The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, August 29, 1872, Image 2

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    l)c 3cffcrsonian.
Liturgical Services next Sunday.
MoRXIXQ, 10$, --- EVF.NIMJ, 7J
Morxixu Sermox: The heart united with
Evexixo Sermon': Seeking the Lord.
G. W. MARRIOTT, IX D Pantor.
TIic Easton Fair is to be held Septeni
bcr 17, 13, 19, and 20.
TIio watermelon crop throughout the
State is immense, and load after load is being
shipped to markent from all point?.
Tlie apple trees in all sections are over
burdended and apples are likely to be a drug
' on the fruit market
Tlie long walks are being indulged in
again about town by young couples who are
anxious to shuffle off this single coiL
A Presldcntal vote was recentJy taken
on a Lehigh Valley train, and "none of your
business" received almost a two third's
jVrult thieves are beginning their nightly
depredations in the orchards and gardens of
our citizens. Iruit is plenty and cheap
enough to be obtained by everybody, with
out resorting, as some do, to robbery.
AXI parties, Churches and Sunday school
in want of good Organs, are invited to call
at J. ("J. Keller's store, or send for descriptive
catalogue. Address
May 9, lS72-tf.l Stroudsburg, Fa.
IMymoutli Church, Brooklyn, cele
brates its "silver wedding" to llev. II. W.
Beechcr, October 8th to 11th next and wants
the old members, from the ends of the earth,
tof-end their names and address to the "Clerk
of the Church" so that all may have iuvita
t ions and information.
25 r. C. E. Humphrey, of Easton
United States Examining Surgeon of Pen
sions for this District, has been authorized to
give orders to all discharged soldiers who are
pensioned on account of ruptures received
while in the army and ia the line of duty,
that they can procure trusses free of charge.
A notorious individual named "Whis
key Miller," who left Easton about two year
ngo under peculiar circumstances, was rc
tently arrested at Cincinnati on the charge
of swindling, and sentenced to a term of five
years in the Oliio Penitentiary. Easton
' Whiskey," flourished in this locality be
fore going to Easton.
Some time since the borough authoritie
jaed an ordinance, cautiouing 5 the publi
a throwing rubbish in the streets. The
practice is still continued and refuse of al
kinds line our thoroughfares. If the penal
ty of that ordinance should be enforced in a
f-.'-.Y instances people would learn to respect
the law. Let the Council give this matt
their immediate attention.
Illustrated Lectures, Phreno
logy and llj glenze. Prof. E. Z.
Vkkp, an eminent Phrenologist and world
renowned lecturer, will give a few of his rich
rare, racy and elequent orations on the wonders
of mind, origin and mysteries of life at Hollins
bead's Hall, Thursday and Friday at 3 and 8 p.
tn. 3 o'clock to ladies. Friday evening to men
Camp meeting, under the auspices
of the Albright 31. E. denomination, com
iiicueed on Tuesday last, at Poponoming
Iikc, near Saylorsburg, this county, to con
tinue at least one week. The beauties o
uaturc in this locality are unsurpassed, and
as conveyances will be run to aud from the
grounds during the week for a mere trifle.
anil, as every accommodation will be offerded
vL-itors while there, large numbers of our
citizens will undoubtedly avail themselves o
this opportunity.
Keckless Driving-.- On Thursday
nftcrnoon last, a couple of fanatics, hailing,
it is .said, from Jersey, were driving a span
of spirted horses through our main thorough
fare, warm as it was, on a full gallop, and
not only did they monopolize the road in
tbeir reckless career, but they had the
auduciry to drive on the pavenieut. The
immediate danger to the life aud limb ofl
persons happening on the street, through
the carelessness of such men should be taken
into consideration, and a small amount of
Pennsylvania justice meted out to them.
Sad Accident On Thursday last, at
fcbout 12 in., as Mr. John Kresgc jr., of
Eat btroudeburg, in company with another
gentleman, were riding down town, and while
attempting to cross the street railroad near
the corner of Alain and Centre streets, the
horse shied, and Mr. K. losing his balance,
was thrown violently to the ground. The
animal then started on a run, and the lines
having became entangled in his legs, he was
dragged a few rods before the horse was
stopped. Mr. Kresge was picked up in an
insensible condition and conveyed to Dr.
