Special jSToticeS. Go to Siuion Tried's for bcots and shoes. Go to Simon Fried' s for ha.ta and caps. Go to Simon Fricd's for shirts and Um brellas; Go to Simon Fricd's for trunks and valiccs. If you want W see the latest style of fall and winter goods, go to Simon Fried' a. Go to Siuion Fried's for a nice fitting suit Go to Simon Fried's for neck ties and collars. There Is no char.ee for showing goods at Fried's, neither are there cross looks if you do not buy. Estcj Cottage Organs. The styles are beautiful, adapted to all requirements and tastes, with prices suit able to all elates of purchasers. We call special attention to the Vox Iler mana and the wonderful Vox Jalilante., Every iustruuient fully warranted. J5aT Send for an illustrated catalogue con taining full description of Organs. Splendid Christmas Gifts and New Year's Presents for all. J. Y. SIGAFUS, Pec o.'72-tf. Stroudsburg, Fa. a c'aiio to 'run labics. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS. There is not a Lady living, but what at some period of her life will find Duponeo's Golden Pill just the medicine she needs. FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY, HEAD ACHE, FAI2JTNLS3, &c, They never fail, and may be depended upon in every cae of difficulty caused by cold or disease. They always give immediate relief. A lady writes: Duponco'a Golden Pills re llevd me in one day, without inconvenience. The genuine are in (White) boxes, and up on each box my private Revenue Stamp, with out which none are genuine, and the box is signed "S. I). HOWE." Full and explict directions accompany each box Price $1.00 per box, fix boxes $5.00. Sold by one Druggist in every town, village, citv and hamlet throughout the world. Sold by DUE HER & BRO.. Dmggiot, Sole Agents for Monroe County, Stroudsburg, Pa. These Pills will be sent bv mail (free of pos tage) to any part of the Country, on receipt of the price thereof. dec 12 72-6m. J. 13. HULL, (Successor to J. E. Erdman,) Monroe Co. Marble Works, Main St., Stroudsburg-, Pa., "Where will be found constantly on hand or made to order, MOXl .liE.VFS, HEADSTONES, &.C., of the best Italian and American Marble. Having been in the employ of Mr. Erdman for nearly ten years, I frel confident in my ability to please all that give me a call. All work warranted to give entire satisfaction. tZlF' Orders bv mail promptly attended to. feb 20'72-tf DR. BUTLER'S CURATIVE OttTJIEXT Is working most remarkable; cures in every rae. It is proving itself to be the motspeedy and cfle-ctual remedy known for tlu various forms of eternal bodily afflictions as specified below : 'Phi OINTMENT i composed of the bet materials', known to the Materia Medica for the cure of all kinds of Frosted Feet, Skin Disease, Seres, Kruisrs, Cuts, Chapped Hariris, ispeciai.lt valuable roi: CARBUNCLES AND ISOIL3 in all their stages ; for op-en Felons, Burns, Ulcers, of a wcrofnlous character, and for all Cancer ous aQLctions. For any external aCection ibis OIsTMEiSTT will be found preferable to all sort of poul tice, plasters and salves, in every stage of such st Section. Dectmber 23, 1S72. This U to Certify, That having suffered for a long time with a very tad folon on my thumb; I have found the use of Dr. Butler's Ointment the mst valuable of any remedy which I have employed ; and, I cheerfully recommend it to anv one afflicted as I have been. JACOB J. ANGLE, Clerk, B. B. Church, Monroe Co., Pa. February 15, 1873. Dr. J. C. Bailer .