JU 'j 5 S IJUIE TALKING MACHINE. The Elonu-stic Sitting Machine. III,, wwill PTjfT?1 k : Stl 3.ai- 1 ? v ITC SIMPLICITY, ; ' i' KASE OF Sj ,jf rfxxixg, TALKS ITSELF IX TO PUBLIC FA VOR. THE WORLD CHALLENGED! To pmjtice a Fimily Sewinjr Machine th-.t will sew ns light, nn.l us heavy. hat is ns liwht ninninsr. and us easily operated This- Machine is warranted to wear cqmliy as Ion "s any other manufactured. Sold o:i monthly navmen's For sale by DARIUS DREIIER. Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa. Sept. 12. 1572. mm 2 Vi ii.it RUirr arc net a vi'c F.trcy Diinlc, : I: !" Poor K'.im, Whiskey, Proof Spirits ar.il Refuse 1.! ri.c:orc t, y:iiccj, a:ul sweetened to please the t.-4e, c I'.'.ert Tf;i;c" " Appeiizcr," "Restorers," t:c, l'rf.1 lc.art iUs lip;Ieron lo drunkenness and ruin, Li:t pre .t true Medicine, made ficarn the native roots ?nl lirrb ;cf "s"firni;. free from V Alcoholic Stimulants. Tiicy nre the G'eat V- nod Purifier and a Life-giving IViiup'e, a PerlWt R-novator and Invigorator ff the y.ton, tarrying o:T VI poisonous marter and restoting the L!oo 1 to a hea'thv condition, enriching it. refreshing nnd iiivi;:orati:v Imth, mind and body. They are easy cf ad ntiii-tration, prompt in their action, certain in their rei!:. iie and rciiab'e in ail forms of ciist-ase. X) I'rsosi cnn tuke tUofic Hitter r.ccord to direc'.ions, mid remain lonj unwell, provided lli:!r lvi':e nre not destroyed by mineral poioii or oilier n-.tv.r-, a;id lUe vit.tl t-raus wasted Leyond the l-oim cf r:-V.a r. Dvs-u jlSii or I:itl:reUon. TIeadaclie, Ta'st in the SSi.nliif!. Conli Tightness of the Chest, Dii t ne-s S -iir Lruri ttifiix of th St'vn.jch, l!ad Taste in the Mnih, r.li'o.is Aiticks, Palpitation of the Ilea, t, 1 .ill iin'iiat'nu of the I .nn?s, Pnin in the regions cf 1'ie K 'hi-vs. and a hundred oilier painl'ii! symptoms, r.re ih: .fsp: in of Dysjiepsiit. In tiiese compiaints ii h.M n eiia!, and one tmitie will prove a better &uar-e:ii- of i:s msri:s than a len-''hy adveni.-'einent. li'nr I''irM! t'oinplniut, in youn; or old, n.T-i'H t s ni;!e, at tiie dawn of womanhood, or the t um of thee Tonic P.. Hers d'.p'ay so decided an i'llhtot.ce ti.at a tn.it k-.-J improvement is soon partep t.b'e. I'or T'.i!iaini:iatnry rii1 Clirotitc Tlhen nn'i:ii aid (J it, I t;-s.i or Intiiiiutioii, lliiiotis, Jteminei.t ftii.i ! nlct I 1 1 ; t - - t levers, iist-.T-cs of 'he iS.ood, !. vcr, Kidn-vs a vi Htad.ler, these Fl iters have l.eri !n-t snccf 1 11. Jvic'i Jiseaes are caused by Vstiaie-I ii'ood, wh'ch is peneraily jTimuCtd by dcrange ii. -Mt of ih-; D sesdve O's-H's. T'fy re n entlc Ptirsjntlrc ns well as A T:tic possessing h-so t lie peculi ir merit of acting Ss a po . rliil n':it in rr- ievui ("or.eslion or Ii.fi.ini i:!i:i..n if i iie L.ver a id Viccrai Organs, and in Clous IVs'is-s. I'or D:etsc, F.ritplion, Teller, P.ot- T!iu u, oldies, S;ots, p, moles, Pustules, l'oils, Car-l-::n; Uiii;' sonn?, Sca'd-HeaJ, S ire Lye. F.ry f ipe .ij. I di, Si iit's Disco'or.-.ilons t.t the Skin, 1 luinois J:; J 1 i e is-s cf the Sk'n. of whatever name or i.nlure, ne lit.-raily duj up and ranted ott of the system in a '. . ; t.ire - il-e n-e rt toe-e li.tter. j:e Iottle in Yea il! couvmti i'..s must i.;c:cuii!ous of their 'l.-jf.i.ie 1?ie V!(i.a!