Jackson's office where after a mcdiccl ax-
amination, it was found that he was severely
though not dangerously bruised fcnd cut
about the face and head.
Since the above was in writing, we have
learned from Mr. Kresge himself, that his
fall was owing to a slight sunstroke. He
says that while riding, for some distance
down the street, everything appeared black
before his eyes, and that the next he knew,
was after he had been restored to conscious
ness in the doctor's office.
Removed. Mr. Darius Dreher, has
temporarily removed his stock of goods to the
room, first door above M. M. Burnett's Tailor
Shop, where he will be pleased to meet his
many customers and friends, during the pro
gress of the improvements making in lu3
own store room. Darius's stock will be
found complete in every particular, and will
be sold at cost and below cost for want of
room to store his goods. July 18-2m
Woods Meeting. The Colored peo
ple will hold a woods meeting for the benefit
of the A. 31. E. Church of Stroudsburg, to
be held in the woods of Mr. Charles Durfee,
on the first Sabbath in September, when the
first sermon will be preached in the morning
at 10 o'clock, when the length of the meet
ing will be made known from the stand. We
do invite all well wishes and the public in
genneral to attend.
By order of the Committee.
Rev. Titos. Moore, Rev. Samuel Huff,
iw aizsu uu.jus hum viwiAu,
Afic snian-pox excitement, u appears, is
.. . ..
ratheron the increase in bcranton. Ihe
Sunday Free Ircss o that city, of the 25th
insL, contains a lull account of the means
aoopicu vy me city authorities 10 prevent
.i.-i.ii- j. ' i- ' . .
the further spread of that direful disease.
rv.. Uvwu& . wuwito vi mo
:i u o-.i .l -
v.. uc
..... ... fcF..v o u,.UJ v. vwjr,
cinate all persons not heretofore vaccinated
in the city, free of charge, and everything
possible is being done to prevent the further
spread of that disease.
Amusements. On Saturday evening
next, August 31st, Osk-tah-ah-waii's
troupe of genuine Indians will give one of
their grand moral entertainments at Hoi
linshcad's Hall, in this place. A select
programme will be offered on this occasion,
and our citizens will undoubtedly avail them
selves of the opportunity of witnessing the
manners and customs of these wild men of
the forest The press throughout the coun-
wj icij iiiKiur ui men cuici tain -
i C f , j
ment, and wc be speak for them a crowded
house. Their advertisement appears in
another column of this paper.
iMIneoIa lodge, K. of P. No. S65,
Pa., which was instituted, June Gth 1S72,
and has been holding its meetings in Strouds-
burg, Pa., until a room could be properly
prepared, will hold its first stated meeting at
Brodheadsville, this, Thursday evening.
The officers of the Lodge are
V. P.-Wm. H. Reinhart,
W. C Charlton Burnett,
V. C. Samuel Hoffman.
G. Charles H. Ilinton.
B.-Wtn. S. Rees.
R. S. Abraham Bryan.
P. S. Geo. W. Drake.
I. S. Charles B. Shafer.
O. S. Nathaniel C. Miller.
R. G. L J. L Allendcr.
Trustees. Edward L. Wolf, Joseph
Kemmcrer, Jr., Charles Scnsanbach.
Stuoudsruro, Pa. )
August 27, 1872. j
Snrglcal Operation.
Last Tuesday Dr. G. W. Seip, of this
place, assisted by two of his students, Frank
vr n i tt i t . r
Keller and Howard Taterson, performed one
. . 'r
oi me most skunui anu neatest operations
, , , , t l
, : i, t v. k u: : r
ujyvu iuc jan-uuuu ui waevu xicigei , oi
tnis county, mat, n nas ever ocen our iot io
witness. The operation consisted in the re
moval of a considerable portion of dead bone
both from the internal and external parts of
the lower-jaw, with a gouge and chisel
The patient bore the operation well and at
this writing i3 doing exceeding well.
The cavities made by the excisions are fil
ling up with granulations and heal
. ,i rrn g .