-The "Curative Ointment" we obtained from vou has had a most remark able and snepdv effect in our familv. One of our grandchildren, now five months' old, time St was the age of two week", has hid a bad nore neck for which we had use-d every remedy wc could get, about twenty different things without anv help until we used your ointment. "Three applications of that has wrought a per fect cure of the sore in about four d-ivs. We have never before used anv remedy that has cured in such a speedy and satisfartorv manner. It. FJlUTCliEY. Upper ML Bethel, Pa. DR. BUTLER'S .Curative for Headache. This will prove a most effectual remedy in all cases of "Headache" from whatever cause, Jind will be found especially valuable in "Sick Headache." painful menstruation and also Earache, laflauiatory Rheumatism aud l evers. DR. BUTLER'S BLOOD RENOVATOR. When a Medical Student I obtained from cne of the most distinguished Surgeons in America, who is now dead, the receipt, which has been my guide in the preparation of thin Medicine. I have fcnon remarkable cures wrought by medicines of which this is the com pound, and i prepared in the light of an extensive experience, including practice in Dispensaries and Hospitals in Albany and N. Y. Cities, besides family syid private practice. I therefore recommend th'u as the best pre paration for the relief of all Scrofulous, Mercurial and Syphilitic affections in ail their stages; White Swellings, Sore Eyes and 'I'hfoat, Ulcers, Tumors, Suit Rheum, Ernp Kn of all sorts, Marasmus, Boils, Carbuncle, ojlensive Catarrh, and all other afjtfctioo re Mihfng from what is commonly called Bad Blood." liEV. J. C. BUTLER, M. L. S. S. Detrick:, Druggifct, East Stroudsburg, General Agent. feb 2073-1 y BLANK LCASBS For Sale at this Office. islrici Court of the United Slates FOR THE Eastern District of Pennsylvania, IX BANKRUPTCY. In the matter of John Kresge, Jr., Bankrupt Eastern District of Pennsylvania, ss. A Warrant in Bankruptcy has been issued by said Court against the Estate of John Kresge, Jr., of the County of Monroe and Suite of Pennsylvania, in said District, who has been duly adjudged Bankrupt upon peti tion of his Creditors, and the payment of any debts and the delivery of any property belong ing lo said Bankrupt to him or to his use, and the transfer of any property by him are for bidden by law. A meeting of the Creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts and choose one or more Assignee of Win Esta.'e, will be held at Stroudsburg, in said District'on the oth day of A f U 4 T , , t .'idnn, si. ia, i3i, at -z ociock p. M.f at Kneeht'a (American) Hotel, at the office of V. E. Doster, Esq., one of the Kegisters in Bankruptcy of said District. JAMES N. KERNS. U. S. Marshal for said District. feb 20'7. l77Gi FOURTH OF JULY. J876 Centennial C ommem oration AT PHILADELPHIA. THREE Millions! FORTY Millions of Colonists on a MflUf of Freemen ruling Strip by the Sea ! i i 1 1 W from Ocean to It I W I lOcean 1 PENNSYLVANIA'S fHTIflH I iinuu UU 11 I L I I i Ull i To provide for the Celebration of the ce.ti:nmal axmveksaky OF American Independence, WILL BE HELD OX 221) 01- FKBKUAKT, The 141st Anniversary of the Birth of Washington, AT THE ACADFZY OF .15 US I C, PHILADELPHIA. Eminent Speakers will address the Conven tion. Reports from the Committees on Trades and Industrial Interests, and from the interior of the fc-tate, will be read. The result of the subscription to the stock of The International Exposition, which, under the authority of Congress, has been determined to be the prominent feature of. the celebration, will be definitely an nounced. Proof Will bo Given to the World that Pennsylvania's pledge is confirmed, that there, on hallowed ground, where the nation was born, the Centennial return of the most beneficent day in the history of humanity will be commemorated with grandeur commensu rate with the august event. The Great Labor State of the Union has the honor and responsibility of leading the way she fulfills ti e trust. O'er thy crag, Allegheny, a blast has been blown; Down thy tide, Susquehanna, the murmur has gone; Where the words of the Charter of Liberty first From the s-vds of the Sage and the Patriot burst From the Delaware's marge to t'te LaJze of the West- Wherever the fool of the Freeman hath pressed ' 27s the voice cf the people f uprism, awake ! Penn.vlvinia's summons her ghry at stake T.iriUivg up from Acr. valleys, fimy down from each height : RE2IEMBE11 OUR HISTORY Assert it aright f Gire Homage to the pact, inspired by the immortal record of the times that Tried Men's ouIs, remembering WYOMING, RRANEYWINE, VA