JU rmt -T- i i ,'i 5 i : I'' 71 HE TA L K I N'G M A C ITT N II T;;e D.n:?M!c Sruing Machine fa 6 n 'i- ,K&?vtsyr-, By its simplicity. EASE OF Aoiav uss. ami --7V XFXXIXG, TALKS ITSELF INTO PUBLIC FA VOIL THE WORLD CIIA LEXGED! To prod-ice a Family Sewing1 Machine t - t will few a light, an. I .-is heavy, f hat is us li:ht running, !(t!d us easily cpcraled. 1 lus iUnclnne is warranted to wear rqmlly as long ns any other manufactured Sold on monthly pavmetrs For tale by DARIUS LREHER. Main St., StrouJsburg, Pa. Sep. 12. 1572. Vim-ctar nitirr are not a vile Fancy Drinlc, m u'c ot i'oor Utm, Whi -key. Proof Spirits and Refuse Li ctic:nre.!, spiced, a:vl swe'icncil to Jiicase the t.i.-:e, c.iiled "Tonlc." " An;etizer.," "Restorers," &c , ihnt le.i.l tlie ti-.mlcr on to drunkenness and ruin, but .ne a true Med. cine, made from the native roots a:i I lie; bsof v'a'ifornia, free from al' A'colio'ic .Stimulants. 'I her are the G eat ll.ood i'jrifier and a I.i.'"e-j;iviiig l'i ii.cu, Perri-ct Rr-snvalor and Invicorator of the S .-stein, carrying o'X ail poisonous matter and restoiing fie 11m1 to a heahhvcond lion, e!irichin: it. refreshing a: i inv'oratin Loih mind and birly. Tliey are easy cf ad.ni.iisti aii'n, prompt in their action, cert.iin in tlicir ren is, s.'"e and reli.Vj'e in all forms of disease. 3i PfMon enn (Ua (liMe Kifteia accord ins; to r!;rec;iom. and remain long unwe'l, provided t'-.eir bones are lif t destroyed by mineral poUon or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the r.uitit cf r'p.itr. l)iif pia or Ittidl2T"rilor. He.i.licV.e, Tain in ti e Miouidt-rs, Conlis, T glitness of tlie C'he -t, Diz liness, S nir i'riu i itioiiS .f the Stomach, IJad Taste in the Mouth, H ;iotn Att.icl:, P-ihiitatina of the ) leat-r, (nft.itumat on of the i nu ts. Tain in the re.ons of tl.e K..in-?v. ami a h:oired other aiufa! symptoms, are tho otlspiinc-s of Ivsiensia. In these comj::iuts it hn no cv1. and '"ie bottle v.-il! prove a belter ginr fcife of i's m-rifs thin a length'.' advertisement. r IVintile I'oitiptuiiit" in yr.un .r old, married or s:n?te, t the tawn of womaniioo.l, or tin ttirn of l.i'e. these 'l'ori'c ' Iters riisp'av so decided an i-::' ie: ce thait a tnaikcd imt-rovement ii soon peiccp l L'e. tr Inflimiimtnry nnl C'!n-ritic ttleu tin I isi.i and G .:t, Ii . t .es i .r I ndic.tiiun, llii.ons, :e:n:'t.'it n i lutermitlei t Fevers I 'ise.ies of the 1 mi J, l.tver, ICldnevs and Js'adder, these Bitters have -p- i"o-t sn.'ce'st'd. S-ich lisas-s are c.Tised hy V:tia;e i I'.ioo-I, :h ell is penersliy jouuCcJ by Cwraiigs-r.i-t t of the II ye-tlve O titis Ti!".r rf n(entlc Pnrnlivc n w?U no Ti;l!c, possessing nis. the prcn'.i'ir mei it of actin; us a rov.-ertnl ,-.-;etit in r"'ievin ( Nmpest i.ui or Infl.mi. njtivn o( the L.ver and Visceral Oi'saus, and iu Ui.ions xJ (-s. I"ir Skin I!4en-, Eriiliors, Tetter, R-dt-J'h:r:i::i, I'.Vitch-s, sj;Kls, i'ltnpies, I'uFtules, lioils, Car 1 i.nc -s. Kiii-wonns. Sea il llead. Sore Kes, Lry Mji.''a. I'.ch, Scurfs, 1 )ic..lor.itifns of the Shin, llnniois and Tisrases of i!ie S'thi. of whatever naine or nature, s e i t. .'.lily dii- op and carried nut of t!ie svsiem in a t'.