T": , : cv"" . V4"
tionsoi ine Kina penormea upon the lower-
jaw by the Doctor with entire success in
every case
Base BallThc game of base ball
played between the White Caps of this place
and P,ureka of Frovidencc, Pa., on the
grounds of the former club on Saturday last,
proved a sad defeat for "our feller?." At
about 12, m the visitors arrived at thedepot,
where they were met by a committee of the
, Uu.,.UBBWiU?i Vuyw, lue
White Caps and escoited to the Stroudsburg Probabi,iti" of the coming of the comet, dred links, each of which will weigh ?r onoe a month. Her latest achievement
House for dinner. The Eureka nine is com- , c?nlTclrat'on was closed by one ol about fifty pounds. The chain will cost 13 ,,n the manufacture of sugar from
posed of as fine looking and athletic a body ! Vel, Iet ileome' 820' "l" be tested at North "'i'k U"" lr,h 1' 6UrftbondaUt,
of menu ever handled a bat and ball, while be.t Grant." iff' Xr 'lhch "J, -f '
their gentlemanly deportment, during their To nokiog of a lamp, w,v the Last Boston Marine business cannot full
limited stay in our mid.t, wonfor them hot BOak f,h y Rllw eal and prude ce a, ! do L'lT? ul
of friend,. Their uniform consists of a red !l We! ?U, US6 il- U W;U theD np,tT7T" t l" V
Mof- ii burn bright and c ear, aud amply renay Death 01 a Prominent Lawver . n-aiws uiilumuDs hit upon
cap and pant,, white thirt and leggings, pre- for ie triflinir jabor P'J "PV R un,t 7 S V . some other novel notion. Within two
senting a very fine appearance on the field. 3 u e innine laoor. KEADINo August 26. John S. years California has raised silk worm.
Game was called at about 2 o'clock p. in., The English sparrows that were im- Ir .K produced raw silk, manufactured ulk
time occupied being nearly four hours, and Purpose of destroying the worms and in
the score appended" below shows the result 8e,c.ts ia tbe rao,ic squares of Philadel-
At the conclusion of the game the visitors
were escorted to the Indian Queen Hotel,
where a bountiful collation awaited them,
after partaking of which, their tinio was oc-
cupied in sight-seeing. At a few minutes
past eight they embarked on the street car,
en-route for the depot, accompanied bv a
- --i 1 j i
large numuer or our citizens, and, in a short
time thereafter, were speeding away o'er the
mountain toward home. They expressed
themselves as being
visit, and the host
and our citizens.
'eat for the White
they have too much
they devoted more time to practice the
result might have been far different ' Let
them profit by this lesson. The following is
the score.
NNINGS 12 3 4
a 6 7 8 9
EUHEKA, 13 5 0 IS
3 9 4 14 8 TO I
WHITE CAP, 9 0 0 6
1 0 3 0 3 SI
Fly Catches, Eureka,
M. Casey, 2; M.
Loftus, 2 ; J. Loftus, 2.
Total 6.
highly pleased with their m.lnutes- seconds of the riht L,,;' (, ,m " V" " "
italities of the White Cap. An Iowa farmer was shot by his dog "5en"00' J a degreoa, 18 it ,le inTc7aectiou of all nnhlio fT
The secret of this sad dc- the other day. Jumping out of his wairon i. ..'
and seconds of the south TLe flJii0-:nw ,ra
Caps, lies in the fact that on returning from a hunting trio, his dor U the auhieet i A 1 Tho 1 ' Z
itself confidence. Had jumped after him, striking the hammer ' . . said shall cau noi- tn i, .v
ufi TOWp;- tx&
,terto,of SiBBB Sl Vs
Smrers-C. lloktcau aod Mr. . der are .till ll.i" "m4"" ded on be" wat rel iei'" ,he' r'0 '' 4
1 c r W rejoicing. pay n sum not exceeding tea dollars.
California is making her first exports
of leather.
Memphis has, since last September, re
ceived 3SO,000 bales of cotton.
The victims of the famine in Persia
number over three millions.
There are one hundred thousand Bap
tist communicants in North Carolina.
There is a fine of $5 for shooting part
ridges before the loth of October next.
This year's is the largest wheat crop
ever harvested in California.
Pennylvania produces more hone;!
than any other otate.
The Delaware and Hudson canal com
pany are transporting coal at the rate of
a boat every five mintes.