LLE Y FORG E, G E KM A NTO WS and all the blood-stained battle-fields of our soil , venerating the heroic deeds of our sires, and rejoicing in the boundless heritage be queathed by them to us a boon we have shared with the destitute and oppressed of all the earth, irrespective of creed or condition. Let us not forget that Oar Labor and its Frnit?, are not le? the admiration of the world than our cqualitv and liberty : our combined indus try, skill, wealth and jower are the marvel of the age. Let us manifest this progress. Assist ! ye farmers, happy on your broad acre3 of fertile lands. Arise ! ye grim and swarthy miners, from yonr cavernous labors. Arouse ! ye toilers in the forge, the foundry and the factory. Assemble 1 ye mechanics, artisan of every kind. Come all, who by work have made the Keystone, the Paragon of States, co-operate and vindicate your greatness show that Laior is Capital, and does truly guide and govern. The International Exhibition is designed to promote the welfare of man. MAKE IT A SUCCESS ! ! PENNSYLVANIA leads. She calls. FIRST, on her children to do THEIR duty before she asks her lister States to co-operate. Seats will be reserved delegations from each county of the Sta'e, and for Representative Committees cf ir.dusiriul interests. Applica tion should be made early at No. 904 WAL NUT street, the office of the Committee, By Order of the Committee. The most Wonderful Discovery of the 19th Century. Dr. S. D. Howe's AIMBIAX MILK-CURE FOR CONSUMPTION, and all Diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs, (The only medicine of the kind in the world.) A Substitute for Cod Liver Oil. Permanently cures Asthma, Rronchittis, In flnipnt Oinsnrrmtion. Less of Voice. Shortness of Breath, Catarrh, Croup, Coughs, Colds, &c, in a few davs, like mH?ic. Price $1 per bottle; six for $5. 'ALSO, DR. S. D. HOWE'S ARABIAN TONIC BLOOD-PURIFIER, which differs from all other preparations in its immediate action upon the Liver, KEdnojs and Hlood. It is purely vegetable, and cleanses the pyslera of all impuritie, builds it right up, and njaken pure, Rich Riood. It cures Scrofulous Disea ses of all kinds, removes constipation, and regulates the bowels, for '"General Debility,", "Lost Vitaiifv," and ''Broken-down Constitu tions," I "challenge the 19th Century" to find its equal. EVEKY BOTTLE IS WOIiTH ITS WEIGHT IN COLD. Price $1 per Bottle; six Bottles $5. Sold by DKEIIER & BRO., Drugeists. Sole ajrents for Stroudsburg, Pa, DR. S. D. HOWE, Sole Proprietor. 1 dec 1272-6ni.J 161 Chambers St., Near York GRAND i WHO For 3ZonZic.ys, Slice or even Siorn edCattlcbound fbrtIie"liome stretch," the "tidal wave" of the wonderful CHEAP AUCTION STORE must sweeD awav everv thino tbnt sf.-ind in opposition to it.'for DECKER has this week (since the election crammed bi Rtnrp full f fuuw ui inc iiicaixi nuu preuicSl EOOeis ever . e .1 i. . I I- uaa in cirouasourg. Just Come and Look at the pretty Plaid Goods, Lustres & Alpacas all Colors, double and Sincl. fnM at tno miar. ter less than sold for one month ago. COME AND LOOK at the Ladies, Misses', and Children's Jockeys, Trimmed and Uutrinicd. His Beautiful FLOWERS, FEATHERS AND RIBBONS, And his FINE VELVETEENS, for Cloalcs, and some to cut bias for trimming?. Come and get a pair of Boots and Shoes, for your self, wife and children and save piles of money, come ana look at his pile ofred and white Flannel, Plain, Tivilled and Plaid for Shirtings. Come and buy you a COAT, PANTS AND VEST, and save your five dollars. Come and look at his beautiful single and wonderful cheap DOUBLE SHAWLS. Come aud see our excellent Cassimers, Satinetts, and Water Proof CLOTHS! nd you are sure to bur. Come and see what a tremendous stock of MEN'S, BOY'S, and CHILDREN'S HATS some of these half price, beautiful Come and get a Set of -Furs, nearly half price, and then feast your eyes on a monster pile of beautiful CALICOES AND MUSLINS. Nov. 21, , 72-3m DECKER & CO. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned, Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County, to distribute the balance in the hands of Stephen Holmes, Jr. Esq., assignee of James M. Clin ton, hereby gives notice, that he will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his oilice, in the Borouch of &roadsburr, on Friday, the 21st day of February, at 10 o clock a. m. when and where all rersnes interested are required to attend and present their claims or be forever debarred from coming in for a share of said fund. GEO. FISUER, Auditor, jan. 30, '73. It. Auditor's Notice. Eitate of ELIZA SERFASS, deceased. The undershrned appointed the Orphans' Court of Monroe county, Auditor to make dis tribution of the money in the hands of Nathan Serfass, Administrator of the estate of said deceased, will attend to the duties of his ap pointment, at the 1'rothonotary s otlice in Steoudsburer, on Friday, Februarv 21sl, 1873, at 10 o'clock a. m. when and where all persons interested are requested to attend and present their claims or thev will be forever debarred from coming in for a share of said fund. JOHN S. FISHER, Jan. 23-4t. Auditor. NOTICE. Whereas. On reference to the Deed of the land occupied by the Bickleyville Baptist Meet ing House and flie neighboiing burial place, it is found that the said land was deeded for the sale and seperate use and benefit of the members and congregation of the Baptist Church aforesaid; and WnEREAS, The undersigned has been authorized and requested by the Trustees of -, . e 1 ? t 1 - tne said gram oi iana, 10 insist on wie compiain of all persons with the express terms of the original Deed of the said land, TIterefore. Notice is hereby given that in future, deceased persons not induitified with the aforesaid church or concrresration may not be hurried on the ?aid grant without previous permission from the Trustees, any and all per sons offending herein, will expose themselves to an action at law as tresspassers. Rev. J. C. BUTLER, feb 13-4t acting pastor B. B. Church. TRIAL LISTFebruary T. 1873. Meade & Co., vs. Jacob. L. Wyckoff. Andrew Ohlman vs. Keegar & Wagonhurst. P..miliii flfnrvln vs Tfpnrv Marvin. .Inhn Raldwin. Adm'r. vs. Sara'l Peters, fct. al North rup & Palen vs. Jacob Miller. Joseph Fausterraacher vs. John Kerchner. Reuben B. Bonser vs. Frederick Pelleller. George A. Fry vs. Caleb Rinker, et. al. J. & M. Yetter vs. James Goucher. Fenstermacher & Co., vs. John Kerchner. Comodore Price vs. James Keller. Jacob Eyer vs. John Gower. eamo vb. Samuel S. Gower. Rossards Adm's. vs. Phillip Mc Cluskey. Wyckoff & GrofFvs. James Steen. THO. M. McILIIANEY, feb. 13-2t. Prot'y. Argument List Feb. T. 1873 Peter Ohern vs. Carey, Jones & Co. Jacob B. Teel vs. Thomas Bush. Timothy Miller vs. Peterson & Carpenter. Simiipl Fctora vb Wash Overtield. Overseers of the Poor of Stroud tp., vs. Charles Heller. School Dfctiict Barret va. J. Wilson Sutton, T'lIO. M. McIUIANEY, feb23-2t Prot'y. B LANKS OF ALL KINDS for Sale at this Office. Register's Kotice. Notice is hereby given, to all persons inter ested in the estates of the respective decedents, that the following accounts have been tiled in the Register's otlice of Monroe county, and will In; presented for confirmation to the Orphans' Court of said County, at Stroudsburg, on Mon day, the 24th day of February, 1873, at 10 o'clock a. m. Account of Thos. M. Mcllhanev, Trostee, to sell the Real Estate of Samuel Staples, dee'd. Account of I nomas M. Mcllhanev, Admin istrator of the Estate of Abm. Levering, dee'd. Account of Lewis M. Cursor.. Administrator ("Will annexed) of the Etate of Emilv Bur- son, dee'd. . ' Account of Lewis M. Burson, AdminisJrator (Will annexed) of the Estate of Elizabeth Bar- son, deceased. Account of Geonre Wanner. Administrator of the Estate of Jacob Wagner, dee'd. Account of George AVasiner. Administrator of the Estate of Peter "Wagner, dee'd. rinal account of Joseph Fable, Administra tor of the Estate of George Fable, dee'd. Account of Marv Detrick and Moses Detrick. Administrators of the Estate of John E. Det rick, deceased. Account of Abraham Metzsar and Michael "Shoemaker. Administrators of the Estate of Rudolph II. Metzgar. dee'd. Second account of Felix (Storm, Administra tor of the Estate of (Samuel Wood ling, dee'd. JOHN APPENZELLER, Register. Register's Office, 6'trondsburg, 1 January 30, 1873. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of a writ of Yen. Ex. to me direc ted, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe Countv, I will expose to sale, at rv.i. ! t - i 4 ' uoiic v enuue, on SATURDAY, the 22i day of February, 1373, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Court louse, in btroudsburg, Monroe countv, the following described Real Estate, to wit: All the interest of defendant in a certain farm or tract of land, situate in Middle Smith field township, on said County, containing 120 ACRES, adjoining lands of George Peters, Jacob II. Place, ludoIphus teboonover, John I)e ltt, Melchior Depue. About 20 acres woodland, lo acres Meadow, balance cleared. Improve ments part log and part Frame Dwelling House, "k .... .!., J ij stones hign, 10 x 4U teet, liarn 38 x 4- feet, Stables under, and other iiiSat outbuildings. Seized and taken in exectition as the proper ty of Emanuel G. Miller, and to be sold by me fur cash. CHARLES HENRY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, 1 I ebruary 6-ot. J 3STOTIOE. The following applications for License hav ing been filed in the office of the clerk of the Court of Quarter sessions of Monroe county, will be presented at next term of said Court, Monday, i ebruary 1:4, lbJ. HOTELS Benj. J. Van Cott, East Stroudsburg. do. Tunkhannock. Jackson. Coolbauh. Jane Kresge, Joseph Norton, Philip Altemose, Josiah Dowlinar, EATING HOUSES. Christan Heller. Stroudsburg, do. do. Jesse Albert, Peter Born, THO. M. McILIIANEY. feb. 6,-3t. Clerk. Theo. F. Hallock. N. H. Shaffer, HALLOCK & SHAFFER, HouseiSfenfi Ornamental Painters AND PAPER HANGERS. Shop on Main st. 2d floor in J. S. "William's burning, next door to r lory s ctove otore P. S. Orders bv mail promptly attended to. January SO, 1573 6m. The Comer Store A SUCCESS ! The Cash System a Success ! C. R. ANDRE & Co. With rnanv thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed in the past, would now call special attention to the balance of their FALL. AND WINTER STOCK, which is yet large and well selected, consisting of DRY GOODS, JAPANESE SILKS acd STRIPES, CLOTHS and FANCY CAS3IMERES, VEVTINGS, WOOL JACKETS, VELVETEENS, PLAIN and PLAID FLANNELS, NOTIONS &c, &c. The time is approaching to take account of stock, and these goods must be sold to make room for SPJiljSU ol CtVA, consequently will be sold at KEBICEO PRICES. All who wish to buy cheap and save money come and see what we have to offer. Terms CASH! C. 11. A NDIIE & Co. jan. 30, 1873. A.MCK STOC"t OP CHOICE Family Groceries, Queensware, Glass ware, Wood and Willow-ware, at C. U. ANDRE & Co, Terms CASH jan. SO, '73 tf. HAllTO.'S SK431I.B:S COEl SETS. The best in u.. The only place they can be had in town is at the eor ocr store. Try them. C. R. ANDRE k Co. jan. 6j, to. tr. F on ri:.t cheap. A wheelwright shop and honpe. Address, M. i:. liUl-r ilAJi, Marslialls Creek, Monroe County, Ta Dec. 19, 72-tf. $50.00 Reward. The above reward will be paid, for any in formation leading thereto, for tbe person or persons who distributed poison on orton farm. F- A. NORTON, feb. 13-4tJ Siroud Township. BLANK DKKDS For sale at this Office KGTICE TO DEBTORS. The undersigned he: eby notifies all those indebted to him for fees while in the Register and Recorders OfUce of this county, to make payment forthwith. All those not complying will have their accounts left in the hands of a Justice of the Peace for collection after the 1st of March, IS" 3 feb. 13-St. JOHN S. FISHER. ouvt jJvoetamatton. Whereat, the lion. Samuel S. Di.ehtr PretddfMii Jmle ot t he J'2d J udicL I Dis net o'j Pennsylvania, composed of the counties o1 Wayne, Pike, Monme ond Curium, and John l) 011n2, and Peter Gruver. E.