-.l ITInn.l v,);cn-ver von f: I i. irijini iii'.i b'trsii'fi through tiieskiuin I'imp'ca, Jirup; :. fir S.irrs ; e'e i i-1 it wini i you find it oh-'T'-i; ! an ! ?.!ir- ;ish in tlie veins : cleanse it when it is f....l ; jor fjoi us will le'.l you when. Keep the blood ::r mid the he.aiih of the nvsietn n il! ft i' low. ir.vf(il taoiiii!.! pnTlaim VtsroR TilT i r.RS ilie mo:.! noiidsifi.l I iiv'jjora'.it that tx'er sustained the inki.v system. Pill, Tape. tin-X oiher AVorms, turkinj in the s' s:-i:i of so tnti.y thousands, ate e'Tcctually de liroved a id renio-.d. Says a distingiiisned physiol r.lst: T'i :!i';aicely n-i iudivid.ia' upon the face of the rat :!i whilst I.-i.Iy is i rtr.iot fi .m the presence of worm. It is t iijv.n the het' hy e'ements of the body that v hi us csi-t. but u .on the d sese.l humor 'id slimy drpn.iii tiiat b-r-j 1 the--e l.vinj itionsier r.f disease. K. s"-'' i of M?:I!ci'i, n vrr uif ii;-, 113 amhrlm'n l.lc ;;; f.cc the system f.oni wirmi like these Uit- rirc!ri!cnl ISe.-se3. T. :ron ent-aed in J'i':i:s a'i l M uicia sulIi as P'uiiihcnt, Tvpe-setters, t ;.!d hrtir.ers, and Miin-r, n they adrance in life, v.iil 1 e vibit-ct to para'yi f the L!o-v(.!i To cuard against this take a d.ie ( Wat Ken's Vinsuak liiTraKi once or '-'-trz a week a a preventive. niiiu:i. Ketitit I -ul, ntiit Intt-rinlt fent !h' vrr, which are so preva'eut in the va'.ieys of our ;-rr at tiv.M throuuhout the U.dted State, especially t i.io of the Mississippi, Oiii(, Missouri, Illinois, 'l'cn i -si.. Cuinbe r'and. Aikansas. Red, Colorado, Brazos, !'.; f.n-ide, Peail, Alabatia, Mobi e. Savannah, Koau '..: li-.i.-i. ,-v.d inatiy oiiicrs, wi:!i their a-.ast tributa ry . i r.miuKit f ur entire country during the Summer r..i 1 A.ii niiii, and iem.ii k;i','y so during seasons of I -insnal heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied 1' c::tei s ve derangements of the stomach and liver, and 0. hcr alxiomiti i! visrera. There are always more or less Srutiiou of the liver, a weakness and irrit.ib'e state f the stomach, and great torpor of tho bowel, beinj tio-crd up with vitiated accumulations. In their treat ment, a purgative, cxeriint; a poweiful influence upon these vaiioa organs, is essentially necessary. Tlieie is ro caih.arlic for tiie purpose equal to LK. J Wai.kkk's YtMuciAH P.itthrs, as theywiU speedl'y remove the krk roliir-d viscid matter with which the bowels are h:.ai--d, at the ssine time slimulatini the secretions of the iivf, and generally lestotinj; the healthy functions ! thi dieslive oi .in. SrrtsTiiIsi, or IvIu'h TZvJJ, White Swellings, Uice-s, 1'.: ysiie'ias. Swelled Neck, Goiter. Scrofulous 1 if.anvnaiionj. Indolent Inilammations Mercurial Af f .c.ions, U d Sores, Lrupt.ous of the Skin, Sore Eves, tc, e'e in these, as in all other constitutional Dis eises, Wm.kkk's Vinkgr IltTTUk-s have shown their jrre.si cu-ative powcis in the most obstinate and lnlraet ii'jle ca's Dr. Wnllter's California Vinegar Bitter net -n all these eases in a similar manner. Uy purifyin" t!ie l!!oo l th.-y remove the cause, and by resolving away the e Xects of the inflammation (the tubercular deposits) the n-Teoied parts receive health, and a permauent cure i ! rtlecled. i'lse proper! Its of Dr. Wai.kfk's Vinegar Hitters are Aoe-rient. Diap horetic and Carminative, Nutritions, Laxative, Dluiefic, Sedative, Counter-Irri-t.ni. Sudoiilic. Alteralive, and Anti-lSilious. Tle Aperient and mild Laxative properties of Pa. Walkkk's Vinkcar Uittkrs are the best safe guard in ail cases of eruptions and malignant fevers, tneir balsamic. Iiealine, and soolliinjs proverties protect the humors of the fauces. Their Sedative properties rl ay jviu in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels, e tlier from inflammation, wind, coiic, cramps, etc Their Counter-irritant influence extends throughout the system. Their IJ uretiC prrierties act on the Kid- 1. eys, correcting and resulatim; the flow of urine. '1 heir Anti-1, lions rorerties stimulate the liver, in the secre tion of bile, and its discharges through the biliary ducts, .