A full olasa rt wnfor at Yor tima ami
anolhe r:uat afler risi s -uj 0ften relieve
9 . .. . . J
i np nmnn rrnn in inn itiorn n.rr t t
T I fill -.1.-1 . r -
.-juihwiw win no iub wrge ior manj
3Iaginnis, Democrat, has been elected
delegate to Congress from 3Iontana by
-to majority.
Some of the rolling mills about Pitts
nnri; nTe teninoraril v stormed work in
I " " T .rr.
consequence or ine great neat. ; ,
More rain fell in Boston in one hour on
Thursday afternoon, than during the
thirty one days of August, 1870.
Marcus Kellam, of Paupack, has killed
twenty seven bears in three years, io
rue County.
The Kansas Pacific Railroad has made
arrangements to ship eighty thousand
head of cattle from Ellsworth this sea
In oneday last week fourhundred thous
and bushels of grain and forty thousand
barrels of petroleum were shipped from
.New lork to .Liverpool.
Severe thunder and hailstorms have
swept over Switzerland this season, caus-
1 - t ri-r rt
,ng a loss ot life in some places. Sweden
L hon lai, . .;m;iJl ,
bas been visited by similar tempests.
A house at Mabbettsville, New York,
was struck by lihtuio Thursday night.
and one man killed and three seriously
: . i '
Hon. Thomas J. Speer, member ol
Congress from the Fourth District ol
Georgia, died at Barnesville, in that State,
last fcunday aged oo
Ninety thousand slaves are exported
ery year from the eastern coast of
rica to Persia, Arabia and Madagascar
The United States, in conjunction with
European Governments, are moving to
spuclch this horrid traffic.
puclcn this horrid traffic.
The man who some time ago attempted
to assassinate Father McKee, near Cat-
asauqua, for which offence he was await-
! iog trial in the Easton Jail, on Thursday,
me loth, committed suicide by hanging
i: if i i a
himself in his cell.
An analysis by Prof. Chandler. 'ol
Lolumbia College, sets at rest the story
that there is anything poisonous in the
ingredients or processes nsed in the pa
per, printing or gumming of postage
- n ID.J -l-XT ,
.w.ucj ucusra.uariuw.oi iew aoric,
denies the report of the abandonment of
.;, ; . c rr j
ine suits aeainst hweenev. I wipi1 ami
- ----- -.uv u.ivvuvj, n tLU auu
others, and thev will nmhahU K tr, K
.. . . . r -j
lore ine close of the vear.
Chicago is bciDfr rapidly reconstructed.
and the class of new business blocks is ol
such a substantial and palatial character
that there is no doubt the business section
of the uew Chicago will surpass that of
-ujr cry VI IU1S comment.
Fort Plain, N. Y.. on Sunday nicht. a
.t ... . . . - ' I
I n 11 nflPr hnl t tnntai1 n hnpo. an1 K I
'uvsi av au uul i; y , l
,n wn,cn two meD were riding, from the
tow path into the canal, and both were
Three hundred dollars were
V l"c ireaeurJ "epanmcni on
.. . U fp r.
Z ".V'
turng that amount due h ec0T enll
for taxes reUined by him darin the war
A coaP'e of Oreelcy men, on a street
Syracuse, were discussing the
KI" . iBB,"B. Iur.V,e
P. uaT.. ,DCC ngted to various
."? me qU.Ue P 7 '1D
-B"'B CouUlJeSoi me ciaie.
The other day a little bo who had cut
his finger ran up to his mother and cried:
"f ,e lt UP. m ; tie it up quick, for the
Ju,ce 18 8,1 running out." The same
, . e . -, ... I
7 v" r "T , ." 1010 cucssiTeiy noi
. s -PPea,a l nii raotner lor help, say.
lDg' V, ' rue 1 am ,eakiuS a!1
bis master' gun, which was immediately
djghirged,the cooteutsenteriog huakull,
imD' lum iontij.