-ar. Associate Judges of ( he Court of Common Pleas of the County of Monroe, and by vir tue of their offices, Juticea of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jai! delive ry and Court of General Qmrter Sessions in and for the said County of Monroe, haie is sued their precept to me commanding that a Court of Quarter Sessions of I he Peace n ml Common Pleas, and Court of Ov er ami Ter miner and General Jail Delivery nnd Or phan's Court, fur the aid County of Monroe, to be holden at Strnudfburg, on MOXDAY, the day of February, 1873, to continue one week, if necessary. Is hereby given to the Cononer, the Justices cf the Peace, and Constables ot the said coun ty of Monroe, that they be then nnd there ready with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations and other remembrances to do those things which theiroflices are appertai ning, and also that those who are bound by recognizances to pmsecnteand giveevidi nee ajrainst the prisoners that are or shall be in the jai! cf the said couniv of Monroe or o- gaiiift persons who stand charged with the commission of offences to belhen and there to prosecute or testify as shall be just. (God save tli e Commonwealth.) CHARLES HENRY, Sheriff. Sheriffs Othce Stroudsburg, ) Jan. 30. Ib73. $ For Sale A Great Bargin. $500 will buv a nice little Ilousa and Lot near East Stroudsburg Depot. Lot 40 x 200ft Terms, S250 cath, balance very easy. Also, $200 will buy a fane Building Lot, 40 x 2)0 ft. lerms, 5j0 cash, balance in monthly payments to uit purchasers. Lall on or address PEIRSON & STILLMAN, Jan. lG'72-tf Opposite Depot. A. NEW HAT & CAP STORE. Main Street, Fowler's Building, STROUDSBURG, PA. The undersigned havinsjust opened a new Hat & Cap Store, and laid in an entire new stock of HATS, CAPS, &c, Of the best material and Tho Latest Stylos, extends a cordial invitation to the public tc give lum a call, lie is a Practical Hatter, and can therefore fit any person that may be in want of a Hat or Cap. Hats repaired, ironed, or trimmed at snort notice and mode-rate Prices. September 5, '72-tf. J. A. HAYS Executors Sale of a valuable PIECE OF LAND. The und'ijrned offers at private pale, a valuable FAR U, situate in iftroud town ship. Monroe Count, I'a.. one mile from the btroudburg Depot, on the ."Jilbird road, adjoining land of btroud Larson, John Vanlleet, Daniel Cal'aghan, containing Thirty -two Acres, more or less, all cleared, aud in a hig'i state of cultivation. The improvement3 are a two- ?r"L story f.Y?4 Frame Dwelling House, i,B-t 18 by 23 feet, a FRAME RARX '30 bv 40 feet, Carnage Iloue HO by '20 it. and other out-buildings. A never failing well of water near the door, and a lot of choice fruit trees ou the premises. SAMUEL MICHTLE, I , JACOB F. HERZOG, f ECCutors- Stroud tsp., Sept. 1S72. Cards, Bill-Heads, Labels, &&, XEAT, CAEAP AXU QUICK, Printed to Order at the JEFFERSONIAN Printing Main Street, Stroudsburg", Pa. ffiyAll Orders promiitly filled. Give un a call. The tindersicned, proprietors cf Micedon Nurseries, propose to furnish tbe citizens of Monroe county and vicinity, witu Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Hedge Plants, Shrubbery, &c. ofsuperior quality true to name, and warrant ed to be in good e;ondition when delivered, and quality a represented. Joseph F. Fonlke,is our authorized agent, to jell and eleuver and collect for n. JONES & PALMER. Orders by mail promptly attended to, or will call at anv ones residence to take orders if re quested to do so by word or letter. 1'. O. Ad dress. JOS. F. FOULKE, Siroudsburg, Vd. Jan. 1G, 1573. EV. EDWAIU) A. WILSON'S (of Wil. li..m-bur.'li. N. Y.) Rocii.M lor COX. SUMPTION .,nd ASTHMA carefully com uoundtd at HOLLINSHEAD'S DRUG ST0R2. 07" Medicines Fresh and Pure. Nov.21. 