censes, I he, vote for liccusa . was 1380. agaiuit license 3222. A Kentucky liquor deiler advertises whiskey "that will cut a hair without bo. iog strapped ; , .. ; - v -" , Death oouies - sometimes' in a curiou snane. A vouth in .Mi lord M.aJ killed by a barrel of shoe heels which fell upon him. Manistee, Michigan,1 which' was de stroyed in the great fires of October, 1871 has now "moro aod better buildings than it had before'. Facts and Fancies. " -The Q-ieen of Shcba's palace is the latest archaeological discovery announced. Lynching matinees in Nevada are call ed'perf'ormauccs by the stringed band." Our country, it is said, has had but onXidack eyed-.President. That was General Harrison. The vote "on" the Local Option ques tion, so far as received from twenty seen couuties ot this State, shows a majority of about eight thousand votes again-t li cense." An unselS-h suicide in Atchison Kan sas, Irving (j uinar by name. left the auto graphic injunction, "Don t make any fuss over me, but chuck me into a hole." '"A'farmer now in Illinois, who thirteen years ago sold a load of potatoes in Midn; and oy snort measure mie twenty Lyy bushels out of twenty four, has just scut. his old cuctmuer $1.:'J, to return the dis honcst;gaiD,! with interest at ten percent. This touching tribute to the lite Mr. Grafton, " of Unifiii, Ga., is from the Rejiatcr of that place: "lie was a fio uiau in all respects ; he was owin-' us seven dollats on that hist game of seven -up; butwc will throw that in toward hi headstone " The I lus.ian Government owns onr half of all the d.iily papers rubiMied in that couulry ; and it has recently pur. chased a controlling interc.-t in M. KathofT's famous Moscow Gnzttte, a jour nal which is said to have a larger circu a tion than that of all thp other llu.-sia: political newspapers together. A correspondent of the Country Cnu t lemon has four I o -cs thut c. -utr;o . tI the habit of cub l:i;ng. He p:iii,ti d the wood wink of the stable v-'.'-h 1 u;e j ei i , leum aud was .a mux d ly the m i-( 0i the animals over the mim-II mmi tatde, bat rejoiced that in this case it cUceied a cure. Feeling is a much slower sri t! an siht - If a man bad an ;irm long enough to reach the sun, and were to touch th it body with the tip of hi linger, he would never find out whether it were hot nr et.!d, as he would be dead before the sriisatiou arrived at headqQa lers, w hich would re quire oue honored yens. The Moon a Dead World. Among the illusions swej-d away by modern science w;s the pie:s.int laio-y that the moon was a habitable globe, like the'earth, its surface diversified with sca-s I ike-', c intinents, and isl.nls and varied forms of veget ition Tbeol ,'gi ins and suvanla gravely di.-eusse 1 thu prohabities of its being inhabited by a race id' sen tient beings, with forms an 1 faculties I ke our own. and even propounded schemes for opening communication wi h them, in cue they existed. One of tl;c.-e wjs to construct on the broad hig'i binds ui Asia a series of geometrical figures on- :i scale so gigantic as to be visible from our planetary neighbor, on the supposition that moon people would recognize the object, and immediately construct similar figures in reply! F.xtravagtnt and as sured as it may appear in lh? bght of modern men from making f.o!s of them selves, stood iu the way i f a jfu il experi ment ; I ut the discustivti was kept up ut iutervals, until i: wa- oi covcic 1 that if there were people in toe i:;o.; 1! ey in-i.-t be able to live with u' bre it'dug, or cit ing or drinking. Then it ccaxd. There can be no lila without air. Beautiful to the eye of the di-tiot "V-t-r-ver. the moo 1 is as-pulc a:-ilo'b a world of death and silence No vegeta tion clothes its v;isf plains of st"ny de solation, traversed by u: !)tious. crevice?, broken by enormous peak- that ii?e like gigantic t ouiSsf .:.? in:o sju;j ; m lovely forms of cloud float iu the blackne-3 of its sky. There daytime is only night lighted by a ray less sun. 'iiote is dj rosy dawn in the morning, no twiJ gbt iu the evening. The nights are pitch dark. In daytime ihe solar beams are lost against the jagged ridges, the sharp points on ths rocks, or the steep side's of j rvf und abysses ; and the eye .-ccs only gn t .''.:a shapes rclicvdd against fantastic .-!; i l- ws black as ink, with none oi tint pl-K.nt gradation and diffu-iou of light, none of the subtile blending of light an 1 s-hadow. which makes the charm of a tcr: c-.-tn.il .'ndscirc. There is no color, nothing but tii?'"! white an! black. The rocks reflect passtVb.'v the light of the sjn ; th.J craters and abysses remain wra; p; 1 in sdiade ; fantastic peaks rio" 'i0 I hi:;to.u4 in their glacial cemetery ; tn& "firs ap pear like spots in the hlack'.ic-s of .-pave'. The moon is a dead worU ; slio has jtQ attnostphere. Up to January, 172, the New V.oik Central Park has cost the city twelve aa I a half million dollars ; but since the ftirk was commenced, the taxable jrcperty iu three wards in the immediate neighbor hood of the park has increase! in valua tion from twenty six million to nearly one hundred and eighty-six milliou dollars. The coinage of the Phil adelj hia mint during the mouth of January amounted , to two million six hundred and fifty-eight' thousand seveu hundred an 1 thirty etg'al dollars and sixty eight cents. . : , .. MAimu:n. On the 9th inst. by Rev. C. Decker, Mr. Wm. Christiuan and Miss Lydia Fiautz.beth of Monroe Co. On the 11th inst. by Rev. C. Rocker, M Knovh Rarlib, and Miss Diaua Rarlils l'oth of Monroes Co 1 r ; In I'ocouo,' on the 5th inst. Fredviek hossv aged 79 years and 3 months. Iu Polk, on February 14, Mor.voo Alti mose, son of Jacob Altituosc, ajed 1 ycaj 2 months and 24 ilay.i , On February 23, Esther KliaaMh, daugh ter of Reuben Kresge, age 5 years 1 1 months and 10 days. In EIdred,'Marcli4, 1S73, John Melch, Fiautz, agoi 11 years 6 months and la days- On March 5 1S73, Ashor, infant child of John Fravcl, aged 5 months and lti '