There is said to be a man livintr at
Wao 'P - I- - I I ,r
n aw, .icitts, wno nas neen marrieu nre
times, aud is the fathr of fifty legitimate q
children-thirteen bov. bv his first wif s
uieen ennaren. Lnv mi mria h h e
rtn .1 mi li a I t- ? .IL?1 -i
There had at last accounts been no rain I
for many weeks of any accouDt iu
Wiscooiu. Pastures were drying up j
rattle had to be fed on straw ; the oat
crop is short ; trees arc drying up and
withering, and unless there is an abun
dace of rain soon the farmers must lose
It appears that those big trees at Mari
posa and Calaveras are not the best that
California can pvduce. They have
found one at Visalia forty feet in diameter
with the bark off, and the bark had six
feet of thickness. It is 6trange that these
slender saplings have been overlooked so
In Switzerland, a milkmaid who is a
good singer gets more salary than others,
because, under the influence of music,
cows "give down" better and more milk
Some of our own milkmen, having dis
covered this fact, are trvinsr to hire
Pa repa-Rosa and Kellogg to sing around
their Dumns
i mi . . ...
"-'""0'"o v - wv-w,
escaped at 3Ionroe. III. killing two men.
knocking down the tmt oIm nd spats.
causing several dislocations of arms of
spectators, and capsiting the cages of the
wuer laiuau. ue was nnaiiy capmrea
i - .i : i ii- - I,- .
d'g gdUU WOrih oF dam'e
a .u : - r l. v
I u.ucr eiuguiar lormauoo uas ueen
Meft at the lottstown Leader office in the
hape of a tassel-ear of corn, made up of
twenty three small ears and covered with
ms. bill no nusks. ihis curiositv
on the premises ol 31 r. William Drum-
heller, in Pottsgrove township, 31ont
goniery county.
During the etorm of Tuesday the
house of 31r. 3IcCann, at Fricdensville,
Lehigh Co., was struck at both goble ends
by the lightniDg. Ilis daughter was at
the time ascending the stairs in company
with a little girl, to close the windows,
when she was struck by the electric fluid
and instantly killed, while the child was
The Republican Convention of New
York met at Utica, on the 21st inst., and
nominated ben. John A. Dix for Govcr-
onr, John C. Robinson for Lieut. Gover
nor, and Lyman B. Trcmaioe for Con
gressman at Large. Frederick Douglass.
Emil Sauer, and Stewart L. Woodford
were nominated Electors at large. A full
Electoral ticket was aUo chosen.
Two men, named White and Iloultz,
got into a dispute while working at a
'b"3Q.lD machine near Oloey II I on
5V n Z ! u J White
f'U"j h,00VD? IIoult2' .h?e W,e wa3
" T " ,f even'
fM.onda7- n.Q! w"
tafken oot ?f, Jai1 0Q M
so shocked at the event that she died on
locked up, but was
w. .... uu uu-j uj uruwu
"cu uuu uuug iu a iree in me court
house yard.
Buckalew, the Democratic candidate
for Governor, voted against the repeal of
the jfuitve blave Law, the Fifteenth
Amendment, the Freedman's Bureau, the
civil rights Bill, and every measure tend
ng to elevate or secure the rights of the
colored race. He has been a persistent
advocate of the "White Man s Govern
ment." Colored voters ! has he any claim!
upon your race for support?"
A T. Tl . .. ,
a ugianu laoiuy passea mrougii
"ittsneld, Mass., the other day on their
L. r, w:.. v u i -.u .V
wav to De V ltt. rsebrakn with nil thir
- , - --I ,
iiuuaun.iu kuuus. Aiiey nau cnarierea a
"c'X'h car me enure instance, ana nrovia-
r . . a .. . . - . . .
ed themselvas lor the journey, and there
j w iucw Muoota-
r .u ui r
nn thr k..t, .i.-i j
their new home.
Trr.fpr.r Trnr1l K,B -f.J
respirator lor firemen, in which the solid
particles of the densest smoke are arrest.
- . . .
r ri hir h mi aF .nttnt. a1 .ii.J M. l
" i . v wuuu-n vui nctLVU VTllll IT I V -
cerine, and the most pungent cas by lav-
ers of charcoal. By this simple means
Id . ...I
firemen can remain within burning build-
fr upward of an hour at a time with
BafetJ and comfort, so far as their respira-
tion b oonoorocd.