-.rt time hv the n e of thes IViters. One l ottiein S'i. 'i r -. es 11 convince the inoit incredulous of their C . .'..ive ci'fert. .-:i:e l7ic A"IfiateI Illnml v.Iirncver von ful i i . irvir it: ; b it st In t:.r nt;h the s!.in in I'linp't-s, ilru :. .n or S .nts; e'e ni'.e it when you find it ob f 'r;it i and r'uisii in the veins ; cleai'ce it when it is ; yonr f-'.'iuvs will telj you when. Ki:i the blood pje. r.-i I the l-.-.ilih of the system whl fo iovr. m (sinti-riil t ho:inii;J 4 proclaim Vt.s-t'GAU BiT Ti'.ns the mo-1 wonderhil Jnviorant lli.it ever sustained tb 'tniiinr rv-'.etn. I'iu, Tm-e, mid (idler Wnrini. linking in the svstcm of so rtni.jf tho.tsmds, are elTectuahy de itioved and remove I. Say a distinguished physiol tsi -t : Tiiere is cni ceiy an imliridnal t:xm the face of the e.ir;h ho-.e b'Kly iexenint Irom the presence of worms. It is not u;..-.n the heil'hy eletnents t.f the body ttiat uor.nn exist, Imt unon the d seased humors and slimy :''wiu that b-eed these living monsters of disetse. No s-v-'teui M Mjcl cin-, n ver'nifnije, t.o anthe'urn it'.r;, wil. ffce tiie svMcni fiom worms like these Hit-t.-r-. TIet!mSr!I Discuses. Persons entr.icred in rji'i " M Iner.ils, mch ns Piumlitrs, Type-setters, t ', )! J he v.-t , a i 1 Miners, Bs iber advmce in life, will I e Rnb '.ct 1 1 p ira vis of the I! -v.ls. Tr n.ird a'.ainst this t ihc a dose of Wa i.kek's Yise.iAK Lit less once ,,r x wee!: as a Preventive. nriiotio. ICr in i 1 1 r ii t , nun IiitcrtiiKf rut I'cvcrsi, which are so preva'er.t in the vaiteys of oi:r y 'i-.it rivers throuihoiit the United States, especially t'.iovi of the M tpsi -sipi-.i. Ohio, Miss..nri, Ii ino's, Teti-i- s'. Cumlierland. Atl-.attsas Red. Colorado. Brazos, i'.'. i tna -.'le. Pearl, A'ahama, Mohi'e Saratmah, !o.m-'.- I vi'.-s, and many others, with their va-t tributa l : . i i on, irn. it our entire country duritirj the Summer r .i i A n'.timn, and remai kab'y si during seasons of nr. itittil be.it and dryness, are invariab'y accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach am', liver, and o.hcr abdominal viscera. Thei e are alwavs more or less 'istrucilous of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of tit ; stomach, an 1 g'eat torpor of the bowels, being t'otrjed up with vitiated accumulations. In their treat ment, a purgative, exerting a powerf.il influence ujion these various orjrans. is e-,;,enlia!!y necessary. There is i c ttl.r.rilc fir the purpo- e eon ii to IJk J H'ai.kuk's Vt'tii't.Mi Pittiirs, as th.ey will speedl y remove the dark-colored virC.d mailer with which the bowels are liid-d, at the same time st'mu'atm the secretions of the 1 ;-, and generaliy restoring the healthy functions O. ill dives'. ive organs. Sri-fIa, or lilnsi TZs-i:, AVhiie Swe'Ilnss, U'Cirs, Lrysipelas, Swei ed Neck, Goiter. Scrofulous Intl.