-.:id are superior to ait remedial agents, for the cure of L;lious Fever. Fever and Atpie. etc. J'ortlfy tlie body nraiuil disease bv puri fviiij" all its fluids with Vinkgar Uitteks. No epi demic can take boid of a system thus forearmed. The liver, the stomach, the bowels, the kidneys, and the nerves arc rendered disease-proof by this great invig orarit. Ilrcc1ion. Take of the Bitters on going to bed at r.ight from a half to ona and one-half wine-giasfull Eat jood nourishing food, uch as beef steak, mutton chop, veniioti. roast beef, and vegetables, and take out-door exercise. They are composed of purely veget ab'e ingredients, and contain r.o soirit. J WALKER, Piop'r. ItH. MclJOXAI.D &, COM . J'ruyiristi and Gen. Agts., S.in i lantisco. Cat. and cor. if Washington and Chariton Sts., New Vork. SOLD UY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. Jiiitiiiry V, 17H ;'.u. C1.ti YOU TELL WHY IT Ik J th 1 1 vv Jien anyonecomen ti IStrotid. tir; t buy Furniture, they aluays inquire frr McCariys Furniiure Store? Sett. '2t i'y LANKS OF ALL KINDS fur Sale a a JIu'm Office. IP hi Hi FALL AND iv A.t 1ST. ETJSTEJR'S. THE NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION, the most reliable place lo get a Ck1 p. ,i.:.i.i w r rmTllI rhenu. Ilavmo- the Lirrrest t-tock of Men e. Youths', IWs' n.id Children's Clothing in this town, and Prices. HATS AND CAPS. m itp s? r a t i t t t riv v ?M I fl ,V. the headouu rters for HATS AND CAPS . ' i i . io,n,l liavmr tll'.VHVS t-Ilt: lirr:! Hutu on ---- - .tiers and Straw, in Il.gh Silk ilats, we feel sure we can suit all. jTTjRisErrjsrGr goods. mro vAminv.i ii.tr rp PASIITON i nri t i nf.nftij n.tiiU ! rpvi's! viTUMtetiivr. r.(ini)S. Ha vine r.,u in tn. wp re ftire wc can un.ieTware for Sprin-ami Summer. A splendid line of Indies and (.en.s Hoo,.cry and Gl..v.- a pplen.li.1 line ot Youth' White Striped and Paid bhirts We have the Striped ...j i,,' uun, Pr-rrnles. Chmtr and Prints. We have the largest assortment o ilUU I lam li ouoi.u"i - ... air ! l i r L. 4 ri..n. v.A a..,l Paoer Coll..rs. CutFd and Uooms. ou will always find from ei ht to .... .i r.J, I. tPst st vies ol Collars. v ;., u-rt fi..,l a f..U lin of Linen Shirt ll .ndLr.rrh.efi nd Ladies Collars and Cffd, .nd ITiohrellas. Crticili simk)! Silk, in all colors. Which is prononnced the best in use Alcoa full line of Coate's and Clam's spool tup v jTifiYAf. TiAl.T. OF FASHION ,iu, oMimn,, a f.,'1 :,aiit.i.ent of the best ii.tr anirle in .llo.cis. We have aUava on andpI.inSlk S.lin?, Grenidten.-, Poplins, Frow Frow, Stripes, IV rca Irs, Pans Cam brics, Chintz. Gin -hams and Prim. A full line ol White Goo.ls and Muslins. Also a splendid lot ot Spring and Summer Shawls and Skirts at astonishing low figures. Particular Attention Paid to Custom Work, vuliirli wft imip rlnnft in h(i latest style? tires for cust-m twirls. Hih Siik Hi's to otder, sood fits warrantod. Give us a call and be convinced that we can't be under.-old. Our motto is quick tales and small profits. We slia.v roods with pleasure. N. RUSTER, PROPRIETOR OF THE April 18, 172. Chance fo male Money ! One Hundred Dollars from One Dollar. 