One of the largest chains ever manu
factured in this country is to be made at
the Massachusetts State prison. It will
Je made of iron two and a quarter inches
in diameter, and there will be three bun-
known citizen, died to-niirht. f7
r? i r
Utica, Aug. 25 The following com
muoication, addressed to The Utica
IJcrald, was received to-day :
Cnjllege,Cijxtox, N. Y.,Aug. 24, '72.
Another new planet was discovered
last ni?ht t!i 1 J t K nf . i
" v tiuuu Ui
asieroias. 11 u bright, shining as a star
or the 10th magnitude, aud Uu position
006 har fr midnight was in 22 hours,
eomn.iul tn .V" T ' " ,V wc.r?
i ii hi i ii ii r i ur n i i a r i a . . 1
ibm , . . .
. mo uai, uu a proniineDi ooa WC t.Kl;al,..l
Km man ram i. "'"'"i i
ha. bee. decided that . parser U 0,.,$.
Dot bouod to k,. up hu t,etet until he .,. , ,....!,,) i,h bo" J, flr "l,
ponded Wllh . se.t. K twen. fileJ lhcrco 0 h. J, JS
Ulisn their 4nAfltAhnaprIf' k !i -ti ft aiIVJ
ibi.wvui m iskc ma uciL (jar n nn nh i i... ...i .. .. i . t . . .
. . iucic iciki, aiKi ine nute trirft vit..rm trrl in
A man recently met with a horrible
death uear Durant, Iowa. He fell on the
cylinder of a threshing machine. His
right leg was torn off, aud from the small
of his back to his feet he was cut into a
mass of bloody shreds.. He lived a quar
ter of an hour thereafter. As ston as he
was takeu out the machine took Ji re and
burnt up.
While a Ka upas horse thief, who had
killed the sheriff at his arrest, was being
examined at a justice s court, the other
day, a brother of the murdered man
deliberately walked iuto tlie room, placed
a pistol behiud tbetnur derer's car and
blew his brains out.
The Cincinnati Commercial gives an ac
count of a family in that city who have
an insane daughther aged 12 years, who
was found recently by the authorities
chained up in a back yard in the most
nlthy condition. The child was led on
stale bred and dead rats. She was taken
to Longview Asylum.
A Vermont farmer was startled while
hoeing corn, recently, by seeing
rhinoceros coming toward him, plough
ing a furrow with his horn, like a steam
plough. The farmer, who relies on the
Tribune for his agricultural knowledge,
at nrst toot it for a potato-bug of the new
tyle, but the arrival of a party of show
men in search of the insect explained
The Executive Committee of the Bos
ton Jubilee set forth their liabilities in
curred for the International Musical Fes
tival and Peace Jubilee at about 8650,-
UUU. i he receipts were 440,000, leav
ing a deficit of 5210,000. To meet this
and give a substantial testimonial to Mr
Gilnuore, it is proposed to give a grand
concert and ball on October 10. with one
hundred thousand S3 tickets, six of which.
drawn by lot, will draw the Coliseum and
The increase of the German immigra
tion is quite noteworthy. During the
month of July there were 11,335, which
is more than 25U0 in excess over the
number in July, 1871. Since the 1st of
January the number has been nearly
80,000. Let them come. We have
plenty of room, and their known thrift
and energy will hold to fill it beneficially
for the country.
A Pennsylvania young man had a
young lady friend, who was the fortunate
pujsc.uur ui a nan aozeu goia Dsn. lie
C I If J II., TT
went angling one day and caught a pound
tront. He preserved it alive, thinking
that it would be a nica companion for a
gold fish, and concluded to sunrise the
young lady by putting it in the aquarium
while she was away. The surprise was
complete; for the trout swallowed all the
gold fish, and then calmly turned over
on its dorsal fin and died of indignation.
The English agricultural papers are
lamenting over the almost entire failure
of the fruit crop io that country. It is
stated that the crop of apples, pears, and
even the smaller fruits, is the smallest
ever known there. The cause is attribu
ted to the severe weather in March and
April, which is believed to have injured
the trees and fruit buds. There were
I heavv frrrafa lnffor In tha ea.nn
I J ------ .uv DV-UU, IT.IIV
destroyed the blossoms on trees that ha
escaned tha winter Thii nrAoAn. .
escapea me winter, ibis presents a re
I m..u.k . -- . r.i
Luaim.uuiC cuuirasi wnn ine iruit cron i
I the I mted .Sf.itq h A r ..