-.mmathiiis, Inrl i'ent I nll.iuimaiions. Mercurial Af f rciions, O'd Sores, Ki notions o' the Skin, Sore Eves, tic, etc In these, as in all other constitutional Dis eases, Wai kick's Vinkgxr Pittp.hs have shown their j-r;-it cjr.utve poweis in tlis most obstinate and I u tract -ab'e c.i .s. 12 r. Wnlker'n California Vlnegnr IJit er net on al. those cases iu a similar manner. By purifyit.g the B oo 1 th.y icmove the cause, and by reso. viug away the e fects of the inflammation (the tubercular dejiosits) the aiTected parts receive beaitli, and a permanent cure is circled. The iroii ie of Dr. Wa i kfr's Vi nrah BiTt-KKS are A-xtiient. Di.iihotetic and Cirminative, Nutritious, Lnx.itive, Diuretic, Sedative, Counier-Irri-tar.t. Su.lori-ii:. A'terative, and Anti-Bilious. The A ji'-'i-iejit and m id Laxative properties of Da. Wai.kkk's Vt.y kga r Bittkr-; are the bet safe guard in ail cases of eruptions and malignant fevers, their balsamic. In.-alint;, and soothin; proK:rties protect the humors of the fauces. Their Sedative properties sliay pain in the nervous fystem, stomach, and bowels, either from inflamm uion. wind, co'ic, cramps, etc. Their Counter Irritant influence extends, throughout the svatem. Their D.ureltc properties act on the Kid neys, cot recti njj and retiu'atint; the flow ol urine. 'I heir Ami-lh.ious properties stimulate the liver, in the secre tion of bile, and its d schares tliroutth the biliary ducts, and are superior to ail remedial pents, for ihj cure of Bnious Fever, Fever and A true, etc. Kortify lie body nniiist tlle.c bv puri fyiiicj all its fluids with 'inpgk I'.itteks. No cpU iei:iic can take Isold of a system thus forearmed. The liver, the stomach, the bov e's, the b;dneys, and the nerves -ire rendered disease -proof by this great iiivig tcant. Jir-ef lotis. Take of the Bitters on poini to bed at tii'j;ht from a half to out) and otie-haif wine-j;iasfull Eat good nourishing f.Hxi such as beef steak, mutton chop, venison, loast beef, and vet.etabie, and take out-door exerc'se. They are comrnised of purely veget able ingredients, and conta.n no snirit. J WALKER, Prop'r. It II. McDONAI.D&CO., Drueists anl Gen. A;t., S.in r raiHisto, . a.. ai.d cor. of U'a- liii:t'ton and Charlton Sis , New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. Jjtiuiry U, lc7i .iui CtA. rou TCLL WHY IT I tlit when any one emeu ti Stroudc bur or to buy F'iriiitiire, they nlwuy inqui-e fr McCari v FurnMiire Siorr ! ShuI. B LANKS OF ALL KINDS fi.r ?Saie t this Office. 3 ill i 6 ji!m FALL AND 6 ?i Li hi ' p 1ST. EIJSTE'R'S. THE NATIONAL IIAT.L OF FASIlIOx, the most reliahle place to get a rood tbrt l .rrrpst -tock of Men'f. Youths. 1 UMItUtlilllit; trsuiii VI OliUIIUJ'J - Roys, and Children's Clothing in this town, and l'riccs. HATS AND CAPS.- TIIE NVTIO.VAL HALL OF FASHION, the headquarters for HATS AND CAPS having tilwiM s the largest stock on hand, ihe very h.tcst Styles in Fur, Wool, Cassi ..ers aim Straw, in High Silk Hats, we feel sure we can suit all. jTTjRjISI-HiSrG- G O OD S. THE NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION (IENTS FURNISHING GOODS. Having I he la rg-6-l a nti mo-i seieci as.-onmen oi r urn : . i . . .. -..r w. r:t n suit all. We liuve a splendid line of Gent l-UIII"; VJIKJlia III LUVVII, we a i c - --- , .ie7ware for Spriegt.n l Summer. A endid line of Ladies and Gen s HooHcry and a c,.i0n..i.l li.Ti- o Yo iih'- White Striped and Paid Murts. We have the Striped .....i i . c Pprrales. Chintz and r...n.. .-.,-1 Paner Coll.r-. Cufis a.