1 inc tiling ail mi Ircli uit. Every person ownin? HORSES, CAT TLE, SHEEP and HOGS are guaranteed to make One Hundred Dollars by us:ng a One Dollar Package of "TOUATT'S CONDITION POWDEE," ... TT UlLLIAM HOLLINSHEAD, manufactured by Stri-udt-biirfT. ! vou hive never usrd A- INIC H' tCI U? U .1 III , a j'acKae ami n n noes noi benefit ytiur st cfc fo the a mount of one hundred oollars. in your p.t:matioi, call at the store and et y.uir money rHunued HORSES. It w ill give them a good ap peti:e, keep their skin 1-iose and renders tlie c.ai soli antJ shining, keeping tfieni in oid condiiioti with ono-haif fie fe-d, being there by a saving of one-h.i II the mcny. COWS. It makes them give mirc milk wiih one-halt the teed, and if they ive more milk of course you in ike mre BUTTFR, Hiitl the more butter the n.ore money I have so much confidence in ih; Ctt'e Powder that I make the above offer, know inj well that il will tlo all thai is claimed or it. ' W.M. HOLLINSIIEAD. OAtk to see The Great Tobacco An tidote. March 4, 16G9. if. UNDERTAKING. McCARTY has o:i hand the largest and fri r - esl asforiinent of ;1 COFFINS ' and TRIMMINGS ofhefiuni uiiMni' of either city (New York' to Philadelphia), and will make this !ranch r his bnsine A SPEC I A LIT Y. j COFFINS and CASKETS ffanu tizeor', style, can be funtished at one hour's notice or s!iift.ent, at A charge of o.e-third; Lr.ss than ant shop is otroudsbcrg In no rase will he charae more than TEN P.Eli CENT above aciual co.-t. ttcrided to in any prt of the C.usnty at ie s!iurte.-t pos.-ibie notice. Sept. 26 ,'07, LOOK THIS WAY, ALL Vr 1IC WANT Wor! or lac!iMui(!iiij: r? i DOXE IN A UPEKIOU MANNER! Till Subscriber begs leave to iu form the public that he is fully pre pared, lit his estahli.-huient. at the corner of fc'iuipsou and Sarah streets, iu the borough of Struudsburg, to make to uder, every style of Carriage, Wagon, nd, in fact, everything in his line of bu ines, at the thortet possible notice, and u the most reasonable terms. Carriages repaired, trimmed and paiut ;d in the best style of the art. Having fiot class uiaterial always oo hand, and none but first-class workmen engaged, the public are assured that none ut first class work will be turned out at s .-hop. Id connection with his Carriage Shop he h as also a Llacksmith Shop, where superior workmen will always be found ready to attend to (he ordeis of customers The public are invite- to call aud ex imiue bis stock before purchasing else where. VALENTINE KAUTZ. September l'J, lh67.-tf. Do.t fool oi u moi;v away for worthless articles of Furni ture, but go to McfJany'f, and vou will eej wel) pi id for it. Sept. 26, '67. "WINTER p --v Jtl fi vm j in we feci assured we can t be beat in Ijoods the verv atest btvles in l ur. Wool, Cassi- is alr-o Ileadauarters for LADIE.S AND the la rffst and mo.4 select assortmen ot I urn suit all. We have a splendid line of Gents Cuffs and Bosoms at the National Hall Fronts. Cravats and Ties, Ladies andGnts We have a good assort ment cf Para.-o!e cotton. is the best place to fret DRY GOODS brand of Alpacas, the Capitol being the lead hand a go-nl a.-s.rtment of Bluck, Grosgnin Wc warrant a good fit. We also take mcas- NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION Main Street, Strocdsburg, Pa. NEW STORE -:axd:- NEW GOODS -:at:- RE0LTD PRICES ! DARIUS DREIIER, begs leave to an nounce to his friends and to the pub- annU tl.nt ho l,n iiist mirA . 'irt-iiifii liiiciil ill mnl .t,lrt a Dry Good, 2vtions, Dress Trimmings, AND M1LL1XERY GOODS con.