19(370 V. HOLLL311EAD. 2ir T : cur Friends and Patrons We announce that at tho late meeting of the Monroe County Agricultural Society, tbe fast premium was awarded to the E-tev Organ. With uue rernrd to tne enercv at"" zeai ol other parties competing for tlicsame prize, they louna ttie'ir instruments, wlu n corupareet wita the superior merit of the Ester, to be fifth. eia-. In otner words onlv tnntotiovs. Tho Ft vie of the Estev" is l .leasing, its full depth of ir-rn combines a pwectnera and power that will make it a favorite in evry house cir cle in Monroe coimtv. The ORGAN is durable and fuilv tiaran- teed. We invite the public to rail and examine cr send for illustrated rir.uh?r. SOLD ON EASY TERMS. J. Y. SIGAFUS. Stroudsburg, Sept. 20, 1S72, The Sixth Premium. For six successive icars the Giro vrit & Eakeb Sewing Machine has carried o2" prizes at the Monroe Countv Fairs. At the late mectins of the Societv, it award ed the IWnnvm to this excellent Mac bine for "DOING THE BEST VORK DONE ON THE GROUND." We did not import our sam pics from the cilieP, but showed the Com mittee the capacity of the Mnclnr.e, how com plete and readilv everv stvle of work could t done: sewinr throuch nine thicknesses of hea vy cloth, four thieknes of leather and eegar boxes; then without any change of needle or thread, sewing cambric, muslin and tissue pa per. vlfier enreful examination cf the different machines on exhibition tbe Judges decided in favor of the working ability of the " Grover & Llaker. Therefore the very b'-ct Sew inc Machine for for every Lady to purchase is the improved Grover ci Baker. Sold on monthly instalment, with full In structions. J. Y. -SIGAFUS. Stroudsburg, Sept 2G, 1S72. PAPER BASSES, GLAZIER AND PAINTER, MON'KOE STREET, Nearly opposite Kautz's Blacksmith Shop, Strocdsccro, Pa. The undersigned wnu'd respect fully in form the citizens ' SucHidsb srg .-nd vicinity th;t he is mv mlly prep .red to do all kin.:s of I'aper Hanging, Gazing inl Painting, promptly and at tdiort not-cp, nnd that he will keep constantly on hn;d a fine t-teck ot Paper Hanging- cf a: i'o;-crip' ion.- and at Ioa' pric-s. Til; pa'roiia;e the public is earnestly t-olicted. May 10. 1372. V. liO'JKAFJELLOW, I. DEALER IX ileatSj-rtladc (.'loliiing, Cents rur uishiKg (iccs, Ikls & Caps, Coots & Shoe?, &c. EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. (Near the Depot.) The public are invited to call anJ exam ine jroods. l'ricoe moderate. May G, 16(19. tf. ELATCHLEY'S I3IFECTED Clfl'iTitS TOD TOP. Ta!e!es-, Durable, Efficient, and Cheap. Tbe best Pump for the ieat monev. Attention is epeeia!!y invited to Blateh ley's Patent Improvid P.racket iand 2ew Lror t neck Valve, which t an be withdrawn with out removing tbe Pucr.p or dis turbing tbe joints. Also, the Copper Chamber, which never cracks or sva'e-, and will out last anv other. For sale by Dealers everywhere. Pcnd for Catalogue and Pi ice-List. Or as. G. Elachley. M'f'r. st. 12, 72.lv &05 Comme-rt-e fcit. Phila.. Pa. f :its v;n tpii ; All r!a.e oo;ii f cil'it -r .- x. voiinr r '!. make in n o m nt y ui k f. r ii" 111 id ir spr munei 1., 01 .i ui u ne, inu .i :uu t..in e'.-e Pti'ttciiiar f ee. AJJucs e. s;iiison Si o., 1 oiiinJ,' M.iine. F. II. HESS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALLRS IN Tobaccos, Snuffs, Pipes, Cigar: 1 VI r AND SIOKCUS GOODS GEXLTilLLT. Sign of tlie Indian, Between Stroudsburg House and Ilollinshead's Drug Store, JIain Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. Tlve best of everything in the line and are specialities' at this establishment. Tbe trade of the chewing and smoking public respectfullr flOUCUCtl. Aug. 15, '72-tf F. II. IIF.S3 A CO. J) S. WILLIAMS, Watchmaker & Jeweler, MAIN ST, STOUDSDURG, PA. Iocat- d in corner building, third 'Kr bp low the Jeirerini 1 n ofiicp. !v-om bnnlime 'y fitted up, 11 nd heavily -iock-d with the fi nesi a.-..-oriu.ent ot Clocks, Watches, Jewelry. Je tions, &c, elers ever offered in thissecti n of countiy. A full astoriii.ent of Sporun , of tb be?t quality, and Mined to nil nge(s, alwaya on aalf. S Ivor-ware, and Silver PI .ted w trp, al ways on hand at manufacturers pries. 0d7l1oairin neitly execnt a M cha pps extri'inely n.odi t C;i: from the public lespe-cttuil) K-iici'ed. .!e A jeni Ibr tho eel Sp-( taelt'5. November 5th, ly I rated Diamond tii,A; k MOK't'liAti lt F r salt- at UiU Oirict . ml