-d i.. .... '.n ,i fih.. I test stvles o' Collars. v " . ..i f..lt lin nf I.inHii Sluri n in.lkrrchief, nd Ladies Collars nd CtTs. and U...l)rel!ap. Cort.cih spool Silk, in all coh.rs. Which is pronounced Hie best in use Also a lull line of Coate's and Cltrk's spool c-.tton. THE NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION is the best ph.ee to get DRY GOODS A 1 vi a v s on l.ii nd a full tis-mt.uent of the best brand of Alpacas, the Capitol being the lead. it. it nniflf. in ,tln..e.s We have ulvavs on and pi . in S Iks, Silins, Gren.id'ens, Poplins, Frow Frow, Striprs, P. rca Irs, Paris Ca m bncs. Chiti'z. Gin h.uns and Prints. A fu'l line ot White Goods and Muslins. Also a sjilendid lol ol Spring and Summer Shawls Particiilar Attention which we have do:ie in he latest styles. v. it- t II . Ure.S tor CUPl'tm flllrtS. Illgll Ol-K lHHS IO OII!r, i'llUU His Will lann-u. vjhc ui a ..m uu lie convinced thai we ca.t be undersold. Our motto is quick t-ales and small profits. We sho.v r-uods with plejsnre. PROPRIETOR OF THE A;ril 19, 172. Chance to make Money ! One Hundred Dollars from One Dollar. I ur ami no Jm,ojUii. Every prrfon nwnM.g HORSES, CAT TLE, SHEEP and HOGS are guaranteed to make One Hundred Dollars by using a One Dollar Pitckaoeof "YOUATT'S CONDITION FOWDER," r'i m.firlti r,l I -.it V it t mi ITrT t ivenrm -tr. ud.burg. V you h.ve never us.-d t try ., Packa,ePan.l il tt do-s rot ben-fit y.lUr stt ck to me amount m ne huodred dollars, in your e.t!n;ai to", call at the i-tore and jet V"r money rounded HORSES. It will ryive thetn good ap peli'e. keep their !i n l-ose and renders the i - at s .f. and sliming, keeping tbetn in to d iridiii. li with on-haif t'-e fed, being there by a saving ofone-h if the money. COWS. It makes tbem give nmre milk wiih ot e huh the teed, and it' they ive more milk of course yoti rink m-re BUTTFR, nd t!:e more btttser the n.orn mony I h.sve so nint h coiifi.lem e in ihj C;tt'e Powd-ir th't I make th- almvc offer, know in' well that it will c'o all thai is claimed for it. WM. IIOLLINSHEAD. OO' A.-k to se-- The Great Tvha-co An tidoic. March 4, 15H9. tf UNDERTAKING. McCARTY has on hand the largest and best assortment of COFFINS and TRIMMINGS -in !t. :r of he fm ti o .i -iff o' pi! fier city (New York to Pl:i!ad!ph. i). and will n,-,k- tin branch or hi bosine.-M A SPECIALITY. COFFINS and CASKETS Lny size or style, can be furnished al one hour" not ire t .r sMpini'iit, AT A CIIAUOE OT ONE-TlIiaD LFKS THAN ANY SHOP IN S T ROtDSBLK O In no rase will he charge more than TEN PER CENT above actual co.-i. attended to in any p.rt of the County at tne shorte.-i posibi- noltce. Sept. 2G ,'G7, LOOK THIS WAY, ALL WHO A.YANT ramngc Work or Claclismithhsg DONE IN A SUPERIOR MANNER! Till Subscriber bers leave to in T .r... . ..t i: .1, .. i .. r..n.. a puuiii; iii.il. nt: lui.y pre- ..-n.i .,t i.:.. ,..,..! i:. i . ... .t. ''- J--r-- r ZzT-2 it : in:. cMdiiiiMiLieui, in iuo,hvflP ibnr .,.!, fll ,,.i... r .u. , , . 