- istii'g, in part of the following desirable articles, viz. : Calicoes, La irns, Frrn eh Ch in tzs , Children s Dress Goods, Worl-ed Kdjiv'js, Parasols, Xephcrs, Shetland Wools, Shetland Wool Shawh I Delaines, Muslins f White Dress Goods, Insert imjs, Bady's and Children s SacJss Flannel and Cloth, Lady's, Misses and Men's Hoes, Gloves and Collars, Mourning Goods, Shroudings, Cc, tCr., Goods shown with pleasure. ''Quicks sales and small profits" at the old and wel known Millinery Stand of F. A. DREIIER The Millinery business will be carried on as usual by Mrs. Dreher. Patronage respectly solicited. DARIUS DREIIER. April. 28, 18G6. MONROE COUNTY ..Ictiial Fire Insurance Company. V.7T si si?iv vzx r z&m a a 4 a , CD A R TE R PER PE T UA L. Amount of Property Insured $1,60.00 'pi. ... r r . i n j nr-iuic ui in.suiuiite 111 mis ivomna n v is one dollar for every thousand dollars in sured, alter which payment no further char ges will be made, except to cover actual lose by hre that may fall upon members of the ( 'ompany. The pol ictes issued by this Company are perpetual, and atlord tlie fullest fecurity, with ihe largest economy and convenience This company will not issue Tanneries- Dtstillerics or Cabinet Shops. Applications for Insurance may be made to either ot the Ma tii.gers, surveyors or Sec. relary. MANAGERS. J. Depue La bar, Jacob Knecht, Richard S. Staples, John Edinger, Silas L Drake, Francis Hagerman, Charles D. Brodheau, Jacob Slotifler, Ruber t Boys, Theodore Schoch, William Wallace, Thomas W. Rhodes, Siogdcll Stokes, STOGDELL STOKES, President. E. B Dreher, Seerttary ed Treasurer. bilas L. Drake, Monroii co. Peier Gilbert, Geo. (J. Shater, Tho. W. Rhode p, F. A. Oppelt, Wayne co. J. IL Wells, Pike co. Rich'd Camden, Northampton, Sam'l Ziegeiifus, Carbon. Surveyors. 05" The staled meeting of the board of Managers lakes place at the Secretary's of fice, on the first Tuesday of each montb, at 2 o'clock P. M. WHEELER & WILSON NEW DRAW FEED ' Sewing Machine, Undeniably the best Machines in the "WOELD ! XT f T y . y JLa t-r w 1 ('0,000 more sold for family purposes than any other make ! They make the Lock-Siiich (alike on both sides) without a shuttle they have but G.r parts. (Shuitle Machines have over iuu ; Th- advantages they have over ihe myriad of Machines of ordinary merit, it has taken many years to perfect. 1 hey are genuine and only need to be examined to be adopted into every Family. MACHINES will be delivered nt your homes and told on terms to suit purchasers. INSTRUCTIONS piven until vou are satisnen, anu uie ma chine warranted by a responsible Company. JAMES BOYS. Agent for Monroe and Pike Cour.ties. Office opposite the Express Office. STIiOVDSUURG, PA. Mav 30. 1872. if. G' O TO M. F. EVANS & CO'S DRUG STORE, (Sucressnrs to C. S. De trick j- Co.,) MA .V .S TREE T, S TR O UDSIi UR G, Pa. I.ii(m-' Xt:V Etiiil in;, Constantly on hand a full stock of pure Medicines. Dru; inrc Chemicals carefully selected and purchased for CASH, A full assortment of P TEXT MEDICLXES, PERFUME- Soups. Tooth Brushes. Cattle Poictler, Cattle Liniments. Also S. DetritkS I3otu Powder P t up and constantly on hand by JV1. F. EVANS & CO. PROF. MYERS Penetrating Liniment, and C S. DETRICK'S Compound Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry &. Iloarhound. Aiso the best WINES and BRANDIES for Medical purposes. White Leads, Oils, Paints. Variuthes, Mixed Paints, &c. Wiy DOW GLASS. ."OI)A ASH. SAL Soda, Whiting, Lubricating, Xealsfoot Oils, ifc, ifc. Trusses, Supporters and Shoulder Braces. Five percent off on all Cash sales of over one dollar. declO'CS-tf G. H. Dreher. E. B. Dreher (2 doors west of the "Jeffersonian Office,") ELIZABETH STREET, St roii.isb.u-g, la., DREHER cSs BRO., d::alkrs ix 3IcIiciacs, Perfumery Drills asid Toilet Articles. 