I . , xivii i- wuc ui uu
nsnal abnndanop
I 'i u- ra- jm 1 1 i
l .vwcuk oiuiojs uiu consiueraoi
damage m ew lork State. A tornado
at Wawayanda, Sullivan county, destroy
ed everything in its track, a mile in width
At loungsville and Liberty, in the earn
county, a number of orchards were d
stroyed. At Stanford, the machine wort
of Stephen Thorn, with S40U0 worth o
property, were consumed by Iishtninir
A family of seven persons at this place
were lDjurea Dy tne chock. In Montgo
mery county, several houses were struck
u 7 I.-7' '"f1 h0Uses were 8lrock
rLn g' . persons injured. In
Chemung and Delaware counties, mill
dams and bridges were swept awaj by
U1C uuuus
California has made a new imlnetri:.
discovery. The Golden State
.x .1.. -.t... : .i
oi'iuriiiiu;; i ii iu is line on an jveia"
wjuea pianiaiions. prown
cuuon, planted tea, set out orange groves
I ... - o- - - -
uiaue minions ol gallons of wine, and ex
ported hundreds of thousands of bushfl
of wheat. With all the.o thin its nrodueed
in ner own border, our wealthy
r cf the Pacific slope has no need to
. . at--
import anything, either from the Old
wurm or me Atlantic sea-board.
ly an act of the legislature, passed
June 13, 1836, it was made the duty of
C .i .
i r i i .
'c c,lr"'". tho name of the town,
.r "
intirk-f inn ii ( all t. . .
such rond may
Every thing at Rusters is warranted to
be as recommended or no sale.
Go tolluster's if you wish to purcbas
a new style Hat. His stock is complete 6
Prices at Rustcrs are in accordance;;
the times, low, low down.
Rnster has the finest display 0fGood
ever brought to Stroudsburg. '
In ready made clothing, whether ia city
jr country, Ruster's stock cannot be beatea!
If all who design purchasing goods caH
iiuf.i nix,) wui make money both
quality and price of goods purchad.
Motions, Dress trimings and fashionable
Dress goods are specialities with Raster a0(j
prices rule low.
In collars, neck ties, cuffs, &c, forlaJr1.
or geuis wear uusier naa all the novels.
Call and sec them.
Ilust er don't boast of numberless trunk,
and big and little boxes, but his counters an
shelves do what is far better, they exhibit in
array of first class goods, worth looking t
and worth buying.
' The' basement of Odd Fellow- IIiIL
Enqgire of
aug. 29, '72-1 mj J. H. McCARTY.
Notice is hereby given 'to all persons inier.
ted in the Estates of the respective decedent
that the following accounts have been filed in
the Register's otiire, of Jlonroe Comity, and
will be presented for confirmation to the
Orphan's Court of Raid County, at S!r(.ud4ur
on Monday, the 23d day of .September, 1ST" t
10 o'clock a. m. "
Account of Jacob Harman, Administrator
of Joseph llartnan, dee'd.
Account of (Jeorgo IJ. Wei??, one of the
Executors of Kelix Weiss, dee'd.
Aecomwof Mary K. Williams and Abraham
Custard, Administrators of Jacob V. Wil
Haras, dee'd.
Account of Adam Arnold, Administrator,
cum testamento annexi, of Margaret Arnold'
dee'd. 1
Accotmt of Tho. M. Mclihaney, AJnikra
tor of Mary Ann Covert, dee'd.
Account of ficorge Malvii), GuanlLui of
John Ilollinshead.
First and final aot-omit M. H. Inlitr, Ad.
ministrator, of Lewis IlelUr, decM.
Account of Nathan erfass, Administrator
of Eliza Serfass, dee'd.
Account of .Samuel Labar, (Jitrdian cf John
V. Hush.
Account of Philip Miller, Administrator of
Charles I. Miller, dee'd.
Account of Joseph Frantz, AdminLirator of
Peter Frantz, dee'd.
Final account of John J. Sleeker. Admino.
trator of Thomas E. Heller, dee'd.