1 CI I vw.i.v. v n:,'iu uuu I'nuil Pliccil", 1 ,J . I. . I i i- r . ii . . I the borough of Stroudsburg, to make to tder, every stvle of Carriage, Wagon, inu, in fact, everything in his line of bu- .,,.11,,. -., . , iness, at the shortest josSible uotice, and : vv v vi I I lllll IU IlliS IIIIC til IIU" I ii tne most reasonable terms. Caniayes ref aired, trimmed and paint ed in Ihe best style of the ait. .a Ilavint; Dit class materitil alt wavs on : hin,l mill 1.... e....,t ..I ... .i. . c uUl, uim.-ci.-ikh workineo cnared. the public are assured that none but first class work will be turned out at his shop. j In connection with his Carriage Shop be has also a Dlticksmith SIh.j,, where superior workmen will always le found ready L attend to the oidcis of eu.sfomeis ri. i i: : . .. i. . a ne pij-oiic are iiiviic' in fan auil ex amine his stock before rurchasii.r ee. where. VALENTINE KAUTZ. September l'J, lG7 -tf. ox't rooi, voi n .tioi.v -way lor worthle Hrl.cbsof F..n.i- Mai.aaerb lake place at . Secreta ry' of b... goto .tcl -ar.yli,.,d vou will fiCe. on he first Tuesday oi each uionlh, al Pdrit. Sept. 20, '67. 2 o'clock P. M. ' 1 1 u re J well paid WINTER ..j, "s. --(- we feel oseured we can t be beat in Uoods is also Headquarters for LADIES AND Prints. We have the largest assortment o Ro - oms. ou will alwajs find from ei lit to Cuffs .nd B im-iiis nt th National Hall Fronts. Crav.iisai d Ties, Ladies andGi nts Wre have a good assorrmer.t of I'urar-ois hand a nvd tu-snrtment of Bh.ck, Grosgnin and Skirts at astonishing low figures. Paid to Custom Work, We warrant a good fit. We also take meas- . I It. . ....... n.i.rt iu A A..I1 ..nd N. RUSTER, NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION Main Strebt. STKot'DsuuRG, Pa. NEW STOKE -:and:- NEW GOODS RSDITED PRICES ! DARIUS DREIIER, begs leave to an nounce to his friends and to the pub- ,IC generally, that he hss just received a general assortment ot Dry Goods, Xotions, Dress Trimmings. AND MIL L IX HR Y GOODS consisting, in part cf the following desirable articles, viz. : Calicoes, Ij'XICIIS, FrtHclt CI UuitZS, Chil'lrcns Dress Goods, Worked IJihjinfjs, Vn rasols, Zrjdirrs, Shetland Wools, Shetland Wool Shawls. Delaines, Jluslitis, White Dress Goods, Insert in fjs, Lmh's and Children's Sachs Flannel and Cloth, L'uli's, Misses and Men's Hoes, Gloves and Collars, Mourning Goods, Shroudings, d'C, tt'C, Goods shown with pleasure. ''Quicks sales and small profits" at the old and well known Millinery S'ai.d of F. A DREIIER. The Millinery business wiil be carried on as UMinl by Mrs. Dreiier. Patronage respectiy solicited. DARIUS DREIIER. April 20, 1SG6. MONROE COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Company CHARTER PERPETUAL. Amount of Property Insured $1,800,00 The rate of Insurance in this Company is one dollar tor every thousand dollars in snred, after which payment no further char ges will he made, except, to cover actualloss ... . uvi, i.ivilltlclO VI lilt ( 'illllDa n V " J The policies issued by this Company arc perpetual, anu ariord the fullest security, with the lar;eet economy and convenience 11...,. ill . rr. ' j ii ib uiMiijia ii y win hoi issue lanneries Distilleries or Cabinet Shops. Applications for Insurance may be made .. m m to either ot the managers, Survevorsor See 6 "it oec, retary MANAGERS. J Depue La bar, Jacob