3?aints5 OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS & PUTTY. Abdominal Supporters and Shoulder Braces. Seeley's Hard UUIfHEK Till. SSKS Also Bitter's TRUSSES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS. Lamps and Lanterns Burning and Lubricating Oils. Physician:' Prescriptions carefully Com pouivlod. N. R. The highest Cash l.riee paid for OIL of WINTERGREEN. may 4-tf. Gothic Hall Drug Stoic. William Uollhaslicnd, Wholesale and Retail Druggist- STROUDSBURG, Pa. Constantly on hand and tor sale cheap for cash, a fresh sup ply of Drugs, Medicines, Paints Oil, Glass, Putty, Varnish. Ker' osene Oil, Perfumery and Fancy Goods; UtaU Sash, hliiiris and Doors. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purpose. 1 S. Physicians Prescriptions care fully compounded. Mroudsburg, July 7, 18GL Harness d; Saddlery. The above business ha6 again been re sumed at the old stand, lately swept away bv the late fl-od, near Baldwin's Hotel, in I Stroudsbtirr, where will be kept constantly on hand the best assortment of Harness, double and single, Saddles, Bridles, Co Mors, and every other article usuaely furnished in this line of husmess. Work made to order on the shortest notice A large assortment of . Mountings and Saddlery Hard- "W&TG always on hand. Call and make your owr selection,und it will be furnished in i-tyle ard price noi 10 on PAcetieu in mis uiutkci. i . i i .1 ;. Strict attention p.ml to repairing anu done in shortest notice. Call and examine JOHN O. SAYLOR. Agent f..r PETER GRUVER. October 0. 1870. tf A .Ti..ii.ii i lf if STOVI S( A all descriptions have been received at descript ions the store f the subscriber, in the of Stroiidsnur":. lie has boroul COOKING STOVES, & PARLOR STOVES, of the lateat imnrovements; and entire new styles, and cc'risider.sblesavingof fuel, which can be had at the lowest City prices. Also all kinds of Stove-'Pipe. A large assortment of TIN WARE of ev ery description, constantly on hand, which will be sold at wholesale and retail, as rea- son able as can be hid in the Citv. All kinds of repnirinjr done in the shortest. cheapest and best manner. Cull and exam ine his stock before you purchase elsewhere. Feb. 1 1 , 'G9. W M , S. FLO RY. NOW IS THE TIME TO CSE STouaU's Condition Powder.; In the Fall and Winter when, your cows five but little milk this powder is sure to increase .ne tju.iinii. diiu iTiuvc .uc ,iuai- . .. ... , itv. tor horses, n increases me apneiiie, promotes digestion, exhilerates the spirits. renders the coat sott and shining. ,1 or Nogs one package in your swill barrel will hasten the fattening process at least 100 per cent. This powdtr has proved an excellent article for sheep Ie sure yon ITof tllO C3 I Genuine Youatt's Condition FortTder, MANUFACTURED BY w n a. i a n no r. r. i . s 1 1 c a i t All other is a connter,feit. See that the name of WM HOLLINSIIEAD is o:i each package and b-iy no other. W muted to ive satisfaction or the iivnev refunded. Nov. 10. '63 WM. HOLLINSIIEAD. SAMUEL HOOD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in C00K&PAI1L0RSK TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, AND IN Metal House rniishin floods GENERALLY. Ioofhs assd Ssiontins done on short, notice, with tho lcst material, and at reasonable juices. His stock of Cook, Parlor and Office Stoves embraces all the best varieties known to the trade. CALL AND SEE. Store third building, above the Methodist Church, Main street, STROUDSDURG, PA. August 4, US7U. tf. DO.VT you McCarty is know thai J. II. the onlv Undertaker in Sirotidsburg who understands his business! If not. attend a Funeral managed hvanv other Undertaker m town, and you will "see the proof of th. fact. fSent. 