Account of Thomas M. Mclihaney, Gnar
dian of Jeannette D. Arts Jackson.
Registers Office Stroudsburg,
August 29, 1872. -4t.
ofl Saturday Evening, Aug. 31, 1872,
Portraying tlie ifanncru and CVtomsof the
Wild Ind iana of 2s cirt h Jmcrjca; forming an
(.ntertainmr-nt uneualed and inconi para bio,
unler the direction and personal supervision
ofC)i?K-YAH-Aii-WAU. These Aborigines of tin
Western riaiiw have recently completed n n
eagement with the Great lmericaii Cinn. in
Pari, (France,) where they appeared for 113
nights at the Theatre du l'rince Imperials
appearing also, specially, before the crowned
beads, (then assembled in the French Jletro
olis,) under the auspices of the Emperor, Lou
is Naiolen.
The Troupe cf Indians is composed of the
OSA" YAir-AII-K'AII, or Black TIV,
WE-XO-XA, or mite .SVa;,
TO-WA-IA-llI-TOS, While Dvre.
The Manager of the above Company Jim tin
honor to anuounce one of of their highly
Fopalar Entertainment, when The Pro
gramme will be selected from the following:
yfn Indian Warrior talking to h5. dead Chief,
aAing why he left this world, performing
the Ii'-.rial Ceremony. .hoinr the manner th
Indians hnrv their "dead Siti2:n? U.c lVa:!i
in their native tongue, a vrt II a iu Krg
Hh. 4 Hunter In Canoe. Shooting at J
Target with bow and arrow. War iAir.ce.
Green Corn Dance. K;ilt!cMii.ike JJance.-
Melicinc Man cuu-.lii;g out di.-eae froui a -ick
Indian by Knehaniinent. Marriage Cere
mony. Worship. Cutirtinpr Dance. Grant.
Scalping Scene. Waving their warclu iathe
air, v.ilh wild and terrific whoops .-Iiow mjjf
the manner in which the Scalp is taken lrom
an enemy. The Chief will give an iiiterotif;
lcscription of their Country, before and si"1
the introduction of civilization showing the
great and immoral influence exercised over
them by the largo class of fnr hunters, m
will also" illustrate the manner iu which they
take wild ho rait. F.ufl:i!oes. and hunt ue"
game ; presenting, at the saiue time, lTAon
cal .Hencs ! Settlement of their County, c.
Ac. The Chief will exhibit a varietv ofCnrf'-
BitieB from tht ir Indian Museum among n'l-ft
may be seen neveral 6peciire?s of W ,r 1 'u0
Battle Axe, Junting liags, Ecad Caps, bw4
Work, beautiful Indian Scenery a::da varui
of the Curious Article I The whole being w
companied bv Indian fun, music andfonps.
"wing to the many worthless r-nn'"',
its, of various character, now traveling
abuggin" the public, the Manager womu
e that this is no one niuht concern, as the U'
wing io ine nuov woriniers t.n- ,
tf A Thdt thu . .v.t m.r
hihitlon ia r.f uu, K a nKri,-tpr u to merit til
approval of all, and of such elegance and beau
ty aa to win from the public and the press
encomiums of being the only exhibition ol fl
kind in the country ; and the public may re
assured that nothing will be wantuS cn r
part of the management to make thecnterww'
ment pleasing, attractive and instructive.
Courteous nahcrs will be in attendance.
f Mrfrvnnor am Snvitft i f(nnd thlS CI"1
tion, free, as it is Btrictlv moral in its cna"
K tilt ht t.- this counirj
Rome years since, by an English u1(.n.,
for the purpose of receiving an Knglish educ
tinn. and tii ivinm t h'm trihA hs a tcacJiw-
The marked apituda which this Indinn niani
feted in hw studies, and tho degree ol e
ciency, as a ficholar. attained by him g ,
show, conclusively, the fahiey that the
man u incapable of being taught. , .
Aduoissiou, 35 cts., reserveJ seats oU e
Children half-price. Doors opeo
o'clock. Performance to coaiuietice
8 o'clock precisely. .
A. J. WADKMAX, Gcpcrai AS1'
Ant- 2D, 187-. lt.