Ivnecht, Richard S. Staples, John Edtnrer. s.l. i n-.,i i?, ..;. n . . . n ' Cliarles U lirodhead. Jacob Sloufier, Rl.ert Bovs, Theodore Schoch, William Wallace, Thomas W. Rhodes, Siojrdcl I Stokes, STOGDELL STOKES, President, E. Ii Dreher, Secretary and Treasurer. ""a umke, iMonrc- co 1 tler Gilbert, (ieo. (J Shati r, Tho W. Rhodi e, F. A. Oppelt, Wayne co. J. IL Wells, Pike co. Rch'd Camden, Northampton, Sam'I Zieei.fus. Carbon. Surveyors QC7 I lie staled meeting of the board ot ---- J WHEELER & WILSON NEV DRAW FEED Sowing Machine, Undeniably the best Machines in the WOELD! Over 600,000 in use! 100,000 more sold for family purposes than any other make ! They make the Loci; Stitch (alike on both sides') without a shuttle they have but Go parts. (Shuttle Machines have over ) Th- advantages they have over inj myriad of Machines of ordinary merit, it has laken many years to perlect. They are genuine and only need to be examined to be adopted into every family. MACHINES will be delivered nt your homes and sold on terms to suit purchasers. INSTRUCTIONS oiven until von are satisfied, and the Ma r J - ; chine warranted by a responsible Company. JAMES BOYS, Agent for Monroe and Pike Cour.tics. Office opposite the Express Office. STROVDSDURG, PA. May 30. 1872. tf. G O TO M. F. EVANS &. CO'S DRUG STOBE, (Sueeessors to C. S. Detrick f Co.,) MA IX S TREE T, S TR O UDSDUR G, Pa IE tilci N KdW IIiiilling, Constantly on hand a full stock of pure Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals carefully selected and purchased forCASII A full asro tmenl of PATENT MEDICIXES, PERFUME rtj, Fanry Soaps, Tooth Brushes, Cattle Powder, Cattle Liniments. Also . S. Ooli'ik' 12 o i-M Iovte P t up and constantly on hand by M.F. EVAPS 6c CO. PROF. MYERS Penetrating Liniment, and C. S. DETRICK'SCompom.dyrtip of Tar, Wild Chi'rry &. Hoarhound. Also the best WINES and BRANDIES 'or Medical purpoi-es. White Leads, Oils, Paints. Varnishes, .Mixed Paints, &.c. WINDOW GLASS, SODA ASH. SAL Soda, Whiting, Lubricating, Xeatsfoot Oils, eye., tyc. Trusses, Supporters and Sho'dlder Braces. Five per cent olf on all Cash sales of over one dollar. decl6'C9-tf Q. II. rreher. 1 E. B. Dreter (2 doors west of the "JefTersonian Office,") ELIZABETH STREET, Stfroudstitirg, Pa., DREHER & BRO., DEALERS IX Drugs, Medicines, Perfumery anl Toilet Articles. 3?aints9 OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS & PUTTY. Abdominal Supporters and Shoulder Braces. Seeley's Hard m Eltli:it THl'SSES Also Bitter's TRUSSES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS. Lamps and Lanterns Burning and Lubricating Oils. riivsicians' Prescript ions earefullv f!om- poundod. N. B. The hiehost Cash price paid for OIL of WINTERGREEN. may 4-tf. Gothic Hall Drug Store. William Elolliushcad, Wholesale and Uelail Drugsrist. STROUDSBURG, Pa. Constantly on hand and tor sale cheap for cash, a fresh sup ply of Drugs, Modicines, Paints, Oil, Glass, Puttv. Varnish. Ker. osene Oil, Perfumery and Fancy Goods; aiso Sash, blind and Doors. Pure Wiues and Liquors for Medicinal purpose. S. Physicians Prescrintion enre. fully compounded. btroudsburg, July 7, 18G4. Harness & Saddlery t The above