16 .'07 DON'T FOI&CKT mat ulitn you want any thin? in the Furniture or Ornamental line that McCarty, in the Odd-Fellows' Hall, Main Street, Sirouds- urg, Pa., is the place to get it. fSpt. ifj If LANK MORTGAGE F)r sale nt this Ofiice. r w . B T;iiB:4R & Co- Dry G ooJ$f Yankee Jfotions, Groceries, lrovisio7is, Flour and FeeJy Fish and Salt, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Wooden 11 'are, Croclsery, Brushes ib Brooms, Kerosene, and, in short, almost everything you can think ot or ask lor; all ot which are (ereti at smasb down prices, at the old stand, on Main-street, between the IJank and tie Jcfferscnian office. 'phe public are invited to call. LEWIS T. LA BAll&CO. February 1G, 1871. ge lUc The undersigned takes this method of informing the public, that he still con tinues the above busmess in all its brunches at his old Staud, on Frauklin street Stroudsburg, la , where he will be hap- -. r, r n i. ii i nprlnro f r r m ia1- n t. t . IT i.v viulio iui ii u. & iu u la HOC including general Wheelwrighting, Blacksmith- mg, Painting-, Trimming, &c. His stock, of (he best quality of seasoned lumber is large and very complete; and a has a full force ol first class workmen at all the branches, he flatters himself 1 . t. . I. l. 11 1 . .. . ,,c 13 ,U"J i-v lu cc.v.iuuuaie all who favor him with orders, and gaarau- tee entire satisfaction. Repairing promptly attended to W.'l. HUNTSMAN. July 28, 1S70. UNDERTAKING ! LEE &. Co. would rno-t respectfully an nounce that having procured an elegant HEAESE, m: and having a person in their employ of twelve years experience, in the undertaking business, are now prepared to aitend tn un dertaking in all its branches in the best pos sible manner. COFFINS and CASKETS of any size, style or quality, constantly on lund, and ready for shipment at short notice. Order by mail promptly attended to. Our charges arc moderate; we have no disposition to distress the living or rub tlie estates ol the dead. N. B. Ready-made ROBES, neatly got- ten up. can be had at hiiy time, at the Ware i - illom Gf Co May 26, 1-70. ly. CHRISTIAN HILLER, Has Fitted up His Excellent ANSI SALOON, Main Street, Strouds'ourg:, Fa. 07" He now extends an invitation lo -It his friends and former customers to call at his old place of business. Here they an drink of fiis delightful beverages: f.;tg-r IS cor I'orfer, Alv, EI hi tie U'iu', cie., Ac. and eat of his superior Cheese, Oyster, ve., Ac. 0 Minors not allowed to visit his Sa lon. ljune 'Jv!-71-tf. TO J. II. McCARTY'S, ODD-FELLOWS' HALL, MAIN ST., S TR O I 'D SB L'R G. '-!., and l;ti j Ulll vi rn kstuss s:, v. a is ikts, osr.-CLOTiss, t:i;c;s, vr.oov sSLinrs, CV JITA E Xf & PIXTl'KLS, TABliE CLOTHS, Ac, and sive At Least Two Profits. As McCarty buys, direct from the maniilae turer, for cash (not 60 days), he can sell you MORE FURNITURE, OF A BETTER QUALITY, AND FOR LESS MONEK than you can buy at etail either in city or country, and every article is warranted as represented Sept. 'JO. 1?67 Itcli! Itcli! Itch! SCRATCHl SCRATCH! SCRATCH!. USE ItOLUNSnEAD'S ITCH i SALT RHEUM 0IXT.HE.AT.- No Family should be without this valua ble medicine, for on the first appearance o the disorder on the wri(8, between tne nc ruer on me wri(8, Detweeu c, a slight application of the 0Dl" ill cure it, and prevent its beinj M gers, &c. ment win cure u, and prevt ken by others. Warranted to give satisfaction or mony refunded. .. Prepared and i-old. holesle and tetaiI by W. HOLLLN'SHEAn, Stroudsbur?, Oct. 31, '67. Drugg- BLANK DEEDS r or sa !c nt this Office Carria v r irn