business has again been re timed at the oh! stand, lately swept avvav by the late flood, near : Baldwin's llolfel, in Stroudsburg, where will be kept constantly on hand the best assortment of Iarncss, double and slug.?, Saddles, Uridles, CoHors, and every other article nsuaely furnished in this line of busniess. Work made to order on the shortest notice. A larjre assortment of Mountings and Saddlery Hard ware always on hand. Cull and make your ow select ion, and it will he furnished in tyle ard price not to be excelled in this market. Strict attention pin! to repnnngand done in shortest notice. Call and examine JOHN O. SAY LOU. Agent f-r PETER GRUVER October 6. 1870 tf A I exl ive !! l STOVKS of . all descriptions hive been received at Ihe store of the subscriber, in the borough of Stroudsburg. He has COOKING STOVES, & PARLOR STOVES, of the latest inmrovements ; and entire new styles, and considerable sa ing of fuel, which can be had at tne lowest City prices. Also all kinds of Stove-J?ipe. A la rTf. assortment of TIN WARE of ev- ery description, constantly on hand, which will be sold at wholes. lie anil retail, as rea nnnMo ! ran he hud ill the CitV. All kinds of repairing done in the shortest. cheapest and best manner, ( all and ex inl ine his stock before you purchase elsewhere. Fc b. 1 1 , I 0U. W M , C. I LaJ Ki. NOW 18 TIIE TIME TO CSE Vona!t1-i Condition Powder. In the Fall and Winter when 'our cow.- give tut little milk this powder is Mire to increase ".he quantity and improve the qual ity. For hir"s. il increases the appetite, promotes d'gesti n. exhilerates the spirits, renders the coat soft and shining. For Hogs one package in your swill barrel will hasten the fattening process tit least 1(H) per cent. This powdtr has proved an excellent article for sheep. Be sure yon gel the Genuine Youatt's Condition Powder, MANUFACTURED BY IV 1 1, 1-X A J ISO :. S., B K 5 22 E A I, All other is a counterfeit. See that the name of WM IIOLLINSHEAD is on each paclarr' and buy n-ioiher. Warranted to rive sntisf ictiou or ihe m.niev refunded, Nov. 1903 WM. IIOLLINSHEAD SAMUEL HOOD, fr.-.v-C;',:.v---v-; l-i----- .. . .:.';.,j;i.t,- Wholesale and Retail Dealer in C00K&PARL0R STOVES, TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, AND IN Metal House Furnishing Goods GENERALLY. Roofiog and Spouting done on short notice, with the best material, and at reasonable prices. His stock of Cook, Parlor and Office Stoves embraces all the best varieties known to the trade. CALL AND SEE. Store third building, above the Methodist Church, 31am street, STROUDSBURG, PA. August 4, 1870. tf. DO.V T you know I hui J. II McCarly is the onlv Undertaker in Strondsb urn who understands his btisinesHl I? not, attend a I'uneral managed hy any 'iher Undertaker m town, and von will see the proof of I h-fact. FSept. 16. '67 Do.vt roituirr thai uinu you want any thins in the Furniture or Ornamental line that McCarty. in the Odd-Fcllows' Hall, Main Street, Stroud.-. iurr. Pa., is tho place lo gel it. fSepl. 20 BLANK DEEDS For sale at this Office ir;!3 tHmm WW m 58 t. lvbar &c0. DEALEHS IN Dry Goods, lankee 2ottons, G roceries, 'revisions. Flour and Feed, Fish and Salt. Boots and Shoes, Ilardicare, Wooden Warf, Crockery, Brushes & Brooms Ker osene. and, in short, almost everything you can .Lr. I. . i. i -it i' i'i inins. oi or ass lor; an or wnicn are of fered at smash down prices, at the old stand, on Main-street, between the Bank and the Jejfferscntan office. Ihe public are inv.ted to call. LEWIS T. LA BAR & CO. February 1G, 1871. The undersigned takes this method of informing the public, that he still coa- lioues the above business in all its blanches jat his old Stand, on Fraukl'o street j Stroudsburg. Pa , where he will be hap. py to receive orders ior wort in his line iucludiug general Wheelwrighting, Blacksmith- mg, fainting, Trimming, &c II is stock, of the lest iualitv of seasoned lumber is large and very complete; and as has a full force ol firsr clas workmen at all the brauthes, he Batters himself that he is fully prepared to aeenruodate all who favor him with orders, and guaruu tee entire satisfaction. Repairing promptly attended to W.U. HUNTSMAN. July 23,-1870. UNDERTAKING ! LEE & Co. would mot resnectfullv an nounce that having procured an elegant HEAESE, glL and having a person in their emp'ov of twelve years experience, in the undertaking business, are now prepared to attend tu un dertaking in" all its branches in the best pos sible manner. COFFINS and CASKETS of any size, style or quality, con.-tant'y on hand, and ready for shiim.ent at short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to Our charges are moderate; we have no disposition io distress the Jiving cr rob the etlales of the dead. N. B. Ready-made ROBES, nraily got ten up. can be had at any time, at the Ware Room of LEE &. Co. May '26. 170. ly. CHRISTIAN HILLER, Has Fitted vj His Excellent UATIXC AXD 15 ECU SALOOIn", Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. fj7 He now extends an ip.vitation to sll his friends and forme r customers to call at his old place of busiee.-s. Here they can drink of his delightful beverages: liiiKer ISeer, I'orler, .Ale, lliiine Wine, &v.., Ac. and eat of his superior Cheese, Ojlei, &e., Ac. 07" Minors not allowed to visit his Sa loon. june2J-?l-lf. i0 TO J. H. MfCAKTPS, ODD-FE LLO W S HALL, MAIN ST., STIWi'DSBCIiG. FA., and Buy your F l1 K rs I T V li CAIIPKTS, IV IK DOW SIIAtJtS, CURTAIiNSil riXTLSECS, TA 252.t: CLOT SIS, Ac, and save At Least Two Profits. As McCarty buys, direct from ihe manufac turer, for cash (not GO day), he can sell)CU MORE FURNITURE, OF A BETTER QUALITY, AND FOR LESS MONEY than you can buy at etail either in city or country, nnd every article is warranted ibe as represented. Sept. -6. 15i7 Itcli! Itcli! Itch! SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCHY USE IIOLLINSIIEAD'S lTfH k SALT RIIEl'M 0I.T3IE.7. No Family should be without this valua ble medicine, for on the firt appearance of the disorder on the wrils, betweeu ihe fin tfer, S:c., a slijiht application of Ihe Oint ment will cure it, and prevent its being ta ken by others. Warranted to give satisfaction or mony refunded. Prepared and f-old. wholesale and retail, by V. IIOLLINSHEAD. Stroudsburg,. Oct. .Ml, T7. Druggist BLANK MORTGAGE Fr sale at this Office. n I o